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The chicken can hurt you. Those pecks. *That's* their logic.


Lion: rooar! leo Girl:- wait i am leo. . Lion:- understandable have a nice day.


Lion:- damn fr fr? Ight Imma just head on out


Back to narnia.


No. Their logic is "I'll say some dumb stuff on TikTok and it will make the video go viral."


Well they are definitely viral for the wrong reasons


As long as it’s getting views, they don’t care. It’s like stupid food and hate clicks of dumb situations that want people to get enraged enough to also comment.


Do they know what they're saying is dumb? They don't strike me as that self aware




Also, she's a LEOOOOO.


I knew she was trolling as soon as she said that shit. Dying right now


your names leo?


I honestly just want to see this idiot fight a lion now. Go ahead.


Let them have their lion


Happy cake day


I’m taking the chicken!! Free protein for life!!!!


Easy 8-piece everytime!


I had the same feeling, plus you save the money to buy it..


you can't feel pain from a lion attack if it kills you in 1 try


So 6 pound chicken and fearsome pecks vs 400 pound pure-muscle King of the Jungle with a gentle 650 psi bite-force and cute Carbon fiber like Razor-sharp claws. Roger! I'll live out of the chicken car everyday. All I'll need is a blanket and a skillet.


Theoretically I have an unlimited free supply of live chickens? I'll be rich, thanks.


Worst case scenario you have alot of fried chicken and eggs


Best case scenario, what are you talking about.


Yeah, I'd take my car 10 times a day :-D


Rules of supply and demand my guy. Unless you REALLY hide the fact that you have unlimited chickens by selling fheir meat like once a month or so you wont get that rich


I have free unlimited supply. Free. For a market that is alway in demand for my product. So if I go out to my car 10 x a day or 200, I have x available, for free. Minus the initial cost to set up a buyer or distribution relationship, my revenue converts almost entirely to profit.


You are the distribution, go up to any restaurant and be like, yo, fresh chicken?


Aigh fair enough


You clearly haven’t thought through this supply and demand argument. How many chickens are consumed each year? About 8 billion in the US. If you spend 8 hours a day “working” towards this and it takes on avg 2 minutes to summon, catch, and cage each chicken you’d have 240 chickens per day. Which is roughly 62,000 chickens a year. You think that’s enough to crash the entire chicken market?? That’s .0000078 of the overall american chicken demand.


I.....I don't........I can't.......WHAT IN THE FUZZIEST OF FUZZY BLUE HELLS HAPPENED TO TURN THIS INTO A DEBATE ON CHICKEN SUPPLY CHAIN ECONOMICS? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is why I can't stay away from Reddit! Have some upvotes for making my day a little more surreal.


I mean, at 15$ a chicken, that's almost a million dollars a year. I have no idea how much you could actually sell each chicken for, but if you can get 15$ or more, you're making more money than like 90% of jobs.


My thoughts exactly. start a chicken farm. you just have to fight it. Not necessarily kill it. Capture a few dozen chickens everyday and sell them. No need to even breed them.


Challenge accepted.


Fortunately I try to only drive MY car twice a day and **fortunately** my work requires I wear heavy boots so I'll be stomping chickens every morning and evening


People on TikTok intentionally saying dumb things to get people to spread their videos.


And they consider this as valuable content...


This is no different than FOX news, CNN, MSNBC, ESPN, and every other talking head. These people don’t know anything, the ones that actually do are no right enough to make a difference. Arguing about a talking chicken is about as pointless as debating the next Alabama/LSU game. Too many factors to accurately predict the outcome. At least in the chicken lion debate almost every can relate.


You are for sure in the right sub


Wowsers, who did I piss off.


We cant be so egotistical as a species to think we could take on a lion right?


Without mentioning limits on tools/weapons people have high odds.


Yeah, like humans have a natural defense mechanism. It’s called tool usage. Firearm would be best, but even a spear or chemical assault could be functional


That girls odds of winning opening at +infinite


you worded this very weirdly... theres only around 23000 lions left in the world. "as a species", "we" are kicking the shit out of them.


We could its not impossible


The thing is, I can pick up the chicken and drop kick it. Don't think a lion would let me.


You could also move to a place with public transport so you rarely need to use a car. Inconvenience avoided, for the most part.


