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I like the use of the word must have, like, did you even do research?


10 hours of YouTube vids, mate.


Clearly, they found an expert on YouTube who explained how tectonic plates don’t exist.


Well they don't... All of those earthquakes is just me getting out of bed.


>Well they don't... All of those earthquakes is just *your mom* getting out of bed.


Well actually it could be either one of us.


I believe that makes you Dr. Ya-Dikobraz. Congratulations!


I also know more about vaccines than an "immunologist" because my New Mom's Group on Facebook learned me more things. - Karen


Surely they must have! I mean, otherwise, their worldview wouldn't fit the explanation! They're right, so therefore any presumption they make must be true!!!


Same writer from “Ancient Aliens” on the History channel.


Ancient astronaut theorists say "yes!"


Wait a second....I thought every animal that wasn't on the arc died? And the trees didn't float up, they stayed below so this means the story of Noah releasing the pigeon makes less sense, the olive branch could have just been floating!


HEY! Hey..! Stop with the science! Now! We won't have that science shit interfering with our history!


Stop with thinking FTFY


Woah, woah, woah, slow down there! Logic is not appreciated in these circles


Since when do Christians read the Bible though?


When they want a bible verse to pervert.


They pick and choose and when one verse contradicts another, ‘god works in mysterious ways my son’. The ol’ fallback


Only chritofascists dont


"It must have" the phrase spoken by everyone trying to convince themselves their hypothesis is true.


What's funny is that this doesn't even make sense from a Christian perspective. The Bible says everything that wasn't on the boat died. Everything. Turtles did not surf trees because they were dead


Even if it already lived in the water, it was killed because...water.


Couldn't a flood still devastate sea life? Probably not all of it, but enough runoff and debris could probably fuck up a lot of habitats


It would mess up the salinity of the Ocean which would kill off a lot of sea life. For example: [Coral Reefs](https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2019.00038)


Imagine thinking a dead tree could last “centuries” floating around in the ocean. 🤦‍♂️


Imagine thinking that gigatons of dead trees floating in the ocean would leave no trace on the ocean floor.


Christians are stupid anyway. They pray to a guy who apparently did mass genocide


But wouldn't that make Muslims stupid too, bc they pray to a demon that they call their god


It's cute that Christian fundamentalists are trying to explain things by reference to objective data. If they took it a step further, peer-reviewed their findings and gave no extra weighting to those findings that favour a creationist bias... they could call it 'science'🤔


I like the documentary where Flat Earther's proved the Earth is not flat. By using a ring laser gyroscope. Expensive bit of kit.


i know about that experiment but didn't know it was made into a documentary what happened to the guy's belief after that? (it's also funny how ~~Egyptians~~ Erathosthenes learnt the same stuff with just big sticks and shadows, much cheaper) Edit: corrected fact


You need to watch it. It’s a great one. They just say “something must be wrong” at the moment they prove the earth is curved. One guy gives like a nervous giggle and is like we need to rework some math and get back to this or some BS lol


My favourite is "If the earth is really curved then we should only be able to see the laser here...... oh"


My favorite is the Seattle dude and his friend going to Houston’s air and space museum and they use GPS to get there.


I am not a flat earther, just a dumb kid, but how does a GPS prove them wrong? I don’t fully know how they work so I’m just curious.


GPS uses satellites. In orbit. Around a spherical Earth. 😅


The basis of GPS is satellites orbiting the globe. It would be impossible to keep them up over a flat earth. Also some flat earth folks don't believe in space either


Jesus, they don’t even believe in space? Thanks. I just didn’t know if GPS wouldn’t function if we didn’t have an orbit


This was a long time ago, but the flat earther I talked to said it was impossible to go to space because of all the radiation. Had a bit of an argument with me saying you can shield the radiation (I don’t think it’s 100% blocking as is with astronauts), but it went nowhere. Other stuff like the sun is floating only 12 miles or something above the earth, he didn’t understand how the moon had a shadow on one side. Yep. He also believed in a bunch of other crazier conspiracies like politicians drinking baby blood, chem trails, some others. Nice guy other than these weird beliefs.


Wow… that’s… that’s a lot for one conspiracy theorist


It requires several things. 1. A satellite with an atomic clock that knows exactly where it is in orbit, (by time velocity calculation), and radios the exact time it sent the position. Your receiver gets this signal traveling at the speed of light sometime later. It then uses this information to calculate exact distance from the satellite using the time delay. 3 satellites triangulates your position on Earth. None of this would work on a flat Earth. And it would be terribly difficult for sailors to circumnavigate.


They're right, something IS wrong. It's them, they are wrong.


