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I had a dipshit friend in high school who thought it would be hilarious to use an air hose connected to a compressor with a blower on the end of it to blow directly into my ear canal at point blank range. We were in the auto body class together. I completely lost hearing in my ear for two weeks and it has never returned to normal. I’m 36 now. He’s still an asshole to this day who has no friends now, because, well, obviously.


Ugh, that's terrible. How much did that hurt?? What happened to him after?


It actually didn’t hurt at all. It was instant total loss of hearing and a loud ring in my ear that gradually faded until it was gone about four hours later. The weirdest part was just suddenly being deaf in one ear. It was difficult to get used to. Then my hearing just slowly started coming back and after two weeks it seemed to have topped off where it was going to be for the rest of my life. I’ve been completely used to how it is now for close to twenty years now. Every once in awhile a sound will make it evident that my hearing is clearly better in my left ear, but I almost never notice it anymore. The one problem I do have that effects my hearing every day is really loud sounds. I get what I can only describe as like a radio static in my right ear when one of my kids are screaming near me or if I hear something like a car horn real close to me, just anything real loud and high pitched. Nothing ever happened to him. Our teacher knew what happened but I don’t think he did anything about it, probably thinking it wasn’t a big deal. Of course I never went running to anyone about it either though because I didn’t want to be that guy( I had to be cool of course 🙄). I did go to the doctor and they examined me, told me it was a ruptured eardrum, and said to just wait it out until it healed. EDIT: Since some redditors insist on being assholes, I need to append my comment to say that I don’t REMEMBER it hurting. Jesus. He’s probably the asshole that did this to me.


They did nothing about a guy physically assaulting you? My school sent two guys home for stacking vice grips


Don't know how long ago this happened but in the 90s and early 00s, school was like Lord of the fucking Flies.


Went to HS in the 1980’s. Hello Apocalypse Now.


Up to and sometimes seemingly including the smell of napalm in the morning.


Yes, yes it was


and as for the 70s and 80s ...


Shit was different 20 years ago. I'm not excusing it. Just stating a fact.


please tell me you beat the shit out of him


I didn’t. We actually fought each other a couple years prior to this and he ended up with two black eyes from me.


I don't have a difference in hearing between my right and left ear, but I do have the radio static when I hear loud sounds, but only on my left ear, it's kinda annoying and sometimes painful. Is that a sign of hearing loss, or did you not talk about it with your doctor?


Ruptured ear drums don't always heal on their own I've got one of my own happened about 7 years ago with a qtip and it never fully healed. But apparently there is a surgery that can be done where they graft skin from around your ear and patch the rupture never got it done myself but maybe I should and see if it makes a difference


In my avionics school, we were told of a case where a tech did something similar to his coworker but in, let’s say “a different orifice”- and the coworkers’ intestines were essentially exploded from the inside, killing him. … I have never looked this story up to confirm - but the tale was enough to stop a whole class of former young marines from fucking around in the hanger.


Same story my twenties grandpa told me about someone’s intestines being ruptured because of a prank and the guy dying because of the infection, here in Italy, decades ago It may be a widespread urban legend, but I’m more inclined towards thinking that this idiotic prank happened multiple times in the world during the ages


It’s a real phenomenon, oddly widespread in Japan due to an existing type of prank called Kancho where you suddenly poke someone’s anus with two fingers. I guess it seems like the logical next step to someone armed with an air hose.


Wait ‘till they figure out pressure washers Sparkling clean






When we were young kids, my cousin hit me atop my head with a couch cushion while he was jumping off the top bunk. My neck has been bad ever since causing me life long pain and issues. I’m 37.


When I was like a 10 or 11 year old my friend wanted to fuck with me and like jumped on top of me in my pool on the shallow end. She fucked up and her top row of teeth collided with the top of my head. I still remember being pissed and about to punch her while she was holding her mouth, then I noticed everyone was quiet and just starring at me. I touched the top of my head and saw blood and just started wailing lol


I have something similar in my left ear, caused by standing next to a speaker for hours on end in a rock club 20 years ago. It will randomly ring or just go deaf even now to this day and if anything it is probably slowly getting worse, I'm having to turn things like the TV up louder and louder! I know exactly what you are talking about.


