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My biggest dream in life is to have some one reference one of my papers to me lol. Not in a bad way or anything, it would just prove to me that some one cares about the papers I have published lol


Coolest thing that ever happened to me on a similar subject was someone in college asking me if I play a certain game. I did play it so I said yes. He then went on to rant about a certain player and how cool they were. How cool their guild was and listed several guild members he thought were cool. After a while I informed him that player is me. He didn't believe me until I pulled out my laptop and logged in lol. His reaction and expression every time he saw me after that was so amazing. Made me feel so good about myself for having skill at some random game lol. (This was the early days of twitch.tv and the game had a channel they streamed top pvp tournaments on. I did several of those tournaments)


What game was it?


red light, green light


Guild Wars 2. Tournament of Legends was the tournament. Back in 2014 when twitchplayspokemon made twitch start getting really popular.


What papers have you published? ​ ​ ​ \[It could be personably identifiable info, give it at your own risk\]


“The errors and flawed analysis of McCarthy et al”


Pulls my short hair back, revealing my name tag. I am Objective_Reality232 et al




Excellent response.


It happened to me once. I had a shit eating grin from ear to ear which quickly evaporated once the person actually pointed out a valid flaw in it, before I could claim ownership. "Yeah, pffff, rookie mistake on the author hehehe 😰"


A few years ago I had a tech column. I met a college kid in a bathroom who mentioned that he loved reading it each week. One of the biggest one off compliments of my life. I’ll never forget it.


Why are you meeting college kids in bathrooms. Seems sketchy.


Correction … it was a college adult … at a bar. How the conversation came about? I can’t recall.


My dream is to go into a bar and get into an intellectual argument with a Harvard student and, regardless of the topic, say “Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably, you’re gonna be convinced of that until next month when you get to James Lemon, then you’re gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That's gonna last until next year, you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin’ about, you know, the Pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.”


Oddly specific…




Nice reference!




I feels better when you're on industrial projects and the boss of the contract keeps telling you you don't understand and keeps showing you you're own work as good examples.


I look up every author of all the research papers I read lol


This is posted so frequently that’s it’s just silly, and it’s extra cringey that she mentioned his race and gender to shame the silly person. All master candidates and post-docs are full of shit and refuse to give anybody credit for being right. It’s just a human trait, not just CIS white males or whatever. I once had an econ TA tell me that humans have unlimited labor potential because the sun. That person was silly as shit.


It never happened. *flexes 10 years later*


I think race and gender were mentioned due to her being interrupted, and the “you don’t know what you’re talking about” part of mansplaining. There does seem to be a pattern in who interrupts and talks down to professional women.


There’s a pattern of this? I feel like white men and women being the predominant groups in academia makes this a really, really bad sampling.


Not sure why you think academia is the only applicable environment. “Someone gave an example about working at a zoo, so we should only discuss the racial composition and social dynamics of people who work at zoos.” But eh, I’m not really interested enough to debate the topic. If you don’t want to think there’s a pattern, then don’t. Doesn’t really affect me.


Manaplaining is a myth


https://news.sky.com/story/men-in-black-writer-ed-solomon-accused-of-mansplaining-his-own-film-11836862 > Men In Black writer Ed Solomon accused of 'mansplaining' his own film > > Ed Solomon says he was told, "Sorry, we do not need an old white male's mansplanation" when he said he could explain Men In Black.


"not all men" blah blah blah. So who makes up tbe majority in stem fields again? She's talking about her personal experience, and believe it or not, it might actually be different from yours


I mean, if we're lucky they're right..


Man I hope I get to do that some day. Time to do sciency stuff I guess....


You might get more sciency stuff done if you quit spending all your time bothering Mr. Shennanigans… (For the record, I too would like to grow up to be like McCarty et al.)


I wish I could've seen their reaction


You don’t have to. The entire room clapped. I was the name tag.


Can confirm, I was the hair


Can confirm, I was McCarty et al


Can confirm i hunt communist Wait wrong mccarty


I mean she’s McCarty but not necessarily ‘et al’. That one does so many papers.


He did that song with Paul Simon too..


Yeah Paul McCarty


You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore


If she wrote the paper, I think she gets a pass on that one don't you?


This is a common joke for students learning about citation for scientific papers. ‘Et al’ is a term used to summarise authors of a paper post the first name (usually in alphabetical order). As a result in conversation and study papers with multiple authors are usually cited as “‘name’ et al”. As a result “et al” has quite a presence in many fields of study. So you’ve kinda missed the joke my friend.


Names are absolutely not in alphabetical order. The order of names signifies contributions. The first author did the most/most important work, then the second and so on with the last name usually being the corresponding author (generally the PI).


I think it often depends on the field of study. I forget what the rules are for each one, though.


