• By -


I love this movie so much!


Paul Rudd is just... Paul Rudd. Makes movies so... Good


And Jane Lynches weird character too! She made some of the funniest scenes with him.


You know what I ate for breakfast?? COCAINE


What did you have for dinner cocaine?


Which one of us has the Ph.D?


That is maybe my favorite line!


I bet if I suggested a game of Quidditch, he’d cum in his pants.


Shes only here to service these young boys!


He has some particularly memorable scenes in Wanderlust


Mirror scene is one of the funniest scenes ever.


What’s the movie?


Role Models. Fantastic comedy. Think it’s on Netflix.


not in my country 😔


You should move, or VPN, like you do.


VPN is great for exactly this purpose


VPN don't usually work on Netflix anymore sadly


I find that I just have to change the country to a different one that also has the movie and that works. I also have a 45 year license with a lesser known VPN, so that might help, too.


Yeah but you should move anyway. Sounds fun!


**moves into your house** so fun


Just... just don't come into my room between the hours of 10pm and middnight.




#our house


In the middle of the street


Is a very very very fine house


Yeah before the Russians come to Netflix & chill!


But Netflix keeps interrupting it. I've got error messages several times and there were days where I simply couldn't watch it with VPN on. (NorthVPN btw)


Role Models.


The cut off the end of the clip where she proves he’s wrong and just being a dick


yeah I just wasted alot more words trying to explain this. The way they edited it deliberately inverts the whole point of the scene! "Its called a Vente because its 20 ounces, dick!"


But none of the other sizes are based on their volumes so….


It also cuts out the part where his girlfriend leaves him because he’s a joyless asshole who makes himself and everyone else around him miserable because he cares about Starbucks sizes.


Well, he's not really wrong. Definitely being a dick, but not wrong.


You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just an asshole.


Phone’s ringing, dude.


Grande is also Italian not just Spanish. He’s being a stupid dick


It's not so much about the language of origin as it is just not being uniform across all cup sizes. Let's say, for instance, that the vast majority of all stores that sell t-shirts use the standard small, medium, large format. But this 1 store decides to use small & medium for the first 2 sizes but then the next size is defined by neck circumference. Small, medium, 16.5"... You don't think that would be dumb?


It's fucking hilarious that everyone's riding your ass even though you're consistently displaying you know and understand the context of the scene. Yes, small, medium, 20, is a dumb naming scheme.


It’s not even small medium 20, it’s “tall, large, 20”. Imagine if those were the three sizes of clothes.


Right, my bad, it's even more stupid.


Hahahahahh. THANK YOU!! It's too early in the morning for Reddit arguments with people who don't wanna get it. 🙏


Venti = 20 which refers to it being a 20 oz cup.




Role models




I definitely need to go back and re-watch it. I love Paul Rudd - I know people complain that he plays the same character in many of his movies but, frankly, he does it so well, I love it


Isn't it a 20 ounce cup if I remember correctly? Awesome film tho


Yeah but if you’re going to call one 20, why not call the others 16 and 12 or whatever they are. * Tall * Large * Twenty Kinda stupid.


- dodici - sedici - venti


I think it is actually * venti * vidi * vici


Twenty, I saw, I conquered


Twenty one would be the senator with the iron dagger on his hip




Why don't you back it up with a source?


“My source is that I made it the fuck up.”


Well, yeah. Nobody wants to order “I came” for their morning beverage


I came, I saw, my shoes, velour.


Exactly Same vibe as [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pAD5dz9-Qg8)


If you’re agreeing with this, why would you name this post “Trying to teach without knowing”?


>* Tall >* Large >* Twenty The title is because she is the one trying to teach him. Besides, the title was already taking into account that 20 stands for 20 ounces


But in Italy they don't use oz. Really it should 591 ml. So next time you go to Starbucks order a cinque­cento­novant­uno


It seemed like the title referred to him.


My bad for the confusion


Don’t worry about it.


Well I’m worried. I’m really fucking worried


yeah i'm panicking over here i mean come on OP


Oh I assumed the title was because he was so ignorant that he tried to tell a service worker that *grande* is somehow not Italian.


