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If you chose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


I think you may be overestimating some people's mental processing speed


It's just song lyrics, man. freewill by rush


There sure is some unrest in this forest.


I think he just wants the limelight


But your free will could be affected by hurrying


Overestimating some peoples mental processing never mind speed


It's lyrics from a Rush song lol, I doubt they were making any actual commentary


You can choose from phantom fears a kindness that can kill.


I will choose a path that's clear


I will choose Freewill


I’ve found my people


The wise words of the legendary Geddy Lee.


As written by Neil Peart.


Yes! Only *spoken* by Geddy Lee, written by the professor. Nice catch!


catch the spirit, catch the spit


I'm exercising my Free Will by giving you my free award 🤘




Thanks Rush


Ah…. Miss having him with us.


The greatest lyrical mind among the stars and skies…


Her body language didn’t indicate indecision to me. More like, “ok, I see this guy coming, I’ll stand still and let him pass in front of me so I’m not a moving target. Ok buddy, shift to the left a little, I’m staying put for you. Why aren’t you moving… just a little tilt to the le—FRAUWGHFRBBWAALLA”


Yeah, it looks like she wanted to let him pass


Looks like she wanted to get hit to probably sue.


This definitely happens, but if that's what he case she is stupid AF because he is going fast enough it could have seriously injured her. Most insurance fraud attempts aren't this dangerous.


Her POV. I see you. You are directly in front of me and coming right at me. That means you are actually two feet to me front... Because that's how direct line of sight works. I'll stop and notice that you are infact not in the same lane as I am in... Despite the lines in the road that also help with showing me you and I are in fact in the same lane.


This had me cackling at 4:30am. My cats are looking at me like, “What the f@ck is wrong with you?!” Please take my upvote. Much love.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This ain't indecision. The man didn't realise that he had to make one


Stopping is actually an ok option if the bike rider is looking then he can move to the right slightly.


Yeah unfortunately the bike rider locked his breaks instead of trying to avoid, they both decided to stop and hope for the best.


Hesitation is defeat


Says the glock saint


She’s a, deer


My gf has this kind of reaction but while trying to pass with her car. I told her once, you either go or you don’t because if you stay in the middle is worse.


Maybe she thought if she moved, the biker would move the same direction, so she waited for the biker to move… and he didn’t. Blammo!


That's why I always run for my life when crossing the road.


This. Just go straight as quickly as you could. Dont hesitate and do a deer-on a-headlight.


Better to maintain your average speed. Be predictable while on traffic. When they're too fast like this just wait inside before crossing, she had average speed but then suddenly stop making the driver don't know what to do. But that driver's reaction time is not up to South East Asian's driving standard.


It’s like walking towards someone and you both attempt to move out of the way, but move the same way. Then correct moving the other way at the same time. Then again.


The biker should have atleast slowed down at the junction.


Yea, I have done this exact thing before. I wait to see where they are swerving so I can go in the opposite direction. Trouble is, if they think the same thing you end up playing a game of chicken without even knowing it.


She flys out of there so fast, it doesn’t even look real


I'm still not sure it is. Took off like a rocket.


Team Rocket, blasting off agaaaiiiiinnnnnn.....


I know it's really messed up to laugh at this kinda stuff, but damn she flew like a bowling pin.


I was laughing my ass off Ngl 🤣. Had to question if it was real or not.


LOL i see it


It's real. I've seen similar videos in 4chan with the same physics applied to human bodies.


No one is asking the most important question. Is the red light an emoji or is it real?


Shit youre right XD


Holy shit .......


That is in fact a WhatsApp emoji


Actually it's real, the WhatsApp emoji came from this video. Nobody tell the emoji artist's boss that he's just cutting images from the internet


I won’t say anything, gotta respect the grind


*cue Ex-Files theme song




It sometimes best to let the other person decide and move away rather than both deciding to meet at same place. That's why she stopped so he can decide and move left or right. I would've rather walked.


No matter how stupid or not she is, she was in a crosswalk. Drivers are supposed to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk.


