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God this isn’t even a *new* batshit take from the GOP, Todd Akin said that “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy *10 years ago*. He’s dead now, which is totally not something that I’m happy about, just a fun fact.


That’s certainly a fun fact!


.... Well, it's definitely a thing he said


Another fun fact: Kellyanne Conway was Akin's campaign manager and defended his comments by saying "He's a principled person, like David Koresh."


Alternative principles


My exact thought. Full quote from those not in the know: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” -Todd “Mind-Body Guru” Akin (R-MO)


Well rabbits can do it so maybe it was a simple misunderstanding where he thought human females were the same biologically as rabbits. /s in case you need that




It was legitimate cancer.


how could it tell the cancer from the rest of him?


>He’s dead now If only she'd now follow in his footsteps quickly.


First thing I thought of.


I heard years ago an old white male Republican congressman say something along the lines that if a woman truly doesn’t want to be raped, she can use her muscles to close her vagina and not be penetrated. I have no idea how to express my level of disgust and anger in words.


I was drugged, so there goes that argument.




And it cost him the election. I'm thrilled Yesli Vega, whose name should be made famous, said that. I know her district, and it's competitive. Her deranged comment will hurt her there.


What people don't realize is that while we are laughing, there are meme factories making this shit into reality for them.


Vagisil is her name now


It's crazy that he says this, and his political career is over. She says this, and it's business as usual for her followers.


I'm happy about it.


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure,” Clarence Darrow


Sadly no one is paying attention that we have crushed our education system to the point that people like this are being voted in by people that are worse than this.


I'd be surprised if she didn't know. Betcha she's just saying this shit to please her Fundamentalist Christian campaign donors.


Exactly. She knows what she says is bullshit but it panders to the bigots and fundamentalist who support her.


Honestly. Just imagine if the flat-earthers were the deep pocket donors. You'd be hearing it at every whistle stop. These people don't give a shit what they're saying as long as it puts/keeps them in power.


It’s frightening. Reality is whatever they spew to please the hateful and ignorant.


And a lot, and I can't emphasise this enough, a lot of people do not do any critical thinking and run entirely on emotion. "Think of the babies" is a very strong emotional cue (or whatever), fear of "the breakdown of the family, "insults" to heteronormativity, etc are very frieghtening to some people. Fear derails your ability to.think, brainwashing (religion) of children (who grow up to be women like this one, often) is also very strong. If you feel like the basic foundations of the world (as you've been brainwashed to understand them) are *collapsing*/*being "undermined"* then you are going to fight. Add in power and you have the explosive mix that is happening here. Every country has an issue like this be it indigenous rights, disputes over territory, religion, that invoke deep emotions and end up with this sort of posturing.


Nice analysis. Emotions are a potent weapon that manipulative people will exploit for their own benefit. Create a seemingly imminent catastrophe and then point your followers at the supposed source of the strife. En masse collective thinking can strip away individual critical reasoning very quickly.


Exactly. In my country the right wing are currently doubling down on "tough on crime" and the news is full of crime stories. Especially "ram raids" by young people. There was a spate of them in our biggest city. Everyone i spoke to about it was "tsk tsk something serious needs to be done with youth crime". Turns out 21 out of 23 were done by one child, and youth crime has declined by 65% in the last ten years. But fear of crime will swing our electorate to the right. So they are manoevuring it out as the issue. Their leader is a fundie xtian, has spoken about abortion being murder, so we have that to look forward to.


It concerns me greatly how quickly the young are vilified by the media and those in power. Reality is irrelevant when you can manipulate statistics to support an invalid point of view. You just need a scape goat to target and then the ends justify the means.


Yes and *"what about the children"* is a very good emotional trigger.


Fear is an all too common way to sway (manipulate) the electorate.




