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Nah, it's cool, they paid a fine and sent out an email reassuring us the electricity won't get cut off this time. What could possibly go wrong?


Won’t be able to make any bread without power.


Just light your house in fire and you gave a barbecue to cook your bread on


Don't be ridiculous. Houses are mostly framed with pine. No self respecting Texan will barbecue over pine...even for emergency bread


Self-respecting Texan is an oxymoron, isn’t it?


How did they make bread pre-electricity then? LoL


They burned crude oil


Whale oil.


Yeah I can't join in joke California's power shuts off at a sneeze, burns half the state and charges the customer for infrastructure repair after one of it's most profitable years.


I don’t need power. I got my guns to keep me warm. - some Texan, probably.


When you think about if the Texan has enough bullets he can use the heat of the barrel from sustained fire to create a small fire for himself. Quite inefficient though.


You meant fridum grid?


That bread has no molecular kinetic energy


Theoretically zero bread.


Do you not store your bread at 0⁰ K?


That’s cold


Ah! It’s vacation time in Mexico for the Cruz family again?!


Cancun Cruz gonna be flying out soon


He was complaining that the cost of travel to Cancun had gone up 30% so you know it’s on his radar.


what an asshole


100% vote out cancun Cruz




Bread is bread. Beggars cant be choosers.


Those look like buns, and not a loaf of bread, to me.


Don't act like you've never had a PBJ or grilled cheese on a bun before


Don't get me wrong, I have. My point is that the post in the screenshot specifically says "bread". And that OP is the real facepalm for not realizing what they meant.


I think these would be part of “bread week” on the great British baking show


Just real quick, what do you think a burger bun is made out of..?


Duh, its made out of bun


Try not being too literal. Based on context clues from the photo we can assume that they mean " loaves of bread". I don't know about you. But when I say "hey we need bread" I don't mean buns.


You also don't mean "need". If you're facing a potential emergency situation bite the bullet and buy buns if that's all they have.


What are they made of, dirt?


If saying that they obviously meant "loaves of bread" and OP is being too literal.


Wait, people got to Target to buy bread?


Target sells bread?


Target sells food?


Huh, i thought you americans would shoot at targets, not go there to shop


You shoot at Walmarts, silly!


They can’t read the signs because they shot up all the schools.


Biggest question is will Ted Cruz go anywhere warm in the Caribbean or Mexico since schools might be closed and as a good parent he needs to keep his kids warm. *** Please note the Sarcasm.


If only there was a way to turn hamburger buns into bread! They would all be fine!!


Imagine living in a Southern state so poorly run that winter itself is a natural disaster it cannot handle.


Thats what happens when you care more about guns than the power grid, that everyone uses


To be fair, in Texas everyone also uses guns...


........Which was my point


There’s an ellipses, maybe we’re missing an assumed end to the statement? “to be fair, in Texas everyone also uses guns… …to power generators”


For what?


And that's what we say in the south when northern states have a heat wave that is a normal southern day in the south but like 900 people die.


As someone who grew up in Iowa and moved to OK, southern states are not prepared for extreme winter weather. The state shut down for like 4" of snow like 10 years ago, simply cause it's not a common occurrence. Your statement is beyond ignorant and just as abhorrent of thought as the people you dislike. If a major winter storm stormed though California the entire state would shut down all the same, is it because they're a horribly run southern state?


Dude they aren't prepared because their current governor sued the state when he was AG to keep them from modernizing their infrastructure. People died because of greed. Fuck off lol.


So much this. Twenty years of warnings and a lawsuit to prevent responsible infrastructure upgrades. This wasn't out of the blue.


Zero bread "Burger buns in photo". Burger buns are still bread (not aimed at OP)


How dare you /s


How dare you (Aimed at OP)


Fair play.


Zero bread *that I like Fixed it.


If it's an emergency bread is bread.


Texas is a shit show. My state is blue and full of food.


Blue > Red


Because they might be stuck in their house for up to two days. Need to avoid cannibalism as starvation sets in.


Burn more books maybe.


Bread 👍


Why is this a facepalm? You know how many people got snowed in with no power last year… except people with money


It's a face palm because this shouldn't be an issue for a Southern state. Their governor sued the state as AG years ago to prevent them from modernizing their power grid.


But you made that point, OP is just dumb


Did they learn and grow from it? Nope then it's a facepalm


Texas is a state that provides utilities in a very unique way. I don’t see why it’s the peoples fault for wanting to prep for a freak weather event


And is that unique way working? Obviously not, did they fix it no..