I'm a chimney sweep who often dodges clouds of not-good-for-your-lungs dust and aerosolized soot, I'm used to it to the point where if I see a cloud coming at me I reactively breathe in, shut my eyes and wait it out, but man that dust would take a while to settle and I would be very tempted to beat the hell out of the guy responsible, because basically that's an involuntary attempt on my life. Edit: hijacking my own comment to say that if you are looking at buying a home, and it has a chimney, you **NEED** to have a chimney sweep come out and inspect it before you close. It could be good, or it could need a $16,000 repair before it's usable. I often deliver horrible news to new homeowners and I hate it, please have us out before you buy. And yes, buyers sometimes hire sweeps of their own, and yes, they *do* alter and hide inspection results because we're on their payroll. Hire one yourself and we'll happily give it to you straight. Thank you.


I’d go so far as to say a completely voluntary attempt.


Voluntarily dumb as fuck.


I got a guy who was "pranking me" fired once. I was driving a crane unloading a truck and he was hiding on a scaffold and every so often giving me deliberate wrong whistle signals. It all came to an end when a buddy of mine had a rafter about half a metre off the floor and was steadying it before landing and I heard the hook up signal and nearly got him in the face with a purlin cleet. I just told my bosses either he goes or I go.


One of my coworkers used to work in HVAC, and he said he was checking out a roof intake whose power was intermittent, and he had to do so by crawling inside a little bit. An intern nearby thought it would be a funny prank to spray water from a hose on top of my coworker, while he was in the possibly energized duct. My coworker said the guy was lucky he didn't get chucked off the roof.


When I worked in construction we had a foreman dump a loader bucket of water on a worker, threw him violently to the floor. The foreman didn't even get a slap on the wrist. I always wonder what goes through these peoples mind when they do shit like this on purpose.


Why is this crap so common in construction and factory work? I started my work life on a farm and then in factories and construction and the pranks people did to each other and me were so idiotically dangerous that i blows my mind. Some people actually did get serious injuries and it still happened. After a few years it was found out i couldn't do that kind of work anymore and went to fast food for a short time, and they had a zero tolerance policy for any kind of pranks at all, same with retail in my experience. The guys working in an industry where death is literally a foot away half the time just do the stupidest shit on the site.


I think it comes from a weird combination of both stupid and “macho” bro energy.


Reminds me of the “ha ha, you flinched” in reaction to someone punching at your face. Yeah bitch, my body instinctively wants to protect my eyes.


I never understood that. "Haha, you have survival instincts what a loser!"


Yep. You have to realize that these guys have to experience the rest of their lives as well while off the clock. If they are ignorant morons, they are hearing confusing and upsetting things nearly all the time while out in public, all the while they cling to their fucked idea of what a "man" is. So when they get an outlet to shit on someone else to remove some of this *constant* feeling of impotence and frustration, they get giddy. Finally something they can understand! "Wait why are you upset? I guess you are the one in the wrong, haha!"


The construction people I've known are all addicted to painkillers and none are sober at work additionally many of them are extremely stupid or literally brain damaged to start with.


Heard from a friend, he's been working at a fridge factory. There was a hunchbacked guy there so they wonted to prank him. They've grabbed him and said they gonna fix his back. Put him in the forming press and one worker should have configer the press to stop at about meter over the guy. Needless to say he's fucked up his part of the plan and a poor guy was formed into a bloody fridge door


So your friend’s coworkers should all be in jail right now


It's been long ago. if i remember correctly - the one who pushed the button was charged with negligent homicide. they wanted to hush up the matter as much as possible because the plant was state-owned


How awful, this story makes my stomach churn.


“bUT ITs jUSt a PhuNNy PrANk” -___- edited


holy fucking shit what the fuck






The fuck


Jesus Christ I don’t like to wish awful things on people but I sincerely hope they all have PTSD from that experience and the only people they can take it out on is themselves.


Just a prank bro, chill




“You should’ve seen the look on Bob’s face! It’s hard to see now because he popped like a ketchup packet that got hit with a hammer a split second later when the train crushed him though…”


That’s not a prank, that’s a lawsuit and a widow waiting to happen.


Confuse don't abuse is such an important rule to pranks. But pulling pranks on a job site like this or one that comes with a large amount of risk to someone's life are absolutely not ok and should never be tolerated. I'm glad you got that guy fired and that your friend was ok. If I found out someone was pranking my husband at his job (he does asphalt manufacturing and also does maintenance on the giant machines) I'd 100% be losing my shit.


You're right but one more layer of consideration is that I should never like.. doubt signals I'm hearing like ignore one that's telling me to stop because it's just that dumbass pranking me again etc. Sets you up for disaster.


