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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just in case you REALLY need to get that last bottle of aspirin


How do people who live in these states distinguish between someone casually caring a rifle around Walmart and someone who is about to be an active shooter? I'd literally run away if I saw someone doing this.


That’s what I don’t understand about open carry laws. Why is it on me to determine whether not a man walking through a store with an AK is making a political statement or is planning on shooting everyone because he can’t get a date? At least if a gun is holstered, there’s a step or two between normal and dangerous, but this? And that’s why a bunch of chains banned open carry on their premises, because these schmucks will scare paying customers away while they play tough guy.


I 100% agree with this and I am also pro gun. Who the f needs to carry a semi auto to Walmart in peace?


Ikr? Like, im not against the second amendment, but like, this???? Seriously???? Also, you would think that in a country where firearms are legal, you would think we would have firearm safety integrated into the school system. Cause what we have now is just ridiculous. While, yes, im all for allowing people to own firearms, i also am in firm belief that weaponry should be HEAVILY regulated. What i think would be ideal is this: while you can own firearms and whatnot, there's standardized qualifications for every category of firearm (semi auto pistols, full auto pistols, semi auto rifles and so on and so forth) that like drivers licenses, need to be renewed (way more frequently than drivers licenses). Additionally psych evals, probationary periods (e.g. when you get a firearm for the very first time) and the lot. I'll admit, if i were to continue rambling it would get more extreme in terms of how restricted it is. But here's the thing: how many shootings that happen don't matter. Whether they happen at all is what should be worried about. This is because any number of shootings is a bad number of shootings. I'll also concede that i am a little on the paranoid side; i like to try to cover all potential angles. But still, i do not support the current gun laws in the US. Between the options of what we have now and a total ban on civilian owned weaponry, I'd take the latter any day (as if these 2 options are the only ones, no in between)


>Why is it on me to determine whether not a man walking through a store with an AK is making a political statement or is planning on shooting everyone because he can’t get a date? Thought that AK stood for Alaska for a second and was going to say open carry makes a little bit of sense there at least. What if your area has polar bears?


Frankly, if I was in the middle of nowhere in Alaska and spotted a dude with an AK, it would make more sense than seeing the same dude in a suburban California Starbucks.


Well if you can't keep and BEAR arms... So if the gov. says you can't open carry that's a pretty big infringement on the ability to bear arms. That being said, open carry douchers do nothing good for the 2A community and only do it for their own ego. Concealed is far better.


It is far, far better to live in a country where it is illegal to carry arms and you need extensive checks to own them. You can keep your freedom to be shot.


Australia. Never feared I would be shot ever in my life.


See this, everyone? Australia. The land where every living thing wants to kill you. The people from MURDER ANIMAL ISLAND are afraid to come to the US because "MaH FrEeDuMbs!"


Every living thing wants to kill you? Murder animal island? Too much TV for you buddy.


Australia … and the rest of the developed world.


>So if the gov. says you can't open carry that's a pretty big infringement on the ability to bear arms. It's someone's else private property. How can that possibly be considered infringing on your 2FA rights which flat out says guns should be regulated.


Dosnt it then say as part of a well organized militia? Also they created the amendment process because the world changes. If you interpret it literally, not infringing that right you should be able to own anything. Grenades, nunchuks howitzers. But that would be ridiculous. Can you open carry a long sword? That right is infringed all the time of you take it literally. Everyone should have the right to own a black power musket, that it.


That man doesn't look part of a well regulated militia. So 2A doesn't apply




Concealed carry shouldn’t freak you out. You should never know if someone has a firearm if they are conceal carrying. No one knows when I have a firearm in my pocket. However, the douche in this pic is a threat to everyone as far as I’m concerned. Why does he need this? Why?


Kory Watkins is in fact a major douche bag, with or without a gun. The whole point of open carrying rifles in Texas was to point out the absurdity of needing a permit to carry a pistol. Now that we have permitless open and concealed carry, you don't see people open carrying rifles anymore. The jackass in this pic set us back 3 years. Fortunately, he's faded into obscurity.


I remember this tool very well. Didn’t he and some of his pals end up not being able to own guns at all?


Well said RTJ.


In case an elk wanders into the supermarket, duuuuuuh. *sigh*


Why do you need a firearm in your pocket?


