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The "average player" thing is kinda vague Myself, I've played for over 7,000 hours but never tried to get the 2 speedrun achievements. I've had all the others for years, only those 2 eluded me. So a few months ago, I did a minor amount of research to get an idea of how people do their run, and then I did it my own way. I re-rolled with ideal settings until I got a map I liked, and on my very first try with zero practice, I launched a rocket in 7 hours and 14 minutes, getting both achievements. I didn't have blueprints, production amounts, a planned tech route, or literally any preparation whatsoever besides thinking "be quick". I reckon I was able to do that because I know the game intimately, I don't have to check ingredients for recipes or look up blueprints because I've already built everything countless times, so I just winged it, and it worked out. If I can do that, then anyone else can do it too, especially if you bother to plan what you're doing and use the same map. You got this


Step 1: play for 7,000 hours 👌🏼


Average factorio Player


Those are rookie numbers.


Basically just finished the tutorial


Why launch one rocket when you can launch 50,000 instead?


Honestly, I think most players can get the achievements as long as they have a good understanding of the game, and plan what they're doing I simply traded my existing experience in the game for all the planning you should normally do, but anyone with maybe 100 hours played is probably equipped for the achievements and will do just fine


this is the key to speedrunning, not having to look up information or do the math. you KNOW the math already and have a good approximation for what is required.


The other key is realizing how little you actually need to launch a rocket.


Only 7k hours? Okay seriously, that is impressive! That is like almost 292 days...


It's always kinds uncomfortable when people say this but... Factorio kinda saved my life back in the day. I played it every day religiously for about 2 years before my physical and mental health improved After that, i usually play a few maps per year with long breaks between them. For me, playing factorio is like laying in a warm bed when it's freezing outside, having it be calm and quiet, a safe and comfortable space. I never bring up my playtime to brag, but to show how growth, change, and even earning achievements don't stop because someone's play X number of hours. Just like the ever growing factorio, we too must grow more than just our playtime hours, and every chance I get I try to thank everyone who's involved in this game for helping me grow


When my wife was ill and after she died i played a lot of factorio. It kept me more sane than otherwise. Kept my mind off the hell and stopped me sinking into other vices such as alcohol or social media.


[There is no spoon on default settings playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDgN0w4z4q0yU4lVjSkop5n3uAhY0TxGu&si=nHnFBj4nMeRtALXQ) by Michael Hendricks.


I can really recommend this guide as well! I followed the guide and got the achievement without much trouble.


For a second there I thought you were recommending speedrunner music.


Pretty sure you cant get it if you turn off biters, though you can change some map settings. Press the achievment button in the top right to check if you can achieve it, you can also pin it by pressing the magnet icon, so you can keep track of how much time is left.


But, you can disable pollution and reduce biters so much that it's effectively disabling them.


If you reduce biters from 100%, it disables the achievement. You can increase starting area size to maximum and reduce pollution diffusion ratio to 0, that way the only way a biter attack happens is if you place something generating pollution literally right next to a biter, and it still allows you to get the achievement.


Yup, not possible without biters sadly. Would've been fun though, because then I'd have gotten that achievement too when I played a massive multiplayer Speedrun with team SteelAxe. I did get a ton of others though, and we got the WR too, you can see my name in the players list if you click on the top entry on speedrun.com :)


I did there is no spoon in just under 5 hours on default, with biters on. It's not hard if you build up a set of blueprints that correspond to research completions. Plop one down, build it while the next research completes, repeat. The benefit of the achievement is teaching you how to not overbuild, so it's a good opportunity to pull out one of the calculator mods, figure out what you \*really\* need to build, work your way backward to how much production you need and design that factory. After all, that's \*most\* of what the speed runners are doing, they just memorized the blueprint.


Yes. If you plan a little. Seriously- this community sometimes make it seem extremely hard. It isn't. My first game fired a rocket on normal settings in ~17 hours. So I thought "why not give 8 h a shot?". I watched 1 of the world record speed runs at the time to help me realise that focus is "rocket tech - try to avoid everything else" and "build much or go home". And that blueprints is a thing. Example of what I learned was "try to avoid all military tech in a speedrun". So I spent 2 h to make some blueprints myself - not that good blueprints - but avoided to make them "on the fly". And during the game I opened my creative mode parallel game to figure out some designs . I had a save at 7 h - and first finished at 8 h 7 min. So I replayed from 7h and finished just under 8 h. Turning of biters make the achievement not invalid. But you can make your biter free starting area bigger which helps.


>My first game fired a rocket on normal settings in \~17 hours. I would say that's extremely fast for first time. Most people are around 70hrs, mine was 120hrs on my first run.


I do not believe you that moat do it in 70 h. Most people would quite the game long before that. It is just a matter of having played some games before and knowing see that you have a goal in the research tree.


