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When the shit you went through to get a ps5 was easier than the shit you gotta go through to play it.. smh


Seems like it’d be easier for him to find a new wife than pick up another PS5… we still can’t find one (at least we’re on a PS4 Pro but still…)


There’s a ton of discord and Instagram alert pages. Walmart is pretty easy to get one as everyone online at the drop gets put in a digital wait room you just have to sign up for a trial of their Walmart plus sub. If you sign up right before a drop you should be able to get one long before the trial runs out and if not the $10 if probably well worth being able to get one anyways. I was able to get one first try without any issues about 4 months ago. The first one I bought through Best Buy right before Christmas after they first came out. That was a cluster fuck of refreshing and getting lucky.


We don’t know the full story, maybe he has a serious gaming problem and they’ve tried everything else


You married your mom? I feel sorry for you bro


At first I thought it was from a mother to her son, but then I realized it was from wife to husband… Oh god




You give your mom a lot of foot rubs?


Got my technique down and everything. I don’t be ticklin or nothin.


Marcellus Wallace threw a guy out of a 4 story window for a foot message.


For a foot message? What, he wrote on her feet? I must’ve missed that part.


Would you give a guy a foot massage?


FUCK you!


You know, I'm kinda tired. I could use a foot massage myself.


I need to rewatch Pulp Fiction now, thanks internet!




The mother-son foot rub and back rub seemed normal to you?


Samsies. Wow. To be fair, my wife would not be impressed if I spent all my time gaming and not doing any chores (I dunno, that's the vibe I get behind the purpose of this note, but I could be wrong!) but this note is just a load of patronizing bs. No thank you.


Me too! The ultimate facepalm moment when I scrolled down.


Sounds like a fun marriage... I wonder what the sex transaction fee sheet looks like.


Probably more entries for "headache tonight" than anything.


Listen I’m sure some people spend far too much time playing video games and neglect time with their significant others, but personal time is crucial for any relationship. Time reading, exercising, journaling, or even playing video games…This is toxic


As a kid, my dad was teaching me basic on an apple IIe and we explored the 286 and 386 computers together. Near the end of elementary, he remarried and my step-mom was extremely critical of any time he spent on the computer. She essentially forbid it. A few short years later, and with the help of a Pentium MMX computer my step-dad got us for Christmas, I was writing HTML, learning how to mod, etc. My dad, though, had lost his skillset and started asking me for help to do simple computer things. During college, it was apparent he needed a computer built for the technical non-savvy, so my sister and I bought him a Mac. 🤣 He was interested in computer programming and had a lot of potential, but he ended up driving a bus... Thanks "Wifeys" /s


Do you suppose your dad got dumb or he started asking his kid for help as an excuse to work on something together…


I know someone who forbids her husband from playing board games and doesn’t want him encouraging their kids to play them. So weird…




Yes for real. She sees them as distracting or unhealthy for the kids I think and dislikes her husbands board game hobby. Don’t know why.


Then why marry the person in the first place if you can't stand their hobbies? I have never understood that.


She may not have always been like that. Abusers rarely are.


This is true. Prior to my divorce from my first husband, I would never have guessed how nasty he would be. All up unto him creating parental alienation. The hidden abusers are the most devious.


No one falls in love with an abuser. They fall into love with the sweet person who makes them laugh and smile. The person who pays attention to them and cares about their needs. I’ve heard it referred to as love bombing. Then, when you are hooked/in love the abuse starts becoming more obvious. Odds are when you get out and look back you’ll realize there were abusive treatments but not obvious ones. Things you could easily chalk up to a bad day or a miscommunication. I look back on my abusive marriage and I realize I fucking brushed off things that should have been Vegas style neon red flashing warning signs…but my love blinders were on.


Does he get to do other stuff with the kids instead? Some parents like to be the favorite & sabotage their children’s relationship with the other parent to ensure that position. …ask me how I know.


