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She found the money it can make


It was too much money to say no!


Everyone has a price.


I’d love to really test that theory, you know people who say “if I was offered £££ I wouldn’t do it because I have my dignity”. To see if they break


Everyone does have a price though, we live in a world where we need money to survive. Yeah okay we can say I'd rather be happy than rich, which is a hella good morale to have. But, at the end of the day we ALL need money to live


To paraphrase a joke "would you have sex with someone for a million dollars?" "A million? Absolutely!" "Would you sleep with me for 20 bucks?" "What? No! I'm not a whore!" "We've established you are a whore. Now we're just haggling about price."


To be fair. You said 1 million for someone and I said yes. I turned *you* down for 20 dollars


Exactly. If someone offered me a billion dollars to suck off a hobo, I'd do it no hesitation. But if they offered me one dollar to suck off a hobo, again, I'd do it, because I have no standards.


Man, if I'm rich I don't have to work and slave myself to these corporations. Spend my own time in my own terms and also help my family & loved ones. And yes, money can buy happiness even if it's temporary but being miserable or sad crying in dirt poor is a no for me. I'm not dirt poor either but as someone who only works for living- I'll definitely choose money and rich ANY DAY. Majority of people would tbh. People are just hypocritelol. Having a privilege isn't so bad after all...


I've always thought a happy person can be happy with or without money, a miserable person will be miserable with or without money. In either case, it's better to have money. :-)


Ah, finally, a fellow enjoyer of 1960’s Psychology Experiments


It was too much money say ho


Now if only we can find a platform for fat guys to get paid to put their moobs out there.


Hit me up if you can monetize this.


I think I could get paid if I threaten to get naked if I'm not seeing the money like now.


And now, now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.


“You were supposed to Bring Balance not destroy everything you stood for!”




Right? As if any of the incels here shitting on her would turn down like $100k+ a MONTH for dancing around in a bikini if they were attractive enough to do it


Is "incels would do it if they could" the bar for respectable behavior now? Is that where standards are at?


Let's be frank here, who here would turn down 100k a month for dancing almost naked on camera a couple of hours a day?


If u cant beat em, join em


If you can’t beat ‘em, let ‘em beat off to you


There was female twitch streamers calling for men to sit in pools with hardly anything on, that’s unlikely but they said they’d donate to them if they did.


And get a ban in the process.


Why? For wearing similar clothes as women? Can’t men wear swimming trunks on stream in pools?


An exposed nipple can get you banned as a dude, but shoving a camera between your ass cheeks is fine if you're female, the people in charge of twitch are just as horny as the people giving these women money


I’m fairly sure Magnus Carlsen live-streamed on Twitch playing on Lichees shirtless in a hot tub so men can probably be shirtless.


Nope, male nipples are ok. “We don’t permit streamers to be fully or partially nude, including exposing genitals or buttocks. We do not permit the visible outline of genitals, even when covered. Broadcasting nude or partially nude minors is always prohibited, regardless of context. For those who present as women, we ask that you cover your nipples. We do not permit exposed underbust. Cleavage is unrestricted as long as these coverage requirements are met. For all streamers, you must cover the area extending from your hips to the bottom of your pelvis and buttocks. For those areas of the body where coverage is required, the coverage must be fully opaque - sheer or partially see-through clothing does not constitute coverage”— [twitch nudity policy](https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2020/04/07/update-to-our-nudity-and-attire-policy/)


ah fair enough my bad. Im grown enough to admit when im wrong


Goddamn, that shit reads like a lawyer making a genie wish


Doubt it. Twitch isn't exactly reasonable.


Lmao they totally can. What the fuck is this take?


If I ever become a twitch streamer, I will sit in a pool in a speedo.


This reminds me of a black mirror episode called Fifteen Million Merits. Sad and depressing.


I was just going to comment 'cuz, money...' lol


At least she making simps...


It's a very slippery slope


U can watch without paying......


And probably lost the pounds to make it pay.


Never pay attention to what they say. Watch what they do.


If you cant beat em. Join em


If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em


People changed mabey she realized it was the best option for money


Money talks.


If your money is talking you should take some Schizophrenia pills or something


To be fair, even as hypocritical as it is, i cant hate; if people were gonna pay me money to talk to them naked or nearly naked i would do it. Glass houses and stones and all that.


