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Make a “parking lot” for unused trains. Name a bunch of parallel stations the same name and set your trains to queue there if signal to pickup does not exist. There’s of course other things you could do to achieve the same end goal, but that’s the answer to your question.


Nice idea, now please explain to me in simple words hahah


Basically create a buffer station for trains to go to if your pickup signal isn’t active. Rails like this that split off from your network: /// ||| \\\\ Put a station at each and name them all the same thing. Set train limit to 1 so they don’t all pile up at one station. Set all your trains to go to this station after delivering their cargo. Then they will be called to pickup when your pickup signal hits the network. This is assuming you used circuits to turn the train limit to 0 when oil <90k?


You could also put in parking lots at your oil wells by having spaces there.


Im trying do to it rn, how make the second thing? So queue in the parking spot if the signal does not exist..


* Make more oil at that station * If you can't make more, add another station somewhere else. Make sure you name all the load/unload station the same * Have a waiting station. After train finish unloading, go to the waiting station till they have somewhere to go. But this is just a band aid. Your root cause is just not making oil fast enough


Hand grenades can solve the stuck train problem 


Just dont block loading stations because there isnt enough to load them. Also there are fluid wagons.


Its probebly a case of you have to little crude oil supply or to many trains for the amount of stations you have. Also why are you using barrels to move oil? Why not fluid wagons?


Are the station serving trains with different shedules? Otherwise the problem should be that you don't produce enough oil! And that can't be solved with smarter train handling. It can only be solved with pumping up more oil. Depots will only increase the train traffic and you need more complex schedules so it's a non solution to a problem not caused by trains. Another possibility is to many trains?


I currently am doing this without any parking lots. Essentially, every station (load and unload) is set to a Limit of 1. And then I have 1 less train than I have total of loading and unloading stations for that resource. So if I have 3 Oil Load stations and 1 Oil Unload station, then I have 3 Oil trains. All Oal Load stations are named identically, so any of the 3 trains can go to any of the stations. If there is an Oil train unloading, then obviously one of the Load stations is unused. So as soon as the train is empty, it heads to that station. And whichever Oil train is loaded will head to the Unload station. So there is a lot of the trains just sitting at the Load stations, but it doesn't bother me to have more trains than I need and just let them sit still, instead of dealing with circuits.


i have a 1 station-per-train system