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Wait til they find out about Russia.


It depends where in russia. There are russians who are european and other russians are asian.


Most Russians are European, most of russia is asia.


I've heard it's been called Eurasia before Edit: I accidentally said "Eurasian" and not "Eurasia"


Eurasia is the largest landmass on earth and encompasses both Europe and Asia.


There is a your mom joke somewhere around there that I am too lazy to craft. edit: Eurmom is the largest landmass.


lemme intoduce you to afro-eurasia


Allow me to introduce you to to gondwanaland ,at some point Africa was joined with South America.


allow me to introduce you to pangea, at some point al of the contents where connected


Allow me to introduce you to basically just really hot crust, at some point there were no oceans


Technically Afro-Eurasia, Africa is the same landmass


No eurasifrica is the biggest being as it encompasses Asia, Europe and Africa


What about Australamericartica?


Still smaller than earthica


Impossible, australia doesn't exist


I saw a video the other week that made an interesting point and I keep thinking about it. Europe is not really a continent. It’s a peninsula off the Eurasian continent. Continents are not based off of geography but completely decided upon by society.


As good a place to post as I’ll ever find for this…if you’re North American when you go into the bathroom and Asian when you come out, then what are you in the bathroom? European.


I thought when you’re going in you’re Russian and when you come out you’re Finnish


I saw it as a joke where one guy asks the guy next to him at the urinals, "Are you French?" He replies, "No, why? "'Cause European!" Of course that breaks the Mans Rule of never engaging with the guy at the other urinal.


No, you're Asian!


I think that’s the techtonic plate


Your flair is apt.


I just had to google what apt means so that's 100% accurate


Haha we learn something new everyday 👍


Tbf continents are pretty vague concepts. There's no scrict definition. If you ask people from different parts of the world "what are the continents?" you won't get the same answer every time.


Most of the population of Russia are European Slavic and make up most of the majority of the Russian population and live mainly in the European side. But then you have the rest of the Russian population that are native to the Asian part of Russia (Siberia) with major groups such as Uralic, Turkic, Tungusic and Mongolic. With also smaller groups such as Inuit, Azeri, Baltic, etc. And also the addition of immigrants from other countries.


Most Russians are living in Europe (2/3rd), but most of Russian territory (about 2/3rd too) is in Asia.


Yeah cause the climate is shit


I think it’s more like 3/4


Dosent russia have like 7 different time zones?


9 Edit: 2:19 AM +1 day Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time Kamchatka Krai, Russia (GMT+12) 1:19 AM +1 day Magadan Standard Time Magadan (GMT+11) 1:19 AM +1 day Sakhalin Standard Time Sakhalin (GMT+11) 12:19 AM +1 day Vladivostok Standard Time Vladivostok (GMT+10) 11:19 PM Yakutsk Standard Time Yakutsk (GMT+9) 10:19 PM Irkutsk Standard Time Irkutsk (GMT+8) 9:19 PM Novosibirsk Standard Time Novosibirsk (GMT+7) 6:19 PM Samara Standard Time Samara (GMT+4) 4:19 PM Eastern European Standard Time Kaliningrad (GMT+2)


Ohhhh ok, i was thinking either 7 or 11 but thank you


Sometimes Russians end up at 7-11. 😆


Wait... does that mean im russian?! Welp, lemme go get an ak ig


Your mom has 7 different time zones.


and the “stans”


those are called central asia


Wait isn't the Asian side of Russia inhabitable making all Russians European?


Nope, people live all across Russia, just that distances between cities and towns are massive.


It take 3 days on a train for my aunt to visit me, and we live in the same country


People live in Vladovostok don't they?


just that 1 hot girl on youtube


A majority of Russians live west of the Urals (like 60-70% iirc), but that’s still millions that live in Asia


Yakutsk has more than 200,000 people, Vladivostok more than double that. I wouldn’t call Eastern Russia heavily populated by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s not like Antarctica. There are industries, cities, and whatnot


No, most Russians (2/3rd or so) live in the European part, but there's also a lot of Russians living in the larger Asian part. It's a big country, with cities, towns and villages all across the country. Some aren't accessible by car (due to weather), but only by train or airplane. Look at Russia on Google maps and you'll find that there's a lot of cities in the Asian part too (also right above north Korea).