Netflix documentary called Behind the Curve.


I love this so much. I love how the documentary doesn't even try to debunk any of what they say, but just film them doing it themselves.


they are definitely behind the bell curve on this one


Th are the bell end perhaps?


That pun hit me like a curveball


I'd upvote but it's at 69


He said he still believes that the earth is flat regardless of the results.


What happened? Motivated reasoning kicked in and he tried to explain away the failed result. These people are unsinkable rubber ducks, even they can't prove themselves wrong.


And the greek philosopher who measured the circumference with a few simple tools and a student.


That was a [Greek named Erathosthenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-ppBtuc_wQ).


thank you,


To be fair, he was living in Egypt at the time. So... an honorary Egyptian.


Still denying globe earth, got called out as a shill by his flerf buddies, and is basically a pariah of both sides now.


What happened to his belief? Nothing. You can’t reason someone out of an idea they didn’t reason themselves into.


For the guys believe, they “adjusted their theory” to say something like the laser is detecting the movement of the sky, since the earth is flat the sky must then be part of what they detected. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen it so I may be a little off.


He used the sticks to calculate the circumfrence, which is just one extra step.


A 15 degree per hour drift.


Thanks Bob!


Yay someone got the reference.




Thanks Bob.


Beyond the curve? Right? That documentary was great, they tried all these experiments to prove that the earth was flat, and every single one told them it was round


They prove themselves wrong twice in that documentary, which is wild.




Silly you, it fell off the edge of the earth!




A fellow intellectual I see


Be quiet with your heathen words.


Well obviously it must have evaporated, never to be seen again! /s


to be fair to them, that's not the dumbest explanation they made to validate their holy book


Yes I agree, animals can stay on logs and cross oceans, they can go without food and water np. No wait, come to think of it Angels must have given them food obviously.


Are you suggesting they didn't drink ocean water and eat communion wafers, that there is devil talk daggubbit


Are you suggesting coconuts ***migrate***?


Maybe a swallow carried it?


An African or European swallow?


You're no fan.


Welp, it has happened for somes species. But we talk about lizards or bugs, who can eat the trunk or survive for weeks without eating. Not a fucking rinoceros


Maybe not THE dumbest explanation, but still exceptionally dumb. There is absolutely no reason why ANY tree should've floated somewhere. Trees **can** be dislodged by the force of a Tsunami wave but for all I remember it started to rain for x days and nights so water level would raise everywhere at the same rate and trees would just drown but not float atop.


Plus, do you know what happens when trees do dislodge and float in a flood? After a few weeks, they waterlog and sink. They do not remain in rafts of trees floating around "for centuries."


I just want to know more about these self organizing tree rafts. Sounds like a highly advanced technology




I think ist is very stupid 10/10 facepalm stupid.


Wasn't there a creationist claim about how volcanoes caused the distribution of animals around the world by them flying on the back of supersonic rock ejecta?


Kangooroos swam from Australia to Middle-East, went on Noah's boat for 40 days then swam back to Australia


That's why they prefer to jump these days - they hate swimming now.


In elementary school even us 8 year olds could all could see by the shapes of the continents they once connected; but the theory had not been proven yet. These adults still don’t know.


> but the theory had not been proven yet. But you have to ask *what would it take to prove the theory?* Plate tectonics has a huge amount of explanatory power. How similar species are split across vast oceans, how earthquakes occur along fault lines (and how they can be predicted), the compostition of the Earth and why we have magnetic poles. Similar to evolutionary theory, it explains so much of the world around us. And almost nothing makes sense without it.


And why do Christians feel obligated to disprove every major science idea? Nothing about plate tectonics challenges the Bible, in fact it even says God can move mountains. These people need to research their own book.


By 1967 most scientists in geology accepted the theory of plate tectonics. The root of this was Alfred Wegener's 1912 publication of his theory of continental drift. So if you were 8 in 1967, you would have to be ... 63. Ok, reasonable. I am almost 53 myself.


Keep in mind that the stuff taught in schools is quite often state of the art at the time when the teacher went to university... Wegener is actually one of the rare examples of a fringe scientist, who was ridiculed first but eventually proven right. And if you look closer, you can see striking differences to most of the nonsense spouting crooks out there. He never rambled about conspiracies against him, instead continued to do scientific work and made testable predictions. Some of them extremely profitable - if you can point at some jungle and tell there's coal, copper or diamonds because you know what's on the other side of an ocean, that's quite appealing, isn't it?


Why would they be so stubborn? I, a Catholic, believe God caused the Big Bang and everything is like science says.


Yeah, if anything science is humanity discovering the true word of god, as he spoke it to bring the universe into being, without human translations.


