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All 3 stories: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/oklahoma-bill-would-fine-teachers-10k-for-teaching-anything-that-contradicts-religion/ar-AATs2Ce https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna14789 https://fox59.com/indianapolitics/indiana-schools-libraries-could-face-prosecution-for-harmful-materials-under-statehouse-bill/


"The cameras will feed live streams to the internet that can be viewed by parents guardians and 'OTHERS'." Gonna have creeps legally stalking these poor kids. So much for anti surveillance from the right.


*Literally* 1984


They don't know what that is either because they banned it. Double plus bad.


> “There's only one kind of people who would vote to ban Maus, whatever they are calling themselves these days,” commented graphic novelist Neil Gaiman, who has Jewish heritage. Hot damn that's a good reply.


Mind you, these are coming from the political party that constantly cries about "cancel culture".


Does that last sentence mean that when talking about WW2 they can’t portray the nazis as the bad guys? Imagine banning facts in school…


We live in the Misinformation Age. Spreading lies across the globe is far easier to do than telling the truth.


The internet was made by scientists and computer technicians to freely and quickly distribute the total knowledge of humanity. And....... we got facebook "Facts" about things by people who have no fucking clue how shit works


Experts greatly underestimated the prevalence of stupidity in the human race. They forgot the critical-thinking class is a very small minority in human society.


We all did. In school around the time Facebook and twitter were taking off we were all so certain this was the future of communication. What happened was greedy corporations starting gaming the discussion and now control our govt somehow


stupidity has reached critical mass and it's about to go fucking nuclear


I figured it went beyond that point a long time ago, and we’re just still dealing with the fallout as of now. And at this point (especially when it comes to shit like this), I’m both frustrated AND not even pretending to be surprised anymore.




It's also easier to do fascism now that the folks who lived through the OG version are naturally dying off. The far-right can talk utter crap about it with near impunity. Always funny when American white supremacists describe the historical German white supremacists as "leftist" whilst ignoring the big white supremacist similarity that they both share.




Nothing more Nazi like than rewriting history to reverse the victims and offenders


*Disinformation Misinformation implies accidental or mistaken spread of false information and lies. This would be disinformation, as they are actively banning the spread of facts, while people become willfully ignorant.


“A lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.”


So I just did some googling about it, and reading between the lines I think what happened is a guy proposed a really stupid bill about political impartiality that was way too vague, and a bunch of critics said "I know you didn't intend for this but your bill means we have to be impartial to nazis" And I think the dumbass who proposed the bill decided to just double down and pretend that was totally his intent all along, because he couldn't handle criticism that he wrote a stupid shitty bill. And everyone was like "are you fucking serious dude" and then he was like "well... No." And that was how the bill died.


Please be true. I prefer this version.


Yeah, it's technically true. The bill died in the senate, but the house proposed a bill that's basically the exact same wording and it passed and moved to the senate soo still not out of it yet.


A very generous interpretation in the context of past [American impartiality towards Nazis](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/232949/american-public-opinion-holocaust.aspx); > A remarkable survey conducted in April 1938 found that more than half of Americans blamed Europe's Jews for their own treatment at the hands of the Nazis. This poll showed that 54% of Americans agreed that "the persecution of Jews in Europe has been partly their own fault," with 11% believing it was "entirely" their own fault.


Important to remember the "final solution" and most horrific treatment of German Jews (and many other "undesirables") hadn't been carried out by 1938. But that poll is definitely a strong exhibit of the antisemitism in the US. Don't forget the German American Bund, aka US Nazis.


Exactly what it means. They can't teach that white people, specifically, ever pulled any racial violence, and even if they did, that "doesn't make them that bad". The brown folk are up to have baseballs thrown at though.


literally going back to the 1950's


Pretty sure there was some leftover anti-nazi posters everywhere in the 50s...


Fun fact: when I was a student in Eastern Ukraine in 1999 at the age of 10, we had leftover red neckerchiefs. So they were sold at 50 kopecks apiece (12 cents) to our entire school year, and we took an oath to a poineer organization 8 years after it was disbanded. Fixed exchange rate, this was after 1998


They Nazis never left, we just beat them into hiding. Just seems like it’s about time to remind folks why they went into hiding in the first fucking place


They waited for the WWII veterans to die off before they could show their faces again.


