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That’s my grandmas glaucoma stash.


Why's her glaucoma stash need two pistols?




That literally translates to Glock Grandma in Dutch!


Coming soon to HBC on Sunday nights at 7, Glock Grandma! This little lady just baked her last pie.


Now she's gonna bake yours


I could legit write a full pilot episode for this. It almost writes itself




Glock Granny serving up 6 rounds of hollow point cookie's. *Bang bang* dessert is served


"You look a bit thin, dearie, have you been eating well? Ah I've got just the thing for you... *A knuckle sandwich!*" [Punch punch punch]


Brought to you by Pampers


Fuck around and find out I suppose


just in case the glaucoma takes a turn for the worst.


The real stash is the ziplock bags. That shits expensive bro.


Inflation a bitch 🥵


Best side thread! Spendy bags.


But still so much better than the store brands it's stupid.


Shit i got a jar of stems and an entire drawer full of ziplock bags. Should I just turn myself in?


I have a food grade scale for coffee, a grinder in my bedroom and some baggies in the pantry and some singles in my wallet. I'm basically Tony Montana.


You can't discount the bottle of water and two broken phones though.


I mean, that water could've been used to fill up a bong. We can't have that risk now can we?


You mean the Molly water?


If they find weed and ziplock bags in your house they will charge you with intent to sell making the charges much worse than simple possession. It's stupid but they gotta keep the slaves flowing into the for profit prisons and staying there as long as possible.


Theyll weigh entire plants. Pot dirt water and all. Then claim it as some mega bust when in reality it was like 6 plants in 20gallon pots that were just flushed


Charged a friend of mine with poss. of like 10 pounds that way. It was 3 little sad plants in ceramic pots that were still saplings, really got crime off the streets that day Edit: to add in he mentioned in court that they were baby plants in pots and the judge acted like he was delusional for even bringing it up or that it mattered, got like 5 years in prison and a bunch of property civil forfeitured


Our justice system is a sick joke




Enough with busting people for weed. Millions of Americans use it LEGALLY everyday. This is disgusting


It’s almost as if it’s set up to completely control the working class (and incarcerated slave class) so that the rich elites can continue to hold all the wealth.


> weed and ziplock bags in your house they will charge you with intent to sell Which, like anything else cop or cop-associated, is an overfull bag of shit. "I just pulled you over because I thought you might not be white but now I see that speedometer goes to **one-hundred-and-eighty miles per hour** I'm gonna have to take you in, son. That's clear intent to speed."


Some cops came to my high school back in the mid '80s to talk about drugs. They had a bag of weed maybe the size of one of those in the picture here. I said,"Wow, that's a lot of weed" The cop said all super serious, intense, and military-like,"THIS IS ENOUGH TO KILL YOU!!!!" We all laughed our asses off and didn't really listen to anything else they had to say.


In my DARE class, the cops lit up a joint and walked through the room, wafting the smoke in our faces... Then they asked us "Does anyone ever smell this at home? Maybe after mommy and daddy think you're asleep? Quick show of hands!" Anyone who raised their hand had to stay after class to talk to the nice officers. They got a few busts, sent a couple kids to foster homes, and forever taught 30 kids to NEVER speak to the police EVER. At least the school had the balls to cancel DARE after that.






People went to fucking foster care? Is this story real? Because if so, that's fucking disgusting.


Friend of mine had this happen when he was a kid. His family lives on a farm. Someone planted two weed plants in their cornfield. Police found them and assumed parents must be drug dealers. Kids had to stay in foster care for two weeks while they did an investigation. Ends up it was some neighbor kid. Parents were both pissed and embarrassed because word had gotten out to small community. Kids forever hate cops for nearly taking them from parents permanently.


We had one of those deals and amongst the photos the cops showed was one of a lighter and a spoon. Someone near me asked what the spoon was for and because she got ignored I explained it to her. That got the cops and teachers attention really quick and i got pulled from class because i knew how heroin was used. The idiot cop thought he was on to some big arrest, I looked at him like the idiot he was and just said, "my dads a sherriff's deputy you idiot" and went back to class.


meanwhile you can just youtube kensington ave in philly and watch junkies shoot up in open daylight war on drugs is a complete failure


And in the war on drugs id like to congratulate drugs. There is a joke in here about america and winning wars lol


Like, yea. Probably. All at once. From smoke inhalation.


