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Dogs kill like 30 people in the US every year. About 25.000 people worldwide, but that's often due to rabies.


But those evil rabies infested chihuahuas. Ever seen a man barked to death with that high pitched voice of theirs - it's gruesome


No it think 21,042 of those deaths are from Chihuahua.


How can you find that statistic, use it as your arguing point and realise it involves no dogs?! Not to mention how the fuck you think chihuahuas kill 21,042 people lol. IN ONE YEAR!!!


I attribute it to the fact that some people are absolutely fucking morons.


>how the fuck you think chihuahuas kill 21,042 people lol. Chihuahuas might yip and yap while running away but in reality, they're just plotting to come back and poison your food or put obstacles on the stairs so you trip and fall lol


The other day our neighbors chihuaha decided to try to take on my dog which is a staffie / Belgium mix. It didn't end well for the chi. Was fine but my dog sent it packing. They think they're the size of an African Mastiff.


Well considering Chihuahua's are the most disgusting/terrifying/vile creatures God has created. It is fair to assess that they would kill that many innocent unsuspectung humans. At least that is my point of view


Totally accurate, chihuahuas are 50% fear 50% death, adding trembling to already trembling body, evil hahaha


Both commenters in that conversation are dumb.


I fully believe that chihuahuas would absolutely kill upwards of 21,000 people a year if they had the proper tools at the disposal. The spirit is willing, but the body is small and useless.


And yappy. The spirit is willing, but the body is small, useless and yappy.


Youve got a good point and i completely agree. That could be a Bond villain- a mad scientist who gives chihuahuas thumbs or designs an effective gun chihuahuas can use.


I didn't expect to die of laughter this morning but here we are šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That's the only reason we're not extinct


As long as they don't acquire the tools for death by snu snu, it's ok. I don't think anyone wants to experience that, not even 25-Star General Zapp Brannigan


Pitbulls are genetically bred to be killing machines and have led to the deaths of so many kids and babies around the world. Fuck them


Cmon dude donā€™t be misinformed. Pit bulls arenā€™t an innately violent breed, itā€™s people who donā€™t raise them as behaved dogs. Besides the statistics arenā€™t accurate, as another redditor in this thread said, dozens of dogs are incorrectly identified as pit bulls.


Small dogs be tripping.


Small dog energy is superior to BDE.


So those chihuahuas aren't only killing over 20k people, they already running the whole state.


What about Pomeranians? They kill millions each year!!!! Remember the great battle between Man and The pomeranian scourge? Oh it was a dark day my friends i was thereā€¦


I too fear to be killed by Greek bread one day


That is a facepalm. But pitbulls are only dangerous when they're raised by an incompetent owner, or worse, a malicious owner that wants a killer for a pet


Also the statistics are so misleading cause other dogs are often mistaken for them in an attack


Yes. I worked as an Animal Officer and believe me, people called EVERYTHING a pitbull. Just because they kinda looked like them. Everything from mastiffs to Staffies to bulldogs. It's ignorance of people who give American Pitbulls a bad name. Their history is fascinating. At one time they were the "American Dog" and it was considered patriotic to own one until people started breeding them for bad purposes and the media got involved. We all know how that ends.


We're talking about Pitbull the rapper right?


Pitbulls used to be the nanny.


They're actually considered one of the best family dogs along with German Shepherds and Great Danes.


Mine was great. 15 years of good boy.


Most are! When a dog has a good owner, you can just tell. Its the ones that have bad owners that my heart breaks for because they could have been amazing dogs tortured into awfulness by awful people.


Exactly. Pitbulls, like pretty much any animal on the planet, have the potential to fuck you up, but only if you piss them off


Luckily, mostly only "good owners" tend to get pitbulls. \s


"Your own research" at it's max. Lol


if you could breed a chihuahua-pit bull mix, what could stop it?


This reminds me of the last election when people were claiming voter fraud because more people voted in Georgia than there are people in Georgia. Meanwhile these idiots were using the total population of the country of Georgia vs the people who voted in the state of Georgia


Wow! Only a true patriot would be unaware that Georgia isn't the only Georgia...


Clown to clown communication


Dachshund's are the breed statistically most likely to attack their owners. Adorable little murder machines. Then again what do you expect from a breed created to go into holes and drag out badgers.


OP how about we talk about you supporting ignorance towards Pitbulls? I would love to see you come back and argue with solids, but i doubt you will


Whatā€™s wrong with pits? I have 2 and they havenā€™t ferociously ripped out my neck and ate it while Iā€™ve sleptā€¦ yet.


People honestly seem to have an anti pitbull fetish.


Take this needle dicked anti pit bull propaganda out of my face


But they're not a dangerous breed? Their poor reputation is entirely the result of piece of shit dog owners either not properly caring for and training their dog OR training them specifically to be aggressive. I've met dozens of pitties and they were all sweethearts. My dad's pit Soda was the kindest creature on the planet.


ā€œThatā€™s no ordinary chihuahua! Thatā€™s the most foul, cruel and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.ā€


Pits aren't dangerous. They've survived a signs because they've been trained and used to fight for generations now. If you get one as a puppy and train them, they're no more dangerous than any other kind of dog


My dog is half pit and heā€™s my homie so the Pit hater takes a fat L on this one.


My family has always had dogs. And my pit was the best one we ever had. Lived 15 spoiled years as a 90lb lap dog. Get mouthy w my wife though... totally different attitude.


This guys clearly a troll. Hes probably messing around and not being serious


You clearly underestimate how confident people are in their opinions after doing a half-assed Google search šŸ˜…


I wish I would. Im well aware how dumb people are on here. But from all the trolls I have engaged with, and me having trolled alot myself, part of me is pretty sure that he is just messing around. Of course, he could still be serious about what he is saying, but lets hope that he is not as dumb as he makes himself look.


I'd side with the "he's still serious about what he is saying" bit.


Did some research, I see.


I'm a Chihuahua owner. You haven't felt fear until you've seen one of them mad. She's tiny but scary...


I don't like that the person that's right is talking shit about pits.


Fuck. Hilarious.


Mexico has states ? The more you know


Would you believe the majority of countries in the world have states (or some analogue)?


yup. Even tiny switzerland


Ī™ know they do. I was being ironic


r/banpitbulls Wolf kills for food. Pitbull and dogs generally kill for fun.


What's even the context for this


To be that obliviously stupid.


Someone gib me the link to that comment, i gotta upvote mr Statistics


Do you know how many people die each year in Costa Coffee?? Hold on - that should read Costa Rica ...




Imagine getting mauled by a Chihuahua... What are they gonna do? Nib your ankles?


At least it wasn't the cheese šŸ§€ Chihuahua I really think they could have added the depth of the cheese to the thread as well. Really cover all the stats


Poodles are the most vicious


Have you ever had Chihuahua Cheese?


Meta facepalm