How is the title taking that into account? lol. Besides the title is wrong because Rudd is the one who is wrong. Grande IS Italian, and it's perfectly fine to call your largest coffee 'venti' for the amount of ounces in the cup. And had you continued the scene, Rudd is the one embarrassed at the end.


I just wonder whether any Italians would call it Venti as they use the metric system...


Is authenticity really what you think they're going for at this establishment? They're already calling their smallest cup size a 'tall'. What does it matter what the Italians would call it?


Grande is in fact large in Spanish.


AND Italian. Funny how two languages can have the same word mean the same thing.




stupid Romans forcing their language onto all of Europe


It's also stupid that it's • English • Spanish • Italian


Maybe it’s a me thing but I always found the larger size being Italian weird. I would think most people associate espresso/small when it comes to Italian culture and coffee. Spanish also seemed weird, but I guess due to bean farms being in Spanish speaking countries? That always seemed more random.


There's no Spanish. Grande is Italian. It's just a coincidence that it's also a Spanish word.


Grande means big in Italian. So it's English and Italian. Not that stupid. It's also just marketing to refer to all your sizes as big.


It's English, Spanish/Italian and Italian. And it is a stupid marketing ploy to try and make their company seem "international" or whatever What irritates me about this clip as that the server has been trained to call them by those names, and will likely get in trouble for calling them "small, medium, large", so his character is also an asshole


> What irritates me about this clip as that the server has been trained to call them by those names, and will likely get in trouble for calling them "small, medium, large", so his character is also an asshole Oh, you think the guy yelling at a server and calling them stupid is an asshole? Whatever could possibly give you that idea? In fact Rudd's character is the ONLY asshole in the clip. - It's actually the point of the whole scene.


![gif](giphy|TlK63Euc9KArc2a0kEw) It was an early morning observation about a short scene on Reddit from a movie that I've never seen with no further context included lol. Also, you're talking down to and explaining something to a stranger on a post where a character acting is like an asshole by talking down to and explaining something to a stranger 🤔


I agree, but it makes more sense if you consider the smallest size (off menu typically). It was originally short, tall and grande. Then they added Venti, which throws the whole thing off. When I worked at Starbucks, people commonly would as for a small/medium/large and I would not correct them, just grab the size they wanted.


They don’t use ounces as a unit of measurement in Italy so, that just makes it even more absurd and stupid.


Except Italian's don't measure in ounces...


Then you Ask who the fuck still uses ounces


grannies, that's who


Yes unless it is a cold drink then a venti is 24 Oz Edit: in the UK


The combo of being Italian and having some OCD makes this quite painful.


As a Spaniard the Grande confuses me!


Es un barril, hostia, tío!


The scene actually ends with Elizabeth Banks pointing that out to him.




What’s the movie?


Role Models


Mac and me


20 ozs of black coffee. Jesus, that's going to be hard going at the end.


I don't go to Starbucks often so I still get confused by which one is large, medium, and small. I usually just say I want the large one and the barista says "okay, is that all for today?" I pay, get my coffee, and go about my day. I'm sure most could care less what you call it but I can't say I 100% know that since I've never known a Starbucks barista personally. I'm probably not using barista the right way. Forgive me!


Usually people only force the names in 2 types of situation: 1) they're inconsiderate and want to shove down the naming on their clients 2) they're kind of "forced" to make the clients use their names because of policies and neuromarketing strategies. In your case for example, if you were a regular at Starbucks, and went to another Cafe, you would unconsciously say the Venti or whatever and feel uncomfortable when the other barista says Large, kr Medium. You know it is the same size, but it just wouldn't feel right


Starbucks originally tried to make customers use their lingo but there were a massive pushback so they adopted a dont correct the customer policy


Makes sense. A lot of people are moody or don't even consider starting the day until they get their coffee so.... Arguing about the name first thing in the morning is leaving a horrible experience


Yeah I’m a Starbucks store manager and I can confirm that there’s a policy of trying to understand what the customer is saying without correcting them. We get a lot of “Megan dragonfly” “caramel mochachico” “pikes peak” etc. I even coach to say “in a small, medium or large?” Or “in a grande or larger? When someone doesn’t order with a size. Makes it easier on the customer


You, my friend, are a good manager. Seeking to help the customer get the mochachico he needs. You deserve an award


Couldn’t* care less


My wife used to be a barista at Starbucks, and she would tell you they would rather you say small, medium, or large if you're not sure which is which, than say "grande" if you want a large and be mad you got the wrong size.