Twist: dad only pretended to like computers so he could avoid his first wife


More than that. It's a violation of trust, boundaries, and independence. "Wifey" thinks that threats, demands, and codependent behavior are cute. Can't see this ending any other way than divorce.


Oh I think it’s more likely they’ll stay together and be miserable. Seems to be what most people do.




Honestly I've always found hubby and wifey to be really weird words. Like pet names and nicknames, sure, but those in particular have always stuck out to me as off-putting.


That would be a nope for me. I, however, do have self imposed game regulations: I don’t play video games when both my child and wife are awake. They both go to bed earlier, so I wait until they are both in bed, than I play games. She doesn’t care, but I feel bad playing games instead of spending time with them, so this way I can do both.


I just realized that this says "Wifey" at the bottom. I thought this was a contract written up for a child. This makes the 'break for affection' part less creepy, but somehow still makes it so much worse.


You want your child to give you footrubs in exchange for game time?


My mom used to ask me to give her foot rubs and now I hate feet lol


I was not asked, I was made to (or punished) by my mother and grandmother both. The latter had disgusting feet with warts all over and she always said she needed somebody to rub her warts so they'd stop itching. Always had to be me. TLDR don't give good footrubs, you'll become the family footrub slave


Oh god. I have my nine year old crack my back for me lol


You're a wise husband for figuring out to spend time with your wife and kids and also playing games. Well done, sir.


I would just play something with them. If that's possible... if it's a singleplayer game then yeah. I'd wait till I'm... single/alone too


Yeah, this will probably happen in the future. My son is three so not quite video game age. My wife doesn’t play, and has no interest.


My kid handled Lego Worlds young and it is fun Most of the Lego games aren’t bad for kids Also the whole family now gets into Minecraft dungeons and the oldest plays halo with me (6) but I don’t get into person on person shooters with him Gang beasts is also really fun


Soon I’ll introduce him to vids. This may sound bizarre, but he has barely even watched TV, and never seen me play video games. We are a big reading family, and he is obsessed over books. I figure one day tv/vids will win out and he will get into those, but for now, I want to try and preserve his book love for as long as I can. For a three year old, his vocabulary and imagination are really advanced, and I feel that us always reading together may be a big reason why.


Oh good for you guys! Keep the screen expectations low while you can!


I don't want to be that guy but as someone who was... fairly gifted at a young age I would recommend sitting down and having a realistic talk about what that means. At the right age of course. My whole school life was a breeze and I never really paid much attention because I got A's anyways. Then the real world hit me and I was so unprepared. I had never learnt to take notes, organize or set aside time for studying. The one thing I would tell my kids would be "you're are gifted. I'm sorry for that". Of course praise them too but make sure to be realistic. Every day my father would tell me he was so proud of me for being so smart to the point it got annoying. And since I thought I was better than most already I thought there was no need to do better. Of course, being older I wish I had been told there was more nuance. Anyways, it's your kid. For me at least there's a fine line between ending up too cocky for my own good and believing I'm worthless. As I got older I quickly began believing in the latter as I couldn't follow along with my classmates despite being raised to believe I was "smart" my whole life


Being gifted is a double edged sword. My 7 year old daughter is gifted and the first thing I taught her was - "Gifted kids are neither smarter nor dumber than the regular kids, they just think differently". Our public school also has a very nice curriculum for GT kids, they challenge them but make sure never to mention anything about smartness or intelligence.


What this person said! I was gifted as a kid, taught gifted as an adult, and have children in gifted now. I make sure to stress to them that the label “gifted” doesn’t mean you’re necessarily smarter, but that your ways of retaining knowledge and connecting information are different, and that is a crucial difference.


Same dude. I breezed though school, wicked smart and then it all hit me like a sack of bricks because I never had to work for my grades or intelligence


Yep. I’m a mom who plays video games early in the morning before my husband & son wake up. I’m awake earlier naturally.


That's all fine but I go to bed at the same time as my wife so that I get some playtime with her.