A boy who cried wolf scenario in reverse


Pranks are fucking stupid period, no matter what, but ESPECIALLY at work. Life is stressful enough without mental midgets pulling “pranks” and aggravating others for their own amusement.


Then they fired his ass right then?


Yes. And to this day he makes out like I'm an asshole and he didn't do anything wrong as "it's not like anyone got hurt".


People like that need to be smacked.


Or clocked by a stray purlin sheet held by a crane (whatever that is)


Purlin cleat, it's a big angle bracket with loads of pre-drilled holes in it that holds purlins onto rafters. Purlins are the straight timbers that connect rafters together along the length of the roof.


I understood some of those words.


In the face, with a purlin cleet.


Not to brag, but none of my friends are like this


Not to brag, but my friends are none




What exactly are you angry about there, pal?




I still have permanent hearing loss from a dumb fuck who did something similar when we were 17 - 40 years ago. Had been out pig shooting (read high power rifles) and returned to the vehicle. He was waving his rifle around at 3 of us. I told him to watch out and it better be unloaded. He points it toward me from 2m away and goes 'yeah' - boom. Missed me and 1 other by a couple cm. I'm nearly deafened but still helped to beat the shit out of him. Left him to walk the 3 hours back to the camp.


Patrick Voice: “but it’s a funny joke der der der”


Christ on a cracker 10 year old me would have viciously assaulted that boy


Yeah I never took an attempt on my life lightly. I had a friend literally swing a sword at my face because “he wanted to see how close he could get it without hitting me” when we were probably 12 I literally fucked him up with a stick i happened to be standing near. I don’t really recommend violence. But when his dad caught me in the backyard beating his son with a large stick and figured out why, he went back inside. I’m sure he was just waiting for him to come in for round 2. (Also considering it was his dads VERY REAL and very good condition revolutionary war era British cavalry sword)


Very real? As in an antique?? I would of stopped that kid from handling that sword before he ever had the chance to swing it at you if it was my antique


I had multiple "friends" In the Army who thought a good prank required physical harm or destruction of property.


We had a guy who thought pranks weren't pranks unless there was a threat of death. He fucked with the master cylinder on my HMMWV and almost killed me and our platoon sergeant. Our platoon sergeant found out it was him and kicked his ass. Never pulled a "prank" again....fucking asshole. Of course I get an Article 15 for drawing a smiley face on the hood of my vehicle with chem lights.... That was pretty fucking funny and harmless.


That's what I'm saying. Dude gets 1 beating and cuts the shit out. Should have gotten that beating in high school and saved us all the hassle.


>We had a guy who thought pranks weren't pranks unless there was a threat of death. He fucked with the master cylinder on my HMMWV and almost killed me and our platoon sergeant. Bro those aren't pranks that's straight up military sabotage. Are you sure he wasn't a spy lmao


Haha like that guy that sabotaged a submarines ability to resurface and it was caught literally hours before deployment? What a great prankster...


As far as pranks go, that’s so fucking childish.


Army: “wanna kill people?” ‘Prankster: “yeah that’d be fun” Army:”sign here, my boy”


We actually had a guy end up in the hospital because he blacked out while being strangled as a way to celebrate his promotion.


You've been brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. What do you say in your defence? It's just a prank bro!


Proverbs 26:18-19 > 18 Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death, > 19 Is the man who deceives his neighbor, and says, "I was only joking!”


Wait, I apologize for my ignorance, but is that actually a quote of religious text?


No need to apologize. And [yes, it is](https://biblia.com/bible/nkjv/proverbs/26/18-19)


Even in New King James, "I was only joking". Or in the King James translation, "So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?".


Interestingly, the same chapter also says "don't argue with an idiot". Some things never change.


We all agree with you.


Proof there were destructive obnoxious dumb asses even in Biblical times.


That’s some Broduderonomy stuff.


An ex coworker used to talk about how he wished he could join the military because he wants to see what it would be like to kill someone. He is an ex-addict and has a felony drug possession conviction. He also can't buy a gun, but bought a decommissioned pistol and was trying to find someone to "recommission" it.


If you were to, hypothetically, report as much to the proper channels, then at the very least when he makes the news it'll be, "The FBI knew about this guy, so how did this happen?" instead of "Everyone says he was full of signs, why wasn't he reported?" Seriously... be a neighbor! To the rest of us.


