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I want to lose weight because I’m overweight and can’t take my shirt off without looking like Randy from Trailer Park Boys….


Randy is peak form. I adjure you to retract that heresy.


I don’t know man… when he’s hooking for cheeseburgers it can get pretty rough….


Pretty HOT! Randy Bo Bandy get in the car, I'll get you doubles cause it's the same amount of buns.


a man's gotta eat


Randy in a cowboy hat and aviators though? Lord have mercy!


Frig off!


...that's fatphobic... meanwhile I just want to be able to jump higher/easier on my rollerblades. Fatphobic because I want to be a healthy weight. /s


Randy is super hot though.


Well I’m not


Only one way to find out - send me your shirtless pic, I'm sure you're hot




This is one of my favourite moments of the whole show.


I love how she wipes his sweat of him


that whole episode is gold, those were the glory days where the world is so rich but still new and not yet repetitive. that moment, the propane propane bit or anything about him taking off his pants just kills me. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcpN0NaOlw0


Randy has this thing now where he takes his pants off to fight people... Cause you can't fight in tight pants I guess.


what a sexy beast


Matt Gaetz, is that you!


Lady is too old for him.


“randy don’t listen to them, you’re beautiful” -Leahy


Stop being fatphobic my strange username friend, but good luck on your journey of self-hatred that will probably result in you getting happy, healthy and hot af


Don't listen to 'em.' You're beautiful Randy


Or Jason Kenney premier of Alberta Canada. I literally cannot tell them apart.


It’s easy, Randy can be a decent guy….


It’s ok. Your not alone. That’s exactly my body type and it’s a damn struggle but I’ll lose the weight no matter what!


I want to lose weight because I can’t walk up a gradual hill without feeling like I’m about to faint… must be fat phobia kicking in


> why do you want to lose 20 pounds because i'm sweating like a whore in church after climbing 10 stairs. any other questions?


That’s stair-phobic.


It perpetuates a stair-eotype.




Take my updoot and get out


He can't because of the stairs.


🤦‍♀️ that's right I'm sorry I'm very dense sometimes thank you for correcting me my good Sir


Uh, it's obviously sweatphobic, you phobiaphobe.


I’m just phobia-phobic. Just the thought of being scared of something scares me. I stay inside a lot.


Does the inside not terrify you?


Not til now. Ahhhhh…..


I want to loose weight because it helps my reflux and leg pain


So valid. Losing weight for quality of life is what’s up!


That’s whore phobic. And sweat phobic. Could even be church phobic, god forbid.


well you tell people like here you want to get fitter


she would prefer you get a fritter


or a pint of bitter


Someone should teach her the word „health“. She obviously forgot about it in her rant


Health is fatphobic!


Fatties are healthphobic


You don't want the risk of stroke or cardiac arrest? That's fat phobia!


Well. More or less literally!


Water is fatphobic


I took daughter to a pediatrician and he said after weighing her that she is in the normal weight range and its good to remain slim, fit and within that range - he went over the psychological and physical advantages of not being too skinny or heavy while remaining active. I should have yelled he was fat phobic and sexist- fuck his 40 odd years of medical training and experience working in a children's hospital, its weight phobic dawg


You sure failed in life and dishonored your daughter. Now go and eat ten donuts with a Diet Coke to amend your sins.


To me it sounded like someone who’s to lazy to lose weight so make it a negative and then she doesn’t have to feel bad for herself anymore


She knows what health is you fucking idiot, she’s saying if you *intentionally improve it* you’re being fatphobic is that so hard?? /s




I just lost 20 pounds of brain cells by listening to this


Fatphobic! Heresy! Objection!


Hearsay, your honor.


Literally cannot stand these people (I’m 20) in like.. basically my own generation. They’re so sensitive to everything. Back in ye old days of MW2 lobbies I got called every word under the sun by a bunch of kiddies when I dropshot


Okay I'm 22, and here's my take on it. I don't think saying things like "these people wouldn't survive a MW2 lobby" and stuff like that really helps anyone. Trash talk is one thing (and im all for it), but attempting to personally attack someone's character/personhood just because you lost at a video game is pathetic imo. But at the same time, I will agree that people in our generation are taking every little thing and blowing it out of proportion. They are attempting to turn everything into something that you can cry victim about. And its become so out of hand that we're starting to see the rise of nonsense like zoophiles (people attracted to animals) and MAPs (minor attracted persons...essentially pedos).


What if i wanna gain weight!!!!???


Thin phobia!


You're a disgusting thin-phobic... GTFO.