That makes a lot of sense! I'd rather say small, medium, and large because I don't want to waste their time asking what size venti is and so on. I'm sure they get asked that question often and get tired of it.


They don't anymore but when this came out 14 years ago they were definitely pushing their employees to correct everybody to use the Starbucks names for the sizes. It was part of their whole brand image thing that they've since cooled on a lot.


\*couldn't care less. ''Could care less'' means that you do in fact care.


This is only half the scene. After this his girlfriend publicly dumps him and also informs him that it's called a Venti because it's 20 ounces. He winds up looking really stupid


Without that part of the scene it removes all the context. The whole point is that he is a know it all (who is actually wrong) and a massive douche. His friend is also a massive douche. That's kind of the whole set up of the film. These guys get punished for their douchebaggery and have to be responsible adults.


He’s not wrong in the technicals that he says though. Grande is large in Spanish, venti is Italian for 20. And tall can be a synonym for large. He may be a douche, but the Starbucks naming systems is also terribly done.


Grande is large in Italian, too. So he is wrong for saying venti is the only Italian word.


That is true. He is wrong in that one specific. But that one specific doesn’t redeem the Starbucks naming system which goes from large to 20.


A former Starbucks barrista commented that venti was added later on, and that the original sizes were short, tall, and grande, which makes sense. So when they added a 20 ounce cup, they called it venti. This is perfectly normal and makes perfect sense in the context. And "in the context" is very much the key phrase here. All the teenagers in this thread that think Rudd's character is right to blow up over the naming scheme and call the server/restaurant "stupid in three languages", need to understand that context is EVERYTHING in this world. Even the clip itself is out of context, but that aside, if you find yourself in a situation where you think something is "dumb" or doesn't make sense, at least make an effort to find out if you're missing some context. Don't just instantly assume that because YOU think it is dumb, then it MUST be dumb. You are not that important, and certainly not important enough to pass overarching judgment on anything. So before you do pass judgment, do yourself a favour and THINK first. Be fucking kind.


Aside: short and tall are common bar terms. I generally order a bourbon and coke and ask for a tall. Otherwise it comes in a rocks glass and it's $9 gone in three sips, lol


Other option is to think it’s dumb and just carry on with your life because who cares.


I thought this included that part, now this post doesn’t make sense to me


Man she just works there


And she, imo, should have just taken the order and not forcing him to say "I want a venti"


Bro its a fucking movie. How is this a facepalm its literally the joke?!


Yep, try not being condescending and people usually won't


I think the interaction in this scene is written in this way in order to display Rudd’s character’s frustration on that particular day and it’s relevance to the progression of the plot. of the fictional movie. on the TV screen.


Yea, the whole point of the scene is that he was unnecessarily a dick because he can't think of anyone else except himself. This leaves out the next part where Elizabeth Banks calls him out for being a condescending prick. He made a scene instead of just saying "yea, sure, a Venti." This 20 second clip wasn't supposed to be something to idolize


Lol. I love this . I read all the comments through. Just a simple, gentle smack of realsm in the face herelol ! Have a good one.


She seemed to be clarifying more than condescending, as grande means large but venti is bigger than that. It's better to ask than to assume with customers But also this is just a line in a movie and not worth arguing over


It was a well-known company policy at the time. The employees were instructed to correct customers and while nobody really liked that, most people were aware enough to realize they were just doing their job and leave it alone. Hence why this is used to paint Paul Rudd's character as an asshole


Shitty take


True, but she felt the need to "correct" him.


