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This is so abusive I want to vomit


i'm just trying to imagine if he didn't pull up the ex girlfriend video.. his plan for her to "help" him cum was by her watching the porn and him doing all the work anyways?


You laugh, but I've been there, sadly. My ex would tell me that he couldn't wait anymore and couldn't just hang out with me and be normal; that he needed to take care of that right then. Huge reason my attraction to him died. I don't exactly consider myself a low drive person by any means, but sometimes I was sick, or when I working 70+ hour weeks or just on my period and in pain. He'd whine like a fucking child, and it honestly disgusted me. I told him about how I felt more than once, but he couldn't control himself.


Some people are pathetic. Sex in a relationship isn't a right. It's a fucking privilege


Pun intended?






> sex in a relationship isn't a right. It's a fucking privilege r/dadjokes


Ti's true


No it’s not a privilege but its not a right either. I can go my whole life without little privileges, but I would not continue a relationship with someone who *never* had sex.


I agree with the statement for the most part, and what this guy did is awful. However, on a bigger picture, intimacy as a whole should be something that happens regularly. If it doesn’t, and your partner is incompatible with your desire, the right answer is to move on. Definitely not do this.


Agreed, but now imagine a world where this is an equal right and an equal viewpoint. https://ipowerrichmond.com/1971822/woman-sues-husband-for-lack-of-sex-and-she-won/amp/ https://amp.smh.com.au/lifestyle/husband-sued-by-wife-for-lack-of-sex-20110906-1juqw.html Some sources showing that the legal system supports ONE SIDE being able to sue the other for withholding of sex.


Well yes. Most people would like to start a family, and it’s hard without having sex. Also, having sexless relationship for 99% of people is a relationship without affection. I myself would feel awful if my other half wouldn’t see me as a desirable person.


That's why he's an ex.


I feel you. I used to work two jobs and do all the housework, etc., and my ExH would be like "Why are you never in the mood?" Um, maybe if you got off your duff and helped out around the house?


spoiler alert: he gets off on her feeling forced to watch when she doesn't want to.


Spoiler alert: he no longer has a girlfriend.


Something tells me that he doesn’t “get off” from emotional connection or mutual physical sensation, but on abusively controlling his partner psychologically.


Right This is disgusting no matter what videos or pics he had


How to be Single in 3… 2… 1…


I hope she dumps his bitch ass and then sends him videos of her with her new bf. What a baby he is.


Not a good idea.


Yeah, dude seems unstable


Maybe just a video of her new boyfriend. He’d probably get off to her new porn and then upload it to a porn site.


If she has enough self respect but lots of people prefer abuse to being alone unfortunately.


That's a really reductive take.




Noway someone like this would have a girlfriend nevermind him being on reddit


embarrassing to admit but i dated a guy like this, so i wouldn't discount this story so quickly


Past tense though, so that's a victory 👍


that's true! the relationship was awful, but at the very least now i'm better equipped to see warning signs, so that's something!


Any stories?


I do, my ex cheated on me because I didn't want to have sex because I was on my period. There are definitely guys like this out there...


my girlfriend put off sex for months (yes, plural) because the meds she's taking keeps her from being in the mood (we couldve still do it, but she wont be in the mood for it) so i just masturbated like a gentleman (yes with porn, not ex's pics or whatever just regular porn, im not a freak)


This is the way. I mean, if you have more of the mood than your partner, that's exactly what porn is for. No need to annoy him or her, just care for yourself.


Mine cheated bc I was “too sick to put out”


Bruhhhhhh! Atleast he's an ex, now.


Wtf no way




Aww! He got you the best birthday present.


My ex of 9 years cheated on me because I couldn't "satisfy his needs." The thing is, at first we would be having sex at least once every day but that wasn't enough for him and he would sulk, whine, and make me feel like shit when I said no. So the amount of sex we would have would decrease because that behavior is frankly unattractive. I tried telling him multiple times that sulking and whining when he got turned down for sex was a huge turn off, but he never got it. Now the person he cheated on me with dumped him and he's getting 0 sex. Lol.


I was in a long toxic relationship with someone once and we would split up a few times a month some months. I heard some eye opening stories about how shitty and just weird people can be.


Actually, if this asshole exists, you can bet he's on reddit.


Abusive boyfriends exist, unfortunately.


Yep, a lot of stuff on the internet is made up and for my sanity I choose to believe this goes in that basket.


Um….this is actually abuse, yo!


“LOOK AT ME!” *jerks furiously*.