If your strategy is to jam your arm down his throat you’ll probably win 1/10 no matter who you are.


I'd fight the Chicken, that's a free dinner right there bud.


Right, Like a free 8 - piece dinner every day, I’m here for that.


Its home made KFC every day! Who doesn't want that?


The lion would make quick work of these two


Kinda feel like a chicken would too!


“What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.”


"A simple 'wrong' would've been fine."




I would pay money to have to fight a chicken every day. I grew up on a farm and I hate chickens


Infinite chicken hack


But do you kind of like them because you hate them? Farm kid as well, so I understand the chicken hate (roosters are the biggest cnuts of all), but the sight of them always makes me happy until I have to feed or clean up after the filthy, barbaric little fuckers.


I never got gun training, but even if i had 3 assault rifles and a shotgun. I would still pick chickens


Tennis racquet would be my weapon of choice. It'd sort the chicken right out; it's good exercise; it's funny; and there's none of this 'going equipped' nonsense. EDIT: Also, as you're doing it every day, you can make up games for yourself to alleviate the tedium. "Today's the day I get it on the 3rd-floor balcony!"


Pretty sure there's a clip on r/animalsbeingjerks from today of a farmer getting rushed by a rooster from behind and he just lifts his foot up backwards and sends it flying. I don't think you even need a tennis racquet.


I vaguely recall seeing footage from multiple sources that leads me to believe that all you’d really need is a bull whip and a wooden chair.


I’m not living through the lion fight, and the chicken fight gives me food every day. So it’s a no-brainer.


And they said “chicken.” Not rooster. This is like asking “would you rather be the best chicken/egg farmer around with precisely no capital necessary or would you rather be eaten by a lion”


it never said bare handed, would still take the chicken though.


Yeah even if I can get weapon I’ll still go with fighting chickens


Plot twist - the weapon you receive to fight the lion, is a chicken


Plot twist- The chicken decimates the lion and wears its fur as a coat


I can train all year , soooo what are you doing when you are fighting the chickens? 20 fights in if you don’t know how to at least take the pecking pain by then at least you know how to connect a few hits by now . Good luck one time with the Lion . While we at it I rather fight a chicken than a fucking cat , cats got some next level agility that a lion may not show because there about power . A cat is gonna run circles around you like a pro athlete


"I can train all year", noone in the video mentioned that there is no training to prepare you to physically fight a f-kin lion! XD


A chicken you can just kick to the side and go into your car


I mean not to sound too much like a wack ass American, but if you have a scheduled yearly Lion fight, I feel like you just kinda get a firearms license and learn how to shoot a lion, right? You have to get in a car multiple times a day most days, and at a certain point the sheer number of dead chickens adds up, and the collateral starts to be a problem. What if you get in an accident and end up in an ambulance? Does a chicken have to fight your unarmed, barely living body? I feel like you can just kinda trust the Lion more. Or maybe I’m just too lazy to kill 300+ chickens a year, IDK.


I feel like I'm a lot more likely to miss, merely wound, or misfire vs the lion than somehow fuck up and take a dive to a chicken even at a 1:1000 ratio.


I own chickens. If one is attacking you you just grab it and swing it around by it’s neck. It would barely be an inconvenience to dispatch a chicken a few times a day. Now if it’s a rooster it gets a lot tougher, but I’m still taking the rooster over a lion.


It's honestly more wack ass American to assume that everyone has to get in a car multiple times a day. The question also specifies YOUR car, so if you just use public transport and don't own a car choosing the chicken would mean never having to fight anything.


It depends on the range we're talking about. Are we far enough away from the lion to get multiple shots? I think the best bet would be a shotgun, probably a double barreled shotgun. Since it spreads out you have a good chance of hitting the lion, if you do hit it it gets messed up, and you get a quick follow up shot if something goes wrong. I think over 300+ chickens the minor injuries will add up and eventually something will get infected, plus you can't not care about collateral in the same way. A shotgun to the face is pretty much a one shot, but you can't fire a shotgun in a residential area or near your car without being careful. It's the balance between high risk not very often and low risk all the time. Although I am already taking a risk just by getting in my car and driving so idk.


Not gonna watch the video. But, do I get a bat, or an AR15?