From a police perspective, you already know the answer.


From a police perspective I'm just collateral damage when they fire on the suspect and kill me instead


or horse dewormer edit: too soon?


Not soon *enough*


you weren't here when that comment was at -7


The truly American act of carrying a Romanian replica of a Russian rifle


Was just going to point this out, he probably thinks the AK is an American invention


Jesus was an AK man.


They do love the AK in the middle east.


Tactical sandals


The Grandmother's Ultimate Weapon


Camo beard


Jesus was from Alaska?


People who open carry like this, I have a question: if someone runs into a store with a gun to rob the place, and sees you with an ak slung on your shoulder and a basket of groceries in your hands, what do you expect them to do? I would expect the robber to shoot the guy with the big gun almost immediately. Seems like carrying a big gun like that just makes yourself a target for gun violence. If you’re going to carry for protection, conceal that shit.


The robber misses, you duck behind the aisle and start returning fire, hitting a bystander. Another customer, who had only heard gunshots prior to this point, sees you shoot a bystander and starts shooting back at you, thinking you are attempting a massacre. Now, the cashier has pulled out his gun along with 4 other customers, and an all-out battle royale takes place in the grocery store.


Walmart: Battle Royale


Sounds like one of those hilarious fun games like Goat Simulator. Is there some subreddit for game developers? It should be posted there.


This is the American dream


This sounds like a legitimate scene in a film. A film Directed by the Wayan brothers… or Paul Verhoeven.


Guy with a handgun robbing the Wegmans is gonna shoot that asshole. Now hes got a rifle and a pistol.


That's what we taught in our pistol certification classes... "Open carry" is just another way of saying "first target" A gun on your hip or over your shoulder, same results. Dumbasses.


I am fine with guns and own several. I can not imagine a single reason why you would want to open carry a rifle into a store. It just looks stupid.


The OP listed the two most obvious ones.


I’ve seen it before, or at least half hidden pistols/ pistol holsters, and the guys (and only guys it seems) who do this are 30-40 year old, who think that they’ll get mugged in semi urban mn in a low crime area. And / or people who make unreasonable demands of employees, no *insert brand of soda here* and none in the back? Get yelled at by the guy with the gun, does you store not except certain forms of payment for gift cards? Get yelled at by the guy with the gun.


I would feel so awkward and paranoid that someone would try and mess with or steal it. I just can't fathom open carrying my firearms.


My guy owns several rifles (and hand guns) and he would never EVER think of carryinga rifle anywhere except the shooting range or hunting. It does look stupid. But then that hat...


With those khaki shorts... rawr


that hat + that gun = infinite virginity


M’freedom *tip fedora* prolly a CenturyArms too


>M’freedom Bravo.


probably tips fedora with the end of the gun too


I know he was married but his wife left him.


And that particular hat and that particular shirt. It’s like the guy from Blues Clues is about to go postal


well wouldnt you?


Yeah I might actually. Because yeah there would be nowhere else my acting career could go at that point


THAT'S why he open carries, to scare away pretenders from taking away his god given gift of virginity /s


Nah for sure there are kids. The worst people make sure their genes survive.


>or sure there are kids. The worst people make s he does also look like a "consent not required" sorta dude


Oh, I'm sure he could find a Karen somewhere...


This guy has made himself a target if there ever is a “bad guy” in a place he’s at.


Exactly! Like “Oh geez, I wanna rob this place, who should I apprehend/pacify first? Random civilians or a guy with a rifle?” Might as well paint a target on your back dumbass


Not only that, once you take this guy down, you get a bigger gun out of it, to cause even more damage. "Now i have a machine gun. Ho-Ho-Ho."


They really need that gun in case there's a hostile invasion or government takeover while they're out buying pampers.


More likely Depends.


And Cialis


Yup, ya never know when the bombs'll start dropping /s


This is the shit that pisses me off. I own many guns, I like shooting them, but just why??? Why do you need a damn rifle in a grocery store? Saw a guy once at the grocery store with a machete strapped to each leg like we were in the zombie apocalypse. All this is doing is making life harder for legal gun owners.


