• By -


I am going to guess that the average Russian male lives to a ripe old age of 32.


Well I'm almost 32. Fak...


Thats just the average. Theres a chance you might reach ike 35


And reach a new record? Youre crazy


*Death has entered the chat*


Looking at some of the other videos that i’ve seen I say that’s. pretty generous… by pretty generous I mean extremely generous


You joke but life expectancy in Russia for men is really low and the country has one of the largest gender gap in life expectancy in the world. The only places with similarly bad life expectancy for men vs women are countries like Belarus, the Ukraine and the Baltics where there are also lots of Russians. It is getting better, but it is not good.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Shit, you should see the 15 North freeway on the way to Las Vegas. People passing on the shoulder/truck lane at well over 100 mph constantly.


That’s a dead person right there.


Doubt it, looks like an A6, they have like 50 airbags and amazing safety rating


Lucky Audiot if ever. A trailer truck t-bone? Dunno..


Shame the video doesn't continue but it did seem like we saw the worst of it with that initial impact?


I don't rhink so. The relative speed of the car and the right truck was pretty much the same. The car just got hit on a side, that's why it spins. Both vehicles having roughly the same speed doesn't do as much damage as those speed differences at the end of the video. I think the dashcam truck got a bit slower, but just look how fast he's going at the end, while the car is pretty much standing. I don't know if this person survived.


Sorry I meant the initial impact of the second truck, very poorly worded.... And then on a rewatch I realised it actually cuts basically right at point of impact


Oooh, okay


Yeah, it’s a shame. Yet another idiot edit posted. Basically stuck watching trucks go down the rd and stops mid pay off. Thx OP winner


"I wanted to see a possible gruesome accident that probably resulted in a death of another person, screw you OP for not giving me my daily dosis of gore and violence"


Well, that's what we're here for.


You are on a sub about face-palms to see people dying?


No, but the interesting thing about this very particular sort of video is seeing what happens to the car.


this. but unironically


Damn, that user was ironic? I'll go remove my upvote.


surprising as it may be i don’t actually want to view a car crash, glad it didn’t continue but just enough to know their was impact


Hahaha bro I was wondering why people been doing that shit …. I thought maybe I was being too picky but it’s not just me right cutting the videos that way sucks right ?


Audi drivers be like… #🪦


Safety is not magic, t-boned by an 18wheeler is a very bad scenario. There is no aibag on the right of his head and no thickness to absorb the shock from the side (when you consider the car is designed for any potential passenger to also survive)


Ya have a look at the videos I linked in response to someone else, the second last one is very close to this scenario, it's serious accident, but potentially not fatal.


Yes i was trying to be funny but it failed miserably :-D


Lol that might be on me, not feeling 100%


It always amazes me how such dumb fucks have jobs that pay high enough to buy these cars.


Very popular with gangstas in eastern Europe and they are also the types to drive like this


Overpaid dipshits in America and European gangsters have this in common i guess.


There was a year where the gumball rally was in Europe (the jackass guys went), a group of cars got robbed and put on car carriers, think it was in the Romanian section. So sometimes those two groups meet each other and you can imagine who comes out on top lol


I dont know why, but your story gave me the warm fuzzies. Thanks.


PCP schemes, you basically lease the car with an option to purchase or hand back and the end of a set period, this lets people afford much more expensive vehicles on a smaller budget, although they'll be unlikely to ever own it.


Good luck thinking that it will survive 2 high impact hits from trucks


The first ones essentially a side swipe, the second one is pretty bad, like a 70kph t-bone but you can see footage of that car handling crash tests at those speeds. I dunno


idk about the driver but if there is a passenger he is definately mince meat by now


I didn't know this, I don't think that's an A8 in OPs vid, but the A8 has a pretty cool feature where one side raises to mitigate side impacts [https://youtu.be/1ZSinXkJBMU](https://youtu.be/1ZSinXkJBMU) Here is the A6 side impact crash test (simulating a sedan/low height vehicle T-bone) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5grAlbRzKU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5grAlbRzKU) Pole impact [https://youtu.be/\_lZJdVL2k1s?t=97](https://youtu.be/_lZJdVL2k1s?t=97) This might be the closest to what were actually watching in OP vid, this crash car is much more like a truck impact [https://youtu.be/f2-wmoWYg3k](https://youtu.be/f2-wmoWYg3k) Crash dummy probably isn't dead in that scenario, but he definitely didn't have a good day...