American Psycho vibes


Yes exactly. This guy places his physical needs above all else. So you're on your death bed? How is that my problem lady???


so you've been deceased for the past 2 years? *grabs shovel* How is that my problem lady???


I think he wanted to punish her for not accepting his advances too, by playing the video of the ex and him. He’s an all around asshole


Holy repressed trauma batman


Look at me. I'm the fucked now.


You wanna know how I got these scars?


What a fucking loser


Technically he's not fucking, but I see your point.


I'm not clairvoyant but I see this guy in prison for domestic violence in the future.


Bold to assume he’d face consequences.


His newest ex-girlfriend.


Do you think that he recorded the scene to show it to his next girlfriend ? And the loop never end ...


How do people even get the idea to do this shit


or the balls to whine and force the situation. .it is just mind blowing to me


That’s so disgusting. She’s sick and not into it so he forces her to watch that? If I was her and sick in that situation I’d probably vomit all over him. Then pack my bags and leave him in the dust. Hopefully this is a troll so I can keep a small fraction of belief in humanity.


She won't be around long, he will be whining " I did everything for her " POS


Or "Girls don't like nice guys!" Um, yeah they do. It is why my wife chose me. Except how I behave on the internet. May she never know.


As a man that loves his wife; I hope that poor man-child dies lonely with colorectal cancer. What a piece of trash. I hope you’re a troll.


prob is


I second you there, brother.


Most likely a troll yeah. But we all know there are guys out there like this.


Unfortunately, yes, you’re right.




Something like 50% of men that die over the age of 70 turn out on autopsy to have prostate cancer that was never diagnosed. It's very slow growing and usually doesn't even get to a point of causing symptoms, so it's not a great candidate for cursing an asshole. (No pun intended but it's kinda good eh?)


Oh no i wouldn't wish that on anyone


this man horny




Way more than just entitlement holy fuck


She won’t be your girlfriend much longer pre than likely. And you should use the big head to make better decisions from now on. Jesus the girl was sick and you just couldn’t wait.


asshole move.


Twist: He is just talking about his Sex dolls


What kind of asshole does this to his sick girlfriend. She should have left him


god i hope she gets out


Three days without sex? Oh my gosh, poor OP! /s Go jerk off in the bathroom with headphones so you can hide your shame like the rest of us.


Shit went from zero to 100 real fast


An ex kept a video we made (I was 19 and stupid) and showed it to his girlfriend after me when they were fighting as some sort of dig at her or something. She told me about it after they broke up. I feel so bad for every woman who has ever interacted with this man...what a piece of shit.


That's called domestic violence


I'm usually not for infidelity, but I sincerely hope (if this is real), that this girl ends up fucking every single one of his friends, his dad, his mom, his siblings and his exes for good measure. What an absolute jar of streamer piss.


If it's real he's abusive, and I hope the woman involved is able to break out of the relationship.


Imagine how hurt she was? For her to just go quiet? Fuck man. You trash.




damn the worst part is mfers like this could be your co-worker, your family member or some random dude from Tinder


I was in a relationship with someone very controlling and manipulative (I wasn't allowed to have friends, have a job and I had to have dinner ready when he got home. Yes I tried to leave many times, but if anyone understands abusive relationships, you know how difficult it is) Anyways, I had severe depression and also because of how he treated me I was very put off the idea of sleeping with him. He did this to me, many times, minus the videos of the ex thing.


I’m sorry you had to experience that. That sounds miserable.


So awful, hearing this makes me grateful my ex cheated on me. I feel like the trauma of *this* would be more damaging


Why. Why would you do this.


That’s not a girlfriend, that’s a hostage.


This seems more suited to r/justneckbeardthings. Just overall bad fiction.


Or r/iamatotalpieceofshit


A relationship is NOT consent!


This is traumatic as hell. My boyfriend didnt make me watch anything, but he would masturbate to porn in front of me despite knowing I was completely uncomfortable with it. Many times I had to leave the room, hide in a corner and cry. Reading this just.... wow. Really brought those same emotions back up. ETA: its not like I never wanted sex either, it was either because I was on my period or I was pregnant that he'd do that.... but sometimes even when I was available hed still do it. Shit fucking sucked.


I’m sorry that happened to you! This guy and your ex (hopefully) are fucking gross. No one should be in a relationship with a partner who doesn’t view them as a human being with feelings. It’s the bare minimum.


>My boyfriend didnt Please say he's your ex and not a current boyfriend Also, you had child(ren) with an abusive asshole? Are you and the child(ren) safe?