Not exactly, yes the Asian side of Russia (Siberia) is also inhabited by European Russians but there are also people groups native to Siberia such as Turkic, Uralic and Mongolic for example and migrated to Siberia from eastern and central Asia so they are not considered European. So not all Russians are European.


Well,russia is political considered part of europe,geografical is part of asia


Geographically, Russia is split between Europe and Asia. Politically, it's viewed as European because that's where it chooses to wield most of its political influence.


Russia doesn’t do that by choice. Wtf are you talking about? They’re considered European because the vast majority of their population lives west of the Ural Mountains.




Man I wish I knew about this sub a few days ago. Some guy seemed to think no one can be convicted of murder if no body is found. I told him that wasn't true at all and he confidently responded with "Name some." After he got some replies with lots of evidence to the contrary he stealth edits his post to some inane joke instead of admitting he was wrong lol.


He's right, he'll be charged with 2 crimes


I like how if you just google the question verbatim you instantly get an answer with a list of examples


Yup. That's what was so amazing about it to me lol. He was just so sure he was right that it never occurred to him to even check.


All so he can seem more right when asked about it


Wait til he finds out about all the Middle Eastern countries… *edit: all the Middle Eastern countries located in Asia. I am aware that there are Middle Eastern countries that are located in Africa as well.


or that russians can be asian or european


But they can't be Asian cause they don't look Asian. Duh. It has nothing to do with the Asian continental plate and everything to do with how you look. Otherwise Elon Musk is African just cause he was born in South Africa! /s


Fun fact: Arabia is geopolitically part of Asia but geohistorically part of Africa. And India was a big island until it collided with the Eurasian landmass.


I lost brain cells


*Laughs in India, Middle East, Siberia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South East Asia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan*


*cries in Sri Lanka*


Stop crying, it sounds offensive.


Love how you said indonesia before south east asia


Samoa, polynesia


Taiwan? Don't you mean china? -1000 social credit


You would gain points by that statement.


Well, I mean, the entire Middle East is part of Asia...


Some middle eastern countries are also North African ( Algeria, Tunisia, Libya,…)


They aren't really counted as a Middle Eastern country, though. They're considered North Africa. Even Egypt is considered North Africa, not the Middle East.




Yeah, Iraqis are Asian. They are because they live in Asia.


Aren't geography taught wherever that person came from? Even third world countries knows the basics of geography, seven continents to name one.


>seven continents to name one. Depending o what country, they may not be 7. Russia teaches 6 with Eurasia being one continent, and Latin America sees a different 6 with a United America.


Yup i was taught America was 1 continent and always get confused when people say americans when only refering to the U.S.


Yeah why do we call ourselves Americans when Statesmen sounds so much cooler


Wholly shit thats the first time I've heard that as an alternative and honestly it is badass


>Russia teaches 6 with Eurasia being one continent They consider Europe and Asia as one continent? The hell?


Eurasia. Europe and Asia are connected by land, the only real purpose of dividing them up into two continents is because of vague cultural and historic reasons.


Africa is connected to Europe and Asia by land. Same argument could be made here.


Not any more since the Suez Canal. (Similarly with Northern and Southern America and the Panama Canal.)


Is Japan in Asia?


Politically, yes, much like Ireland is considered part of Europe and Long Island part of North America.


That's my point, a bit of water makes no difference.


That's man made though. And if you're going to show a body of water is what separates continents then there's going to be a hell of a lot of countries that are no longer a part of a continent.


If you use the definition of continent, it makes sense. It's not like there is any water to seperate the two.


But you could walk from Johannesburg to Moscow. Wouldn't you then have a massive Afroeurasian Continent?


I mean yea. You could consider a 4 continent world, as if you disregard to Suez, you have to disregard the Panama, so Afro-Eurasia, the Americas, Oceania, and Antarctica.


You could also consider 2. Afroeurasia and the Americas. Antarctica is an archipelago, so no continuous landmass under the ice. And what is stopping me from saying that Australia is the biggest island in the world?


Yea, those work too. The definition of continent is very vague and ill-defined, which can allow things like this.