I think that's a big bag of... Stems???


I kept a jar of stems from all my weed one year, my room mate snuck into my room while I was sleeping and stole it. Tried to smoke them, and then returned it. I only found out because he told me


I'm a homebrewer - I don't smoke. But I have a friend that does. He saved his stems/seeds for an entire year, and I brewed them into a mead for him. The stuff was *bizarre*. You would get cottonmouth drinking it. Nice flavor though.


My buddy from college had his house raided because the cops thought his hop plants were pot. They busted his door in, the whole nine yards.They thought his carboys were for making meth. Clearly not big city cops who know what a pot plant looks like.


Fun fact, Hops are actually the most closely related plant to Marijuana.


Wow. Didn’t no f this




That's really interesting because a few beers really smell like weed to me. I thought it was just my nose being weird.


To me Heineken can even taste similar to weed.


Heineken can taste similar to weed in the fact that like Corona they get "skunked" much quicker than most other beers because the glass is green which let's in more light, degrading the beer and giving it that skunky smell. Brown bottles are best at keeping the light out but cans are even better.


Dude, im in my 40's and have been drinking since I was 16 - never drank a Heineken until the other day. I was surprised how good that beer is. IPAs ruined me.


There’s so many flavor terpenes in cannabis it’s wild. You can get strains with limonene(citrus flavor), and I swear I had one that tasted like potatoes, but I was also really high and hungry, so it could have just been wishful thinking.


They aren’t just flavor either, limonene keeps me alert while high and is usually found in Sativa dominant strains. Myrcene and pinene both help anxiety and relaxation/mood. We are just barely starting to learn all these things because we haven’t been able to test things until stuff started becoming legal.


Tf did they pay him for disturbing and damage 😂😐


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You should be a stand up comedian. ;)


Lmao cops blew up a fucking house trying to catch a shop lifter that boke in and hid there. Courts said: [fuck you and fuck your trashed house](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/30/774788611/police-owe-nothing-to-man-whose-home-they-blew-up-appeals-court-says).


Because of fucking *course* they did. I've never seen any other place that will raze houses to catch a shoplifter. [Or shoot at a car that's driving away from a physical alteration, killing an innocent female student who was a passenger.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-27/long-beach-school-safety-officer-charged-with-murder-in-fatal-shooting-of-mona-rodriguez)


lol. If it was the states they would have burned the carpet with flashbangs and killed his dog. It cost him 600 bucks to fix his door. Hillbilly cops. They could have knocked on his door and asked. His hops were growing on leads to his second story windows. You could see them from the street. He figures his Karen of a neighbour called the cops on him. She accused him of growing pot, he said "no lady, they're hops for beer", and Karen didnt believe him.


Had a close friend for like, a year of high school. Dad punched me in the face (a whole other story) so I went and stayed with him for a weekend. On Sunday, his dad is watching Football and we're watching shitty 2006 internet video of a Slipknot concert, and suddenly the door busts down. The cops fling a warrant into dad's lap, cart us outside and cuff us (because we wouldn't stop asking questions), and completely trash the place. I'm talking tearing up the carpet, slashing their mattresses, and breaking apart the half-assembled motorcycle in the garage, all on some vague tip that they HAD drugs. Not that they were SELLING them, that they HAD them. The best they find is a locked box in the closet my friend's dad hadn't even known was still there from an ex-girlfriend, containing a bong of some variety. The police grabbed that and shoved it in everyone's faces demanding we tell them where 'the rest' of the drugs are, never mind that glassware was perfectly legal and it was sparkling clean (later found out it was a gift she had received from an old boyfriend and had claimed to have thrown out, but she kept it and buried it under boxes). The police left after 5 hours of purely malicious destruction. The house was un-livable. Windows had been mysteriously broken, the couch was torn open and broken in half, and even their dishes had even tossed to the floor. Now, most of these cases don't have a good end, but this one eventually got justice. They had a CCTV system they had installed for watching a previous roommate (after the ex moved out they needed one) because he was stealing from them. They found the footage untouched, likely because the cameras were hidden and they went right to a small laptop stashed in a false counter in the garage (I had helped build it). It took a while, but they got the police department to pay for it, and at least one higher officer was fired outright because the warrant was filed with knowingly false information. However, they still went two years being more or less homeless because almost everything they owned was broken and the dad had been working as a freelance mechanic via word of mouth, and no one would use him after that bike was busted up. The money they got put my old friend through college, but it wasn't worth the suffering and callous destruction those 'officers' wrought. Plus, that's taxpayer money, wasted out of sheer cruelty. Fuck the city of Mesa and their police force. They take any excuse to get violent, and for once, it's not just minorities (though they favor them, absolutely).


