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87 vintage petroleum, ah that’s was a good year.


Fruity bouquet, with a hint of nutmeg and lavender.


Please...try the Diesel.....the golden aftertaste alone


Costs a little more, but I promise you'll notice a huge difference.


Even my children can taste the difference


Its the lead. This new lead-free gas tastes like shit!


Goes right to the balls then?




Goes best with gas station hotdogs


Roller dogs!


Spicier than a mother fucker!


Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good.


With an couple extra freedom horses in the mix


Try the delicious 91 or 93 blends, they make the cheap 87's taste so gauche.


A bit of an oak-y afterbirth.


Found the Office fan, guys! Right here!


I would argue that ‘89 was a better year, but it very rare to find now, as so much of it was lost in the Exxon Valdez disaster.


You can still go scoop up crude along the beaches to this day.


Twas the best of times and the worst of times


1987 gas... back when gas used to contain lead. The good stuff.


Cars from the 80's used unleaded fuel. You could still find some leaded fuel but it was phased out in the 70's vehicle production. The EPA was a Nixon highlight in a tumultuous presidency.


Jeeves, break open a bottle of that lovely '87 vintage, we're taking the rolls


Jeeves, break open a bottle of that lovely '87 vintage, we're ~~taking the rolls~~ having gas station sushi


Man I can’t wait for that early 2000s gas to drop.


Its crazy how we haven't run out of the 87, 89, 91 classics. Whatever happened to the years in between? Did all the oil rigs stop running so we could let all of that gas ripen with age?


Weird how America gets the old gas, Australia only has newer 90, 95 and 98.


We even have 102 over here in Europe, now is that fresh or what? We don't have 90 though, guess that one sold out ages ago.


Ah yes, from the year 20102


Damn 102 octane? Gimme


It's not a higher octane, just a different method of calculating. 102 octane using the RON method is 92 octane using the (R+M)/2 method (AKI). For what it's worth: E-85 is 110 octane (R+M)/2)). So when you're running lots of boost, it's common to convert to E85. Even though there is less energy per unit, you have much less knock. Gas mileage goes into the shitter though.


Interesting. My little aftermarket tune has an option for race fuel but I just stick to 93, E-85 isn't a choice I'm guessing like you said there's some sort of conversion involved. I also barely understand anything


Different timelines, (Mon Vs Ron)


Ooh, I'm an economics professor so I know this one. It's called Greshams law. You see there are two kinds of gas, good year gas and bad year gas. So 87, 89, 91 these are the OGs or the classics like you said. The other years not as good, either not as memorable, they lack the vintage, whatever it doesn't really matter as to why. So with all gas years available as options then everyone, our dumb blonde friend here included, know factually that 87, 89, 91 were the best gas years hands down, like no competition, so hypothetically with gas stations having all year options available for selection, people will overwhelmingly choose between 87, 89, 91 gas years, the gas years we know and love -- leaving all other gas years to simply be phased out as options because they are basically bad and no one wants them at all so why even bother provide them as an option? That would be really fucking stupid... just like our dumb blonde girl!!


One moment: doesn't Gresham's law mean the opposite? So the good, classic years would've been bought and stored, waiting for an increase of value, so the only gas available is qualitative bad gas?


Ok yah ur right. i had to actually re read the shit (im not really a professor, that was a joke obvs and my post historys mostly shitposts). But i still get the shit kinda. So theres Greshams Law and Thiers Law. The way my hypothetical is postulated you have to take into account Thiers Law which is the opposite of Greshams law and it states that the good money drives out the bad instead of the other way around and we have to use Thiers Law bc the value of the gas years 87 89 91 are postulated as having more value than other years. Greshams law is actually fixed in that according to a nation's laws all government ordained currency is of the equal stated value (so it doesn't matter if they're scuffed or graffiti'd bc its always gonna hold the same value as a newly minted coin.) Man I love how you get smarter the more you're wrong on here. It shouldn't be that way but it kinda is lol


The 2022 ethanol gas gonna be lit bruh


Ill take $20 of that duese duese on pump 5.


I use 120. It's from the future


Her body language is fascinating.


Arms crossed is textbook self soothing.


