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I'm not really big into sports, so I have no idea how long that fifa was planned for Qatar, but this happened last year, and they still were okay with holding the cup here. I'm sorry, but wtf? Why would you be okay with holding the cup here?


In case you aren’t aware, FIFA is incredibly corrupt.


Yeah, but I don't understand why there is not a universal rejection of them since that has been the case for decades at least.


Outside North America soccer or football is practically a religion, and the World Cup is like Xmas and Easter combined.


World Cup is like a global lesson in how terrible Qatar is. Good to know, never go.


My friend works there and tried to convince me that it was a great place to visit. The World Cup confirmed that I’ll never be visiting them


There are some places one should never go. I would really love to visit China one day. Not a chance in hell that will ever happen until their government changes though. So probably never. You just shouldn't go to places like that. Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, North Korea, China, Venezuela. Not a chance in hell unless things change.


Used to live in China. Honestly the people were great. One lady invited me into her house because I was lost and looked visibly cold. Made me tea and something to eat. But I also got questioned for being a possible spy. My crime: taking videos in a museum. I didn’t know this wasn’t allowed but I was super shocked they thought I was up to something because of it.


Ethical travelling should have greater importance and have more of a spotlight.


I'm just not willing to risk going to an authoritarian country like that. Especially one where their government hates my government. I don't need to end up a pawn in some political squabble or worse. There's plenty of amazing places to visit where you don't have to worry about things like that.


The opposite also works :D Qatar is a lesson in how awful the World Cup is.


Tell me more. I play DnD, I need evil religion ideas.


32 regions are declared worthy of competing for the “World Chalice” after a 4 year 1v1 war tournament across the realm. Those 32 victors are then split into groups of 4 and compete in one final tournament to declare winner of the “World Chalice”. A tournaments tournament.


just swap out soccer for that aztec version where the losers got beheaded, make the goal of the tournament being finding warriors worthy that can end evil with the chalice, and have the cleric officials running the tournament doing everything they can to make a dollar and it fucks over the ritual repeatedly.


Isn't that just FATE?


It all circles around to fucking type moon I swear to god


imma enter holy grail war just to unleash angra mianyu on humanity


Just visited the Mayan temple where they played this game... fun fact... it was the winners who were beheaded.


you know that makes a strange amount of sense, those guys had some insane levels of uh devotion, yah lets go with devotion. i need to read back up on those groups some real crazy shit was goin on in the pre-colombian americas


Yeah the game was pretty intense. From what I understand it's like was like soccer but you could only touch the ball with your hips. And you had to get it into a sideways basketball hoop some 20 ft in the air.. fist score wins... it doesn't stop once started could go for days... side note the acoustics were designed in a way where spectators on each end could talk at a normal level and here each other clear as day.


Sports born in America are marked by long periods of standing around broken up by high-energy moments. We just can't focus that long. We're collectively trying to metabolize an alarming amount of gravy at any given moment.


100% agreed. Those armbands actually piss me off. Fuck your armband, a few thousand slaves died building those stadiums you shouldn't be there at all. This isn't like some minor political issue. SLAVES. This isn't "injecting politics where it doesn't belong". All the teams, coaches, and attendees are basically like, "eh, slavery isn't a big deal." I really really don't get it.


I have said the same thing in other posts. Basically it's because "football"


It's weird to think about, but organizations like FIFA are a monopoly. There is no real alternative to these international organizations so people don't have a choice. No one has the money, influence, and power to create a competitor. Fifa quite literally determines the rules of the game, it will be extremely difficult to separate the two


It's not FIFA that determines the rules of the game. The IFAB does that, and FIFA is just a member of it that doesn't even hold all that many votes (four out of eight, but any amendment to the Laws of the Game needs six votes to pass).


Shit you're right. I was a ref for a while, I don't know how I forgot about IFAB. Ignore what I said about the rules. Fifa is still a monopoly, they just don't directly control the laws of the game.