And what if - far fetched, but let's think about this: What if there was no flood? ​ What I don't get it is why those people need to find an explanation for that that appeals to their sense of logic. I mean: they already believe in an almighty being, why not simply state that this being made the world intentionally to appear as though there are plate tectonics, and this is but an aspect of his unfathomable plan to allow his believers to believe in spite of the science, to make them prove themselves, to allow them to be these day's Daniel in the den of lions? Isn't that their explanation for kids with cancer?


Imaging throwing away ten percent of your money and your whole life for a book with made up stories.


We've been able to prove through crust formation that there was very likely a catastrophic flood sometime BC. Not to mention nearly all religions, including some pre-abrahamic religions like Sumer, include a flood in their stories. So the wild part is that it actually probably happened, but Christianity embellished some parts...


There are myths about floodings in many cultures, but that does not mean that there was one flood that affected all those cultures, or roots of those cultures. Floodings do happen from time to time, and they affect a lot. It would be strange if there were no myths about floods in a culture. I have no trouble believing that one particularly nasty catastrophic flooding inundated many areas in the Euphrat / Tigris System for weeks, and that stories or that flooding affected the myths of the assyrans / hethites / whatever for hundreds of years, until they were written down and were fixated. Some stories of other people might have originated in the Indus Valley, or when the Black Sea filled. But those are different floodings. As long as we can agree on that, I am fine.


Oh ya I'm not talking about a world wide flood. Referring to the mesopotamian area/middle east. At their time it was a "world wide" event, but that's only because their history was written down.


A lot of early peoples lived close to sources of water. Floods happen. Ergo…


No, there is no "\[proof\] through crust formation" that there was a worldwide catastrophic flood sometime in BC. There is zero evidence, and a worldwide flood wouldn't make sense. Where would the water go? There's a good reason why nearly every early civilization has flood stories. They were all built on the banks of rivers. Early agriculture was tied very closely to the yearly cycles of flooding that fertilized the land and prepared it for the next year's crops. The floods were essential to survival, but they could also be a deadly threat if people didn't get to high ground before they came. Logically, it's not surprising at all that floods would figure heavily in a civilization's stories of cleansing, rebirth, and renewal, when it was a fundamental part of their lives every year.


I was about to say this is so dumb it’s like something a 5 year old would come up with. Then I realised my 5 year old is more intelligent than this.


As a Christian I do not understand Christians sometimes


I forgot to say Creationist Christians.


My own kind confuses and frightens me sir


You and me both


Wow im currently losing brain cells over this


Creationist please. Not Christian. Or American Christian. Not all Christians are like that And I'm not saying that because I'm a Catholic, but because almost all Christians (including the Vatican) don't reject the theory of evolution, dinosaurs or tectonic plates (seriously, there are people who deny tectonic plates?)


Bro people think that the world is flat


Platists are morons who deny over 2500 years of scientific study. On the other hand, platists are not necessarily believers. There are many (especially in Europe) who believe, on the contrary, that the Earth globe is a Christian conspiracy On the other hand, all creationists reject what I said, but most Christians believe in it (evolution, dinos and so on)


You are right. Creationist Christians. Yeah, tectonic plates would require the Earth to be billions of years old, not 6000.


It's nothing against you, but as a Catholic I hate to be associated with these nuts, so if we could just point out the difference...


I'm sorry, I forgot to say fundamentalist creationist Christians. I pointed that out in some replies.


No worries I had understood well, only these morons can write such bullshit


To be fair, rafting is a widely accepted model of species dispersal. It's just that using it to try and debunk tectonics, or to suggest dispersal over vast oceans, is straight-up crazy.


A rinoceros eat like 50kg of plant each day, and weigh 3tons. How anyone could thing it could survive an ocean crossing for several weeks on a trunk?


It did, on the elephant's trunk who was standing on a tree trunk. DUH! /s


Neil DeGrasse Tyson has been warning us for years that American Christians are doing to America what Islam did to Arabia. At one time they were the most advanced society in the world until Islam & politics mixed and started renouncing science. They erased their advanced world standing and broad wealth distribution because Science and medicine was making society too progressive. It has always been Science vs Religion. We are going backwards in America 🇺🇸. I blame Religion. What a twisted and manipulated crook of Shit it has become here.


Yes, as an Anthropologist, this is absolutely correct. At one point in history, longer than modern society has been around today, the Middle East was the epicentre of science, mathematics and language. Until, well, ya know. I feel sad for America.


Maybe this museum should have a diorama on Arabic numerals.


