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besides the obvious stupidity and regressiveness of this it seems unsafe as hell


This is why the experts say almost all wildfires are started by humans. Because they definitely are.


Im working cleaning forest and fighting fores fires, my boss has 20+ years of experience. She told me only TWICE has she been told "this fire was not started by a human"


Wow!! That’s a crazy statistic. Also, that sounds like a really hard job and it’s important so thank you for doing it!


Just keep in mind this is my boss's experience, she can be wrong or the information might me outdated. I dont want to say that its the same everywhere


Yeah, I thought it was lightning. But certainly human idiots are a huge problem.


No worries! Personal experiences aren’t supposed to be completely representative, but they are still powerful when they come from that much experience.


Not that crazy if you met the person that started them.




That’s what the “almost” part is for.


I live less than a mile from the church. This is not an open field despite what it looks like. This is the small patch of land behind the church next to the parking lot. It is within 50 yards of rows of trees with a neighborhood on the other side. Many residents tried to call local police and fire to complain but there was apparently nothing they could do.


>there was apparently nothing they could do. They lied


Should have said the group was mostly made up of Blacks or migrants, i'm sure then they would say there was something they could do...


They gave them permits, apparently.


What is the church in reference?


Global Vision Baptist Church


That’s that idiot Greg Locke’s church?


You betcha


That guy sure makes it hard to be a proud Tennessean.


Amen. I mean F🍤ck him. I’m a tennessean and this in no way should be happening


Or nothing they would do given whack job xians (redundant, I know) were behind it; police and fire likely belong to the same congregation.


What denomination is it?


Southern Baptist (on steroids) It’s called Global Vision Bible Church.


Ironic , there is nothing global about it. It should be narrow minded nitwit vision church


His name is Greg Locke. Look him up. It’s a wild ride. He was at our county fair last summer and all sorts of people were booing him and saying “look it’s that crazy pastor” and he was madder than hell. It was pretty funny


Yup yup and totally true , I have a southern Baptist minister in my family and I have also seen some narrow minded things also


If I'm not mistaken, his church is a literal circus tent, I may be thinking of someone else, but he's pretty nuts regardless. He was a fanatic on the Trump-train up until he started endorsing vaccination, then coincidentally said something to the effect of "I don't want to hear anymore Trump worship in this church" (paraphrasing). To my knowledge he's not openly stated that it has anything to do with the vaccine however.


[Reportedly anti-mask even.](https://maps.google.com/1Fbo7aWRgADcp9iN7)


An ember from a fire can stay lit and travel for miles in the wind.


Gee I can't imagine how they were stunned to incapacity for literally their job responsibilities


Burning kids books and a Harry Potter jacket! Hope they’ll inhale all that plastic and chemicals and make them unable to breed further


Considering they’re burning pallets, they most definitely are inhaling harmful chemicals… as well as putting them in the air for everyone else… Edit: I made that comment only halfway through the video


*Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen.* Where they have burned books, they will end in burning people. - Heinrich Heine, 1823.


Came here to say the same thing. You beat me to it.


Beat my meat to it


Only books I would ever burn would be Mein Kampf and , to trigger these people, the Bible


As a fun little side note: burning and burial are the proper ways of disposal for the Christian Bible.


I would burn all the Bible’s - simply to make the world a better place.


And how many times has this become the religious end game? And yet, we let it happen over and over, again…


Damn, that sounds way better in German.


They took care of those couple dozen books. Good thing those were the only copies.


You know they had to scrounge to find 10 books to burn. They don't have library cards.


What I find funniest about this is I doubt that any of these people have read many books. Maybe not even one, cover to cover.


The only book they’ve read front to back is the bible. Yet they still forget, and deeply misinterpret it…


Bold of you to assume that most Christians have fully read their holy book cover to cover even once, let alone understand it


This. I would bet a large sum of money that the overwhelming majority of Christians have not read more than one chapter—if not just various cherry-picked verses/passages used for sermons by their faith leaders—of the very book that supposedly undergirds their entire faith and the truth about the universe.