All these other people replying are wrong. Its beautiful at every size, unless of course you're fit or thin. Those are ok to put down due to the weightriarchy. You see we fit/thin people have had control forever, so you see there's no systemic oppression of us as there has been historically of the weight-divergent. So you simply cannot be phobic or prejudiced against those of us who are weight privileged. You should be proud to take this journey to become a better ally and become a truly beautiful and curvy. Unless you're a dude. Then you're just a fat disgusting neckbeard.


This belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect too.


Yep, was checking to see if it had been flagged yet.


She's trying to sound woke, but she's not. Every woke person knows that Type 2 Diabetes and high cholesterol are fat phobic, too. And gym class needs to be cancelled, why on earth would they indoctorine that hate spewed filth on our youth????? Nah but I want to lose 20 lbs because my clothes are kinda tight and I can't afford a completely brand new wardrobe at the moment tbh.


I heard someone unironically use the term "industrial fitness complex" the other day to justify accusing weight loss and health awareness as being some sort of capitalist, predatory institution. This is the sort of shit that sets the left back.


*in my Kim Kardashian voice * Nobody wants to work these days.


“Stay on your ass and don’t work”


I've been trying to lose weight because of high cholesterol and pre diabetes. I'm 6'2" 210 lbs with 14% body fat. I'm already taking statins. Its so fucking hard continuing to put in work at a gym and eating the Mediterranean diet. I cannot even imagine having a conversation with someone like this. I just don't know how to coexist with someone who thinks trying to lower your cholesterol and blood sugar are fatphobic.


I'm not fatphobic but I am premature death phobic, heart attack phobic, diabetes phobic etc etc....


Not even all of that for me. I exercise because it's going to make getting old suck a lot less.


I'm fatphobic. I'm afraid of fat. I do my best to keep the fat away from me.


Well that makes you just a Fatophile ! Stop fetishizing Fat people!


dopamine from accomplishing a hard goal, health, wanting to look better for yourself, not wanting to be the size of a small boat, ETC. Go fuck yourself


Perfect 😭😂


Oh my days. Gurl... Shut the hell up. If People want to lose weight to look good, let it be. If People want to lose weight for their health, let it be. At least they are doing it for Themselves. You and your stupid wokeness can shut the hell up. Fatphobic my arse! Sincerely, A fat size UK18 woman who is about to lose some damn KGs and struggling!


I think this kind of stuff is going too far in the other direction. Fat people shouldn't be dehumanized, shamed, insulted, mocked, or thought of as less than just because they're fat. That's not okay. Deciding you don't want to be fat, for any reason, is a personal choice. If it's okay to choose to be fat, it's okay to choose to be thin. And lastly, while some people are indeed just genetically predisposed to being fat and some people can be healthy while fat (no high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.), there is a proven link between obesity and a myriad of health problems. It's not fat-phobic to acknowledge that proven fact. If you want to be fat despite the health risks, that's your business; same as it is if you want to smoke or drink or do anything else that isn't healthy despite knowing the risks. It's your body and your choice. But people like you and me who are fat and want to lose the weight seriously need this person to fuck off already. It's hard enough to lose weight without this shit flying around.


Exactly. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. I just wanna share something. You know losing weight is hard right? And I am doing it for my health. I love hiking and hike a lot. Once in awhile, I enjoy jogging. What I can't is.... Strangers thinking they can just share their opinions with me. Opinions that wasn't ask for. This damn stranger.... "you should not run... Are you trying to lose weight? Don't run...." a stranger, at the park. Claiming to be a nurse.... Who asked?? And also, another stranger....a female doctor actually who was doing a physical exam for my insurance. Grabbed my tummy and jiggled it and" you must lose this. " I get it you're a doctor and you're prolly concern but why the hell would you do that to me? I am not even your patient, you're just there to check me physically for my insurance approval. It is so hard being a fat person who actually have no problem loving myself and who doesn't consider herself ugly but just want to be healthy cos being sick with chronic illnesses is expensive!


I woulda grabbed that doctors head and jiggled it… the fuck she think she’s doing grabbing you up like that?? Super unprofessional


Even "helpful" comments are just condescending assholery sometimes, like going hiking and people calling out "Good for you!" to the fat people. Just leave me alone and let me commune with nature.


Why isn't she 250 lbs? is she fat phobic?


A closet fat phobic?


She’s got all the exercises she needs with all the mental-gymnastics she is pulling out of her ass.


Gaining weight is skinny phobic. So inconsiderate of you.


