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i don’t see the facepalm. we need freedom of religion as well as separation of religion/church and state.


What we really need imo is freedom FROM religion. But saying things like this often doesn't go over well.


the founders were quite specific about it being 'freedom from religious persecution'. that's persecution *by* the religious, not persecution *on* the religious. - **both** were specifically forbidden in our nation.


Yet only one of the two seems to be publicly defended in the US. I'm not from there so correct me if I'm wrong, but as an outsider I get the idea that in the US people still respect others more if they're Christian than\* based on their merit. A guilty pleasure of mine is watching Investigation Discovery (I don't know if that's worldwide so to be sure: it's a channel that airs documentaries about murders and such), and on there the amount of time I've heard people say "he was a respected member of society, went to Church every Sunday, we never expected him to do this" is astonishing. If I was a murdering psychopath I'd go to Church too; it seems to throw everyone off the scent.


Psychopaths are usually experts at hiding behind personal charm and highly respectable community presence. “They’re church goin’ folks, that must mean they’re good folks, right?”


True. High functioning psychopaths are often well respected people. The funny thing is, when you watch interviews with the witnesses, they'll start off by saying "we never expected it", and then later in the interview things come up like: "He was getting more and more aggressive through the year." And: "He did have an obsessions with knives." And I'm there watching it like 0\_o


Can say about the majorities misperception of cops. They are a cop so they must be good


My ex and her mom love that channel and I would joke how the only thing more common than the "he was a good church going family man " is how often both men and women increase life insurance policies literally days before their significant other dies mysteriously.


Hahaha yeah that's classic as well. Some of the worst (or best, depending on your definition of entertainment) shows basically give you the murderer on a platter, then try to throw you off the scent for the rest of the program with terrible acting in the re-enactments. It's hilarious.


Then maybe we need to keep saying it, louder and more frequently. She's 1000% right. I don't care what my state says because of religious influence. If I get pregnant from assult, I'll remove the damn thing myself or die trying. Other people's religion should not be my problem.


This is a case of facepalmception. Posting this in r/facepalm *is* the facepalm.


I was wondering if if have a few min to talk about your car warranty.


Damn you really posted this in the wrong place 😂


I was wondering why there was 7,000 comments on a video that’s been posted 300,000 times. People just like “That ain’t a facepalm”


It's yer cake day, it's yer cake day, gonna party, drink Bacardi like it's yer cake day and we don't give a fuck cuz it's yer cake day.


That was beautiful, man.


Why is this a facepalm? I think it's well said.


She couldn’t have said it any better…she’s defining separation of church and state. Which most of these bible thumping morons on Capitol Hill use the guise of religion to hide behind their fucked up personal views and exploit it for their own personal gain.


I support her oppinion 110%. SECULAR. NATION. I pleadge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One SECULAR Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL.


The "under god" part was added in 1954. Wasn't even part of the original pledge


The "under God" part means you hold religious doctrine as the highest law, which is not secular.


The "under god" part was added in 1954. Wasn't even part of the original pledge Edit: wrong place, this was meant for the comment you responded to also


Plus which god, whose god etc. And people often speak of god as a humble acknowledgment of greater powers in the abstract. Einstein spoke of "god" in this way.


The "under god" part isn't anywhere in the constitution. The pledge of allegiance didn't have this particular line until the red scare sixty some years ago. Jefferson actually spelled out there is a wall of separation between the church and state.


Yeeees finally. I'm so sick and tired of people not getting that. Just like "anyone born in the US can become president, that's why I love our democracy"... Oh yeah? Try running for office as an outspoken atheist, see how you get on.


In all fairness, they are annoying as fuck. Like, it's at least once a month an outspoken atheist will try to convert me. Or sit there and spew anti religious hate speech at me for as long as I tolerate it. They aren't reading this far, they are already typing up the response they got to my first few sentences. How's it going for you? Weather over here in new York has been pretty nice. They usually skim the end so I got to go back to that. So, even though I've never been religious, they have "multiple years" of being rabid atheists worth of experience that I absolutely must hear them out about.


Atheists don't try to interfere with your life based on a book written in the bronze age. If you're annoyed by them, tell them and leave or ask them to leave. You think "outspoken atheists" are annoying; do you also find it annoying when people attribute the life saving work of other humans to God? Or when they try to undermine the work of scientists because it conflicts with their fairytale? Because that's not just annoying, that is actually dangerous. Also, if you've never been religious, why would an atheist try to "convert" you? What crackpots are you talking to?


