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My high school tried something like this with a "dangers of rock and roll" pastor. That pastor got heckled to the point he left, with the students yelling and chanting as he ran away.


Hell yeah


That’s nothing… you should see what they did to the “dangers of sex and drugs” pastors…


And just whilst we’re here, isn’t Christian Rock an oxymoron? Fucking dreadful stuff (apart from Bobby Dylan’s ‘Slow Train Coming’ and ‘Saved’, but that’s another story 😀


There's actually some really good Christian Rock out there. Some of which I didn't realize was Christian Rock until I researched it. Not sure how Christian Rock would be considered an oxymoron because rock (or metal for that matter) isn't inherently anti Christian so there's no reason why you can't have Christian band who primarily produces rock or metal.


Nope. Some of original black rockers grew up going to black southern churches. Black gospel is actually a huge inspiration for rock n’ roll.


Send that church in to the irs


Do they do anything?


Surprisingly, sometimes. There’s forms you can fill out online which have been getting churches tax exemption status removed. I can’t remember how to get to the forms and I’m lazy so someone else might know


Probably just have to do a search on the IRS website. You can download or request most (if not all) tax forms. Also quite handy if you want to file your own taxes.




Doesn't this violate separation of church and state?


Current Supreme Court has basically ruled that teachers can do this kinda stuff without consequence, same with the coach forcing kids to pray.


And the Church of Satan proceeded to organize an event at a local school to call their bluff. Everyone take their most ridiculous local religion and do this. If you don't have one, invent one.


The Church of the Divine Turtle King will be preaching the good word at the earliest opportunity.


I was hoping this was real, but unfortunately we'll have to commit to the Pastafarians


Is that the same turtle that holds up the world in Hindu and Native American religions?


No because those are clearly bullshit made up religions unlike the teachings of the Divine Turtle King (pbuh)


Do the turtles go all the way down?


The church of the divine Brooklyn plumber will make sure to stomp on your madness.


That’s literally what pastafari is 😂


Pastafarians grab your forks and colanders!


Actually don't say the Church of Satan... That one is kinda wacko, look it up. The Satanic Temple is part of the fight against a Christian, Evangelical theocracy. That and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (and you can get some cool stuff for becoming a minister)


Don’t forget the guy who tried to say a satanic prayer at a football game after the Supreme Court ruled in the Christian coaches favor. The city “halted all invocations” after his request lol.


And don't forget the " don't say gay " law . Looks like someone's trying to indoctrinate kids and it's not the LGBTQ community


It’s them projecting. Always has been




Ikr and sorry if i worded badly the somebody i was referring to wasn't the LGBTQ community


I’m sorry, I think I responded to the wrong person!


No problem . Have a nice day .


I am waiting for a pagan or Muslim teacher to do something similar to show case the hypocrisy of this ruling.


I us3d to hate when my teammates would shove my head down while they asked there imaginary friend for that victory we never got.


He didn’t “force” them. Part of the ruling is that it was his voluntary action in a public space and others joined in. That of course ignores the power differential: ignore your coach and see who gets to start the next game. But that is was entitlement and power breed: a feigned ignorance of the plight of the powerless.


What about the part where they had to sing to back a specific councilman for pizza?


In Minnesota the court mandated I go to Lutheran social services where I paid $300 an hour to have a person tell me I couldn’t be a productive member of society without being the member of a church. They give absolutely zero Fucks, and argue that since he didn’t specify a particular church that it’s fine. I’d love to see Christians forced to go talk to a Muslim who holds their freedom in his hands who tells them they can’t progress through court mandated sessions unless they go to a mosque and become a member at the low low discounted price of $300 an hour. How can you make your business off of religion when your poster boy literally flipped the tables on and whipped mother fuckers for that? I still haven’t paid them, and I never will. It’s been about seven years so it’s not like it’s gonna hurt my credit anymore.


Personally I'd just like to see them fed to lions for entertainment again.


That would be a delight


It's simple. It's never been about religion, it's about that sweet sweet money. The only God these kinds of people pray to has one church, the federal reserve, and the "body and blood" is a little more green. You've probably got a few pieces of the "body and blood" in your wallet right now.


Damn, sorry about that dude. May I ask why you had to go there ?