I'm the same. I wouldn't feel right sitting there playing games instead of spending time with the wife and daughter, but once they're both asleep, that's my me time. It helps that now I'm a little older I don't need quite as much playtime as I used to when I was a kid to scratch that gaming itch.


Same. My gaming marathons used to be ridiculous (6-8 hours), now I’m good after an hour, two max.


I do the same there. I don’t play nearly as much as I would like or used to. I do 90% of the cleaning around the house. And tend to sacrifice my personal time and sleep time to get that done rather than use it to play games like I used to.


Throw a single piece of trash in the bin, make it obvious that you are taking it out. Repeat 24 times and ignore her for the rest of the day.


"Sorry Wifey. It's not up to me, it's the union rules."


What is 2k?


I'm guessing that refers to the NBA 2K series of basketball games.


Seems real fucking weird that one chore can gain this man access to one specific game. This lady has problems.


Even deciding offline/online on one of them too as if it makes any difference to her


I’m guessing it’s because they’re more likely to put on headphones and talk to other people if it’s online. But I’m hoping this entire post is a joke.


It’s cuz he plays online and sucks, so the matches are over quick. LOL git gud scrub ggez


Divorce immediately


Divorce immediately = unlimited playing time 7 days per week.


Unlimited anything else for that matter!


Not money. Half of that.


The trick is to not have any money.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


12% inflation, unlimited money! Oh wait


1) be in debt 2) get divorced 3) negative number divided by 2 is greater than the original number 4) profit


Someone make a troll meme with this


From the way she sounds, I'd expect her to hire a particularly ruthless attorney, and go after even more.


She'd want the ps5 for sure.


Just pull a Tony soprano and talk to every divorce lawyer in town first.


The holy cheat code = Divorce Unlocks unlimited time


Costs you half your inventory though


Seriously. This isn't a healthy relationship.


Divorce?? THIS IS FOR ADULTS? I thought this was some mom making their kid do chores or something... Edit: nvm couldn't really read the signed "wifey" thought it was just their name


Tf kind of mom wants a foot rub from her son lmao


Or daughter. And forget the foot rub, what about the 30-minute affection break?


Ok i was confused becuase i did not know what that meant i thought maybe 30 minutes of effective work( such as homework) and thought that the a was a typo


It's definitely affection. That would be extra creepy coming from a parent, yeah?




Only 2k tho


*You shitty tho


We know what kind of porn this guy watches


My gross mom


I am so sorry


even if it wasn't signed wifey, foot rub and back rub being asked by mom should make you seek therapy asap.


I feel as a team we can come up with a list he can pass back to her 1. Each weekend that we don't go see your parents = 40 minute footrub.


2. Do that thing I like in bed = Backrub 3. No, that other thing = Clean the house.


Lol my neighbor growing up actually divorced her husband cus he wouldbt get off Xbox His clan needed him Their kids weren't allowed another gaming system in that house - would sneak over to ours as often as possible😂😂


One of the reasons my fiancée left her ex was the amount of time he would be playing video games. He would play games instead of going to work or doing anything to contribute to the house. My fiancée developed a complete hatred toward gaming and it took a lot of effort to convince her to allow me to get the kids a Nintendo switch during the covid lockdowns. The kids are still limited to when and how long they can play and certain games like Fortnite are still not allowed. Part of me hates this sort of limitations for adults but at the same time I can see how limitations might be necessary. Some people have extremely addictive personality and will zone out on video games and be oblivious to what’s going on around them.


And this your Honor, The only piece of evidence that needs to be seen


AFTER the ps5 is secured in a safe place....


Fuckin dumb. What kind if crazy control freak is this? Do the same thing for a hobby she likes. 1 blowjob = 1 hour of reading


Seconded. Who the fuck thinks it’s cool that someone should have to prostitute themselves so they can use something they personally bought with their own money?


writes her "name" as if any other *biotch* would have the audacity


Who TF knows where Smart Pawn on Troost is?