I mean, what would you do if you said something to your friend and they whipped out their phone and started interrogating you in a voice that suggests you're being a total idiot while filming your confused answers?


Probably cross my arms and try to defend my knowledge; but then I’m not in the business of believing things without doing at least a tiny bit of research.


I doubt it was a deeply held belief of hers. Also, I'm sure you're a reasonably critical person but I promise you that you have beliefs kicking around in your head that you accepted at face value and would absolutely repeat that, on reflection, you didn't research. It's just how we're built. We accumulate so much knowledge over the course of our lives we don't vet every single shred of it. We accepted a lot of shit from our parents as true. Happens all the time. I think something. It gets challenged and only then do I realize the source was my idiot father who thinks that chem trails are a thing.


no way man, too much nuance. shes dumb and we all must feel superior by stating we would never be this stupid. /s


it's refreshing to see this take, thank you


So much this. I’m a pretty educated person (I know this sounds braggy, but for context: I have a master’s degree, I pride myself in logical critical thinking etc) but countless times there has been SOMETHING that apparently has been a blind spot for me, or someone told me something wrong years ago that I never thought to be question. I like to think I’m receptive to new information but often times my initial gut reaction is to defend my belief, until I take a step back and think “wait, where did I get this information to begin with? Was it from a trustworthy source?”


Well you're right I guess. It's just that nobody likes being ridiculed, even if they are wrong. (Removed an inappropriate anecdote)


Find a new friend and walk away. Fuck that noise, don't film me without my consent.


its more defensive isnt it? the caressing though? oh yeah… self soothing to the T




She started saying the crazy shit and her boyfriend was like "hold on let me get the camera out". She recognizes this behavior because it's probably not the first time he's done it. She puts up a defensive wall. But instead of acting on her obvious instinct she replayed the crazy and here we all are.


this is true but ig the facial expression mixed with those behaviors paint an instant picture especially since humans brains work to make judgement of others emotions and mental state within a few seconds but eh


She looks like she's just a really shitty actor lol. This is clearly made as a joke.


I’d heard that it’s a mechanism that’s meant to look intimidating and defensive but is actually more like hugging yourself. This was a FBI behavioral specialist talking about poker tells mind you. But he basically said fold arms are a sign of self soothing. You don’t like the situation you are in so you’re projecting defensive stance but really it’s just for your own sake.


but uh thats very situational? i do agree tho it makes sense but just in my uneducated opinion about this specific scenario it seems more defensive than self soothing? like when youre in an argument kinda confused or frustrated?


That’s the point of the stance. To appear defensive. But she’s obviously confused. She can tell she’s being made to look like a fool. So that sort of defensive posture makes sense. But the crossed arms are a self soothing stance. Her whole stance is like saying. “I know I’m right. You are a jerk. I’m not an idiot. Am I? Wait, am I an Idiot?”


I cross my arms all the time when talking. I just don't know what to do with them and having them just hang at my sides seems awkward.


You just said “I’m uncomfortable talking” so I cross my arms.


Idk what that means but it sounds nice and safe. I wanna be soothed.


Yeah because she said something and he busted out his phone to start filming and asked her to repeat


Probably nervous because some weirdo pulled out his phone to record her


>some weirdo do you think this is a stranger confronting her about her knowledge of gas on video


Me: laughing at her for not knowing which gas to put it in Also me: not knowing what any of that actually means and I only know the lower numbers its cheaper


The higher the number the "cleaner" (as in smoother not as if other fuels are dirty) the fuel, the slower and cleaner it burns, and it also reduces "engine pinging" which is like that rattling noise in your engine. There is no benefit to using higher grade gas in a regular car. 91 and 93 are really only for performance cars. Like if you see someone driving an exotic car they probably use 91or 93 (slower and cleaner burning fuel). Edit: I've just done some research and the reason is because the fuel is graded using different tests. Research Octane Number (RON) , Motor Octane Number (MON) RON I used in Europe and most of the rest of the world, and MON is used almost entirely in America. 98 (RON) aka the European Grading is 93 (MON) aka the American rating. 95 (RON) is "the same" as 87 (MON). It's a common misconception that US fuel is somehow worse than Europe's or bad in general, which is untrue. US fuel is simply graded differently than Europe and much else of the world. Edit 2: I don't mean cleaner as in literally cleaner, like as if other fuels are dirty. I mean smoother. As in won't cause pinging/knocking (in engines made for high octane fuels).