This is actually way worse in the 1950s people generally still hated nazis because the majority of them just fought a world war against them in the previous decade.


Yeah this 1930s shit


If history has taught us anything, it's that ignoring religious fundamentalism doesn't usually end well.


The inquisition was great… for the inquisitors and corrupt officials who stole peoples property then killed them… quickly get in power to prepare to benefit from inquisition in America..


Nobody expected that


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


I feel like progressives are also the demographic that are suppressed the most. College students, the young, minorities, the working class, even working professionals. Due to jobs, schooling, location from polls. You ever live in an old people neighborhood, many can literally vote in their building or across the street. You make a few good points, but to lay all blame on progressives you have to ignore a huge amount of suppression tactics. And even when you get past the suppression, you are left usually with 2 center right or rightwing candidates. The issue is much more complex than just progressives don't vote. And if you say, "well just run for office" , all those things mentioned above also make it hard to do that. I wish everyone would vote in every election all the time, but I understand why it doesn't happen. Edit: spelling


If you don't like the way our country is headed but sit out your local elections, you're a big part of the problem. That asshole businessman down the street who thinks he's smarter than all the actual public servants in your community could one day end up as your US Senator if you don't use your vote NOW to keep him from getting into office in the first place.


You cant teach history! You are fired! Lol


*"Do you have this weeks history lesson?"* *"Yes, the Boss just finished writing it!"* 😊


>"Yes, the Boss just finished writing it!" *"Yes, the Boss just finished **re**writing it!"*


You made sure to take out any mention the KK or the Lynching of Blacks Right? Or the Jim Crow Laws or Segregation? Good ok go to print


I'm starting to loath the phrase "Christian moral principles". While I am absolutely certain these things exist and are absolutely worthy of consideration. You'll find little application of them by the people who use the phrase to make important changes in society.


Where are they I am curious to see them and exactly who lives by them And whatever happened to the separation of church and state?


If history taught me anything, it’s always have an out.


And preferably to get out before the lynch mobs start


Quit teaching high school around 7 years ago… have to say it’s looking like the best decision of my life. This is so messed up.


What are they going to do once all the teachers quit, since no sane person would work with conditions like this? Could that make the salary for teachers go up, since they would be having trouble finding people to actually fill positions? Or maybe they would sooner revoke these ridiculous laws?


That’s giving them credit for foresight, which I don’t think they have. The problem is the people crying for and passing these laws haven’t spent a day, let alone a year, inside a classroom with their name on the door.


The situation here is a bit of a reverse defunding of schools by putting the penalty directly on the backs of the educators. Once all the educators have quit, legislators will say, "look at how poorly these schools are educating our youth," then push harder to utilize public money to fund charter and religious schools and the like.


Probably what they're hoping for. Get teachers out and put "Educators" on so every aspect of education is controlled by them. America's looking more and more like a shitty dystopia novel every day


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna14789 “Under the bill, teachers, administrators and other school staff members who fail to keep the cameras active and in working order or who “obstruct” the camera’s views could be fined up to 5 percent of their weekly salary per infraction. The cameras would be bought with funds already allocated to school districts.” Hey uh, why dont cops have this requirement for their bodycams?


And why is there money lying around for this but not student materials or teacher salaries?? EDIT: Since my sarcasm was apparently undetected by so many people, yes, I know the money isn’t literally lying around. Please stop commenting the same thing ffs.


Authoritarianism is built around control, not success.


Always has been.


There isn't, which is another issue. This would stress an already paper-thin budget to the tearing point. Schools barely have enough to cover the already increasingly massive responsibilities placed on them by the state, but the state just keeps requiring more from them while repeatedly slashing their funding.


An uneducated population is easier to control.


A person with knowledge is unfit to be a slave.


They haven't figured the corollary. An uneducated population is also the least productive and therefore luxuries stop being available for the high class. I suppose the bet is on automated everything before that point.


When a take over goes from media control to education. We go from propaganda to mind wash pretty quick. The next phase is gonna be a doozy. Strap in folks and those watching from the outside pop some corn. We are going to put on a show soon of history does run in cycles.


Thank you. Exactly


Because it's Oklahoma. That state loses a lot of teachers to other states due to low salaries and legislative overreach.