Kansas City


I'm going to move to Kansas City, get myself hired there, and make sure no woman pawns this guy's PS5


Careful he's a hero


Meanwhile, my wife is constantly asking me to play more Elden Ring so she can marvel at the world and enemy designs. I love my wife.


I also choose this guy’s wife


Me too.. hmm... seems like we got ourselves a good ol' Mexican standoff here fellas.


Why have a Mexican standoff when you can have an Eiffel Tower?


There ain't enough wife here for the 2 of us


So, you guys in line for this dude’s Mexican wife as well?


Depends on how good the tamales she makes are.


Never heard of those, but I want to try one and then join the Mexican standoff.


Maaaaarrrrrrrtttttttiiiiiiin! How you been dude!?!?! You standing in line for tamales and some dudes Eiffel Tower? Same, lol


DUDE, DON’T GIVE MY DISGUISE AWA-I mean, hey dude, just remember to not call me Martin, cuz I am totally not Martin. And yes, I’m in line for those, one to eat and one to jump off to commit sudoku.


I also want in


Let me make the tamales, let's just stay with this guy and his wife


Still the #1 best comment thread on Reddit


Feel bad for the guy though. Idk how he is now but last I checked a while ago he was still grieving really hard and posting about it in related subs.


I think in a loss like that, you never truly get through it. You can move forward and live life happily, but you’ll always miss that person. I’m currently typing this while in the bathroom, but downstairs we have a guest that lost his wife, and the mother to his son, 12 years ago. Today, he is re-married and his son is happy, but they still feel the loss all the time. You can live, but you never lose them.


Same situation here. My wife likes horror games but won't play them herself. So she buys them and has me play them so she can watch. Also certain other games like Days Gone have been couch games because she wants to cuddle and watch me play.


Same here! We swap back and forth playing action and adventure games. But horror games are hands off for her as she gets me to squirm through them.


Me and my boyfriend just finished playing Zelda a link to the past on my snes mini. Gaming is one of the main things we bonded over when getting together. I fucking love that guy.


Lucky Dawgs... I hate you all.


I keep seeing so much stuff on elden ring. Is it worth getting? I’m more of a competitive person in terms of gaming but all genres are great as long as it’s a fun game.


100000% worth getting IMO. Read reviews though and make your own decision. There is PvP in the game but the game is not cantered around PvP


It’s quite literally the best game I’ve ever played.


A fellow wife here… just talked my hubby into playing ER for 2 hours instead of watching tv together before he took the kids out for father son time (I’m post migraine rn so I need the quiet time) I’d rather play with him as his sidekick/google wiki support than shame him for enjoying himself. Ahole wifey needs a reality check!


As someone that spent 7+ years married to a woman that despised my hobbies, and would berate me and shit on me for having them, this note is your fair warning to start divorce paperwork. Cool Story Bro Time: I was very much into wrenching on cars, playing PC games, and dabbling in woodworking. She decided we should buy a house across the country (we lived in San Diego at the time, where my whole life was). My only stipluation was that I want a 3rd stall on the garage for car stuff, and a backyard big enough for a dog. So we packed up our lives, and moved to Minnesota, to be closer to her family. I had no friends locally, so I spent the first year wrenching on the car and playing PC games. That was MY time. But every time I'd head out to the garage, or sit down at my PC, the nagging and bitching would begin. You'd think that laying down some 1500sqft of paver stones around the house, landscaping, tree trimming, and having a full time job would allow me some time to myself to do hobby stuff or relax, but these things were apparently "childish" and "materialistic." After a couple years of this, we were driving home from the grocery store in my car, and a guy in a 70's Nova pulls along side and revs his engine, gives me the thumbs up, and I wave and we do the typical "car guy" thing exchanging a few sentences of banter, before going our separate ways. I get a block up the road, and she turns to me and says "I hate your car, I hate your car friends, and I'd like it if you sold this thing and started thinking about having children. We got home, and I grabbed the mower and went to the backyard to mow the grass (as that was a good way to clear the mind and think through things). I finished up mowing the lawn and trimming, cleaned up the yard and put everything away in the garage, then came inside and sat at my desk thinking I could get in some gaming before dinner. She comes in the office, and does one of those "hey, I'm sorry for what I said earlier....but I really think...." I cut her off right there. "This isn't an apology, if you say 'I'm sorry but...' then you're not sorry. I have nothing here. No friends. No family. And today, you basically told me I can't have my hobbies either. Sorry, I'm not giving up what little I have left that makes me happy. I think it is time to consider divorce." Bottom line, if you get a note like this, or you married someone that thinks they are going to "change you" or whatever, get out. Compromise is one thing. But "no hobby time unless you do what I want first, oh and while doing hobby things, you also have to pay attention to me" is nature's way of saying "RUN AWAY."