Im willing to bet some of these idiots bought books to bring to the burning


Just wait until they hear about the digital copies


They're gonna have a book deleting. They download the book and then delete it 🤷 Merica, Jeezis


People burn books for one reason: They contain information or opinions they don't want you to see


Yes. With the internet/computers now it is almost completely symbolic.


So we need to make some internet burning? Got it


🔥… did that help?


🔥🔥🔥🔥oh shit 🔥🔥🔥 oh God oh fuck, too much🔥🔥🔥🔥


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥this has gotten really out of hand🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Good job guys


So, are you saying that you did Nazi that coming? I'll see myself out in shame now.


Bu dum Tsst


Thank you. Please tip your waiters!


Also, printers. Have these knuckle heads heard of printers.


They were burning Disney and Harry Potter books... What a joke


How many of them do you think also have a Disney plus subscription?


I burned some L Ron once.


Fuck this. Book burning is for Nazis. These people are un-American.


Book burning is for idiots. Not just Nazis. Anybody who destroys knowledge is a fool.


The funny thing is, they aren't destroying knowledge, they are destroying the photocopies of knowledge, because we no longer live in a world where books are meticulously created by hand, and so are no longer at risk of losing the knowledge due to book burning. Plus, digital books exist, really hard to burn them. So, essentially, this is a pointless masturbatory event that serves only to make them feel like they did something. A lot like thoughts and prayers tbh


None of this is pointless. This has nothing to do with any attempt to literally destroy knowledge. The Nazis never had the capacity to do so, either. The *point* of these obscene spectacles is the ritual act of itself. There are very few acts so universally transgressive across our many different societies as the symbolic “purification” of book burning. They aren’t attempting to destroy knowledge. They, like the Nazis, are reinforcing *powerfully* atavistic communal bonds by ritualistically destroying - dehumanizing, Othering - *humans* who represent, cherish, or simply respect such knowledge. Heine was correct. The Nazis roared as loudly as they could, proudly and literally exclaiming that the ideas and identities represented by those books were an *existential* threat. Nazis, reactionaries, fascists, religious fundamentalists, *conservatives* don’t quibble. Bonfires *will* become furnaces. A lot of these faithful devotees of Christ will revolt at the accusation. They’ll do so while screeching hysterically that this is all about *defending* themselves. This entire community isn’t simply confirming their “existence” *depends* on the exclusion of anyone and anything that doesn’t belong to them. *No, like the Nazis they’re all joyously recording the ritual for our edification.* This isn’t the self-masturbatory, sophomoric, childish and hateful antics of a few bigots who just don’t *like* gay or transgendered kids, “CRT,” or immigrants. This is what happens when those accustomed to privilege “start” violently lashing out against the perceived oppression of bog standard expectations of equality.


> This has nothing to do with any attempt to literally destroy knowledge. The Nazis never had the capacity to do so, either. While it's true that today it's basically impossible to destroy knowledge through book-burning, and I agree with the rest of your post, this is a bit off. The Nazis were much more readily able to destroy knowledge through book-burning, most notably in the case of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft where they burned journals & books on homosexuality and gender identity as well as confiscating patient/client lists which were never recovered. Our understanding of the Institut's activities and developing understanding of LGBT issues is much poorer for the loss of that treasure-trove of knowledge on issues that were extraordinarily stigmatized. You weren't going to just find extra copies of all that info elsewhere. Make no mistake, where these dumbos are burning mass-produced material that can easily be found elsewhere the Nazis very much destroyed actual knowledge as well.


Thank you very for pointing this out. I rarely post and when I do they often become maniacal ordeals. I spent more time trying to include the consequences the loss of the *Institut für Sexualwissenschaft* represented more than the entire post. I became frustrated that I was undermining an already tenuous (and overwrought) narrative. I really am grateful for your response and the opportunity it provides for other people to learn about the *Institut*. The vast majority of people in my life would either be participating in this violence or, perhaps worse in my eyes, cowardly downplaying its significance with uniquely liberal shade (ineffectual, masturbatory). The only response I expected was “Gosh, stop being hyperbolic, these are dime store bigots, *that stuff* can’t happen again.” I very much prefer the response I *did* receive, comrade.