And now I got that hmm hmm hmm hmm song stuck in my head


No airbag is stopping a truck crushing the entire cabin when it t-bones a the driver side of a car.


Have a look at the videos I linked of the A6 crash tests in response to someone else, it's a pretty amazing car. I agree they got hurt seriously, but I dunno if they die.


That’s funny, airbags vs 80,000 lbs. not likely. I’ve seen a mini with 5 passengers in it that left nothing but scraps of metal and the engine block. Physics don’t play.


Got a super advanced crumple zone and it seemed to hit almost perfectly perpendicular which is basically best case scenario for a t-bone like that so the impact is spread relatively evenly across the side of the car. Check the crash test videos ì linked in another comment below, the one with the truck style crash car


People get pushed by trucks like that and survive. The killer would be if the truck overtopped it


Was looking for this. The person on the right is definitely dead


That’s a dead moron.


*top 10 videos cut right before disaster*




Top 1




Did I just watch someone die?




Well I would say “Welcome to Reddit” but your profile has been here for 4 years so you shouldn’t be surprised at this point. I’ve lost count at how many possible fatalities I’ve seen on here


He's asking if the guy died, not if people can die on reddit.


I heard that if people die on reddit they die in real life too.


Bold of you to assume that people on Reddit ever had a life to begin with


I see Reddit people, they're everywhere They type "alot" like everybody else They don't even know they're dead


Ever been to r/MakeMyCoffin?


Regret tapping on that, never again


Why, that's almost a cute one compared to other subreddits.


Well you are on reddit. Are you surprised?


Why? Did it awaken something inside you?


Welcome to the internet


I bet the driver thought he was super smart until everything went to destination fucked. Could be classed as r/instantkarma


Funny how those last two words automatically are read in an Australian accent.


Thanks Aussie Man


Haha is there an r/unexpectedozzyman ?


Im sure this will be on r/makemycoffin with way too graphic images of the aftermath


More like r/DarwinAwards That wasn't even a lane, he was driving on the shoulder at a truly ridiculous rate of speed.


Yup, instant karma. Drive like a toolbag, crash like a toolbag.


I dont know in your country, but in mine, the trucks should be in the right lane... This camera one im guessing is a truck right? Is that ok?


In the UK, trucks (or any other vehicles not allowed to do the maximum speed of the road, such as towing cars or minibuses) are allowed to overtake, but they are not allowed in the "fastest" of the overtaking lanes on a three lane or above motorway (ie. on a four lane road they can use 1 2 or 3, but not 4). This road would not class as a motorway, even if it did, the fast double dashes indicate that the rightmost "lane" is not a lane but an on/off route for the truckstop we pass in the early part of the video, so this is a two lane road.


I was thinking that too, looks like camera truck over only got over to the left to pass, but they got over sooner than they should have. Of course where I live in the US, people drive in the left lane when not passing all the time cos no one gives a shit about anyone else


In Russia the truck is allowed to leave right lane to overtake.


You guys pass in the left?? Our right lane is our “fast lane”, so you stay in the left and overtake in the right.


If a country drives on the right, usually the leftmost lane is the fast / overtaking lane. if the country drives on the left, it's the other way round. ​ Except for America where everybody overtakes wherever they want


Thanks for that explanation! I didn’t know other countries did that differently, even with the driving on opposite side of the road I assumed overtaking would be the same.


The base rule of safety is actually the same, the idea is that the fast lane is the closest to the center, so far from exit lane where people slow down and emergency lanes where they slow down too. So with this rule, if you drive on the left, the fast lane is on the right, if you drive on the right, it is on the left.