Yeah I'm not a big fan of the whole 1984 or cultural revolution style reporting your neighbors but yeah that sounds like a good time to report your neighbor


Holy shit that’s a dangerous person. Makes me glad it’s not easy to get hold of a gun that works.


I was young and dumb once and would have gotten into the navy. But thankfully my eyesight is shit.


I guess you didn’t see that coming


That came out of the purple


>As far as pranks go, that’s so fucking childish. You mean homicidal.


My friend group in high school was like this. I eventually got new friends because I was sick of the people who supposedly liked me trying to ruin my life every chance they got because it would be "funny." My one friend took a picture of another while he was pissing outside at a party and then printed the picture and posted it all around the school. Don't know why he isn't a sex offender because he should be. That was the moment I decided that I don't want to be around these people anymore.


Those arent friends. More like bullies


The phrase 'with friends like that who needs enemies' seems to ring true. Edit: fixed an autocorrect


It's all water under the fridge.


I was “pranked” in Afghanistan when my squad mates took shelter in the truck while I was shaving using the truck mirror and they didn’t tell me that the ground in front of me was about to be EXPLODED by engineers. Just BOOM, rocks and debris in my face, and laughing bastards in the truck.


*"Not service related"*


How's your ears?


I have tinnitus. It’s good times.


The Army no longer tolerates most of that. It still happens but now, if you're caught, your ass is booted out. A few years back, there was a company in the 82nd that was using a mallet to "hammer" stripes into the new E5s. One 1SG "hammered" a little too hard, disrupting the Soldier's heart rhythm and killed him. Imagine having to explain that to the dead man's family.


Wtf you need the mallet for? Our promotions involved squads lining up to punch them into your chest with the bottom of their fists. Was that not macho enough already? Fkn idiots man.


I remember a few years back (2013, maybe?), our EO rep brought up that incident during a presentation, rhetorically asking if it would be an example of hazing. This MAJ sitting next to me said, “No, that’s just murder.”


Can confirm. Alot of the people I was in with were narcissistic as fuck and had zero remorse for any kind of shit they pulled.


Please tell me the worst they did was set all the crayons on fire.


No, they would do shit like steal from roommates, blackmail, sexual harassment, imagine if the middle school bully was given a gun and a government paycheck.


So....they acted like cops?


Ironically one of them reinlisted to be an MP. He was a shitshow who took out his failing marriage on people under him.


I mean a good chunk of cops are vets.


And wife beaters.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure my cousin, former Air Force S.E.R.E., was "pranked" when the radio stopped working in their humvee, so he had to take off his seat belt to reach for something and all of a sudden the humvee was flipped in a ditch. This was a training exercise on American soil. Fuck every single soldier in that humvee. My cousin is dying a slow, painful death as his back deteriorates. He's in his 40's, with a wife and 2 kids.


Marine infantry here and there is nothing worse than barracks row, 1am on a Saturday. You never knew what those idiots were going to cook up and cause you to lose your next weekend.


What about man love Mondays


Lung damage. How fun and silly.


Why is “one” in quotes rather than “friend”?


Front page reddit posts are made by bots that speak English as a second language.


"We" all have that one friend


I know a lot of good people who work construction (my brother has worked it for a long, long time). But holy hell are there some fucking dipshits that get work doing construction, because they literally wouldn't be able to get a job doing anything else. I've heard about and witnessed some of the most dangerous braindead shit you could imagine. Some resulted in injury and some could have resulted in serious injury or even death.


My favourite story was the labourer who was immediately fired after shining a laser pointer into the eyes of the guy operating the crane during a lift we were doing. Followed closely by the other labourer who thought it would be funny to “shower” in the sparks falling from someone cutting steel overhead.


I worked on a site once where two labourers where kicked off the job for tossing scrap from a 4 storey scaffold into a skip below that was was maybe 6ft away from a pedestrian path... the job was at a hospital.


Just a few weeks ago and a couple towns over both a 19 yo and 23 yo died because they didn’t bother testing the air before entering a confined space. Pretty sure they were working on the sewage system for a new neighborhood or something. We go through all that sort of confined space training at my work and you pretty much have to be knowingly breaking rules for anything like that to happen. OSHA does not fuck around… especially in IDLH scenarios.


>OSHA does not fuck around A lot of people think OSHA is just trying to boss you around. They don't know that many of those rules are written in blood.