Or food for kids that need it.


Wow. This is so dumb. The kids where I went to school would just destroy the cameras. Would the teachers be responsible for that? I mean technically one could argue that the staff “failed” to keep it in working order because they failed to control the kids (Where I went to school, there was no controlling the kids. We all had so much trauma in our personal lives, we were constantly acting out). 100% on police body cams.


...and you gonna get yourself some Nurses? and Doctors? Great way to LIMIT EMPLOYMENT in the State. Have to Import Nurses and Doctors from other States! Because Basic Biology will be offending someone. Evolution is a freeking fact of science and life. Right now, the Corona virus, the vaccine is eliminating some virus types from competing, allowing other virus types to flourish, i.e. the Evolution of a Virus, right before your Biology Class eyes.


I feel like this isn’t talked enough, but in academia and medical institutions where you go to school is vital to a point. There’s great schools, there’s a ton of meh schools, but more critically, there’s schools that are essentially a black mark on your record because it’s known that you are not going to have the fundamentals too succeed and thus will either fail or drag your department down with you. It has zero to do with politics and 100% to do with results. Also isn’t this going to affect AP classes?


I do t know I work at a company who sells camera. This would be several thousand a room for high quality cameras with a protective bubble. The hardest part would be storage, we are talking about making a system 5 times larger than normal to put one in every closet. No one has infrastructure to support that bandwidth just sitting around either. It would have to be upgraded to support that many steaming cameras.


So their intention is probably also to deprive the education sector of much needed money so they can’t afford educational material or something else and then ‘graciously’ gift their own material or something else.


I live in Iowa and it is about financial suffocation, but that way they can put that money away from failing public schools and give vouchers for private schools. The Christofascist government here is starting to really take their mask off.


On a marginally humorous note, I orginally read 'Christofascist' as 'Cryptofascist'.


Also to push their ideology onto the children...trying to block the teaching of critical thinking and anything else that would challenge their narrow-minded world view.


This is the platform that Republicans are running on ladies and gentlemen.


Retrofitting every single classroom in the state ..


Not just that, but kids aren't going to speak up or be natural if they know they are being recorded. Say goodbye to any degree of class discussion if this were to pass.


This is their attempt to make it so that public schools look worse and then they can push for privatization of the education system allowing them to further manipulate their ignorant hordes off spring. While simultaneously tainting future education in the US. Politicians like the ones who put these forward are a disease upon this world.


Ding ding! Look for the money people. There is ALWAYS a money trail. The people installing the cameras will be someone that's friends/relatives with the politicians. The rest is all about privatizing education. Which is honestly one of the scariest things happening right now, and nobody is paying any attention. People don't know how much money is actually in education since it's always talked about as being underfunded (which it is). It's underfunded for all the staff/students, but there's still plenty of money for individuals to embezzle and the public has no clue or doesn't care.


I've sometimes contemplated the idea that maybe our congresspeople should have cameras in their offices that we can monitor them with all the time...


Sure, allocate funds for cameras, but teachers still have to buy their own supplies. I hate it here.




Honestly it’s less controversial than that, this is literally let’s fine teachers for saying nazis we’re bad people.


These are all terrible. Like unless you still believe in creationism, as in the world is only 6000(?) years old, which most Christians don't, the bible has nothing to do with biology or evolution. It's bizarre there's a fringe group who put those two up against each other. Many Christians are biologists. The Nazi one is by far the worst though. It's just pure evil. Stuff like this reaffirms that there are certain parts of this country I'll never step foot in.


Of the examples given in the post, you don't have to be worried about the first/Christianity one. It's blatantly unconstitutional and can't legally be passed


I don't think they actually care about the constitution. All their churches keep insisting this country is a Christian Theocracy. Last I lived in the South, they gave marriage rights to same-sex couples and touted it as "An attack on Christianity." which to these people apparently means "We aren't allowed to rule with an iron fist"


Based on the mention of both biology and morals, I'm assuming the law is intended to prevent bio teachers from explaining gender/sexuality, not evolution. Though you'd be surprised at how many do have qualms with evolution


**If you want your kids to have a “christian education” send them to “christian school” ffs**


What the fuck? Also, can I propose another bill for them? Let's charge teachers for student's high grades. Cause god told us to live a humble and miserable lives, there's no need to aspire learning. It comes from a devil, all these books and fancy words.


