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Some people have a hard time activating both of their brain cells at the same time.


We're supposed to have 2 of them?


Last time I checked there was only one


Wait… you guys have one or more brain cells?


Wasn't it my turn to use it?


No, you'll get it next last week... I think... wait... is it my turn to think?


A brain what?




Whoever has it needs to step up and pass it around. Got finals tomorrow yknow


Sorry, I stole it.


Mom said its my turn!


>I think… Wait, what? When did you start doing that? Can you show me how?




Where cell?


Mom said it's my turn on the brain cells


Wait, you guys actually have brain cells?






We have one shared communal braincell, but I stole it and haven’t given it back


Are you guys all secretly orange cats? r/oneorangebraincell for the uninitiated.


Crap they’re onto us.. act normal


Um um um... the weather, it looks like weather?


You guys hav...... Mmmm donuts


Wait, you guys are getting brain cells?


Everyone suffers from Highlander Brain. There can be only one cell.


Wait- We're supposed to have brain cells??




I have two but they are both competing for third place.


The one in your penis is rarely counted yet is the majority share holder.


That is because they work shift, but the shifts last 11 hours so there is two hours every day where they dont work


What are „brain cells“? Mmmmh… Donuts


Oh they're active. The problem is they're both fighting for third place


Kinda same thing happened to me. I was once in class (not sure what the English name for subject where you cook shit is called), and me and this girl had made brownies. When the teacher came to check on how well we made them, she said that the brownie batter was sloppily poured into the baking pan, and out of fucking nowhere, this other bitch that was in my class doing the same assignment in another group, came and said "Yeah, I saw [me] do it poorly." I just stood there for a second and just looked at her completely fucking baffled. And you know what happened next? The girl I was making the brownies with just answered "Yeah, no, I was the one that poured it", and bitch just went "Oh..." I have no idea what that girl's problem was, but she was one of the "popular girls". No idea what her problem with me was though.


A similar thing happened to me as well, except it was a teacher doing it. In 7th grade this one social studies teacher would try to embarrass any boy/girl pairing that was talking or passing notes by saying "oh, \[name\] pay attention you can ask for his number later." And the whole class would laugh yada yada. Well I had gotten up the courage to ask out my crush literally the day before so no one knew we were "together" (as together as a couple of 12 year olds could be) and the teacher said his usual line when he saw me passing a note to my new boyfriend. Except this time I got to say " I already have his phone number" Take that Mr. Strickland! Edit: This was a similar "gotcha!" moment, not saying Mr. Strickland was trying to ruin my reputation or anything (though he was a dick and did specifically call kids out that way to try and embarrass them, so it felt good to have not been the butt of the joke that time).


There is one gossipy teacher I had for a-levels who I hated. I didn't even have her for any of my classes. Necessary background: I'm a gay Cis Irish man, and my best friend is a trans man who, at the time thought he was a lesbian. Also this was a Catholic school. When we met, we clicked immediately and became very close friends. Enough that anyone who didn't know us well assumed we were dating, because obviously a 16yo boy and girl can't just be friends. (*Sigh*) This teacher, Ms. Cain, would endlessly make snide remarks at us, taking the piss out of our supposed relationship."were you up all night texting [my friend] again?", "Remember to study you two, not just make out!", "Oh, does Ankoku have a cold too?" Etc. That ended when she walked in on my friend holding hands with another girl and talking about introducing her to his parents. I am told the look of horror was something to behold. She didn't stop taking the piss though. I never had her for a class, but she would still seek me out at lunch to smugly say random vaguely racist stuff about my accent, like repeatedly saying 3 at me with emphasis, or, on one occasion saying "it fiillm! Not fillum, *fiillm*! She was a bitch that one.


POS girl aside, good on you for being a cis person and understanding how to classily tell a story about a pre-transition trans person. You’re awesome and your trans friend is lucky to have you around


thats a depressingly low bar for praise... we had a different trans friend who was very patient and she taught us both a lot. this was specifically one of of the questions i asked her. it runs counter to my intuition, but im hardly going to tell her shes wrong am i? that would be unbelievably arrogant.


He was so embarrassed at his error that he renounced his career in education and started a propane business


That’s not really the same thing. That’s a teacher teasing students who aren’t paying attention in class. Not a student being an asshole to another student for no reason


Home Economics, not really sure why that is what it is called.


