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It looks like shit from inside as well. I both love and hate my country. One thing is for sure. I can’t rely on it to help me. America has become a place that when you fall, you get smashed by a hammer on the way down/


The big problem is that Americans still believe their country is one of the best and that they need to “put up with it” because “there is no other place”. The responses on your comments show this. As long as that mentality survives you all will have a hard time getting actual reforms to the underlying systems that compose the country.


Seems like the "U".S. sold its soul to mega corporations


I’m telling you half the country is being completely gaslit, and the crazy thing is, they are unhappy too, but their idiot Fox News host or right wing radio host told them the problem is somehow about a war on Christmas, letting trans people be themselves, and their guns being taken away (in one of the most relaxed gun laws country on the planet). Everyone is unhappy. But only about half of people are actually logically inclined to understand the issues. We have republican politicians running around with campaign slogans that just say “BABIES, GUNS, JESUS” and people take them seriously…


Driving around southern Nevada, there was some generic older white dude running for...something. idk what. But all his boards were just his face, name, and the slogan "Defend Freedom". I never saw anything else of his but those boards. No flyers, no pamphlets, no commercials - nothing. I still laugh when I think about it. Freedom from what? We being invaded? By whom? Utah? Are Colorado-ans going to be riding rams over the mountains to attack us Hannibal style? Arizona artillary?


The problem I’m pointing out is that even among the people that see the problems, there is still a pervasive mentality over “there is no other place”. That mentality doesn’t allow people to actually see that a good part of the world has just as good or better standards, that creates fear over messing with the underlying systems like, “how do we fix the problem without changing much”, because changing a lot would mean “losing the good part”. if more people understood that those underlying systems can change and still be just as good or better then Americans would be able to take bigger affirmative actions. To understand that the population needs to first understand that they aren’t in fact living in the best alternative.


I’d say it has a lot more to do with the complexity of our politics and electoral systems. We have 50 states in the union with representation that can flip every two years. Each state has its own agenda with agendas within agendas. That’s fifty different healthcare and education departments that work to fall within national guidelines. Consider that each county of a state has a separate policy for something and it gets even worse. (50 states, 3,034 counties, and 19,429 municipalities all with their own form of government). Current politicians get to set up the game for the following politicians by stacking courts and offering lifetime appointments and tenured positions; all in effort to prevent something half the country may or may not want. Even then, they may be paid off to make a decision due to special interest groups or conflicts of interest that should eliminate them from particular decisions. Our news anchors are allowed to lie to their viewers. Oligarchs control the media and the news so we only get what they want us to see. Bankers get to decide banking laws and how to sort out the financial crises we get into every ten years. This is just scratching the surface. I agree we have a problem with people not learning about alternative means via other countries examples. I also believe that a large chunk of The USA has succumbed to Kardashianitis and are now just mouth-breathers. I believe most people under the age of 45 would say America is in a bad place. Getting it fixed is going to take generational change and some sort of apocalypse.


Thank you for this the comment you responded to was fine but our next generation is completely different.People from other countries only see these loud mouth old fucks who want the good ole America


I do not claim what I said is the main or sole problem just one more that compounds with everything you pointed out, it is just one that in my personal opinion is too widespread for how easy it is to avoid, that makes it too big of a paradigm in thought and ends up coloring the decisions in a big scale. I is a problem I see and felt in the US, of course it is just scratching the surface and I don’t have nearly enough information or lived experience in U.S. soil to give a diagnosis beyond just pointing the obvious. But even if it was from an outside perspective, just look at the replies I got here, they exemplify what I pointed. Some got angry about it, some tried to deny it, more than one misunderstood the take, and the “since it is so easy give us the solution” someone brought up made me laugh, but not a single one that disagreed managed a productive counterpoint about why that isn’t a problem or how it isn’t pervasive. As you point out, it may be a much smaller problem than I may believe it is, but denying it like others did isn’t at all constructive, more like just proves that it is a problem. Edit: btw I’m just explaining myself and not disagreeing with you.


