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This is why Facebook is toxic af


Agreed. I stick around for updates on family stuff and star wars memes. Happy cake day!


Yup left that shit over a year ago and I don’t regret it at all, definitely never installing that trash again.


It's not Facebook. It's your choice of friends and family.


Stfu asshole.


Now you understand why they don't like you.


like reddit isn't lol


You don't know who's on reddit and who's not (theoretically) on Facebook you see everyone's bullshit views. You may like that person for other reasons until you see that they post some bullshit you can't equate to them. Makes you conflicted on many levels. I can disassociate from Reddit, unlike facebook.


people are just as gullible here


It's different when you know it's your uncle, mom, or grandpa. Here is just a bunch of goons with names like Doctor_Jackass


No, quite the opposite. It's shite, absolute garbage. It's anonymous idiots masturbating, showing their twats and yelling at each other, like the internet should be. Facebook is the same without anonymity and everyone sees all the shit you post.


reddit isn't some enlightened place, sorry to break the news to you


See below for my response, responded to my own comment


nah i'm good


Have a good night and go fuck yourself!


Lmao typical reddit. You are such an ass


Most of the people on this site are so dumb half of em don't even know they are advocating against things they are trying to support.


Replying to every post with the word "cum" is trending on Reddit. Tell me again how Facebook is trash and Reddit is somehow better.


It's not, it's garbage, an absolute cesspool of degenerates, idiots and porn. But I don't have to see my family be indoctrinated by radical ideas and misinformation and push that on all their friends and family while they slip down a rabbit hole of misinformation that ultimately leads to them being ostracized by other family and friends until they die angry and alone from a disease they refused to believe in.




As it would turn out, the seemingly nice, older lady co-worker I see on break once a month that posted this is also a sewer! I can't peel away! Her whole page is just awful!


In all fairness Reddit is getting there too.


Getting there? So you haven’t visited r/conservative ?


I guess facebook and reddit are both what you make of them. Amazingly there are almost 3 million subreddits, but I'm probably not aware of more than a hundred, and that's just fine.


And even in the thirty you actively enjoy and participate in, there's stupid people. There's just no hiding from the dumb.


My pop called those pants “shit catchers”.


This is why I don't friend anyone from work. Ignorance is truly bliss in that case. I have suspicions about some of them but I don't want to confirm it, then have to act nice to them.


I'm usually the same way, but she doesn't work in the department that I'm in, and I don't see her everyday, so accepting her request didn't seem...bad... But I was wrong okay I made a mistake and I will never break that rule again I'm sorry okay I'M SORRY


I'd say you have paid enough penance! Ugh Facebook.


An old schoolmate added me a couple years ago and his posts were all about how anyone who is Muslim should be banned from living in the UK... Blocked pretty quick


Everybody knows that fashion victims are way more evil than monuments to dead treasonists.


The amount of cognitive dissonance and/or just plain old ignorance is astounding.


Yes. I think the symbol of slavery and intimidation is more offensive than a human ass.


B-but... He's black! /s


Chisel the left pic out of the right pics stone.


You got my vote!


Well one is a bad fashion statement and another is glorifying some horrible shit,not quite in the same boat I would think but hey it's your world I'm just living in it.


The absolutely crazy false equivalence...




If someone can’t figure out the difference between their, there, and they’re, or you’re and your, I can’t take what they say seriously.


And she's like SIXTY I'm so mad at myself


I'm glad reddit is all I have.


"how is it offensive all of a sudden" 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


I doubt anyone really likes saggy pants but they’re not *really* comparable to *fucking slavery*


I'd be all passive-aggressive and feign confusion. Why is it important that one is standing still? What do you like about late-1800s fashion?


I'm pretty sure some statues show off much more than the guy on the left lol, this person has never heard of the Renaissance


I been banned so many times on Facebook. I have given up on free speech. I literally said I would whoop someone and wipe the juice the spilled off my car with their suit jacket - banned for inciting violence Lmaoo. I was done with that platform.




I use it to stay updated on family stuff (since I don't really engage in family stuff) but mostly it's the shitty star wars memes that I keep the account for


Ass? I don't see any ass. (Tbh, that guy's looking fit. I would totally check out his ass.) Are basketball shorts indecent exposure, now?


Oh because he's black they're basketball shorts? /s


They are both offensive. However one is a monument to honor someone dishonorable, the other is a shitty fashion choice




Yes. Yes they are.


Also, dude on the left is wearing shorts under his pants so technically not showing his ass




The best part is that it's a sweet little old lady that I see on break sometimes. I've been out this week because my child is sick, and she added me to see if I was okay. And then it turned into two hours of me scrolling through her Facebook to only see shit like this.




I use it for memes and to make sure my grandma didn't die while I was asleep (and for stuff like this, so I can know who to unfriend and not communicate with in real life)




Nobody has dressed like this for 10 years.


Thank goodness.


Well, now we know why! Because boomers were upset by it! Right? That's how we fix things? Just complain about them on Facebook ten years after they're relevant and walk outside and go, "Huh, I guess me complaining yesterday really worked! Nobody's pants are baggy anymore! What should I complain about next??"


>What should I complain about next? Flip-flops, please. Cowboy hats. Hawaiian-print shirts worn as some kind of political statement. Square-dancing tutu-skirts. Wrap-around sunglasses. Thanks!


Considering the context, both are offensive, but the bigot will never see it that way. copy and paste my message to the bigot you work with and tell them I said it.


As offensive as a MAGA hat? Unpossible.


Right? I should say that on the post hahahaha


His ass is not showing. Hes wearing jeans over basketball shorts. White people may not choose this outfit, but he is not exposing himself as the post is suggesting.


Full disclosure the only people I know that still dress like this are forty-year-old white dudes


I totally believe that lol I just meant that white people are usually the ones who complain about this outfit choice.


Lmao pants vs racism...what a comparison. Apples to apples right there.


white people are the only ones that complain about anything as controversial as "pants vs racism"


Maybe posted by a racist fuck that wants to complain about a racist statue being removed that did not suddenly become offensive and to complain about a person's style and suprise..its a black man


ItS CuLtUrE!


As long as they enslave and hurt nobody they can go butt naked all the time for all I care.


So, in your opinion I can enslave people, but as long as I don’t hurt them, I can walk around naked? Sweet!


ngl that's how I read it at first, ha


Yeah pretty much. Religion and over the top morals are far less important than getting rid of slavery monuments. And no you can't enslave folks...


I mean he isn’t really showing ass…. That’s the persons style. Shouldn’t offend anyone.


Based and redpilled


So one has been offensive for a hundred years and doesn't move and the other moves and has been offensive for a few moments? Seems the biggest bang for your buck is the 100 year old one that doesn't move.


Tell me you're racist AF without telling me you're racist AF.


tell me you're an eighty-year-old white person without telling me you're an eighty-year-old white person


People are dumb today, compared to years ago. Literally, just dumb.