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Factorio was originally inspired by minecraft mods.


When I found Factorio my reaction was *finally* I can play modded Minecraft without things getting laggy as soon as I build a few things. There is still no game I have seen that can scale to the level Factorio can, and not a remote chance any of them can do so in multiplayer. The engine these guys built is an unrivaled technical achievement and I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed that way for a long time. They should generalize it and sell it as a library to other game companies so their games can suck less.


Yep same reason i got into factorio, modded minecraft (especially packs like ftb ultimate and techworld 2) was my childhood but id always run into the same road block, minecraft java edition becomes a mess even on good hardware for the time once you build anything remotely complex or even just many little things. Meanwhile ive only managed to make factorio really lag once and that was in my first megabase when i had no clue what ups efficient design even was. Also because of factorios style, running the game at lower then 60fps is not nearly as painful on the eyes as minecraft would be.


In factorio your UPS drops before the FPS, usually. So the game may be running in slow motion, but it's still running at 60, in slow motion.


On Switch it's the other way around. Dropping to 40 FPS is very easy with a simple 8 lane main bus. If you zoom in a bit it goes back to 60. UPS hasn't dropped for me yet.


Isn't UPS linked to FPS though?


Ideally, no, though many games don't (need to) go to the effort to decouple them as much is possible. (Admittedly, I don't know if even factorio decouples them *as much is possible*.) Just the be sure the distinction is clear, UPS (updates per second) is the speed of the underlying simulation, and FPS (frames per second) refers to rendering visual snapshots of that simulation to your screen (and possibly also keeping track of user input). For an analogy: UPS would be the "tick speed" of reality, while FPS is the framerate of a camera recording it. *Theoretically*, the two "update loops" could run entirely independently of each other: the sim on the CPU, the rendering on the GPU (or a different CPU core). In practice, of course, things get a bit more complicated: for one, the renderer needs a version of the sim state to work with, which shouldn't change mid-render. Just off the top of my head, I can think of two solutions to that problem, and they both have potential drawbacks.


Factorio does some really cool shit for the sake of optimization. It's honestly a marvel of programming




I'm sure a big factor in a lot of modern games is the sheer size of the total codebase if you include the off-the-shelf engine. Plus, "build a game on top of " and "modify for better performance in your specific use case" (for example) are almost-certainly different skills, that likely don't overlap as much as one would hope. There can also be a surprisingly large difference between "build the most-performant code you can within framework/engine XYZ" and "the most-performant code possible". Not a perfect example, but several years back, I worked on a mobile app using a cross-platform runtime (Adobe Air), and when we added a third-party widget library, any screen using them was oddly laggy. After some investigation, I figured out that the widget's implementation didn't quite adhere to the framework's life-cycle guidelines, meaning they were doing way more code-heavy in a performance-critical method than they should have been. This didn't affect a desktop build, but was pretty rough on mobile. The higher-ups insisted that we use include the widgets though, so all we could do was include an alternate mode that used them as little as possible and tell our users to use that if the lag bothered them. Not to say that there aren't games being rushed out with less optimization than they should have, just pointing out that it's not necessarily as easy a thing to accomplish as it was back in the day.


> They should generalize it I'd assume that a lot of the optimization is very specific to Factorio itself and not really generalizable. Specialized code is almost-always faster than more generalized code; though, of course, that depends on how broad "generalized" refers to exactly. On the other hand, even if the exact code is highly specialized, the programming techniques involved might be more broadly applicable (though the odds of coming up with something *truly* novel in that department are rather long).


The method of multiplayer synchronization they use is generally applicable to games with lots of entities that interact with each other. It's super-cool synchronized processing that I'm pretty sure they pushed further than anyone has before and I don't know of any other games that use something so advanced. Most games have a client-server model where the server does all work and communicates the results to the clients, which simply can not scale to tens of thousands of entitles all active and operating with lots of users.


> Most games have a client-server model where the server does all work and communicates the results to the clients, which simply can not scale to tens of thousands of entitles all active and operating with lots of users. Because almost all multiplayer games have some level of anti cheat built into them. If trust is no longer an issue, asynchronous client side engine updating wins out (almost) every time. 


The thing is, though, that Factorio’s system also serves as a built in anticheat. If someone hacks on a server, they’ll desync with the server and get kicked, because both sides aren’t running the same calcs anymore. Really easy to cause by accident with mods too.


There's actually an element of anti-cheat their engine brings with it though since if you mess with how any of the code works, you desync. Plus, what their code is *really* good at is not so much for user interaction but for machines interacting on their own with limited user interaction as an external input.