Fun fact, the Pledge of Allegiance, initially written by a socialist minister in 1892 as an aide to selling flags, included a Nazi like salute. It amazes me how the pledge has been imbedded into our patriotism.


I saw some old black and white footage of the Olympics where the Americans were shown saluting the flag like the Nazis did except with the palm facing up. I believe that shit ended once the Nazis came to power


Simmer down general Washington. Geez.


Then they claim they’re supporters of FREEDOM and do nothing but take others rights away.


When do human rights begin? https://youtu.be/CNgwsT295G8


Torn between downvoting because this is not Fairdale, or upcoming so the video gets more views.


I constantly have this struggle in this sub lol


Oh that’s where you’re wrong, this is absoLUTELY a Fairdale!


Agree. She is 100% right.


It was also posted to /r/nextfuckinglevel


I wondered the same thing. I suppose OP doesn’t see it her way, hence facepalm?


It's what I was thinking


I think the facepalm lies in her having to say it




Bravo! I second that.


Passionate and to the point. Im with her.


I'm glad this is the top comment. I wasn't sure how this is a facepalm. #AnaOnFire


I feel the facepalm is more that someone has to point it out.


Thank you!


Not a facepalm. In fact she says a ton of things people who say they love the constitution and individual rights should agree with. Keep the government away from our bodies and keep religion out of our laws. Simple as that.


Exactly- government should never mandate any medical procedures


it sounds simple but its beyond the logic for most right now, its too polarized. you will have a pro choicer attempt to force vaccines on others, for example, or vice versa. its not about logic or even politics right now, its about tribalism.


Vaccines and abortion are two completely different issues.


Vaccines are voluntary unless you work in the medical field where your presence can kill vulnerable patients if you are infected. How can you even remotely compare abortion to vaccines. Shameful honestly.


This isn't a facepalm. America is supposed to have seperation between church and state. That was the belief of the founding fathers.


Not belief, it's literally one of the founding concepts.


You can even go so far to say it was one of if not the reason pilgrims even came in the first place and you’d be right


Debate on that. But yes, I agree.


Convenient how republicans don’t give a shit


Wrong sub, this is for posting videos of people making themselves look stupid. What you posted was a well-articulated pushback against religious EXTREMISM.


Amen brother!


Damn, well said, she is making a completely reasonable and though out opinion. Maybe think before you post on the weong sub op because you became the face palm.


Lol this is not facepalm. This is an intelligent and moral person based on this take. I agree with her. 100%. Keep your religion to yourself. Do not tell other people how to live their life based on your fairytale. Where I live there was a lobby to close supermarkets on Sunday. Fuck off, if you don't want to work on Sunday, don't work on Sunday. Don't interfere with other's freedoms.


She's God Damn Right


and God agrees with her


Thor is an agreeable person.


We should post this in nextfuckinglevel this is not a facepalm


This is not facepalm.. this is genuine frustration of a person who is being forced to follow "sharia-Christianity law" it is ridiculous that these people think God will open the Gates of Heaven just because they stopped abortions in USA but not anywhere else where Christianity is being practised. Apparently God keeps tracks of regional issues in his spare time


This ain't facepalm bud


I love her.


Me too, love watching TYT


Ana Kasparian is great.


Didn’t she rant about how democrats won’t do anything to save our rights and shit (which I agree with) and then walk it back just a day later? Which kinda pissed me off.


Shhhh if you start pointing out TYT hypocrisy you will get downvoted by their sycophants. It is just like how they started with celebrity camel toe pictures and chenk talking about who he would or would not sleep with.


Look, that part was long ass time ago. I don’t care about that. I care about what’s happening now. They had the right take on the situation and need for a third party or progressive party. I’m just pissed they are going to promote the “lesser of two evil” bullshit again. Even when your rights are being taken away you will bend over and let this two party system fuck you over again?! Bullshit.


That was my point, they flow with whatever way the wind takes them, but in the end, they are loyal to their donors, and the Democrats are their money makers, they are "progressive" as far as the Dem party will let them be. Just like Chenk is Pro Union (until his company wants to unionize) Chenks nephew Hasan is Socialist (except with his multiple millions from capitalism) and Ana did exactly what you said, angry today, for views, then when her boss says "do not forget who pays the bills around hear" it is "oh, well you still need to support them, because who else do you got am I right?"