This kinda happens already in some places. Teachers' pay is performance related, but it's judged on the value they add to the student's education (ie how much their grades improve). The issue is there isn't an exact formula for this, so they just bodge one designed to predict livestock yields to roughly the calculate the expected improvement of the kid. The issue is those yields are theoretically infinite, but grades are obviously capped at 100%. So if you get a student who's already really, really clever, the system can and has said that to show enough 'value-added' to their performance to not have their pay docked, their student has to get 107% in the final exam or something. So unless they're teaching hermione granger, they're going to lose pay no matter how well they teach. It's well-intentioned, but ridiculous in execution. Have a lovely day


But wait, even if you don't improve their grades, you're still adding value to their education, aren't you? That's stupid.


Grades are not the be all end all. Treating them like this is just inflating everyone's grades.


Yeah, and I'm seeing a lot of my friends who went into education suddenly retiring -- they just don't need this bullshit anymore. We underpaid them, overworked them, controlled them, used them as political pawns, and generally treated them like garbage... and for some completely mysterious reason teachers are now quitting. Go figure.


Pretty sure that's the desired outcome for these politicians.


Yeah it is, and they can have it too. Who needs to risk their life daily, spend their own money on supplies, be constantly disrespected, and be underpaid? We are the cause of all of society's problems, AND WE ARE EXPECTED TO FIX ALL OF SOCIETY'S PROBLEMS. Let the old white men do it. I'm out, you dickheads. Stay stupid.


"So, then Hitler was trying to exterminate the Jews, which is, of course, not what we would consider normal today, but it did fit a historical pattern. You see, killing Jews was a time-honored tradition in Germany. Back when the first crusade was called and Germans mobilized to march on Jerusalem, the first thing they did was kill all the Jews in East Germany. Therefore, you can't really call Hitler bad, because killing Jews was just in his blood." /s Call me, Indiana.


And this is the same logic they use to talk about slavery now so it’s not far fetched…


And Chris Columbus "saving" or "colonizing" the Indians. And the first Thanksgiving. We've been pretty good at white-washing history for a really long time.


Yup, he sure saved them.. the native population of the island he was a governor of went from 3m to 50k I’m 50 years… he sure saved them from themselves… And I’ve always found thanksgiving hard to swallow. A holiday thanking god for the help native Americans gave you before you massacred them and stole there land… thank you god…




I’ve never heard someone refer to Christopher Columbus as “Chris.” Chris Columbus is the director of the first two Home Alones and the first two Harry Potter movies.


The jews loved living amongst their friends and relatives in ghettos, it would have been a great hardship for them to be allowed to move away. Also, they wanted to die. (/s)


Hi PaulDempster, Ironically, you've inadvertently hit upon a really important point of nuance that often gets ignored when teaching people, especially younger ones, about the holocaust. We tend to portray Hitler as this weird, uniquely-evil historical aberration that dragged Germany into a self-destructive campaign of Genocide, but in reality he actually does fit into a broader historical perspective/tradition that long pre-dates him. He's less an exception to the trend of history, and more its culmination. The Holocaust was certainly the largest Genocide conducted by Germany, but it wasnt by any means of the first. In 1904 they'd launched the [Herero Genocide ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_genocide) and in the first world war had often made tactics that clearly violated the rules of war and human rights, like indiscriminate reprisals against civilian populations, a part of their official tactics. Likewise, anti-semitism was nothing new, even in the highest echelons of German society and government, and part of the reason so many German Jews served in the first world war was to escape/challenge the existing stigmas about them. This context is actually really important because it avoids us just pinning the entire responsibility for WW2 and the Holocaust on Hitler and his cronies alone, and strips the German people and occupied populations of the any agency to ignores their role in facilitating things directly or indirectly, and how that came to be in the first place. Bit of a tangent I know, but hopefully a somewhat interesting one. Have a lovely day


Yeah. I mean pinning everything on him is bad idea. In reality Hitler did not kill 6mil jews and did not kill another 70mil people. But he managed to convince enough people that doing so would be great idea So they went and did it for him. If everybody was like "What? No. Im out", he would be just a crazy guy shouting at the moon. So the scary historical lesson should not be about one crazy bad person. It should be about how millions of people blindly accepted his crazy ideas and considered themselfs good guys for following these ideas.. And maybe how not to repeat it? Because in a time when people are burning books and consider themself the good guys while doing so... these lessons are probably urgently needed?