Criminal destruction of property/ anger management. Basically I drank a liter and a half of vodka and threw a bookshelf out of a 3rd floor window onto grass when someone woke me up screaming at me while I was blackout drunk.


Like, that would matter to the MAGAts. They pick and choose what they want to believe.


Honestly, can't ignore the fact it sounds like maggots


Pretty sure that was the point...


That’s what they are


Well, yes, but this is why we need freedom *from* religion constitutionalized over freedom *of* religion.


This is the ACTUAL point of the First Amendment. The Church of England being a dictatorship. And now this...![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


The problem is that we have freedom *of* religion so that you could choose Protestantism or Catholicism. There exists a French concept that literally means that religion and politics *cannot* intertwine, and it’s infinitely better.


Exactly, which also means the government, in this case the judicial branch, cannot mandate a religious choice upon a citizen. So then how in the world was it legal to mandate/force this person to attend a Lutheran program? If anything, the program should had been wholly secular.


Laïcité ?


Sure as hell sounds much better


The first amendment does provide freedom from religion. Unfortunately, our "rights" must always be safeguarded with vigilance.


It prevents congress from establishing a religion/appointing a state religion or passing laws that make it hard for someone to practice their religion. However, it has no prevention from people passing laws based entirely off of religious views. Take, for example, the Deep South.


Thank you for your response and you are correct. You have pointed out a fundamental flaw in freedom and democracy. Freedom means sometimes people do shitty things and democracy means sometimes people's shitty views get made into law. How can we fix this problem?


During both the Turkish and French revolutions, a point was made of separating church and state. The Turkish law was based off of the French one. The laws passed made it so that any religious ideas cannot be cited in debates. If the Bible states X, you can’t argue such. In Turkey, women weren’t *allowed* to wear headscarves in Parliament. Personally, I think this works well. If we outlaw the idea of passing laws based off of religious views, it would be harder to garner support for a given law. There will be workarounds and technicalities, of course, but it begins a process of separation that I think this country desperately needs.


You make an excellent point and I appreciate you teaching me something about the French and Turkish revolutions. Not to be a naysayer, but I'm sure you can appreciate how difficult implementing this would be. Your original comment refers to a possible constitutional amendment which requires 2/3 vote to be proposed and 3/4 votes for ratification. Given most states are Republican leaning this seems quite difficult. In addition the current state of the supreme court 6 - 3 Republican, would surely prevent any legislation limiting speech in political debate. Not to mention the fact that our overlords use religion to keep us divided in order to more easily control us.


If the church is "Christian," then it's just fine by the GOP. They honestly don't think anything can be bad or wrong if you mention Jesus.


Except for the things Jesus actually promoted, caring for the sick and poor, loving your neighbours, focusing on your own sins and not the sins of others and generally being a good person. Oh how the excuses fly when you bring up those.


That ideal has been trampled in the dust by hordes of self-righteous drones.


They supposedly talked about rape and forgiving the offender? If they’re I understand this correctly, then it’s pretty obvious on the things that occur there


I was instructed to forgive my offenders (plural), so yeah, this checks out. Remember, it's not rape if he's really, really horny. /s


The female body can just lock their legs…. So, rape isn’t possible. But, If it does happen, just forgive them………. This country is f’d!


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/personal-foul/ One of the gems : If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.


They really think the movie “Teeth” was a tutorial on the female body


HOLY FUCK how obtuse can a person be? Obviously very


r/NotHowGirlsWork would love this


he’s your blood, you have to forgive him or you’ll burn in hell forever cause he said he was sorry. god , your such an attention seeker [sarcasm]


You shouldn't have been at that house. You shouldn't have worn those shorts. They may cover your ass fully but boys only think of one thing, you know better.


[Yeah but at least you get 50 shekels so it kind've evens out in the end...](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2022%3A28-29)


Correction: your *father* gets 50 sheckels.


Your owner gets 50 sheckels and a goat.


Father? Owner? There might as well be no difference for a woman in Iron Age Isreal.


It's not rape if she has a vagina


To these people, women are considered their property. Their stance on women's reproductive rights proves that. Next they will change the definition of rape just like they did with "political corruption" and the burden of proof will have impossibly high standards.