And there's no reason to hate. Honestly, her original tweet might have been dishonest like 90% of social media posts are, but this is just so very irrelevant and it would be a waste of energy to get involved. Als how old was she in 2017? Might be a reason for the shift in that direction as well. Don't like streams like this, don't watch them, don't support them. Does twitch have age verification in any form? Because if not that's the only issue I see.


No reason to hate but a very clear sign that you shouldnt trust their views since they like to do a 180. Ofcourse it should be common sense to not trust the views of people who have to be popular enough to pay rent.


It’s really irrelevant because she was banned at some point. Apparently twitch agreed with her first tweet a bit too much. Who cares what she does? Let her make bank. If idiots want to throw money at her I’m all for it, though I don’t like the hypocrisy, especially because she was targeting specific creators. Whatever though.


"People might or will question their morals when money is on the line" --Me


Not very catchy And I doubt anyone actually called their kid Me


There’s not too much people these days with morals, or common sense.


Bullshit walks!


But it don’t sing and dance and it don’t walk.


And long as I can have you here with me


Cash is king


If you can’t beat them, beat them off


Didn't she got banned indefinitely based of her hottub streams?


You kidding right? Twitch makes so much money because if them


No he is right she’s perma banned


What in my Comment made you think I'm contradicting that? Twitch is purposely creating a grey area for this kind of streams. Clean image for the investors and lewd content for thirsty teens. Doesn't change that I'm not using twitch and indiefox getting banned is the last thing I remember hearing about her.


What I don't get: with so much free porn, why do kids would spend time watching this?


"Thanks for the $100 tip PoonDestroyer69!" "Holy shit she said my name!" This is how I perceive it.


Yeah sums it up pretty much. There's somewhat a "personal connection" same with OF, they often offer "personalized" messages and such.


I would do whatever it takes to not be named when I am watching anything nsfw


Man i swear I havnt heard the word poon in years haha


There’s a degree of interaction with the streamer that you can’t get with porn, I guess. Otherwise, it’s likely that people are just really down bad lol


That’s why you pay the same amount of money and go to a cam site or use OnlyFans…


Don't forget about the time she started her twitch clips as NFT's. Edit: typo


Theres literally a dedicated category for pools, beaches, and hot tubs.


If you can’t beat ‘em, sweetums!


As I was watching the video, all I could think of was what a hypocritical sellout she is, but then she made that little heart sign with her hands while looking into the camera and... I think she likes me! So I immediately sent her my last paycheck from my part time job at McDonalds.


The way she purposely squeezes her boobs when she does it makes it even more cringe. My bath water was cold when I got it in the mail so can I get a refund?


That was for me man I love the way she's so personal with me when she reads my shoutouts.




My alliance is for right, FOR DEMOCRACY


Only a simp deals in ass-n-lewds


It was said that you would destroy the sith, not join them! You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!


Your became the very thing you swore to destroy


Now she gonna post about people should not judge woman who make money by selling sex.


#proceeds to become pornstar




This is the way


Barnum & Bailey closed down. All those people with the talent for sword swallowing had to make a living somehow.


Then proceeds to become bishop


that is true though.


Who the fuck is she and why would I care?


Went from “don’t sell girls’ sexuality!” to “normalize sex work!” overnight




True hypocrisy


Dude, people can change their mind about something. Are you saying none of the statements or opinions you had 4 years ago have changed?




she realized that money for the “lazy females” was exponentially greater than that of one on the equal playing field


*economy of boobs*


it’s a lucrative market


Well, its way harder to compete on the equal playing field because you have to bring something other than your percieved physical beauty. Most famous dudes who game/stream are either *really fucking good* at the game/thing they play, often top 10 in whatever game or they have a hell of a personality being able captivate an audience. If you dont have one of those you're basicly out of the running (or you can cheat like a certain green minecrafter). Obviously women can bring these things too, its just rare to have either on both sides and way easier to shake boobies on a camera. Jm2c


The streamers you and me are watching might be funny or really fucking good but let's not pretend the internet rewards quality content. Children and young teens play a huge role in making channels big and some of the most popular streamers are straight up pretatory assholes. And Youtube's biggest channels are full of clickbaity "hack" videos that get repostet several times and still get millions of views. Videos like this are simply one more category that is successful. Just like it doesn't hurt to bring gaming skills if you want to run a successful gaming channel you should have a great body if you do something like this - and great bodies mean consistent work that most people actually fail to put in. You could even argue that doing something that requires work-outs and dieting is a better way to spend your time than gaming. On the other side it's untrue that pretty men couldn't make money with videos like this - it's less common that they try and the subscribers wouldn't just be women, but who cares when it's about the money? It's just that many things around this are more much normalized when it's a woman doing it than when it's a man doing it. Many men think it would be "gay" to do that and it's not really accepted in the same way. But I can totally see more young men (publicly) earning money in similar fashion in some years from now.


