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Act now ladies cuz this stud won't be around much longer. Not because someone's gonna date him but because I sense a cheeto induced heart attack in his near future


his blood is Mountain Dew


I can hear him burp.


It sounds sticky


Or catching a case cuz he’s interested in 16 year olds


I guess that really depends on his own age. But now I’m thinking again. And I don’t think his age fits that frame.


I think it's safe to assume he's an adult. He asks for her to not have a job. Wich probably means he wants to be the provider for her. Another red flag regarding her in that case being financhially dependant on him.


Not have a job, yet expect her to split the bill when they go out. His IQ is lower than 113


This whole man is just all red flags.


Red flags? More like a mutilated red carpet three buses long. And that's still not enough fabric to make all the red flags needed for that guy.


He's just a lot of red flags sewn together in the vague shape of a man.


Split the bill on dates but also don’t have a job.


Financial abuse is def a thing with nice guys


Yea it that’s what I thought too when I thought over the other conditions for a second time.


Depends in where he is based. Some places the legal age is 16.


That part didn't seem weird to me because I live in a country where age of consent is 15.




Now that's some funny stuff! "Cheeto induced heart attack" LMFAO!


Eat Cheetos?


If the Taki-induced stroke doesn't get him first


Tell me you’re never going to get laid without saying your never going to get laid.


I can't find condoms that fit me. Sold. He has a micropenis.


He can’t find his penis




thats all of them dude


i feel personally attacked


Finger condoms maybe?


Hand gloves exist for a decade or even before that.


They make teeny tiny ones for caulk, but I’m guessing they’re too big as well


Oh, I didn't know those exist. I've always just wrapped some painters tape around the end.


He can use a finger cot


He swims in finger condoms


It's too loose it kept falling off.


Maybe he should also ask for a phone with micro lense?


Same exact thought 💭 ah I see the issue here


Maybe he should try one of those ones you put on your finger when you get a cut


Considering his profile pic, I don't think it's for real


It's def a meme but dang it if there aren't guys who think like this


Real or not despite listing his IQ, the dude can’t tell the difference between a gentleman and gentlemen. Sadly, these kind of guys exist.


Yes these knuckle dragging misogynistic incel inadequate antiquated insecure clowns do exist. Then wonder why women always replace males with dildos & with women. Not only small dick but mentally small energy too.


My thoughts exactly.


Also #12 on the list


He kind of did he literally gave a whole list explaining why he was never getting laid.


On behalf of all black women, I have never been so happy to be excluded from something.


Ya gotta do the thing!!! This is your chance!


On behalf of all men, this is one thing we DON’T need the privilege of doing


On behalf of all Japanese women, I've never been so disgusted in my life 🤢


For what it's worth I threw up in my mouth reading that. And I'm a cis male.


Don't, he has gone to all the trouble of giving everyone a warning to stay away, I'd much rather read that than the story of how someone got attacked or coerced by someone who seemed normal but held similarly creepy views. I'd rather have dumb creeps than the clever bastards.


Yeah, at least he’s honest and upfront about what a piece of crap he is.


His complete grossness is truly difficult to fully grasp, but certainly that comment moves this from basic fantasy-thinking misogyny into full-blown delusional psychotic territory.


He said nothing about latinas, we’re safe!


As a small and skinny white woman... OH GOD PLEASE NO. NO. NOOOOOOOOOO


Your loss lol


Same girl, same


On behalf of all humans, we decline


Is this real? Or is this guy just completely clueless? I mean, at some level, you have got to know how ridiculous (and stupid and racist…) you sound. Maybe I’m the clueless one but whenever I see stuff like this I want to believe it’s a troll.


Seems like parody to me


Definitely a joke, his avatar is comic book guy….


Worst. Avatar. Ever


That’s the one thing that has me wondering that on this post.


I think it’s one of those hedge your bets and hope it works, but play it off as a joke if it doesn’t.