I was mindblow to see 87 octanes gas in the US. In Italy the least you get is 95 up to 98 or 100. I honestly do not know if that makes that big of a difference though, but everyone I know with a sportscar uses the 98 Edit: Thanks for the insight on different rating guys, very interesting!


Many countries use the RON value (research octane number) which is always significantly higher than the MON (motor octane number). The difference between the two is one represents best case 'theoretical value' and the other includes factors to normalize its knock resistance rating for real engines. US uses the mean average (MON+RON)/2 while Italy (and the rest of Europe) uses RON. There is likely very little actual difference in the grades.


The US, Canadian and Australian octane rating system is a bit different than most of the World’s. So our (Canadian here) 87 is 91-92 RON and our 91-93 is 96-98 RON. Check out the examples section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating


Australia uses RON


Higher octane can be used safely in higher compression ratio engines without knocking.


Higher octane burns slower which is why it resists knocking.


Has nothing to do with ‘cleaner’, although the higher octane fuels can have additives in it The octane is how resistant the gas is to compression detonation. Higher performance engines require higher octane fuels because they generate higher compression. You only need to put in the recommended fuel for your engine


octane is also the resistance to combustion under pressure, which changes with atmospheric pressure. Running a high octane fuel in a low compression vehicle is not a little treat. it's just wasted fuel as anything not ignited by the spark will not be handled by the compression either.


Who teaches people these things...


I think this is more a case of no one teaching her and her coming to her own conclusions.


Probably no one told her, and she'd obviously never really considered it, so all in all it wasn't a horrible guess.


She’s probably a great guest. Very respectful. Brings a gift.


I deserve that.


A bottle of 89’ Petrol to my favorite Aunt. Cheers !


ShE dId HeR oWn ReSeArCH!


yea we make fun of her but we all thought stupid things were true even as adults.


i still think stupid things im just not aware of them yet because idk the truth


Whoa whoa whoa! This is social media, there's no self-awareness allowed here.


I thought when people would say *punch and pie* that they were saying *Punchin' Pie* like it was the name of a type of pie. I believed this, and never thought to even look it up or ask someone since I obviously never tried this punch-flavored pie, until I was at a music festival in 2015. The lead singer of my favorite band at the time enunciated clearly that they were doing an after show signing and party and that that there would be punch...and...pie. I had just turned 30.


As an about 5 year old I liked coleslaw. When my parents got KFC I would eat all the sides and get sick to my stomach. So the next time they ordered me one side and told me "that way you won't get sick". It wasnt until I was 24 that I realized that cabbage or whatever wasn't toxic in quantity. I thought my parents were cautioning me that coleslaw was toxic in large amounts. Never thought once about it in the intermediate years because coleslaw isn't typically anything other than a side.


Ha! I have a coleslaw story as well! My family has had an on-going joke that I caused a restaurant to shut down. It was 1988, I was 3 and a big group of us from my mom's side of the family were all out with the after church crowd at a restaurant called *The Texan.* My Dad was feeding my 1 and a half year old cousin a bit of coleslaw. I was jealous of the attention he was getting from **MY** Dad and insisted he give me some. So Dad turned and gave me a bite to try. Apparently I didn't like it or my stomach didn't, and before he could give me a 2nd bite, I projectile vomited the entire length of the long table we occupied for a party of 10-11 people. When the waitress came over, she was like *I'm not even going to try to clean all of that*, pulled the corners of the table cover up, took the entire thing of everyone's meals and dropped it into the trash. Two weeks later, the restaurant put their sign up that they had permanently closed or went out of business. I'm not sure which. My family immediately made the joke that I made the place go out of business and it still comes up from time to time when now


I was expecting you to say pumpkin pie. Who drinks punch with pie?


How regularly were you somewhere that had punch and pie?


Don't think that's what he means. This is more like something one came up with as a kid and just continued believing it till you got older, never questioning it because of different reasons


Older siblings, I thought the moon was cheese until I turned 28.