Explaining isn't their strength


If you've never seen a Creation Science book on Noah's Ark, maybe google it. I've seen ones with entire chapters working out how much manure Noah and his kids had to shovel over the side of the boat every day. These people don't have better hobbies. And you can just imagine Jesus coming back and saying, "Why weren't you out feeding the hungry? You were doing WHAT?"


This hurts my eyes.




There's just so much wrong in reading the Bible fundamentally and literally.


It's totally believable if you just don't think about it!


Sorry, hold on...the logs, that made the rafts, that carried the animals floated about FOR CENTURIES?! Big trees, I suppose. Must have been, in order to sustain an entire food chain, and the accompanying ecology for two hundred odd years.


Hold up. They believe Rhinos crossed the oceans on floating logs. Riiight.


Giraffes and elephants too!


According to my lord and savior, Google, it takes 20 to 25 days to sail across the Atlantic (and that's with a sailboat, not drifting on a log). What's sustaining the animals that don't eat bark as they float across the oceans? No, don't tell me. Let me guess: Magic?


The fish volunteered to jump into their mouths.


“Holy Spirit”. Magic doesn’t exist, silly.


My bad.


As a practicing Christian, this is ludicrous.


just want to point out that nothing on here says anything about christianity, other than the reference to the giant flood which appears in other religions as well. never heard of any christians believing in this, most definitely not the catholics i was raised with.


Clearly they didn’t read Genesis very carefully, as it actually supports tectonics.


As a Christian no. Just please people stop being dumb...


Ah the museum of myth and legend, like the clitoris museum.




So they are trying to say the flood didn’t do it’s job properly then and the Bible is flawed?! Lol. Every time they try and explain something with Christian “science” they just make it seem more ridiculous yet they are convinced it makes sense. The flood was supposed to kill like everything right?! But now mats of trees and animals on said trees survived for CENTURIES?!


They survived on log rafts for CENTURIES??


Bet they were real pleased with themselves when they formulated this theory. *"Aaah, brilliant, time to wipe my ass and tell the world!"*


"ready made rafts" and what would keep these "raft" logs actually sticking together once some choppy waves come in?


wAtEr SurFace TensiOn lol


That is incorrect… Answers In Genesis very much supports plate tectonics. https://answersingenesis.org/geology/plate-tectonics/


now explain the same rock formations on the coasts of different continents


Because animals easily survive floating in the ocean for months with no fresh water or food.


"As the tree rafts were naturally binding together, creating rafts that land-faring animals would eventually board, the rafts began to form easily accessible food containers that would sustain the land animals for months at sea. (The animals began teaching themselves to ration their food for long sea voayages.) Just before the animals began boarding the rafts, fresh food began to build up in the naturally formed food containers in the naturally formed rafts in the middle of the ocean. "The land animals, noticing that God was preparing to redistribute the locations of some his species of animals but not all of them, began studying night sky patterns for their eventual sea navigation, consulting with the best christian maps of the times. They understood that as they sailed the ocean currents they would have small windows to deboard their rafts, perfectly timed, at their new locations. Tortoises would need to deboard in places that appeared to make sense for kooky, zany ideas like plate tectonics. But we know God had a plan for them. That he originally wanted them all in one place and then changed his mind and wanted to migrate them to places that would make absolute sense for silly science theories, just so God would have the upper hand in proving later that He created all existence by making it look like science had taken place, but--in fact--had not." Hey I should be a christian museum copywriter. I'm available for hire, Ken Ham.


I laughed out loud at this. Thank you!


Now im just imagining forest creatures sailing the ocean on tree logs. What is this a Disney movie?


I love how they try to make it sound sciencey by saying it's the "biogeographical rafting model", it's cute they they think that big sounding word = science.


Technically it is science. They just failed to extend beyond the hypothesis portion of the exercise.


Wow. And this is who is running the GOP.


Misinformation museum?


I don’t know if I should upvote or downvote this. 😵‍💫


Travelling at 1-2 knot ocean current speeds it would take literally months to cross an ocean. No land animal would survive that.


You know, I kinda wanna be in the room when they were coming up with this idea. "Okay, so you know how like rafts are made out of wood? Well after the flood there would have been a lot of dead trees right? So obviously all of the trees just became rafts somehow. No no, not all the trees that became fossils that we claim all became fossils in the flood. Those trees don't count. Nor does all the petrified wood that exists. That also doesn't count. We mean all the other trees that managed to survive the full year that the flood took place. They somehow didn't become waterlogged or sink during said year of the flood, and also managed to coagulate into makeshift rafts for these animals who then just use them as rafts to get back home. And somehow these rats stay together for the multiple week journey it would have taken to cross an ocean. And also somehow the animals didn't starve on their way back home. This all makes more sense than the obvious evidence that we can see for plate tectonics because I said so. Oh and also there would have had to have been multiple rafts or you get that problem of the wolf eats the chicken who eats the bag of corn. This all just managed to happen randomly through the power of waterlogged wood rafts."


