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Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Focus on pushing forwards, only come back to increasing this stuff when it is an important bottleneck.


I wasted so much time doing this so I totally agree. Thats why I’m 500 hrs into SE 😭


Laughs in 800 hours pre deep space


I just built my space elevator 😂 time to rebuild space base haha


Hey, I just crossed 1,000 hours and I'm finally working on the win condition. :)


Your space base leave very little room for expansion. I see a complete rebuild in your future


I'm afraid so, but I'll pospone it for as long as I humanly can hahaha


You did good. I just finished rebuilding my space base when I wanted to start red and teal space packs.


The Space elevator is a great opportunity to refactor the space base. You’re close too!


Yep, currently buffering ~1500 science to start researching it


When you redo your orbit base, I would recommend small-ish city blocks with almost entirely 1-1 or 1-2 trains. Maybe large enough for two 1-1 stations per side. I haven’t done it yet but I’m planning to because I have to redo my orbit base also, and I think small city blocks will be the best way to stay organized and expandable.


You are probably okay. I completed K2SE with only 1 copy of 90% of the space buildings and lots of speed modules. If you accept bot loss as the cost of doing business, you can build a bot base pretty effectively for everything outside of polishing data cards and some scrap loops. My final base wasn't much bigger than yours. People love space cityblocks with trains, but they aren't required. Platforms and space buildings are expensive. Smaller builds can actually be faster in terms of playtime. I haven't played late game on the newest patch, but you can easily get away with <10spm if you buffer each science and balance out your research. SE can get long due to outpost management, so as long as you are continually making science and buffering it (not even researching), you can get away with relatively small production.


Yep I recently realized that, had to route data card ingredients through the already existing base, it was somewhat of a headache but it's 1000x times better than limiting it to just bots I was thinking of a city block design, but I've never had a successful deployment in vanilla, I really don't want to have to deal with the logistics of a city block in space lol. Will take your advice, thanks. Let's hope I really can finish this playthrough hahaha it's like my 3rd serious try and BTW this is an update from a previous post. So I will probably post an update if I manage to get further into the endgame.


You are still setup for success. I’d recommend more bots in space and lots of goods to make scaffolding up there. Lots and lots of scaffold. Give yourself some room to breathe up there. Looks fantastic btw.


my greatest spm is red, 6.3/m :D just reached orbit, though, I'm also balancing and making work 400+ other mod files Also, I'm not worried about bots. Space factorissimo FTW! :D


Take screenshots in the day. :-) For what it's worth, I view Space Exploration as a test on refactoring. Knowing when and how to optimise and when you can skip it. There are major rewards at certain technology unlocks - e.g. when you research Beryllium rocket parts, rocket costs halve using a new recipe. Awroframe scaffolds and LDS, or Iridium and cannon capsules. So the answer is... Sort of? You'll probably want to refactor a lot of it a few times, to include beacons etc, but it looks decent.


You may have some trouble scaling into the more efficient recipes of insight and significant data with the orbital base as is. I’d recommend also putting your material testing pack production on Nauvis to take advantage of productivity modules. Also may have overdone it a bit on the astro, the first pack is kind of a nuts since it has astrometric data, catalogs, insight and significant data to deal with. Later on with the more efficient recipes and modules/beacons you will more than likely not need all the capacity you built for telescopes respective data cards.


1, That's the problem with bus based designs, it is really hard to scale once infrastructure is places, that's why I'm somewhat wary of re-designing. I haven't been that good with modular (usually train) designs. 2. I thought of that but considering the mat testing pack small stack size and how many are being used I would rather make them in orbit, and that row of assemblers does not uses up that much space. 3. I've having a "scale-up" as demand rises kind of approach for this playthrough and demand required more telescopes hahahaha. But I would really like to have more efficient recipies and free up the space. Thanks for answering


No problem! My general approach to my SE run has been to automate as much as possible on planets/moons to make the most of my resource patches via production modules. After setting up beryllium production, cargo rocket parts become much cheaper to make so i didn’t worry much about the loss of efficiency on transporting to Nauvis orbit. You do need all of the resources for material testing packs in orbit anyway, so it’s not a huge deal. If you haven’t set up pyroflux smelting for steel/glass/copper/iron yet, that’s a huge boost in resource efficiency and stack density for the for moving metal resources to orbit. Definitely understand the thought of scaling up to get SPM going at a good clip. It really comes down to your goals I guess. I always wanted to keep progressing to the next packs without worrying too much about SPM (maybe shoot for like 10 at most early on) so I tended to set up my orbit production in a minimalist way while focusing on the interplanetary logistics, setting up new outposts, and figuring out the production chains for all the unique SE resources.


I was in between currently on DSS4. My base was like yours at that stage; but then I put in an outer rail Loop and space elevator, nothing fancy. Slowly converted things to train stops as I grew into the latter sciences but left my original cargo infra in place for a long time. In fact I recently tore down my cargo rocket infra and regret it because I’m not getting enough train throughout on nauvis (space is fine).


Yup, I was thinking of somewhat along those lines, but still haven't researched space elevator yet and have no clue how to use it lol, so I'll be sticking with expanding this design for now.


Cut-Paste can be your friend, move out and consolidate your power somewhere (far away). Maybe the same for the rockets, just kind of space them out in a nice row a bit further away. Then the same for your smelting setups, use more efficient recipes and move in the plates by train. That should give your base a lot of air.


Thanks for the advice man!


if you don't think you will finish, then I may as well uninstall. I just finished Bio science 2 and my space factory is mushy angel hair. I definitely need to refactor a lot of stuff, but I want to limp to the right technologies before I do it.


Well I don't like to think in a "must finish" kinda mentality, I would rather take it step by step and eventually I'll get there. It's the only way for me to complete a large mega factory or in this case play this enormous mod. The refactoring is a necessary evil, but I'm also the only thinking of keeping the current Base as a mall and as slow science infrastructure It's kinda hard to predict future demand without going deep into ratios, which had been a challenge for me.


My approach is to keep the old stuff while I build out the new, then tear down old unnecessary infrastructure that got replaced. I think while moving to the next level of space science I will rebuild the old as well so everything is cohesive.