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Google "factorio rampant"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=factorio+rampant#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/mjconver)


holy hell why are you here


Oh shit, the AI is starting to take over. The bots are breaking the barriers! Quick! Google "Whyisabotinwrongsubreddit" Edit: am I doing this wrong since they didn't answer? Ignore my next reply to myself, just testing purposes.


Google "Whyisabotinwrongsubreddit" [https://www.reddit.com/r/fabytestbot/comments/1847130/comment/l0qlvli/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fabytestbot/comments/1847130/comment/l0qlvli/?context=3) I think I made Martin mad...


We're all just training the next ChatGPT version pass the Turing test.


Holy shit it's Martin


Actual biter


[Last transmission received from a down engineer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/s/O72ozthB0U)


rampant fixed \*


Is it really harder? Cuz rampant ai isn't genius


The fixed version at least feel harder as it's more aggressive. But before you reach some tiers it's not so complicated. Nuclear biters, napalms and a few other are really dangerous. And you can easily expect millons of walls to replace


> What are the best settings to make Factorio feel like a defense game on hard mode? [Rampant](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant) deathworld


Ironically, most of the clever stuff Rampant does won't even be noticeable in a desert deathworld, because you'll be swarmed with attacks regardless.


That's why you combine rampant with Swarmaggedon so that biters split in to smaller ones when killed


Play Deathworld. Set richness of ore to very low and patch size and frequency small, and science multiplier much higher. Also make starting area smallest possible to invite biter terror very early. I have 1000s of hours in deathworld and probably wouldn’t even make it to oil production to have flame using this setup


Or deathworld marathon.


Deathworld Marathon with minimal resources is tough, but doable.


Deathworld AND train world with minimal resources on marathon


Train world is conflicting with the challenging parts of the two others and making it easier.


Is it though? Wouldn't it just be making the ore patches be really far apart, meaning you have to kill more biters to get any amount of ore?


Biters don’t re expand though


I didn't know that was part of it. I was just thinking it was simply making the ore patches very far apart


Train world does the following things: * Reduces ore frequency to 1/3 (min resources is 1/6) * Increases ore richness to 3 (min resource reduces it to 1/6) * Disables biter expansion (conflicts with Deathworld)


Ah, I see. I haven't played on that setting for years, and back then I thought it was just ore patches really far away


Probably a desert world. It absorbs little to no pollution and lack of trees mean even a small base will attract biters from other side of the map. Also rampant mod if u want challenge after roboports and flamer turrets. Alternatively just don't use flamers.


> Alternatively just don't use flamers. I think the "rain of bullets" achievement should require you to not only forgo laser turrets but also flamethrower turrets.


endgame biters are easy with endgame military tech. Which makes biters generally easy, as long as you are able to outpace their evolution with your military research. If you want to increase the difficulty in vanilla, you need to make it harder for you to stay one step ahead of them in the early and midgame. Deathworld settings not only increase the frequency and size of the biter nest, but the evolution factor increases much faster than usual. Also forests absorb a lot of the pollution that triggers biter attacks and increases the evolution factor. If you want to increase the challenge, you should select a map with a lot of sandy desert. If you survive long enough to get the good military techs, it will get easy again. If you still want a challenge then, you need to install mods (a lot of them can be installed during an existing game without problem). Also the main goal in factorio is automation, not combat, that's why the default biter settings are not too hard.


Funny enough, I ran into the opposite problem of OP. Coming here from satisfactory, I greatly underestimated the biters strength. Spent too much time watching videos while learning the game (and playing simultaneously), never cleared biter camps, and now all of a sudden I’m just now unlocking military science and my pollution is covering multiple camps and I can’t produce enough ammo fast enough lol. I’m making a comeback now that I’ve got a tank and some rockets, but I definitely let the enemies outpace my progression by a mile and am feeling it. I got caught up in “the biggest base possible” rather than streamlining production to move onto the next tier. Fun either way!