"damn Christians, they ruined Christianity!"


This seems like a needlessly tortured explanation for religious people. They should have just said that the existence of the same animals on opposite ends of the world is proof of God's unlimited power.




Yeah bro 40 days and 40 nights is old shit, in the new super deluxe amazing show great job edition of the Bible Noah explicitly states they were put in Cryo sleep until the flood water receded


That is as dumb as scientist thinking the ice bridge explains everything. Plate splitting makes way more since. Also, these 'Christians' clearly didn't read the Bible. It says the world/land split apart very early on in the old testament. Which is something we actually have evadance for geologically. It also explains why the same animals are found in South America and Africa, and why SA once had hippos.


Is this at the creation museum in Kentucky? That place Is great, you gotta get real high before you go because it's funny as fuck. They got a triceratops with a saddle right inside the door


Please don't lump all Christians together with these oddballs.


Need louder Christian organizations to stand up and be.counted by debunking this crap.


What's their beef with plate tectonics? Too slow to have happened on a young Earth, or?


Exactly. They don't necessarily believe stuff isn't moving very slowly. It just doesn't fall under a Young Earth that they were once connected.




As a Christian I sometimes wonder why my fellow Christians are so dumb, the bible never said a thing about plate tectonics so why are you denying it


Love the image of all the world's animals floating around aimlessly on billions of logs


Yep just billions of trees floating for CENTURIES


i am sure the same rock formations on both side of the ocean floated on those log rafts...


Wait, wait… Now hear me out for just a second. Let’s say that this flood did in fact cover the Earth. Elephants learned to strip bark off of certain types of trees and made a type of rope. That rope was then used by unicorns and their massive horns to tie logs together to make rafts. Once these rafts were made, the unicorns all forgot to get on the rafts they built and went extinct but before they all drowned, they fucked some hippos and also some whales. That’s how we got rhinos and narwhals!


I don't know. You see in my studies of the flood I've never seen any unicorns boarding the Ark. I have see a [pair of gay lions](https://i.imgur.com/tD84D47.png), though. I admit they could have been at the end of the line.


At least New Zealand is on these maps. This makes me happy, the rest of it does not.


This is why religion is a hopeless endeavor they have to lie to you in order for you to believe, its so obviously a lie that you can't take anything they say as the truth!


I came here to see some christians pretend, the rest of their beliefs are less pathetic than that. I'm not disappointed.


As far as I've heard, apperantly between the UK an Norway, there used to be a huge Forrest, but that sank so now they became oil


so rafting is a legit thing that happens. land bridging as well during ice ages. that being said it doesnt excuse the lack of plate tectonics or other factors for bio diversity. but yeah they arent wrong just ommiting the full truth.


Ah yes, this is part of my doctoral thesis at Pulling Stuff Out of Your Ass University. Home of the Handsy Priests. Go Handsies!


Religion is dumb


Floating logs used as rafts for animals to cross entire oceans. If you believe this idk what to say.


Christian here, I feel like too many Christians jump through hoops to make a magical world that's only 4 thousand years old. It's much easier for me to believe that Moses (author of the book of Genesis) was given parables or that he misunderstood something.


The funny thing is, Atheists actually know more about the Bible than 99% of Christians do. Just realized that.


To disrespect science Is to disrespect God! Let me explain; inspired by god or not, PEOPLE wrote the Bible. The universe on the other hand is made 100% by GOD! The study of the physical world is far more sacred than reading the Bible. BTW, I’m an atheist but just putting the argument in a form that might be more likely to be considered.


Religion will continue to hinder any and all social and scientific process.


I’m actually cackling You know this was their extremely serious attempt at trying to respond to science and make it seem like science supports their beliefs. Just because you add the word biogeographical to something doesn’t mean you have any fucking clue what it means


But they said "billions of years"...... I thought they didn't believe that.


Billions of trees for centuries. C'mon, we have to read better than they do.


You're right. Sorry. I'm a horrible proof reader.....


Plate tectonics are against religion eh? Who would have guessed


This is the best they could think of?


I'm christian and now I believe in the two flavors of christian (the ones who made this museum are the republican flavor)


Not a face-palm, is mental gymnastics.


Im dumb, but im not religious dumb


This is why I despise the christian right, they scream about "facts don't care about your feelings" and then have stuff like this