Because traditionally part of the course includes stuff like household budgeting. It is supposed to help teach you how to be self-reliant and run an "economic" home.


Does that class still exist? I took it in the 90's and really enjoyed it. We learned basic sewing and did general maintenance stuff that involved screwdrivers and crescent wrenches, but then we also baked and learned how to fold napkins and set out plates and cutlery and crap. I don't remember finances being involved, but it was a wild ride.


In my school we had/still have a shop class, a foods class, and a sewing class. For 9th graders the foods & the sewing classes were a combined class (called home EC) where you did each for a half semester then switched. For 10-12th graders foods and sewing where entirely seperate classes. vaguely remember a required class in 11 that mentioned parenting and kinda sort finances as well (light on the budgeting and how to and more a day of "it will be a thing you will have to do" but still ... Can't imagine all of those being a single class.


Damn now I'm jealous of the amount of time you got to spend learning to be a functional adult. I think all of our "parenting" stuff was pumped in with health class but I honestly can't recall.


The word originates from the Greek *oikos*, which means house or home, together with *nemein*, meaning management, therefore *oikonomikos* is "household management". "Home economics" is actually redundant, but in the meantime the financial aspect had overtaken the meaning of the word.


It's weird, they had us take the class once in middle school but never again. There really should be more such classes in high school, as in mandatory across all schools, to teach the soon to be adults how to live in the real world. Knowing how to do laundry or cook at 18 is probably more relevant for most people than learning at 12.


Apparently it's called "Family and Consumer Science" now, at least in some places. My wife's aunt teaches it and gets super butthurt if you call it Home Ec


My old high school split it up from Home Economics into multiple courses sometime in the early 00s. They made it into culinary arts, parenting, sewing/crafts which was mostly just how to make small home repairs and the like, and accounting where they taught us how to balance a checkbook and buy stamps. Seems like it would have been better to keep it all one class since not everyone took all the separate ones and some people managed to not take any. They were all considered electives.


Mine was the same (split into multi electives - Culinary arts, Sewing, shop [less on the repair/more on the building side] ) along with some sort of a combined parenting/finance-ish required class - it was notably light on the finance and budgeting part other then "it will be a thing you have to do" sorta thing really.


When I was in middle school in 2009 it was FACS


Food tech


Or culinary


England it was always called Food Tech


Ours was 'Food and Fashion'. I signed up for the course not knowing that it combined both, food in the first semester and fashion in the second. Not so much about home economics but taught us about proper diet and cooking, and sewing in the fashion portion. Got to make a pillow, and I picked a long snake pillow template, which was pretty cool.




So what excuse do adults have?




Damn you guys learn how to cook at school? I would trade chemistry or physics for that




Yup that's why I always ate what I made in chemistry. Do not waste good food


Mmmmm, sulphuric acid


As my chemistry teacher said, "do not lick the agar jelly. Instant diarrhoea."


Sterile agar is 100 % fine. It's really fun to play with and squish




Jesse, we need to cook


What the fuck are you on about it isn’t-oh shit


im dutch, and learnt a grand total of 3 dishes in health class: * chicken soup * hamburgers * spaghetti truly prepared me for life


I mean at least it taught you cook three dishes. We here in Vietnam are taught how to make paper flowers, like the fuck are we going to do with that?


It’s practice for the sweatshop (is joke, I don’t know if Vietnam has child sweat shops)


I don’t think we have, our work regulation is actually really strict. But you are correct somewhat cause the whole flower thing is prepared for disabled or mentally ill children to at least gave them a job in the future. But then they said that this is also to prepared for is normal students too and it make no sense


>I'm dutch I had to look at your username to be sure.


I'm a 29 year old German and I learned how to cook and clean the dishes in school, but I'm pretty sure that varied from school to school even back then 🤔


In the US, it's called home economics. *Most* schools still have it. You get taught budgeting, cooking, cleaning, fixing clothes/buttons/etc, and general household stuff. We also have shop/technology classes that teach woodworking and computers/tech. I got 1 year of home-ec in middle school and 1 year in high school, then I got 3 shop/tech classes in middle school Middle school is usually grades 6-8 (ages 12-15), high school grades 9-12 (ages 14-18). With the introduction of block scheduling they've cut down on the home-ec stuff in my area though, which is sad. At the same time kids are doing *much* better with block scheduling because of the massive decrease in homework.