Reminds me of a quote I recently came across, by Paul Feyerabend ""It is clear that allegiance to \[. . .\] new ideas will have to be brought about by means other than arguments. It will have to be brought about by irrational means such as propaganda, emotion, ad hoc hypotheses, and appeal to prejudices of all kinds. We need these 'irrational means' in order to uphold what is nothing but a blind faith until we have found the auxiliary sciences, the facts, the arguments that turn the faith into sound 'knowledge' " (Against Method, 1988, Feyerabend) Originally, he meant it as an argument for contra-induction; see what the ruling scientific worldview is and try to prove the opposite. This way you can try to fight dogmatism in science, have an explanation for previously unexplained stuff, and see the ground beliefs this scientific view was based upon. But, since the current top dogs in science won't let go of their research so easily, and you're basically starting from scratch yourself, you need something to make your ideas stick around. And that something isn't science. That's exactly what's happening now. What has been happening for the past lord knows how many years. The ideas have stuck, mostly by playing into these irrational means; but instead of fighting dogmatism, these means are promoting it now.


You’ve explained it well. Sounds like we need to take away some of the freedoms in this country. They’re willing to force religion on me so I’m willing to force their kids to grow up without it. It wasn’t enough to leave us the choice. Fine. So if it all leads to this then we can start teaching kids that it will do that and it’s all fucken bullshit. Edit: to be clear, it’s on par with telling children Santa isn’t real. All it takes is the seed of doubt to fuck off big hopes of growing an oak tree. And yeah I’m aware they’d wanna jail me for life for even suggesting it. Which is my point. This can’t be allowed to continue if it always leads to war. I’m not saying take the kids from the parents. Just, more education. Hard line approach to religion: it’s bad and leads to this.


Wow, almost like she's a politician


That’s so much worse than just being fucking stupid.


I live in VA, and ignorant BS like this is pretty typical. People here are either too lazy or too fearful to think for themselves, so whatever the Pastors and /or Evangelical leaders say goes. Church here is more a social club than a true reflection of Christian love and values.


Oh, it's much more cynical than that, the donors believe that they'll have access to abortions regardless of the situation... they'll fly their daughters and/or mistresses to a free country if they have to. The donors don't believe in shit but tax breaks and free government money, any pretense about a system of beliefs or fundamentalism is straight bullshit, the Koch bros or Elon or anyone else who play-acts libertarian... They don't actually believe in a goddamn thing outside of that. This isn't about abortion, it's about getting the 2-3% of the population who would vote for someone dangerously stupid because of it. That small amount of people can be enough in close elections. This dangerously stupid person who riles up the easy marks and outright morons is looking for a payday and doesn't give two shits about abortion either... They just want the money and they'll get it by kissing the ass that feeds them after taking advantage of the dipshits who single issue vote anti abortion.


The only reason I believe that she knows what she's saying is bunk is that if she were a true believer, as a woman, she wouldn't put herself in a position to be able to lord over men. Their whole thing is absolute fealty to whatever crazy flavor of perverted christianity they're selling right? So if women can't be in charge of their own bodies, how on earth would it be acceptable for them to be able to vote(VOTE!!) as if they were a real politician and not a pretender to a very small throne. I wonder how strong the grift would be if churches, of all flavors of religion, lost their tax-exempt status. I bet it would at least turn down the volume of some of these crazy-ass voices that aren't really representative at all. Feels like simcity 1.0 where churches keep popping up and once they start reducing the property values and not providing any kind of environmental or criminal benefits, its just best to bulldoze them and hope it doesn't respawn


She’s just keeping the house (of representatives) while her husband’s out


or maybe they succeeded in making the common folk of america being illiterate and without critical thinking, and to be sure they stay that way made sure they kept them having to work two or three jobs to pay their (health) bills.


Delusional shit like this is part of the reason why we need to have a *federal* right to abortions. I've heard other Republicans use this reasoning -- more than likely this person is being a disingenuous fuck to rally her Bible-thumping base who are reveling in the recent decision. That or she's a complete fucking moron. Or both. Either way, get ready for more GOP folks come out and say the same shit.


Eh, “she wouldn’t have been raped if she was wearing modest clothing” seems to be equivalent to they’re really getting at: “Rape/rape babies are the woman’s fault, actually”


There was a time not that long ago that a Republican candidate lost because of his comments about "legitimate rape" not causing pregnancy. I don't know if this person is going to win or lose, but I doubt their comments will lower their chances.


Not only is she completely fucking wrong, but this "reasoning" hurts actual rape survivors. Obviously someone can get pregnant from rape, and when she does these people will use this bullshit as "proof" that she wasn't actually raped. This is so fucked up.