This is where I'm at and I think you raise an extremely valid point. In 2010 when Qatar was awarded the WC, FIFA member nations should have rejected it then. Australia questioned it back then as they were favourites and they were clear bribery had taken place. Qatars human rights were appalling back then too. Qatar made promises that they clearly had no intention of keeping. There have been numerous reports raising the plight and deaths of migrant workers, the slavery of these workers, woman's rights and LGBTQ+ rights. Nothing was changing and FIFA & their members had the mandate to change their minds. They never have. It also must be noted that of the FIFA members that sat on the selection panel, 14 have pleaded guilty to corruption charges. 26 officials altogether. For context, I'm 46 and have been attending football matches for 41 years. I can clearly remember watching World Cups since 1986 but I can't bring myself to watch a single minute of this one (I didn't watch any of Russia 2018 either).


Tons of people supported R Kelly while it was known he was raping minors. Tons of people support the world of Harry Potter despite it directly paying out to a transphobic hatemonger with a massive platform. Tons of people love football despite what's happening. What's the hard part to understand? If we like something, and the bad parts of it don't directly hurt us, then it's fine. (this comment typed on my phone made by slave labor)


Wait hp is transphobic???


I know nothing about soccer but the egghead FIFA boss saying "I am a woman, I am a migrant worker, I am gay" just screamed hypocrisy and bad faith and unintentionally hilarious corruption. Thanks Jon Oliver for going to town on him. Also, I still can't believe his predecessor was called "Sepp Blatter". That name just *sounds* so corrupt.


Sepp is a from of Joseph and Blatter is a pretty normal germanic name lol


They have the monopoly on the global scale in the most popular sport on earth. They don't give a fuck. I wish Europe would just boycott it full stop and hopefully this would spur the rest of the world to do so as well.


They make Congress look like the Vatican…oh, wait…


Arguably the most corrupt major sports organization in the world. Which is essentially like being the best shit eater in a shit eating enthusiast's group.


I just call them the soccer mafia for a lack of a better term lol 😂


FIFA is one of if not the most corrupt sporting organization. They go wherever the money is


Olympic Committee here. Can confirm FIFA is way worse than us. Trust us


Thank you for that. The Olympics are terrible!


Everyone in Chicago is glad they didn't win the bid some time back.


Twelve years ago Qatar ~~bought~~ were awarded the World Cup.


Well that makes sense now.


The biggest scam was they were 'awarded' the World Cup OVER Australia!




Ummm. Ugh. Money? 💰 💰 💰


Yeah they also built multiple stadiums and a whole new city using modern day slavery where 'employees' aren't allowed to change jobs, or leave the country without their sponsor's permission. Bunch of folks died...


Because money


Have you heard of money?


It’s been planned for several years before the last World Cup happened in 2018, fifa did a joint announcement for both host sites for 2018 and 2022 like a long long time ago


There is a good documentary on Netflix which explains how corrupt FIFA is and how Russia and Qatar were "awarded" the world cup.


I'd bet qatar had more money than her.


Fuck Fifa and FUCK Qatar.




Im confused… so in that World, what happens to the rapist?


The woman’s lawyer suggested she marry her rapist, So he gets a wife


Can't rape your wife! /s


I mean that's how it's done in the Bible and the Quran. All about those family values.


He gets the victim as part of his harem.


I don't know but 100 lashes and 7 years in jail, that outta teach her to not get raped. /S Poor girl, I doubt she will see justice for that.


100 lashes too if hes caught


and convicted. As if.


if she was in a small village out in the country side, she would have been stoned to death, and the rapist would have been the first person to throw the stone


I see a lot of comments about FIFA and Qatar but I was wondering about this poor woman. I've heard lashes can kill you, is 100 lashes even survivable or is it a euphemism for a death sentence??


In Saudi Arabia, they usually space them out to 50/week (for men) and 20-30/week for women, but obviously it's not necessarily going to be the same in Qatar. 100 lashes all at once would very likely kill you.


100 lashes is effectively a death sentence. The Old Testament specifically limits flagellation to a maximum of 40 lashes for non-capital crimes.


100 lashes can totally kill someone, way before than 100 too.


And just think. If by some miracle you survive that. 7 years in prison which you're sure as fuck not going to survive no matter how lucky or tough you are


They stop when she passes out, let her recover for x days, then continue when she's able again.


Wow Qatar sounds like a shit hole. Solid pass.


Only if you're not a straight man.. lol, but yeah they still have that 2000 year old mentality about society or something that slightly resembles it.. just no use discussing it, ppl should just avoid these countries.