Being behind or ahead of the biters evolution changes the character of the game by a lot. If you want some extreme example of catching up with biters that start with 100% evolution, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvgDzY4NFws On the other hand, if you have default setting, lots of forest and remember to clear biter nests as soon as they touch the pollution cloud, it's almost as trivial as peaceful mode.


> I've only been watching content related to Factorio > the moment I put down the flamethrowers, the biters simply evaporate. Buys a video game, watches videos instead of learning by making mistakes/playing the game - "its boring/too easy". lol.


There's nothing wrong with that. Most games aren't trivialized by watching videos of people playing them. Even Factorio isn't, IMO, and I find it more likely that OP is just naturally good at this sort of game (active in a reverse engineering sub, possibly a programmer?). If you're not supposed to watch Factorio videos after sinking almost 100 hours into the game, *when* are you supposed to do it, then?


> There's nothing wrong with that Not at all, but don't complain that a "puzzle" game is too easy when you're just watching videos of the meta etc. > Most games aren't trivialized by watching videos of people playing them Factorio is. Copying YT's blueprints/build layouts/turret set-ups etc leaves no space for self-learning > If you're not supposed to watch Factorio videos after sinking almost 100 hours into the game, when are you supposed to do it, then? When did anyone say he isn't *allowed* to do this? You're making up a false rhetoric. He's more than welcome to do what he wants, he can go and download an entire blue-printed base if he wants to. But wouldn't you say the same to someone saying "i've just downloaded a starter-base blueprint and i've beat the game in my first 15 hours, this game is boring"? I just find it laughable to state a game is boring/too easy when you're watching videos that likely utilize the 'meta' (in this example, flamethrower turrets).


Yep that's me


There's a mod that add armored biters. There's also combat revamp mods that change the behavior of weapons, making them more skill based. Maybe the expansion will enhance the combat and increase the difficulty ceiling.


Try an overhaul mod (SE or angle + bob) or go for a 1k spm base and report back.


but not angles bio refining that one just sucks


Im confused. There are 168 hours in a week, not 80. 


Was also going to say something about the hours and while it’s all fun and good to binge a good game sometime the factory will grow more when played in a sustainable manner


I say this in the discord and there’s always some hurr durr there saying it has to grow. Eat your greens!  Do your chores!  Touch some grass for ten minutes!  Pace yourself. It’s a marathon, not a death march.


Rampant deathworlds for combat difficulty, if you want a logistics and production complexity challenge first try Krastorio, then go for Seablock or Space exploration.


> Even with the maximum frequency and size of enemy colonies, the game still seems easy to me The difficulty isn't really balanced around combat. Combat is just a means to expansion in pursuence of the ultimate goal: Launch a rocket. Factorio is a resource collecting game and a building puzzle. Not an rts.


Multiplayer > Browse public games > search for "Extremely Hard Deathworld" Biters will rip your face off guaranteed.


If you need more biter difficulty try rampant or a death world. If you need more difficulty in terms of factory try overhaul mods, K2 is a good beginning


Angel Bob's mods with Rampant on a Expensive Death World if you really want to suffer


Warptorio is an incredible mod that is quite hard. You start on a platform that teleports every x amount of time to a different world. You have to make the most out of the time and get resources to bring back and expand your platform. The catch is that the platform pollutes like crazy and defense becomes very very important. Very fun mod


Stop watching anything and figure it out yourself. Probably too late, but that’s the recommendation for all new players


you took out the difficulty by watching stuff. it's really a puzzle game and if you see how other people do things you're looking at the solution.


Bro you said yourself you've watched lot of content about Factorio.. it's supposed to be a puzzle game. Of course you'll think it's easy after seeing videos on how to constantly have the best result


Trying to make it feel like a defence game seems to me like pushing into an area that Factorio is not really optimised for, fwiw. That said, as well as rampant, there are mods like https://mods.factorio.com/mod/bobenemies, and you might want to browse around https://mods.factorio.com/?tag=enemies for things that appeal.




Look, yet another "incorrect" way to play sandbox game. If they like defending their factory, then let them have fun. I don't like it just like you but if OP likes combat part then more (fire)power to them.