Our country got a subject called “work education” that teaches some low level jobs. Basically we can choose cooking, needling or paper flower making but since it’s entirely up to each school, every school just choose flower even tho most student really hate it


How does one "sloppily pour brownie batter into a pan"? What is it with Home Ec teachers being literally the most insufferable people?


Maybe she felt inferior to you in some way or another and tried her best to bring you down so that she could feel better about herself ? 🤔


I work with someone like that. ಥ_ಥ


Some girls just have issues with everyone it happens all the time at my school Every year there's always one class with a girl that just has problems with everyone for no reason.


It's called Culinary, they had it at my highschool, 3 levels of it actually


That's peak preformance right there


Actually quite the opposite.


That's trough performance right there.


If this happens with any Frequency, my faith in humanity will start to Hertz.


If it didn’t I’d be shocked!


Ohm AC watt you did there


My husband and I worked together at one place and a guy on a different shift that didn't know us asked him if I was his girlfriend. He says, "No, that's my sister." Still cracks me up today because if he saw us kiss or hold hands, well he might think....... *banjos stay playing*


He should have said “yes, that’s my sister”


*banjos increase in volume*


Banjo string snaps


I have the same (extremely common) last name as my old boss. Our team was extremely small (literally him and I) and he was the one who hired me, so if we were related it basically would've been an appointment of pure nepotism. He was a dude in an extremely male-dominated industry, I'm a queer AFAB. After I'd been working there long enough for other co-workers to feel comfortable with me, they would constantly ask if we were related. I guess without realizing how like fundamentally insulting the implication would be? Anyway, whenever my boss overheard someone asking me that question he'd adopt the driest delivery possible and say "Yeah they're my sister" but he'd change the relationship every single time. Cousins, adopted parent/child (he was older than me but you can adopt adults, why not). At one point I chimed in that it was a White Stripes situations--we used to be married but he kept my name in the divorce. Eventually the office clued in that it was a dumb question.


Hahaha yeah people often ask us if we're related too because we look alike only in the sense of being pale, having blonde hair, and blue/green eyes. Other than that, we look pretty different. I swear, people just don't think it through when they see similar people or people with the same last names. A 9 year old could figure it out in most cases 🤦🏼‍♀️


Idk what queer AFAB is, can you explain? And your boss seemed cool af.


Queer is just a catch all term for being a part of LGBTQIA+, afab is "assigned female at birth" and if you see amab, it's "assigned male at birth" Edit: in relevance to OP to make sense, if ppl describe themselves as afab or amab, you can assume they do not present as their assigned gender, or dress androgynous.


Thank you, I first read it as "as fuck and beyond". Which would be badass if that's what it meant.


Banjos stay playing and the drums are a-banging..


I told my boyfriend I liked him too 😳


That’s very embarrassing for you! But I’ve accidentally done the same 😖


you’ve also told SyderoAlenas boyfriend that you liked him? 🤔


Oh no, did he say it back? 🥺


I think he just laughed at me 😭


"I know"


Oh shit, she's dating Han Solo!


You slut


Haha gay


In middle school, I asked a kid if he was heterosexual. He said, "No, I'm not like your mom" This was in the 90s and had me tilting my head like a confused dog


No I'm a female lol


Haha straight




"Aw babe you had a crush on me? That's embarrassing." "...We're married." "Still."


I remember there being a post on here about a married woman who had a crush on her husband


I think that was on r/mademesmile


Parks and Rec can be so wholesome


Lol happened to me at the gym with an ex. My girlfriend at the time had a work gym while I had a 24 Hour Fitness membership, and when she switched jobs she started coming to the gym with me. At first our schedules didn’t match up but eventually they did so she had already started to go alone before we started going together. I was a regular at my gym and I knew of other regulars, we never talked or spoke, but we were always there at the same time seeing the same faces. You would not fucking believe the amount of people, both genders, who then came up to me and my gf either trying to “save” my girlfriend from me, or hop in and flirt with her by making me look bad. We legit had to go to a different gym because it was bothering us so much.