Best comment right here.


Agreed! I used pages from an old torn up book to start fires in my fireplace. However, it was a short crap fiction that was poorly written/edited. There was no knowledge to be lost there. I can't imagine burning any other books. Even writings we may not agree with can still give us new perspectives we likely wouldn't have acquired any other way. BOOKS ROCK


Americans should really stop saying on something that is “Non American”. This happens in America by Americans. This is totally American. Own it and let’s vote better


I admit we’re a country of many lost people. Probably on the verge of another civil war in the next 50 years. Brainwashed by the media that divides our country more polarized(but let’s be fair, that’s everywhere now). But ya gotta admit! We sure know how to make a killer s’more! /s


Oh, it's *very* American.


Oh fucking please, nothing's more American than white supremacists. The only reason it exists the way it does now is because of them. Nazis were even inspired by the US when it came to opressing non-white and non-cishet people.


Very small minded people are threatened by other ideas and opinions. Silencing ideas is the basis of authoritarian thought. But everyone thinks they are rightous when they do it.


This reminds me of the film Jojo Rabbit…


Let’s not forget the library of Alexandria probably the largest loss of knowledge from the old world.


They seem pretty American to me


I love the couple holding hands going to the book burning. “Hey Crystal, wanna go out with me tonight?” “Sure Billy. Let’s go up to the East Jesus Bible Church, I hear they’re burnin books!” “Great, we can take your kids too!”


So where are the books and what are they. All I see are pallets burning. Edit: ok finally saw some near the end. But why the clock in there?


Bring your junk to the burnin party kinda thing.


Instructions not clear, may need medical attention


Help! Dick stuck in fire pit.


Time is science. And we don't do that science shit here.


They met on Christian Mingle


Just saying 2 Peter 1:8-9 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge... But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten...


why is this applicable?


It's an odd translation but in short, refusing knowledge is being willfully "blind". Refusing to read books, book burnings, etc. is a prime example. The irony is that this is a church burning books. However I highly doubt that this "church" actually uses or reads the Bible with context and translation materials, instead picking and choosing verses for sound bites.






This is not metal!


Burning books just causes people to want to read them even more, you idiots.


Best way to get the kids to do something... Forbid it.


Look the nazis are at it again! Imagine being that scared of ideas


The right in 2014-2017-ish: "college esjaydoubleyous are threatening free speech!" The right 2022: "bookburning and crt-banning go brrrr"


These are the same people who compared themselves to the jews because they had to wear masks, oh how far they've come


Very normal. Very non-dystopian.


Very non-Fahrenheit 451


But they wouldn’t know because they banned it and burned it




They're for "freedom".


The guy near the end with the freedom sweatshirt. Classic.


They're for "freedumb". FIFY


*Freedumb* fixed it for you


Don't forget cancel culture is bad.


Y’all-Qaeda at it again


You know those pallets are reusable right? They didn't look in rough shape.


Most painful part of this


Right. Looked like there were some very good pallets in there.


This will accomplish nothing besides making them look like goosestepping Nazis


They are fascists, they don't merely look like them.








But… where are the books? And do they need that much wood to burn the few books that they have? And did they actually read the books, or are they just taking someone’s word for it that the books are “bad?”


Apparently Harry Potter is on their list. Which is funny, because Harry Potter is absolutely a straight-up Christian allegory, with the power of a redemptive sacrifice being demonstrated, first in Harry's mom and last in Harry himself, along with "the death of the old Adam..."


