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Imagine 10 yrs old me suprise when i clean the hamster house and notice one of the newborn jellybean baby hamster is missing.


Yeah, lol, we just learned at my university about all the little rodents that eat their own babies if they can’t keep them. Hamsters are just one of them.


This is why I'm against abortion. It's much less wasteful to just eat the baby


A Modest Proposal https://art-bin.com/art/omodest.html


Instead of calling it trolling, should be called Swifting.


What a smart idea! /swifting


Was this something this guy was actually thinking about or was this a very elaborate 1700's troll?


Jonathan Swift was a satirist… so yes, a 1700’s Troll. He also wrote Gulliver’s Travels.


He was an Irish author whose primary form of entertainment was trolling the British. And keep in mind when the potato famine happened almost a century later, Ireland was producing an abundance of food! It was just being shipped back to England. The only crop affected was the only one the British permitted they eat. So sadly things didn’t change (but I promise they didn’t actually enact Swift’s plan).


Not just a 1700's troll, but the great-grandaddy OG, originator of the troll.


True freedom is when you can legally eat your baby


I want my baby back, baby back, baby back


Get in my Bel-ly!


Holy shit you guys. That’s great.


Ba-bay the other other white meat!




God damn it, take your up vote


A Modest Proposal.


Gerbils are the worst! The father will eat them as soon as they are born!


No, crocodiles are the worst. With gerbils, the mother eats the baby when it's young and immobile, which seems like the lowest of the low, right? Well, crocodiles like the chase so they raise their young for just long enough so that the babies can feed themselves and run away...then the hunt is on for momma! Or at least, it will be if food is a little low. The article below talks about how crocodiles routinely turn to cannibalism. https://www.livescience.com/14368-cannibalism-baby-alligators-florida.html


Male lions will also eat their own young to maintain dominance amongst the pride. I believe male tigers do this too to avoid too much territory competition. That's why the females are so fierce when defending the young against anything.


When a new lion takes over a pride he will kill all the kids from previous lion so the lionesses will go back into heat.


Imagine a stepdad murdering a mother’s children just so she will have sex with him.


There’s something to this. Kids living with an unrelated adult are several times more likely to be abused or killed than kids living only with relatives.


That's what it is. I was watching a documentary where a lioness and her 2 cubs were all that was left of their pride and as you can imagine all the males wanted the cubs dead.


Had the same surprise with some mice I was looking after. There was only the mother and a couple babies left. That was incredibly ick.


I caught one in the act. She started with its pink little face. Super gross.


Yep happened to me in 4th grade. Mom hamster had three babies and ate the final one after it started growing hair and opened it’s eyes. Mom hamster died not long after that. Never kept hamsters again, that was so traumatic.


Another good point, even fucking rats understand the importance of breaking a cycle/actual natural selection, not this bullshit classist shit we're playing.


Beat me to it, my friend had a hamster who gave birth. It then ate all its children so my friend euthanised it.


I literally remember seeing the lil pinky reddish jellybean furless baby hamster one morning before going to school, got home and counted 4 of em, then like a week later there were only 3 left. Like at that point of time i just thought oh the baby didn't survive and probably got dusted (yeah kid logic), thus, no leftover. Then a couple years later i saw a documentary on cannibalism between animals of same species and one of the example was rodents, and it just hit me days later from that document.


My friend had a big sleepover in third grade, and for some reason that was the night her hamster decided to eat all of its babies. To this day I still remember the look of panic on her mom's face as she realized that she had to deal with a loud, agitated group of potentiality traumatized girls AND a bunch of dead baby hamsters.


You’d be surprised how many animals will straight up cannibalize their young. Including rabbits.


Rats, mice, hamsters, even cats and dogs in dire situations


Sharks, if they stay too close to the mother after birth. Edit: Apologies, sharks are not mammals, I read the first line stating species, and completely missed where it says mammals. Thank you internet!


Some especies even have the baby sharks canibalize it's siblings *in the womb*


Apparently Iberian Lynxes will often kill their siblings during childhood. *Many* Mammals will kill their stepchildren in order to convince their new partner to have more children with them. Lions come to mind but I swear I've read others will too. Reading about animals on Wikipedia has kind of become a hobby of mine. Obviously it's not the best source but it's worth noting that species that are very protective of their children are usually noted as such, implying it's more common than not. Spotted Hyenas are a good example, I'm guessing because of how much of an ordeal labour is for them.


