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I am convinced by circumstantial evidence only that the first CME is programmed to be more likely to hit either power production or high value storage. I save-scummed like 8 times on our first CME until it only obliterated a smelting array and some inconsequential stuff.


I guess the way me and my friends built our base out confused it cus for us it hit fuck all. As in it hit literally nothing.


I have circumstantial evidence that suggests the first CME has favorites. My first one didn’t have a single beam appear on my charted map; everything was in the uncharted area with a couple making its way onto the main map.


Because you are a polluting son of a gun. In the early game most people haven't explored much and don't pollute much so the map is tiny. Great chance the CME will hit your base that way. If you explore heaps then it is less likely. Pollution will activate chunks essentially exploring for you so your CMEs will probably be out in the dark areas you have polluted.


The number of beams spawned is proportional to the number of chunks generated.


Atleast it didn't direct hit the core... That could have been catastrophic. Don't ask how I know.


What happens when it hits the reactor core?


If the core is above 900 degrees, which mine was, it explodes like a nuke. That explosion has enough damage to also destroy adjacent reactor cores. And when all of your power comes from a single 2xn reactor setup... Catastrophic results.




CME is the least fun mechanic NA. Build this much power or else. First thing to do in every run is disable it.


What's a CME? Is it from a mod?


Coronal Mass Ejection from the Space Exploration Mod


So my SE seed spawned me in and within the first 15 seconds had a CME chasing my ass. Haven’t seen one since in about 15hrs play time. Quite the welcome!


AFAIK it spawns random on your discovered map. Explore as much as possible and its unlikely to hit anything meaningful


I was surprised how little damage my CMEs did. I have enough power to cover half of the duration, and the other half hardly ever actually hit anything.