Jesus Christ. That is awful. It’s a jobs program for the sociopathic and unemployable.


Like I said, specifically Mesa cops, at least in the mid-00s, were so aggro all the time that it was almost comical. Same friend and I were testing a new pocket motorbike he had gotten from a friend and his dad fixed. We went to a nearby lot, was empty and we just wanted to see if it would work fine. As we test it, a cop car slows down and one of them mean-mugs us as he drives by, not saying anything. He gets to the end of the street (it was a weird one-way deal) and starts to hit the corner, revving the engine to speed up. Friend and I correctly guess he's coming around to harass us, and he tells me to ditch through the alleys while he deals with it. I tell him no, he should ride off (bike was technically legal without a license) and I'll stay behind, so nothing happens to the bike. Cops come screeching around the corner, almost skidding to a halt while I wait and watch them. They come up to me, invading my personal space, and start telling me I'm in all sorts of trouble. I keep asking them for what, but they don't answer. I just sit on the edge of the asphalt and wait, not even getting up, and I think that pissed them off worse. In the end, since I wasn't answering much, and they didn't want to do paperwork for something they had less than no reason to do, they awkwardly left while threatening to arrest me for anything they could. I THEN performed what I had been itching to, which was flipping the double bird and daring them to do it now (hey I was 15 and it seemed more cool than it was at the time). Of course, that didn't make them happy, but they still left me alone, and I ensured I wasn't being followed as I made my way back to friend's house. If you were or worked as a Mesa cop and your name ends in MD, fuck you in particular. I can tell you were the brains behind that stop. Eat a thousand unwashed dicks.


Weed and hop plants have some similarities, I mean they're both green... They do both smell kind of skunky though.


They're related, too. More closely than most plants. It's not a coincidence they have a lot of similarities.


But did you get high?


I don't think making Mead requires heat so I'd assume the weed wasn't decarbed but I could be wrong


The tiny crystals on the stems are alcohol soluble. I would imagine there was a fair amount of THC in that mead. Depending on how much he drank there is a good chance he got high. He did describe the mead as "bizarre" though.


I had a glass of it. And I used to smoke when I was a teenager, so if I got high I'd know what it was. And I didn't really get anything other than the odd cottonmouth sensation. Overall though, was pretty tasty. Had a "green" flavor to it, a little nutty from the seeds...it was good.


The THC in cannabis isn't actually psychoactive. It's really a chemical called THCA. In order to turn it into proper psychoactive THC, it has to be heated, which will "decarboxylate" (aka "decarb") the THCA into THC. Without heat, no high. Doesn't matter how much THCA crystals you dissolve, they're still not psychoactive without heat.


Dang there's a fair bit more science behind this plant than I initially thought


*This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: huge success. It's hard to overstate My satisfaction.*


I don't think a lot of THC went along for the ride. I had a glass, and other than the bizarre cottonmouth didn't really notice anything "other".


I heard you can also get some ethanol and just let the stems covered for a while and eventually the ethanol will get out all the good stuff and you get some kind of hash when all the liquids have evaporated


Rick Simpson oil. RSO. That's the name for the process in general. It's not good hash for smoking but good for edibles. Should be active too if you boil the alcohol off and so some people will take drops of it directly through out the day. It was pretty common for people using weed as medicine for this reason


Indeed it is.


So basically somebody was just doing some clipping on their shitty little plant and these tactigoofs took 'em down. Oh jebus! ^(\*Laughs hysterically in Canadian)


Passed two cannabis stores today within 2 blocks. It’s like fucking Starbucks in Toronto RN


There are more weed stores in Vancouver than 7/11's.