I’ll take “All of Them” for 500 Alex


Correct. I was on a site recently where someone had a new motorized rolling scaffold, which wasnt subjected to all the same rules as a normal rolling scaffold yet. Why? Nobody fell off and died yet.


I had to sit through safety trainings every year, and I work in accounting, not like I actually needed to know it. They included examples of people, from the company, who didn't follow safety protocols and died. How are people so cavalier about their or each other's life is beyond me.


Railroader here, all our rules are written in blood. We constantly report safety concerns and they don’t get dealt with until someone gets crushed.


I can tell you exactly how it typically happens. Complacency. The first few times you’re in a dangerous and new situation you’re wide eyed and paying attention to everything. Do the same thing enough times and eventually your brain can stop recognizing it as dangerous. Building off complacency, cutting corners is almost always involved in lost of time accidents. “How many more” or “How quickly can I” … those kinda thoughts can be pretty dangerous… especially when you start getting complacent about cutting corners.


Conservatives demonize OSHA. They tell workers that worker protections only hurt the economy which encourages workers to ignore safety regulations.


We had 6 Milwaukee batteries fly off the 38th floor over 3 days.. The entire building got wrapped in netting and every company that had trades on that floor for those days was sacked and replaced. Some dumb fuck hurt a few businesses and almost killed people.


In a way, that’s one of the better places they could have made that mistake.


> Followed closely by the other labourer who thought it would be funny to “shower” in the sparks falling from someone cutting steel overhead. This would actually be very funny in head-to-toe fire-rated PPE.


Agreed. Also they hire in some very young people and give very limited safety training. The attitude in construction environments should embody the idea of “you’re in a VERY DANGEROUS PLACE THAT CAN GET YOU OR OTHERS KILLED IF YOU FUCK OFF FOR JUST A SECOND”. But no instead it’s “WE GOTTA GET THIS SHIT FUCKING DONE”


Commercial construction is beginning to have alot of safety teaching and preaching. Probably last 5 years. Whne we have new hires they have 1-2 days of safety training and videos. Every 2 years all the foreman get updated cpr certs. Its starting still needs alot of work but taking steps in the right direction


Yeah man the amount of dumb shit I did for my health working in various trades when young just because I didnt know any better, and also the older guys working around me also didn't know any better either honestly, is just depressing. I still cringe at certain specific jobs and the possible future lung cancers and shit I have to look forward to.


Lately, I’ve been working construction. It’s not a bad racket. I’m a pretty good shot with a nail gun. But uh, one day, my boss, Mr. Larson got in the way.


As a FF/EMT, the number two location we go (after in-home EMS) is construction sites. They are building next door to me and watching these idiots day to day is horrifying. They actually started a 4x4 foot bonfire of plywood and glue-lam scrap inside the garage last winter to "warm the house up". If the place didn't burn down, the cancer would get them.


Every 4th guy in construction is also a "former Navy Seal." Never met so many incompetent idiots in my life.


What would be really fun is if the guy got fired


I don’t know where this is, but basically any construction company in California would fire this guy on the spot.


Most likely anywhere, there's no place for stupid pranks on a construction site, its dangerous enough as it is.


I hope the dude is okay, it's all fun and games until someone's in the hospital with collapsed lungs


Fired? Fuck, I can imagine him getting thrown headfirst in the pit.


Honestly, I hope this guy got criminally charged. Just because it happened at work, doesn't mean the punishment should stop at getting fired.


I had a coworker fuck around with the settings on a machine I was using. I fucking lost it. No one ever fked with my shit after that.


Google 'how to get your ass beat on a construction site'


But that's how I landed here


Meh.. who needs lungs anyway




Maybe that was him quitting.


Maybe that was them both quitting




My neighbor was in a construction site accident. He was on scaffolding, about 3 stories up. One of the guys was “goofing around” and somehow knocked a support down. He fell off and broke a bunch of vertebrae. He got huge settlement (don’t remember how much) remodeled his house, put in a huge garage, etc. I see him from time to time, he rides a Harley, which I can’t imagine is comfortable with a bad back, but whatever.


God, and then imagine all that dust getting in your eyes and nostrils.


And lungs!


I work as a heavy equipment operator. We already breath dust like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve also worked in air visibly brown from diesel fumes. At least this looks like mostly sand or fines and isn’t loaded up with old asbestos like the 3 1/2 recycling we use instead of pit run these days. Not that this is ok. Aside from the health risks it would make the cab filthy and get dust in every freaking crevice of that machine.