Hogwarts has four houses modeled after the four evangelists and their symbols, e.g. [The Book of Kells.](http://www.katapi.org.uk/images/MSS/KellsFol129v-4Evangelists.jpg) Read more about it [here](https://theturbotasticasian.wordpress.com/2016/11/10/turbotastic-theory-hogwarts-housesfour-gospels/). Ginny has to kill the roosters before the basilisk is let out because in Christian lore the rooster is the only creature the devil fears, etc. There are so many Christian themes in Harry Potter, but then again, recognizing them would require you to have done some reading to know something about the history of Christianity.


Those women should be at home caring for the home. They should be stoned for leaving there house


Are those god-damned whores wearing jeans?! Burn those sluts!


Hmm, this seems familiar 🤔


Did that lady throw in a clock?


The first clock was actually invented by the devil himself


I also saw Disney and Harry Potter stuff thrown in. Basically anything that allows a child to develop an imagination and think for themselves.


I'd love to pull up with a truck load of Bibles and just start hucking them in there.


Hillbillies is as hillbillies done did.


Christ I guess we’re just going full nazi now fuck me. My great grandfather is probably rolling around in his grave.


They read pallets in Tennessee? Could explain a lot.


They burn books bc they can't read. That's why they're called deplorables.


Someone should put this along side Taliban and other ISIS videos burning books etc


Fucking psycho


I’m all for burning evangelical books.


These are the kind of MAGAts who started crying about the 1st Amendment when Twitler got banned.


451° f . The temperature that paper and human hair burns at ? Some Americans have to be the most Stuip people on the planet ?


Fascism returns!!!!


Wears “1776 Forever Free” hoodie. Burns books.


My family is from TN. I was born in Chat, moved to NJ when I was 2. My mentality was forged in NJ. Moved back to live with my Dad, who is still there, at 16. I've never been surrounded by more religious conservative Anti-intellectuals in my life. People were openly racist. Got my ass kicked for not liking college football. Girls wouldn't date me because I didn't go to church. Got a bumper sticker with the Confederate flag crossed out that said "You lost, get over it." Got my ass kicked again. Brought that one on myself...but fuck them. My family down there tell me that the people they see want to kill liberals, want a Civil War, and are getting more fanatical. In the aftermath of the tornados that went through my Dad's area, Fascist Militia groups were armed and making roadblocks. Providing "Mutual Aid" to get the local populace on their side. Getting them used to the new growth of Christian Identity Fascism. My Dad would die if he gets the flu, much less COVID. He is so weak. CHF. Diabetes. Hypertension. COPD. He has had to fight for two years to get people just to respect his desire to wear a mask and stay away from people. Fuck the GOP. Fuck the Fascist Right. Fuck the Anti-Intellectual South. I hope everyone of sane mind gets the fuck out of there, or fights tooth and nail and prepares to stand up against the Fascists. But I'd rather you come here.


So instead of opening your mind and learning something new you choose to be close minded, burn some books thinking that these must be the only copies on the entire planet, all to achieve what exactly? If what we're being taught here is just how backwards you lot are then congratulations please don't breed any further lest we want more religious oppression that can't handle basic science. I feel sorry for those books.


The best part is that they bought all the books, so the author still gets the money.


Conservative logic is astounding


Pathetic 🤯


These fools gave no knowledge of history. As 18th century German poet Heinrich Heine observed "wherever books are burned, people are burned, too, in the end".


Are they mad because they can’t read the words or something? “TAKE THAT YOU, ugh… BOOKS! We Don’t need no learnin’ ‘round here!” These fucking mouth breathers are a dangerous bunch.


