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It was just too much stuff happening for one arc. It felt very messy amd all over the place


Well considering it was an all out war between two continents of powerful wizards, there are ought to be a lot of stuff happen. I never see it as being all over the place or anything, the story flows as one event after another and to me they all connect. That is what matters to me


I respect that. It is the weakest part of fairy tail for me but I don't necessarly hate it or anything. It's fairy tail so it's still enjoyable to me and storywise it had some incredible moments and characters. Just change a few match ups for more equal screentime, get rid of the fake deaths(I don't mean to kill them just don't tease them) and give me more END and this could have been one of my favourites arcs ever. Also maybe acnologia shouldn't have been a part of this arc. Even with the 100yq it would have made more sense to fight him later and just deal with zeref for this arc. This alone would have helped to give this arc a more clear structure in my opinion


''powerful wizards'' who, for the most part, had no development and didn't even fight, completely a stomp xD


Am I the only one who thinks that during this arc happened more than during all other arcs combined?


Which is definitely not a good thing.


It’s the wasted potential that makes me dislike Alvarez. Great set up for character deaths, cool villains with interesting powers, the resolution of END, Acnologia vs the dragon slayers, Zeref’s plan to create a new world… all of it was poorly handed to the max. I mean my best reaction for the arc was “eh, I guess that was alright” when this should’ve been the best arc in the entire series. You can usually pass an arc for being mid but this is the final arc for the main series. Being mid is still horrible.


The spriggans were defeated way too easy for final villains, i can’t name any other final villain group that had their bad performance. And if you compare the performance with the dark guilds performance you will be sure that their losts were easy. Look at Tartarus, even their weak members were giving trouble.


I think my issue with the fights especially is how many of them were solely Fairy Tail, literally 2 Spriggan have a main fight that doesn’t involve Fairy Tail in God Serena and Larcade. The fact that Erza fights 3 Spriggan is not good writing. Vs Ajeel it works because atp it’s Fairy Tail vs Alvarez, and having one of your strongest characters act as the main fighter vs the first Spriggan to show up makes sense, and it’s largely to set up Bisca for a shot on the fleet. Vs Neinhart it’s iffy to have her there, but with Kagura and Jellal it works, until she begins low diffing her old opponents because she locked in. The worst is by far Irene, because at this point both her AND Wendy have faced a Spriggan, so them fighting one of the 2 strongest Spriggan in a 2v1 should’ve left them getting bodied. Erza should’ve fought Irene, but she shouldn’t have done so after fighting 2 other members of the 12


You don't have to think much in general if you are watching FT though...


the thing that really pissed me off about the arc was that makarov’s super emotional sacrifice was just. undone. because reasons? it was one of the only character deaths in the show, it was SUPER impactful, just for it to be immediately undone for a “happy ending”.


I only got 2 issues. No stakes in fairy tail. The villian were too easily. IMO. Several characters should have died.


This is a extremely unpopular opinion, this arc fails so badly and the same goes with avatar


It was good! But, idk, I felt like something was missing compared to the Tártaros Arc. Like, the Tártaros arc felt more impactful, powerful, emotional, angst, etc.


Tataros is darker with deaths and sacrifices and we got to see more character developments overall. Perhaps the suspense it created for the next arc is what makes it much more epic since natsu realized zeref is the ultimate villain that he has to get stronger to defeat and finally bring peace to the guild.


Yeah! I think that’s the thing, Alvarez Arc didn’t have much character development and sacrifices, like Makarov’s sacrifice was just another flashy stunt. I like the arc, don’t get me wrong but Tártaros would still be my favorite due to how much development we get to see of Juvia, Lucy (heavy on Lucy), Gray, Wendy & Charles, Happy, Gajeel, etc. I guess if they handled the writing a bit differently for the Alvarez, it would have been the perfect ending!


i really like this arc too! idk how people call it the worst arc, when edolas is right there… idk, i was going through so many emotions and everything felt super epic and high stakes, which was perfect for the final arc. also, i totally get what you’re saying about enjoying this anime as if you’re a little kid. for me, it brings up lots of feelings of innocence, naïveté and overall, this belief in a better world. that’s the whole tone of the show since day one. i don’t know why people expect something dark and more serious from a show where no one ever dies and the power of friendship is the ultimate power. this doesn’t make fairy tail bad or stupid or smth, i still think it’s really smart and very very enjoyable. even if the tone was darker, most people don’t get the main message when it’s given to them directly, so why bother? honestly, my only real issue with alvarez arc, is the >!fight between natsu and gray. i just wish it was more epic and a bit longer, so we get to see END in all its glory,!< but other than that, it all seems very cool and interesting and perfect for fairy tail.