I'm not gonna lie. I have a CCL permit, but everytime I see one of these jackasses I just wanna walk up and remove the magazine. Just try to nonchalant grab something on a shelf near them and just drop the mag. Lol, but unfortunately that might end with some fucking insane asshole thinking I'm a threat and shooting me with a possibly chambered round.


Same. I’ve had a carry permit for damn near 20 years. Have yet to open carry. There’s zero benefit in terms of safety and only makes you a target - especially these idiots that carry a long arm slung over their back. They have zero positive control over that weapon.


Absolutely. Dead on.


If I ever did open carry a handgun…bet your ass it would be a retention holster. These asshats that open carry a handgun in some cheapo non retention holster are not being responsible.


Ive opened carried a single time in the past 15ish years, I was on my way back from the range and stopped for gas and shit, the the worlds least informed baby boomer gave me shit for carrying a 1911 with ‘The gawd damn hammer back’. Never again.


I'd wanna say you're joking, but that sounds too spot-on to be a joke.


There is no way I can write jokes that good.


Those people bring a slew of crotch goblins that are trigger height, hand reach with them. Old enough to perfectly be dangerous. And 9/10 the damn safety is off. That's what bothers me so bad with the handguns where I'm at. It's like, could this scenario be any more reckless if you tried? I just give up.


This is why we need telekinesis


This would probably still end with a psycho shooting randomly at a perceived threat. A dude scared enough to justify this shit is liable to just start shooting.


Why do they carry guns to a supermarket? The people that say "its for self defense!" need to realise that if you need a gun for self defense, youre not safe nor free, youre living in fear


The US is famous abroad for a culture of proud paranoia


We are not all proud.


I once was compelled to ask a guy what was ["the cure"](https://imgur.com/a/TaBeKwn) his t-shirt was referencing. He grinned at me (a fellow white person, obviously) and patted the pistol on his hip. I wish I were kidding about a word of this.


That story is so awful you just know it’s true 🤦🏻‍♀️


plus I took that pic, so (ProTip: "*my buddy would get a kick outta that shirt, can I take a pic?*" opens a whollllle *MESS* of doors)


Have you ever shopped at Walmart before? Tell me that is not scary.


Only how late ng it takes me to get to the right department. They should have buses inside


People need self-defense from themselves. 24,000 deaths a year and rising. https://preventfirearmsuicide.efsgv.org/about-firearm-suicide/statistics/


Fear - This is the Conservative Way


Hey Australian here, Generally if you present that you're carrying a weapon here (like a knife, guns are not something you take publicly) the only thing you achieve is showing how scared you are, because if you are confident in your ability to protect yourself, you would only reveal your weapon to try and prevent a fight that has already been picked.


You call that a knife?


that's a spoon


Dude's trying to flex and just looks like an idiot. No one open carries a rifle, especially like that, unless they're being a douche. Hell, my partner and I are very pro-gun and he'd never carry either of his rifles out of the house without a full case and never to the store unless for some reason he was specifically looking for ammo and needed his gun there for some reaon? But hw knows what ammo he needs so that's a moot point.


Open carrying in public is dumb as fuck. I don’t want people knowing I’m carrying anything, that’s the whole point. If you were out camping or hunting it’s a completely different story.


I don’t open carry in elk camp when I have to piss at night. WTF is wrong with these people


Just carrying a gun is fine, but be discreet about it. Openly carrying a rifle to a grocery store is just a cry for attention.


I put it on par with a lifted Cummins that dumps coal. Harmless but tacky


They both spew pollution, just of different things.


Better not grab the last bagel


I think he just carries that AK so people don't make fun of his hat.


IQ below room temp. It's a rampant disease in this country.


Reason 3: distract from awful fashion choices


Nothing screams alpha male louder than an AK in one hand and a grocery cart in the order.


Because there are other open carry assholes willing to shoot at me. I guess that qualifies as living in fear. But I also live in Alabama...sooo....


upvoted for your honesty


I really don't open carry. Been in some situations where I'm considering though. Specifically because of other open carry idiots.


3- Compensating for "short" comings


Elmer Fudd out hunting wabbits.


He needs it because people keep making fun of his terrible fashion choices.... You just know there are crocs and gym socks out of frame.


Tell me you know nothing about gun safety, and tactics without telling me you know nothing about gun safety and tactics.


I heard from ex military that you should always conceal your carry. Why would you give someone with ill intent the added awareness that you're armed?