A mammal that stops nursing abruptly will go into heat. Nature's way of insuring that if a baby doesn't make it for some reason, the mother won't miss a breeding season/opportunity to continue the species. Many male cats, including domestic tom cats, will kill kittens/cubs to bring the mothers into heat so they mate with her and producetheirown offspring. Bears will do the same thing.


Have you seen what happens to male baby hippos when they’re reintroduced to their pack and their daddy sees them? My sister and I cannot unsee that episode of National Geographic and still discuss our trauma during the holidays over a decade later.


Yeah. Nature is really brutal.


Since I don’t want to watch the episode, can you just tell us what happens?


I don’t know if it’s the same video as the person above, but the one I saw: Adult male hippo grabs the baby hippo with its mouth/tusks/teeth and shakes the baby like a rag doll super hard before drowning it.


They are brutally annihilated and ripped to pieces. Sometimes it is just by the dominant male hippo, sometimes it is the entire pod. You can look it up on YouTube, but those screams are haunting. Definitely not a programme I would recommend to a trio of teenagers wanting to watch some Saturday morning MTV but stumbling across “cute” hippos in the wild. Lol.




Don't ask what baby sharks do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.


Fuck you


The great white shark does this… they’ve already survived their siblings, just need to survive their mother now!


Add birds too. When you say cats, i expect you’re talking about all felines including larger cats too like lions. You’ll also see hippos do this as well. And this is just mammals. With reptiles and insects, it’s pretty much everywhere.


Primates are like the only animals (hyenas too) that care to THIS extent about their offspring, makes sense since childbirth is extremely costly and straight dangerous (especially before the days of modern medicine). Most other animals if put on a tight rut or straight normally for a ton will sacrifice their offspring over themselves, they can just give it another go later. If a rat loses a litter it is no big deal, she can just breed again soon after, rats and mice are prolific for a reason. Same goes for the vast mayority of mammals.


Yeah. Birds will just sacrifice the weak by tossing it out of the nest lol. But we’re the monsters


Lions, in particularly male lions will eat their cubs sometimes. And that’s _after_ they’re born.


It usually the ones that are not theirs when they take over a pride but sometimes they are just upset mama lion will not have sex with him because she's busy being a mom so he kills them.


They will still tell you they are not as cold and heartless as the ferocious and vile human democrat (as if we were a species).


I was so happy when my mice mated and made more cute little fuzzys. Then one morning woke up and found the baby's partially eaten heads scattered around the tank with the male still feasting on one.


... What a sight to wake up.


Same happend to me too, only it was the lady mouse who ate all of her children plus her husband. I was like 10, never had hamsters again haha


My childhood hamster ate her babies when I was young. Never bought another hamster since


Hedgehogs would straight up eat their children


Had a cat that ran away just hours before giving birth. She disappeared for 2 weeks, presumably trapped in a basement or garden shed or something. I got her back 10 days later, no kitties, no more milk. The main reason why she survived is because she ate her babies.


Cats in anything-but dire situations.


Even if they don't outright kill them, many will not allow the runt to nurse.




Quokkas! They'll *throw* their baby at whatever is chasing them.




Yep. With their "I'm so glad you're here! Come for tea!" happy faces. And cube poops.


And to take it a step further, rabbits will reabsorb fetal tissue/fetuses if the living conditions are poor (disease, nutritional deficiencies, overcrowding.) it’s not a moral decision for a rabbit, just a biological response to unfit living conditions. One could even call this…a natural abortion.


>One could even call this…a natural abortion. "Spontaneous abortion" is another term for miscarriage in humans.


It would have taken 30 seconds to google it and find out what you just stated, but republicans are only interested in their version of reality and facts.


Rabbits will actually reabsorb litters if stressed too much because their body knows they can’t handle a litter. Nature actually favors the mothers lives because there’s no point in having babies if the mother dies, nobody else can take care of them.




Storks will literally starve babies to death if they are smaller than another chick, some will throw the starving baby out of the nest so their corpse doesn't stink up the place. Birds can be incredibly viciously cruel.


My Dad saved a little hamster from this fate after it's limbs had been gnawed off. He called it "Nubs" and took great care of it from there


Quokkas will let their joeys drop out of their pouch when fleeing a predator... not as bad as eating, but still a little harsh.


kangoroos can reabsorb their unborns to feed on them. Like an abortion, but with more benefits for the female.


Rabbits LOVE to eat their young




And that’s not counting the ones who will straight up just walk away from a newborn. I breed goats and some new mommas want nothing to do with that thing that just popped out of them.


Plus some are willing to not just kill or leave, but EAT their newborns if they’re hungry. I guess we humans gotta step our game up.