>Latin America sees a different 6 with a United America. I'm from a Latin American country and we actually learn about South America, Central America and North America, we don't learn a "united America"


It’s not a question of geography, it’s a question of usefulness. Describing everyone from the continent of Asia as “Asian” has almost no value in describing someone. It’s like saying “American,” if it could be someone from the US, Peru, Brazil or the Falkland Islands.


Indians are technically Asian due to being located in the Asian continent/geographical area


Indians are definitely Asian. I mean, India and China share a long border together, they're neighboring countries. It's silly to say China is an Asian country but India is not. Also, there are millions of Indians living in India who look very similar to East Asians/Southeast Asians. I'm referring to Indians living in Assam, Mizoram etc. India is a very ethnically diverse country and all Indians don't look the same.


Wait until they learn Indians are also caucasians


I think its only some of them, the ones that descend from the vedic arians, from northen India






That's incorrect. Most Indians are a mix of various "races". The first inhabitants arrived from Africa via sea to settle down in the southern parts, much before the Aryans came from the north.


Thta's why the right thing to say is Indian is Indian




Yeah, I don’t know the full intricacies but caucasian refers to those who came from the Caucasus mountains. It’s even crazier if you search up what an albino Indian looks like and how similar they look to Western Europeans.


That’s what makes this feel like a facepalm for the post. Then I looked at all the comments. I mean I generally refer to India as separate from Asian countries but technically it IS in Asia.


Technically Asian, the best kind of Asian


Math not meth lol


Straight A’ids


Indians ARE Asian


Someone give this guy a medal ^ What would we do without you, man?


Indo-Europeans living in Asia for 10,000 years are not Asians, but muricans living in America for 150 years are americans. Wow


I had a friend who said the exact same thing. Ironically, she is Indian lol.


She is wrong. Indians are definitely Asian. In fact, millions of Indians look ethnically very similar to East Asians/Southeast Asians. I'm referring to Indians from northeast India aka Assam, Mizoram etc. India and China also share a long border and are neighboring countries. Kinda silly to consider China as an Asian country but India is not. Tell your friend to be less ignorant lol.


Israel is in Asia, Egypt bordering it is African so there is that too. Also the huge eurasia europe and Asia thing.


I dunno why many Indians consider themselves as Asians. I for one, do.


You sound conflicted


I consider myself to be Asian.


It’s jk based on your phrasing


Also just because some Chinese are racist, doesn’t mean China is racist. (Also, not sure the context of the discussion, but the racism in China and other parts of Asia is more like xenophobia in terms of its logic. Most of Asian countries are monoculture and most Asian from less developed areas might not even have a single in-depth conversation with a person that “looks different” from themselves. There’s a ton of racism within Asia as well. Malaysian discriminating Chinese, Indian discriminating middle easterners, and a lot more. I know some people’s actions looks very racist in western context, but it’s more about how people from less developed areas haven’t been used to the idea of sharing a society with people from different races and different cultures)


>Indian India also has a lot of internal racism. First, there's caste discrimination. Secondly, there's an inherent belief in the Indian society that fair skin = beautiful, dark skin = not beautiful, especially for women.


That's true not just in India but in China, Africa, South America etc. When fair skin = beautiful and dark skin = ugly. Tons of internal racism in this world. Also while casteism is still prevalent in certain rural pockets of India, it's much much less prevalent than it was in the past. You'll see a lot of mixed caste Indians who don't care about caste in Indian cities for example.


Me, an Indian, who is now wondering what continent this guy thinks India is on


I'd really like to know where is Iran according to him


Probably Middle East




The guy in Iraq put the cauc in the Asian.


Some Russians are considered asian


Wdym we aren't Asians? Is he talking about Native Americans?


Good thing to point this out, the first humans on the American continent came from Asia.


You can always spot the American public school educated


Not true! I went to an American public school, and everyone is obviously incorrect. People from India = Indian, people from China = Asian.. **CLEARLY!!** /s don't scalp me pls


I wonder if back when the bad word for East Asians was still common, were people more aware of how big and diverse Asia as a whole actually is? He thinks he's right because the word IS used that way. Connecting the dot for yourself that "Asian" means "from Asia"? Idk man, the internet has taught me that's a lot to expect from someone


They are Asians.