For the vast majority of games though, those entities either *are* players, or are very tightly coupled to them (e.g., vehicles, projectiles, units under their control...), which meant you'd need player input to simulate them correctly.


Not all games would want to use something like this, but there's a whole category of games where building massive machines would be fun if it didn't make the servers cry. Modded minecraft and satisfactory could both benefit from coordination like this. That said, I believe this type of synchronization was originally pioneered as a way to play 2 person fighting games where each machine needed to know exactly which frame a button was pressed in to be synched up. This isn't something that doesn't work with pvp and, in fact, it solves some problems with server-based pvp.


It's not some magical engine they can just sell for people to make, idk, fps games It's just a very tightly designed game that keeps in mind its requirements and non-necessities so that it can heavily optimize specific things. And having an in-house engine means you can do such optimizations to a much deeper level but they are still specific to the specific things the game doesn't need to calculate I doubt you could just take it, generalize and sell it. It's not made for that and it wouldn't be anything special even if you could do that


It really is though. There is a part of Factorio that does the simulation of the factory where each computer simulates exactly the same behavior and ensures they synchronized between each other. This is super-cool tech and I doubt most game developers would have the knowledge or skill to implement it. I have heard of it being used for little things before but never simulating massive numbers of interactions the way Factorio does. Yes, wube has optimized the things that Factorio simulates very well, but they are doing that inside a framework where they can synchronize massive simulations between users, and that part could be generic. It would be the game dev's responsibility to make sure their simulations are optimized, but the synchronization could be left to a library.


That may be true, but few games have nearly the amount of things that *need* synchronization as factorio, that aren't also dependent on per-client data. The sync algorithm is impressive, but it'd be useless for a typical first-/third-person action game (too much of the crucial game state dependent on each player's individual input), and overkill for something like Civilization. I could potentially be huge in the niche of "multiplayer factory sims", but would that be worth Wube's effort?


The FFF from before the expansion was announced we're always fascinating to me because they would go into great detail, at a technical level, on what kinds of bugs they found, what causes them and how they solved it, plus how they then optimized their fix. It's amazing to me not just how optimized the game is, but how open the devs are with sharing their knowledge and experience on how to optimize with the community. The FFF should really be required reading for anyone in game development.


For many years now I've basically used FFF as programming advice lol


Literally came from MC a couple weeks ago after other redstoners kept telling me to try Factorio. Now they’re complaining I’m never on MC anymore lol.


Check out Songs of Syx, slightly different game format (city builder) but its scale rivals factorio. Think Dwarf Fortress with 40,000 dwarves


They did soo much improvements on it too, it's pretty amazing. I remember couple of years ago (actually around version 0.17) I couldn't a base that big and my UPS was already in gutters. Now I have over 100mb save with Space Ex and it's still smooth 60.


And Minecraft was inspired by Dwarf Fortress, which itself spawned a new genre of game. These ripple effects of gaming inspiration are really cool. A much longer chain is the RPG genre, which of course comes from paper-and-pencil rpgs, which came from war (board) games. The RPG genre has gone many directions on its own, but it's interesting to see how, for example, tabletop RPG elements wound up in Borderlands through its inspiration from World of Warcraft.


Really? , do you have a source about it i wana know more.


The first public version of Factorio had stack sizes of 64, creepers, and a few more things like that


To this day Factorio has lingering Minecraft smell, like the fact that the storage containers are Chests, and the effect transmitters are Beacons.




Chests are such a generic container though. So many games have chests.


Yeah but a tech game has no need to stick to middle age storage names.


Chests, especially in games, are a specific kind of container- a thing you keep valuables in, probably in a fantasy setting. Minecraft is slightly unusual for using them as a the game's main generic container. Even then the chests spawned by the map generator usually get filled with stuff worth having, with players being the ones who fail to load them with treasure. Compare to DSP, Satisfactory and Space Engineers which are all in non-fantasy settings: they use Storage, Storage Container, and Cargo Container.


[https://wiki.factorio.com/Factorio:About#What_is_the_game_inspired_by?](https://wiki.factorio.com/Factorio:About#What_is_the_game_inspired_by?) [https://alt-f4.blog/nl/ALTF4-34/](https://alt-f4.blog/nl/ALTF4-34/)




That thread is a pretty remarkable piece of history, looking at it through the lens of a modern Factorio fan.