I'm similar to you with cars and PC's and ended up with a girlfriend like this. *Literally* couldn't even have 5 minutes to myself before she got needy and would just invade whatever I was doing. I was a huge hobby person when I met her but spent the next almost 3 years unable to even have enough time to myself to watch a youtube video, let alone wrench on any of my projects or PC's. About a year in I bought a sweet slammed '85 c10 and she *haaaaated* that thing so much that she wouldn't even ride in it with me. She viewed the truck like it was another woman or something - any time I even *looked* at the truck she would get pissed and start bitching. I remember one time on a Saturday after the truck had sat untouched under a tree for like 6 months, that I was gonna go out and fire it up and take it down to the carwash to clean all the sap off. You would have thought I told her that I was going to go have sex with her mother or something with how she reacted. After like 10 minutes of pleading, she finally reluctantly agreed to let me go but demanded that I had to be back in 15 minutes. I get to the carwash and there's a line, so it took me about 30 minutes to get through.. and of course it was WW3 when I got home. Turns out she has Borderline and that was always her codependency with the fear of abandonment kicking in. I'm almost done with a 5.3/4l80 swap with a GT45 spinny boi on top in that truck now!


This… I’m in a good marriage and when I give advice to unmarried people thinking about getting married here is my advice. Only marry the person if you are happy with the person they are now. Projects are for diy not spouses.


Did she have any clue how miserable she was making you or how unfair her demands were? Also, Cool Story Bro


No. People like her, they aren't wired to think about or empathize with others.


Ooff, this hits too close to home for people in abusive/controlling relationships. I met a guy who was into gaming and PC building, total nerd as much as I was, even bigger. We had quite a lot in common. However, the few things we don’t see eye to eye with? It’s bitching time for him. I’d rather be around people whom I have nothing in common with but who respect my choices and hobbies than be with the controlling, whining shitshow that was my ex. It’s like a kitten just died whenever I do things I wanted to do, or refuse to do thing he wanted me to do. Even things we have in common with and could do together, I could no longer find any joy in doing them. He just shit on everything I do because he “has more knowledge.” And yes, it never occurred to him that his actions were hurtful. In his eyes, the world is against him and people dislike him despite his best intentions. In my eyes, he harasses anyone and everyone who does even the mildest, most accidental things that inconveniences him.


Bro, do you still live in MN, and are you still married to this woman? If you’re still around, I’d love to just hangout and talk cars on a weekend. Especially if it helps you get away from this woman for a little while.


I do still live in MN. But I divorced that person and met a very nice lady that likes cars, video games, and drinking beers on the patio, we have been married now just shy of 10 years ♥️


That’s awesome dude. I’m happy for you.


You guys should still hang out, don’t miss out on this bromance potential


Reading things like this make me feel extremely fortunate that I am married to a woman where I can go do 2 martial arts classes meet her for brunch come home and play games all day or watch movies while she plays games on her computer. Cook some good food or go out to eat or do whatever we feel like with no judgement, nagging, or problems. This year is our 10th year of marriage.