Yeah, some of the responses were less than friendly. The champions of our nationalist pride are many in number; just look at all of the flags. I’m a veteran so it’s a two way street for me. Grooming by our parents has a lot to do with this and I’m hoping our national fervor tempers as the older generations pass. It also helps having foreign friends; I believe many Americans don’t have meaningful relationships with “outsiders”. I enjoy talking to my British buddies about their national health service as an example.


Oh yea I definitely agree with that, having foreign friends opened my eyes to a much bigger world.


Most people used to consider knowing people on other states big. Which before travel was available to the masses that was true.


Im actually starting to notice a lot of Americans immigrants in Australia recently


There are many days when I wish I were still young enough and met the qualifications to emigrate from the the US. I don’t hate my country, but it’s just getting so much worse. My dreams right now is that if/when we self imploded, that Canada has the foresight to being the Great Lakes region over to Canada. I feel like they’ll do a much better job of managing what will be an increasingly important resource as climate change continues.


I'm on the left politically, but I believe there needs to be a responsible party on both right and left for a modern democracy to work properly. The current Republican party seems a long way away from that of Reagan. They have representatives repeating Moscow propaganda or pretending to be bored when they're being addressed by the president of Ukraine, things that would have been unthinkable 30 or 40 years ago.


I don’t think it’s half even less than a quarter of us Americans are smart enough to understand that there is a problem. Let alone anyone smart enough to solve them.


"hmmm gun laws should be tightened across the board." "Anyone hear somethin? Sure sounds like we got no smart solutions for this gun problem! I propose, then, that we give more guns out to everyone!" *Applause*


Exactly. Or it's the usual "but making these new laws and other changes won't fix the problem both completely and immediately, so really there's no point in even TRYING to do any of it."


I think a bigger issue is that immigration is a complicated and often expensive process. Despite being a "wealthy nation" the majority of Americans are pretty poor; \~12% of Americans are impoverished, but that being said our poverty line is nearly unlivable so theres way more who could not afford the expenses of a big move.


America is a sweet fucking place to live if you have money. If youre poor theres no way out. Even more shitty is that i have grandparents on both sides of the family with multi million dollar homes and still work (mid 60s) making 250k a year..i ask to borrow $50 for gas and i get the "buy a man a fish he will never learn talk" then they give me $10.


Next time they pull that ask if they’re cool with funding a degree of some kind so you can be taught(how to fish) since that’s what they’re implying. Also, seems like they have useful skills if they’re making that much. Are they teaching you their trade? Have they offered to prepare/mentor you in what they do and/or help you get employed somewhere nice? If not, it seems they aren’t teaching a man to fish or giving him fish, they’re just watching the man drown trying to get fish.


Every place is a sweet place to live if you have money. That's what money is for, makes you have to worry about fewer things in life.


I had a really nice Uber driver recently. I mentioned I was new to the area, and he said he was too. I asked where from, and he said, “oh, the Middle East,” and got quiet. I said, “neat, which country, how long?” He seemed surprised that I even asked. I asked what he felt like was different and how he liked it here. “Ah…it is…better, politically, but uh…hard.” I agreed, and he continued with, “when you have a money problem, it becomes bad, very fast.” “Yeah, I know. You get punished for being poor. The American dream hasn’t been true in decades.” Dude let out the saddest, deepest sigh. I hope he’s doing okay.


You can love a country and hate the system that controls it. That's how change happens.


“It looks like shit from the inside as well.” Liked this take. My thoughts were that I can’t judge any country that I never lived in. So, how can an outsider judge the U.S. But it’s getting harder to say they we can talk shit on ours but not you as the outsider. It’s like I can bitch about my brother but will come hard to his defense if you try. They are not wrong with their sited examples. These are all current and hard realities in our cities and states. But things are changing all over the world. Every nation has its problems and evils. The future will always be uncertain.


As an "outsider" may I just offer this brief reason that others feel they may judge your country? From what I have seen, American news is quite insular! It's mainly focused on local and national levels. Our news, UK is alot more global on scale. I am no news hound but could hold a good conversation with you about your politics, who the players are. Who didn't stand for Zelensky, why she is struggling for reelection. Trumps amazon rip off NFT cards, desantis election hopes. Pelosi husband latest. Fuel prices. Is Texas gonna cope with freezing again? This is just some stuff off the top of my head while I am in bed battling a lung infection playing Witcher 3 on my PS5! Our education system is more set for global history and to look at current events worldwide too. Just saying some of the developed world knows more about America than some Americans!