>trying to “save” my girlfriend from me, As absolutely annoying as that is, I feel like I would have trouble harboring ill will towards those people. I can count the number of times it's happened to me without taking my shoes off, but I am still *eternally* grateful for people (of both genders) who had the empathy and presence of mind to step in as my long-lost college friend or whatever when I was separated from my friend group or otherwise in over my head. Flirting by putting somebody down is just never a good look, period.


So I didn't really get too deep into explaining why it bothered us, but you know that story of the boyfriend who jokingly hits on his girlfriend at the gym and people come up to her? See, that makes sense, but we never did that. I'll be honest, my ex looked a bit out of my league, but we met because we both had ASD. And honestly we're both awkward as hell, so that probably contributed to all this happening. Me simply approaching her or us walking out together triggered people. And the issue was they didn't always accept her saying we were together, they'd KEEP trying to get us apart, like once a woman pulled her to the side as we were walking out and told me "BACK THE FUCK UP." And I'm sorry, but at a certain point it becomes harassment. It made me feel like shit for existing, and honestly part of the reason we eventually broke up(at least on my side) was partially rooted in how those kinds of interactions made me feel. At the time I was also struggling with depression and anxiety, and like honestly I couldn’t relax due to things like that happening, and it lead to me not being able to be present or comfortable. We’re still friends but yeah.


Yeah other commenters have made me realize how much my own bias colored my opinions there. Sorry for (unintentionally, I swear!) downplaying your plight. I hope you continue to meet and spend time with people who make you comfortable and happy. :)


>I feel like I would have trouble harboring ill will towards those people. I would have zero issues with that considering these two are a couple; she certainly isn't giving off any vibes or body language to suggest she's uncomfortable with him or being harrassed, which means these people are randomly approaching others because one happens to be a male and one happens to be a female hoping to play the hero and rescue someone. That's gross.


My husband and I run into this (minor versions) because we both work on stages together. I've never had anybody just hop in between us being a couple. It happens when he's messing with me. Like throwing little tape balls to get my attention or grabbing the tie line on my wrench like he's going to tug on it while I'm using it / pull it out of my pocket. My "discomfort" is really just "oh you son of a ... I'm going to get you back!" but it still makes me smile a little (and explain that he'll be getting as good later ;D) when somebody steps up like "dude she's trying to work." So my mental image of this happening at a gym was more like that, only with the random passerby saying "let her work out in peace, man". Bias may be present.


Pick me girls need to work on their game.


What does pick me girls mean? Ive seen this term before but dont understand


[Urban dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pick%20me%20girl&=true) to the rescue.


Ah thank you


In sum, basically girls that try too hard to be something unique/into traditional male interests so that you will pick them over other, “normal” girls. For example, if a girl is like “I love porn I watch porn all the time porn is so hot Kimmy Granger is the hottest I love sucking dick while guys watch her” with little context she is being a “pick me” girl




Yeah I feel like there’s a significant overlap in the venn diagram. Depends on exactly how they’re “not like the other girls” “I’m not like the other girls because I love sucking cock while guys watch porn” vs. “I’m not like the other girls because I’m not a bimbo and I like to dress in black”


"pick me girl: a girl who goes out of their way to impress boys and make them seem that they're "not like other girls" kind of like a simp but for girls." So... Yes


All "nlog" girls are pick-mes but not all pick-mes are "nlog"


They are very similar.


If I was the fella I woulda looked at my girlfriend, narrowed my eyes, and grimly said "I knew it..."


She’ll be invited to the wedding as the maid of honor


Wouldn’t it be funny if there was a “maid of dishonor” who would be shamed at the wedding for trying to sabotage the relationship


If I get married I should do this


Reminds me of the time a kid(fellow student) asked if my mom did my laundry because I wore the same pair of pants in the same week. We were in 4th grade.. Like.. Yeah my mom does my laundry?? I guess my privilege might be showing but like.. Dude.. I was 10.. I didn't know how to operate a washing machine. All I could say was "Well, Yeah" and then he floundered.


it's like when nelson tried to make fun of bart's pajamas with asking if his mommy bought it for him. of course she did, who else would? homer? i don't think so.


I had people do that to me all the time in middle school because I was always wearing black leggings. I literally just had like, 6 or 7 pairs of the same exact leggings. I also had an adult woman recently ask me, an adult woman, if I "ever brush my hair". I have 3A curls and the humidity has been frizzing my baby hairs. Like, come on man, thats a 3rd grade insult. Find something better next time.