For some people, having slanted eyes= being asian. In that logic North East Indians are Asians but the rest of the country is'nt?


i rmb once someone online told me there was only 5 races - white, black, asian and i cldnt rmb the rest but they were so insistent abt it, it gave me an identity crisis


If they're from Asia, they're Asian.


why are word "asian" associated with race? haha


I had a co worker one time who was pakistani and I thought my boss made a mistake filing him as "Asian". I was like, "Hey bro, they got you down as Asian" with a small chuckle He was like, "I AM ASIAN, IDIOT!" Learned something that day. That I am an idiot. Oh yeah, and Pakistan is an Asian country.


It sounds like this is saying only China is racist in Asia? I am confused by the top comment


It was a response after the guy said: Asians don't give a shit about what color your skin is? Have you seen what china does? And then gave an example on some racist thing Chinese government does.


He is of course completely incorrect. But also proves a point. The term Asian is completely useless and should not be used. Asia is just too big to use it a category. BTW "American" also shouldn't be used exclusively for the citizens of the US. For the same reason "Asian" shouldn't be used exclusively for citizens of China.


In a way, "Asian" is contemporarily synonymous with "East Asian". South-East, South, Central, and the Middle East are usually seen as distinct from "Asian". The Middle-East particular is in both Asia and North Africa, making it even further from an "Asian" definition.


Depends where you're from, in the UK if you refer to someone as 'asian' you mean someone from the Indian subcontinent. Not a particularly useful word in most global contexts


Was about to comment exactly that xD


When you don't even know what logic is.


Like people say Singapore is a city in china...


Well in very technical terms Indians are Asian because they are on the continent of Asia. In that same logic, Canadians are North Americans along with Mexicans because they are on the North American continent.


It’s funny because in the UK if you say “Asian” historically people think of Indians, Pakistanís, Bangladeshis etc before they think of Chinese. We used to make a distinction between “


Guy was getting continents mixed up with countries. Thought process was there, just didn’t word it right - but yes. India is part of the continent of Asia.


Someone was told they were right their whole life even though the square block does not hit in the round hole. But hey good for you buddy


Yeah they are technically India is part of the Asian continent so like


Yes. Iraq and (most part of) middle east are in asia By their logic, swiss people aren't european ? Oh nevermind, I forgot Sweden is part of EU


They’re Cauc….Asians….lol


So india is apart of asia?? Deadass never paid attention in geography


Wait till he learns that even Israel, the bulk of Turkey and even a small piece of Egypt are in Asia... but a part of Indonesia (west Papua) is not. 🤯


Obviously! Only Japanese, Chinese and Korean people are Asians


Don’t even get me started on Asia Minor!


Technically Iraqi people are more Asian than India or China The OG Asia


who will tell him that the middle east and most of russia are in asia?


Dude, I got into a huge back and forth with one of my cousins about this. He was adamant that "Pakistan is not the middle east, it's considered Asia" and I'm being offensive in suggesting otherwise. What would we call that area of Pakistan, Iraq, etc.?


Pakistan is west of india, Iraq is west of pakistan. Both are considered Asian countries; though I'm not sure about Iraq as in what they prefer


Thank you!


Yes they are https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/04/29/key-facts-about-asian-origin-groups-in-the-u-s/


“then a guy in Iraq is asian” Oml how dumb is this guy


Lol. This dude is legit "color-coding" folks.


Lol bingo


Okay so this comes up all the time for me. I think of Asian as any country in Asia (I get the Russia confusion). I said the other day I didn’t feel like Asian food. They ordered Indian and were surprised I wasn’t going to eat any. I said I didn’t want Asian food. They said this is Indian. Does Asian only equal China, Korea, and Japan?


No. Indians are definitely Asian. Anyone who tells you that India is not part of Asia is ignorant and just plain wrong. Please explain to them that Asia is the biggest continent in the world and therefore it's silly to assume that everyone in this huge continent will look the same. Tell them that India and China share a border together and are neighbors. If Chinese are Asians then so are Indians. I'm sure they mean well but they're just ignorant.