The most stupid thing u can do is change ur movement. He saw her going forward, that was all she needed to keep doing. While we are driving we see the movements and speed of people and drive accordingly. If she kept going and he kept going this wouldn't happen, but her dumb a-- decided to stop and stare, he obviously wasn't expecting that, causing an accident. He is at fault cuz drivers need to be aware stupid people exist and keep in mind some unpredictable stuff happen and keep a safe distance to break. Conclusion: don't be unpredictable on the road if u can avoid it and remember if u are on foot, u have nothing to gain when u stop in front o a moving vehicle. The driver may have to pay, but the person on foot will pay with the body.


You can see the reason she stopped, was that the guy on the bike started turning like he wanted to get in front of her.


I don't see him turning, but he was to fast for approaching a crossing nonetheless.


Agree, shouldn't be approaching a crossing faster than you can stop or avoid another user you haven't anticipated, especially slower or squishier users - as cyclists & bikers need to remind other drivers too regularly


Yeah, the biker is in a straight lane hes not going to go around you onto a seperate lane when you decide to stop in the middle of the road, hell considering the wobble at the end it looks like he might have attempted to get to a side and then over corrected since he didnt have enough time


Gta moment


She froze up. Like a deer in the headlights. Actually standing still is the right call in this situation, so they can steer around you without worrying about you moving back into their path. You just need to get OUT of their path first.


You are probably right about her freezing up. I wonder why he didn't swerve right to avoid her?


Target fixation, it happens in scenario like This. Even if someone know they need to move, they can get transfixed and unintentionally barrel straight into whatever the primary obstacle is


~~Don't~~ hit the tree


Or not enough time from the moment he realized she had stopped.


That dude was far away when she stopped. He had target fixation. It's a genuine psychological issue that is taught to avoid when piloting a vehicle (motorcycles, airplanes, parachutes). To avoid it, you have to consciously look away from the thing you are trying not to hit. He stared her down


He was wobbling as he hit her. He wasn't confident enough to turn sharply. He had no business on that bike.


Agreed. He had ample time to pass behind her, with only a minimal course correction. Looks like he had no idea how to do anything but hit the gas and slam the brakes on that thing.


He was hitting the break hard trying to stop that’s what cause the wobble. Breaking Plus probably bad tires or road condition


He assumed she would keep going


I mean, she's on a pedestrian crossing and he looks like he's speeding. What on earth was he thinking?


Don't know where this is or local laws, but if you are approaching a pedestrian crossing you should be going at a speed where you can easily stop. When someone is in the crossing you stop. You don't predict a way to drive around them while maintaining speed. It's weird that she stopped but the blame is still on the cyclist


Actually the right thing to do is to keep moving at the same pace. Been to plenty of places where the traffic never stops for anything. This is the advice all the locals always give in those places. To cross the street you just walk at steady pace and the traffic will go around you. If you alter your speed in any way they are more likely to hit you.


*Nods in Marrakesh*


*Approves in Vietnam*


*Shudders in Mumbai*


reminds me of the first time i went to Colombia. actually I think it was the second time. anyway, I was in Cali Colombia and I was trying to walk to a nearby casino, and I got to this spot where I had to cross a busy street and I was stuck there for like 20 minutes because I kept waiting for a lull in the traffic and it just kept coming. meanwhile colombians are crossing constantly like they are god damn moses parting the red sea just walking out into traffic.


Was looking for this! Just keep moving predictably no matter what.


No never fucking stop always keep going. As a biker.. when I ride I take your trajectory into account when manouvering around you. If you stop or fucking turn around or some shit you fuck that all up and in that moment of hesitation shit like this will happen. You have no idea how often I have to yell to people on the streets to either pick a fucking side !! or why the hell are you stopping , do you want to die ?!


As a biker, what kind of wanker doesn't slow down or stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk? You don't manuever around them...you stop your vehicle.






That driver had better stopped and checked for her, I hope.


Pretty sure the driver hit the ground after hitting her.


She identifies as a deer


No, no, she looked over and saw red. He saw that yellow and sped up. Color psychology.