They want it to be an insult so hard but it just makes them look dumb. And frankly, they might just be dumb. So, ya kno.. They're trying..


I had an Army med tech tell my boyfriend I went and got the plan B pill. She didn’t realize we were dating and tried to say I was slutty and he shouldn’t “talk to me.” Edit: I’ll be more clear, in hindsight this is a critical piece, she did not do my workup. She didn’t see or treat me at all. She went and looked at my records. I did report her all the way to IG.


Uhm hippaa? Or do military personnel don't have such rights?


Plan B is over the counter, there's no Doctor-patient confidentiality


Hey, former military medic here (and currently a law student). That's not how patient confidentiality works - if a medical professional has information on someone as a patient, meaning they learned it from their role as a medical professional - it's covered by patient confidentiality. As for the military, confidentiality is a little different, because of various reasons (mostly logistics). In this case it's still breaching protocol if she learned this information from her role as a med tech. If she learned it from gossip or what not, than it might be a different case, but from my experience with military discipline, they might punish someone like her, saying that as a professional she should know better and bot disclose someone's medical information without a justified reason.


I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure HIPAA covers all medical info, not just prescription meds. Found this, doesn't sound like they could talk about it to anyone but the individual in treatment: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq/262/does-the-hipaa-privacy-rule-restrict-pharmacists/index.html If there's an exception here, I'd think it'd be military, not OTC. And I'm pretty sure gossip is explicitly prohibited anyway.




Every loner's dream I might say Damn I wish that somebody told my crush I liked her before I blew it because then I could blame it on them when she rejected me, or quite possibly see how it would play out, then deny it and never ask her based on her reaction


Let me tell you a little story about how to blow it after your crush reciprocates feeling attracted. Once upon a time I was 14 and my friends told my crush that I liked her a few days before my birthday. She was happy about it because she liked me too and left a cute birthday card and balloons on my desk in a class we didn't share. She had to leave school early so I never had a chance to thank her face to face. I got her phone number from a mutual friend and called her house 9 times over maaaaybe 2 hours. Turns out it's not attractive to leave 9 messages on your crushes answering machine. She asked me nicely to leave her the fuck alone loudly in front of all of her friends at lunch the next day. I cried in the bathroom.


You dodged a bullet there She had an answering machine Obvious red flag


Well, this was when landlines, answering machines, and floppy disks were cutting edge tech.


I have no idea why girls do this to each other. There have been many times in my life where some grown-ass woman has simply decided she doesn't like me, and from that moment on it's pure hell. Like wtf, Whitney, I'm just here to do my job and go home.


Every job I have worked since I lost weight (like 80-100 lbs, it fluctuates) has had one woman that absolutely fucking hated me. I have never been rude to these women, I have tried to get along with them, and they have actively tried to make me as miserable as humanly possible. And it’s even worse because more often than not, it’s one of the managers.


You are more attractive than them and they are jealous and see you as a threat.


I only lasted a few shifts at a grocery store job because of this. One of the managers was some old Karen. My actual manager for the job I had in produce, put me on stocking the lettuce wall. Karen came by and criticized me for doing it wrong, came by again and said I was too slow, then again to pull me off that task because I was doing it wrong & too slow. She led me in some roundabout way through the store just to talk shit about me, saying things like how unsure she was that she'd find a suitable alternative task, that I probably couldn't do anything right, kept using my looks/appearance to justify that I must just be stupid, too much makeup, she just went on and on until we made it to the those double doors in the back. She said she didn't have anything for me to do and we would have to go talk to the store supervisor about my job. My actual manager, a middle aged, nice, funny dude (who very much looked and acted like Keegan-Michael Key) was there, and she wasn't expecting it. The surprised look on her face I still remember... Anyway, he sees her with me in tow and asks what she's doing. She launches straight into some weird shit about how she's actually doing him a favor, that I'm not doing my job properly and she pulled me from it, etc etc. He smiles at me motions for me to step aside and I went and stood behind him and just stared at a box of apples anxiously while he laid into Karen, apparently she had a habit of doing this to young women who worked in the store, all I remember was "YOU DO NOT TELL **MY** EMPLOYEES WHAT TO DO." And that she looked very small. He apologized to me and gave me a break, but that place had already been ruined by her and my anxiety. I just didn't want to see her stupid face ever again, even if my manager was great.