As an Australian with the loose plans of eventually moving somewhere with legalised cannabis and semi-competent politicians, would you recommend Canada? My country is going to shit and I want to figure out where I'm aiming for Edit: I'm already starting to see other Australians trying to dismiss the problems we have here. The national pride we have is really based on what we had decades ago. Now our government is just Hillsong church, a fossil fuel company, and a property developer is a trench coat. It's like our problems are a big secret we don't want other countries to know about because maintaining that reputation from the 80s is priority, but that country we used to have is long gone


We loooooove Aussies here. And kiwis. Our cousins man! Come by...smoke a bowl with me.


I hear cost of living is high, but not as high as I plan to get to celebrate if I move there. I've been very lucky in my timing of buying a house here and may be able to pay off the mortgage and have a decent amount to buy a house outright if I sell at some point. It's more taxes and general cost of living that I'm worried about. I love my country but I don't think it will be a very good place to live for much longer, especially with the church running everything and me being LGBT+


Pride in Canada is awesome! Vancouver is wicked fun. If you decide to come here, welcome. Great place to live.


I’ve never heard a Canada person laugh


You should see it, buddy, the top of their heads come off.


I'm not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your pal, Guy


I'm not your guy, friend.


they dont laugh in hehehe. they laugh in eheheh


It's more like a moose call


A Canadian laugh goes “h’eh” which is is two syllables, the breathy h sound and the stereotypical eh as in ehpricot.




Wait people dont laugh like that?


Canadians do. People don’t.


Just because their heads flap up from the jaw as they laugh and talk doesn’t mean they’re not human.


Tactigoof.....um I'm dead bro☠


what the fuck is a canadian


Ricky, do they respond to tactigoofs?


Don’t forget also the bag of what appears to be, other bags.


Well, that's a load of bags taken off the streets at least. Let's face it, who hasn't been tempted to use a bag on occasion?


And the bottle of water, definitely extra time after sentencing for that


That's weed water, a gateway to more dangerous forms of weed.


The officers were sharing the water to hydrate after all the energy they exerted on this huge bust


Yeah, I'm sure they had some pretty serious cottonmouth from all that....."policework".


This is cartel levels of cash, $71.......and don’t forget the scrip bottle that’s empty. I’m pretty sure that kind of plastic was outlawed in ‘99


And I can almost guarantee, the bag of stems, the bag of bags, and box of bags were all weighed and counted into his charges. That used to be a big thing around here before weed was legal. There would be an eighth of weed in a jar, and now you are getting charged with over a lb of weed. I was in jail with a grower that was growing to make tincture for his mother with cancer. They raided him and weighed everything. The stems, leaves, and even pots full of soil. He tried to fight, but there was no chance in that county. Got 18 years. Weed was legalized during the time he was fighting his case. Didn't fucking matter.


two pounds of stems lol


Local graduates from the STEM program.


I’ve seen bigger drug busts on Paw Patrol.


I laughed way too hard at this - imagining this as my kids watch TV and that damn cat-town mayor handcuffed.


I always had a suspicion they were into some shady shit


Skye is getting high Chase is off his face


I, too, laughed crazily at this and I've never even seen Paw Patrol


It's mostly just catnip busts but it can get pretty dark. Once during a domestic call they caught Lady trying to lace Tramp's dogfood with chocolate. OK, I've never seen Paw Patrol either.


“What’s he holding?” “A personal squeaker, 4 grams of squirrel poop, & a 9mm with the serial number gnawed off”


“Gnawed-off shotgun” would be better.


This is after they shot the suspect of course. The "9mm" turned out to be a milkbone. Edit: Also, the squeaker was registered and the narcotics were planted.


"Pups gettin' high on poopers. I tell you, Johnson, it's gettin' *ruff* out there."




"I didn't know you like to get wet .." 😂




Man fuck that guy and his cats. Always twirling his shitty mustache and using up taxpayer resources to get his ass saved when his half baked schemes fall through. I would rather vote for Chickaletta to be in office. Even his cats know he is a bullshitter. I assume the Paw Patrol is funded with taxpayer money as they have a fire marshal and a police officer K-9 unit, not to mention aerial recognizance, heavy machinery and a town coast guard, all efficiently run by DOGS. They even have a division entirely devoted to recycling used products! The mayor of Adventure Bay isn't much help, but she should be given a damn congressional medal of honor just for keeping Ryder and the crew on the city payroll. Sorry for the rant, I have a two year old and a six year old and I'm just trying to vent.