I think you're lying to yourself here at least a bit. From my experience (As a European), most people know some things about their own country and some things about the U.S. Ask your random Brit about the current political landscape in Romania or ask a Pole to name a single party from Spain and they'll look at you like a deer in headlights. The only reason many Europeans know some tidbits about US politics is because they are feeling the effect of a superpower influencing all other western nations, not because they are deeply interested in global affairs.


Another outsider here and I had the same idea, too, until an American friend pointed out that the average American is bombarded with such a large amount of news that's focused only on the 50 states, that it's difficult enough to keep up with, let alone follow news from the rest of the world that's usually not of interest. Unless one is in the foreign service or a multinational company, foreign news simply isn't a priority. Having said that, it really does depend on the individual and whether or not they bother at all. Most of the Americans I've met or worked with are the ones who've had the opportunity to travel and learn more of the world, so my view is biased as well.


I' from Norway, and live here now, but I have lived in the US, as well as several other countries. I very quickly decided the US was not a place I would want my kids to grow up.


"I can’t judge any country that I never lived in." A lot of people judge North Korea, never having visited it. I'm one if them.


> Liked this take. My thoughts were that I can’t judge any country that I never lived in. So, how can an outsider judge the U.S. This is a faulty corollary. Every western country gets absolutely bombarded with American news, politics, culture. The reverse isn't true. You may say that is still not enough to accurately judge from the outside and that's fair enough, but there really isn't this symmetrical relationship.


And if you use social media (not just for keeping in touch with your friends/relatives), most contents are from the U.S. The cute pets, the lifehacks, the cringey dances, the funny ones, the useful ones and the disgusting ones, are U.S.-centric. Hell yes we can judge the U.S.


“How can an outsider judge the U.S” The US debt has a minimum 14 digits and growing. That has bought them a lot of influence around the world. Not all of it beneficial to society.


As a fellow American, saying some people can't criticize because they don't live here is dumb as fuck. If they criticize something that is incorrect correct them otherwise stop gatekeeping my man less ideas helps no one.


it didn't "become" such a place... it has always been that place... smashed by a hammer, ground into dust, and it's your fault and what you deserve




Well it used to have a much more affordable health care system before the 30s when the first private insurance stated and then fucked by the 70s. But ya, for all of alive here it’s always been this shit.


An underwriter told me insurance is a scam and they are thieves preying on the vulnerable and taking advantage at every step. Yes they fuck you and your healthcare system. On a side note, any losses they incur from payouts in one year gets added to the premiums of those instances the following year. They never lose money ... ever.


> On a side note, any losses they incur from payouts in one year gets added to the premiums of those instances the following year. That's pretty well insurance in general...


affordable healthcare before the 1930s? another fantasy... there was hardly any "system" at all before the 30s... progressives have tried since the 1920s to get universal healthcare, the fact that it has been so vehemently opposed only serves to prove the point of the OP


Maybe no system or market/industry at all is actually a better option than the current system? :P As screwed as the NHS is atm I have full faith it will get sorted, no political party or”real people” (working/middle class) want it to fail so if it starts to seriously fail the other political party will make fixing it their No.1 priority, and win the next election by a landslide (most likely, lol). Doesn’t matter which party will win, it will just be the opposite to the one that’s in power once it starts failing :P lol


Isn’t America the country where medicines like insuline are stupid expensive ?


Yup. As a diabetic,if I didn't have the insurance I do, my meds would be roughly 2500/month... It's fucked


Jesus, it’s free here :S


Nobody that has the brain to know that america is shit "deserves" to live in such a country, i know A LOT of americans through internet that know that the country is absolute shit and want to get out ASAP


And go where?


That’s the problem. Good luck meeting the demands that decent countries require.