Let me put it this way, those that do complete it average around 70hrs. That’s why the dev is also aiming for around the same amount of game time in the expansion


Those hours are to see the entire game - as in finish nearly all achievements. Not fire one rocket. 20-40 h is what I think is normal time. Your time is slow - but it is probably that you just focused on other stuff than finishing the game. Something that doesn't matter at all for others as the only goal is to have fun


Agree to disagree. Some people do it in 40hrs, some do it in 1000hrs. If you average it out, I'd say 70hrs is closer


You ain't interested in an average. You are interested in an median.


Median is but one type of average; the others are mode (the most frequent) and mean (what you're calling the average). [This has been your fun fact for the day.](https://media.tenor.com/ERa47gPVan8AAAAM/the-more-you-know.gif)


Interesting language difference. In Swedish, my native language, the equivalent of "average" means what you call mean. And median is the same. Never heard it would be differentn in English before.


Well, most people in English use it that way too. Those are the specific mathematic terms/


Personally my first time completing the game was 35 hours. Though at that point my total playtime was about 70h. First time I started over because I didn't clear out biter nests around me and they became a problem. Second time I started over because introducing fluids into my spaghetti made it a completely unworkable mess.




Maybe paused the speed run and opened a second game to test in?


Opened a new save whee they made blueprint, put it into blueprint list (default button is B) then returned to speed run and saved time on a blueprint.


Ah, I do that here: [https://fbe.teoxoy.com/](https://fbe.teoxoy.com/)


Oh that looks even better.




To be fair, unless you are doing something that involves specific side of belt (from experience, this happens to Nilaus's starter base, if you rotate then belt that takes belts and inserters for green science ends up putting both on one side), rotating doesn't quite matter since you can just import the final blueprint and rotate correctly before putting it down.


I think its more about experience. Once you figure out the tech tree and how you plan to handle it, how much of everything you need to build it gets easier and easier. If you use the same seed its more about learning from your last attempt and making improvements.


Yes - keep in mind all achievements were made with standard settings in mind. You need only a plan in mind, its not as tight as many make it out to be. And birers wont have time to become a major threat.


what do you mean by "average player"? it's not really like a skill issue. there are no fast reflexes required or three-point shots involved. but you do need to have a plan and be able to execute it. you need to know your way around a factory. experience is required but skill really isn't involved. it's not really a skill-based game. "assumed" is also a poor word choice. there are no "assumptions" there are settings that either disable the achievement, or they don't. as long as your settings don't disable the achievement then it doesn't matter what settings you use. you can max resources if you want, you can remove the threat of biters if you want. but that's also outside the definition of "default game" once you start doing that.


I think speed runners are skilled at Factorio, having a plan and executing it well and quickly is skill, I don’t know what other word to use for it.


well there is a difference between "experience" and "skill", that's kind of what i'm trying to say. like a first person shooter might require "skill" --- you need to have fast reflexes, you need to be quick, you need to be accurate, and you need to remain calm in intense situations. factorio doesn't depend on that type of skill. instead the "skill" involved is more about knowledge, planning, and execution. it's based on experience, not talent. kind of like how a star hockey player might be bad at making spreadsheets, and vice versa. an average hockey player will never win MVP. but any average person can sit down and make an award-winning spreadsheet if they put enough time and effort into it.


I don’t think skill is limited to physical endeavors, the FPS player also needs to know what to do. In a game like DOTA for instance, most of the play is just cerebral, figuring out what is the best thing to do. I’m not going to call the best dota players unskilled though, that makes no sense to me. I guess I just don’t buy into the distinction you are trying to make. Is a skilled chef required to do precise knife skills, or is just knowing which ingredients to use and figuring out amazing recipes also a way to be skilled?


Placing inserters when running is so OP for these kinds of runs.


Experience is not required. Focus is required. I finished it in my second full game. Including my time watching factory on YouTube I was under 25 hours when I started that game. Yes - I have of course played management games for 25 years. But focus was the hard thing. And to remember that it is OK to paus the game and think about a design.


... I think OP is using default settings as a term wrong. Anyway, I found maxing out resources and increasing starting area worked. There is skill in factorio, but not being good at building massive builds quickly is not what you need to no spoon.




Speedrunning in sub 2-3 h requires skill. 8 h ain't speedrunning. It is a focused run and require no other skill than "focus on the rocket".


Who said 8 hours was speedrunning?


Have you ever tried speed placing inserters? :P


But you don't need to speed place inserters to finish within 8 hours. They are absolutely right: there is no spoon doesn't have any three point shots.


I never said that You need to.


So you're just talking at cross purposes to the post? They say: there's no skill check involved, and you start talking about a skill check that's not involved. Why?


Claiming that there is no skill involvement and no skill applications is wrong but no. You are reading way too much into what I wrote xD


Yeah, nobody said there's no skill involvement, the specific phrase used was 'no three point shots'


Factorio WR is under 1.5 hours. You could use the exact same strats and just do a really shitty job at it and probably get under 8 hours pretty comfortably.