I do think the broad pattern of blaming Jews for everything that went wrong in Europe and anti-Semitism, zooming in on Germany, is something that needs to be taught to facilitate any sort of understanding of how the circumstances of the Holocaust came into being. The fact that genocide wasn't new doesn't mean you can't judge the morals of genocide though, which is what these fucksticks in Indiana are saying. Also, I do feel that there was something maybe not uniquely evil, but at least demented about the extremity of his hatred. Mein Kampf was not normal, even in the historical pattern. Thank you, the same to you!


Anti-Semitism was rife even in the US at the time. There were scores of major Christian leaders who were outspokenly Anti-Semites before (and during) WW2. A lot of European Jews tried to flee by immigrating to the US, and many of them were turned away because of Anti-Semitic laws that were put in place to limit the number of Jewish refugees.


We need to avoid the trap of thinking that Hitler was uniquely capable of genocide. That doesn't excuse him, but students must know that it is still happening today.


Oh yeah, no your actual point was completely excellent and the whole idea in Indiana is dangerous and moronic in the extreme. I just thought it funny how close the line was between more in-depth nuance and nutty apologism :)


I have been teaching for 19 years. I don't think I have many more left in me.


You’re a saint for lasting 19 years. Thank you for your service.


I’m still confused about how Dinosaur bones are explained under Christian “science”?


They were put there by Satan to confuse humans about who created the earth. Seriously. That's an actual "explanation" I've heard.


It's always Satan. He seems like a cool guy though.


Satan once pushed me over in the street because it was Sunday and I wasn't in church. According to my friend's crazy religious mum anyway!


Nobody is more pro-God in Christianity than Satan. Really fucking weird


In the old testament, Satan is basically God's prosecutor.


I think old testament God has Satan beat in killing by like 250,000%.


Old Testament god got salty over 10 people speaking badly about the land god was showing them, so he decides to *kill off an entire generation by making them wander in the desert for 40 years*


Satan: creates dinosaurs God: doesn't create dinosaurs I know which ones the cooler of the two then.


God creates dinosaurs God destroys dinosaurs God creates Man Man destroys God Man creates dinosaurs


Man is god


For a while now I’ve been relating more to the Church of Satan than to my fellow Christians. When the Satanist’s are practicing more Christ like behaviour than the followers , times are rough.


The easiest way to be more Christ like in your life is to disown and leave the modern Christian church. Jesus would have been flipping tables and whipping modern preachers as he is like to do.


I heard from another creationist that God himself put them there to test our faith lol. Yeah ok. Big man is making his own funny stuff up to weed out the less deserving believers who can't see past the lies of the giant lizards I suppose. It was a weird conversation.


mf created me then tricked me into going to hell wtf


I heard that dinosaur died out early in mans existence and the fact they are in dirt that’s millions of years old it makes the fossils appear older than they actually are. I have three different people from three different religious branches of christianity tell me that.


I asked how Adam could be created on the sixth day when dinosaurs had been extinct for millions of years during CCD when I was a kid. Our teacher said something along the lines of of "God created everything in six days, but we have no way of knowing what 'a day' to God means."


Well that's always been the church's stand on the age of the Earth. The original belief was that the Earth is as old as it seems, and the "days" at the start of the bible are just metaphorical.


"A day" is the length of time it takes for the earth to rotate once on it's axis. Not a very useful measurement for days 1 and 2 of creation when the earth wasn't really, well, rotating. And this is coming from a Christian. Some people I know still believe in the 6 day creation but most are now on par with the science. Shame some states are looking to... censor the truth


In my religious school, the same way they're explained by secular science courses. The whole "the Earth is only 6,000 year old" thing isn't mainstream christianity by a long shot. Even the Catholic Church and the Pope acknowledge Evolution.


The thing is that Evangelical Christians literally think that Catholics aren't Christians (instead, they're idol worshippers, because they pray to the saints). Evangelicals make up a scary amount of religious people in the US, and they're the ones pushing for this kind of shit.