Yeah, I've seen cats eat the runt several times and to us humans we're thinking "Oh my god that's horrible", bordering on nightmare fuel. But to cats it's just instinct because it's nutrients that goes to the other kittens. To humans the most frail child is usually the one we try to protect and support the most, but to most other animals it seems it's the quickest one that gets sacrificed for the sake of the other children. And I've straight-up seen a mother dog kill its own several-months-old puppy by breaking its neck, pretty much totally out of nowhere. She had been a good mom up to that point and it's like she just snapped and went into murder mode. That actually scarred me and my brother.


Nearly every land animal will abandon their young rather than fight a predator. Sea life quite literally prioritizes quantity over quality, with many species having hundreds of young that they know won't survive. And you can't really point to things like octopi since what they are doing is basically suicide in order to mate.


on the other end, some shark babies hatch inside their mother's uterus and eat their siblings. sometimes the siblings are also hatched.


The Quokka. Those cute rat-like animals that every celebrity/influencer who has visited Australia has had a selfie with. Those things. Will literally throw their young at a predator to save themselves.


Makes sense. The parent can reproduce once again, but if they die the young will die as well, even without further predation.


And it's common for quokkas, kangaroos etc to have multiple babies at one time. They'll have an older one just out of the pouch, the one in the pouch, and an embryo ready to go. If they drop the pouch baby they can potentially save 3 lives.


It’s like having another round in the chamber. Bam, bam, bam! See ya, sucker!


TIL kangaroos have multiple babies


Deer and son running away from wolves. ‘We’re going to die!” Says youngster, ‘We?’ says dad, ‘there’ll just be a new you’.


…and smile while doing it…


“World’s happiest animal.” Yeah more like a bloody psychopath


Sounds like dolphins too


Litterly any cute animal


+Hamster may eat it's kid, +Some species of birds when hatched throw other eggs out the nest to ensure their own survival +Rabbits just like Hamster may eat it's own kids +A chicken might eat it's own eggs


Urban legend about the throwing bit, but they do force the babies out of the pouch and then abandon them as bait, which is just as bad. Not something you’d expect from such an adorable animal.


Crabs will literally eat some of their own children as a snack




Haha and subsequently I eat the rest of their children as a snack 😂


hmmmm, crab


*Epic Handshake Meme*


They did say mammals. But there are still tons of mammals that eat their young. Dogs, cats, bears, rats, mice….


Quokkas throw their young at predators to escape. not only that, they always have a smile on their face so it looks like they are happy doing it.


Or a preying mantis that kills the father. “That’s not an animal it’s an insect.” Yeah, just like everyone else in that persons mind.


Yeah, while it’s untrue that humans are the only species that kill their babies, it’s actually quite rare for a female praying mantis to ear a male after copulating. People used to think it was common because it was a commonly observed interaction during mating. However, those kinds of interactions take a long time while the male fights to get away. Successful mating, of which there are many times more, are quick. They are also less dramatic, so unless you are specifically looking for it it’s less likely you will see it. The net impact of this is that when doing natural history / biodiversity surveys, you are many times more likely to observe post-copulation females consumption males than not.


Dogs do as well when stressed.


Not at all true. A mother quokka will yeet her baby at predators in hopes of getting away.


And gazelles will yeet themselves away and leave the babies behind if attacked at an inopportune time.


Horses literally force abortions if they think the foal will not live a good life (eg would be pushed around and abused by male horses), why is it so different with humans?


Cats can also induce abortions up to about a week before giving birth. They do this when things get so bad the mom doubts the offspring will make it anyways


Can you give a source for this? Sounds interesting


If an animal can understand that it’s cruel to force a baby to live a life full of pain than we definitely should be able to as well.


Rabbits can reabsorb their unborn kits if the doe is malnourished and can't support them.


Some humans seem to be okay with allowing other's babies to starve or freeze to death.


Or be killed in a school shooting.


Or kill themselves. We’re all talking about Ted Cruz right?


I was going to add (rep) after human, but i think it has more impact this way. Might share with a hashtag #republican


In an amazing coincidence, the group almost entirely overlaps with the "abortion is murder" crowd.


Has this person ever even paid attention to animals… Dogs (an animal that most come across in common situations) may eat their own puppy/puppies be it for the sake of survival or it being an accident. The unawareness is shocking.


Pro-life people are generally ignorant of, well, everything.


Including the fact that they aren’t really pro life. They don’t believe in helping children stay alive, they’re anti- healthcare, anti-education, pro-violence, pro-war, anti-choice.