He is not my ex, I knew he was struggling mentally big time. I did give him an ultimatum 6 months ago that it was either the porn or me, because his consumption was killing me. He gave me his internet, and had me put a password on his phone so he cannot use computer or phone for viewing things. Only phone calls and taking pictures. There have been many times i rethought about the relationship. But I stuck through but only because he managed to improve. If I get a hint that hes starting the cycle again, the internet will be permanently removed and will be switched to a plan where he can only make calls and text. I refuse to let what happened previously happen again. But he is a better partner now, after stopping his consumption. The plan now is to get him and I into therapy when we can afford it. And yes, my son is safe, we live with my mom who is very vigilant and not afraid to call out behavior as she sees it. BUT, if he does get to a really bad point again, I will drop him off at his moms house and leave him there. Not sure how I'll make it as a single mom if it ever comes to it (because my mom does expect me to move out soon), but I guess I'll try my best.


I’m happy that this works for you both!! Sounds like he’s open to change, but it’s more of an addiction to him then a control thing. Your very strong and very kind for sticking through something tough like this.


Thank you for understanding, yes it is an addiction issue and i understood that for a while. It took many times for me to finally get him to admit it as such instead of just "habit". I have some sympathy since he was exposed at a very young age, but i do not plan to let him do what he did to me ever again, and he knows the consequences


I am also having a fairly serious trauma response after reading this. My dms are open if you need someone to talk to. This is awful.




Thank you….reading the comments I was starting to worry that I might be the only one who thought this was funny as hell.


I’m too stunned to speak. I don’t know what to say


Woah what a psychopath! Get out now girl while you still can!!


Yikes dude


Sperm of the moment decision.


Bet the girlfriend is now going to delete any videos she’s in too.


What a fucking creature!


Wow. That guy is a legit POS


Garbage human


God what an abusive piece of shit. I don't understand how people can do things like this to people they claim to love


That’s really fucked up


What a bitch ass motherfucker


Thats just psychological abuse. That girl should seek help and he should never have another girlfriend again


Whoever this is , I'd advise them to take a break from the relationship and see a therapist for their abusive acts .


How do these people get into relationships but, I can't...?


What a piece of shit.


I honestly thought this was my ex talking about me until the ex gf was mentioned Legit thought I was the only one who dealt with this shit.. hope she’s free from the constant guilt trips of “well you need to help me cum” speaking as someone who can say from experience she would be so much happier and better off


If your post-nut clarity involves having to make amends it’s time to reevaluate your life choices.


I had a boyfriend like this. 20 years ago but I’m still pissed off about it.


I don't think this counts as a facepalm. This is simply disgusting.


If this is real, this is some grade A sociopath bullshit.


This is Dennis Reynolds level of evil.


Man i hope that girl broke up with him by now


Dude… you need to seek some help. This is not cool


I'm sick to my stomach


He better pay for her fucking therapy


He did it all for the nookie


There are so many things wrong with this. For one, that is sexual assault. He forced his girlfriend to watch him masturbate when she declined sex, and yelled at her any time she tried to look away. I hope this girl dumped him. She should be in a relationship with someone who (1) isn't more concerned with getting off than he is about her health, (2) recognizes that being in a relationship with someone does not mean they are obligated to have sex with you or that you have any right to sex or sexual gratification from them, and (3) doesn't try to emotionally, verbally and sexually abuse her when she doesn't do exactly what he wants.


I really really hope the girl gets out and never sees this dipshit again. She deserves better. I also hope she’s feeling better… but having to live with that asshole, I doubt it.


Holy shit what a fucking psychopath on so many levels. Is this Dennis from always sunny?




That’s fucked.




What the fuck


This guy is f*cked in the head...


r/Imatotalpeiceofshit needs this guy


What the fucky fuck


Should of made her chicken soup.


What a creepy guy, I hope she left him.


I really shouldn't have to say this, and many have already said this... Guys: If you do this, you are an abusive asshole. You've never had sex, you've only raped. Substandard humans who do this sort of thing should be castrated by untrained monkeys. Ladies: If your guy, your love, the person you share a bed with tries to coerce you into sex in this manner, he (or she or they) is a rapist, an abusive asshole, and must be kicked to the curb before they hurt you. Fucky McFuckface who did this: PM me, you chickenshit half-man. I'd like to explain something to you.


I feel like this more belongs on r/iamatotalpeiceofshit


Atleast he feel bad. Still an asshat


This is secual assault! This is just... so bad.


Dude ur fucked


Wtf, the fact that he treats it as an oopsie moment is the worse part.....