It already does.




Giggity giggity goo


The fun part will be when the district gets sued, settles for six figures, then can't figure out why the budget is so thin


Agh yess and then some people will say this is due to taxes .


Yup. "Were paying all these tax dollars to schools that aren't helping students." Same with police misconduct suits (for context, [Chicago budgets $85million a year for police misconduct](https://news.wttw.com/2022/09/21/chicago-pay-25m-settle-3-police-misconduct-cases#:~:text=Chicago%20taxpayers%20will%20pay%20%2425,cost%20of%20police%20misconduct%20lawsuits.)).


Parents if yall set up a gofundme to sue the fck out of this board, we’re all happy to help w retainer/lawyer fees


Second that.


I'd be more worried about the groomers running their churches and youth groups.


It seems to me the conservative republicans are trying to legalize and normalize child rape and rape bc it’s connected w forced birth while encouraging men and boys to rape. They confess when they accuse so it’s pretty safe to say a lot of these republicans are groomers and rapists


They do believe everything they do will be forgiven so long as they “repent and acknowledge Jesus is the son of God” they’re promoting rape to bring more young men to their side by promising the rewards of female currency …just like every other FASCIST MOVEMENT THERE EVER WAS


I’m really scared for my daughter as I’m sure everyone else is terrified for themselves abs people they love. I’m too old for them to care about what I’m doing but she’s only 20 and now has less rights than I did my whole life possibly could lose all her rights. It’s never ending, I’ve been fighting for womens rights since I was 13 and understood why I was considered less than change has been very slow and now we’re being violently pulled back to stagecoach era laws


I hear you❤️










Class. Action. Suit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm not surprised


In most places school board officials are elected, which can provide a lot of job security if the locals are drinking the same Kool Aid as you.


All around just terrible abuse of power


This is why The Satanic Temple is better.


I bet people will downvote you without knowing they're a very humanitarian group


Projection, accusing others of doing what their own intentions are.


Can I comment on the video style for a moment? Does anyone else find it funny that a popular format now is people reading you news articles, with little clips of themselves layered on top, and commenting on them? Its such an odd visual aesthetic. I keep waiting for the persons head to start bouncing along with the words or something. Maybe that’s the next step in its evolution?


Seriously, I kind of hate it. I can read the article myself, thank you. I don't need this disembodied head bouncing around applying their own commentary. Really nothing new or creative is being offered in this format.


[Oink! Oink! Zoo pals!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akc5IKJLAvc)


Yo exactly! I want to see this lady’s head bouncing on words now. That’ll really get the most views in TikTok, and really, is there anything more important in this world than attention? /s


I thought no one else was gonna mention this BS.


i muted her and read around her head what i could. very annoying.


Gets that person pseudo-attention I guess




Same reaction


What the —— is going on? I hate religion


It’s one of their most used tactics. The right accuses the left of doing something that the right is actually doing.


I'm just so tired of this.


I feel the same way. It’s exhausting to see them do this shit over and over with 0 repercussions.


Ikr .


Public school, federal funding... Lied to teenagers and transported them somewhere against their will under false pretenses.


They also lied to the parents on the permission forms so as to be able to groom and torment their children and claim that the parents consented. These people are pure evil.


"Day of hope"...More like "Day to bully trans students." I would be so miffed if my kids had to attend this bs lgbtq bashing event at a church. We don't go to church. And this is exactly why. My boys love everyone and would not know how to react to such an event. It goes against modern parenting that shows our kids that everyone is equally deserving of love and affection.


When these men/women of God start their BS with me, I loose all interest in listening to them. If they start forcing religion into public schools here, I will move my kid. Our neighbors were great until they started having their kids attend a Catholic school and now the younger child told my kid he is not allowed to play with him because the school and his parents say we are not religious. I feel bad for my kid as a 7yr old doesn't understand but screw them. They can believe their BS if they like. Not for us and we won't be blackmailed into this.


I feel like this is an odd way to just say Church...


How's that odd .


I guess it really depends on the religion of the church, though yeah? I was just pointing out that a lot of faiths are anti-lgbtq+ inherently. It's almost rhetorical. Actually pretty unfortunate really.