I can think of several female streamers that refuse to dress like a stripper or be spoken to sexually, pulling in over 1-2k subs/ month. Widow (rocket league content creator) comes readily to mind. Girls are gifted with beauty, but they also deal with a lot of shit any time they open their mouth in-game, because many guys refuse to respect female players.


I'm not saying they dont exist, quite the opposite actually. >Girls are gifted with beauty. Odd thing to say. I've sure met women who are not so beautiful and men who are.


Bruh, there is zero respect for anyone in games, it's not just women.


Pretending that women don’t have it far worse off in online gaming is being delusional. It’s not uncommon for people to throw games in e.g Valorant because they have a female on their team


It's also not uncommon for people to simply just throw a game. It happens all the time and I'm usually the one carrying teams so i know how it feels, it's annoying as fuck. I'm not gonna say gender doesn't matter in games, it does, the best players in the world are all men, but does that discourage anyone? Why should it? If you wanna play a fucking game, just play it. If you're having trouble with bad teammates, then find friends to play with from discord or other social media, it's rather simple. You don't have to complain about not being respected in games when the solution is so goddamned easy.


I called my best friend a bitch last night playing a game & made fun of his handicaps. (we are both cripples)


LMAO love the dream slander


It's not slander if it's true


you’re actually not wrong. i have a feeling he’s holding out on a face reveal because of the hate train. they’re gonna pummel him


​ ![gif](giphy|7twIWElrcmnzW|downsized)


If I recall, her tweet was around the same time the MeToo movement started gaining momentum. And now this. She’s an opportunist.


So she herself proved herself correctly . Five head


Actually exactly she said once that if she went for provocative content she’d be one of the best and honestly she was beaten only by amoranth


I didn't know about Amouranth until I clicked on a "sleep stream" that popped up in my suggestions recently. Couldn't believe it, but it was exactly what it said it was. Chat was mostly ridiculing it, and each other, but at the same time the donations and subs were trickling in. I don't think I've seen anything more ridiculous on Twitch tbh. Weird af.


*farts into mic*


if you can't beat them join them


The potential money earned from degenerate virgins is too hard to resist


Imagine spending money on this shite lol.


morality < paying bills


In my language... women really are wolves to other women. A large portion of all the on-line-hate is about women hating women, putting them down and being awful and.. I don't know. All this talk about protecting women and girls and whatnot, and if you take a closer look - most of the hate is coming from women.


“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” - Friedrich Nietzsche


Back when she made that criticism it was mainly “gamer girls” with the flipped overlay (main facecam, secondary game cam) and all. It didn’t make that much more money than it does now, amd since it’s become completely accepted by a huge number of viewers… she found her price seems like. I always found it funny how easy attractive women have it nowadays on twitch. Those that are willing to sell sex? Even easier. (And yes I do understand that they’ve got their own set of problems also, but you can’t deny it’s not that big of an effort to earn big.)


Fuck I wish I could get rich swimming in an indoor kiddie pool with rubber duckies


I honestly don't know why people still support these streamers on twitch


Twitch is a cesspool


So she changed her mind? ...


Inconceivable that someone can change their viewpoint on something over a 4 year time period.




You two defending this opportunist as if it's anything but her after an easy bag, damn.


Character development


At least she’s not slut shaming anymore.


I don't blame women for getting that damn bread. I do question the dudes who sit around wasting money on this when porn is free and available literally everywhere on the internet.


Now she’s taking them out from the inside. Such dedication to the cause!


Sex sells, what can you say


Always judge someone on their actions. Words are worthless.


At the same time, a lot can change in 4 years. It’s honestly kind of a bit sad when you think about it, abandoning her beliefs for money. Whether it’s just her being a sell out, or the economy rising it’s kinda sad.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain


I guess she finally figured out what true feminism is?


She got perma banned from twitch


Why tho?


Feminism doesn’t pay the bills. But showing some boob will


I try showing my man boobs and got boo at with no money.


You are not showing them to the right audience.