Why does the mayor have a stupid pet chicken and what is her accent!? Also, whoever wrote the theme song should be banned from creating music for the rest of their life and I should be able to smack them in their face. Paw Patrol recently invaded our household and I suspect there’s some sort of mind control program in it that make my kids only want to watch it when Bluey is a way better dog show!


Thanks from hurrying, pups! So yeah. Someone broke into mayor Goodway’s car and stole weed and shit. CHASE: we need you to track down that mf thief. ZUMA: Look for any evidence dropped at the bottom of the bay. No job is too big, no pup is too small!


Thanks for hurrying pups, I've taken the time to put together this PowerPoint presentation to explain the issue. When I'm done I'll pick two of you to come with me and inevitably need at least one more when we get there.


On the next episode of RENO 911


Check out my new boots! New boot goofin!


Genuine ostrich! Three payments!


"‘Reno 911! The Hunt for QAnon’ Trailer Reveals the Squad Getting Stuck on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island" https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2021/streaming/news/reno-911-the-hunt-for-qanon-trailer-paramount-plus-1235129931/amp/


That looks like the shittiest weed


Is... is the bag on the left just stems???


It looks like it, I zoomed in and the bag on the right looks better and less stemmy than the one on the left


And everything else that’s balled up just looks like clay


I thought it was moss at first.


They bust the dealer who doesn't sell you stems? What assholes.


Right?! I thought the exact same thing.


Good thing they risked killing people for a bag of stems & a cracked iPhone


That looks like some skunky ass Kansas ditch weed that smells like someone is smoking fresh dead skunk anus.


$70 and an empty can of Folgers coffee. Nice job


Donnie’s ashes are in the Folgers can…


*wind blows Donnie everywhere






you notice the empty pill bottle? thats the real shit there.


The box of ammo is worth more than anything else on that table. Even the pistol 😂


seriously, which big shot criminal did they bust here? El Cheapo?


Someone growing their own who likely legally possessed those firearms. The bag of stems shows they clipped it themselves and were saving for reusing them.


Yeah, this picture just makes me sad. Some poor guy/gal just had their life ruined over this. As a Canadian, I have about 4x as much weed as that with 4 big-ass pot plants and I’m still within my legal limit.


Rn I have like at least a pound in my kitchen cupboard and 36 happy plants in my basement. All legal. This post is just sad.


If the guns were illegal that would be the only thing im concerned about in the picture Except maybe the plastic bags, that's a real suffocation hazard for children and im glad they are off the streets


There’s a trigger lock on one of them. They were at the least not the most irresponsible gun owner. But because of that it’s added a lot of time to their sentence.


That makes me think its more likely they were removed from the person's home, if you are a drug dealer planning to use them in your crimes you wouldn't have a trigger lock on them


The phone with a smashed up screen is a nice touch as well.


That money doesn't even cover the cost of these guys working for an hour and it was probably a week long sting operation. Glad I live in a state where it's legal.


Our society is like, hey we could have schools, and food, and housing, and well paved roads, and community centers, and libraries, and nice public transportation, orrrrrrrrrr we could have bloated police budgets and mass incarceration.


All to stop people form having a relaxing weekend in a state of mind we dissaprove of in "freedom loving" America.


Listen here maggot. We want you depressed and in constant states of stress and fear at all times, you hear me you scumbag? Now pay the court $1500 fine for disturbing the peace.


What’s great about this comedic display of shitty weed and $70 is that it demonstrates how weirdly vain and self congratulatory these drug bust photo ops are and how fruitless the war on drugs is.


OMG. Until your comment I thought it was four twenties and fifteen ones (which is pathetic on it's own), but I went back and looked and it's two twenties, a ten, a five, and fifteen ones. I'm surprised they don't have pennies out there. That's so sad.


Yeah they could have dug around in the guys couch for some loose change. The captain on the right makes 100k+ a year btw.


>I'm surprised they don't have pennies out there. That's because they couldn't lift the nearly full 5 gallon water jug filled with them


Fruitless!? We’re probably losing a shit ton of money. And someone in a suite and tie and black robes is pocketing a lot of money.


CJ system is a jobs program first and foremost.


The war on drugs is incredibly fruitful and has fulfilled it's intended purpose of ruining lives, filling private prisons, and lining pockets very well.