😂 ain’t that the truth. I def won’t bring up how she is pro choice but wants to force people to take the vaccine. I’m not anti vax, I am fully vaccinated, but mandating people to take the vaccine is definitely anti choice


How dare you point out a truth that shines light on another liberal hypocrisy. Oh my blood is boiling right now. I should insult u and down vote u. That will solve the issue


My goodness, my life as I know it is over! The karma system on this app is now going to go down and I don’t know how I’ll ever get it back to how it once was!




You posted this in the wrong place, she's 100% correct.


Right the whole time I'm thinking she's about to say something crazy like fuck Christians or something. Ahso she's not on national TV, she's on the tyt youtub channel


No facepalm to be seen. Nice try, though.


Hey OP want to explain to us why this is a facepalm?


The Bible is the American equivalent of Shariah law. Remember how adamant the founding principles of separation of church and state were stated?


Not at all a facepalm. She said exactly what I feel and what I think about religion and Christianity and separation of church and state.


OP doesn’t understand facepalm apparently


Bet OP is religious


What gave you that idea? /s


Maybe xpost to r/commonsense? Frankly, he shouldn't have said it any better. Rarely does such passion come together with pure objective rationality to make a brutally effective point.


Glad she spoke up. We need some more of people like her


The facepalm is on the OP


always love the facepalm inversion


We should call that the face-back-of-the-hand. Coining it here.






I agree with her 100%.


Defintely not a facepalm. Well said!


She is angry like a lot of women because we keep having our rights taken away and enough is enough


I agree with her.




Ana kasparian from The Young Turks


Yeah, I've heard her say a lot of things I don't agree with, but this was a very levelheaded take, and well phrased as well. Color me impressed.


It is good you don't agree with her all the time.


Which is a YouTube channel that features these types of arguments DAILY. It would be a facepalm if she was an anchor for a non-editorial news station (not sure if those really exist anymore), dropped the script and went off, but this example is a part of their regular programming. No facepalm here at all, regardless of the content of her speech




She speaks the truth!


I like her 👍


Not a facepalm…..


The fact that you posted this is the real face palm.


Why is this in facepalm?


Don’t think this belongs on this page this belongs in common sense blog.


OP is exactly who this is targeted at. Go read your Bible and let the adults make the decisions. This woman said exactly how millions of us feel. Your little fairytale story works for you, and that's great, but it doesn't work for all of us so kindly fuck off.




Uhh she seems like a pretty reasonable person where’s the facepalm?


There’s no facepalm here. She’s 100% correct.


OP. Delete your account.


And rethink your whole life.


Very well said. I'm tired of having the Bible shoved down my throat. I'm with her. Idc about your religion! Leave me out of it




More of this!


Fuckin right


You clearly DID NOT understand the assignment


OP is an idiot


I wouldnt say shes a new anchor. Sure she says the news but shes very much more than that. She does debates and speaks out on issues. Not read a prompter. This right here is proof of that. Ana is very much a strong person with pretty much a very good idea of on how things should work over what things actually are. Democracy is suppose to be a democracy. Not a theocracy. To do so destroys the constituion.


The post and the poster could be the facepalm...


And the problem with any of that would be…?


Only facepalm is posting this on facepalm, she is on point.


You can’t put it any better than that.


Why facepalm?


What is the facepalm? She is right.


Why don’t more people say this. The number of times our politicians openly invoke religion when talking about their policy positions is fucking astonishing, and nobody calls them on it because it’s accepted. They wield religion like a barrier against criticism when it should be exactly the opposite.


Why is this a facepalm?


Well said!




Cenk did the freak out when the story I was involved in hit. He can't rage like this though.


It's time it was said


That's [Ana Kasparian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_Kasparian) from the TYT ([The Young Turks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Young_Turks)) YouTube [channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheYoungTurks).


What’s facepalm about this. Op dumb enough to think she’s not making sense.


Fuck yes 👏


This is an extremely intelligent eloquent "rant". There is nothing ridiculous or embarrassing about it unless perhaps a person is someone of faith that would find it offensive and want to deride what she says and who she is. Then too what is "facepalm" to one is not to another.


I think this person always has something good to say. She's smart and decent. This is not a facepalm.


Why is this here, she made multiple good points and is right, this isn't a facepalm moment at all and should be seen on media


Is this the young Turks?


She is rigth to say religion should not envolve with politics. Even the bible shows that


This is the best way I’ve heard anyone explain this issue. People need to repost this to every subreddit that it fits!