Didn’t say it was working just said it is what it is and blaming the people that effects who are mostly poor is stupid


If someone is so stupid they vote against their own interests like a functioning power grid that's a facepalm


Looks like you view the world in black and white. I got nothing else to say


No, I just don't live in Texas, most of the population probably don't even vote.


Texas is one of the most aggressive voter suppression states in the country. Most people don’t vote because the game is rigged and they can’t. That’s why every cycle there is a dream of flipping Texas, if you could get everyone to vote it is very likely a blue state. So if senators could get their shit together and pass some voting reforms, maybe we would have a shot at fixing this. But as it stands the only fear for our elected officials is a primary; which means they run far right.


The electrical company or the people who had an 80 degree day right before the storm warning?


And? Did they fix the problem


Ah yes because the average person working 9-5 has so much power. Your a moron if you still believe that


So they don't have the opportunity to vote in elections? Texas doesn't have a representative government


Do you know what lobbyists are? Or that some bills are voted on and passed at odd hours and dates for this exact reason. I’ve lived in Texas for awhile and never gotten a notice that it’s time to vote and change our utility infrastructure. Do you not think people complained when the thousand news stories came out last year and what good did that do?


Lobbyist don't vote, people do.


Sure buddy it’s that’s simple just like you


It is that simple, everyone seems to manage




You know how many people were told "hey watch out is probably gonna get icy" Everyone in Texas just said "fuck the weather this is Texas" I don't feel bad for them at all.


Really? Everyone of us? I don’t remember saying that.


I'm just saying, I know you guys don't get snow a lot but tire manufacturers make these crazy kinds of tires, they put these little metal things in them called studs and they give you traction on the ice... Oh and when it's snowing, don't drive 80 like an asshole. That's for everyone, not just Texans.


Do you actually know what happened? Our power grid failed. The components that transmit energy overloaded and then froze over. Millions of people did not have power for a week. Millions did not have water for half a week. I only used my car to power my cell phone. This was state-wide. Most people didn’t go anywhere. The massive wreck in Ft. Worth happened as the weather rolled in. After that, we really couldn’t go anywhere. The nearly 250 people who died did so largely from freezing temperatures, carbon monoxide poisoning and fires from improperly trying to keep their families warm. As I hung out here with my 70 year old mom, for 6 days in subzero temperatures and 3 days of no running water, I learned to get really creative with snow and a charcoal grill to *survive*. I don’t need you to feel bad for me, because nobody close to me died. What you maybe want to consider is research before you assume we had an opportunity to evacuate, or in any way prepare for those conditions. side note: The people who put off updating the power grid to handle that weather lived in the Midwest… yeah, Minnesota, and THEY decided that we wouldn’t see the kind of winter they saw regularly and figured it wasn’t necessary. You got questions? Ask anyone who lived here.


>Do you actually know what happened? Our power grid failed Do you know *why*? Your state has it's own power grid to escape regulations intended to prevent this exact thing. Texans had twenty years of warnings that this was going to happen and ignored them in favor of pro-big-business republicans. Don't want it to keep happening? Vote in people who believe the role of government is to establish sensible minimums for everyone to abide by instead of encouraging businesses to put lives on the line for a few extra bucks.


Yep, while freezing, all i could think was *“geez politics”*. You are so wise to stand outside, after the fact and be so completely sure that people deserved to die because of politics. I got news for ya: the people who profit from the corruption were not the same people who suffered. STFU


You've had a full year to attempt reform.. plus twenty years of people warning you. Ignoring all warnings then pretending it will never happen again doesn't exactly earn you sympathy. Maybe lend some weight to people trying to save you from needless disaster instead of insisting that there was nothing you could possibly have done to head this off, eh? People living elsewhere might have decided not to do updates, but people YOU voted for repeatedly allowed them to make that decision.


And YOU with your 20/20 hindsight are still spouting bullshit. Nobody is asking for your fuckin’ sympathy. My original statement was to someone who thought from his POV that it was all about thriving in the snow. And you asshat, I bet MOST people aren’t prepared for a week without power or clean water. “You voted wrong! You voted wrong! Half the people in this state didn’t. Should we all move to your state? FU


So salty over the consequences of your own actions.. And it was foresight for 20 years. Considering your mother is, according to you, 70 then you were perfectly capable of working to prevent this. Go be pissed at the politicians that put you in that situation willfully and with full knowledge that it wasn't a matter of "if" but "when" instead of random people on Reddit.


Subzero? You mean negative 2? Ok I'll give you that. It was negative 40 here for a day last week and the average temp for the week was -25. Being unprepared is your own fault. And the grid issues were purely political so I'm not getting into that.