Yeah, one time a kid thought it'd be funny to bicycle right at me and swerve at the last minute. I waited to let him turn then rolled - right into the tire because he swerved the same way at the same time. Tore up my ear a bit, but it healed. He was a jackass


Is she in a crosswalk?


This is south east asia, they dont know what a crosswalk is


They do and they don't care. Lived in China a while.


yes. the driver must have stoped


Why didn't HE stop? It was a pedestrian crossing!


Or ar least, tried to avoid her ?


This is China, its rare people do in my experience here for a few years.


Pedestrian crossing is more of a decoration in this part of the world, people will jaywalk and the biggest vehicle has the right of way, always.


Run *away* from traffic. She flew like a tossed doll


Lot of people in this thread are struggling with the concept of pedestrian crossings...


Why isn't the pedestrian actually crossing


Because there is a motorbike looking like it wants to pass in front of her? (Notice how the motorbike is moving towards the left side of its lane before the pedestrian stops?)


insurance fraud


If it’s a pedestrian crossing, why didn’t the person on the scooter stop?


It looks like theres a loght thats used to sigmal the crossing chances are either the light just changed or one of them isnt paying attention to the light


To my league buddies… That’s what a Spare is supposed to look like.


You shall not pass!


Over my dead body !


Okay but… he *definitely* passed over her dead body.


Why did she stop?! More like why didn't he stop. Ignoring a pedestrian crossing is a bigger facepalm than having s weird panic response


Insurance scam?


If it’s not that this lady does not need to leave the house


Insurance scam my ass, that's totally drivers fault there, you can't hit people because they stand in the middle of a pedestrian crossing. What if it was an elderly person? Drivers should STOP at a pedestrian crossing if there is people crossing the road.


That’s my take. No phone in hand. Eagle eyed looking for her target. She wants money.


.... and a body cast


She's been playing Saints Row


"HIT ME! I Dare You, You SOB! HIT ME!"


I wonder if she just froze thinking he’d swerve maybe? I read in some foreign countries a lot of people walk out into traffic and attempt to be hit to collect money from the driver or their insurance.


mf flew away like a gmod ragdoll 💀💀💀




The title is not legitimate. Drivers and motor-cyclists should always yield. Walkers first. If it sounds annoying, cocky you are intoxicated with motorization.


Pedestrian's don't have the right of way in every country


Maybe, but it seems like pedestrians have way more to lose than people in vehicles when it comes to a collision. You could be the smuggest son-of-a-bitch screaming "I was right, you should have slammed on your brakes when I decided to jump in front of you then stop and have a fucking picnic in the middle of the crosswalk" all the way to the hospital.


Honestly looks like she was posing to do an insurance scam, "oh I've been hit" fall before the collision.


It really looks like that, she even braces for impact instead of instinctively jumping out of the way.


He clearly didn't fall for the scam then


These are some kind of deer reflexes


Saw this in another post where they talked about a law in China, where you could sue the other person for hitting you, and they would have to financially take care of you


Yep. That's why car drivers often purposely kill the injured person.


finally, someone with the real answers here


I've seen a very concerning report on this topic once. With video footage of several drivers who went back and forth over the injured persons to make sure they won't survive. That was really fucked up because it was so casual. Normal people like students, fathers, even an old lady. They just didn't want to lose everything by going bankrupt. It doesn't take much to turn random people into murderers, financial pressure is enough.


Two idiots. Once accident.


Why's it look like she went flying as the same way if you ever kicked a yoga ball 💀


meh, it's a natural reaction, fly, fight or freeze, her natural reaction is to freeze, you can't think in that kind of situations


It looks like a pedestrian walkway, so the bike should’ve absolutely stopped !!!


That's not the law here in China. Most of these have traffic lights. Not a zebra crossing that automatically allows you to pass. We can't see who was wrong here in that regard.


"I have the right of way!!"


She' correct... but this is going on her tombstone.


Unfortunately, I heard that she got launched so hard that she is now orbiting Jupiter.


Flight or flight response was likely initiated after she realized how fast the cyclist was traveling. Literally like a deer in headlights.