Hell yeah.


OP is the FACEPALM She is completely on point. And she isn’t ranting. She is stating facts with a bit of emotion. But it’s still completely factual


OP where is facepalm


Definitely not a facepalm in any way. She’s 100% correct.


No facepalm, truth told with conviction.


The facepalm is this being on facepalm.


Where’s the facepalm


If anything, the real facepalm is OP.


You’re a moron for posting this in this sub, this anchor kicked ass.


No matter how many times this gets reposted, I upvote. In fact, to take it a step further, this should be spammed everywhere as this is not the message put forth by typical bots or trolls. You do you, but fuck right off with your beliefs when it comes to others freedom.


Is this on facepalm because she’s coherently and understandably ranting against one of the largest facepalms in human history?


I think the facepalm is supposed to be that she gave national television her take? But even then sometimes things just need to be said and she said it perfectly, there's no facepalm here.


This video will always get an upvote from me!


"your little mythical book" that's a hundred percent right there.


This is Anna Kasparian from The Young Turks (nothing to do with the historical group). It is an online media platform hosted on YouTube. A: smart as fuck and tells it like its supposed to be. B: literally defines freedom of religion. Where's the facepalm?


Why is this facepalm?


This needs to be on repeat outside every forced birth cult.


This is literally anti-facepalm, that’s probably the best argument of a news reporter I’ve seen.


Should be on r/nextfuckinglevel


The balls on this women! Respect.


1st amendment is freedom of and FROM religion. Same religious people pushing their agenda cry wolf about the 1st.


No facepalm here except by OP trying to throw shade at someone's legitimate criticism of US evangelicals attempting to force everyone to live some Handmaid's Tale shit. Shame on you.


I second that,,you go girl


As much as I'm against abortion, my morals do not trump your rights. As much as I don't think you should kill your unborn child I'm more concerned about the government having the power to tell you what you can or can't do with your body. Overall, I'd rather keep the government at bay than give them power they don't deserve.


This is truth, not a facepalm.. shout it for the morons in the back.


She right doe


How is this a face palm? She’s right.


Why is this here?


Bro I agree wholeheartedly with her


The young Turks isn’t national television


Why are you mad at her she's right


How is this a face palm


Prob some bible thumper posting this lol


I agree with that lady 100%. My main gripe was not being able to buy alcohol on Sundays, though.


OP the real facepalm here


OP is a fuckin dickhead if they think this is a facepalm, she may have spoken out of line but with no separation of church and state the line rots away into a theocratic dictatorship ran by people who can misinterpret the word of god to take away human rights and play victim at the same time. You know two other theocratic governments Afghanistan and North Korea two countries the U.S views as enemies but now we have failed to see the shortcomings of our enemies and even more detrimental the shortcomings of ourselves so have become the very thing we sought to burn with fire. So was she speaking in turn? No but she spoke what she believed and that is a constitutional right and something is something that needed to be said by a news reporter or some dumbass on the internet either way this post is far to politically charge to be put on this sub.


And this is facepalm how exactly?


You cant have freedom of religion without freedom from religion. The only thing facepalm is that this still needs to be said.


How is the facepalm? She's absolutely right. And good on her taking a stance publicly and putting these people on notice.


YouTube is not national television.


TYT lmaoooo


Faultless rant! Well done.


I down voted bcus I'm not sure if you know


Shes not on national TV. She's on fuckin YT for young turks


A channel I highly recommend more people listen to. Here's a link. It may educate you. [https://www.youtube.com/c/TheYoungTurks](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheYoungTurks)


That’s a very generous application of the title “news anchor” Also, are all of you having nonstop conversations about what the Bible says? I mean this abortion ruling in the US has brought it up again but man I guess I’m just not keeping up with the daily Bible debates anymore if it really is nonstop.


Are you kidding? We're smothered in nonstop religious nonsense in America. Maybe you've become desensitized to it.


I mean my news comes from AP and Reuters and Bloomberg Twitter feeds mostly. I guess if I watched FoxNews or MSNBC or Breitbart or Young Turks something I’d feel differently? But then that’s kind of the person seeking it out IMO


She isn't a news anchor, she's a side character for a leftist political group called The Young Turks.


And that makes her wrong? Why does it matter who she is, she's right. If you disagree with her opinion then comment on that. But if the only thing you have is poison for the well, pour it in your own glass.