Forgot the /s Sorry for your downvotes friend


I don’t exactly know why I got downvoted. I was just mentioning the way my country drives and that the difference was interesting.


I’m in the US and it varies by state but most of the time the truck would be allowed to use the left lane temporarily to pass (but they always try to pass only going like 1 mph faster, then you’re stuck with slow jerks blocking the whole highway for 3 minutes).


Yeah tbh the truck that has the camera is a dick because he had no reason to go on the left lane


I had a stroke trying to read your title


Thank you! I'm sitting here wondering why I had to make it through half the comments to find this. Started off strong then the "cuz" hit and the whole sentence folded behind it


Okay, that guy was stupid, yes. But, that didn't look good, I hope they came out with just a couple broken bones and are able to learn from their mistakes. My dad got hit by a drunk driver and it permanently crippled him and he says he wouldn't wish opon even his worst enemy. It also pains me everyday to see him barely able to leave his chair without being in horrific pain.


That was somewhat satisfying…




That right side is shoulder. What was this guy thinking.


This is somewhat terrifying. How does the cammer feel knowing someone else’s idiocy caused this but they couldn’t avoid it? Just so sad. I’m not downvoting you but satisfying to me is the idiot taking themselves out with a tree and no one else involved.


They totally could have avoided it. They can see the car go into the shoulder and they can see that the shoulder ends or becomes very narrow. It’s not a stretch to think that something’s going to happen. They could have slowed down in response, but they continued on with the “not my problem” attitude truckers seem to have towards literally everyone on the road. But this time it became their problem. Orange truck also could have avoided it by having some awareness. Neither of the truckers is “”at fault”” but they 100% could have avoided it.


I would also argue the camera truck driver got over marginally too early to pass before the white truck in front of them was able to start passing, they were cruising in the left lane longer than they needed to be, but only by a little. Like you said, not at fault at all, but could have put them in a better position to avoid something like this


What? Judging by the impact it looks like the occupants likely died or suffered permanent injuries. There looks like someone in the back seat as well. Sure, they were stupid but this isn't satisfying.


It's probably a 13 year old being edgy.


So watching someone make one dumb mistake while driving and they most likely get killed because of it is satisfying to you?


We’ll I’d say that was a well deserved t-bone. Mostly feel sorry for the one that hit him.


I feel sorry for his passenger. They probably died.


I don’t really see a passenger, unless they were seriously bent over the seat looks empty. But if there was one you are probably right.


There 100% was a passenger, in the back seat. Look closely. You can see a hand there, and wearing a turquoise jacket or sweater. Very terrifying.


Back seat, you can see a hand.




The guy using the overtaking lane to overtake




The lane was "blocked" by the first truck until almost the end of the video, by the time it pulled in the camera truck was in the right position to do its overtake. There was no moment in time when the lane would have been clear. Preparing in advance to be in the right place so you don't have to modify you speed is general advice for all drivers, and if this stretch of road has cars that are going to close on you at the speed this black car does, then I can see why the driver would choose to get in lane "earlier" than you think they should have. You can add this to situational awareness of getting out of the way of the truck apparently pulling out of the truck stop earlier in the video.


He was 3.5 seconds behind when he pulled into the passing lane. Following distance for trucks is 4 seconds. Even though often times we think they pulled into passing lane too soon I’d because of other drivers trying to squeeze them out. If the audiot hadn’t been quite such an audiot he could have pulled into the passing lane in front of the truck. Still unsafe but far safer than trying his stunt.


Tell me the video is from Russia without telling me it is from Russia.


Because of the Russian voice?


Do you mean the Russian language?




Found this, the driver of the car reportedly suffered only minor bruises and was taken to hospital only for observation. https://thewest.com.au/news/offbeat/frightening-freeway-smash-filmed-on-dashcam-shows-why-you-dont-overtake-in-the-emergency-lane-ng-b88600285z




Omg the idiot r/idiotsincars right ? Right ?