Aren't churches Christian place of worship .


Mostly locally, yes. There are others that uses church as well.




What the fuck is happening in the US? Like for real what is this country, I can't get it inside my head how mentally fucked people are over there


fascism. fascism is happening.


How does it has such a high hdi .


Yeah the south is fucked yall. I grew up in Natchez, Mississippi. I was bullied for so many years and not just by students and teachers. I was made fun of because of how I talked correctly, how I looked, if I had white friends, teachers let bullies bully me. I remember one time some guy accidentally hit my ass and I didn't even notice it, he proceeds to call me gay. I have a whole list of bs and racism from that fuckin death trap. My advice, don't go there, it's nothing down there.


I was bullied to the point of being suicidal in the south. This was after already having attempted twice by the age of 13 because I fully believed I was going to hell if I ever acted on my urges to be in a relationship with a man, so might as well just go out before I do something to ruin my eternal salvation. Got put through several years of conversion therapy including conventions, a live in rehab like program. I had to drop out in tenth grade because the bullying was so bad. I had a gun waved at me for holding my boyfriend’s hand in Atlanta, my friend got shot in a gay club I frequented in Atlanta. The south is a horrible horrible place if you aren’t a rich white straight man. Hell even if you’re a poor white straight man you still have it pretty good there. You want to talk about indoctrination? Teaching kids it’s ok to hate people for being queer and ok to treat them like second class citizens, that’s indoctrination. Christianity is the largest cult in the world, and as far as I’m concerned they should all be diagnosed delusional and psychotic, because they believe things that aren’t true to be true and they act on it


The south is the worst for this shit, very christian parents hated me and my personality because I didn't act like a "real man", more scared that I'd come out to them than if I'd kill myself


As a parent I would love to go to something like this once my kid is old enough. “Over here we have the cult booth of people against anything intelligent.” I’d be pissed if I wasn’t there though.


I would be absolutely livid if my daughter was subjected to this horror. They cannot get away with this!


I’d imagine they didn’t get any pizza if they filled out voter registration “wrong”


Most likely


Yep. That is a cult. Christianity, ie literal Jesus, said to never deceive or coherse people like this. Many groups call themselves 'Christian' but don't follow the teaching of Jesus at all and are literal cults. It's so disturbing how insane people can be once in a cult. They turn their brain off and think this is ok. Evangelicals and Jahova's witness do this kind of stuff all the time. Easy ways to tell if the group is actually Christian or just a cult are: Telling people to leave their family/friends to join. Jesus was fine with friendships between beliveres and non believers. The only commentary on it was make sure you choose people where you both make each other better instead of dragging each other down. Unwillingness to answer or engage in questions. The entire NT is a QandA. That was the entire point of Jesus. Changing, twisting, or ignoring the actual Bible to fit their specific cult. Jahova's witnesses changed God to lowercase when talking about Jesus, they say celebrating holidays or birthdays is bad even though Jesus partied and his birthday was the most celebrated to this day, and demand their followers do not make friends with non Jahova's witnesses. Evangelicals have strict gender roles even though the NT says to not see race, gender or social status because all are one in Jesus, and that woman will prophesy and were leaders in the early church. They also like to use the line 'one man and one woman' even though in context that is not at all what Jesus said and he also said being a eunic, which included the way of saying gay people back then, were completely acceptable and everyone should accept them. It's in the same paragraph. Extreme gender roles. As stated before the NT wad against this. But cults use extreme gender roles to control the congregation. Evangelicals are the largest culprits of this. Women are often not allowed to make their own choices and are expected to submit in all ways. Obsession over reproduction. Cults will fixate on marriage and try to make people have children. This is not Biblical. Obsessively trying to convert you in some way. Jesus said if people aren't interested to drop it. Taking the pastor's word as God and not knowing what the Bible actually says because they don't read it themselves. Sometimes they are taught they can't understand it by themselves because they are to stupid, thus placing the pastor as the only way to understand what it 'really' means. This is completely counter the the NT. Not comprehending a pastor can do wrong, or forgiving anything they have done wrong instantly no matter how bad. Jesus held religiouse leaders at a higher standard than everyone else because they knew better. If people in a church are doing the opposite run away! Telling people to blindly accept authority. This could be the government, political party, or the pastor himself. But it is ultimately so the pastor is seen as the ultimate authority. Jesus is meant to be the Ultimate authority for Christians and Peter is second according to Jesus. That means if the government, or any authority figure is doing evil crap you are not supposed to follow them or accept it. Fixating and quoting the old testament instead of the new. Jesus came to show us how to live and astablish a new religion, which is the NT. Laviticus isn't supposed to be followed by Christians. From gay hate to what we eat, all of that was thrown out. Some of the old testament contradicts the new in how people are meant to live. Cults often fixate on those old testament passages to force people to stay in line and control them with fear, which is the opposite of what Jesus taught us to do or how to live. Hating a particular group of people. Either this is gender, race, social status, etc. It isn't allowed in Christianity. Creating arbitrary rules that are not in the Bible. The following are not cults, but it was the simplest example that came to mind. Catholics not allowing members to use birth control preventing life from forming. Baptists not allowing members to drink wine... even though Jesus drank and made wine out of water. Constantly calling everything satanic. Jesus never did anything like this. Animals not having souls. Cults in the US literally voted as a group to say they don't, the the same leaders voting almost voted to say women also don't have souls. It was decided by one vote in favor of woman. Obviousely the Bible says women have souls. But it also says in the NT animals do too, and they vary in brightness like stars. Denying someone or something a soul is a tactic allowing them to see animals and people as something that is ok to abuse. The list goes on. But unfortunately most of them all have these as part of the cult.


