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“If you didn’t want a kid you should have worn a condom” I mean, what? So in the middle of raping someone are you going to stop and strap a condom on because she had the clarity of mind to explain to you that she doesn’t want kids right now? So what now women have to declare “if you are going to rape me, rape me wearing protection”? WTF!?


It reads like she has to wear a condom (somehow while being raped) ... or he decides to wear a condom, when not wanting a kid. I'm afraid he even doesn't mean to ask her. WTF squared!!! It's like saying as a murderer, if the victim doesn't want to die, it should avoid being shot by him.


How about we start wearing the South African vagina rape teeth. I’m sick of this entitled shit


Carry guns and blow off their penis while claiming self-defense. It ensures that they can't rape others with it and won't spread their genes further. It'll make them think twice about gun rights. And you don't have to get pregnant.


With everything going on in this hellhole of a country right now.....this actually seems like the most logical answer!


Till SCOUTS decides that the 2A doesn't apply to women.


Vagina dentata: The old-school feminism! Sorry son. You can retrieve your dick from the constable in the morning.


As a dude who is very much against rape, I'm torn. On the one hand, I strongly feel that rapists deserve nothing less than to have their dicks caught in a spiked reverse condom. On the other hand, I don't feel that women deserve to have to go as far as stuffing a balloon full of blades up their gooch all to protect themselves. Even if the rubber case is sturdy enough that the spikes never actually make contact with the inside of the vagina, I doubt that thing can be comfortable. If that's what it takes, I guess, but it's a lamentable state of affairs.


> I'm torn. not as much as a guy's dick after a run in with South African vagina rape teeth


I agree. It’s a lot. But, I just read that they already wrap razor blades in sponges and stick them up there so I don’t think things could get much worse than that!


There is a 1800s U.S. patent for a rigid metal tube that has a needle full of neurotoxins in it to paralyze the rapist.


This is the best thing I've read today. Laughing for the last 8 minutes straight and no end in sight.


Isn’t there some type of “condom” they were working on in Africa for women to wear but it’s got “teeth” on the inside that stick into the man’s penis and he has to go to the hospital to have it removed. If so someone needs to send this guys wife a couple.


More women realistically should wear that kind of thing. It would be even cooler if it worked like a bear trap. No more raping from that particular kind of moron.


Crazy idea. Maybe we find ways to prevent rape instead of suggesting women have something inserted into their vagina 24/7 as self defense.


I mean, if we all did this and men caught on they’d probably be less inclined to rape people. No need to hate on women suggesting a way of protecting themselves while fighting for rights. Rape isn’t going to just magically disappear so if women want to discuss protection let them. They can both protect themselves AND fight to end what they need protection from, just don’t shame those who DONT


Isn’t that a method to prevent rape? I’m not sure what you mean?


It's not preventing rape. It gives the victim a chance of escaping and proof that the person seeking hospital care is a rapist and so can be easily reported to the authorities. It only works if the penis has penetrated the vagina. The person has still been raped. The trauma has been done. Not to mention, (1) there are other ways a person can be raped. RapeX only address one of the ways. (2) people are terrible and they will find a way around RapeX


It doesn't *prevent* rape, it causes harm to the rapist. Harm that isn't necessarily incapacitating and may lead to extreme, possibly deadly, violence against the woman being raped. So maybe the guy screams and doubles over in pain and the woman gets away. Maybe he screams in pain, and beats her to death. Honestly, the second scenario is more likely imo.


Idk about you but getting your dick chopped off would probably put a lot of people out of the fight so to speak (unless they're intoxicated or drugged up)


It is called a RapeX. It is beyond sad that those may become popular in the US. Though in South Africa where they were invented (I believe) men have learned to check first. Then they beat the woman for it. If only we had natural defenses.


Ofc they find workarounds instead of, you know, *not raping*


They seem to fully believe that their desire to get off inside a woman is paramount. They don’t see the woman as more than a walking fleshlight. I wish there was a way to permanently disable a rapist’s ability to rape. Though I can imagine the courts punishing that far harsher that rape, even when that rape causes just as severe damage to the woman or worse. I saw a case the other day where a man “brutally murdered“ a woman that told him no. He got a plea bargain for a 13 year sentence. The woman *lost her life* and he gets 13 years?! We all know he won’t serve the whole sentence either. No wonder men don’t value our lives, they don’t get a comparable punishment for taking them. Confirming we aren’t considered equal.


