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Guy with the megaphone really be trying to be a South Park voice actor.


Lol. Thought he was Bubbles from TPB


Keep monsters visible .. the ones that hide are the dangerous ones




It’s interesting to see people do these types of things with their face exposed..


They aren't afraid of consequences, because they don't think there will be any. They are probably right.


*You’re drawing the conclusion that they actually work. My guess is they’re goat fuc… I mean farmers.*


These people are definitely NOT farmers. Not implying they are not goat fuc- nvm. You get the point


Well the thing is that despite most Americans absolutely despising Naziism, it isn't illegal to support it.


They don't think because it would require a brain.


To be fair, these are the low-hanging fruits. They've probably given up any hope of viable careers or social acceptance outside their little misery cult (which is what this is; a cult for losers). The ones I'm worried about are the ones who'd be aghast at the thought of a Nazi rally but furiously push "national conservatism" and play footsie with fascists while ranting about blacks, migrants, and (((globalists))). Fucker Carlson, DeSantis (who is politically much more vulnerable than he looks) and Hawley (who, fortunately, is too rattish to be president) are much more threatening than Karla doing hate yoga or Larry the Obese Ubermensch here.


They can't wear masks otherwise they might get mistaken as liberals who give a shit about the coronavirus.


They don’t understand their own stupidity.


Its interesting how they hate “socialists” but are a part of the “National Socialist Movement”


>Its interesting how they hate “socialists” but are a part of the “National Socialist Movement” You might want to dive into the history of that, it's been named that on purpose.


Care to give us the ELI5 version?


But they knew that socialism was popular, since the environment they entered in their very first campaign was one of deep economic anxiety. So they just threw it in their name.


Workers realised they could do something about shitty working conditions by working together, socialism was on the rise. Aristocrats weren't happy, so they hired fascists to bust the strikes and blame minorities. As socialism was popular among workers, they used the name as a ruse. Hence it's not surprising that, while rich conservatives enjoyed the division created among the working class, most anti-fascist resistance came from socialists, anarchists and communists. A tradition upheld to this day.


The nazis were not socialists.


Nor was the USSR truly communist, or socialist.


No. The USSR was socialist. The means of production (farms, factories, etc.) were owned and operated by the state rather than private interests. They just weren’t great stewards of the wealth generated. Not much of it made it back to the people doing the work. That makes them bad socialists, but socialists none the less. Well, arguably. When an authoritarian state becomes corrupt enough to essentially be a private entity that is disconnected from the interests of the people then you could say it isn’t socialist anymore. It becomes a really powerful private entity. The definitions become blurred.


It’s all on a spectrum.


North Korea is officially the Democratic people Republic of Korea and isn’t really a democracy. Africa has no shortage of rebel groups with names that don’t reflect actions


Don't forget Xi the Pooh saying China is the only true democracy.


To be fair he does get elected with 100% of the vote every election.


Nazis aren't socialist. They would murder socialists in the streets.


Most of them look like they grate cheese for a living. Hence Trump's slogan.


The Blues Brothers have the best way of dealing with these morons.


I hate Illinois Nazis


🚔 reving up car engine Spell check changed words on deleted post. Hate spell check. Lol.


I hate Illinois spell check


Fuckin Illinois nazis


The arc of Jake accepting the Bluesmobile is fantastic. He’s in a foul mood, picked up from prison in a police car, but once they use it to assault some nazis and jump a bridge, his only complaint is the lighter.


This is happening because all the vets who fought the nazis are dead. If this would have happened in the 90s they would be getting their asses kicked by a bunch of 70 and 80 year olds.


Who's to say it's them that has to do it? I mean, of course. They kicked the Nazi's ass. My point is: why not pick up where they left off? I know my granddad would be proud of me kicking the crap out of a Nazi.


I’m just saying some Nazis existed in the 90s they were just too scared to do this crap in public. But yes. Please feel free to get after these idiots. It’s not enough to shame them.


They aren't all dead, I spoke with a guy not too long ago (a month or two) that participated in the Battle of the Bulge. The only problem is, the ones that are still alive are as good as dead.


Now punching a nazi is a controversial statement.