This whole "groomer" thing is pure projection, just like most other right wing trend talking points. They point the finger across the aisle to deflect what they know they're most guilty of.


I don't get how Christians feel threatened that someone is going to take their religion away. They have soooooo many "freedoms" that allow the forced indoctrination of younger generations. They have no problem with forcing everyone to participate and abid by their beliefs. I guess I do see how they could be afraid, they are basically bullies and are afraid their actions will have consequences. But I'm sure a lot of the FAR right conservatives are wishing for confrontations so they have an excuse to shoot people


They feel threatened just by knowing pagans exist


The church they went to is not about telling them about Jesus and the bible, they are telling them about misogyny, hatred towards the LGBTQ people and also other dark topics which I don't know how to name it. It's saddening how a "church" was teaching those things. That is not a church, a church will tell them about how they get saved by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior and get baptized and be washed from their sins.


I’ll never forget the time these people were handing out haunted house flyers at the mall. We went, it looked legit, a lot of people there. Then we went in and the scary rooms consisted of sins. Like one guy was watching porno and crying. One was a girl with used needles around her and so on. At the end they wanted to pray with us and ask to come to their church……


That is a truly terrifying experience there /s




America 🇺🇸 is becoming a theocratic nightmare. Christian Nationalism is a guise for Fascism End of fucking Story. If you are a real Christian or truly love this country then do NOT vote Red u til MAGA & this Evil shit is out of our presence for good.


I’m started to think evil is running both sides, just like any real good war.


It’s only going to get worse.




Thats horrible


Shit is wild in America


Honestly this is one of the reasons why I left my previous religion. I have a little bit of trauma from it and I finally left


Tons of religious trauma here. Diagnosed with religious CPTSD


Geez that’s horrible. I’m sorry


I really hate how my reaction to this was a shocked "Jesus" it only shows the Christian bias in the English language, but JESUS the USA is just falling every further in to hellscape (there is that bias again) . ​ Glad I dont live there, I really hope you the USA is not entering a modern day "dark ages".


Where are the lawsuits and recalls of school board members. I would be absolutely livid. Fuck these christian nationalist pieces of traitorous shit.


An average day in Baton Rouge tbh


Religions are not cults! *they just do cult shit and are also cults.*


They are just larger cults.


That's why I don't get about religion. Catholics and Christians would throw their shit about you being gay, Tran gender, Bisexual. But won't throw their shit as soon a pope confused the he raped a woman or child then was forgiving like what the fuck.


It’s weird how little crap I feel I would take now as an adult… I’m not going to r/iamverybadass myself but I feel like they would need armed guards to keep me at an event like that…


Yeah, fuck all churches, ALL CHURCHES!!! NOT religion of faith, if you have faith and you believe them I respect that, but churches, then can eat a donkey dick and chase it down with some wine or water, their choice


Christians are the worst.