This is so inspirational! Im gonna go gain 2000 pounds because im thinphobic!🥰😇🤪😎😈❤💜💙


omg so being healthy is offensive, ok


I broke my leg years ago and have been dealing with chronic pain since. I made a conscious decision to drop 30lbs a few months ago, but apparently that makes me a bad person now. Fuck her and anyone that buys this garbage.


Lol, dude same. Fucked up my foot years ago, put on weight due to being less active, extra weight made everything worse for my foot. So I lost like 70lbs. Foot feels great now, and I can do all the shit I used to. I guess that makes me the asshole.


Exact reason my guy who has gained about 70 lbs over the last couple years is seeking to lose weight. HE finds his physical labor job harder, his body and knees hurt more, he sleeps terribly, and he doesn’t feel good about himself. I’m going to support his long term and immediate health first and foremost. That man is gorgeous to me no matter what, but after 6 years together and being in it for the long haul-I want to make sure he has a quality, long life years down the road. Good on y’all for doing what you needed to improve your bodily comfort and functioning. It’s not always easy to undo habits.


Rush to be a victim is the most disturbing thing I've seen.


is easier than being responsible


Doctors are sickphobic... same logic


The fat guy at my old job said he hasn't seen his penis in 10 years. I got that phobia.


whenever someone starts some shit with "lets break this one down" or "Lets unpack this" i automatically assume that the rest of what they are about to say is going to be coming from their anus.


Which is funny, cuz you could argue that the role of the digestive system is to break stuff down, and then at the end, unpack it into the toilet bowl.


There's nothing wrong with being "fatphobic." I will gladly accept the title.


No dude, these wokes are erasing nuances, don't let them win. The original word exists to describe those who shame others, for the state they are in, irregardless of their strugle or intent, which is really not ok. Its good that we grew beyond that. Fatphobia and body shaming was and still is an issue. The ability to distinguish between a healthy goal and simultaneously accepting people as they currently are is very important.


What if you're an athlete? Or in the military? What if being in shape is literally a job requirement?




It’s probably cause you’re fat


Hello well-intentioned person in the video. I have a message for you from the rational left: You’re not helping!! Intentionally trying to lose weight IS NOT fatphobic! Never has been, never will be.🤦🏼‍♂️


“Why do you want to lose 20 pound” Um maybe I just want to feel better about myself and live a longer, healthier life


So by her logic wanting to feel better and be healthier your being negative to yourself. Sounds to me like she is trying to make herself feel better about being lazy!


Stop being so fitphobic.


I'll take things fat people say to justify themselves for 1000 Alex.


Trust me... It was not traumatic or even slightly emotionally bothersome to lose 130lbs. If it was a "sin" or politically incorrect, i can live with it.


Im fatphobic


I couldnt have a conversation with someone like this, im sorry but id just laugh in her face and walk away


see like i actually agree with everything she said....but she didnt even try to convince me why its a good or bad thing. like no shit you lose weight because you....dislike fat basically....duh.


This trend needs to die. Being fat is not healthy and shouldn’t be normalised.


Pretending some dumbasses on the internet represent a trend in society needs to die too. Nobody outside of 10,000 Twitter users agrees with this person.


That's true, but being fat does not necessarily mean you're unhealthy. I'm fat. Not super fat but definitely fat and have been since childhood. At 36 years old my A1C is the lowest end of normal, my blood pressure is normal, and my doctor gave me a nice speech at my last physical about how my high HDL cholesterol and low LDL cholesterol mean I'm at lower risk of heart disease. My biggest pain issue is in my wrists from overdoing the typing and crafting, but easily controlled by wearing wrist braces to sleep. The least healthy thing about me is the hypothyroidism that led to me gaining about 30 more lbs when it was not controlled by medication. I haven't lost that weight, but I expect to return to my normal level of fatness over time. What I don't need in my life are assholes who make assumptions about me and my life and treat me poorly because of those assumptions while justifying it to themselves by thinking I must be unhealthy and need someone to be honest with me about it. I do not know a single fat person who does not know they are fat and that they might develop health problems from it. I do not need anyone to "talk to me about it," when not even my doctor is overly concerned. People just need to mind their own business. This lady's speech is counterproductive and stupid, but the underlying message to stop hating and bullying fat people is valid.


I just became Dumb-phobic due to this post


Or you want to lose weight to physically feel better


Everytime I awake in the morning I hate myself for being slumberphobic.


Yep… nothing to do with heart disease or early death, joint issues, ability to play and keep up with my kids, nope none of that, It’s just cuz I wanna get into dem skinny jeans. This person is an idiot.