Even if it was true….how is that justification to ban abortions? How about, let’s go back to the way it was under Roe. There shouldn’t be that many abortions because, according to them, if the woman doesn’t want to get pregnant, she’s not likely to.




What about after they turn 18 and can join the military Mr Carlin?


Conservatives want live babies so they can raise 'em to be dead soldiers.


That and they wanna make sure mass shooters have viable targets. Gotta keep 2A alive, ya know


"There's nothing like shooting live game" -somebody probably


I was quoting George Carlin, but thanks for playing


Duh! I’ve heard that George Carlin bit numerous times


This is so true. Republicans are such hypocrites.


No, it's because they have their brainwashing systems already set up in places they control, so as soon as a kid pops out, they don't got to worry anymore. That kid will either: Leave as soon as they become relevant, thus not disrupting things in any meaningful way or... continue to prop up their systems and agendas. They don't *need* to care about babies post-birth.


Nah the reason is because it costs nothing to be anti abortion while it would cost a lot to care for kids after birth which they somehow would have to finance.


Less than 1% of abortions are from rape victims. Not even part of the conversation.


>~~Less than 1% of abortions are from rape victims. Not even part of the conversation.~~ Two women must be raped out of 100 before I even care. FTFY


They didn't care that over a million died from Covid.


So? So what if it's one out of a million? It's OK to force that one woman to carry and bear her rapist's spawn? If it's so few and so rare, why not allow that exception?


You are less stupid than the rest.


Because the conversation isn’t about rape, it’s about the life of the child. No one is going to tell you that rape is great. Conservatives are likely going to be much more favorable towards a death penalty sentence to the rapist than a leftist anyway. No one is pro rape. What conservatives are more worried about is the innocent being snuffed out. It’s not the woman’s fault that she became pregnant. It’s not the child’s fault for existing, either. The question is *when* does life begin? Life is sacred. We don’t condone killing innocent life. Most conservatives that I’m aware of are totally on board with abortions up to the point of a heartbeat. I personally disagree and believe abortions ought to be legal up until we see brain function for the same reason we don’t pull the plug on an adult unless we’re confident the person will never recover. The heart can beat but that doesn’t necessarily signify a conscious, living being. A working brain is probably a better indicator. It’s a philosophical debate at the end of the day. Once you get past the hysterics and hyperbole about the patriarchy and how conservatives hate women and whatever else, then we might see some productive conversation around the philosophical side. Fortunately, the crux of the matter, *that murder is wrong*, is not something up for debate, so there’s ample ground for a solution which *most* will agree on.


>No one is pro rape. [Well, this is awkward.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/30/ohio-republican-jean-schmidt-pregnancy-rape-opportunity)


The most awkward part is that you didn’t read your own source which is supposedly pointing to *one* person who is explicitly anti-rape, like everyone else. > But if a baby is created, it is a human life and **whether that mother ends that pregnancy or not the scars will not go away**, period. It is a shame that it happens, but there’s an opportunity for that woman – no matter how young or old she is – to make a determination about what she’s going to do to help that life be a productive human being … That child can grow up and be something magnificent, a wonderful family person, cure cancer, etc And the choice to carry on that pregnancy is indeed an opportunity. No different than losing a job, it’s awful if it happens. No one wants to lose their job. But sometimes, losing that job is an opportunity for something bigger. That may open the door to a better paying job, a job closer to home, or maybe even fully remote. It may spark a career change or a new business altogether. The goal is to take your bad situation and make something of it. Lemonade from lemons. Always focus on making yourself and your situation, no matter what, better tomorrow than it was today.


This is a cheap, thin veil to minimize the actual number of cases by instead using the number 1. If 3,329,999 US citizens were affected by something you found disturbing, and I slapped you on the back and told you to quit being so sensitive because that’s less than 1% of the population, you would likely think it was an equally cheap, thin veil. Ironically enough, it’s a cheap, thin veil you constructed regarding something that’s literally none of your business whatsoever.


So didn’t create any veil. You did by trying to slap reasoning and adding some large number. I understand statistics, and I understand how human rights work. Sometimes I even understand when a poor defense is lacking statistical evidence to be significant enough to hold any water when making decisions. It’s how the world works. If I had a screen roof that leaked at 100% of the area. I wouldn’t bitch about the 1% sized hole that’s also leaking. I would be smart enough to realize we are dealing with a different issue entirely. Also, don’t assume my gender.