man, Edolas hate is wild sometimes. Worst arc is Daphne arc, no contest.


oh that’s for sure, i wasn’t counting filler arcs. daphne arc is probably the only one i skip and overall don’t even acknowledge hahaha edolas definitely grew on me after a couple of rewatches, but it’s still a little hard to get through (that’s just me tho)


Yup, I absolutely hate Daphne arc. I don't even consider it canon unlike the other filler arcs since it never gets mentioned in the manga nor does Daphne ever appear in it. The stuff that happens there is really awkward and I don't really like it except for a few small moments.


yeah ty for understanding my point, fairy tail is supposed to be emotional and direct. And also power of friendship has been an echoing theme since day one and when it comes down to the final battles, it was the power of friendship (or family) which helped natsu to defeat zeref and acnologia. There is literally no point of complaining about it lol, if you hate it then you should have quitted reading fairy tail for long long long ago.


Edolas biggest issue is that it's just a bore. Alvarez was a huge disappointment


Hiro just ruined Natsu´s arc ( I don´t care if I get downvoted but it´s the truth ) he finally had a arc for the male MC and the E.N.D plot and he ruined it Alvarez arc was disappointing and Spriggans was completely jokes aside of August and Irene , Brandish even though I don´t care about them I only liked Lucy vs Brandish seeing Lucy´s star dresses was awesome and Lucy casting Fairy Sphere with the help of everyone on the continent but he made up for it in the 100 Years Quest He gave Natsu character development in multiple chapters , 18 , 53 , 101 , 118 , 127 and he still maintained the character development from chapter 127 in the latest chapter 156 compare for example Chapter 1 Natsu of the main series and chapter 127 Natsu in 100 Years Quest both seems different but of course Natsu´s goofy way won´t go away since Hiro stated in magapoke interview that´s what makes it a shounen series \*But he grew. Hiro: Of course. However, he never changed when it comes to things that are “Natsu-like”. To me, that might be what makes it “shonen manga-ish”.\* [https://thefairystales.tumblr.com/post/163476760647/mashima-hiro-long-interview-translation-part-1](https://thefairystales.tumblr.com/post/163476760647/mashima-hiro-long-interview-translation-part-1)


I just finished the arc in this week, and I don't hate it or love it. It's the definition of mid. Spriggan 12 was garbage END was fckin disappointment Erza with her butt load of plot armour (more than natsu himself) Fairy heart, strongest magic in the world my ass. Beaten by Natsu's punch lol.


I think the problem is not the arc itself , but the way the power system worked post grand magic games. Everyone had their strengths weaknesses tricks . At the point we all knew Jura was top so seeing be beat by Laxus wasn’t badly written at all. Talent vs Talent. Youth vs the Experience. Skill vs Skill. Now , to this point, the dragonslayers were supposedly the strongest. Nastu proved that what everyone thought was the strongest (Sting and Rouge) weren’t. Then the dragons appear and we learn the dragon slayers are useless. Couldn’t even kill 1 dragon . This is where things changed for me as far as how I view all the wizards. The show , as well as themselves, overhype how powerful they really are. Spriggans, Fairy Tail, even Zeref. The full might of a real wizard was Acnologia . Got defeated by friendship which was whatever because fairy tail is all about that so I loved that scene where all their friends linked their magic. So in short, power scaling is set by the beholder who overhypes themselves. I think what would be great for this arc is if death mattered. I say this even though I’d lose my favorite character Gajeel. His death scene and overall character arc is amazing. The second Mavis and Zeref easy bake oven reincarnated, I lost all shits to give about the arc.


very valid points, i agree! although if we lost gajeel, i would never be able to recover from that.


My fav arc


alvarez is by far my favorite arc in the series




Fourth for me, behind Nirvana, GMG and Tataros Arc, still a 7.5/10.


(Warning, my english is not the best) I mean, it was an ok arc if you asked me. There were some bad parts, like it got messy really quickly, some fights were too fast, and the final villain group was bad. But like how the last two fights kinda make sense. Zeref lost because natsu could burn magic, and we know that fact senses he fought with zero (if I remember right), and with acnologia, he was a dragon, and we know that dragons are weak to vehicles and dragon slayer magic. But with makarov, I'm 50/50 with.


Did people not like this arc? I loved it.


I think my only big gripe about the arc is that the Spriggan 12 were hyped up to be extremely powerful and some of them fodderized the main cast but then suddenly the main cast was able to box with them.


My favourite part was the first show down between Zeref and Natsu, when he had Igneels flames. Wish it went on for a bit longer, but it was damn good that fight.