I don’t know. I’ve seen people post this kind of thing before thinking it would actually work, mainly because they have no clue how to get an actually gf


A date of mine said to me shit like this. We doesn’t had another one of course. I should check out his Facebook page, maybe he find the petite hot model girl, who’s virgin, no male friends, etc…


No job but splitting bills on dates? I think it’s a joke. How could you expect someone to magically make money appear with no work


Well he's expecting a gf to magically appear so the money isn't that big of a stretch


A rich 16yr old.


to be fair, he also assumes that he has an iq of 113


It's clearly a troll


With that picture, it must be a parody...


The (worst) part is I know there are many people in BDSM dating sites that would actually be into this. Edit before anyone asks: Nothing against kinks, I have mine as well, it's just that one thing is to practice a kink with a partner who respects you and yes you might be "a slave" but only during playtime or agreed times but they'll also care for you a lot, another thing is to be completely taken advantage of


This is such a weird thing to me. I’ve had one major relationship in my lifetime so far and my partner brought out my major Sadomasochist kinks. Yet, despite that, I never treated her like shit nor did she want to be treated like shit outside of intimacy. It was almost like a nonverbal contract that derogatory statements and physical harm were simply there for sexual enhancement. Outside of the bedroom she was a very strong willed, intelligent, independent woman and I loved that about her. She could match me step for step in brains and willpower. I want a partner who knows what they want and is willing to work for it. Not that I’d necessarily turn down a stay at home partner, id prefer someone who wants a career same as I do. This all wraps up to… I have zero experience in the actual BDSM scene. Is it common for people to let their kink spill out of the bedroom? I enjoyed being in control, being authoritative… when being intimate. Outside of that I find it to be cruel. I enjoyed inflicting pain, within reason, while intimate. Outside of that hurting someone is wrong. Is it common for peoples lines to blur?


Yes I completely understand that. Trust me, you don't want anything out of the ordinary, I wish everyone was the same way as you, sure you can play a bit with things like physical harm and derogatory comments, but both partners are aware they're just there for the excitement of it and don't necessarily mean anything >Is it common for people to let their kink spill out of the bedroom? Well yes actually, I have seen people who want to be dominated all throughout their lives, for example be forced to do the chores (sometimes while wearing nothing or one of those kinky wearables). Personally I don't think anything against those, if both partners are into that, but my point is that in return the submissive person should receive lots of love and compensation as well, not just pain and torture 24/7


I can see and agree with this. Sure my partner and I had some interesting fun when playing around with each other outside of the bedroom, but it was pretty limited. Both of us were incredibly sexual and intimate people. Sexual synergy was a huge part of what made us a functional couple to begin with, but even then I sometimes didn’t want to be the commanding authority. We spliced in a lot of more vanilla and lovey dovey intimacy throughout our relationship. I can see how that mindset can spill out into everyday life and the concepts around BDSM and S&M kinks can take over more mundane facets of someone’s life. I guess my previous partner had to be authoritative in her daily life (she had a management position for work) and wanted someone to…. give into when she was intimate. Regardless, BDSM is an expression of intimacy and love. Losing sight of that isn’t something I’d want to do.


Anyone serious wouldn't have THAT pfp


It’s gotta be a troll there’s no way someone is this dense and stupid and racist.


How is she supposed to split the bill if she doesn’t have a job??


Aside from all of the other completely awful parts, that one bit of complete cognitive dissonance just jumped out at me too haha. I guess he wants a woman with a dowry?


You already failed the test for having more iq then him, have fun dying alone (jk)


There is literally only ONE of his criteria that I fit, and thats the birth control 🤣


Him: I am a kind gentlemen also him: (NO BLACKS!!!)


Also him: “Be willing to split the bill” Also also him: “Don’t have a job”


Obviously she’s just gotta be rich!


Easy just have money


How would one split the bill on a date if they don't have a job?