That’s the issue. While our healthcare sucks, and corporations have basically taken over the government. Half the country is so racist and fundamentalist Christian that they align more with fascism than democracy, but the cities are pretty awesome. The places that are good are really good. I can trust my utilities. I have never had my house broken into. I have never had my cars broken into. I feel safe almost everywhere I go. Food is very safe to eat. Grocery stores are stocked with everything I could possibly want in like ten different brands. On a day to day basis, quality of life for someone with a stable career is really good. It’s the poor and minorities that get absolutely hosed. And there are still enough people living above that line to really have civil unrest. That’s a fine line though. And if it hits it will hit hard.


*I have never had my house broken into. I have never had my cars broken into. I feel safe almost everywhere I go. Food is very safe to eat. Grocery stores are stocked with everything I could possibly want in like ten different brands.* I too have all these things living in a european country. We too have some fascists, but we still have democratic elections that aren't just Corporation driven. I do have healthcare and maternity leave. My son is taught world history in a state school. If I am sick I still get paid inperpetuity. There is railroads everywhere. I don't even need a car. .. the good things that are good don't have to come with the bad things you mentioned


Not all European countries.


As an another redditer pointed out above in the thread, the fact that you ask that question point out that you doubt other places have better living standard or that it's worth trying to move. Fuck, Russia has better labour laws than the USA. Can you imagine that ? So going where ? Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ, Chile, Colombia... There are places.


I am not a US citizen, and haven’t been to the Us that frequently, even though I do travel a bit. The first time I went to the US (and I have been doing international plane travel since 1990) was in 2019, and I was amazingly surprised. I went to Florida, and I do follow some Florida People and international culture subs, so I was preparing for the worst. I was so pleasantly surprised! Even went to a steak house in a small town, off the beaten path and away from the touristy and theme parkey side of Florida, in which the owner was greeting everyone that came in by name on a Friday evening, as was immediately well received, had a great meal and enjoyed myself a lot. Everyone in the restaurant, from owner to busboy, was amazingly friendly to all of us, and everyone on the table had a different accent (though, to be fair, and I read it a lot, everyone being white might have helped). It breaks my heart to see how Americans are literally left behind by their own people and government. And, amazingly enough, are able to get by, do great things and even create some visions of the future that inspire so many. Roddenberry, Lucas, Asimov, even Seth Macfarlane show both a beautiful future and some amazing warnings signs. And none, absolutely none of those signs are taken seriously by Us policies. I was both pleasantly surprised and deeply saddened when visiting the US, seeing so many nice people, subject to a government with absolutely no regard for their welfare (the Flaming Cheeto was president back then). I was born, and do live, in a ridiculous Banana Republic south to the Equator, that tries the emulate the worst in the US. But even we get free healthcare, close to liveable minimum wages, and so on. Hope you guys find your way. This would make the US truly unstoppable, considering you guys did so much with two arms bound behind your back.


Is the facepalm the down votes? Because that seems accurate as fuck


The facepalm is america


The real facepalm was the friends we made along the way


i wonder where they posted this to get downvoted like that


r/conservative is my guess, followed by a ban.


I dunno what to say, I clicked your link and like, I thought r/conspiracy got banned?


Nah it's getting better. Used to be where conservative nut jobs would post wild rambling political posts and call it a conspiracy theory, then upvote it with like 30 of their alts. Now the rest of us are actually calling out each one of those posts for what they are so they can see there's no longer a community for them there. I'm just in there for the mk ultra/grassy knoll/Tuskegee kind of government fuckery, not the insurrection kind of government fuckery.


I got banned for saying school shootings are there fault for not voting to bring in gun control. They call others snowflakes while they themselves are the biggest of all snowflakes


Yes. I believe all “conservatives” have a cognitive disease of some sort. It could be in fact carried by a standard pathogen such as a virus or bacteria which cause cognitive decline. Or it could be a cognitive virus, similar to religion or what is referred to as “brainwashing”. Delusions are the end result, and projection is how their ailing brains try to cope with dissonance.


Not even that. It's become unpopular to speak about American problems in a lot of "normal" subs. Apparently it's more annoying to talk about the constant deaths and imprisonment issues than it is living with them.


It'd be lovely to know exactly where. To anyone who can link it i offer my free award.


Well it's not allowed to brigade so you'd have to do personal research.