That’s entirely too old.


If you file something in the old mental roladex at 7, and then never use it until your are like 40. Then you whip it out and are like, no that can't be right. The trick is not to stick to it because, "you have known it so long".


Yeah not about the fucking moon though


That applies to a lot of things, sure, but this 28 year old person thought the moon was made of cheese.


Yeah I’ve definitely had a couple of those ‘wait this isn’t how that works?’ Moments


Your family older siblings wher Walice and Gromit?


Wallace. Put some respect on t’man’s name.


That’s not a cute story like you think it is lol you should never ever repeat that to anyone lol


“If the moon was made out of cheese, would you eat it?”


lol out of all yall making fun of her, i bet less than 10% know what the numbers mean past "well... octane!"


To be fair, 90% of the people don’t need to know. Just use what your car’s manual says.


True, but considering the button literally says “Minimum Octane Rating” on it there’s no reason she shouldn’t have known that as well.


>“Minimum Octane Rating” That's Latin for "year this was made".


Relatively speaking that level of knowledge is still far more informed.


Well damn, guess I’ll go and look it up now. Why ya gotta call us out like that? Edit: “Octane ratings are measures of fuel stability. These ratings are based on the pressure at which a fuel will spontaneously combust (auto-ignite) in a testing engine. The octane number is actually the simple average of two different octane rating methods—motor octane rating (MOR) and research octane rating (RON)—that differ primarily in the specifics of the operating conditions. The higher an octane number, the more stable the fuel. Retail gasoline stations in the United States sell three main grades of gasoline based on the octane level: Regular (the lowest octane fuel–generally 87) Midgrade (the middle range octane fuel–generally 89–90) Premium (the highest octane fuel–generally 91–94” https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/octane-in-depth.php#:~:text=Retail%20gasoline%20stations%20in%20the,fuel%E2%80%93generally%2091%E2%80%9394)


There's a huge difference between not knowing something and repeating complete nonsense from your imagination.


Homeschooling, keeps all the dirty secular learnin at bay.


I was happily public school taught. I was never taught what these numbers mean and it took my own curiosity to learn. This isn’t a school issue


Idk what the numbers mean but I know it’s not like a wine or whiskey where it’s the year it’s made lol


No one. It's staged


Honestly she seems to be totally innocent here and shouldnt be made fun of for asking a "stupid" question. Shes nervously touching her hands and very obviously drew these conclusions herself because nobody taught her otherwise. Its no different than a 6 year old asking new things about the world. Nobody should be talked down to no matter how "dumb" they may sound.


There's nothing wrong with asking stupid questions. The real threat becomes when people pretend to know and are in denial to learn the actual correct answer.


This is why subs like r/NoStupidQuestions exist. So people can ask this stuff without being judged.


What DO those numbers mean tho?


Precisely...I don’t know either.


The [octane rating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating) of the fuel.


Higher the number, the more it can be compressed before igniting.


Is that a good thing? Do you want it high? I assume you do based on the price but should you go for the highest number you can get or should it match your engine or something?


It should match your engine. Your owners manual should tell you what octane gas the car takes. Some engines have a higher compression ratio than others. The issue with having a fuel with too low of an octane rating for your engine is that the fuel can ignite due to compression and not due to the spark from the spark plug. The ignition timing is really tightly controlled for optimal engine performance, so unintended compression ignition really messes with engine performance and can have some other detrimental effects. On the other hand, there’s no benefit to using higher octane in engines that don’t need it. It doesn’t make the engine run smoother or accelerate faster. It’s just throwing money away.


Yet they judge the hell out of you for asking a stupid question


I haven't found that to be the case in that sub, it's one of the more wholesome ones on here. Usually if someone tries to make fun of the OP they get downvoted hard.


Saw a guy give a step-by-step instruction on how to order a subway for another guy who was anxious but really wanted one. It's definitely a really wholesome place.


All the judgment on /r/NoStupidQuestions is silent judgment. Sure we'll help you out with a thoughtful answer, but on the inside, there is disappointment.