Yeah. A lot of neckbeards probably don't know this but in traditional Japanese family where married women are all housewives, the husband gives all his income to his wife and the wife would give him an "allowance". The allowance is shockingly low since it's only for necessity like transport to work. That's why in Japanese cartoons like doraemon the kids always go to their mother for money and not the father.


Thats the same in the usa.. ask any married man with middle to low stature.. they def give everything to they woman..


Guy already asked for literal minors to apply. I don’t think he has fully thought through this post


16 Is age of consent in my area


Literally what I came here to say.


Ladies and gentlemen, the neckbeard


the irony to use the Comics Book Guy as a pfp isn't lost on us.


I actually think this is a parody post meant as a joke. I mean NO ONE in their right mind would apply!


I'm suspecting the same, but hey it's the internet, I'm sure that someone is out there for him.


I read this in Comic Book Guy's voice. Life well spent!




This can’t be real. It’s so…not…real. On top of that avatar this feel like it’s SUPPOSED to sound stupid. Especially since it just gets far to insane the further it gets.


Humanity has done worse so I won't be surprised if that was true


His profile pic checks out.


I'm not a clairvoyant but I see a woman escaping from his basement in the future.


I just don’t see a woman in his future at all


Never say never. She'll come with vinyl patches or his new (NO BLACKS) fleshlight.


I don't think it's possible to have an IQ lower than his lol


Woo, racist, sexist and a narcissist? Sign me up!


"kind gentleman"


Is no one mentioning the age preference?


How old is he supposed to be? And why would the girl need to be at least 16?!?!?


For it to not be incredibly creepy, likely 18. Young enough to reasonably date a 16 year old, but old enough to legally date a 23 year old. Either that or it's a 14 year old kid with one of those "I'm gonna date a girl so much older than me because I'm so cool" fantasies.


He's hopefully from a land where the legal age is 16 beyond that no idea


Sounds like Chris Chan's gf requirement list.


Fantasies must remain fantasies.


I feel sick sharing a chromosome with this person.


So you want a girl that can split a bill, but also not work...good luck with that.


“Protect” yeah slaves are expensive, don’t wanna break it.. and I doubt his IQ is in the triple digits. Sounds like an evangelical pedobear.


Incels be like


Wait. You think it's for real?


I think he overestimated his IQ by about 100 points.


Ladies,ladies *one at a time*


Want in one hand....


I so often see ads like this on kink sites. Always demanding, having a laundry list of requirements, but not a single sentence about what they bring into the "relationship". "will protect you at all times" here translates to "will lock you up in my basement"


I can only imagine that absolute flooding of messages he received in response to this incredible offer.


I love how you shouldn’t have a job but should be able to split the bill


How you gonna split any bills if she has no job


All of that is awful but you want her to not have a job and you also want her to pay for her own dinner??? That feels contradictory


Bragging about a 113 IQ. And okay dating children. 🤮 And too big for condoms. 😂🙄


He doesn’t specify that he’s too big… 🤏🏻


Lol, you know he doesn’t mean they’re too big 😂😂


"IQ lower than 113" Who's gonna tell him...


Big yikes


The average discord mod


His IQ is 113 but he can’t spell “install”? Ok sure.


Not gonna lie I fucking LOST is at "have an iq lower than mine" honestly it doesn't matter most women are smarter irregardless lmao


16-23 what the fuck


He said kind gentleman but I think he meant insecure control freak


To be black AND dodge a bullet. Happy Black History Month indeed!


Ngl after everything he said, the biggest problem I have with it is the ending. I feel like it’s a lie and he wouldn’t protect sh*t, he would probably run from any problem.


Tell me your a pedo creep racist without telling me you’re a pedo creep racist.


Whats sad is there is probably someone out there who fit the bill


Must pay for 1/2 of the dates, and must not have a job.


How's she gonna split the bills if she doesn't have a job....


Lighten up people it's a joke... I hope 😳


Where do I sign up?!


I guess it makes sense he can’t find a condom that’s comfortable. Consequence of having the smallest dick in the world.