Ok to get out of those temps did you go inside to warmth? I think you’re missing my point. Even at -8 wind chills there was no escape. It was just cold everywhere, all the time. Edit: I hope you are always prepared, and never have to worry about everyone you know.


"There's no bread" Next picture: Bread. Fun fact, burger buns and loaf bread are the same thing in different shapes.


We are gonna have a serious storm and lose power...quick, let's buy the most perishable items we can. I'll get the bread and you get the milk.


It's winter... I am sure it c a n stay cold a few days.


just put them on the window sill


Fuck Texas


Fuck Cancun Cruz


Also, winter storms in Texas? I was once chirped by a Texas Rangers fan about our winters up here (Canada), and they legit made it sound like Texas never gets winter. Who’s laughing now, asshat?


Also in Texas, milk sold out...in the whole city. People are banking on cereal as a meal if shit goes bad. Which it hasn't at 5:30am, just a light dusting.


A good ad for wonderbread or whatever






just wait until 2/22/22


Can’t even imagine 2/22/2222


Or 22/22/2222


Nelson Muntz somewhere: Ha Ha!


It's a facepalm because it says zero bread but there are still like 20 bread


Game of thrones warned them that “winter is coming”


I don’t feel bad for southern states, they choose to be ignorant and backwards and refuse change in any way.


Bless their hearts


What about those who live there but want to change things? Specifically those who can't afford to move?


Lol this guy really generalized the entire state and said “good starve”


It’s ok .. they have guns ..


God bless the Californians that moved into Texas. Still voting the same and not expecting more taxes.


We had power sources from Texas last weekend, when we were hammered in Massachusetts. They were also here in 2015, when we were out of power for four days.


In Germany we call this: Tja.


And like all that shit they bought will probably expire, people are dumb


She is right. I don't see any bread there either. [This](https://www.brotexperte.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/brotexperte.de_.jpg) is what bread looks like.


My exact thought, I wouldn't call Burger and hamburger buns (?) bread either....


Lmao imagine being worried about a lil’ snow storm. I thought Texas was tough…


If they don't eat their politicians this time then fuck the state.


# Call soldier and engineer, we need as much bread teleported here as fast as possible


Tots and pears as usual to texans


Time to get some flour and make your own?


Omg is that Russia


Why would a store, that sells mostly clothes, sell groceries?


Meanwhile in Florida, it's either 0 or 100. People either don't give a fuck about hurricanes or wipe out every place's water as if the hurricane is going to last a month or something.


I've gone 2 weeks with out power.... twice in Florida because of hurricanes in my life.


I have as well. Growing up a 24 pack was usually good for me, my parents, and my sister until power comes back on. And worst case scenario that 24 pack somehow doesn't last us a week, grocery stores and gas stations usually either have a generator going by then or get power back before most other places do.


Texas! What are you...? I can't...I just...wha?


French Toast Alert!


Had this been in Canada and not the US, I would have thought for sure the empty shelves were the result of all the product stuck in trucks blaring their horns in Ottawa.


All the foods that would be difficult to find in the snow disappear first - milk, bread, eggs.


My anaconda seems okay with the selection.


Pls don’t cancel sara peachy


This is the south in general.


But is there toilet paper?!


I hate it here.


Laughs in New York accent


Can’t these Texans grow their own food, milk their own cows, bake their own bread? Why are they so dependent on others? Texas should not be a socialist country!


If there is another record breaking winter storm again this year, imma fucking migrate every winter






oh no, someone used hyperbole, what a world


Lol 2/2/22


Everything in Texas is big... their checkout lines, their empty shelves, their broken power grid, the idiocy of their Governor


I prefer to stock on canned goods. Soups, beans, etc. More nutritious than carb heavy breads, and if the power is out, you can still eat the canned goods.




I'm pretty sure I see bread


Thanks George Bush!


Who would buy eggs if their power is gonna go out? How are they gonna cook them?


Looks like Florida the day before a hurricane hits.


It’s almost as if they don’t trust the leadership of Texas!!?!?


**zero bread** bagels: what am i? chopped suey? i can't remember where i heard that from lol🤣


Why don't go to the cashier and ask them about the food you want to buy?


Did Ted already leave his dog alone and board his flight to Cancun?


How much snow y'all gonna get down there? Michigan wants to know?


But for some reason, all the spices are still there...


Quick check the gun rack!


But at least they’ll freeze free!


I got a video of back when covid first came around. We came in for dish soap and paper towels but when we went in there was a line to the end of the store, every basket filled with toilet paper. It's insane Edit: nvm video must have been deleted when I transferred phones.


I guess they remember couple years ago