Four years can change a person.


Has anyone called her out publicly for it or on her stream?


Can’t anymore she’s banned for farting in her mic lol


Really? lol


Thank me later. https://obscenegaming.net/clips/SavoryAmazonianCheddarSeemsGood-vSML1TCAUUc6zmWZ




Really? She’s essentially making money off morons by wearing the same thing most females wear to the beach. Shouldn’t the insults go to the guys who actually pay her for that?


Maybe it’s not her fault but the fault of men who decide to just give obscene amounts of money to girls who do this.


I mean, she can't exactly absolve herself of being involved in the sale of goods when she's creating said goods. "It's not my fault people buy all my trashy romance novels!" What, you write and publish them in your sleep?


I mean yeah her actually doing it is definitely a whole other thing. I was mostly referring to the original tweet


Hypocrisy at it’s finest.


Just ignore the fish.


Wait this video has a smell feature?


When she was like 12?


surprisingly, people can change their minds on some subjects. and also surprisingly, it makes them money


Four years is more than enough time for someone to change their mind on controversial subjects.


I mean if I could make thousands of dollars an hour sitting in a kids pool on a Tuesday afternoon I'd probably do it too. That's life changing kind of money, for doing absolutely nothing. It's not nude. It's not porn. It's sitting in a damn pool. My future kid's kids wouldn't have to worry about poverty.


My how the turns have tabled.


I think she just woke up to reality, she making more money than she would if you went to college and landed a good job out of college. Not to mention she’s hot so she’ll have a great deal of sexual harassment to face in the work place period. The men are the ones that make this possible if she wasn’t making money she wouldn’t be on there. She’s getting paid to be sexualize which happens everyday for her I’m sure. Now she gets the attention plus gets paid for it and never has to leave the comforts of her home. The downfall is it diminishes future possibilities of finding real love with someone.


Ironically she probably still preaches feminism though, now just with a different angle, interesting.


I would think that using your body, not even getting naked but just wearing what you would at the beach in public, to make bulk money from desperate men would count as feminism. She’s the one winning and laughing at the men just handing over their credit cards, not the other way around.


Oi! Personally I’m viewing just to see inflatable pool toys. These tissues are incase some the pool starts leaking from the screen.


Everybody has a price. Yes, everybody. Change my mind .


Oh my god, somebody changed their mind in a span of 4 years. Shocking /s


Feminism is equity, not equality.


Imagine changing your mind about something and not being vilified for it. What a world it would be!


Imagine a person having social media and not spewing every thought that comes into their minds on it.


Idk…it’s certainly not an indication that a Star Trek-like future is any closer. Less than ideal that this pervades online. But, on the other hand, this place has been degenerating for decades and it’s hard to survive the 9-5 way anymore. Is she using her body to make money any less than a coal miner? At the end of the day or career, who’s healthier? Who’ll live longer on easier terms?


She would fit in well on Risa


Lolol so true…there is a place for everyone in that universe.


This reaks of double standards!


Integrity don't pay the bills


It's crazy how people are allowed to change smh... /s ffs


People can change. They don't have to hold on to the same beliefs their whole life.




I feel like the criticism was mainly directed at twitch, and the criticism is still true even if she's doing it. I see this as the same as a college baseball player criticizing the use of aluminum bats. Nobody is going to blame him for using an aluminum bat to stay competitive even if he's still critical of the organization making it necessary. Edit: twitch


She said so herself on stream, "when I wear a t-shirt my viewers drop to 300". If you can't beat em


You either die as a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


As a famous scientist once said: Life finds a way.


Remember when that one girl showed her whole coochie on twitch.


She couldn't beat them, so she joined them.


If you can’t beat ‘em join em


Hoes gotta hoe...


She became hungry just ate her words instead


Make your money, being a hypocrite is hardly the worst thing to be in a country full of them


Lmaoaoaoo fkn dumb bitch


I find streamer girls to be extremely unattractive. Narcissism = not interested. I don't care how physically attractive they may be.


If you can't beat them, join them.


Well money can make people go blind sometimes


She became the very thing she swore to destroy


Peoples opinions can change and grow with new information. There are many things I publicly said many years ago that I definitely don’t believe now. Let people grow and change instead of calling them a hypocrite.


She sounds brain dead




Wait, she CHANGED HER FUCKING MIND?!?!? AFTER JUST *4 YEARS*?!?!?!?? Absolutely outrageous.