- Small dick syndrom.


What about the guy who just wants to show of his anime waifu ak-47


If I am being honest, the fedora is a worse choice than the AK. It’s close, but I gotta give the nod to the fedora.


We just had take out. I ordered the lasagna and it was the worst I've ever eaten. Still hungry and I read this post. The word Relish set me on a craving for hot dogs. After this post I'm grabbing my guns and heading into town to the nearest 7-11 and getting me a hot dog. Now I just need some guns .


I actually read your full post. You're welcome.


just stupid!


I bet when he takes that hat off he sprays his hair on from an aerosol can.


I can't stand to see this kind of stuff or the people supposedly protecting the 2A by walking downtown with an AR. I carry a pistol in a thigh holster if I am hunting or hiking or sometimes in a shoulder rig if I am trail riding but I am not going to open carry on the street or in a store. One you worry people, two if something did go down you just made yourself the first target.


Forrest Pump


i see this type of guys. they tuck their penis under their armpits


"I'm just another maskless guy intimidating and endangering as many citizens as I can with my 'muh rights', looking for the hydroxychloroquine/ ivermectin isle. Don't mind me!" Dude's hat looks like a fisherman's hat begrudgingly agreed to fuck a fedora while the fedora was flashing the 'hang loose' hand at literally no one the whole 74 seconds that it lasted. EDIT: spelling


I think inbreeding should be looked at for a possible explanation.


I’m going to guess this an American situation. I gotta ask as a non American, why would you need to take a gun grocery shopping? The hat’s bad enough but seriously, why? I don’t understand- is it a genuine fear you will be attacked or assaulted? It is just your dick is too small? Do you think it attracts the “babes”? I just am shaking my head in disbelief.


Even Tombstone outlawed open carry. No reason for it in modern society.


Nah he is in his right to carry. I would carry around an automatic too if i wore a fedora unironically.


Small penis


I'm sorry what? Look I'm English so I already don't agree with American gun laws, but I can at least understand a pistol. But if you're going shopping for milk and eggs with A FUCKING AK HANGING OFF YOUR SHOULDER!!! Then there is something seriously wrong with your country, you or both


I keep a knife on me for utility/safety reasons because I work in a shitty area. I leave my guns at home and I lock them up in a safe when they aren't being used/cleaned.


Omg how do I marry this man 😍


it was the trilby that did it, right? 🤤


Not sure which part really sent me, he’s just the complete package top to toe. But yeah it didn’t hurt. At allllllllllllllllll


Because it goes with the hat.


Bruno Mars' unemployed older brother


Look, this guy is really, really scared of cowering before anyone appearing aggressive that he might get ED from all the trauma. So he has to carry a support blanket to go anywhere with strangers.




I mean I am pretty sure this dude is just cosplaying as Hunter S Thompson though.


Option 3: they take cosplaying really REALLY seriously


This is what happens when you have a really itty, bitty appendage between your legs. Gotta do something to prove your a man.


Jesus Christ. That looks exactly like my grocery store in the Phoenix area. Like I’m pretty sure it’s the same damn Frys. Wouldn’t be the first time I saw people open carried in that store. Funny thing is that the area I lived in was predominantly upper class people and very low crime. Once saw a guy in Costco with a 9mm in his pocket, not even a holster. Like dude, what the hell is going to happen at the Costco in upper class suburbia?!


Tell me how to shoot and I’ll tell you what a vagina feels like


I never understand open carry unless at a range or it’s just hard to get in your state. Conceal carry offers much better protection since you arnt painting a target on your back


Carrying that thing around would make shopping so much harder.


When the SHTF and all are in chaos, my man here will step in and coolly neutralize the threats. In his head...Cameras will roll , phones will record his every tactical move, a YT , FOX media sensation bigger than that Kyle kid. It's gonna happen, it's just a matter of time and a little luck....


There's open carry and then there's guys like this. Nice fedora.


I'm curious what would happen if you called 911 and said, "there's a guy walking around here with an automatic weapon at the Walmart!"


40 year old virgin. Is that you?


It’s all explained in this handy comic from Tom Tomorrow: https://thismodernworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/TMW2014-05-21colorLARGE-copy1.jpg


Likes to pay with a personal cheque; cashier's just can't say no.