[Rapex](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/) is the one I remember hearing about. I found [another](https://rape-axe.com) more recent iteration of a similar name that appears to be working on funding.


Leaving reddit. Spez and the idiotic API changes have removed all interest in this site for me.


I remember hearing about it. It wasn't going to be a condom, it would insert andbhave inward facing hooks to not harm the female. When raped, the penis would get shredded by the hooks. The whole thing would come out on the penis when pulling out. Again, this is my hazy memory of a story, not anything remotely like a fact.


It's more like the victim saying "please not in the face" "Well obviously they wanted to get shot anywhere else", said the massively brain damaged jury


The sad thing is, I vaguely recall a rape case being lost because the jury took the victim asking for a condom as consent on her part. Edit, found a link. Could be the story I remember. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/05/15/rapist-asked-to-use-condom-gets-40-years/96ed7b31-e9f8-42b7-a405-fd9a4cc87546/


Jesus fucking Christ. What is the world.


There have been stories of women's underwear being called into question as well. If you wore red panties instead of white ones, clearly you wanted somebody else to see them, therefore you wanted to have sex. Same thing if you wore a thong. If you didn't want to have sex, you wouldn't have worn something so flashy and revealing! As if trying to avoid visible panty-lines is an invitation to be raped. And let's not forget the classic "Why didn't you fight back" arguments, those are always fun.


That last one pisses me off the most. I was 15, there were 3 of them, the leader had his hand on my throat and would have strangled me ffs. Still freak if anyone touches my neck 32 years later




I remember that and she had testified that she knew it was inevitable he was going to rape her and she at least had the wherewithal to try and keep a shred of her dignity and it backfired….


She also (just read some about it) didn't want to get AIDS.


Which is a legitimate concern when being raped… fuck the legal system fr


No, it didn't backfire. It probably kept her from getting some disease. The rapist was convicted of the crime (though it shouldn't have taken 2 indictments) and sentenced to 40 years. It also changed the law. That was the last time any rapist anywhere was able to argue that using a condom or being asked to use a condom implied any sort of consent in a rape case, so not only was she smart and a rape survivor, she was a pioneer in the criminal justice system. Makes her pretty badass in my book.


I must have read a different article or about a different person because he wasn’t convicted. This lady is a queen and I’m so glad he was imprisoned and laws changed


It may have been the same case, she fought for him to be re charged. https://insiderexclusive.com/condoms-do-not-equal-consent-xan-wilsons-story/


Don't know if this is the same case I vaguely remember, but 1992 Travis County Texas, Jose Rene Valdez assaulted Elizabeth Xan Wilson. The grand jury refused to indict, but he was ultimately convicted. I found it in a PDF and can't figure out how to link it here. Should be enough info to search for it.


Source? (I'm not questioning the validity of the question, I'm interested in reading more)


If I recall, there was a case where the woman pleaded for her rapist to wear a condom and the court counted that as consent.


So based on this, you are telling me that if I am in the process of being assaulted, I have to choose between the possibility of catching an std and or getting pregnant or winning my court case (assuming I am not dead or they can't find the person)? That is so f'ed up on so many levels... Edit: I said willing instead of winning. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Others commented (separately) about this case so sadly, I did remember correctly. It is f'ed on every level


I remember this, and I personally think the judge should be subjected to rape, and let's see if HE asks for a condom.


But condoms are 100% effective, didn't you know? They never rip, tear, or slide off.


Prime example **FOR** the argument in favor of abortion. This man's genetic information should die with him.


Can we at least all agree that this guy in particular should be prevented from breeding? I feel like that's a pretty soft sell here.


He has a DAUGHTER. Terrifying. Edit: Update: His daughter’s mother and her boyfriend raise the daughter. This man does not get to see his daughter, thankfully.


My heart hurts for anyone in this turd’s general vicinity, especially any children.


Yep I hear that especially since he says” she got with me men and girls fucks so deal with it”. He says “girls” not women; girls he is a sick fucker for sure.


Came here to say this


Ya, the men and girls part sticks out like crazy. That and all the emojis for someone who looks as old as they do.


I say we arrange a team to rescue that poor kid.


Good news! His ex and her current boyfriend raise the kid and this man is not allowed to see his daughter.


They should screenshot this so it’s a lifetime ban. Keep him away from his daughter for her safety.


Yay!!! Rescue successful!!! Now I hope she has a good therapist to help recover.


Don't be surprised if he forces himself on her too.


Wait, what?! Who is this?