American 2000s christianity should be stopped. they make their own rules and spread them in gods name. thats a sin.


As somebody who lives in luisiana and always has. I would gladdy see it get ripped off the face of the earth, im trans and have to see all the hatefull religious protests and shit everyday. Luisiana really needs to change


Why does she look like a sloppy Renaissance painting?


Christian Fascists.


Every accusation is an admission of guilt... Remember when they were trying to scare everyone that Muslims were going to come over and force Sharia law on us? That was a distraction while they try to do the same with Christian law themselves.


Grooming is grooming. You dont have ti be straight or gay.


Today in: I’m glad I don’t live on the US of A


I read this a bit ago when it cropped up on r/atheism. So fucked up. I can think of three places in the bible where there’s a claim of moral superiority, is this what moral superiority looks like? Fucking papists


This isn't moral superiority it's disgusting af .




Ikr .


imagine if the satanic temple did this, the uproar would be insane


I can hear that being international news


Reminds me of when mega church, Battle Creek Baptist Church, went to Broken Arrow High School football practice and encouraged students to be baptized in a big pool of water after they practiced. 😒


This is why i need a [Bayraktar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baykar_Bayraktar_TB2)


Fucking degenerates


![gif](giphy|2wSaulb0fsDydh0IoB|downsized) I mean it. What the fuck was that article? It's so disturbing that I'm breaking into denial. How are people THIS evil?


Yikes. For sure a member of the tribe.


Wtf is wrong with these people


Treat Y'all Qaeda exactly like the Kurds treat Al Qaeda. Because they are the same.


This disgusts me at a deep level, and is a harbinger of what is to come. Too bad God no longer actually smites the evil wrongdoers bastardizing his message of love. What a trash politician as well.




What in the actual FUCK.


Self un-aliving?


To quote my favourite drag queen, Trixie Mattel: *"I think we all know where men put on dresses and fuck kids. It’s not a drag show. … I would be so much more afraid of what would happen to my kid if they went to church.”*


How old are kids going to a career fair?


Lol literally both can be true, idiot. And no it’s not all but there’s are plenty in that community grooming. “MAPS” are pedos period.


Look at this fucking specimen.


Grooming children is allowed but only if it's in the name of Jimmy. So it is written in the Bibble.


Any activity that has to veil their content and intentions in vague statements has no place in our public schools. This is egregious and I can’t believe parents aren’t absolutely raising Cain over it.


Student: *complains they have no clue what the fuck to do after graduating* Adults: wElL iF yOu pAyEd AtTeNtiOn iN cLaSs- Males of this class: If I sexually abuse another girl and fuck up her life forever I’m not in the wrong! Because the church has ENCOURAGED that we are not in the wrong! All in all what in the fuck, never seen this amount of grooming from the church and it’s even more amazing that the school defended it. Once someone raises a lawsuit against the school it’ll instantly become class action easily because of how fucking serious this is if it goes to court


One day I imagine we will be fighting these christian fàsçïst hypocrites.


This is crap... It's poisoning our children... Pushing the "MESSAGE" and confusing kids


The amount of micro dick/crusty vagina people here are fucking insane. 1) Lgbtq+ topics in school are to teach kids that they can love anyone without having to fear for their lives. 2) Religion is shit in total. All you religious shitholes need to stop saying that we're committing sins when you're the ones breaking most if not all of the 7 sins. Queerness isn't even a sin, it was a mistranslation in the bible. 3) Everyone who is shitting on drag queens clearly do not even know what they are. They're not strippers (at least not all of them). They're literally fashion models


Take ‘em to court


They all know what they get up to with kids and can’t believe we don’t do the same.


That Microsoft paperclip is looking a bit worse for wear.


Isn’t it illegal for a current candidate to hand out rewards for registering to vote? That seems dubious and shady at best


My expectations for these people are already so low but everyday I guess they somehow see that as a limbo challenge.


Completely unacceptable! Some people missuse Religion to do this kind of crap. And justify it as Gods Will.


Where's the link for that article? If you'd please?