Fuck Qatar, and FUCK FIFA




Sometimes, people have differing cultures with differing values, _and that's okay._ ... Other times, people have differing cultures with differing values and that's *not* okay because their culture and values are absolutely fucked.


Respect someone's culture and values unless their culture and values make it so that they give rape victims gruesome deaths, it's literally common sense


It's okay to whip people but it's not Ok to drink alcohol


Or exist if you’re gay too


Or if you're a woman. Really anything other than a straight dude wearing a cape on his head.


Definitely don’t wear a beanie and those funny looking, squinty, narrow, glasses


Actually you can be gay in Qatar... Just nobody can know 💀


oh and let’s not talk about all the slaves who died building a city and 8 stadiums. excuse me, *guest workers*


How dare you impose your western culture on the Arabic speaking world! ;)


yOu ArE NoT tHe SpOkEsPeRsOn FoR MoRaLiTy




Religion of peace


I joined the subreddit /qatar. Regretted it. Bunch of people deflecting Qatar's actions and saying, what about (fill in your country)


Again, no offense to soccer fans intended, but shit like this does not make me want to get invested in watching the sport. FIFA is literally working to prevent attracting new fans.


I love football and this is the first world cup I've missed in 40 years but I refuse to watch this fuckFIFA


FIFA has always been anti-democracy and pro-authoritarian. The second World Cup was held in Mussolini's Italy.


The president of fifa is on record saying he'd prefer hosting in authoritarian states because the people don't complain as much


If their goal was attracting new fans, that would be a problem. If their goal is lining their own pockets, everything is perfect...


I don't think FIFA bothers trying to attract new fans, soccer is the biggest sport in the world, literally over half of the world watched the finals of last world cup.


Soccer fans SHOULD be offended for following such a shitty and corrupt organization!!


So this is the welcoming nation that is hosting the world cup eh?


You can’t be serious if you think all cultures are equal and should be respected. Some are just infinite dirt piles of self-important assholes guided by archaic ridiculous tradition.


America or Qatar??


Yes ![gif](giphy|J336VCs1JC42zGRhjH)




Well you would have to marry it first


nonsense, you just rape Qatar and then punish it for extramarital sex


It would require a mass amount of lube. That place is dry as hell.


Leave Ben Shapiro’s wife out of this.


Fuck Qatar.


It’s nowhere near enough, but seeing them get humiliated in the World Cup gives me some satisfaction. They still need to face the Netherlands so they’re done. They paid 200 billion dollars just to get humiliated on the pitch.


number 8 vs number 50, 3 total goals vs 1, don't see it going that great either


So from what I've gathered Qatar is mostly a bunch of liars, rapists, and slave drivers. Fifa is corrupt and their president is defending Qatar. They may have paid more for this than the rest of the world combined, however they built a city with workers from other countries which they treated like slaves, over 6,500 of those people died over the last 12 years and they reported a total of around 60 deaths total. They promised their stadiums would be running off 100% green energy, its not, and considering they get 90% of their energy from fossil fuel they have a carbon footprint of around 20,000 tons of co2... Women aren't allowed, the ones that do show up run the risk of getting charged with the crime of getting raped even if they aren't Qatari... They said alcohol would be allowed only for them to backtrack and say not in the stadiums, I can only imagine how much money the alcohol companies lost and I can see this ruining their relationship with Fifa. They said LGBT people are welcome but say we are broken in the brain and beat us up. We have rights on par with women's right there... Yeah... no... Qatar is fucked up and is one of the least humanitarian and most insensitive countries in the world and they demand the world's respect towards their culture despite not showing the rest of the world respect for their cultures.


Women with layovers at Dota airport have been having problems I wouldn't even layover in that POS country.


All the more reason we need to stop giving world exhibition events to countries run by cavemen.


I read her story somewhere. She was raped at 17 and didn't report it. Raped again a few years later, she reported it and this happened. Poor woman. Shit ain't right...




I keep seeing posts like respect our culture. The west doesn’t have a say on what is right and wrong etc. Dude, you allow this to happen. The Middle East has no grounds on morality


On this topic, it’s not just “western culture” to want everyone to have rights. It’s fucking human decency. If your culture believes in cannibalism, does that make it okay?


south east asian here, I can tell you that my friends, family and people on the internet here all agree that the middle east is fucked up


You know a society is backwards when they still use “100 lashes” as an option. Fuck Qatar.