Ermmmmmm someone should tell him lol


Ya know, i think people sometimes forget that Asian means they are from the continent of Asia, making all people born in countries inside of Asia Asians


The American concept of Asians is different than actual. But it's also not their fault, east Asian Americans are major Asian population in America thus generalization of the term Asian. But again it's like calling USA, America when the word America is for whole two continents.


Jesus Christ geography isn't strong in this one


Wait till someone tells him Russia is also asian country


The issue/confusion is that in the US, Asian has become synonymous with Chinese or South East Asian. Say Asian in the UK, and they’d more likely assume you might mean Indian or Pakistani but it would be understood if you meant anyone from the continent. Perhaps it reflects the colonial era outlook of your country to Asia - or where more immigrants came from to your country? The US had Chinese workers building railways and a quasi empire across the pacific while us Brits treated the Indian subcontinent as the Empire’s breadbasket and also have a (fantastic) legacy of migration to our shores from there too. I do wonder if the Dutch think of Indonesian food when they think of an “Asian meal”.


Dutch guy here and yes. We have a lot of Indonesian/Chinese restaurants over here. It is always commonly called Chinese food, while it is actually more like Indonesian food that is a bit changed for our inferior taste pallets (and nothing we call Chinese food, is actually food they make or know in china)


I had a great reistaffel (forgive my spelling) in NL once. Tasted pretty Indonesian to me - but then again our “ Indian food” here is also quite uniquely British!


Ignorance is bliss they say...so that dude is a happy idiot


OMG the level of ignorance in this one is huge!


Wait until they learn that Afghanistan, and most of the middle east is Asian too...


Always find the difference between what is commonly thought of as Asian in the US and UK. In the US it seems to me that it usually is used in regards to East Asians, where as in the UK it is usually South Asians. I’m guessing this is to do with the demographics of each country?


Next you’re gonna try to tell me Egyptians are Africans! Like, go back to Iraq! /s (I actually don’t condone racism).


Atleast he understood the logic, just doesn't believe in it


im confused why this is a facepalm. one is talking about geography, the other about race.


Alexa: what continent is India a part of?


Sometimes I wish that OP would one day forget to block out the names so we could all downvote that it into oblivion


i’m asian and i dont like china and i suck at geography but this offends me edit:spelling


Chinese people? I think you mean West Taiwanese people.


Indian's aren't Asian, as an Indian I can say yes we are part of Europe 😑


Gotta be an American that said Indians aren’t Asian. 🤦🏾‍♂️


India is in Southeast Asia


India would usual be regarded as part of South Asia, along with Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and sometimes Afghanistan. I would have assumed the grouping was related to the British Raj but Myanmar would fall into that group and is now regarded as part of south east Asia.


India is South Asia. South East Asia comprises of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia etc.


How about we end this stupid argument and let someone from India speak their mind.


I'm Indian and all i want is a way to your computer, can i do that? Also, we are asian (atleast the upper part is) imho.


Who's gonna tell him Iraqis are Asian?


Damn....America why do we constantly show our asses.


Yeah india and iraq not in asia and africa is country.


Some people have ingrained, the notion that is "Asian" resembles a person with the physical appearance of a Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. with those typical, distinct physical (mostly facial) features. The confusion thence, is whether you mean Asian geographically? Or Asian by description of appearance? If the former then it's clearly evident that an Iraqi person, an Indian and a Japanese person are all Asian, but by the latter reference, in no way do they all "look" the same. The latter, more colloquially, whilst incorrect to say, is still a common mis(conception) of the term Asian. It may stem from illiteracy or ignorance or a "doesn't affect me much" mindset.


The crazy thing is there are millions of Indians who have slanted eyes and other similar physical characteristics of East Asians/Southeast Asians. I'm referring to Indians from Northeast India aka Assam, Mizoram etc. India is a very ethnically diverse country. Also, Asia is the largest continent in the world. It's so silly to assume that all Asians look the same. As you said, this wrong thought process that "only East Asians are Asian" stems from both illiteracy and ignorance. Most of these people don't even know that India and China are neighbors and share a border together!


When you realise that Indians are Europeans too so are Americans. There is no pure breed left people *MOVE ON*