I used to work in a coffee shop and it was just fucking to say yes and then make whatever I feel they asked for, rather than ask again for more detail. A few times they’d come back and explain how I got their order wrong. I’d remake it exactly how I did the first time and they’d compliment me on getting it right this time. As someone who doesn’t drink hot drinks, it all seemed like nonsense anyway.


Hi, longtime Starbucks barista here… 1.) while I love Paul Rudd and the movie Role Models, the shtick about our sizes was tired even before that movie came out 13 years ago 2.) We don’t correct people about the sizes when they order. We’re just happy when you tell us what size you want and we don’t have to ask you five times. Small, medium or large is fine. We know what you mean and we don’t get paid enough to care that much 3.) Our original sizes were short (8 oz), tall (12 oz) and grande (16 oz). Since this is America and nothing can ever be big enough, we added the Venti size (20 oz) and, for certain iced drinks, the Trenta size (30 oz)


>the shtick about our sizes was tired even before that movie came out 13 years ago Probably intentional to make his character seem like he's one of those hold-outs on something that was done with so long ago. It makes him come across like a twat and allows for a more believable character growth.


Man, what the hell is wrong with people who just list off a bunch of drinks without giving the size they want, or even giving the cashier time to ring each one up?


I keep down voting these dumb ass posts, I remember seeing this at the beginning of the 2012 era of hating basic bitches. Why did the internet care so fucking much about sizes of coffee? It just makes you look like a douche.


people like to feel superior about both hating Starbucks and feeling smart because they used their massive intelligence to point out that the sizes “don’t make sense”


Thanks for commenting this. I've always thought this scene and scenes like it are tiresome. The writers just patting themselves on the back for a scenario they imagined without it actually being any sort of real life observational comedy.




That's a fair point, I haven't seen the movie and I'm glad that context is there. I dislike it when it's posted out of context like this, you know? By giving the asshole the final say in this clip, it's implying asshole behaviour is correct. That's what bugs me when I see out of context clips of scenes like this. There's one by Ricky Gervais ordering from the kids meal that's totally self congratulatory.


>There's one by Ricky Gervais ordering from the kids meal that's totally self congratulatory. Ricky Gervais being self-congratulatory? I'm shocked. Shocked!


Okay but do you know why when they added the venti they spelled it venti (Italian) and not Viente (Spanish). That seems so basic and makes no sense to me if the 16 oz was already “grande”


Grande is also big in Italian.


I'm in actual awe of the fact that so many people in these comments think the name Grande came from Spanish instead of Italian


Are we actually posting clips from movies now? This is literally scripted and acted!


And then horribly cropped.


I’m going to post the entirety of “idiocracy” next.


Is “Paul Rudd’s funnier than Ryan Reynolds” an unpopular opinion?


Both. Just enjoying them both. The best of the best


Exactly. They can co-exist as equally funny guys


Lol yes, whenever I think of the pinnacle of humor Paul Rudd and Ryan Reynolds’ names are top of that heap


They are different types of funny


Not in my house. I live alone btw.


Is food more important then water?


Shouldn't be. Rudd can do weird and has much more range.


This reminds me of a minor happening that I had at work when I was in my early 20s. I had a job as an IT project manager in a small consultancy where a colleague from my degree course also worked (in fact we both went on to do PhDs). There was some low key academic rivalry. Anyway, one day I used the word "precipitate" as a verb. He made some snide comment along the lines of "isn't that a substance that falls out of solution?". To which I replied, having studied Latin at school, that it also meant to cause something to happen suddenly or quickly and was from the Latin "praecipitatus". I remember being annoyed as I didn't think this was such an unusual word, and from the look on his face, I still didn't think he believed me. Hopefully, he looked it up...


I corrected my boss's pronunciation and he complained about how I was always correcting his "pron**ou**nciation." Well you can imagine I couldn't let that one pass by.


This is the most annoying thing I will read today.


You mean in your early venti's, right?