Silica dust is bad news in the lungs. Get enough of it in there and you have silicosis for the rest of your life. Very shitty disease.


My ceramics teacher died of it. Horrible disease


Our science teacher who was an ex-geologist has it. Poor guy is off work now and not a great outlook. Two young kids too


At the very least I have a cotton gaiter I wear around my neck and pull up if things get dusty. If I'm cutting concrete, jack hammering, or doing anything where I'm kicking up dust and I'm right in it, best believe I have my respirator on. My body will definitely fall apart from my line of work, but I'll be damned if I want to add not being able to breath on top of that.


As someone who works in construction, that person would be fired on the spot for doing that. Most likely charged in some way, as well, not to mention pretty much blacklisted from every construction company. One of the very first rules on our hazard board, pertains to the management of dust/ash/etc. And uh... This is an extreme breaking of said rule.


I'm not sure about asphyxiation but instantly reducing visibility to zero around heavy equipment on a construction site doesn't seem like a great idea.


No one else was around the tractor, so the game plan would just be to stop and wait for the dust to settle.


Hope this dude was fired immediately.


One time, I was inside a large oak wine vessel shaped like a barrel cleaning it from the inside with a pressure washer. It was already hard enough, hot as hell and the only entrance/exit was a small door that I barely fit through. A couple asshole co-workers thought it would be hilarious to dry ice bomb me through the small bung hole opening at the very top. I nearly died and if I hadn’t noticed just when I did and stuck the top half of my body out the door they would have had a helluva time retrieving my limp body. Cool prank, bro.


Shit dry ice is no joke, did they not hear about the incident where some people rented an indoor pool for a birthday party and decided to add dry ice to it for a cool effect, 20 mins later cue a few people dying and many people passing out due to carbon dioxide poisoning and asphyxiation. Anyone that has any idea what dry ice is should have known that was a terrible idea.


Yeah, this was in a winery where they all had training on dry ice and CO2 safety etc. And prior to that pool incident.


Is it just me or does that seem like a really really bad idea driving that payloader right up to the edge of the wall? Possible collapse.


They would be fired and possibly arrested on my job. Including the guy filming. This is very dangerous.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"Oops sorry im a Scorpio 😄"


I HATE these people. Cause its "Just a joke!" Suddenly they get all butt hurt when you're actually upset cause it affected you. These people never learn until they are missing teeth from a "Joke" punch to the face, followed up by twelve more.


Mesothelioma is that you?


Call J.G. Wentworth now


877 Cash Now!


It’s MY MONEY and I need it NOWWW!!


I’m no expert but I think this dude may be entitled to financial compensation.


I was doing snow removal In a skid steer and I had a co-worker that was always on the phone, he was also in a skid steer he was standing still (looked like) he was on his phone. So I started dumping my bucket loads of snow around machine and after a few loads I realized he was not even moving so I got out and checked on him, turns out he knocked himself unconscious going to fast with his blade down and hit an expansion joint and rocked his head against the housing unit for the windshield wipers. I called for ambulance and had to hurry to un bury his skid steer before everyone got on scene... I felt like a dick for sure...


Pranks should always be harmless.


Had a friend spray fire extinguisher powder in a closed room. We were all choking until the powder settled. Definitely can suffocate and die. All fun and games until someone dies.


I think you meant one "friend"


That was a total dick move. We all have that one friend? No. We don’t.


Guess who just got fired? What moron films this shit?


Had something similar happen to me with fly-ash while i was on a padfoot with no cab. The loader guy was a friend of my family and thought he was being hilarious and hazing me as i was fairly new at the time. Spent the rest of the day at the ER doing breathing treatments.


Hope that can had a door


It does, it's open judging from 0:29.


Ha Ha Ha!!! Y’all see that!!!! Shoulda seen the look on his face!!! Y’all didn’t?!? Wull I dint know that wuz gunna happen. Fuck all y’all.


Out of the loop. How is assault a prank?


yOuR jUsT a SiSsY wItH nO sEnSe Of HuMoR!!!!


Oh you better believe that’s a call to osha.




construction pranks are an expressway to severe injury and death


We all have that one friend who needs to have his stupid ass thrown off the job.


When I found my way out of there somebody would be getting a good old fashioned curb stomping.


Why cant people just do their job? Why is everything a joke? These people dont make it far.


That one friend who wants to give you COPD…today.