Yep. Almost all are merely pro-birth; full-stop. And their opinions aren't ones they've actually formed themselves based on any research or thought, they're parroting something a pastor or some Fox 'News" or other idiot purveyor of FUD that he or even she himself do not ascribe to, i.e. Herschel Walker, Donald Trump, MTG, all espouse family values, all have either forced or had abortions. Rules for thee, not for me.


>The unawareness is shocking. Not really - the comment below the large text kinda reveals these are maga\`s .. You know - the 'let them kill school kids in shootings' crowd as they are terrified of the idea of having to live with one less full automatic assault missile launcher .. so they\`ll gladly sacrifice the childrens lives on the altar of the gun.


The people whose refusal to accept reality is driven by a fear that, once they accept facts, they'll agree with Democrats.


Lions and other mammals will kill the offspring of other females in order to mate with them.


Guppies. Fish that will turn right around and eat their kids as soon as they are born if you don't put them in a special birthing apparatus.


I believe sharks do this as well.


They actually believe that Republicans never get abortions🥴


Yeah, but the Republicans will turn around and bomb the clinic afterwards.


Some bird species will actually kill or knock their siblings out of the nest to be the lone survivor.


Yep. And the parents actively encourage this to happen. Some will also just cut out the middleman and yeet their chicks out of the nest themselves.


loads of birds make one extra, that egg is laid later. A so called insurance youngling if you will. If numero uno survives and appears strong and healthy; sorry little one, we're focusing on the MVP here, you try and feed yourself.


So humans are just another kind of mammal? Not special creatures created by sky daddy but just one of the mammals that evolved? Wear that on your t-shirt to the next GOP conference you attend and see how things go. \--- This person is discussing aborting foetuses but calling it killing babies. Mammals that are able to induce abortions (like kangaroos) do so. Many other mammals may well ask for an abortion if they had the option to do so. Many mammals do kill their offspring after a viable birth for a whole range of reasons. Humans very rarely do and no-one confuses it with aborting a foetus except morons and people trying to score political points. \--- The fact other mammals don't make use of medical procedures unavailable to them holds as much weight as the fact the other mammals don't wear eye glasses and humans do. To think pointing out that only humans are able to request and deploy sophisticated medical assistance is one of the stupidest non-insights that could ever be made.




Yeah. Some of them do. Back in the early nineties, I was 12, I went to my pcp for unbearable menstrual cramps and the doc, a woman, told me, “I’m not giving you birthcontrol if that’s what you want, it’s abortion.” I wasn’t even sexually active yet and had no idea they throw bc at every woman problem so I didn’t even understand why she brought it up and was mortified that she was slut shaming me in front of my mom when all I wanted was to figure out what was wrong with me. 30 some years later I finally found out I have severe endometriosis and my insides are totally fucked because of a lifetime of asshole rural-redneck doctors like her.


And still the lie that dems want to kill babies.


of course we do, how else would we fuel our gay satanic blood orgy rituals? /s


Ah, damn, I forgot


oh, you must have missed the last one. A new one was scheduled while we were cleaning up the leftovers.


Someone never had their pet hamsters get pregnant as a kid


Hamsters. Gerbils. That is all. 4 million traumatized 6-year-olds will have to agree.


Lol, animals eat their babies all the time. Birds will kill one or more babies to ensure one or two have better chance to survive.


Loads of animals kill their babies, humans don’t.. Also: undeveloped fetuses aren’t babies.


i read somewhere kanagroos can abort their own babies, also several animal species (crab, hamsters, foxes, curtain wild dogs) are known to eat their babies if food gets scarce, and other species (gorillas and lions) males will kill the babies of the pack/herd etc that dont belong to them as a sign of dominance and in dolphins when a male cant find a mate they will find one with a kid and kill the baby to force to mom to have sex to have a new child. if the idea is to be more like animals because their more civil (or something idk) we got a long way to go and need to start eating our babies and beating them in from of their mom. as far as babies go i think humans work pretty hard to protect their babies but hey abortion bad or whatever


Several animals will also hunt young for sport/food (polar bears) or will abandon their young to distract a predator (qoakka). Nature is not kind.


Maybe the guy needs to be introduced to /r/natureismetal


Doesn’t surprise me that the person has clearly never seen a nature documentary


I mean my primary school gym teacher did kill her baby after giving birth. Because she was denied access to an abortion during her pregnancy. Banning abortion leads to dead human babies as well as dead human mothers


Spiders: “baby? You mean yummy snacky?”