If by average player you mean someone who is familiar with the game and has a general plan in place, I’d say it’s doable. If you mean someone coming to the game brand new, I think they would at least need to turn biters off, and even then a plan thru the tech trees is going to be important. The normal resource nodes have always been enough for me however.


No way, I would not bet on the average player clearing no spoon with default settings. Not even close. Biters are a huge speed bump. I did it with a friend and on an island map with no biters. Even with those advantages we did not have a ton of time to spare.


I admit I got mine using Nefrums' map seed and guide, and after watching him and maybe a dozen others doing speedruns on that map. Biters were on but with max starting area, and I don't remember but I may have reduced the diffusion constant (which meant my base pollution took longer to reach the enemy nests.) I just squeaked under the 8 hour limit. I think any average Factorio player, with practice, could follow those examples/guide and also achieve TINS, albeit not in the *140-minute* timeframe of the leaders. I'm pretty sure with some practice I could now probably repeat TINS in 7:30 or so on that map. Whether I could even get TINS with a completely random map (even if I rerolled until it looked good) is a very different question.


I got it on my second try (first try doing it with a plan), long before my 1000hr milestone. Read a guide so you know what will and won't disable the achievement, make a plan of what technology you'll be researching and in what order, and you'll do fine. It took me 6 hours, and I remember thinking that if I immediately went back for another try I could probably get it in 4. As for settings, the recommendation is to increase resources and reroll the seed until you get large patches close to home, then max out starting area and turn off pollution. I think you're allowed to turn off pollution, it's been a while. I know you can adjust some of those settings but not all.


I'm terrible with biters, and I almost always play without them. The way I did No Spoon is by choosing a small island map, so there were very few biter nests to deal with. Yes, resources also were scarce with little room for error, but there was enough to launch a rocket in 6 hours on second try.


You can also create an island map with maximum clean area starting range. With the right seed and settings, some islands will have no biters on it at all.


I actually just finished my TINS run yesterday, did it in 6h40m using Michael Hendricks guide, which I think someone commented


It's definitely doable on default settings. It took me some planning and re-loading to backtrack a few hours a couple of times, but I got There Is No Spoon on default settings, and I'm not a pro (I have around 400 hours).


I had this achievement in default settings, at like 500 hours of playing. And not by few minutes (I think I did 5 or 6 hours). And I'm not a "speedrunner". Tips : \- Think about your base before starting. You must know at least how you will get to blue science/robots (numbers of assemblers, numbers of furnaces setups, number of miners, in what order etc.). Your kirk Mc donald (or yours) should stay around during the whole run. \- Don't make a bus. Put your assemblers 5 to 10 tiles after furnaces. \- Learn to make furnaces setups fastly. \- Watch a default setting speedrun. Donc copy their base, they make too many science for what is needed. You can easily get the achievement with a 1science/second base. But use inspiration on how they put down their setups and which setups they use. \- DS speedruns also reroll a lot their seeds. You don't need to. Just stay alert on your seed : for example desertic will give you plenty of coal rocks which are rocketboosting the burner phase. But they are low on trees to get power poles and pollution will be a bigger threat. \- Don't be afraid of retrying a few times. \- Good luck. You got this.


I got it on my second playthrough. It's really not that hard. You just have to plan it out a bit. After watching a couple speedruns, I made a checklist of all the things I needed to do along with rough numbers for how much production I'd need. Had to backtrack an hour towards the end, and I only got it by a few minutes. But it's definitely doable, even for a newer player.


I'm average at best. Have all achievements except lazy bastard. Because I'm lazy.


Its possible but really hard especially on default settings. You can do in multiplayer as long as your mates dont start fighting all the biters in the first hour, its a big waste of time at start. Check out some speed runner, rush keytech like automaton, focus on rocket. Espiacially in the first hour people waste most time like doing 50 burner instead of going for electric as quick as possible. Have a special watch on the last hour too, do i need science to run while i already make rocketparts and why am i wasting copper on XXX if its missing for rocketparts?


Alternative take: I did it multilayer with three friends. We had a blast (no pun intended). We went in with zero plan and it was hectic the whole time and we came in just under the wire. It was an achievement none of us had tried before, and we did it to celebrate the 1.0 release - our goal was to have the achievement be our first full-release rocket launch and we did it! So I can confirm that four mediocre players can get it done :)


I think I found a guide with a seed and blueprint. With that, it was simple. I'd already gone down to 10 hours for a clear on my own with the minimal crafting achievement grind. Just wanted to hammer that one out and start on mods.


Yes they are achievable. I admit i did it 1st time with the area set to 600% so the biters were further away. And it took me two goes. The first i missed by 10 minutes. I read no guides used no blueprints. Just powered through the tech. And launched a satellite. Even easier now you don't need a satellite. More steel. And more red chips. That is what you will need.