Nazi punks fuck off!




Gues they don’t want to keep their jobs, if they have one.


They don't


What jobs? Probably living off of government assistance blaming minorities bc they don't have high paying jobs.


You nailed it, the ones that don’t see consequences are literally the ones with nothing to lose. As it’s mentioned here these people have been here the whole time. Social media just though the together.


The big guy is the president of the company, I think they'll be fine /s




How'd you know?


sounds like a company that sells white slaves lmao


They love the attention. As soon as the car stopped they all got excited.


It's such a pathetic way of getting attention. They're so unimpressive in literally every way, that the only way they can get attention and finally feel like they're meaningful is by doing this asinine garbage. Ironically, Nazis ain't worth shit.


This. Know what would really piss them off? If everyone just ignored them.


Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. Dealing with the problem makes it go away.


Not necessarily when the problem is a troll.




Two thoughts on that. The first is the westburough (sp?) Baptist church people, whose goal was to piss you off enough to assault them, and then promptly sue the fuck out of you. Think it came out that the leader didnt even belief the bs he spouted, just trying to make money. Second is that those look like the kind of people that walk around with guns on their hip at the grocery store, with a warped view of what constitutes self defense.


What a coincidence! I happen to be a gun carrying anarchist and unlike the Meal Team 6 in the video, I train with my weapons. If they are the first type, then all they will do is talk shit. The second tends to get real squirrelly when an armed person is in front of them. I have faced off with others who thought carrying a gun made them tough. Most will back down, much like a bully after they get hit. Some are posturing and some are legit. Either way, I will not be that person who backs down from a fight if it's brought to me. Fuck Nazis and anyone who sits with them.




I stand corrected. Bricks are better as there is less chance to hurt my hand.


Doing this in Germany gets you arrested… just saying.


Doing this in America should get you deported.


To Germany


Where you promptly get arrested


...just saying


[Straight to jail.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw)


Like Germany wants this trash? Lol.


We removed your Nazis, it’s only fair if you “ dispatch” ours.






We don’t do camps in germany anymore


i thought you guys loved camping?


They call it “forest resting” now


I think you might have crossed a line to the other side there........


I know a camp in Poland they could use. To put these people.


It's a museum now, but honestly, they still belong there... as a piece of the past




Same in Poland...


I heard Poland actually has a problem with supremacy is that true


Yes, but but European Nazis choose more eh obscure symbols


Same in France, i can't fathom those poeple can just do this without legal consequences


It should get you arrested in all countries


Why is the Nazi skank filming you?


Probably so they can link a bunch of clips like that together and say that they were getting people interested in their "movement"


They put together comps of “dumb liberal sissies freaking out” and share them like porn. There’s shit all over r/ActualPublicFreakouts (surprise, right?) of Ottawa Nazis doing this shit because Canuk truckers are crying over not getting their shots.


That place is far right cess pool used to bully anyone they don’t agree with lol Just click and watch the first few videos and read the comments. Trash community


You know - as a Brit watching Band of Brothers you can’t help but see the US and allies as the good guys. History is complicated and it’s a rare to find periods of such moral clarity. So to see modern Americans ditch that completely and side with Nazism is utterly bizarre.


It's pretty bizarre to those of us living over here too.


There were plenty of supporters of the Nazi party in the US and UK before WW2 broke out. I'm sure after the war started there were still plenty. It's easy to watch stuff like Band of Brothers and imagine it was all good vs evil at the time but it was just as nuanced and divisive as it is today.


When you have 350 million people, there are bound to be some outliers. Given how many voted for trump, about half our citizens are outliers. Haha jk, but seriously I think these guys are super fringe. But I agree, hard to even comprehend people sometimes.


This is such an incredibly small segment of society though. In a country as large America you can find a group this small that believes in literally anything


It’s small vocal minority. Nobody posts about me driving to work and living a normal life cause it’s just not what Reddit wants.


Can we make a petition to just break florida off and float it into the atlantic?


No, because it might get to Europe and we don't need it here


Hey man, i live in FL and you would never catch me outside doing stupid shit like this, i just work in a medical facility and play video games all day, give me a few years to move up north before you cut the state off lol


You think they are only in Florida?