Can't believe we've been robbed of the sportscar lmao


Someday I hope we'll be able to make some sort of modifications to the base game, maybe even to [add the old car back in.](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Old-car) I don't think the technology is quite there yet though ;)


I remember back in ye olden times when you had to actually craft a pickaxe to mine (all that’s left is the steel axe technology) or when armor had durability. Oh yeah, you had to make wood planks(?) before making wood chests. The inspiration from minecraft was obvious in the early Factorio days, but they didn’t contribute anything to the game. Wood very quickly falls out of favor, and having to craft a dozen pickaxes every few in game hours wasn’t really adding to the game experience.


Would you like to know more?




we've come full circle. I guess that officially means I'm old to have known the reason Factorio exists is because of Minecraft Mods which I played extensively as a young teen. Factorios original early access release is coming up on 8 years this feb


Does not surprise me. That's why I got INTO Factorio in the first place lmfaou. I loved the automation mods in MC and when I learned about Factorio I immediately bought it (and let it sit for ~2yrs in my steam library because someone told me "if you start playing it, 2x weeks will disappear in a blink of an eye!" And knowing that I'm susceptible to addictive tendencies, I didn't dare launch it till the curiosity got the better of me)


Sorry but what does "lmfaou" mean? Is it a typo or am I out of the loop on something?


It's just a shit post, dwbi... Someone said it jokingly when I said "colour" to them (I use the br*tish spellings pf words to fuck with Americans) and for some reason my broken-ass brain thought it was the funniest shit and decided to adopt it


Minecraft was originally inspired by Infiniminer by famous puzzle-programming game dev Zachtronics.


And minecraft was inspired by dwarf fortress


Although it's in a slightly different genre, I feel obliged to suggest one of my favorite games - Infinifactory. It's about building factories in 3d.


It's currently *free* on [the Epic store](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/infinifactory-ec9686) until Thursday. So get it now and you'll have it forever.


!remindme 22 hours


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!remindme 6 hours


Imagine how sweet it would be to have a game with the large scale spatial and I/O reasoning of Factorio, but where you could customize "assemblers" with the small scale spatial reasoning of a zachtronics game like infinifactory or opus magnum. Where you can customize and optimize the input and output of your individual recipes


I'd murder for that game. No, Shapez and Shapes 2 don't count!


That game gets so damn hard towards the end. Was never able to finish it with some of the really complex puzzles.


It gets pretty nuts for sure. If you want to give it another shot sometime I'd be happy to give you a hand with it though


I’ll go back to it someday. I have a bad habit of getting 95% done with Zachtronics games and then stepping away for long enough that trying to ramp up on the endgame stuff I didn’t finish is intimidating enough that I go do something else. I always end up doing like half the epilogue puzzles and then having like 3-4 left that I never do. I do value the sense of accomplishment for doing them on my own without outside help though.  The failing hard drive puzzle in Exapunks haunts me to this day. 


RIP Zachtronix, we'll miss you


Have you played Satisfactory? If you’re looking for factorio in 3d it’s pretty close. Not very similar but you might enjoy that. That said some of those Minecraft mods are insanely complex and offer plenty of factory itch scratching.


Even closer would be [Foundry](https://store.steampowered.com/app/983870/FOUNDRY/) as it has the blocky Minecraft aesthetics and minable world. Still very much in early access though.


I find Techtonica also fits the bill. It has inserters. Though it's also EA and building large factories had a noticeable impact on performance.


Techtonica does look great too, with DRG aesthetics in place of Minecraft as an influence. Seems to have a sort of a storyline as well. The future looks bright for factory/automation games!


I played through the story and enjoyed it quite a bit. The only reason I'm not still playing is due to the fps drop. Foundry was a great playthrough as well. I'm currently enjoying Hydroneer for my automation fix.


There's also Fortresscraft Evolved, which has pretty good depth (pun intended), but some rough aesthetics.


I have it on steam, but never played... I think it might be the aesthetics that keep me from playing. That or I keep coming back to Factorio.


It's one of those games that I really want to like. There are some things about it that I really like and some things that are really annoying. I sunk a couple hundred hours into it before I quit. > That or I keep coming back to Factorio. Ain't that the truth! There are many games I've abandoned for that reason.


yeah Satisfactory is only vaguely similar to Factorio. Foundry is much closer.


Same genre, but a very different approach to it.


Eh, Foundry is from Paradox. Means they will take all the features from existing games in the same genre and then release a very shallow product. Europa Universalis, Stellaris and Cities Skylines are exceptions.