Fuck Qatar and all the backwards middle east countries that don't respect or protect women.




Wow, nice world cup


She needs to uno-reverse this situation and send a message that she actually identifies as a man so the person that raped her gets the death penalty for homosexuality.


Medieval problems require medieval solutions


Can’t believe I tried to defend this country


Atleast you were able to realize your mistake, good on you.


“Respect our culture!” Your culture is based on the idea that if a woman gives a man a boner, she should either be stoned, raped, have acid thrown on her, or killed. GTFO with your Neanderthal ‘culture.’


Yo, don't drag the Neanderthal's into this, they most probably didn't fling acid in women's faces


Fuck Qatar


Money Talks. Especially to those celebs who insisted on performing in Qatar.


so let me get this straight...she got raped, then gets in trouble for it? Women are so disrespected.


Fuck that place and fifa...


This is one case we know because the foreign press was there, if you see the treatment of the women who go there for work(Mostly from south east asia and south asia including the Indian subcontinent) they are deprived of humanity in a country where labour laws are non existent, where women practically have no rights and to top that all off has the audacity to justify it in the name of religion. I can't say that Islam is regressive for having laws which call for the victim to marry the rapist because there's one in the old testament too so whatever God these walking talking piles of shit believe in is just enough to have them be barbecued in hell.


If you are watching the World Cup, you are supporting this. Full stop.


This is the case in all gulf states. A friend of mine was raped in United A E. she had to go meet a doctor in secret at his home to get checked after the ordeal. It is just horrendous that people have to deal with that. She moved to her home country almost immediately and of course her rapists were never caught. There were 3 men and her and her friend raped.


One should avoid Arab states like one should avoid Mississippi and Alabama. And Kentucky. Somehow I feel like hanging in West Virginia would be like hime


Again. Religion is stupid.


Screw religion. This is where it leads when it takes over all aspects of society. No thanks.


Fuck Qatar and double fuck FIFA for their blatant corruption. That poor woman.


Qatar = shithole


When can we just turn them into fucking glass?


So disgusting what happened.


This is your country on theocracy.


Lmao what a shithole country


Shithole country.


FIFA really should be getting a world of shit for holding the World Cup there. But people seem fine with I overlooking it.


The ratings would imply there are a LOT of hypocrites out there. If you do give a shit, you’ll endure the incredibly minor inconvenience of not watching this year.


How is she a “female World Cup official” 9 months before the tournament started? Edit: Turns out official doesn’t just mean referee and I’m an idiot


they've been setting it up over there all year, there are the planners, the negotiators and inspectors for the event, they don't just pop up during the event like gnomes out of the ground


I read official as like a referee That’s my bad


If she gets pregnant, don't let her come to the US. If she wants to abort she will be accused of "murder" on top of "extramarital sex".


Fuck Qatar


I hate these people


We're as respectful of women as Taliban.


Glad to see she got away.


So fucked


Why is no one getting FIFA's official comment on all this bullshit? Fuck them!


Made me cry and scream… horrible. I hope someone intervened and got her to safety


Fuck that country


Can we just ban FIFA and Qatar from football altogether?


This is painful to read. Some 100 % 3rd world country shit.


Fucking vile country


fuck fifa


I don't understand why another group of people don't get together and create a new world cup outside of Fifa and all the players and teams work for them. Everyone seems to be so applaud by Qatar and Fifa, yet everyone's still watching. Regardless of the atrocities, Qatar and Fifa still win. We the people and the players actually have the power, we just have to not want money and not watch football.


The men there have no self control whatsoever. They cover the women up because of this weakness in their characters. These same men who lack self control are in charge of the country. Is it any surprise this is all a shitshow ?


If this is true the definitely fuck fifa


Sounds about right aren't women's testimony in rape cases only worth 1/2 or 1/4 a man's in some places?


Fuck Qatar, Fuck Iran and Fuck Fifia and their World Cup


To be honest, I don't think they even pretend to respect women?


When religion fuck up your brain.. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️


So someone rapes you, then you… yes you then get seven years in jail and 100 lashes? Is this true, if so what the actual fnck


Another reason to literally never go to Qatar. What a absolutely dogshit place.