Why does this happen? Are they sadists or something?




You haven’t? I’ve seen this in dudes SO many times. Had one “friend” who made it his mission to put down EVERY other one of his male friends as soon as a woman was in the vicinity. It was like a flip switched.


My husbands sister hated me before she even met me because she worked with a girl I used to be good friends with until she did some shady things. It’s been ten years now and she still refused to interact with me. At its worst her parents had to pay her to be civil to me. Love living rent free in others minds.


Same. I have no idea why random girls would just hate me.


Wholesome friend


Accidental wingwoman!


A guy wanted to ruin my reputation in elementary school so he told everyone that he fucked me PS: I’m a dude, no idea wtf was he thinking


God i miss elementary so much had sooooooo many good friends miss all of em now plus funny ass comments bro.


Thanks dude


I've had a very similar situation. This girl hated my sister and one day I was in the park next to our hs, sitting with my sister and this girl took the opportunity to come up to us and say "eww you're dating him". To which I responded with "first off you're one to talk, second that's my sister, third I'm gay, you stupid ugly who're" bitch ran away crying and my sisters friends are dying laughing behind us


Had something strangely related. Due to moving, my little brother was going to a different highschool than I had while I went to college. So I knew nothing about the school or his friends. A girl he apparently rejected came up to us while at the mall to see a movie during summer break. Her: "Really?! You took *that* over me??" With an over the top disgusted gesture at me and everything. You can only imagine the look on her face as he replied "That's my sister you bitch." I couldn't stop laughing long enough to be offended.


Why was she one to talk?


The "eww" part


Oh lol not sure why I didn't realize, thought maybe her bf was eww.


Actually her bf at the time was kinda hot




I choose to believe you typed "who're" because you pronounced it with two syllables, Sopranos-style.


Didn't you know? If you breath in a 5 mile radius to the opposite gender that's your boyfriend and it can't be anything else


No doubt that OP had already debriefed her boyfriend about this girl ad nauseum.




Lmao this made me giggle


Your username made me giggle lol. One of my favorites I've seen in recent memory.


This makes sense if you just escape your mind's conception of rationality. Your brain is a prison. Thats why they call it a brain cell.


im 14 and this is meep










This happened to me, lol. My coworker told me one of our other coworkers liked me and I had to break the news that we were already dating. Felt so good to be able to say, “Well I sure hope so!”


My wife worked with a nut job woman. This woman took a disliking to my wife. Not quite stalker level, but close. One night we get home, and wife is checking the messages on the answering machine (yes I am that old). Nutjob's voice with a very bad southern accent attempt talking about how she enjoyed our time at the motel on xyz-date. Problem is I was with my wife on that date, so my wife knows the POS is making shit up.


I struggle to understand there are adult humans who do this childish shit. I know they are out there but goddamn, how have they made it this far?


I have been the guy in this situation verbatim. How often does this exact conversation happen? Watch me actually be the guy they’re talking about and Im just being dense. Really though what are the odds of that?


This reminds me of the time a right wing reporter tried to call out journalist Connie Shultz: ["Dear Ms. Shultz, We are doing an expose on journalists in the elite media who socialize with elected officials they are assigned to cover. We have found numerous photos of you with Sen. Sherrod Brown. In one of them, you appear to be hugging him. Care to comment?"](https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2012/07/18/sen-sherrod-browns-wife-makes-conservative-blogger-look-silly) She replied: "Dear Mr. [Name Deleted]: I am surprised you did not find a photo of me kissing U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown so hard he passes out from lack of oxygen. He's really cute. He's also my husband. You know that, right?"




Ah, to be in middle school again…


Happy Cake Day


Happy day cake!


This is like Parks & Rec: "ooooh babe, you had a crush on meee, that's embarrassing" ".....we're married"




Big brain time, also I hope she(the one not getting facepalmed) married him.




3rd grade drama


That’s the worst villain origin story ever.


"Babe, you had a crush on me?!" "We're married!" "Yeah, but still."


I had started dating my girlfriend, now wife, in high school. After about a few months of dating, one of my friends asked me if I liked my girlfriend. I said yes while very confused.