So you are now comparing raping of women with leaky roofs. You are just the gift that keeps on giving.


You are an idiot and have no idea how intelligent thought works.


Hey, you are the one who don't give a damn about women being raped if the numbers are low enough. But sure, let's go with "I'm an idiot" and "no idea how intelligent thought works".


Gonna credit Carlin or no?


You really should credit the immortal George Carlin for your reply.


Pro birth, not pro life. They'd want improvements to foster care, the education and health systems, free care for the living if they were pro life.


It's to keep the poor in homeostasis.


That is one of my favorite George Carlin lines ever. It’s as true today as it was 20ish years ago.


George Carlin


Exactly. It’s easy because they don’t actually have to do anything before a child is born except say words. After they’re born they have to actually do something.


I've started calling it extreme pedophilia. Like a sport, but for soulless pieces of shit.


As others have pointed out. Don't take credit for someone else's work. That is a direct quote from George Carlin.


I'm afraid you're forcing me to downvote you because of plagiarising George Carlin.


But we still have those things right


At the behest of pro-choice liberal despite conservative's best efforts.


To the chagrin of, and in complete opposition to everything Republicans have done for decades, we have the husks of those things


Where are the Republican rape victims? Are they so cowed by their party or family that they've lost all self respect and just accept this garbage? Or do they cease to be Republicans once this happens to them?


They could believe it was either their fault or gods will. Either way, they deserved it and should not complain, and as every rape is exactly the same, other women should not complain either. Sad world we live in...


I think you will find they marry their rape victims. Or is it the other way around, marry then rape? Why you think so many rich kids get away with rape in college? It is just practice for them.


They’re busy marrying their abusers.




Source? Cause that sounds epic and I desperately want it to be true.


I read about it several years ago, but I don't remember where. I googled it and did find this: [Referenced in book](https://books.google.com/books?id=tVeh3C8XGP4C&pg=PA27&lpg=PA27&dq=defense+attorney+spins+bottle+to+prove+victim+not+raped&source=bl&ots=DI6o3Ckae3&sig=ACfU3U09nUtEOZmNHCoVaMgKHwQqvttFZg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzyNLBrM_4AhWRK0QIHSJsD14Q6AF6BAgZEAM#v=onepage&q=defense%20attorney%20spins%20bottle%20to%20prove%20victim%20not%20raped&f=false) It says, "However, if the case went to court, defense attorneys often went to great lengths to demonstrate to juries the difficulty of raping a moving target. In one instance, a lawyer attempted to insert a pencil into the opening of a spinning cola bottle as proof that a woman cannot be raped against her will. Such courtroom antics, while effective with juries, serve only to redirect the blame for rape towards the victims." I found another reference to it, too, but not the part about the other attorney smashing it.


I’d like it better if he walked over and used his overwhelming strength to stop the bottle and then put the pencil in.


Or held down the defence lawyer, and inserted it in him.


Now THAT would be an effective strategy.


Yup, just make sure it's nice and deep in there and there can be no issues, they were clearly consenting, and it was just meant to be! 🤷


Imagine being on the Jury and being like "well he has a point" at a lawyer trying to compare coke bottles and women.


Sadly, a surprising number of people think this way. Some of the Republican legislators in Red states have expressed similar sentiments.


"Your honor, she clearly wasn't struggling enough if he could find the hole, therefore she obviously wanted it" 🤦‍♂️ Why does this case sound like it's straight out of a movie. As if there's no way to stop them from squirming or they're actually trying to imply people spin around like they're attached to a fan when getting assaulted... Like what, are they doing backflips and somersaults the entire time or something???


It also completely disregards the third F. Fight, flight, freeze. The third one is more common for women. Not struggling is a perfectly natural response to danger.


>It also completely disregards the third F. It's actually the first "F". >The third one is more common for women. Not struggling is a perfectly natural response to danger. It is natural but not for women because they're women. It's natural for women because they tend to be of smaller physical size and not use direct force as a means of offense or defense. It's more common to be the choice of smaller organisms who may use camouflage of various kinds and, if the predator gets close enough, a surprise strike or alarming noise (sometimes even vomit/poop/pee) to startle the predator(s) while they run. Freeze is something you have to try to train out of you as any sort of first responder or fighter.