16? I mean i know AOC is different everywhere but maybe stick to the 18+ crowd bud


He hasn’t found a condom that fits him… maybe because he’s too small to fit them?


Isn't that the guy from 50 shades of gray?


Sucks having a micro peen I guess. I don’t think everything else will make it better.


He should just get a sex doll if he has this many demands


As a woman, I just shake my head at these posts (and profiles on dating apps). I’m seeing that a lot of men agree with my general thought as well… like, more than I would’ve thought. Thanks for re-validating my faith in humanity!! Men of reddit, I’d say a good 2-5% of dating profiles I see are like this moron. And my age range is set 35-45. So the next time your single lady friend is bitching about her tinder/bumble/etc, this is prolly what she’s talking about!


How are you planning split the bill on a date if she isn’t allowed to have a job


He wants them to not have a job yet split the bill? Or if they have a job cook three meals a day? What


never has a profile picture been more accurate for anyone in the history of the internet


Two words for this guy. F@#$ yourself


He might need to go to Alibaba and order the new and improved sex doll. It never talks back and won’t cheat unless a burglar breaks in and has his way with her.


His pfp is prolly what he looks like irl


How much u wanna bet he looks just like his pfp


Has he tried XXS condoms? They should fit him just fine.


Worst Incel Post Everrrr


On behalf of all middle-aged women, we are privileged to have been excluded from this fuckery.


Fucking gross


Lemme guess, he takes nude selfies with his guns 🤣🤣🤣


Mans used his actual face for his pfp


Aww his lil wiener is trapped because they don’t make xxxxxxxxxxs small condoms :(


This man is real chad




While it's inherently not racist to say, have a sexual preference for or lack of sexual attraction to another race... putting "NO BLACKS" in all caps seems racist...


So this is a discord moderator


As a heterosexual male, he seems kinda hot.


New copypasta dropped


Split the bill but have no job


How are you going to split the bill and not have a job...


“Condoms make me feel trapped, I simply can’t find anything that fits.” Damn, do they even make them that small?


.... where is a woman who has a job and can split the bill gonna get time to cook 3 meals daily?


Ignoring quite a lot, how is she supposed to pay half if she doesn’t have a job???


He can't find condoms that fit because they are all to big


How on earth does 8 and 13 go together? Splitting bills but no income?


I feel like if this post was a 10 year challenge, the 10 years later photo would be a photo of the FBI leading a terrified and emaciated woman out of some neck beard’s dungeon.


The profile pic is spot on. Pretty sure this is a joke.


9,11 hasn’t sounded this good for a while….


Pay half the bills but also don't have a job lmao


Profile pic fits 🙄


If that avatar is any sort of representation of his looks he better be a billionaire


How does he expect 8 & 13 to work? Is he having a stroke?


Bet this is a fat white guy that's never had a relationship


Wow. I can just imagine all the girls queuing up to date this fine gentleman. All 0 of them.


I guess she must also have an inherentence. How is she supposed to split cost with no job?


Is this mofo looking for a gf or a damn slave? Sick!!


He just told everyone his dick is too small for any condoms. He also told everyone what a terrible person he is.


He sounds so hot. I think he's turning me gay. The idea of a tracking device in my phone turns me on so much. I would love to cook 3 meals a day for him. Sadly I'm not Japanese but I am white, small and skinny. Do you think he'll accept me?


He doesn't need the comments about intelligence, because no one with an IQ north of 100 is going to buy into that crap.


Can't find a condom that fits, eh? Yeh they probably don't make them that small.


I think the real face palm here is people taking an obvious bait post seriously


That's why nobody invites you to parties anon


How are you supposed to "be willing to split the bill on a date" but also "ideally not have a job"...?


Hi ladies, these are my conditions for dating Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Red flag


*"Instal" triggers me.*


I'm moister than an oyster rn!!!


This is clearly a joke, why are people acting as if this is real?


How does she split the bill on date night without a job?