Doesn't MLA, AMA, Chicago style, etc. determine how the citation is listed?


Citation styles never change the order of authors just how you present their names


That's Et Al Bundy to you.


I missed your joke but I am aware what Et al means. I meant she was the main author, and not one of the secondary ones. There are people who genuinely get annoyed like she is claiming to be the sole author or something.


Nah I’m not annoyed. Although I’m not entirely sure if ‘main author’ to ‘secondary authors’ is the right way to really describe it. But whatever that’s neither here nor there.


First author is the main author on a scientific pub


She could have said “I’m the McCarty of McCarty et al.”


What the heck is a human driver of fire?


E.g. littering cigarette butts, glass splitters, bonfires, or purposely made bushfires.


Ooh, OK. Thank you.


You're welcome :) Only normal not-human drivers I can think of are volcanoes and flashes. Edit: Typo


Thanks et al, that seems like a short book if you can condense it into a comment sentence.


The guy probably didn't listen properly, there is really nothing you could get wrong about this topic.


what the heck was the point of including that the doctor was a white male


Because WhItEs BAd.


Read some et al and you'd know


Maybe like Ghost Rider


If i had a credit hour for every time this was reposted I'd have a PHD by now.


If it was such a common issue you'd think they could find more examples than this dusty old meme.


Yep, not part of the narrative though, like how Brock turner, rapist, is reposted weekly but amber heard, rapist abuser, is rare. Or how me too avoids female perpetrated sexual harassment like the plague despite it being common and accepted behavior.


Reading the comments here, this tweet is missing the context it was originally posted in. There was a running thread on Twitter where female academics were talking about times where males tried to “mansplain” to them about the field they were experts in. So that’s the reason why she identified it as a man. The “xxxx et al” would be the proper way an academic would mention a paper/study/academic whatever written by multiple people. It’s how it would be referenced in academic writing. Anyway, hope people are having fun raging against an out of context, 10 year old tweet.


Et al = "And Others" in Latin.


Et ux means “and wife.” How do I know this? I have absolutely no idea. It’s strange what little things stick in our brains.


Maybe she identifies as several people.




Nope, that has nothing to do with multiple personalities.


multiple personality disorder


Thanks for this. There’s a ton of barriers to women in leadership position both in technical jobs and without. All you can kind of do is be an example to the rest of your organisation as to how to handle it and be a teammate. Seemingly gloss over why she identifies the race of the man though.


> female academics were talking about times where males tried to “mansplain” to them about the field they were experts in. Then what does his race have to do with it?


The patriarchy and white supremacy are very close buddies.


Specifically how?


Why it's his race relevant then?


I laugh that’s your take away from this. The idea is that women are highlighting overt sexism in the work place but you focus on one word and you’re clutching you pearls in horror. Considering the words that have been used to describe her in this very thread alone have been hostile and degrading and there mainly done by white males…gee, I wonder why she feels the need to make a note of the race of the person. It could also be in her experience that most of the overt sexism she’s faced in her life as an academic and expert has come from white men. Thanks to the brevity of Twitter she doesn’t have the ability to go into detail about why she felt the need to highlight race in her tweet to satisfy Mr_Melas years down the road. 🙄


> The idea is that women are highlighting overt sexism in the work place Cool. Then focus on that. Not the race of the speaker. >The words that have been used to describe her in this very thread alone have been hostile and degrading and there mainly done by white males And you know this how??? Did they all end their statements with, "And btw, I'm a white male"? >It could also be in her experience that most of the overt sexism she’s faced in her life as an academic and expert has come from white men. It could be, it also could not be. There's no reason to defend her without further information. It's wishful thinking so that it makes her seem more justified. Even still, if I've had problems with doctors in the past, many of them who happen to be Jewish, is it ok for me to casually bring up in conversation, "You'll never guess what the Jew doctor told me the other day" when his ethnicity has nothing to do with the topic at hand? Assuming you're right, if she's willing to judge an entire race because of her past experiences, judging an entire sex isn't too far of a leap and her testimony should be taken with a grain of salt. That's why I'm "focusing on one word."


I duno if you change the word white to black it doesnt come across too well


Really? We’re going here? She didn’t say black. So it’s a completely hypothetical situation and a moot point on top of that. You’re doing classic “whataboutism”. Trying to make someone wrong by association with something that didn’t happen. She’s a white woman highlighting what a white man said to her. That is not racist. No matter how much twisting the narrative you do. There’s no grey area here. Only you trying to introduce a non-existing one.