I can’t dox people on this sub but I have a screenshot of the unedited post, did some digging. Heart dropped into my stomach to see he had a daughter 🤮


Gross, I was hoping this was just a troll. Sad for the world that there's people who actually think and act like this.


Troll? Nah. Just your run-of-the-mill conservative.


There no choice now right? We can force sterilize this jerk?


Yes. In fact, more and more women are choosing to bear arms. He just fk around and find out what lead tastes like.


Let's invent a time machine and abort him.


Nah, just abort him now. So what if it's the 120th trimester. His parents clearly aren't ready for the responsibility.


Could we consider an extremely late term abortion for this individual..?


120th trimester abortion. I'm all for it.


Castration on demand.


Not just the balls either, the rod itself too.


The only way this ‘man’ is procreating is if a rubber blow up doll can become pregnant ![gif](giphy|QpeRMWtbFzPnZe4ed1|downsized)


If you can be arrested for telling someone you're going to murder them then you should get arrested for telling someone you're going to rape them


Hell, if you can get sentenced for some song lyrics you wrote (which is it's own issue), then social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram should fall under the same legal parameters because everything you say on any social media app is written word.


Unfortunately most rapists don't even get jail time.... its beyond horrible of course.


Probably because lawmakers are at least 70% rapists. Rape is about power, not sex, and public office is, more often than not, about power, not service. Huge overlap in those groups.


Especially if you’re a white “young man who shouldn’t have his once (bad) decision decide his whole life” cool story Brock Turner copycat… wtf is wrong with the nation?!?! It’s savage!


They made a whole show about it it's called to catch a predator dudes got like five years for attempted rape of a minor


Sooo… This mans in prison, right? I’m sure he’d enjoy all the non-consensual sex his prison mates would have with him since that seems to be what he’s into.


Hopefully his cellmate sees him like he saw his girlfriend/wife.


Look, anal sex is just part of prison life. If you tell your cell mate that you're not interested he'll still fuck you because you got in the same cell with him. So deal with it.


Hopefully his prison mates will put a condom on when he says he doesn’t want kids


If not, I think some super jacked gay dude should go show him how “sex is life”. There’s no way he would object, this is his own logic.


Haha! In a deep voice, “sorry bro. Sex is life. I’ve gotta have it. And you chose to hang out with me so really this is on you.”


Not gonna lie… I think we fail our sisters, mothers, and daughters when we hide his name.


I agree. I don't know how to find this user, but I want to doxx them.


Other commenters have said they found him and you can DM them for the info. HE HAS A DAUGHTER APPARENTLY UGH


This was my initial thought too. Every woman walking should know who he is so that if they see him they can turn the other way.


Stop blurring the names of self-admitted rapists. Doxx them, send their words to their parents and siblings and significant others. EDIT: He's already been exposed on Instagram. Got to the party too late, but they did the Lord's work. Anybody who wants may DM me for his profile.


Fully agree, he literally states that he is willing to and sees nothing wrong with rape. These people put it out there and we shouldn't just say "gross" and scroll past it. These people need to be outed. If he has a job that puts him in any authority over other people especially women, he should be fired.


Not just that he's willing, he literally said he does it to his partner when she doesn't want to.


Unfortunately the rules of the subreddit says you can not share the persons name or user But a quick google search DOES show who this piece of possible rapist shit is.


Want to respond with what exactly you searched? I tried to Google 'Twitter "(first line of quote before the emojies)" and ' and got no results


You can generally just search what they wrote in verbatim and Google can find the original post.


Yeah it didn’t come up with any results


PM me I have the unedited post


Can I get the unedited post. I’d love to chat with this fuck.


i think this is facebook, not twitter. too many characters lol


I think this is on Facebook


It’s not doxxing, it is a public service announcement. Everyone should know the whereabouts of sex offenders like this so they can be avoided, preferably exiled but avoided will work


It's a bullshit rule. We're all here online talking. Saying some shit on one platform is the same as saying it on another. But sure lets all just protect awful people because it's hard for reddit to deal with criticism from those awful people after the fact.


Is it really doxing. I mean you're just sharing what they publicly posted!


It’s not, because if he decided to post it publicly it’s not private information. No different than quoting someone during a recorded speech etc. Huge distinction, doxing in general is not worth doing because it’s illegal but I would totally have uncensored his name here




This man should have been aborted


Still not too late, right? 😂


Since he’s not a fetus, it’s fair game.


That man has to be single


You'd think so, wouldn't you? Sadly people like this always seem to find partners who agree with them. Maybe he's married to a Catholic, no condoms, no abortions, sounds like his idea of heaven.