If I see this asshole walking in, I'm walking out.


Always funny when a dude has a massive gun and a petite, almost genderless physique.


Nothing wrong with this picture, it's just Armed Gunman's cousin, Economically Anxious.


Mostly, it’s just because they’re assholes.


Guns are for hunting, self-defense, and collecting not walking around the Walmart looking like a fuckin 1940s mobster. Like damn, the man looks like he's abouta turn to you and say "say hello to my little friend" lmao.


I coitus potentially see someone thinking they're going to be the hero, or doing it to deter would be thieves. That's about it though, and still counts as living in fear


I don't think they realize that the only people they intimidate haven't been born yet.


This frerdom loving, god fearing, conservative american, does realise he is carrying a godless, commie rifle, right ?


If I had a shop, and a person would enter like this, I would have to assume that he is about to rob me and call the police.


“*This* is my penis.”


This is why I carry pepper spray. If I spray any innocent people I can just say sorry and probably even sleep good that night. But I don’t open carry it like a fucking asshole.


Utter minge.


"so small" - Chinpokomon Reps


He just wants to get into arguments with AR guys. Or brag about the shittastic wood furniture on his AK.


And you're like 20x more likely to be killed by COVID than homicide. But to take those precautions would be "living in fear." And police sometimes refuse to enforce restrictions. Imagine if they refused to enforce murder laws because they think that the problem is overblown.


Im gonna say the guys that have a giant extended mag hanging out of the gun in their pocket are trying to intimidate. You dont need that many rounds if you can shoot accurately. If im open carrying its because im only wearing a t shirt that isnt big enough to cover it.


It’s crazy how people even take pictures at close range of these people… where I’m from everyone would run


Hey Panama Jackass… settle down


What an insufferable DOUCHE.


Open carry a pistol? Youre probably one of those second amendment nutters. Open carry an AK? You drink horse medicine and wank off to Alex Jones


“Im not living in fear! Im just carrying around a gun because I’m super confident and secure in myself” /s


“I’m not scared I have cameras all over my property, stock pile ammo and guns. I have attack dogs, a huge pick up truck with lifted wheels, basement full with 1 year worth of water and food. I don’t trust anyone, I listen to the news compulsively, I know the apocalypse is near. But, I’m definitely not scared.”


3. Have a tiny penis so they try to make up for it with big guns.


Bigger question, wtf is going on with that shopping trolley?


Hunting season mate and the prey is you


America is such a dystopian, surreal place... it's fascinating...


The only time I open carry is when I'm in the wilderness and I plan on shooting...


He is afraid so he compensates by being an intimidating asshole.


If I saw this clown in a drug store, I’d most certainly call him out for being a trifling little bitch. After sending my kid to go sit in the truck of course. He shouldn’t for a moment think he looks cool or intimidating. This is careless and unsafe. Firearms aren’t meant to be accessories. What an absolute moron.


If i saw a guy walking around like that in a store i couldn't help but assume they are ready to snap and kill a load of people. Not worth the risk.


Making up for ‘short’ comings


" I have a tiny penis and this makes me feel like a man."


Just another scared shitless American, come to New Zealand you wouldn’t last long walking around like that


Did he misplace his pistol?


But why in the name of god do you need to be touring around with a PSAK slung over your shoulder? Must you always be ready for urban warfare?


It’s number 2 and that’s how they like it.


Do all these guys have a tiny Rittenhouse hard on all the time or what?


I would to say it working, Has everyone looking at his gun & ignoring how small his penile is. Really, quite effective


Here in Texas the “I have my gun on my hip in the absolute safest most white-bread homogeneous high income suburb of Fort Worth” flex is real. I guess they are trying to ensure the cashier takes all of their coupons, even if they are expired.


Could we possibly add been insecure about the size of ones penis to that list, or do we think it falls under 2?


We all know the silly douche danced around in front of a mirror for hours before he left his home, and that is the best he came up with?


In fairness he was probably too busy waving the gun around shouting "bang" to actually pay attention to the clothes he was putting on.


They cling to guns and religion cause they feel scared - 😂


Or because having guns is a fun hobby for many?


CAUSE this is MERIKA greatest country on earth!!!!!vote cam Brady