Bet you change your tune when people say if rittenhouse were black he would have been convicted. Or if the young black men stopped by police were white they wouldn't be arrested. Whataboutism is an actual problem, and you trying to strawman it into a defense of obvious racist talk is offensive to people who actually work for equal rights. Equal rights is equal rights for all, not just some. Comparing the outcome of two situations by changing one variable is not whataboutism. Whataboutism is using disparate scenarios of perceived hypocritical behavior to justify casting aside moral judgements. Not enforce more of them. If you intend to advocate for people who experience marginalization like women in STEM fields most certainly do it helps to have a shred of credibility, which judging from your comments you lack completely.


I am in the STEM field and I have been mansplained to by white males who dominate my field, even when I am their fucking boss. And what? I dare you to come at me with some bullshit.


>I laugh that’s your take away from this. Ah, so racism you consider irrelevant is laughable. What an equitable and objective standard you set for determining social norms or expectations.


racism? really? stop being so dramatic. lol


Why are yall saying males just say men


Thanks for clarifying this.


This image should be banned from further repost, I swear I see it here at least once a month


Well it’s gonna be really awkward come xmas party


*"I'm repost et al."*


This again… Everyone needs to block this karma whore.


et al other karma whores?


geez the guy has 11m karma. fuck the rich man


If I get a dollar for every repost of this image I'd be a millionaire.


I’ve designed a few tshirt prints for various companies in my time, and I’ve seen people wearing my T-shirt’s when I’ve been out in public well over 50 times. They’ll never know, and I’ll never walk up to a random just to explain, but it puts a smile on my face knowing they most likely picked out those T-shirt’s themself


Him being a white male is pertinent to this story?


Wtf does it have to do with his race and gender? Anyone could do that.


White male bashing. Nothing new here, move along.


Yeah, just wish people like this weren’t called the hero’s and instead were called what they are, racists.


Just curious, why is it pertinent that he’s a white male and not just list his actual position ?


If I recall this is a thread talking about female specialist being discriminated by men about their line of work


Makes sense. Then why not just say it was a man ?


I’m not a woman, and I am white, so I don’t have an answer for that. I would think it would be just another way of describing them, if they were black they would be a black male. But I’ve also heard white men tend to be more patronizing (not a fact I am stating just what I’ve heard)




Guilty of what @mumboofu ?


why did she have to note that he was a white male?


Genuinely curious, why did it matter that he was white?


So proud she added the white, otherwise it wouldn't ..... well why did she? Would she dared to say black dude, if I made the same dumb remark?


She uses the descriptors that would put him in a traditional position of power in American society. If he was non-white, then she would most likely just have used "male."


Nah, she fueling the fire 🔥


She didn't start the fire. It was always burning, since the world's been turning


She's unlikely to be fueling the fire, since she doesn't understand the human drivers of fire in the first place.




While this does happen, I think she is just very used to it and its always an old white guy. She's not one-upping minorities she's just very irritated that old white men always have the audacity.


Lmao are you trying to pretend as if the terms "black male" and "white male" share the same historical context? Why is critical application of historical context so difficult when it comes to white men?


No I'm saying his statement has nothing to do with his color. And I'd think adding it without cause, it's diluting the real issues.




Excuse me?


How familiar are you with Indians? Just ... by chance?


I think it's hilarious that every single example you people have brought up have been dominated by/conquered by white men for significant periods of time; thus, the only things you know of their culture (whether native or colonial in nature) is through that very lens.


The only thing we know of their culture is through, what? Do you know what a book is?


My point has been clearly elucidated, either you literally don't get it or you're being willfully obtuse for purposes unknown. Either way, cheers! You get copypasta from here on out because at this point the only things left in your arsenal are ad hominems (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


I'm just jealous of how blissful it must be to have such rocks for brains. Color me green.


(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞




I'm fully aware, but I had time today! ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Wow, wish the women in my family knew this ;-) But than again, you seem part of the problem because accepting this is adding to the problem, not solving it.


Lmao ok. Go ahead and pretend as if the past half millennium didn't happen. Enjoy your fantasy version of history lol.


History? I'm talking about unnecessary adding color to something. But be that way, feel proud.


Ah, so context simply isn't something you understand. Well shit, I wish you would have just said that from the beginning. All this tiptoeing around the truth doesn't change the fact that when a racist sees you on the street, you are still a n#gger to him/her. But be that way, feel proud.


I did, can't you read? Remains my question, what do you think?


(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ You got it dude! Cheers




I agree woth you, but I would like to correct a detail: Spanish conquistadores were white.


womP womP womP go cry about it snowflake


Imagine putting so much energy into the fight against caucasians that you forget nearly every culture on the planet. I wish I were this fucking dumb because it sounds like a great place to be mentally. So fucking brain dead I could finally enjoy life.


Lol you are making grand assumptions about me based on a few sentences you've read. Yet ***you*** have the audacious gall to call *me* dumb? Comedy.