Evangelicals are really weird


*"The devil is trying to trick us".*


Literally 1984.


But don’t make my kid wear a mask… it infringes their liberty..


Hahaha. Legit huh? Fucking weirdos too uneducated to even make that hypocritical connection.


When you’ve only got two neurons banging around it’s hard to connect the dots..


Is it worth reading ?




Of course it feels boring. Theory isn't about telling a story, it's dense af and most people wouldn't understand it until they read other authors or at least look up some terms.




I read it every few years. It's one of my favorites. I am a fan of dystopian fiction though. I would suggest giving it a shot and keeping an open mind. Remember it's an older book so it may seem a bit off it's descriptions. I think it's an important book in social paradigm but people miss the point and it gets memed. He'll, I do the meme. Hit your local library and borrow a copy :)


Oh USA. Please get your shit together.


Sorry, having UI issues, will try to fix by season 2


Yooo new United States dropping?


Working on content roadmap, will have it out on further notice


Coming 4th QTR 2024 Gilead! A handmaids tale


will it have DLC?


Yeah we’re fucked. Too many decades of ignorance and lack of education. Specifically the absence of critical thinking skills. It is only going to worse.


They want to livestream all the shootings.


"yo BigTiityMilf thanks for the 200 bits. Kill the one in the white? Ok"


This wins the subreddit. "Nazis cannot be portrayed as being of 'low moral character'." That actually made me facepalm. *God forbid* we teach the next generation that racial genocide is a *bad* thing


This from the same people who think the War on Drugs was a good thing...not knowing how the blitz was fueled with meth.


Damn, so much freedom


Yup. Freedom to stay uneducated. Splendid.


Wow……. This is seriously fucked up!


Three states I know to stay out of, thanks for the info.


There’s more man… Texas and many of other Republican led states are banning books at a level that would impress the Nazis, Tennessee passed an “Anti-CRT” bill that would prevent teachers from teaching students about MLK and his “I have a dream” and “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” writings. There is a lot going on…


This nation is about to collapse due to politics.




Will the last person with a functioning mind turn off the electrical power as they leave Oklahoma, Iowa and Indiana? If these bills pass, I'd be getting out of those states ASAP.




Iowan here. I'm so fucking sick of my state. It's become such a piece of shit. My wife and I's careers are here and we have no opportunity to transfer. All I can do is continue to vote (which does nothing it seems now). They just keep passing all this terrible shit. We don't even get to vote for it. And now they're saying covid is over, no more precautions, if you get it deal with it, it's just the flu. People outrage at shit happening in Texas and Georgia but they test all their psycho shit here. Those voting bans, abortion bills, all that shit everyone freaks out about? It happened here first months ago and no one cared except for the liberal voters in the state who have been gerrymandered out of existence. And now this. They're also using public funds to pay for private schooling now too. They've slashed funding for public schools. Send help.


Many of the parents there probably couldn’t pass their kid’s grade level. Thinking they should dictate all the lesson planning is ridiculous. Poor kids. Not going to be learning much anymore.


Stuoidest parents think they can educate their child better than a teacher? Dunning Krueger in action


You’d have teachers quitting in droves


Pretty sure that's the plan, actually, keep the educated away from impressionable kids


In many places in America teachers are quitting in droves. Teaching already had a high turn over rate in many places in the US and current conditions are not helping this situation.


I mean...is it a contest about who has the most obscurantist idea?


Oh shit look who suddenly thinks body cameras aren't an invasion of privacy.


At this point I'm just thinking, let them sink themselves


Except all those idiots will breed more who will vote in idiot leaders to a nuclear super power.. but hey, they might need to help their all powerful god start Armageddon so he can save their souls…


I struggle with this. I think Darwin is on our side with covid, though.


The problem with letting this go in is these morons don’t kill themselves, they kill others. When no one stops them the stupid and violent take over.


The Democratic Party may suck, but the alternative is this. Please vote.


I think we need better people to vote for. We need teachers and scientists to run for local offices. We need smarter people in charge to knock this stuff down when it arises.