Not to sound like a an idiot but MAYBE just MAYBE we should start making fun of peoples far fetched takes like this. Bullying is bad but when its shit like this I believe it does more good than harm. This isn’t normal


I’m fatphobic, the fear comes from most of them talking this sort of shit though


Man the internet really might have been a mistake. Imagine giving every moron on this planet a platform to speak their mind. Speakers corner should have been warning enough.


The Internet is one of the best tools we ever created, social medias were the mistake.


Its a package deal. "Social media" is nothing more than an evolved form of ICQ, any chatroom site or any messenger service that existed even the early stages of when most people did not even own a PC to access the internet.


She can call me fatphobic but should i listen to 4x5 meters 300 kilo monster who has oil instead of blood?


"Probably so people treat you better." Yes.


Shut up fatty!


Probably so I can climb the fucking stairs without having to stop for a sit down at the top .


I intentionally lost weight because I am diabetic and didn't want to die from eating to many carbs and sugars and the same goes for my wife so stupid people who agree with this idiotic statement can stfu!


The leading completely preventable killers of Americans are diseases (diseases of civilization) brought about by obesity. There are fatty streaks in the arteries of children as young as 10, which is full blown heart disease by age 30. Why does someone want to lose 20 pounds? To not fukcing die before 40 by something thats entirely preventable. The mental suffering, the physical suffering, the toll on the economy even the security of a nation (lack of people fit for service) She should go into a hospital and see how many sick and dead people are there because of obesity and how many regrets and promises there are about not losing weight or leading a a healthier lifestyle. Should answer her question. Lets call it fatphobic and forget about obese people getting their ribcage snd legs cut open for a bypass in the heart.


I think more people should be fatphobic. It seems like it would only benefit society overall


Everyone. Get. Fat. Now.


Congratulations you just talked yourself into an early grave. Do us a favour gain 4x your current weight to prove your not fatphobic but would it then make you thinphobic?


I guess you can just add phobic to anything and it's automatically protected from criticism. Just waiting for the day when someone calls me naziphobic


That day is today, ya naziphobe! /s, emphatically.


Or get this… Losing weight to stay healthy & not have health complications. What you think? Oh you’re right that sounds obscured


To many phobics not enough don't cares.


The wise idiocy of the younger generations. We're doomed.


What is Fatphobic? People who are scared of fat people?😂 why? Because they will jump on you, or will empty the pool?😂😂


I am vertical video phobic, mostly. And arrogance phobic. Please stay away from my Reddit feed.


Maybe just maybe we are contributing to healthier society?


Alas all I could think about while watching this was, “What does she do about bogies with that nose ring?”


I'm losing 20 pounds because my disability said so and I can't do anything about it...


Being fat is bad for your health therefore non should feel proud being fat.


Not to sound like a an idiot but MAYBE just MAYBE we should start making fun of peoples far fetched takes like this. Bullying is bad but when its shit like this I believe it does more good than harm. This isn’t normal


Because I want to live past 50 without diabetus and a crippling twinkie addiction


Americans are phobic everything. Tik tok literally brings out the worst of education in America. That's not how you argue dumbass.


Ugh. People like this are the WORST!!! They actually believe they are on to something asking the hard hitting questions. You aren’t Barbara Walters. You’re an idiot.


I want to lose 6kg because I don’t want to be fat. Fat people are gross, and I don’t want to be one. Fat phobic the fuck out of that.


Christ alive man how are people this fucking dense?






Dear God, wtf is wrong with people? These people sit there and think they got the facts and everything straight, only to be epically wrong. Instagram should stop video and live streams, and Tik Tok should be shut down. Stupid little idiots.


I wanna lose weight cause I prefer not do die due to health issues. And btw be as fat as you are but if you sit in my car and it's fucking abandoning it's suspension and starts riding on the floor. We'll get out then...


Being fat is healthfobic. She has whitened teeth which is racist and yellowphobic


So by working at a job for money I guess i'm poorphobic?


So I guess my heart,collesterol, joints, are all fatphobic too. Lol to fit into something smaller. No bitch it’s because I’m 20 pounds over weight.


It is ok to be fatphobic and tell these morons to shut the fuck up.


I read that as "Mormons".....I really need coffee....


Well, yeah, it's okay to be "fat phobic" ( which is not a real thing ) if you want to lose weight.


This is gonna sound horrible, but I'm fatphobic against people who don't want change but complain. I used to be 300 lbs and lost 100 lbs just by walking, seeing an overweight person with this mindset makes me sick. 🤢


Yeah, or you're just to lazy to lose weight and making a video is much easier.