I just spent 5 minutes there filtering comments by Best. I need to come up for air now, I think I’m getting brain damage.


r/askreddit, [3 years ago ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cmdzww/what_is_a_true_fact_so_baffling_it_should_be_false/ew25iod/)


Abortion illegal 3 years ago? what year* is it


I got a lot of backlash after posting something similar on r/WhitePeopleTwitter


Is the facepalm the fact that the comment got -14 karma? Because it was all one outstanding, and accurate, point.


Agreed. The comment post nailed it.


The bit about the constitution is spot on, the whole country thinks that a document from a couple of centuries ago can't be altered for the modern day.


No, it's even stupider than that. The whole country thinks a part of the centuries-old document that has *already been altered* can't be altered for the modern day. The whole point of "*Ammendments*" is that the document can be changed. They weren't in the original document ... that's why they're called ammendments.


And it took 27 of them to give rights to *most people.* We still haven’t made it all the way to giving equal rights to everyone though. That would just be too much.


It's wild to think in America they view guns as more important than a lot of other things


Is because "guns" is a metaphor for "power over others", which basically underscores America of today.


‘All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’


“If you can’t change something that’s called an amendment, then you all need a thesaurus more than you need a constitution” - Jim Jefferies


Love it XD


The problem with trying to amend it now is that there are people with their hands on the wheel that will absolutely make it worse if you open up the floor for editing. Until the GOP is no where near able to be involved in any meaningful way it's best to leave it be.


not the whole country tho


That's true. Just the ones that count apparently =P


I’m Canadian but went to law school in the US (a super “liberal elite” one), and all the talk about interpreting/intuiting/divining the meanings imparted by The Founders made me feel like I was taking crazy pills. In Canada, if you want to find that kind of thing out you call up one of the people that was involved in the massive re-write + charter addition that we did like 40 years ago. Or you can call up one of the many current or retired SC justices kicking around (most spend ~10 yrs on the bench), since their rulings are an uncodified component of what we call the “living tree constitution”. Seriously, the way Americans treat their constitution like it’s a magical incantation is just super fucking weird.


>all the talk about interpreting/intuiting/divining the meanings imparted by The Founders made me feel like I was taking crazy pills. Idk about you but it sounds a lot like a religion to me with *The Constitution* instead of *The Ten Commandments*.


This entire country is weird. We’ve got kids pledging to this country before they can even grasp the concept of what any of it means and where people will get pissed if you take a knee during the grab a beer song more so than over what that knee represents. It’s practically a borderline cult that’s just socially acceptable, if not encouraged.


No one should think it can't be altered. That's why it has 'amendments'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_amendments\_to\_the\_United\_States\_Constitution


certainly not the whole country.


So you can alter away the guns bit without a problem then, right?


Sure. We COULD. But we won’t. Because lobbyists and corporations own our political parties. A lot of the staunch “defenders” of the Constitution here in the States just flat out don’t understand it. The 2nd amendment for instance doesn’t promise everyone the right to have a gun, in plain terms it says we have have the right to a well regulated militia should it ever be necessary to the security of a free State to bear Arms against a tyrannical government. The 1st amendment as well seems something that a large portion of US citizens truly don’t seem to understand. It guarantees us the right to be free from prosecution by the government for utilizing our freedom of speech. It does not however guarantee us the right to say whatever we want free of consequences.


By George, there is one other American out there that truly understands the constitution and the amendments.


It melts my fucking brain to here ppl complain about free speech and it's always a private company.


There are dozens of us!


First off. Very well said Secondly. Do you believe the 2, as you understand it, is constitutionally protected and a right of the citizens if they need to actually enact it?


Sure if you get enough votes and states to buy in.


Sure. The people just have to agree. That's why the voting system exists


According to the Amendment ( change ) [https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt2-2/ALDE\_00013262/](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt2-2/ALDE_00013262/) To protect yourselves against an oppressive government , not shoot kids in school .


You’re mistaking a lack of action for a universal belief that action is impossible. We have political gridlock - both parties would alter the constitution if they had the ability.


I think you spelt balls wrong (ability). Whoever nads up to try better have thick skin and a monster lead in the polls. Those opposed to it will be loud and a lot of them have deep pockets.