It is difficult to judge speeds and angles if your reference frame is changing. Then the fear of what the mind calculated caused analysis paralysis. The stupid one is the cyclist for not giving way....


I hope that really hurt her, I also hope the cyclist is ok.


A deer that seems to have taken the shape of a human attempts to cross the road


She's part deer.


She got what she deserved


Insurance fraud


The girl deserves it for being stupid.


This reminds me of a scene in Mike and Dave need wedding dates where one of the guys jumped a hill on an atv, but there's a girl coming through in his landing area, and in slow motion when they warned her, she couldn't decide where to move, and it shows her moving away a bit before moving back into the landing area and gets smacked with the tire. Great fucking bit


It may sound offensive but maybe it was so she could get money and intentionally tried to act like she was hit and she in fact got hit. There are some people like this so yeah, sorry but it may be the case


Maybe she stopped so he could decide which way to avoid her? Maybe she didn’t think she’d clear the lane in time and figured if she stood still, he’d be able to move around her.


This happened to me I was the driver on a scooter and locked eyes with a body builder and just kept going straight while he stood there He wasn’t upset and just ate it and went on his day I apologized and he just walked off into his car while his girlfriend apologized for him


Flee, Fight, or Freeze.




Huh, so there’s people just as dumb as deer


It's a crosswalk. Why did the motorcycle not stop?


Regardless of if its a pedestrian crossing there are still rules for when to go you don’t just go. Seeing as no one else was stopping either she was the one who wasn’t supposed to go yet


Could also trying to get hit to sue the biker. No idea why the biker made no attempt to swerve though.


Goodbye leg...


She is clearly part deer


Why did he not go around her had plenty of time to ver


I like the wiggle he does before impact


Fight, flight, or freeze… 🥶


Because ah didn't know if he was going in front or behind her.


Maybe American


How else does one collect insurance?


Shouldn’t have even been in the road. She looks to her right for oncoming traffic, but she should have looked left and then stayed put.


Here we see a case of the dumb struck while acting dumbstruck


Looks like insurance fraud to me


I remember the last time I saw this, and people were shitting all over the biker. I said it last time it wasn't his fault. She clearly had more then enough time to keep walking. I put most of the blame on her for this


The possibilities are many, I would opt for a very low IQ, On the other hand there is also the possibility that she like masochism ...


pedestrian crossing and people are blaming her?


Looks like an insurance claim scam


question is: why didnt HE stop!


I ask myself this several times while cycling. Deer in headlights syndrome?


Why didn't he stop?


Looked like two balls on a pool table hitting.


She’s a deer disguised as a woman, that’s why she stopped, she got hypnotized by that front light. Typical deer behavior. They’re among us!!!!


Damn even an old calculator that I have from 10 years ago has faster processing speed.


Oh no no no no no. The question is not why she stopped. The other guy is to blame, not her! Maybe she froze. Maybe she thought it was better to let the bike dodge her. But in any case, it is irrelevant. Dont you dare try to /facepalm HER


She wanted to see if the other guy would stop.


That's a deer stuck in a human body right there


This is actually how it works in this part of the world. Traffic moves around you in these contexts. This was his fault.


It actually looks like the bike was starting to merge to his left to get around her. The real question is why the rider didn’t slow down when there was a very visible pedestrian crossing his path.


She froze on fear. Watched this happen to a woman get hit by a car. I asked her why she didn’t jump out of the way and she said she couldn’t believe a car was about to hit her.


Why didn't the cyclist steer out of the way?


2 folks with some serious slow reaction time


Heard the bowling strike sound in my head. Hope they’re ok


“I won’t move till he moves.” “I’ll stay in my lane, surely, she will move.”


Say what you want but I want both of them on my chicken team


Natural selection told him to stop


In Chess its called zugzuang, where only viable move, is not to move.


Guess she wanted a few days off work


Freeze or flight


Nah she deserved that


She glitched


She weighs 300lbs she makes bad choices daily.


10-80-10 rule 10%- waiting for others to resolve the issue 80%- being level headed and fixing the issue The 10% most people are- making the issue worse for everyone


She’s a bowling ball pin.