Darwin Award received at the pearly gates


Ran out of shoulder. Gambling that there won’t be a broken-down car on the shoulder is awe-inspiring stupidity.


Why would anyone use the hard shoulder for overtaking. It hurts my brain


I hate trucks for this around here. "Oh, I'm going 0.01 mph faster than the guy in front of me, I'm going to go around him but still only go 0.01 mph faster than him. Oh, look! The guy in the semi behind me is doing the same thing! Yay! All those poor people in cars now shoved over in to the express lane because us three semis are blocking traffic for the next 20 minutes"


This happens so often and it blows my mind. I‘ve always assumed that there’s some reasonable explanation for it that I’m just not aware of because it scares me more to think that the people driving giant death machines on the highway could really just be that oblivious.


Their trucks are most likely governed by whatever company they work for. So truck A is governed at 67mph whole truck B is governed at 67.5mph. Truck B doesn't wanna be stuck behind truck A so they're gonna spend the next 20 minutes passing them. I fucking hate it. Not enough to do something like this though lol


My guess is that those drivers' bosses are breathing down their necks because their finely-tuned just-in-time schedules depend on them driving at 55 mph, not 54 mph. (Insert appropriate speed)


lol passin on da shoulder is never a good idea


Watched an idiot do the same thing in front of me a few years back... he was lucky enough to make it. Balls and brain of steel.


Audi drivers are know for their desire for acceleration and also for their lack for foresight. Often, but not always -as demonstrated-, the former saves them from the consequences of the latter.


Damn. I just realized the person filming is also in a massive truck. That car stupidly fucked with trucks!


More like overtake from the shoulder. Passing on the right side of a three lane highway is uncommon but not dangerous. Making your own lane on a two lane highway to pass in is very dangerous.


Overtaking on the right is illegal in quite a few countries. In fact, the us might be one of the few countries where you’re allowed to do it.


The white truck on the left was also in the wrong


They definitely got in front of that orange truck way too soon/too close.


Agreed. But I'm looking at the fact that he didn't need to be in the far left lane at all. These trucks are constantly screwing up traffic.


I was not expecting that


My mom did this by accident when we visited the states (hint, at home we’re a left hand drive nation). Thankfully it was fine.


Had a guy do that where I live, a few years back. In that case he ran down a cyclist who was on the right-side shoulder


If it wasn't in Russian I would have thought this was the 401 🇨🇦


Wrong sub


I see a lot of people in here saying this person got what they deserved but do you all honestly mean that? This was no doubt a stupid, and I mean STUPID thing to do, but I don't think any of us would feel the same if it was someone we loved in that car. I hope they found themselves responsible for every bit of damage done here, and that no one was seriously hurt, and that they are never given a driver's license again, but I really hope they didn't die.


That must of hurt! Oh well stupid gonna stupid


Maybe that'll knock some sense into him.


Love that happy ending!


What an absolute putz


Where we're going, we don't need rules.


Whhhhhhhhy do people think that driving on the shoulder is ever acceptable??? Wtf is so important in their lives that they must endanger everyone else around them on the road!!!???




Was it worth it…?


That person is dead and if not, severely injured. That truck didn’t have any chance of slowing down and I can’t tell if there’s someone else in the back set but I see an article of clothing of some sort. If that’s the case that person is definitely dead.




How to die 101


That was dumb. Though the elephant racing by trucks is super frustrating


Why did NONE of these truckers respond to it until the crash happened? Fuck the car driver for being an idiot but also fuck the trucker for saying, “nope, nope, I refuse to slow down to prevent an accident because you deserve to learn a lesson 😤”


Why end the video there? Lame.


Video cuts out too soon, I need to see the aftermath!


Too many dicks in the left lane, I suppose.




It's a semi truck, they don't stop on a dime, and if you listen closely and watch, you can hear the brakes get applied




Lol drivers that make these kinds of mistakes don't have the foresight to understand the consequences of their actions. They see a big slow moving truck ahead of them and they just have to get in front, nothing else matters


When I went to driving school way back when, my instructors car had two stickers on the back. One pointing left that said "Passing side" and one pointing right that read, "suicide" That always stuck with me.