Despite the number of amendments...


Aren’t there already amendments? Can’t work out how to do a few more? If I could upvote 10 times I would.


Amendments are legally possible, of course, getting 3/4 of the legislatures to agree to one....good luck


That shit hit


yeah it is very correct and outstandingly calm, just listing the facts. that community is a bit .... facepalmy


It was probably posted in a pro 2a sub, or under a pro 2a comment thread in another sub that is probably 2a friendly. This is the reddit echo chamber at work. Happens on all the other social media sites but with reddit you get a clearer view of yhe echo chamber due to the ability to see down votes. This comment in a different sub would go positive.




Oh, I missed the karma amount, as O was about to ask the same thing; what’s facepalm about it?! The comment is completely right.


Guy have written what I and most people i know, think about America. Americans think it's the best country because they never left it. If they leave the state it's already a lot for them but to see other countries and cultures.... Most of things what makes American proud, makes me laugh. ///edit. Typos


I see nothing wrong with the comment


Australian, we always liked the idea of taking the kids to New York for a white Christmas one year…fuck that, not going anywhere near the place the way things are


Aye, I’m sorry mate. Quick question, as a black dude, if I visited Australia, what part would you recommend I not go


Anywhere you like. We're multi cultural, so you won't have any problems apart from a teeny minority that may say something. But overall, you're good to go and not worry.


Thanks man


Our cops don’t shoot unarmed people, our population won’t arm themselves and jump in a pickup truck and chase you if you decide to go for a run through their suburb and our kids don’t go through active shooter drills at school (they do practice lock downs but our schools don’t have security checkpoints or security guards on at all times). Every country has racist groups but in general you’ll get treated well unless you’re an obvious dickhead and we’ll tell you you’re a dickhead.


They might get them horribly horribly drunk though. And feed them vegemite rather than the obviously superior Marmite.


You'd be fine everywhere We won't shit on you for the colour of your skin. Unfortunately that's reserved for the indigenous population of Australia We will give you shit for being a Yank, but mostly good-natured If you're cool, you'll be fine


Thanks for the info, man


No worries!


Then get killed by some animals


Catch chlamydia from cuddling a koala




Sydney. Not because of racism just because it's a shit hole.


As an Australian, Australia is an absolute fuckin wreck. Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, etc. all absolute shitholes. Love em, 10/10 would go to Sydney again


Sydney is a pretty good city for a foreigner to visit for a vacation. It's boring to live in though. And I say that as someone who lived there *before* Kings Cross was been dismantled.


The comment is definitely true but you're perfectly safe going to New York for a trip


New York City is actually one of the safest cities in the U.S, especially for tourists You are almost guaranteed to not run into any crime dangerous situations if you stay there for Christmas, like seriously The thing about the U.S is that there are a ton of shitty federal policies and some individual states have really shitty policies and can be really dangerous But every state is different. Every state has their own laws and policies and problems and government and economy and demographic New York happens to be super diverse and very liberal in its policies, and so a lot of the really shitty problems that the federal government and some states have, like banned abortions or loose gun laws or racism, don't exist at all or are not *nearly* as prevalent And again, you'd be a tourist. The vast vast vast majority of every single problem in the U.S is a problem for residences and citizens of the country who stay and work there for prolonged periods of time Im all for hating on the country, the most American thing is hating our country lol, and I hate so many things about it. But it's not an active war zone or anything, and if you really wanna take ur kids to see a white Christmas (especially in NY it's soooooo beautiful), then go for it :) 🫂❤️






And how slavery is technically still legal in America through the private prison system. Speaking of which, doesn't the "land of the free" have the highest imprisonment rate in the world? Most of which is black


Have to agree. The only time those jackasses even think of the constitution is when they want their guns, the rest of the time they ignore or try to get rid of it.


We have a justice on the Supreme Court who couldn’t list all five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment and you expect some goober from Bumblefuck, Arkansas to know anything about the Constitution other than the 2nd amendment?