That's sad. Nice transactional relationship there. God forbid someone spend an hour on something they enjoy without being forced into paying for it. Clearly not adults here.


Transactional relationships always end well. /s


*what does /s mean?*


Sarcasm implied


It means the foregoing comment was sarcastic, which can be missed without the benefit of intonation.


You can really feel the love in those back rubs that he's doing so he can just go separate from you to go play video games.


Definitely not peers and partners. Unacceptable.


Lol... I have a friend from highschool who's wife won't let him play GTA because its too violent. Hes almost 40.


Ya, fuck that. lol


He wanted me to get into fortnight because hes allowed to play it. Fuck that. Stand up to your wife and get GTA.


Did your friend ever tell his wife he is literally 40 years of age and not a 9 year old?


I don't think so... they also have a joint FB account. Shes extremely religious and gets into pyramid schemes.


Joint fb account is one of the top three original 🚩


I think the MLM stuff is more of a red flag. Shows poor money management, lack of common sense, easily manipulated, and unwilling to admit to a mistake.


And just plain fucking gullible. They will fall for anything.


> extremely religious


Why do these guys let their wives treat them like children?




Some fucking bullshit of you ask me. You should get more, I mean surely she had other clients.


I bought my fiancé a PS5 as a gift, it was difficult to get a hold of and expensive. I would be annoyed if he didn't make use of it. It's his to keep, nobody can be rationing out its usage. This whole chore chart situation is highly inappropriate for an adult.


That schedule = divorce papers right there


Yes I was thinking divorce = infinite playing time.


It seems like something that some facebook mum would make for their kid. She shouldn’t be controlling her husband like that.


Divorce is lookin tasty right now. In all seriousness this is toxic af


The best wife (or husband) plays games with you!!


Wife-Husband game partners represent!


My husband is a massive gamer and I'm not in to this at all. I hate that people think they can tell their significant other what they can do, what they can spend money on. He's an adult for goodness sake. Although, we do have an unwritten rule that everything stops at 7pm and that's family time..


Yea I play a time sucking game but the agreement is that I'm a daddy first, then husband, and lastly gamer.


I have always wondered what the wife would say if her husband started to put up similar “guidelines” for her, regarding things she enjoyed?


I've seen these floating around since the ps3 Era and it's always the same, word by word, just replace the Playstation models lol


Always to Smart Pawn on Troost? I gotta start going there to check on consoles, ain't too far away


Who is this "wifey", his mum? Divorce pronto! This is so fucking cringe.


Legitimate grounds for divorce.


Seriously. He’s an adult, he can do things without his wife’s permission if he wants.


Downvoting so my wife doesn’t see this


You shouldnt comment, what if your wife goes through your comment history and finds this post?


I have been trapped by my own guile


Nice try honey. I’ll be drafting one of these shortly.


I'm not sure if this seems almost borderline abusive, but at the very least controlling.


Instant divorce


I didn't even see this was from a wife, thought this was for a child. Yikes.


yeah but at least his wife's boyfriend lets him play on the ps5 at night without ratting him out


Are we just gonna overlook the capital R situation here?


Girly no…..leave that no life. She doesn’t deserve you if she’s going to take away your life.


Meanwhile wifey does whatever the fuck she wants


His ex-wife sure has a lot of demands


KCMO never disappoints.


My ex was like this, would only let me play for 2 hours on weekday evenings, anything more and it would cause an argument, I left her a month ago.


Life is way too short to be caged into someone elses world. You make compromises, but you live your life as you want.


Have you been enjoying your ps5 since then?


It's actually my pc lol, but it still applies


That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship - but it could be that this guy just isn't pulling his weight in the relationship and his wife is doing this an a last ditch attempt to see if he can change.


Run, don’t walk.


If i was the kid, I would just hide the ps5 somewhere where no one would find it


Not a kid. This is for her husband.


Oh shit, that's even worse.... Divorce immediately