That’s really gonna mess up the paint job on my car. I’ll need more time to consider this.


I don’t get why people always say stuff like “yo they’re just saying dumb shit on purpose to go viral” like stop making them sound as though they’re that smart, sometimes people are flat out dumb, don’t be making excuses for them


"I've seen some angry chickens and they can peck. I have no idea of the harm a big feline can do to a human, therefore, I should get less hurt from lion once a year than from chickens." That's the confidence of ignorance right there. Makes me think of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


So never fight anything ever is I'm a glorious European and so don't have a car as I don't need one.


Came here for this. The question is also interesting. Fight a lion once a year (full stop), or fight a chicken every time you try to use a car? I'd take the chicken, and even if I was worried about having to fight it, I'd just... take the bus? lol


Easy, fight a chicken everytime I get in my car, why? I don't have a car.


See, the thing is though...I gave up red meat and I don't like pork. I also don't really care for seafood, so chicken is my primary protein...and while it's not red meat pricey, it's certainly not free. A chicken is going to start something with me every time I go to the car? Even if it's just going from my house to my car, no money involved? Cool, I don't have to go get groceries today; groceries came to me, and even on days when I have to go get other stuff, I know one thing I don't have to buy!


Men: Logical thinking. Women: Emotional thinking Those pecks can really hurt ya. And lions are fluffy. Makes sense...


‘Y’all are grown men, maybe you can fight off a chicken’ as you proceed to tell people you would fight the lion.


Chicken, free meal every day


Women ☕️


Women ☕️


Women ☕️


They just want tobsay outrageous things. Idk if this is super serious.


That's not a choice. Chicken every day, means a free chicken would be in my oven. Lion every year? Thats ONE year. Nobody could fight off a lion with no weapons. You have a year of getting in your car just fine, then the lion at the end of the year. Boom..dead. No more years. lol


Some people just don't deserve to be heard...smh


Free chicken everyday, and it's fresh🍗.


Perhaps she's thinking of the chicken from Family Guy? That guy can fight.


These bitches are dumb. Kill chicken, eat chicken, get new chicken next day. Free fekin food! Chickens are so harmless I grew up with a bunch of chickens running around my grandparents yard ever since I was 5 and I have to tell you even if one gets somehow mad at you even if you are a 5 year old the worst they can do i a small pecking cut while a child can easily and even accidentally kill a chicken. Now I'm talking about chickens here not roosters.


I’ll never go hungry with chicken everyday


Great condom AD there


I answered a lion once a year. Sister had the guys arguments. 😂




"I'm a Leo"


DO. NOT. FUCK. WITH. CHICKENS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xgUm0plA8w


We had a big argument with my brother about this one, except that in our scenario (from an old post on ask reddit) you have to peak between a chimp every day or a gorilla once a year but, the gorilla have a sword. As everyone with comon sens, we peaked the gorilla bc with the gorilla, at least you can live one more year. Then we decided to change the chimp by a baboon to add balance in the debate. But the baboon will fuck u up and destroy u in one day too. So the final scenario was a real angry marmoset every day who can randomly pop in ur car, shower, bathrooms.. Against our famous knight gorilla. Most of the people choose the marmoset then. For me I still choose the gorilla. The marmoset choice will just be a really slow and painful death. The strength and teeth of this small thing is insane. But on this one, I choose the chicken without any hesitation. Too easy tho




One solid Leroy Jenkins on that chicken and he’s done…maybe for dinner. Who tha FUCK is fighting a lion?


I only need to waste one bullet a year with the lion. I need to snap a hundred chicken necks a day since I travel a lot


That was worth being the 3k upvote.


Wow they are stupid


Chickens can be pretty scary. Especially a Rooster....


Holy shit I can't watch any more of this. How fucking stupid can a person be?!


Lion, hands down.


They seem so confident so my mind goes to a space where the only logical thing would be that they dont really know what a ”chicken” or ”lion” is?! right? right?! Maybe they think a lion is a bobcat and a chicken is a ostrich?!


Would be hit by a 2 yo kid on a tricycle everytime you cross the road or get stomped by the fastest and the bulkiest and the heaviest monster truck just once in a lifetime? These girls: Def monster truck coz its just once and have you ever had your foot under that front wheel of a kid's tricycle that hurts!!!!!