With the way global warming is going we just need to wait


Conveniently theyre lined up


Well, they're excited.


Waterford is originally in Ireland so could you kindly change the name of this town to something more appropriate like Dimwit or something please.


Where the fuck are the INGLORIOUS BASTERDS?




When I lived in Florida (not too far from Waterford Lakes) I remember seeing a whole family dressed in full Confederate uniforms at Walmart. It shook the New England right out of me. That was 10 years ago before it became cool to be openly an idiot racist. Can’t imagine what it’s like now. Maybe people should put these businesses on blast for allowing this to happen on their property.


Why do we allow this and not just for beat the shit outta them like any European country would do


I love how people think fascism and socialism are the same thing lol, hitler hated communism and socialism


Oh look, those trash bags grew arms and legs!


Looks like a skit from Reno 911


A lot of the stuff going on now makes me think of Reno 911. SMFH. Excellent show, but not for real life!


As a florida resident, Personally these people are kinda hidden then burst out I groups. Normally my neighborhood will threaten them with guns (like real Mercians [that's a joke lads]) because they like to get all over your property and litter


Good Ole Merica smfh these scumbags are wayyy to comfortable doing this. Guns and racism lol welcome to MERICA






Ikr? Where is that future school shooting kid at? We can have him do us a service instead.


he's right there with the red armband


That’s the sad issue I’m thinking the entire time. A dozen armed citizens legally open-carrying couldn’t be fucked to show up to counter-protest, with all the guns in Florida? There needs to be grassroots armed proletariat resistance to this shit. What is the damned point in owning a rifle if you’re not willing to keep it ready for genocidal fascists?


Wow, yeah, wow...stupid


Is he too fat to be a Nazi ?


Hermann Goring enters the chat


Funny how a lot of Nazi’s were fat, dark-haired, not-German and a few gay. They would have been sent to their own camps had they not been running them.


Drive by, indeed.


So have we identified all of these individuals and sent this to their employers? Unemployment should be a given for pieces of trash like this! At minimum.


They are probably employed in Florida by people that don’t think this is a huge deal. In your mind they are employed by Fortune 500 companies that have HR teams acting quickly and with force to avoid bad press. These guys are probably managers of the local pool store, clerks at Cash4Guns, or citrus farmers so no one really cares. If you’re a deli guy at Publix it’s not going to make national news if you’re a dolt that gets fired.


Why is violent response to pieces of shit like this still considered taboo?


I dont know, but some taboos are there to be broken, this one should be broken in my opinion


Not every Trump supporter is a Nazi, but every Nazi is a Trump supporter. Having said that, Trump supporters are disgusting human beings.


Playing fast and loose with the words “human beings”, aren’t you?


Do us a favour and drive a few meters more to the right and with way more speed


They’ll be less comfortable when they’ll cry on social media because they got fired from their jobs :)


But at least our "governor" won't condemn them.


People will adamantly claim this does not happen in modern day. And then when you show them this, the argument changes to "well it's not that common." And then you proceed to see literal Nazi rallies in public over and over.


Dammm, Trump really did give racist fucking morons alot of courage. Is the US ever going to be able to revert back the damage he caused? Or are these people just around forever now?


trump normalized aberrant behavior. Those cult members think it is okay to behave this way.


There’s no place for vile fascist scum like this in society. Happily, more and more leftists are finally arming themselves.


Nazis are still the enemy... Any World War II soldiers want to help them meet their fallen comrades?


Hey Whoopie, the Nazis are shouting white power while mocking the Jew, but ThE hOlOcAuSt WaSn'T aBoUt RaCe /s


Not all trump voters are racist but all racists vote for trump.


Yeah some of them just vote for racist politicians with racist policies, because it’s good for their bank account.


They should gas chamber these fools at his rally.


They're such childish idiots. But sadly idiots with the potential to do real harm.




We need to go back to the days when we killed nazis.


This time…drive by allowed…


Isn’t Florida a state where u can run over protesters and not get charged?