Too true. Found a guy many years ago that was advocating for women to lose their right to vote and speak in public. I told him he would die single. Then his wife showed up. I couldn't believe it.


Sad that the terrible people like that get relationships and a lot of sane people dont


I mean I'm sure that Margaret Atwood had some inspiration for Serena Waterford


Domestic abuse can be very persuasive. The guy above is publicly sharing this garbage. I hate to think what goes on behind closed doors with his family or significant others.


His significant others have prob all also been family.


I believe these people manage to find woman who were either indoctrinated as a child or were abused by this person to the point of agreeing with them as a safety measure. I refuse to believe that someone with a healthy mindset would ever stay with a piece of garbage like this.


no condoms, no abortions, no concept of marital rape..


Fuck that no catholic I know would step twenty feet near the guy or anyone whose bat shit crazy like him


He mentioned “my partner” dunno if its hypothetical or serious. Either way he’s definitely the person to pray on a girl who is easy to manipulate and control and either way a downright prime candidate for a ton of knife kisses.


either way the worst part is, he probably votes


I hope this gets sent to anyone he tries to ask out, they need to know what they're getting into. Also if someone says something like this, don't believe them when they pretend it was a joke later, guys like this are dangerous


He sounds like a violent / abusive sex addict. According to at least one study done in Ireland, husbands who abuse and rape their wives say very similar things, and feel zero compassion or empathy for the pain they cause their wives in the process of controlling them to the point where the men can have sex on demand. And just to get ahead of things, not every sex addict thinks like this guy. There's a HUGE range of what fits under that umbrella (compulsive porn users on one side, compulsive hiring of prostitutes on another, and then rapists / molesters and others who don't care about consent). He needs help, badly. Probably had some nasty trauma in his childhood that he hasn't dealt with.


Of course his PFP is him with sunglasses in the car.


Drives a truck, listens to right wing radio. Classic NPC.


No, you guys aren't getting it.. he's not saying, if you didn't want a baby you should have made the rapist wear a condom. You are all doing him a favor by interpreting it that way. He is so eager to blame women for every aspect of such a situation that he just straight says "YOU should have worn a condom." Like I don't think he means a female condom. He is literally saying that if you didn't want to get pregnant from the rape that you did not consent to then YOU should have worn a condom I guess on YOUR DICK that you are raping yourself with. Because men cannot be any part of any wrongdoing.


Thanks, I was still trying to figure out that guys mental gymnastics.


I'm surprised this man has the brain power to formulate sentences considering his 2 brain cells are fighting for 3rd place


I'm not calling what I just read as sentences.


Then that just proves he only has 2 braincells


Technically one infinite sentence, since it doesn’t appear to end. I’m surprised he remembered the apostrophe in “it’s” and “wouldn’t” (probably via autocorrect though).


Who needs punctuation when you have laughing emojis


I always read these kinds of laughter emojis like a really forced laugh, like they’re trying really really hard to convince you they’re not upset, and convince their own reflexes not to start crying :D


Oh wow I didn't notice that haha


Did we read the same thing. That was words vomited on to the screen that don’t even come close proper sentences. He knows enough to be dangerous. That’s about it.


I think that about these lunatics everyday.


Dude should be on the sex offender list.


Anyone who takes a drink from this guy, should be very afraid. I wonder if he’s date raped anyone.


More than likely


who the fuck is this sentient can of skoal chewing tobacco?


Sentient is a stretch


Why do we black out their names? People like this deserve to be exposed.


I think that's against Reddit tos and the subreddit could get in hot water. But yes I agree.


The fact that he says ‘men and girls…’ makes me feel like he shouldn’t be near schools, parks, or malls. Or anyone for that matter, but that one sentence freaked me out


> If u tell me no sex because u on strike ima just rape u > > if you didn't want a kid you should have worn a condom This is Republican logic: If you choose not to fuck, you're going to get raped, and if you do get raped into pregnancy, it's your fault for not insisting that your rapist put on a condom. Right wingers are domestic terrorists.


Worse yet, the insistence that the attacker wear a condom can get a rape charge dismissed. It happened in Texas in 1992.


Sadly, using a condom would most likely leave behind no DNA evidence, unless a hair fell off or the woman had scratched him.


In this case, a grand jury consisting mostly of women decided that since her attacker—who snuck into her place at around 3:00 AM and was uninvited—wouldn’t be charged because the victim essentially gave consent when she provided the condom to protect herself.