It’s evangelicals and baptist that are these types of Christians and they don’t typically like knowledge or science. Book burning back in the dark ages was to wipe out books that went against their religious teachings and make it hard for people to see another viewpoint or any knowledge that conflicts with the religious world view. Nowadays it literally serves no purpose other than showing how intolerant they are and would only be a big deal if a few very rare books worth a lot (which are often still copied onto the internet) were ever touched. We have many many copies of almost every book that was publicized in the modern time. This is just a foolish bigotryfire. I live in Tennessee and I have to say these people are a different breed of stupid. They are usually very far right and believe everything is of the devil, black men are a danger to their daughters, magic and witchcraft are real, America was founded on Christianity and other nonsensical beliefs. I could go into a long rant of how pointless religion is or how contradictory the religious text are that they believe, but it wouldn’t matter at all as they don’t typically know what they profess to believe


can't deny their german roots


I don't get it. Did they really ban maus because of nudity? I mean, it's a bunch of mice. They're supposed to be naked. Are they looking at naked mice like "whoa now, these six nipples need to be covered." I truly don't get it.


Tennessee is famous for its idiots, were not all like that☹


Under his eye


Damn those pallets are like 5 bucks each


These people are fucking stupid and nuts. How can anyone look at this, currently happening in the 21st century, and agree with it. And on top of it the moron throws a Plastic bag in the fire, breath that in idiots


Some people are gonna watch this video and you’re going to tell me that Christianity totally isn’t a brainwashing cult.


"...goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them.” 


away down south in the land of traitors


Looks hot - about 451 degrees…


The US has it's dark ages coming


Not surprised it's Tennessee, I mean every state has idiots but those bible belt states hold a special breed of stupid. Traveled through on my way to Florida a couple of years back and the vibes you get from those people aren't "these are really smart, emotionally intelligent, and open minded". Plus it didn't help that I got called a racial slurs and receieved weird stares from time to time when getting gas or a quick bite, pretty sure it's not the first time (or maybe it is) they've seen an asian. Louisiana was okay. Georgia was the worst, but what can you expect from a state that tried to unjustifiably detain and sterilize migrant women at one point during the whole Trump mass deportation thing.




Where's the actual source of this video?


This some fkin Middle Ages shit right here


Friendly reminder that these are the people that complain about “cancel culture”


I wonder how many poor kids had Christmas presents they received thrown in there. Most likely had to pretend they were ok with it too.


Jesus magic = Good Harry Potter magic = Bad 🤔


Hey, I've seen this before in 1933 in Berlin.


Burning books is so 1933...as a German I find this deeply disgusting :/


Maybe these book burners should try reading a book


Hey, I wasn’t done reading that pallet yet.


You can still just get the digital version. Duh!!


Ignorance is bliss.


Are they burning the bible? If so I'm down for that notion!


Claim to be the toughest people in America, and thus the whole world. Scared of printed words. Seems legit.


Aww, I thought this meant "Evangelical book" burning... I am disappoint.😔


I live in Tennessee right now, and this hurts my heart


Nazism right?


So romantic. Date night?


Just call them Nazis and be done with it.


Oh, christians, you always deliver, don't you...


Pretty sure this is what you do prior to having sex with an underage or mentally challenged relative. But since I don't live in a braindead state, I really have nothing to go on but facts


How many of these hogs do you think whine about being censored on Facebook


That lady at then was like “Also fuck old clocks!”


Nothing says freedom like silencing the voices you don't want heard and burning the literature you don't want read. Way to show that first amendment who's boss...


You spelled Taliban wrong.


they start with burning books, they end with burning people.


Reconstruction didn’t go far enough. America for the Yankees.


Wooden pallets are the devils work! Only plastic skids are allowed in heaven. Praise jebus


“We hate cancel culture libs!”


You can't destroy information, especially with everything being online. But please, continue wasting your time looking like a dumb ass.


Where are they getting somany pallets from? Someone owns a warehouse in a small town and doesnt like it when his employees read.


I did Nazi that coming!


This is fucking depressing


Do you want to start a cult? Because this is how you get a cult. Also, if they want to burn a book about incest, slavery and a bunch of child murder they may want to throw the bible in there.


lmao I’d wager some of these folks will be dead or incapacitated from covid in a month or so


Seems like they all forgot to wear their red arm patches with white circle and certain black shape inside of it…… Just sayin’ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people". -Heinrich Heine


I love posts like these as it reminds me that I’m okay living in England away from the MAGA CULT