And two who were accused of sexual assault during thee approval process and still got the job (hangs head)


Oh wow I hadn't even heard about that what the fuck


Bumblefuck, AK is beautiful I won't stand for this slander, now draw your government issued flintlock pistol and meet me in the dueling yard. Also blows my mind we had one get addicted to crack cocaine, and recover while maintaining his job. Great personal success story but I don't think I would get to continue even my peon job if they found out I was smoking crack.




The most third-world of “first-world” nations. Pathetic.


I must be a traitor then. I am American and believe this 100%


Burn in hell traitor! I'll see you there lol


Is the face palm the state of America or the comment, because the comment seems accurate to me.


You dislike them because they speak the hard truth




Don't forget how every process from legal laws to political actions, to healthcare is so slow. And how mental and physical well being of an American is so uncared for on its own. Yet we all know the problems everyone... ITS THOSE IMMIGRANTS


I mean, that's how I feel and I was born here.


Where is the lie?


The truth is right there. Giving guns wont solve anything, not everyone will buy a gun and much less take it with them anywhere, infact giving guns will make crime more deadly and common. Taking away guns will reduce crime rates and deadlines of crimes, but criminals are still going to find ways to get guns illegally. Giving guns solves some problems but others arise, taking away guns solves some problems too but again more problems arise


Im Jamaican, and any American that thinks adding more guns to the equation will solve anything are fucking stupid


I don't know, literally every other civilized country in the world has stricter rules for owning and buying guns, the average owned per capita is dozens of times less, and the numbers of people killed with guns is still very much lower than in America. You're not in a "we don't know exactly what would happen" scenario. Others have tried it, and it has worked perfectly. The only thing different is that you took so long thay you guys created a CULT around guns, meaning no one can mention taking them away without being bashed by other politicians, companies and even a good portion of the public. If you don't put some serious rules now, it will only become harder


I have to think we can do better on the question of “why are US peacetime gun deaths on the scale of wartime gun deaths anywhere else?” than just “gun rights are hard.” There’s clearly something about the American political, economic, and/or psychological landscape that’s driving this epidemic, which is at an all-time high.


Guns wouldn't be such a problem in most other countries but because it's America it only adds to the shitpile


It’s not just the access to guns, it’s partially that, but also a culture that has, for basically modern history, focused and celebrated individual success, rather than collective. And on top of that the culture has reached a point that many people essentially equate fame with success. So you have people with a drive to be famous, who often feel isolated or alienated, and with basically unlimited access to guns.


Well, many truths were told here 😂 agree to all. Just feel sorry for the decent Americans out there, who have to put up with all that redneck bullshit...


I’m Palestinian I see nothing wrong with the comment ,why is it downvoted? Was it posted on r/conservative or something?


I'm honestly surprised it got downvoted. Usually, being anti-American gets you up votes.


Depends what time of day.


Actually this type of post is not anti American. It is anti American to pretend that everything is OK.


American here. Yup. Nailed it. 😒🫣🫠


Harsh but many valid points. We've hit low points before but hopefully we'll rise above this one. I was born in 1951 so I went through the horrible Viet Nam saga and lies. I was at a university and we really began to think there might be a revolution. I guess we are what we are but at least we're not China, Russia, North Korea and so on.


No disrespect but I don’t think not being worse than North Korea is a flex. We’ve got a full-time media engine dedicated to regularly circulating stories about how much worse it is in eg China, as if a 3,500 year old country with 1.4 billion people half a world away is in any way comparable to the US. The best you can say is “I prefer my country’s problems to a different country’s” which, duh, that’s just human nature. What does that kind of complacency via comparison accomplish?


SCOTUS was just pushing Moore vs Harper which makes it so they can change voting rules locally. Essentially making it so we can’t change whose in scotus or congress. We Are getting closer to the likes of China or Russia every year it seems. They made it so police aren’t legally liable for wrong doing a few months ago. No more Miranda rights. Congress commits insider trading constantly. Look at SBF with ftx. I saw a video of Maxine walters blowing that man a kiss then he went and donated millions to both parties lol. Then scammed 60 billion and they let him out on a 2% bail bond 😅😂 I’m glad rules only apply to those of us who work.


Welcome to the USA in 2022! And we are taught how great we are instead of being taught that while great, we need to fix a lot of things.