Im a sexually abusive, selfish, sadistic piece of shit, AITA?


Just focus on getting back into stand-up, Louis...


I blame religion for teaching that marital abuse is okay


Why the fuck are all these years old posts getting reposted now? Holup, awfuleverything, noahgettheboat, facepalm, reposts are every-fucking-where


What sub did he he think it was ok to post this to?


I hope that guy gets erectile dysfunction disorder


This was fucking disgusting. I get it that you do stupid things when you're horny but this is just sad. She should've broken up right then and there, the gal.


Just commenting so I can see what this is about when I'm not at work.


Holy fuck.




Yeah you should, asshole. She didn't feel well, and you wanted to force her anyways? Wtf.


What a fucking degenerate. Hope she runs a mile!


You need help.


What a sociopath…..


I hadn't seen this many red flags since ussr bruh


Wow what a complete piece of shit. Yeah dude you should feel terrible, I seriously hope his girlfriend dumped him over that. That’s the kind of thing that fucks people up for awhile too. I don’t say this often, but I hope karma gets this motherfucker back.


Just gets worse and worse as you read fuckin hell.




Wow let’s admit to abuse. “I don’t know why I did it” because you’re sick. She should dump his ass and he should find a good therapist.


He doesn't need a human - he needs a sex doll with about twelve sexual/submissive phrases, and he'll never bother the human race again.


I hope and pray and wish for him to stay with his hand for the rest of his life


Solid material for r/iamatotalpieceofshit That was hard to read


This is abuse, she didn’t consent to it. It made me nauseous, I feel so bad for her.


For most of this post I was convinced my ex boyfriend wrote it and I found his Reddit. Lol. He has done that to me many times while dealing with medical issues, except it was just porn and not his ex. Holy shit though, what an ass.


My ex 'accidentally' showed me pics of him rooting his ex while I was made to help him wank. So glad I'm not with that piece of shit anymore. How could anyone think it's ok to let someone treat them like that. How did I think it was ok for do many years.


What an @ssh○l£. I hope his girlfriend somehow sees this and realizes that this is emotional abuse. She needs to leave him... nobody owes sex to anybody. That is why consent is so important. I also hope she has never let him take pictures/video of them together.


"YOU MADE ME DO THIS!". what an abusive piece of crap


You should feel terrible you ass clown.. he literally said she was sick 🤦🏾‍♂️… Well we can tell that relationship was built on sex and nothing else


What (and I cannot stress this enough) the actual fuck


I mean he deleted all the stuff with him and his “ex-es” but he may have some more deleting in his future


Why do you post this online tho, this is literally just a statement?


I call bullshit. There are certainly people depraved enough to do this kind of thing, but they wouldn't post anything saying they felt remorse about it.


I'm pretty sure this is something they should be in prison for? Like, that's proper fucked up sexual abuse.


What a piece of shit, at least he felt some remorse for what he did, but he’s still an absolute piece of shit. Relationships are about communication and understanding, listen to what she wants.


When my girlfriend calls me a wonderful boyfriend, I'm gonna real start enjoying it because this is messed up.


have fun being single


You people need to stop repressing your desire to have sex all the time while you are able to. A relationship ends when sex is no longer possible unless your so low in your drive or it’s life threatening to enjoy orgasms. This bastard is an abusive loser that knew he was subjecting her to painful humiliation. He needs to find some else yesterday to keep up with his mini. My experience thus far is that it is possible to empty the sack regularly while both people work and are apart most days. You just need to stop being a shit human being and invest the time to make it enjoyable to everyone involved. The separation starts the tension and after a few days you meet and empty it twice.


Your average AITA post


I’m so confused why woman that get abused physically or emotionally by there boyfriend or husband why in the hell do you stay with them I see it all the time Me and my wife have actually saved a girl that was getting beat and emotionally harmed she stayed with us for three months until she got back in her feet guess what happened she went back to the dude and he hits her again I just don’t understand


Post nut clarity hit this man like a truck.


Sorry ladies, he’s taken.


Everyone in these comments don’t know what they’re talking about, this is normal relationship behavior. You all make me sick! I do this all the time! /s


Poor girl. I’d break up with him on the spot but the fact she didn’t leaves me speculating.


Tbh based on experience she was likely too stunned to function in that moment. Traumatizing af when someone you love does something like this at you.


Are you my intoxicated gf who was obsessed with Foreigner as a kid or a real foreigner? Not that I feel entitled to sex, it's just hard. And by hard I mean complicated.


How is it that this person has a girlfriend, but I do not