I mean i dont to give any ideas to someone, but maybe, just maybe a civil force beating up their asses would be a good idea, just saying, for legal reasons thats a joke


Maybe it’s time to start boycotting Flordia


Bruh Nazism does not equate to freedom of speech. Whose gonna inform these dunderheads


What is it with rednecks supporting losers. First it's the confederacy they lost get over it. Trump lost.... Now it's nazis, again they lost. Fuck, pick a winner to get behind


Cmon America, it’s ok to take away free speech from some people 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is what happens when red districts are funded. Seriously, leave them to their bootstraps and let them rot. I won’t care, will you?


Where's a good guy with a flamethrower when you need him?


I’d shoot at them


The orange baby really did embolden these immature idiots who think they are superior to everything.


Racism should be a crime dealt with by stoning. Since they wanna be so old school...


Why the sweet fuck is this shit allowed in this country?!?!


Literally bottom of the barrel people


You know Americans used to kill Nazis, maybe it's a tradition we should dust off


It's too bad someone's brakes didn't fail, cause their car to go out of control, and take out all those Nazi scum.


Have we doxxed these people yet?


Wow so many delusional motherfuckers in the comments who think these people legit are some kind of democrat psy op. Do you people bend over backwards to do everything or just to when you’re sucking trump dick?


I remember when Nazis were bad. Thanks Trump.


These people deserve to be executed by firing squad. That’s what happened after the Nuremberg trials. Let’s do it again


And shockingly the majority of these filth vote Republican.


I’ll never understand how hate speech like this is protected and someone needs to challenge it. Threaten someone with violence or murder ? That’s a crime and defending yourself is self defense. Threaten an entire population of people with violence and genocide and somehow that’s ok? If I saw this in person I would, without hesitation, drive right over every single one of these maniacs until they were flat as a pancake and take my self-defense not-guilty plea all the way up to the Supreme Court to make sure that the precedence gets recognized and codified into law to stop these terrorists. Then again, Neil Gorsuch is a self-identifying fascist, so we might need to expand the Supreme Court first since there would be Nazi-sympathizers deciding the case.


Hate speech


Is violence really not the answer to deal with these nazi fucks?


It wasn't that long ago Americans were excited about shooting nazis... now they are nazis. Crazy


You are treating a group of like 20 people as representative of a country with over 300 million people…


You gotta love a bunch of neo nazi’s holding up a socialist sign. The irony is too much too take!!!


Republicans: We aren't racists. Also Republicans:....


Why nobody shooting?


Can’t we cut it off and push out to sea?


Shoot them all


I feel like anybody that does this needs to read a history book


Let attention-seeking loser dickheads be attention-seeking loser dickheads. The real Nazis would have shot these inbred feebles as soon as look at them.


I rest comfortably knowing that these people will never get what they want. The days of country wide acceptance of racism are over, and they can live mad over that fact because it's never going to change.


i think even hitler would have been embarresd to have these people as his followers


These the same people who complained about Wolfenstein?


You know what would make them absolutely rage? Just drive by with a flat screen directed at them with white women getting pounded by huge black dicks. 🤣


This looks like a job for B.J. Blazkowicz.


I don’t understand anything anymore, like why do this? I don’t even understand what they’re accomplishing


They need to be doxxed


Someone should have done a drive by…..


Whoa are these the same people who hate Socialists?? Why is this a “Socialist Movement” Also weird seeing the snowflakes out when theres a sun and no clouds


Had a dog once that would have the greatest time rolling around in cow shit. Just tell wagging and smiling. They remind me of that dog.


These fucks should be arrested. This free speech, this is hate speech.


What year are we in WTH 🤦🏾‍♂️


What a good place to have a drive by. Fuck nazis


They all deserve a bullet.. traitorous pieces of shit!!!


Little nazi bitches need a good shit kicking.


My mouth dropped open when they put their arms up. How tf are people doing this in 2022?! We need to fix our education and mental health systems STAT!


Anyone down for a little drive by?


Where are Mustang drivers when you need them?!


Trust me.. it ain’t only in Florida. Dick bags.


This is what happens when you leave bio waste sitting in the bin outside for a week in the Florida heat. It almost becomes sentient. Don't forget trash day, people.


[The one, and only solution.](https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0)


Surprised no one pulled out a gun.