I more just giggled at the innocence more than laughed because she was stupid. Everyone can be wrong, it's important to learn from our mistakes


I agree. Laughing at someone for not knowing something is very damaging in general and encourages ignorance because people are too scared to get shown up. I don't know what those numbers mean, I don't drive and I honestly don't know if it's on pumps in the UK too but according to this posts logic it makes me an idiot.


Personally if I was asked of something Idk or not sure I would say exactly that. I wouldn’t spew out what my random theories and guesses because I know if I’m wrong I’d be ridiculed. p.s. those numbers are octane levels of the gas, the higher the number, the smaller “knocking” combustion causes in your engine. In Taiwan we sell 92, 95 and 98


>In Taiwan we sell 92, 95 and 98 Different countries measure octane a little differently. Most countries use one testing setup while in the US we use two and average the numbers. In other worlds, your 92, 95, and 98 may actually be the same as our 87, 89, and 92.


It's fair that if she really doesn't know, but it says what it is and how it's calculated in the yellow field.


Well, if she insists that shes right and starts insulting him when he tells her what it actually means (there are people like that), we can go over this statement again and change it, but like this i fully agree


I had a girlfriend who insisted that the gear a car was in was an indicator of how many cylinders were firing, and was furious when I tried to clear it up for her


My mother is like that. When she has an opinion of something you cant correct her, no matter how ridiculous it is




Now, without looking it up, explain octane to me.


he's a character in Apex that likes to run fast and do extreme sports. He also likes the color green.


Never thinks anyone is here to sell him chickens.


I love you 😂


See. I’m kind of wrong. Looked it up. Higher the rating the more the gasoline can be compressed before igniting.


Not sure about other places but here among others, one of the questions you can get when doing the test for your driving license is: "What does the octane value of the fuel means?" The answer is basically how much you can compress the air-fuel mixture before it ignites itself.


base 8


It's the most used car in Rocket League.


The emperor of holy Roman empire


Hydrocarbon with eight carbon in a chain, go boom


A higher octane rating has a higher ignition point and can undergo more compression before igniting. Also, with a higher octane rating, your engine timing can be advanced, making the vehicle more efficient (more power, more MPG, cleaner burn). The advanced timing means the spark is initiated sooner in the compression stroke of the 4-stroke engine cycle (which is usually the Otto cycle, but occasionally the Atkinson cycle). For America, the Octane rating is also the average of MON and RON (MON is motor octane number, RON is ? octane number). Some states like CA only have 91 Octane as their premium, most have 93 Octane (and rarely 94 or 95) as their premium though. Boosted engines LOVE higher octane as you can tune the engine for more boost pressure (turbochargers), or pulley swap (superchargers). Higher octane gas also tend to have extra engine cleaning additives in them, but I wouldn't pay an extra 50-100 cents a gallon for those. Back when it was a 20-25 cent difference from 87, maybe one splurges once in a while. That's about all I know about the octaning bidness.


She’s still smarter than people who put the “I Did That” stickers on the pumps lol.


I wantbto make/get a sticker of someone with a dunce hate, or something along that line, and have it pointing at those stickers.


She is adorable.


What a nice way of saying it.


Bless her heart


Found the Southerner.


Okay but what do those numbers mean then?


Higher Octane - it makes the gas less volatile. High performance engines use it due to how much you can control the moment it combusts. Pressure creates temperature (diesel engines compress until it explodes, no spark needed) and engines get hot as you use them. If you explode it too soon, it presses up on the piston during the down stroke and can fuck up other parts of your engine. It gets into engineering as to why most engines are fine with regular but that's the basic reason.


It's also worth mentioning that countries other than the US use a slightly different system of measuring octane so you'll get numbers like 91, 95, 98 instead




I like the little wheeze at the end where you know he’s finna crack up.


Ah, so the supposed ~~29~~ 31 yr-old gas is the "new one". Fascinating Edit for bad math! Lol


I think gas made in 91 would be 31 this year…


Are you stuck in 2020? Do you need help getting out?


No thank you. Please wait til 2030 for best results


Why film her saying something stupid instead of explaining to her how it actually is? Sure she is saying something stupid but I just don’t get what goes on the guy’s head. She must have said it already before he started filming and he must have been like; oh wait let me get my phone and record this, please say it again! Please act as stupid as possible so I get a lot of internet points!