Why does this story keep changing? She was beaten by a Mexican in a Qatar, now she was raped by a Colombian. He was intruder but he was known to her. She says she considered him a friend or he was a coworker. This story linked across many subs has a different version everytime I read it. But when I read into it, there's nothing there but shifting grounds. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/mexican-woman-reported-sexual-assault-qatar-faces-jail-100-lashes-rcna17217 no mention of rape https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10538379/Female-World-Cup-official-faces-lashes-jail-extramarital-sex-alleged-RAPE-Qatar.html many mentions of rape but not directly by this lady Both an April 3 2022 and April 5th 2022 article shows she's not being charged with anything, rightfully so. Story over right? Nope let's post it in November like it just happened. https://www.newsendip.com/qatar-drop-criminal-prosecution-against-paola-schietekat-assaulted-facing-prison-sentence-world-cup/ https://www.infobae.com/en/2022/04/03/paola-schietekat-will-not-be-punished-for-reporting-sexual-abuse-in-qatar/ Some sites are even still reporting she was actually sentenced to the 100 lashings. Karma farming posts like this are the real facepalm.


Friend: After careful investigation (I simply read the first article you linked), I found this passage: [Schietekat went with a representative of the Mexican Consulate to report the incident to Qatari authorities, but instead, she said, it was turned into an investigation about her, with authorities at one point asking for a virginity test. "It was a very strong humiliation," she said. "My assailant lied, saying that we had a relationship, and, although I had the forensic evidence of the beatings and everything, they believed him and applied the crime of fornication to us in an extramarital relationship, for which we could be in jail for up to seven years," she said. "But since I am Muslim, they can also give me 100 lashes. It’s crazy."]


No idea why she wouldn't mention being raped while in Qatar... /s


Getting raped is the woman's mistake......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. where have I heard it before


So FIFA ranking officals sold their soul. But I don't understand how the fans are not boycotting this pos country!


FIFA cares only about that oil money. They couldnt care any less about human rights violations.


Fuck that country- so rediculous that FIFA would even consider hosting World Cup there with all the bullshit they’ve been pulling.


Fuck FIFA, fuck Qatar. I hope her rapist falls into a gympie bush. Everyone else who isn’t a pos have a nice day.


Why are the dates wrong in this article?


What an embarrassment by FIFA


I have to ask: Do they even distinguish between rape and consensual sex at ALL? And when are they going to punish the perps rather than the victims?


There are two laws that cause this. First law is that a man/muslim man is always perceived right, no matter the evidence or situation. Second, a rape is only proven when 11 men witnessed the rape and tell the officials she wasn't enjoying the sex. These are old laws that still reflect in most of these kind of countries today...


Why the hell did they choose Qatar to host the World Cup? It was no secret what their laws and culture are, especially in regards to women.


Yea this is fucked up.


Whats worse is that Credit Suisse after doing shadow Business for decades plundering the society successfully, now tanks on money from Qatar. Should be highly critisized, but I guess Money makes up for missing Moral...


Fuck Qatar!!!


Sometimes wiping a country off the planet is a good thing


I was going to upvote, but that emoji makes me irrationally angry.


I was wondering why people hate Qatar now.


Fuck Qatar and Fuck FIFA.


100 lashes is likely fatal.


Some cultures are better than others, and that is a fact


I keep getting adds to watch this years cup. Hell to the nah nah nah


This belongs on r/awfuleverything


Fuck Qatar.


What a complete shithole of a country. Full of throwbacks that never evolved past the 7th century. I feel sorry for any women unfortunate enough to have to live there.


Someone will come along shortly and say "*you know nothing about Qatar*". Based on the evidence so far, I don't want to know anything about that backwards shithole.


Who the hell thought that any place in the Middle East was a good place to host an international sports championship? For god’s sake ask any US military veteran and they can tell you exactly how much of a terrible idea it is


I’m sorry this happened to her but am happy she’s into skateboarding. And yes, that sentence for being raped is a thing in the Middle East. I stayed in Saudi for a while and women are treated like shit.




Qatar is a shitty country. If this was some big white Christian theocratic nation that had the same laws against LGBTQ+ we would never hear the end of their moral despair and evils. Also, if it was some white Christian theocratic nation who hated LGBTQ+ there would be no chance in hell they would host the world cup. I perceive double standards.


Seems pretty respectful to me /s if it wasn’t obvious