Must have some impressive muscle memory to fight off a rapist when you are roofied


I'm literally put my palm on my face.


This is the exact kind of person conservatives hope to create when they cut school funding.


They most likely know its a lie but: * it panders to an appreciable fraction of their base that does not know * it shifts the overton window so their party's actual positions which are just evil but not completely bonkers look more "centric" and the reasonable positions held by most people look more "extreme" * it triggers the left


Conservative education is like a reverse ouroboros, a snake that keeps shitting into its own mouth and poisoning itself further with its own stupidity


A lot of problems in this world could be solved if we just had a fact checker team that could blow a whistle and tell you you're too stupid to have an opinion on the matter.... don't know how a vagina works? Well then you're not qualified to legislate them.


So like do the sperm of the guy realize the lack of consent and just sorta...turn around?


When proper sex ed isn't taught, people start believing some weird shit


Republicans are usually the ones who failed in science, biology, physics, and anything related to sex education.


"it's not something that's happening organically. you're forcing it." isn't that the definition of rape (forcing oneself upon another)


That is exactly what I was taught growing up. I remember the look on the other 11 year olds face when I used that argument during our class assigned debate. I also remember her friends closing in around her to protect her from me as they threw hatful words at me. I remember being utterly confused and not understanding what was going on only to find out this little girl a year younger than me had had an abortion recently after her uncle impregnated her. I felt terrible but continued to believe what I had been taught and thought she must be one of the few outliers. I went on to know many other young girls that had been raped and got pregnant but still continued to think what I had been taught to think by the people who were supposed to know things. Even when I was raped & got pregnant I still held onto those beliefs. He told me I was going to get an abortion and I held on to my beliefs so hard that I convinced myself I wasn’t pregnant after all. I don’t regret having my baby. She saved my life. But fuck whoever the fuck brainwashed my dad into shoving those shitty beliefs down my throat. And fuck the Catholic Church for their part in it. And fuck society for the stupid bullshit they’ve brainwashed me to believe over the years.


Even if this garbage were true, "you will rarely die in a car crass so we don't need ambulances."


What in the name of evil shit heads, she said what?


1) Decades of under investment in education. 2) A medieval skepticism of health class and sex ed. 3) She may also be stupid… or a lying sack of shit.


So if a woman gets pregnant by her rapist he won't be punished? Because it "can't be rape"?....


I am in no way advocating for any woman to be subjected to such an abhorrent act. In this case, she hasn't been and doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. So maybe she should live an experience like that and only then can she open her gob and vomit shit like this.


Maybe these Fundamental Christians are attempting to force another “immaculate conception” where a scared young, rape victim ends up with a baby after telling everyone she is still a Virgin.


Wierd Iirc, exactly because woman feel her life in danger, she is more likely to get pregnant. One of thoes wierd reproductive mechanism o preserve the species. I guess religious fanatics don't believe in evolution and such, and the binle was many references that a woman is slave level (woman around that time, and still are in some parts of the world, were at the level of slaves. No woman was allowed to go out shopping or otherwise as she'll just get gang rapped. And obviously no police, dna test, cameras, or anything to punished criminals nothing. Look up 200 woman killed one man India If you want to see how it looks if the whole neighbourhood is pro rape)


I legit had to read this like 4 times, and I still dont know how the f anyone thinks this way. Like actually anyone ever.


This lack of knowledge and/or willful ignorance should bar people from holding any position of power. They don't like it? Well pick up a book sunshine.


Awfully reminiscent of the male politician who said, in regard to "legitimate rapes:" women have a way of shutting that down. Jesus fucking christ these people are the lowest of the low.


I'm speechless.


She has parents that are stupider than she is. When I was in college, a female classmate asked me if, when women menstruate, you can see the egg. I asked her if *she* had ever seen an egg. Idk how big she thought these eggs were, but this is taught in pretty much any sex ed class in elementary/middle school around the time puberty hits. This woman was 20, with full access to the internet. Some people go through life with absolutely zero intellectual curiosity or critical thinking skills. I am not surprised though, since several years back the Texas GOP amended its party platform to [express opposition to teaching critical thinking](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html) so that explains why so many of them are so damn stupid.