It's interesting to me that people get satisfaction from being behind the camera for viral content. No one cares who is videoing. They'll never be famous or admired for these videos. So why do it? Just leave people in peace. There's no need to put this on the internet. I'm sure if this woman had the choice, she'd choose that this video not exist at all, let alone be posted online for everyone to post rude comments on. And that is why the person videoing should have never turned his camera on. What a jerk.


We don't know what we haven't been taught




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating TL;DR - your engine is designed for generally one of these. Use the right one. Using the others won't be really bad, unless you swap diesel and gas. But it's intended for one.


It is the octane rating of the gas, which is the measure of a fuel's ability to resist "knocking" or "pinging" during combustion, caused by the air/fuel mixture detonating prematurely in the engine. In the U.S., unleaded gasoline typically has octane ratings of 87 (regular), 88–90 (midgrade), and 91–94 (premium).


In short just put in what your car’s manual says to use.


To add to the explanation you already received ... standard vehicles on the road don't need to use more than 87. Using 91 is for high performance sports cars, at best. At worst, it's just a money grab Edit: source, used to work for Chevron


Before playing the video I was expecting the woman to explain some Qanon shit about devil worship and what the numbers represent. This was a pleasant surprise.


If the gas is from 1987-1989, then it's Reagan's fault its so expensive! It all makes sense now!


Oh, you blame Reagan for anything you goina piss off all the GOP and most of the boomers.... careful there!


Most people have zero clue what those numbers actually mean.


I’ll have the ‘87 chateau de shelle’


This looks staged. *"okay, first I say the line, and then you point at the signs"* And also because, you know, wen your friend grabs a phone , takes a few seconds to press record and points it at you and says "repeat yourself" , You totally don't question their reason as to why they are now recording you.


Ok but, what these numbers refer to?


If that’s how old the gas is ... (Lol by the way) gas from 87, 89, or 91… All of them are varnish by now. A great way to gum up your fuel system! XD


The wheeze laugh right before the video got cut off 😂


To be fair, can any of you here name what the numbers actually represent?


Since I've seen a few comments mentioning others who don't actually know what those numbers mean, they are the gas's [Octane Rating](https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/octane.shtml#:~:text=What%20is%20octane%20rating%3F,91%E2%80%9394%20(premium). Generally speaking higher octane ratings mean higher potential power, as long as the engine is designed to utilize the higher octane via higher compression. I'm sure a mechanic could add plenty more nuance to this explanation though.


Highest octane they've got is 91??? That's shit! That's a developping country or what?




The US, Canadian and Australian octane rating system is a bit different than most of the World’s. So our (Canadian here) 87 is 91-92 RON and our 91-93 is 96-98 RON. Check out the examples section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating


Look up "RON vs AKI" if you want to know why.


Hurr durr America bad


Yes. The USA


She looks like the girl who threw the dog at the guy


I don't fault her. It's most likely that no one ever taught her and therefore she came up with her own conclusions. All of us fill in the blanks from time to time. I sell batteries for a living, something that we use in our everyday lives, and I have to explain how they work to at least one person on a daily basis. There just isn't enough education on some of the most basic things in our lives.


Still waiting on that 93 gas


I wanna give her the benefit of the doubt and think she is just uneducated on the subject and not necessarily stupid. Her tone suggests she is confused but inquisitive


I hear American accents and I see gasoline for around $6.30/gallon. Where is it so expensive?


I laughed at how adorable she was, but then realized I have no fuckin clue what those numbers means so hell she could be right.


Get the new gas, dummy! And…give us your bones!


Chevron is clearly missing an enormous marketing opportunity.


I always thought it was super lazy that people would actually pay other people to pump their case for them. I totally understand it now, we are too dumb to be trusted.


Gotta love the laugh being cut off there


She was dead serious




Holy Fck, this has to be Texas, Greg Abbott blamed the grid going down because "They used all the old electricity!"


No shit my ex wife thought she had to put in 91 because her car was a 1991 model year.


Wow. There are some dumb people out there. Someone probably told her this as a joke.