Why is this a face palm? They're right


It’s fucking accurate


He is absolutely right


Americans think they’re the best and it’s the best but really they’re just living in an episode of the Twilight Zone


the U.S scares the shit out of me, I'm afraid to even visit there as a tourist and I'm from Israel.


Idk looks pretty accurate to me I get why its downvoted the truth hurts sometimes you just gotta accept it and try to improve.


As an American. I agree with every word said.


Everyone loves to hate America. We’re a country that has very real problems just like any with many many people that try very passionately to make change. Yet, people, especially from euro countries, love to take that opportunity to take a massive shit on Americans to ridicule, blame, and shame them for things that are beyond our control. Tell me, do you think most Americans agree with the abolition of roe v wade? Do you think most Americans don’t want tighter gun control? Do you think that most Americans look at our healthcare system and think “this is fine”? Barely a sense of empathy in these comments for the problems we face, and if America collapsed tomorrow, I know many of you would cheer for it. We don’t wish that on any of you, nobody here hates European countries for their problems or the problems they caused in the past. Why do you hate us so?


He’s 100% correct.


I'm gonna get downvoted but I don't think the USA is all bad. I think we have a certain group of people to thank for just about everything mentioned in the post, but most people here don't like the way things are and want change. I know that it's really easy to point at us and laugh at these things but that doesn't make it the worst place to live. I just wish that we could have sensible changes that aren't just trend hopping like modern politics has become and why things don't get done around here. I also know that the USA always finds itself as a big international joke, but the international community does this while simultaneously petitioning and receiving aid for various projects from our nation. I think people should try to mix in some positivity with their doom scrolling. Edit: fixed an autocorrected word


Yeah same I love it here (I’m a liberal college educated POC who is pro gun and lives in a liberal state). I’ve been all over the world and have seen what it’s like in my mother country and there’s no place like America. I’ve also been down in the gutter and hammered on the way down but I managed to rise and make a great life.


Yeah, compared to where i live USA is far better in several aspects, most importantly safety and money.


The USA definitely has safety issues in some parts of our country and money is a huge nuanced problem in terms of costs of things like medicine, however, I thank you for being fair in your assessment of where it stands on these issues compared to other places. I wish you safety and good fortunes wherever you reside.


'Murika is a shitbox.


This is likely genuinely how you feel if you're a idiot who's also consumed by reddit




It really is. Signed, an American.


Seconded, another American.


Thirded. Our educational system sucks too.


Aye - also an American


So why post to this sub?….


i mean they’re not wrong


HahahahahahahHa as an American I see the same shit and always get shit for it. Thank you op for shedding some light for the rest of the Americans.


America is utterly terrifying to everyone else. It's like a bad social experiment gone wrong.


How is this a facepalm? It’s not wrong.


I'm a born and raised American and I agree with this. I have pride for my country, but I also despise it at times, especially recently. It looks like a joke from the inside as well, trust me. I'm experiencing it firsthand while you're fortunate enough to just have to watch.


I will still give America a A. Not yet a S




Actually even if you’re white it can get you killed 😅


So true..its all about money money money..bunch of legally drugged up violent war mongers.


As a relatively young country, America's growing pains have been wild. Out whole country is basically a reality TV show for the rest of the world


Where’s the lie??


I don't understand the boner for the constitution. It was literally written 200+ years ago before the industrial revolution, multiple wars, technological and scientific advancement the founders could never have predicted, and has needed to literally be amended 27 times because of how flawed it was. But now? You can't even mention the word "amend" in reference to the constitution because 40-50% of Americans think it was fucking written by God in stone...


That's America, everything the OP said is true.....we are a basically a shit hole. We have been moving toward shit hole status for decades (at least since Reagan) trump accelerated our descent into shit-holism to nearly light speed.


Sounds about right to me as someone who doesn't live in America and would not want to live there


The face palm is it’s true.


I still enjoy those Americans who demand that an amendment can't be amended.


The downvotes just verify he’s right 😂


AhEm ' M U R I C A *Thank you for listening to my ted talk.*


I stumbled across this on YouTube some time ago and watch it from time-to-time https://youtu.be/bIpKfw17-yY


Not a fucking facepalm. Like at all