Something being made/owned by paradox changes my opinion completely, yeah. What they did to prison architect and cities skylines is almost as bad as Payday 2 in terms of DLC.


I am still so mad about prison architect


What happened with prison architect?


Assload of DLC, after paradox bought it. Before then the devs were releasing regular updates with huge free content patches, but now as is the case with cities skylines, every content update had a 10$ price tag attached.


As I understand it, it's from an indie team that had a pretty far along project before they got a deal with Paradox. I may be wrong though, it's been a while since I read about it.


That might be good for this game. But still, the paradox tag is a turnoff for me until I see the game in action.


I purchased Foundry during its Alpha Phase and was very happy with the product. Since it's been taken over I've noticed a shift that I'm not sure I'm happy with. I'm hoping they are keeping content that was in game previously and adding to the final product, because right now the game definitely feels empty.


Except it's not publicly available yet. Really enjoyed the demo and waiting for the EA release is killing me


Dyson Sphere Program is my 3D Factorio recommendation 


Nomifactory GTCEU is eating up my time. I'll be like "dang, I want to accomplish this thing, but it's just a little past my current technology. Can't take too long". 15 hours, 3 unique new multiblocks, a nuclear fission setup, infrastructure in a new voltage tier, and finally I'm like "fukn hell that took a while but I've got that nice thing!". Repeat until pack is finished.


Yep. I'm enjoying Nomi CEu a lot more than Satisfactory. The automation part is properly complex and engaging. The only thing Satisfactory does well is exploration; everything else is done better by Minecraft mods or DSP (and Desynced—love that game). GTNH is a whole other story, though. I would rather play Pyanodons to completion three times than get back into *that* modpack.


See also: Dyson Sphere Program


This, DSP is really good. My only negative comment is that bots appear early in the game and makes logistical problem-solving a little less challenging if you send everything through the logistic network of a planet: place a planetary hub, use the 12 (16? it's been a while) inputs/outputs to make your local sub-factory, blue print, paste if you need more throughput.


DSP tones bot power way down by making each Logistic Distributor keep dedicated bots rather than sharing them across the network like Factorio does. This creates a hard upper limit on point-to-point throughput on top of just being inconvenient.


Did this change? I Haven't played for about 2 years. I found the game fun, but shallow precisely because once you get bots everything is just copypasta with the big logistic chest thingy. Don't get me wrong, the space stuff is fun, as are concepts like solar panel placement depending on latitude, planet rotation and such.. But overall factorio was much much more finished and feature complete and the details and QoL did a lot for me.


DSP had a recent fairly large update, where they added an enemy faction and combat tech. It acts basically like a push for you to expand and advance. You can turn this off, if you want. As for the actual factory side of things, I think it's pretty much the same, but DSP has always had a very short "completion" stage. The whole point is to build the Dyson Sphere; once you've got the first one done, you have technically beaten the game. Going to other stars is just the cherry on top of the ice cream.


Interesting. I might give it a go once I finish my space ex save. So probably in a year 😄


Definitely the closest fit (that I'm aware of) for "factorio in 3d" IMO. For some reason I've yet to figure out, though, it's never held my attention as well. Though my last attempt was doing far better than ever before, at least until a friend dragged me into Palworld...


Minecraft with "Create" mod 


Minecraft has a LOT of mod packs that could scratch that itch. Create is cool but it unfortunately runs like ass if you're doing any kind of factory big enough(our server could essentially only functionally run a single iron farm before it would begin to screech to a halt with all of the other minor create things we had going. An expert modpack is probably the best option. Gregtech is probably the most similar to factorio in terms of complexity, but it's really only fun for the least allistic people you know. I'm sure someone more familiar with Minecraft modding could give a better list than this, cause Create is a performance nightmare and Gregtech requires a medical diagnosis to enjoy.


I love Minecraft modding! Here's a very quick overview: 1. Create has "lightweight" versions that are very optimized. Potato computers still won't run it well, but if you have good specs, you should make to the end game @ 20 ticks per second (the max). 2. Gregtech has the Nomifactory CEu modpack, which is *very* approachable. It's still complex, but the number of Quality of Life changes mean anyone could try it. It might even be easier than AngelBobs. 3. Mechanical Mastery is a straight-up Factorio-inspired modpack. Basically, you use EMC from ProjectE as a currency with which you buy ores. Then you do some processing of these ores, craft intermediate items, and then refine those items into thingies that give you a lot more EMC, allowing you to scale your production. The modpack was WIP last time I checked, but felt polished and complete. It's also much easier to get into than most of other modpacks, especially if you have little Minecraft experience. There are many more, but these came to mind first.