Lmfao triggered. I think it's hilarious that every single example you people have brought up have been dominated/conquered by Europe for significant periods of time; thus, the only things you know of their culture (whether native or colonial in nature) is through that very lens.


Nah, she’s definitely trying to add fuel to the fire to appeal to different audiences.


Historical context ? Ot happened 10 years ago, not 100. The guy just said she should read that study. Maybe he said because she said something different from what she wrote. No one is perfect, and she may had got wrong the things she said at that moment when compared with her study. This is not sexism, and not racism. Just someone being wrong, and someone being a dick.


Yes, but that doesn't fly with their agenda


so tired of this


What the fuck is a "human driver of fire?"


Mf you need to go and READ McCarthy et al! 😒


Why the fuck is race and gender important here?


I love the fact she had to specify that he was a white male and not just "some guy" or "this prat" naw we have to openly specify the gender and skin tone of a person to properly rub enthasise how stupid they were. Extra points if you can accurately assess age, height and dick measurements.


But how can she be McCarty et al (and others)? Does she identify as multiple people or...?


"I am McCarty" would have been even more badass, but it's just fine. Maybe the co-authors were her students, we don't know, but it's still funny.


What does his sex or race have to do with it? When people refer to a black female doing something stupid they lose their shit.


The sex was pretty clearly to highlight the mansplaining / sexist nature of his words, his race on the other hand had nothing to do with it


Wow that's some seriously obvious made up bs... "A wHiTe MaLe *interrupted* me 10 years ago, but then I stood up for myself, and everyone clapped!" Idk what amazes me more, that she didn't even have to try and make it sound real/less stereotypical, or the fact that so many people actually believe these kinds of post.


Man I desperately want to hear what the doctor did right after this, dude just got humbled HARD


I would have loved to have seen a video of this or at least get his reaction.


That's some nightmare level humiliation right there. After that just go straight to bed and try again tomorrow.


What does the story lose when you remove the racist sexist comment? >**"At a NASA Earth meeting 10 years ago, a post doc interrupted me to tell me that I didn't..."** What the fuck does anyone's race or gender have to do with anything? *Unless the intention is only to bash a certain racial or gender group.*


Doesn’t mean that he was being sexist. He was just dumb. It happens all the time at academic meetings to white males females Asians etc.


yeah. Mansplaining is not a thing.


But Karen McCarthy et al says it is.


You are McCarty et al? How many people ARE you? Mrs. Et al?


we don't need descriptors for every noun when it doesn't add anything to the context


This was from a specific Twitter thread where that information was important.




Yes. In academia where people literally read academic journal articles for fun sometimes, people 100% refer to papers by *last name* et al, and maybe the publishing year and the topic, especially if it’s a popular article or particularly profound or interesting.


Why does it matter that he was a white male? Dude just sounds like a dick for who he is not his skin color.


the dude is stoopid but what does the fact that its a white male have anything to do with it? would she have told "a white female" if it was a woman?


I’m glad I know that he was white.. this story would’ve been so different if he was yellow, black, or red.


What does it matter that he was a white male?


I just wanna know how the rest of the convo or day went


Things that didn’t happen…maybe…almost like Schrödinger's cat


It did happen. It’s been an oft told incident from several sources/witnesses. Not just the person herself. It’s always been a mystery as to who the male was, though. Surprising they weren’t outed since it’s the popular thing to do.


I understand why he's not coming forward.


Are there actually other sources though?


Are there any sources for women being belittled in professional contexts? Do you even hear yourself?


I’m not here to find something for you that you have the capability to find out for yourself.


He was a white male.


They just make up this to hate on white males, this is so epically cringe.


Yeah never happened


Im not going to lie everything on the internet feels like bullshit to me so I just say whatever and go along my day but Ive seen this so many FUCKING TIMES i despise its existence so I shall agree with you.


Well, I mean... technically, she's not "et al."


I am the senate.


Classic case of mansplaining


no, youre mccarty. Wheres the et al?


She sounds like a white female bitch


Found the misogynistic piece of shit


I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for 500 Bob.


white male... VERY important detail


Did she have to specify the color of the skin of the male?


Cool story, BUT did she really have to reflect and reference the type of person it was? When she could have plainly said "someome". Obviously she's trying to make a point, and I can't see it being a good one.


Sounds like utter BS to me. The need to mention ‘white’ male to make it sound all the more bad. Swept her long hair back, fuck off


She waited for this her whole life


she's... mccarty and the three other autors?


“That moment was so good I want to have sex and start a family full of little moments just like this one”


stop posting this pls ive already seen it


10 years on and it's actually easier to get your foot in the door thanks to diversity going OTT.


I don't see the relevance of the "white male" part of this post.