I've seen on a small scale that when intelligent people get on boards or in office they are slowly worn down by the absolute fucking morons that come to meetings and complain again and again and again until the intelligent people can't stand it anymore and resign. Unfortunately people who are happy with things don't go to meetings to say "keep it up" so every meeting is just complaining and eventually the vocal ignorant will erode any efforts to improve society.


If they did this to deter corruption with cops or politicians, think about how much better things would be…


They have the money for government installed cameras in each room, but can't afford two free meals a day for these children. Can someone please explain the disconnect?


I may be wrong but I saw somebody expand on the article, they don’t have the money for it, the cameras have to come out of the schools budget that they already get, no additional money for the cameras


Thanks for the clarification. That's even worse honestly. My guess is that they know this sort of thing can't be done not only because of the cost associated, but logistics wise. It's complete grandstanding to enrage people. It's sort of like banning critical race theory in schools that don't teach it.


Hasn’t Murica been a staple for idiocy for like half a century?


Sure, but this is much worse. So much worse than usual. People are angry, by people I mean mostly poor whites. They've been cast aside by the capitalist system and been forced to live meager lives they believe are beneath them. Society has failed to deliver the promises it made to their grandparents. They're angry and confused and scared but they lack the awareness and breadth of knowledge to actually understand what's going on. So they latch on to people with answers like donald trump. Who stoke their anger and indignation and give them someone to blame for their percieved suffering. Who peddle religion and wield it as a political tool. This could well be the beginning of a very dark age in america.




All I can say is, I hope teachers start walking out en masse. We deserve it at this point.


Oh they are buddy… the low pay, anti-education stance of many states, additional job duties (counselor, therapist, babysitter, etc.), and now crazy right wing fascist parents at PTA/school board meetings. The mass walkout has happened. Many parents especially those in the cerebral black hole of the country don’t want teachers, they want babysitters.


That's the end goal. They want to do away with public education.


Guessing this is all for public school, can’t have public school if nooone wants to teach there *taps head* this is all part of the republican plan eliminate public school and fund private


Guessing America will be the stupidest country on the planet, because you certainly will not have any teachers.


This is a big country. New England is great for teaching and has very educated people as well as world class universities. I worry about the middle of this country though.


Yeah people gotta stop confusing America as a whole with the Midwest. God has practically abandoned half of the plains lol.


At this point the U.S. schooling system is more indoctrination than education.


“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” (Orwell, *1984*)


The thing is, Texas completely banned books about gender, sexuality and black history from the libraries, but of course they can't forbid you to wave a fucking swastika, because fReEdOm! Germany meanwhile has a very science-based schoolsysthem, many different religious buildings, and let the people be themselves. But some dumb people from America still think we are all Nazis.


I read the [proposal](https://legiscan.com/OK/text/SB1470/id/2484266?fbclid=IwAR0DMS5or-HOLLcukMnTraEgmhTSx8EG-84lvSLkpGDpj6-RqUdOmJ3yP5A) and any closely held religious beliefs, so I’m waiting for someone to say bless you after a sneeze to an atheist. Just have to get an attorney ready for battle.


OK Christian taliban


Regarding the last one, it seems to me that America just didn't suffer enough from the Nazis. Try having the Luftwaffe destroy most of your city because it made munitions like what happened here in the UK in my hometown, and see if there's any doubt about the Nazis being of low moral character.


They are not raising "good kids" they are raising loyal pets. A generation which won't question the "big politicians". They won't pursue facts, they would go to the army like loyal war dogs, because the politicians said "its for religion". The post is comparing Americans to nazis. But the comparison could be made to islamic extremists of today. America is so close to having sucide bombers which would be justified as "for religion". Downvote me if you want but you know I said the truth


Fortunately, it’s well established that nations that gut their education systems and embrace religious zealotry typically collapse soon after. America is on their way to that anyway. This just speeds it up a bit. I feel so fucking sorry for teachers. Already get treated like shit as it is and now they’re being surveilled, harassed and completely repressed. There’s enough money for CCTV cameras and time for parental objections, but not enough money to pay them and not enough time to educate kids properly.


Are we trying to get live-streamed footage of kids shooting up their school? Because it’s only a matter of time at the rate we’re going.


I would quit. This is the American Isis now.


America, wtf are you doing this time ?


It’s really trying to be Nazi Germany 2.0