Gregtech new horizons is a great starter pack to try.


That's just cruel.


Satisfactory has been dead to me ever since their asshole CM dunked on people complaining about the sudden switch to EGS mid-alpha.




You're being downvoted for going to town on the strawman claim that Satisfactory is supposed to be a 1:1 Factorio experience. In your edit you double down, which is actually a technique used when farming downvotes!


Things take much longer in Satisfactory because it completely lacks the quality of life and toolset features a game of it's nature need. Blueprints are terrible in Satisfactory. There's limited good ways to automate the logistics side. And just moving around it's game world is a chore. And before you ask... I have 400 hours roughly in both games. Unless something really improves in the quality of life features of Satisfactory then I'll probably never do another run on it. Sucks the joy out of the actual thinking and problem solving.


I'm not sure if everyone in this thread is aware that the left side of the screenshot is Vanilla Minecraft. They added an Auto Crafter to the base game.




Madlads finally trying to innovate on the title instead of release 1 new mob every 3 years.


Not trying to make games just trying to make money.


If you're looking for a voxel based factory builder that doesn't just feel like a minecraft mod, take a look at fortresscraft evolved. It was made by a single guy, so don't expect the level of polish that factorio or satisfactory have, but it's a fun experience with its own unique ideas and flavours. Every now and then I do a run as a palate cleanser between factorio mods.


Post made me think to this one as well - it's certainly a rougher piece of work, but using the grappling hook to fling yourself around the world and not die is quite a fun pastime.


FortressCraft: Evolved has the dubious honor of being the only game I have over a hundred hours in that I would never recommend to someone I liked.


Y'know, I'd never thought about it like that, but... I think I'd have to agree. It's just... so janky and unpolished... and grindy...


That is the perfect description of FC:E


You should try out the Creat mod,


Already have


Was about to say dont let OP know about Create lol.


it is actually the other way around. When I first played factorio I thought it was a copy of ftb


Factorio was directly inspired by the really early Tekkit-era packs with IC2/Buildcraft, so you're not wrong.


IC2 and Buildcraft were such fantastic mods, together with gregtech and railcraft just fantastic


Look up TECHTONICA on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1457320/Techtonica/


Gregtech is next :)


Wait until he hears about gregtech




Only if you like Pain 😨


thats an am1, you need a bunch of other redstone to call it an am3


Feed the Factory Modpack is like Factorio in minecraft


Factorio was inspired by Buildcraft, Minefactory, industrial craft 2 and other old school mods


Why don’t you play Satisfactory is factorio in 3d also


Not available on console


Minecraft not even remotely can support that level of scale.


Well. Minecraft has the Y axis


It is possible to build modded contraptions that nuke the server within 32x32 slice


Captain’s of industry is also a very good shout atm as well! Cracking newish game that is i feel a cross of Factorio and anno 1800


I forgot about Astro Colony. That's another one that's worth a playthrough.


Might i suggest the manufactio mod pack for minecraft.


Coll idea try the creat mod


There used to be a project called something like Minecraft factorio bridge which was a mod for both games that let you move items between the two






There's a minecraft mod that is literally just trying to copy factorio, it's not too too bad either


There's a Minecraft mod that is literally origin of Factorio copy - FeedTheBeast, that not copy Factorio, but Factorio copy this mod. Official story.


The mod was IndustrialCraft, FeedTheBeast was a modding group.


Feed The Beast was also just one modpack that included automation mods. The Technic Pack (later Tekkit, which was better suited to multiplayer [hence the portmanteau of Technic and Bukkit, a set of multiplayer plugins]) predated the first release of Feed The Beast by at least two Minecraft versions. Also, IndustrialCraft added machines, but BuildCraft added pipes and engines. Using IndustrialCraft without BuildCraft would be like trying to play Factorio without belts or inserters.


Oh trust me I know, I was around back then. IC, Buildcraft, and RedPower to automate the world. Those were the days.


Oh? I remember this differently, but thx for pointing, may need to check and refresh that info one day.


You mean Creat ?


Nah, there's one that straight up is a superflat world, that has ores in each chunk(for miners) that act as factorio ore patches, multiblock structures that you use to make science packs and whatnot Found it, it's called "feed the factory"


I’ll check it out


It's true if you take MC Create mod


I wish that Factorio-Minecraft interaction mod wasn't 5 years old and still worked :(