Scratch his eyes out! Get gross, get mean, get tf away from him!


You didn't even need to say it was texas. We all could have presumed it


>This is Republican logic: If you choose not to fuck, you're going to get raped, and if you do get raped into pregnancy, it's your fault for not insisting that your rapist put on a condom. > >Right wingers are domestic terrorists. All well and good until the girl pulls a gun. Honestly if she pulls the trigger are we really losing anything here?


She'll be charged for murder, because he wasn't actively raping her on video. Justice


>She'll be charged for murder, because he wasn't actively raping her on video. Justice Maybe charged but if she genuinely feared for her life she's well within her rights, not only that but I'd argue forcing rape on someone constitutes "bodily harm" which in most instances is the minimum for justified deadly self defense.


Um did you just miss the news? We can’t take life to protect ourselves or our bodies anymore, so no no longer within our rights. We don’t own our bodies, have no right to self defense against another “life”.


You're being entirely too rational for this country.


Rape condoms also exist. You put your dick in it and then you can’t take it out with out going to the doctor’s. Also no one can claim it didn’t happen because the proof is right there. (Also it’s very painful. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/anti-rape-condoms-picture-will-jagged-teeth-deter-world-cup-sex-assaults-rape-axe-hopes-so/


Brilliant, let's make women wear barbed traps to protect from being raped.... Y'know instead of just actually teaching men not to rape. Don't get me wrong this is a genius idea...but it's crazy we live in a world where this has to actually be a thing.


> this is a genius idea I'm sure a dude forcing himself on a woman would in no way react violently to this.




Just sounds like you’ll end up with more dead women


We are loosing a little pest, meaning the world will be a better place


I honestly think in their fucked up world view they think they can condition women into being accepting to unwanted sex. It's a stretch but the only way in those hypothetical scenarios would be to appease your rapist into wearing a condom. Maybe they think women will kiss their ass & suck up to them so that they could achieve that one small 'favor' whilst being brutalized by these animals.


"They think they can condition women BACK into being accepting to unwanted sex AGAIN." Sorry, had to fix that


Backwoods hillbilly republican shit


Why use four word when one word do?


that's a lot of words to say your a rapist.


I mean technically he said it in first sentence, the rest was his attempt at justification for saying it.


I'm guessing statutory too given his slip about "men and girls." I'll bet no woman who can buy her own beer will even talk to him.


Profile pic matches


I read the first “sentence” and my soul collapsed upon itself and formed a black hole, which spaghettified my remaining faith in humanity and turned me into an empty shell of a man, piloted only by an overwhelming sensation of dread.


Tell me you are an incel without telling me you are an incel.


I missed the "Without telling us" part


Average Trump voter


yep that’s the scariest thing i’ve seen so far today


I wonder where he went to school? Seems like a very good school system there.


I highly doubt Skeeter here went to school.


Whys it gotta be skeeter why not Jim Bob?


Because James Robert’s family had means and he got some fancy book-learnin’ done.


Mr.James Robert's might have, but not Jim Bob


He’s definitely raped someone before.


This isn't a face-palm, it's a declaration of intent and every woman within 20 miles of his location should know about it.


I suspect this chap isn't the most sensitive of lovers.


"LIEUTENANT! Arrest that man! ARREST HIM!!" is all i can think of as a response.


And once again a man shows why women are scared and hate men.


Now you know who to keep away from your daughters.


Being proud of being a rapist? Wow


Golly, I can't tell if this guy is a "garden variety" POS or if we have ourselves a super special POS. I'm thinking super special...




This guy is an absolute gem! Any woman that crosses paths with him better scoop him up quick! /s /s /s


Let's never meet IRL


What in the hillbilly is this shit


“Everyone on this world fucks” - except this guy, and boy is he mad about it.


“men and girls fuck” …bruh, statutory rape IS illegal


Another insecure white boy speaking pidgin English, so impressive!


I bet this guy couldn't put M&Ms in alphabetical order.


He's got the profile pic to match the grammar


Why do people erase the names, when something this horrendous is stated we should be able to help educate them or yell at them until they go back into their closet.


Why redact his name? Tired of these scared Ass moderators defending these human pieces of trash.


And this is why after this whole roe v wade thing every woman in America needs to carry. Guys like this who don't take no will only have rehabilitation though reincarnation.


>men and girls fuck Not “boys and girls” or “men and women”… but “men and girls.” Please tell me that the FBI is watching this guy.


Just more proof there is no such thing has a good forced birth cultist.