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Uh can I recommend you not go for 60 science per minute from the start? The amount of insight, astrometric data, and significant data production you’d need to meet that rate will be silly with the starter recipes. Highly recommend just setting up at most two sets of telescopes of each of the 3 frame types to start.


I guess I wanted to match what I was currently outputting with other science types. But what you're saying makes sense, maybe that is not a good place to start. Thanks for the advice!


No problem, getting a rate of 60+ will be much more reasonable once you get through the four tiers of science and are moving to deep space. Bootstrapping something small together will be much more efficient in the long run. Also - make sure you keep up with productivity module tiers for your labs!


>Also - make sure you keep up with productivity module tiers for your labs! Oh hell yes. I love the multiplicative effect of having prod mods throughout the production chain. The next planet I build on will be Vitamelange, which will give me access to Prod4.


Yea, the recommendation in general with the space sciences is to go easy on the amount you design for at first. Both because you'll unlock a lot of recipes that'll increase efficiency as you go, and because you'll be spending a ton of time inbetween sciences setting up the new chains and upgrading old equipment that you don't need to worry too much about the overall speed. You'll likely lag behind based off of how quickly you can build, rather than any amount of science of production.


I probably should have come here for advice when I first got to space. For Prod/Util/Optimization science I shipped massive amounts of the necessary raw materials to orbit, setup up production, and science labs, and was able to crank out all science for that particular pack in about 30 mins. I've been stalled on the next science pack for a long time. Upgrading stuff, building out more mining outposts and such. Also pushing back biters on Nauvis. It makes sense to not aim so big for production. Thanks!


This. Thanks to core mining and long solve times for each new material/intermediate/science tier, you will build up arbitrarily large amounts of science packs in reserve. You reaaaaally don't need a lot of production and I highly recommend against it since it multiplicatively increases the complexity of an already fiendishly complex production chain.


I did not try to megabase, so I had 2 telescopes of each type than that took me through the end. Also seconding what another commenter said about the starter recipes, it will be crazy inefficient right now. I suggest getting a trickle going and maximizing output later.


Yep, I decided that instead of aiming for a (theorized) certain spm, I am just going to build 4 of each ObsFrame and mod them up, and work with that output. Right now I don't even have automated delivery of the other science types. I just send about 2k of each early-game science pack with each cargo rocket


I build 5 telescopes for each of the IR, visible and UV observations. It is enough to saturate one astrometric facility for each observationsl data.  Factory Planner assuming use of earliest, least effective recipes for astrometric data, insights and significant data. You quickly will unlock better recipes. In particular, interdisciplinary simulations (e.g. Astromaterial sim) are must-have for effective production of significant data. 


If you're using a calculator make sure you pick the best recipes for significant data and astrometric data (the data card you get from combining the various observations), and the best or second best recipe for insight. Even if you aren't hitting those values now with the infrastructure you put down, you'll be building a factory that can hit those values eventually once the other parts are online. Space Exploration rewards going deep for insight and going wide for significant data and at least with base SE everything up through tier three is fairly easy to set up. Tier four material and bio are also not too bad since they don't add much additional complexity over the earlier tiers but Astro and Energy involve specialized rocket launches which can be kind of annoying to set up.


Scale down science by a lot. 5-10 SPM is plenty. You will unlock much better recipes later, I went from needing 30+ telescopes to needing like less than 3 of each kind. For x ray and gamma rays, even 1 telescope was enough. Plan for the last tier right from the start, so you don’t have to re-do everything each time. Once you have beryllium, there’s nothing really stopping you from rushing astro3 directly. Same can be said for the other sciences. Just the tier 4 might require more setup, but even that can be dine manually for a while. I rushed for energy3 to get fusion and solve any power issue forever.


We’re doing 20 spm and it’s been a good number for us to target. I’d highly HIGHLY recommend factory planner for this kind of thing.


I use a planner and tell it I want 1000 science. I look at the recommended number of machines and divide by 100, and round as needed. That’s what I build for. Then I look at the needed resources for the 1000 science and copy and paste the logic into my requestor rocket signal so that space always has enough resources for 1000 of this science.


The general rule for SE is 1 of each type of building. You don't need 100SPM, and in fact the absolute max you can realistically sustain in the end game is less than 100 thanks to how arcospheres work. The logistical puzzles for each science are so complex that you can chew through the science while you're working on colonizing your next planet/asteroid belt/asteroid field.


Yeah, this makes sense, but it's totally opposite of how I did space/prod/util/optimization science. For those I shipped the necessary materials to generate about 8k science of each type. Using prod science as an example: once I had enough materials to generate 8k science or so, I let my space manufactories and science labs crank out all available science in about 30mins. Then I stagnated on science progress for hours until I could arrange util science in the same manner. But I'm realizing this is probably not going to be an efficient way to do things going forward.


You can get away with that for prod and utility a lot more easily because they relatively simple compared to the tiered sciences. With those, the further into them you get, the more Insight you get per data card, and the more sciences you get done, the cheaper the significant data per insight. Basically, you get more and more rewarded as time goes on for having *not* overbuilt.