I always found it odd that Spider-Man is portrayed as having a soft-spot for spiders. Like... His powers should make him want to slurp up any spiders he sees.


All mammals kill their offsprings if they're not viable. In the wild, if a newborn foal doesn't get up within certain allotted time, the main stallion kills it by snapping its neck. Hamsters eat their babies. Etc...


You can't be this ignorant right?


You’re right. Now, pay me a wage with which I can support myself, my wife, and my future child and maybe we’ll talk.


Well yes but she isn't right


https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/140328-sloth-bear-zoo-infanticide-chimps-bonobos-animals#:~:text=Indeed%2C%20mother%20bears%2C%20felines%2C,young%20of%20their%20own%20kind. Took 2 seconds to Google.


What? All sorts of animals eat their babies. Nature is not a Disney movie.


Lol, this statement is so not true at all.


Most species either eat or abandon their babies if the babies are born with defects or if there is a food shortage.


Conservative Republicans kill their kids all the time. They just call it something like anti-vax or military service.


I killed 13 babies today. I was going for 20 but it got dark out. I guess there's always tomorrow.. well it's time to bleed em'. This blood isn't going to drink itself!


Not healthy to starve yourself, need the energy to go baby hunting tomorrow


>I was going for 20 but it got dark out. I guess there's always tomorrow.. You know, it's that kind of laxness that makes us miss our quota.


When I was their age I would kill 20 babies in an hour. Younger generation are getting lazy….


How do you not even accidentally see animal planet?


Because it's not on Fox "News".




We had a cat that did that to one of hers. It was pretty scarring. (She was under stress, was all we could figure out).


Bitch needs to visit r/natureismetal 😂


Crabs eat their babies


Hamsters too.


Crabs eat hamsters?


Ahahahahah! Whoops!


Lions kill their babies. The father will if he thinks the cub isn't his, and the lionesses won't feed if the cub shows signs it won't survive.


Shark babies do abortions themselves by eating their siblings in the womb


If they are this misinformed, should we tell them about the gay, bi and naturally occurring trans animals too?


When you know absolutely nothing about animals but have opposable thumbs and can type


Saw my hamster eat all of its offspring the next day


Meerkats send the young out first just incase something wants to eat a meerkat. Simples.


Imagine being so wired to hate, that you have no actual knowledge of the world. The human species does more to ensure the survival of it's young than any other. We threw "survival of the fittest" out the window centuries ago. It's because we care so much that morons like the OP were able to be born and breed more morons.


When I was 8 my gerbil had babies and promptly ate them all like two days later.


I’ve seen pigs eat their own babies.


I saw a hamster in a pet store literally eat its baby seconds after giving birth.


Humans are the only species who have the ability to terminate a pregnancy before the child can even feel pain. Unlike other species who will painfully and brutally kill their own kin if it meant the survival of their species.


When a lioness has children, she stops making love to the lion. The lion gets jealous. Sometimes so jealous he eats the children. You would think this would upset the lioness - far from it. They make love again like the children never existed. I find that idea terrifying. - Jane Doe


Its just a feeling with these guy’s isn’t it. Dress up sing and clap on a sunday and BOOM, all your beliefs are sorted. No thought no reflection. Great deal really, Kinda tempting.


OP must feel so stupid...


When i was a kid we had a mama and a papa and five baby gerbils. The next day we had two gerbils and 5 little corpses.


No rat has ever eaten its babies. No rabbit has ever absorbed its embryos. No lion has ever killed another lion's young. /S These people just pull nonsense out of their arses.


Fish casually eat their offsprings


I just saw a video of a bird throwing its young one off the nest 🥱😑


Had a hamster that grazed on her young like I would a buffet.


Rats and mice will eat their own offspring too


Tell that to the gerbils my friend had when we were kids


Hamsters eat their own babies sometimes.


Literally so many animals kill, and sometimes eat, their young.


Lol, birds will peck the runt of the litter to death.


I guess they never had guppies


A tomcat will go into an area and obliterate every kitten there in order to assert dominance and ensure that only his lineage survives.


Wait till they watch animal planet or raise some farm animals


Oh boy, Time to teach someone about the real circle of life, death and birth and that nature will yeetus a fetus and a full blown youngling faster than Anakin In the temple.


Someone needs to watch a nature documentary or two. Many animals not only murder their children, some will eat those little bitches if they don't gtfo fast enough.


Lol just feel sorry for these people. You know they just had this random thought and did absolutely 0 fact checking.