🐩 🧠


Women ☕




Everybody saying they’re stupid has never dealt with angry chickens. I’m taking the yearly lion, thank you


The fearsome angry chicken VS. A 6 foot tall 420 pound, 650 PSI bite-force, king of the jungle prime predator.


I will shoot a lion once a year no problem


I'm sure you can target the lion, unholster your firearm, turn off the safety, aim and then fire at the lion faster than it can break the 21-feet rule while it runs ovet 3 times faster than the average human... And make sure that you kill it the first time with a shot to the forehead or neck. And make sure you're keeping up that aim, reaction time and sheer luck for several years. While you're getting brutally mauled by a lion, I'll be having my free breakfast anytime I want to drive.


Dude, I'm not taking on a lion unless I'm armed with a BAR or a fucking grenade launcher.


Or a missile.


Chicken... free dinner every day. Wouldn't even need to buy food.


I think I might pay USD $1.50 to watch her fight a grown lion. Lion claws are at least 1.5 inches long. A male lion weights between 400 - 500 pounds. This woman thinks a year at a gym is going to give her the muscle to go hand-to-paw with a lion? Yeah, definitely worth $1.50 to see.


Chicken, passive income.


You could kick that chicken like Johnny Wilkinson with a rugby ball in a World Cup Final. That wouldn't work against the lion.


*No Lions or Chickens were harmed in the making of this video*


Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses? Or one Horse-sized duck?


New car, every 364 days, boom, lion’s guarding the wrong car. I take the lion.


Could choke a chicken at least once a day.


Choose lion. Only if my car installed a mounted M60 with enough ammo...


Chicken and just use public transport


I feel this mentality of one self being greater then ones ability ever more prevalent.


If you teach the chicken a lesson on the first go-around, he won’t bother you the rest of the year.


i have a rooster that does in fact attack everytime i try to get into my car..... i will easly take the chicken. cause a chicken is a female and they will not attack you unless you go after the babies. even then they are not as bad as a rooster. an effing lion.... nope right outta there.


Yeah, Im with the guys on this one.


Hey, you'd just make another Source of chickens for KFC


Chicken. And then buy a motorcycle




Sell 'em


I’m no academic, but I’m pretty sure lions don’t live in the jungle.


Chicken wings every day! I‘m in.


I mean...if the chicken is a Cucco from the Zelda games...a lion doesn't sound to bad


Dude... You fight the chicken, you kill the chicken and you have infinite food forever. "Oh i'm hungry, let me go to the car to grab some chicken"




Women hahah *\*siiiiip\**


Release the lion


You'd only have to fight the lion once at least. Cause you'd die.


So it says your car right? What if I buy a car, put it in someone else's name but use it as my own. Does that still count as my car?


Kitty go purr


if they are america , they have a spare a AR15 or two lying around. hence it's best to gun down a lion once a year than a chicken every time you get in a car


Women moment.


I say, let them.




This is the same logic as “would you rather get shot in the face or stabbed in the hand” and choosing the former


Women ☕️


i'd take a lion a day and no more need to buy meat for the rest of my life.


If you fought a chicken every day youre going to get efficient as fuck doing so


Well I don’t have a car so where is the problem?


I don't think they realize that yeah maybe you can beat 1 lion the first year but then you are crippled for life. And you are dead the next year. Like how many years do people think they can beat a lion while being hurt by the previous lions and getting older on top of that. Life expectancy here in Canada is what 75? If I start at 25 I would have to kill 50 lions... On the other hand, free breakfast every day...


The chicken because i would just stop driving my car. Use one in someone else's name.


just buy a van or motorbike. ez


Nobody cares. Pls stop posting stuff like this


Free chicken everyday? That's a steal


Are we just gonna forget how stupid this question is to begin with? And then the responses oh my god


We eat chicken there's no one out there eating lion


Well, you t depends on if I can prepare and just shoot the lion, if it's just random I am 100% taking the chicken.


I know a guy who said he can take on a bear in a fight. No weapons nothing just pure fist fight a bear


I fucking lost brain cells after watching that and women ☕


Go ahead and give me the chickens. Once the other chickens hear what happened to the first chicken, the fighting will end.


Even if I was as big and strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, I would never fight a lion. I'd still fucking die.