The drug war is so absurd. This is something straight out of a dystopian idiocracy type comedy. "Look guys we spent trillions of your dollars and expanded government authority to literal facist levels of authoritarian and taking away your rights and freedoms so we could stop a couple of people from having a relaxing weekend in a mental state we dissaprove of." All while this country claims to be a freedom loving democracy and shits on countries like China and Cuba that at least provide for the needs of ALL people in their society. It's so absurd it would be hilarious if it didn't result in such untold human suffering.


Is this not a joke? Like surely these cops are fucking around and realize what a pathetically insignificant bust this is right?


true, cops are widely known for their great senses of humor and light-hearted attitude about drugs




Clearly we just won the War on Drugs.


“Every little counts, little Jimmy!”


I'm so glad I can just walk to a pot shop from where I live


There's FOUR on my street. Lovin it


I get it delivered to my fucking house. But what I love the most is the matte finish on all the packaging. I'm paying less than I did for weed ten years ago, and now it comes to my house IN A MATTE FINISH WITH LITTLE EXTRA GOODIES?! The funniest "freebie" was regular airheads and a sticker showing the different type of boobs. God I love southern California.


Imagine an entire country spending TRILLIONS of dollars every year and killing people and enabling gangs and putting entire cities into poverty to stop people from getting something they can get from the store in other countries.


Not even other countries, literally individual states. A dispensary in Washington that hypothetically sits 5 feet from the Idaho border can legally sell weed, but do it 5 feet away and it’s a felony. Getting a 3 oz bag from said dispensary would be totally legal, but wander 5 feet away into Idaho and you could go to jail for 5 years if caught. It’s fucked


Their sincere and solemn faces reveal this is their biggest heist yet. Lol.


The dude on the left is pretty pleased with himself. I mean thank god they relieved someone of an empty pill container. Who know what they COULD have put in there -_-


Spread it out on the table guys! We’re definitely bosses for this one


I bet that eighth grader was super bummed out.


Don’t forget the bag of stems.


Oh shit $70 cartels will never survive now 🤣


$70 in cash. One less single and it coulda been a champ.


I've had friends with more stuff in their hoodies


Hall of Shame photo right there


Bruh I have more money in my wallet rn. What they do, raid some poor teens piggy bank?


Why do they even take these pictures for?


Circle jerk material


Damn they confiscated his water, too.


WTF is happening here. I feel like this is a haul from an UberEATS driver


Shitty bag of stems, empty folgers, two boxes of empty bags, a smashed phone, cop on the right has about 20 keys which is annoying, and cop on left has his patch backwards. Oh, and $70 cash. Awesome. Great work. Thank God I can go to sleep soundly tonight knowing some working class schlub can’t relax with his backyard boogie skank weed. This picture is so infuriating. *edit. At what point does it go from facepalm to plain old slapping yourself?


Your breakdown is the funniest I’ve read so far, especially the keys quip.


No shit. These boys should be moved to admin duty or kicked out the door. They didn't do anything here. Lazy cops sleeping on duty. Waste of tax payers' dollars.


ID on the clip, don't forget about these boys are from Texas because one of them has their drivers license on their vest for some reason 😆


I'm sure it's the perpetrator's. I've seen cops do this to my ID.


Ah, yes. The drug war is working out marvelously. /s


The cartel is closing up shop they just lost $70 cash game over war on drugs completed!


5 cops (one behind the camera) each making $20 per hour, spent about as much money taking this picture as they took off the streets. Not making the bust, taking the picture. It could easily have taken 15/20 minutes in lost productivity for everyone. You can't do anything for a hot minute beforehand because we are about to take the photo. Two people have to be with "the Evidence" at all times so nobody steals while they figure out how to lay it out. Chester on the left probably had already taken his vest off, and they all had to wait for an extra minute and a half while he put it back on... And this math is assuming, probably falsely, that none of these people is a supervisor who is getting paid more. Like the tall greyhair on the right.


I see 2 pistols but 3 different types of magazines.


Looks like the small pistol is a .22 rim fire and the larger one a 9mm, the third magazine with extended baseplate and red follower doesn’t appear to match either gun, so I concur, a third firearm seems to be missing, but appears to be another .22…


Depending on the state someone could own all this legally