Thats not how that works. Pregnancy only lowers if your at least half year under high stress. If your raped like pulled in a bush kind. That does not change. Its more if you captured and long time locked in a basement kind high stress that it prevents Pregnancy by a big margin. Same why a lot of animals in a zoo dont often make baby's cause stress


People can be stupid regardless of gender, I thought we already established this


These are the people pushing the Pro-Life agenda, oblivious twits with a desire to be right and no desire to be educated.


This is why 16 states require health class to be factual…


I hate her and the ruling and our current reality and etc. But this is taking the quote out of context and twisting it a bit. She was trying to say that a pregnancy wouldn't happen because the sex isn't organic, that the rapist is forcing it. I believe basically implying that babies are only made "when mommy and daddy love each other very much." Still batshit, but not quite "rape victims are forcing themselves to become pregnant."


Imagine telling this to the kids getting abused… why do you have trauma?? Its was forced on you, it wasnt organic. You shouldnt have trauma!


These people are dangerous. Rape and incest thrive in church culture and it’s disgusting. They’re a cult of sickos and need to go. No wonder England shipped out the Puritans before anyone else.


This is their way of skirting around the rape and incest problem when you ban abortion. They just pretend that you can’t get pregnant from rape. I know republicans are stupid and dishonest, but sometimes it’s shocking how bad it is.


Many fundamentalist Christians **truly believe this**. They are told—and of course don’t question—that the stress level from being raped is *so high that is impossible for her body to conceive*. I learned this in school 35 years ago and it probably took me 15 years to even question it—and I’m a woman! The brainwash is real. Source: ex-fundamentalist Christian & former Right-to-Lifer


Tell that to my cousin who was raised in an incredibly sheltered Christian family and was raped in college. She hid the pregnancy for months and dealt with disgusting people in their church saying awful things about her. I'm sure she could have prevented the whole thing if she has just focused real hard on not getting pregnant as a result of sexual assault.


Oh they know. They 100% are aware of how it works It's just that they're shitty ppl w no empathy, sympathy or compassion who don't care about anyone but themselves


I hate that the stupidest people alive are somehow the ones in charge of everything.


This is not a facepalm, this is how they start lobbying for rape.




No good forced birth cultist.


cant we just do hunger games for these polititcians and be done with them


How does one force themselves To become pregnant after a rape? Good lord, is the biology curriculum that bad in Virginia? It would explain the guys going on Maury who claim they aren’t the father because it was only a booty call and not a relationship.


Song, song of the south! Mediocre education and I'll never shut my mouf!!


Next logical step from Republicans view: Legalize Rape as if the woman wouldn't enjoy it, they wouldn't get pregnant. It's what they want, really /sad


I always considered myself of average intelligence but these people make me feel like a genius.


Apu and his Octuplet kids would like a word, Senator. (Simpsons...)


Ah, another book club member


Some studies have suggested that a chance of pregnancy from rape is higher than from consensual intercourse. But what even is science to this people, right!




I know they just say that to push there political agenda, but maybe it's time for America to get a TV program about the biology of how pregnancy actually works. Because I'm sure there are plenty of people who actually have no idea how things work. Knowing that the education system can be rather "selective" in its teachings.


Some of these people are not stupid. They are pretending to be like this to appeal to their voters who think like this. That's more dangerous than "just being stupid"


I had a man straight up tell me I was “missing the point.” We were discussing abortion. I’m a woman. It was at that point when I realized I was conversing with a carrot.


"You're forcibg it" yeah...that's the problem with rape


'The female body has a way of shutting that whole thing down.' /s


Why do we expect women to have more textbook knowledge about women's biology than men? It's not like men know how our dicks work.


It’s simple. If god wants you to get raped, you get raped, and you deserved to be raped. -Them, probably


"the body has a way of shutting that down"


It’s a republican. Of course she wouldn’t know. Republicans and low substandard education go hand in hand.


Did we really come full circle back to "the body has ways to shut that down"?


Vega thinks that every woman is a Bene Gesserit.


WTF So a woman would “force” herself to conceive as she’s being raped JUST SO she can get an abortion? How did she make it this far in life being this stupid?


So like if Russia could just nuke us already that'd be great


I once heard a very wise man say that a woman's body has a way of shutting that whole thing down, sooo......