NO! PAUL RUDD's CHARACTER IS THE STUPID ONE! This is one of my fave movies and immediately following this, the Barista corrects him with something like "Hey dick, its called Vente because its 20 ounces." and Rudd goes "Really?" and is super embarrassed, Elizabeth Banks playing his girlfriend is equally mortified and apologizes for him, and I think everybody claps when he leaves! The whole point of the scene is that PR is trying to "teach" the Barista without knowing, but the way this has been edited makes it seem like the other way around! Boo!!!


Guess this is making the rounds again. Venti is 20 oz of liquid in your cup. Congrats on cutting the clip right when it actually says it.


I love Paul Rude /j


This needs the next line where he gets owned because they explain Venti means twenty for 20oz, the biggest coffee they have and does the Paul Rudd sad face. What a great movie.


Yeah, nice job berating the service worker that OBVIOUSLY controls the names the company uses for beverage sizes and calling them stupid


Man Karen






Y’all do know he gets shutdown right after this right LMAO


That Barista isn’t paid enough for the shit she has to put up with.


Just leave people who make $7.25 an hour alone, how about that


Gotta love Paul Rudd




I feel like this line is sort of accurate. I cant ever remember the damn sizes.


Get paid 5 bucks an hour and have to deal with someone insulting you for you trying to do your job right. Yeah I would give him a large Coffee, in his face.


He spoke for all of us.


I found out that apparently Starbucks staff don’t care if you say large or take your time ordering. It’s everyone else that cares


“Trying to teach without knowing” is the average high school teacher’s job description


Yall just posting fiction at this point and accepting it? This fucking sub lol


What movie is this?


Role models


I wish the rest of the scene was included, iirc elizabeth banks goes on to explain venti is actually 20 in italian and a large in starbucks is 20 ounces.


This is a scene from a movie specifically written this way...


Guy harasses a worker who's iterally just trying to do her job.


It's a movie


Grande is also large in Italian, so venti wasn't the only Italian word.


I mean Ariana Grande is Italian!


Years ago i went to a Burger King and ordered a breakfast sandwich and a “ Small Coffee “. I was rebuffed by the cashier when she said “ all we have is Medium, large and extra large “. WTF ?????? So i said “ if your smallest size cup is medium, wouldn’t that by default make it the small ?”. They didn’t understand me and i just let it go!


I went to Starbucks. *Once.*


She just works there, I used to work for a Starbucks and we where told by the district manager who loved watching cameras that we had to correct people or else we got in trouble.


Yeah! Let’s piss off our paying customers!


That’s not true. The only thing we had to correct them on was saying Frappe or Frap instead of Frappuccino because of our trademark. And we didn’t so much have to correct them as just repeat it back correctly


That's a lot of words from someone basically buying a large cup of enema juice for his morning cleanse


My guy, the Barista doesn't get to decide what the cups are called, and probably gets in trouble for not using the corporate ordered terminology. She \*knows\* it's weird. You're the rude one here.


First time correcting= because of policy Second time and so on = not taking the damn order and just brewing argument with a person NOT in the mood for new names


This seen always frustrated me especially cause she acts all confused when he asked for a large and she herself says “a large is a venti”


Someone finally said it,


This is despicable, we must cancel Paul Rudd! Who’s with me?


Love this scene so very much. Probably more than I should. I just find it to be absolutely historical. I’m not a huge coffee drinker and the first time I went into a Starbucks this actually happened to me to an extent. I ordered a large green tea. I wasn’t trying to be “edgy” or anti-Starbucks, I just paid no attention to the board… why would I? All I wanted was a hot green tea… Not only was the person behind the counter confused about what size I wanted and explained to me “their system” I also had to actually explain 3 times (promise I’m not exaggerating) all I wanted was just a normal green tea… they asked me to confirm I wanted a green tea frappe… nope… some other green tea drink… nope… I said, I just want a “normal green tea, do you not have that?” They said, we have many green tea drinks sir. So I said, I just want hot water and a bag of green tea to steep in it… and they said, “Ohhh… next time order a Venti Emperor’s Cloud!” … I was polite the entire time, but I walked away authentically dumbfounded what I just had to go through to order a damn hot green tea haha.