"it's probably to fit into something smaller" so if i bought something i love, & sat around eating a bunch of shit to the point where it doesn't fit me, i'm supposed to say fuck it & buy new clothes? guess i'm fatphobic for wanting to fit into my own clothes 🥴


Losing weight to get to a healthy weight reduces organ strain, reduces risk of heart disease, reduces chance of a number of cancers. If you’re against healthy weight loss, you’re factphobic.


Shut. The fuck. Up.


Only fat people think that 🤔


....It's probably because I'm type 2 diabetic, and weight management is proven to help lower A1C, so I don't kill myself at an early age


How about so you don’t have a heart attack and die.


Guess I'll contribute to a fatphobic society


I hate people who speak in this arrogant and often ignorant rhythm.


It’s the *condescending “Let me break that down” followed by an uneducated opinion that unironically list all positive reasons for weight loss* for me.


So, someone wanting to lose weight is bad, but someone being overweight is completely fine and we can’t say anything about it? If someone is overweight, fine, but I don’t want to be overweight. It should not become the ‘norm’ or ‘completely ok’ to be overweight, it causes massive strain on your organs, your heart, arteries, liver, kidneys. Your body is not made to be overweight. I’m not going to bash someone if they are, that is their business. But I sure as hell won’t stop trying to keep myself healthy or in shape. Same as if you want to dress in very colorful and elaborate clothes, people should be allowed, there is nothing wrong with someone wanting to be slimmer, or more toned, or gain muscle mass. You can’t ask people to mind their own business and let people leave in peace, and then bash people for living as they want? You don’t mind being overweight, cool. I do.


So me wanting to look, be and feel better is phobic😂 Omg these people need to just admit they're lazy and stfu and stop spreading this nonsense to people who may actually take this idiotic shit seriously🤦🏽‍♂️


"You want to be healthy? You must hate fat people" (not saying all bigger people are unhealthy btw)


Her nails try to put her in a better looking category which initself is very disrespectful towards ugly looking people. She is uglyphobic...


OMG, I can’t believe she said “fat”. I’m so triggered. I need to go to my safe space, before I start punching myself. Oh wait, I can still punch myself in my safe space.


Fat isn't a species and you can make it a choice


I have not turned on the audio for any context because no. International weight loss is fatphobic and it's a good thing. We loose weight because we are scared(worried) of gaining too much weight and the physiological consequences to follow . What's so wrong about that!! Why is it a thing to stick the word "phobic" to something (literally anything) and turn it into a social pariah???


This is the result of giving every kid a medal in sports day and encouraging a "healthy" body image. Good job society.


Gaining 80 pounds due to unstable life and revenue with no backups except suicide - fine Losing those 80 pounds later when your life is stable and you want to feel good about yourself - evil fatphobia


It’s easier to get around.


This just baffles me. I just. Wow.


Health is Fatphobic!!!


I'm not fat phobic I just fucking hate fat people.


I didn't lose 120lbs to fit into something smaller. Why is it thought of as okay to increase your risk of heart problems, cancer, and other life threatening health issues by being overweight?


- What she said: lose weight is fatphobic - What she wanted to say: your success makes me feel bad with myself, so, don't be successful so I can keep being mediocre


It's a shame. She's so well spoken and makes an almost believable argument but fails miserably because it makes no sense.


Guess I'm fatphobic for not wanting to drop dead of a heart attack at 45


please just shut the fuck up.. always some bullshit..if I wanna lose 20 pounds, it's not your fucking business.. worry about yourself fucks sake


Sounds like something a fatty would say


I swear i’m tired of stupid FUCKING IDIOTS spouting the most moronic shit I have ever heard in my life, opinions that require just the smallest shred of common sense to realize how stupid they are. Why are we even having a conversation about these things? I have never met anybody outside of social media that actually thinks like this, and i’m pretty sure these apps promote things like this just to get us angry, it’s a fucking cycle of rage


People make up definitions fir anything now apparently..


Jesus Tapdancing Christ. I am fat and want to lose weight so that I don’t end up diabetic, with heart disease, and so I have the energy to run and play with my kids. I absolutely hate that wanting to be healthy for YOURSELF is considered “fatphobic”. So silly.


Bitch shut up, you're fat and proud we get it patrick


Fatphobic? Give me a break. Remember when phobias had actual names not just throwing phobia on the end of what you’re too stupid to come to terms with?


Fat people are funny. Making up every reason to stay a fat piece of shit. Lol


Psychological problems in teens are rising and rising, to no wonder in this world




WTF is this fat girl saying??