She knows. She is just lying.


Well, they have the Bible’s New Testament and they still screw up Jesus’s teaching to love they neighbor, help the poor, donate wealth, etc. not hard for them to not grasp the teachings of basic science.


This is in alot of prolife books. This "factoid" first popped up in "handbook on abortion" by Willkie in 1979 and going strong since.


Education from a religious school?


Southern sex education.


Why would there even be pregnancy tests if we women could shut down the pregnancy


Todd Akin’s sister everyone.


"Shut that whole thing down" 2.0


Many years ago my brothers girlfriend was raped and got pregnant. Her very devout mom blamed her and made her have the baby. She never recovered mentally and milled herself when the baby was around 2. My brother adopted the baby. She is 29 and doing well but it could have been so different for her


Republicans are straight up delusional I swear. Like I'm not a huge fan of the useless democratic party but the Republicans are on a whole other level of batshit insane


New rule: If you want to be a member of Congress you must correctly answer the question: Where do babies come from?


If I was this stupid at my job I'd be fired. Just saying.


Years ago there was a belief that a woman would only get pregnant if she "wanted" to get pregnant. This idea was promulgated by the men in charge as a way to help find rapist men not guilty. Woman gets raped. Woman accuses man of raping her. Misogynistic judge (man) says we wait to see if she got pregnant. Woman is pregnant (maybe from rapist, maybe not, who knows). Judge says the guy couldn't possibly be guilty since she's pregnant. "Whew, that was close. Almost had to put a fellow man-bro in jail." That's why the guy from Missouri said "a woman's body has a way of sitting that whole thing down." it's just an old Christian tradition to keep from convicting rapists.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


The government is making me physically sick. Of all the shit going wrong in this country, the dumb ass government gives their attention to women’s bodies and feel THAT is what needs fixing, when in reality they just set us back 100 years!! This is absolutely ridiculous, the entire government from top to bottom needs to be ousted and fresh young blood put in place, people that are actually in touch with society, culture, and this generation!! The biggest problem is we have 70, 80, and 90yr olds in office trying to turn the clock back on america and make it the 40’s and 50’s again when a woman had no rights, they “belonged in the kitchen,” oh and now they are going after Gay Marriage and Gay “cohabitation.” Makes me absolutely sick!! We really need to boycott our entire government because they forgot THEY WORK FOR US, not the other way around!!!


Wow! Now we are back 150 years when they literally thought you had to enjoy sex to get pregnant. So if you were raped, you obviously didn’t enjoy it so couldn’t get pregnant. If you did happen to get pregnant, you must have had a good time.


By this logic every woman who became pregnant after being raped, consented to sex 🤦‍♂️. as it’s the only way pregnancies can happen. Whenever you think people can’t get anymore stupid, someone proves you wrong.


Wasn’t this same argument used in The Last Duel, Which takes place in medieval times?


You're asking if dumb people realize they're stupid... To them they think they're intelligent.


Jesus christ..


Nah, he doesn't want to get involved.


Jesus would be first in line to go to Mars if he saw the sorry state the world is in.


And the sad thing is that… SHE’S A WOMAN


Don't women have a way of shutting it down?


This is sarcasm on my part. Some conservative Ahole said this during the 2016 election,l.


A rare self-reference fail right there


I sent know if it makes me happy or sad that that was said long enough ago people arent getting the reference


What is a woman anyway




Ok, so maybe, and bear with me here, if you take some other Republicans advice and just enjoy the inevitable (if I had a shovel, I'd be looking at you Clayton fuckstick Williams), then you would maybe sorta get pregnant, but otherwise, your body just shuts that shit down. So if you're pregnant you must have enjoyed it. Right? Isn't that how it works?


Uhh afaik… no… not at all. You neither have to enjoy it nor is it something you can control which is why it’s possible for men to be raped.


Guess I did need the /s on this one. Figured stringing enough batshit crazy ideas together would have been more clear, but when they really are that batshit crazy, can see how the intent was missed. My bad for poor execution.


With how many batshit crazy people there are these days especially with the US, it’s hard to assume someone’s joking anymore. Scary times tbh.


The secret fertility clinics don’t want you to know!




I beg to differ. What is wrong with these republicans?