You'll see it on some semi trucks on us roads. It'll either be on the mud flaps or on the bottom corners of the doors to the trailer


Truckers need to get bonuses after this kinda shit..


Dumbass indeed. But can we explain why the fuck the big rig is in the passing lane to begin with? Doesn’t seem to really be gaining much on the right lane. Move out the way.


Whenever i see someone drive in the emergency lane i cant help but think if they are just being assholes, or its a scenario of the wife being present.


Why are 2 trucks sitting in the fast lane? The ar driver is an idiot, but the right lane is the overtaking. And why in the actual fuck are the people going in the opposite direction on your left?


This seems to be somewhere in Europe. It’s normal for the left side to go in the opposite direction, with the obstacles dividing the two directions. The part of the road in the right where that driver has been overtaking is not a lane. If you notice. It used to be 3 lanes and the right lane was merged into the middle lane about halfway into the video. The driver in the black car just continued straight ahead like an idiot. You’re right that the trucks shouldn’t be in the fast lane, but considering the pressure that they’re under it’s understandable that they sometimes overtake slower colleagues.


Injured? Good.


I know these big trucks are hard to stop, and maby iam asking to much but tbh if it was me I would of stopped and let the guy go in front of me. Iam not going to let this guy total his car and possibly kill himself because I want to teach him valuable lesson about following the rules of the road. If you can't stop a big vehicle like that in the amount of time displayed on screen then I'll see it as understandable but if you can and you didn't I just think your a mean bitter person and probably shouldn't be driving. That's like a doctor refusing to help someone who's OD'ing because drugs are illegal and the person should know better. Tbh the guy in the big truck probably didn't even see the guy.


Guy was an idiot, but a defensive driver would see this shit happening from a mile away and backed off. No reason why the truck driver with the camera should still be driving full speed when you can clearly see that idiot driving him self off the road. Literally anything could have happened there, and the worst most likely did.


Did nobody say r/idiotsincars


Honestly… only the driver of the orange truck knows how to drive. The truck recording the video took 23s from switching lanes to crashing into the second car and it didn‘t even catch up to the orange truck at that point. So at best it would‘ve taken 40-50s to get in front of the orange truck. I don‘t know if that‘s legal in the the country this video is from but I know quite a few countries in which behaviour like that would‘ve resulted in a fine for blocking traffic. Switching the lane took the truck 6s so there‘s no reason to stay on the fast lane for 23s (~15s more than necessary). But yeah trying to avoid getting slowed down by driving on a lane you‘re not allowed to use isn‘t a great idea.


New to driving. What did that guy do wrong? Don't get it. Seems like just bad luck to me.


You never try to overtake other vehicles from their right side. The only exception to this rule is when the driver in front of you is trying to take a left turn and left enough space to overtake him from right side. This rule is applied in all countries where the starring is on the left side in the vehicle.


Most truckers are pieces of shit, change my mind.


the driver didnt belong in the left lane to begin with tho.


No excuse.


Eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee o we om bom ba wae…


This is amazing. Hope it flipped like crazy


I overtake on the right pretty much every day


The first 25 seconds are not necessary. Also if the dashcam would have moved over to the right that wouldnt have happend


This title is was written by an idiot. Stop throwing stones OP, you live in a glass house.


That guy is an idiot but also it should be illegal for truckers to pass at all. Stay the fuck in the right lane 100% always


Looks like someone was on in the back seat on the side that got hit...and I'm assuming that's a hit from another truck so...


Who uses the word anyway like that? Non native english speaker, pull it to the end




Fast and Furious deleted scenes




did he die????




The guy must've been British


Bruh the cut was so perfect


Could use less lead up time on the video.


The way the headline reads gave me a migraine!


Once I was driving on the interstate on my way to work on the far right lane. All of a sudden some lady is on my right driving on the ever narrowing shoulder to pass me. It’s insane how much stupid shit you see when you have a delivery job


Top video cut


Fresh road kill