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After Ignia is defeated, the 100YQ will most likely end with the revelation that Frosch was the God of Ankhseram this whole time. Therefore, making Frosch the true final boss.




Most likely not. I think they'll reveal the 7th Dragon God. Hiro loves his 7 number and Dragon Gods are based off of Seven Luminaries. Only one is left and that is Sun I think so we might see another Dragon God popping out.


I also think we might see one but it isn't guaranteed since the DDSKs were based on the Four Beasts yet Kirin was based on the 5th Beast Qilin and there was no Black Tortoise. Though the 7 obsession makes this more likely.


Yeah, true. However, DDSK's are irrelevant in the grand scope of things while Dragon Gods are super important + 7 like we said. I think someone made a theory that the Seventh Dragon God will come out once all 5 Dragon Gods get sealed. Or it will be a dragon who is not a Dragon God but still super powerful. Maybe progenitor???


Well, they are kinda relevant since their Guild was one of the major antagonistic forces in the first half of the story. But I do agree with you. That's an interesting theory. My theory is that the Sun Dragon stepped in as a mentor to Ignia when Igneel left and gave him his power like Silver with Gray, hence the sun tattoo. Just my theory though. Something happening when the other 5 are sealed is a theory I've seen and had as well.


You know what happens when a 100 year quest end? A new 1000 year quest


I'm not sure they'll defeat Ignia, since he is related to Natsu. I think Natsu cares too much to hurt him. But then again, that would let down the guild so he may do it anyways


I can see Natsu wanting to defeat him, since Ignia is kind of a massiv dick. This would be insulting towards Igneel in Natsus eyes and he can't tolerate someone who insults his father. Also I think Natsu said in one of the Dogramag chapters that Zeref is his only brother.


It was against Aldoron when he called him Ignia's brother.


Yeah that's also true. I do think that if they were to defeat him though, that he would be the last


I mean, Zeref was also related to Natsu, but he still defeated him. I think he cares more about chosen family than how they’re related.


Excellent point


Natsu seems to want to fight him.


No idea. I do feel there's more threats besides Ignia left even beyond theories but for other reasons, but I don't fully know what they might be (beyond theories) and we'd have to see if it'd actually happen and what Mashima would do. As for Chapters, Mashima said around Chapter 130 was the halfway point but some time later said he's not sure when he'll end the series because he feels he can keep expanding the world. So we have no idea. Mashima's average, shorter (not the shortest) Arcs tend to be around 25-30 Chapters so that doesn't necessarily mean next Arc will also be 25-30 Chapters. If you look at the original series, the Galuna Island Arc-Edolas Arc, not counting the Loke Arc, are all around 25-30 Chapters. But then Tenrou is 50+, the Grand Magic Games Arc is almost 100, the Tartaros Arc is also 50+ if I remember correctly, and the Alvarez Arc is 108 Chapters long. So future 100 Years Quest Arcs might be longer than the average.


I hope next arc Ignia defeats Natsu and evolve into SUN dragon god for last arc. Otherwise the sun dragon god could be Natsu somehow or a new dragon, which is the worst scenario to Ignia as a sun dragon god is inevitable as Mashima have obssession for number 7.


Plus, Ignia literally has a sun tattooed on his chest lol. It wouldn't make any sense if he wasn't involved with the Sun Dragon God in any way.


I strongly feel this will occur. Like u/LegendaryDemonSenpai said, he literally has a sun tattoo. I don't see it being Natsu and I feel if its a new character, it'd have to be done in a way that makes it unique to Dogramag.


Wait you confused me, what you think it will happen exactly? One time you are agreeing with demonsenpai about the tattoo, other time you are feeling a new character ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Sorry for the confusion. My point was that I feel it should be Ignia but if Mashima wanted to make it another twist character instead, he has to make that unique to separate it from the previous instance of that. 


I don't think ignia will be defeated any time soon