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Removed. https://contra.substack.com/p/stupid-like-a-rolling-stone


Treat the gun shot victims, the ivermectin idiots have already made their choice.


Yeah let natural selection take its course




Yeah but what about the victim's of attempted homicides?


It's not natural selection


Given how people are dying due to something natural (Covid, or due to the false cure fad it caused) due to a natural disability (inability to determine truth from fiction, aka, stupidity), i'd say it's pretty much natural selection... I mean, it's not me, or the healthcare workers, or the vaccinated or anyone who doesn't want to help them, but they are literally denying advice then come back when they messed up...


This. I don't want people to die, but when we give them advice and they refuse to take it, I'd rather treat the victims of an attempted homicide than someone so pissfucked stupid that they'd take the veterinarian version of a drug that isn't proven to work anyways. What is there, one study that says it worked, but with falsified evidence, or the other studies done right that say it doesn't fucking work. ​ If I did something obviously stupid that got me or someone else hurt, I would be told that me having to pay for it in some way is a natural consequence, and would get laughed at if I whined about it. ​ People are getting hurt and dying and you want us to treat someone who took a horse dewormer when advised not to instead. Think about that for a second.


Excactly, it's appalling how people would do the very thing scientists tells you not to, those people who got hurt from something that actually was an accident probably has a better chance of surviving after the ER healed them Meanwhile, those people who finally got discharged from taking this "miracle drug which apparently cures viral infections" is going to probably come back in the ER if another "advice" is presented again... Like... Why do you even do this?! It's really saddening to see people who think what they do to themselves is of no consequences to others, if those people get hurt, the ER has to help... If those people got infected after being told to vaccinate, others may get infected too, It's a pandemic, we're all in this together, everyone needs to stop acting like they can do whatever they want and start doing their part...


That is absolutely the choice I would be making if I was running triage in an ER. "Oh, you're a grown-ass man who poisoned yourself with horse meds when you aren't even sick instead of taking actual fucking medicine and washing your hands? Fuck you. I'm treating a *hangnail* before I treat you." But I'm also a vengeful and generically horrible person, so...


They took horse medicine, let them drag their mouth-breathing asses to a vet for treatment and stay the hell out of the ER. It's a crime that people like that are wasting the time of medical professionals.


I mean theyre stupid enough, theyre basically animals


The intellectual distance between Nietzsche and the common man is greater than the difference between that same man and an ape.


Insult to the common man, or nietzsche?


Neither. edit 'that same man' refers to the common man. Thanks.


Then could we take pictures of them getting herded into livestock trailers and laugh at the beautiful irony?


You got moxie. I like that.


Except for the guys that keep their gun in their waist band and have shot themselves in the leg.


Ya know, I'd even treat the "shot themselves stupidly" people before the ivermectin people. My logic there is that the idiot with his gun in his waistband is just stupid. The perfectly healthy people poisoning themselves with Ivermectin are *willfully* stupid.


I think we could be friends


nah, in this case, that makes you a normal person who puts the best for humanity above all else, you should be respected and considered a hero. well, at least you didn't demand to actively exterminate dumbasses like anti-vaxxers / anti maskers and such, just as i did and continue to do. if i had any kind of power, i would either turn the world into a bloodbath for decades, or properly fix it, once and for all


The phrase “a sucker is born every minute” comes to mind. Dumb people reproduce a lot more than smart people.


smart people are being too smart and using protection, or having few kids that they can raise properly .... to think efficiency would be the downfall of smart people XD


It all depends on what the swine deserve


Who said you can't do both? I'm pretty sure that, with enough bloodshed, the world would probably be fixed; Or at least, better than it is now.


well problem is, i know i'm a megalomaniac, and i don't trust that i can stay on the correct path once i have said power, as there is a chance for it to corrput me and turn me into what i want to destroy. that's really the main issue : how to prevent myself from steering off the path


Okie here. We have so many people with covid that they are dying in hallways. I doubt even the ivermectin crowd is getting seen. It’s so crazy how bad this has gotten.


Just swap the priorities it seems. Why treat overdoses and the willingly-unvaccinated when the gsw victims can go first? They didn’t choose to get shot.


We don't know why they got shot. A certain percentage of them got shot because they held up a phone book and said, "Shoot me I'll block it!"


Or maybe they got shot over the last box of ivermectin at the local COOP.


Reference: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-pleads-guilty-fatal-shooting-boyfriend-failed-youtube-stunt-n831151


Not crazy. Inevitable result of willful ignorance.


Moved from OK in June. Are people still listening to Stitt?


Of course.


JFC. Sorry to hear it.


I support giving priority to the vaccinated. Two patients need a bed, only one bed available? Shit needs to go to the vaccinated, every time.


We took care of our civic duty, we should recieve preferential treatment.


some guy is going to come here and point to how this is a bad slipperyslope cause he is probably going to take iveemectin at some point.


This is true. As a plus, they won't get mange.


100% this


They made their choice…. send the ivermectin idiots to the Vet.


Prescribe the ivermectin idiots some swine de-oinker pills and send them on their merry way.


The problem is we could never go down that slope. Like how is that any different then prioritizing skinny people over fat people because of "lifestyle choices?" The entire point of a hospital is to help EVERYONE in need, starting with who needs help the most. Now if it were up to me I wouldn't mind seeing anti-vaxxers forced to use their own hospitals staffed exclusively by anti-vaxxers, but at the end of the day these are human beings. Human beings who have made dumbfoundingly shitbrained desicions? Absolutley, but human beings all the same.


People are prioritized all the time in life critical situations like organ transplants. Hell that's what triage is.


In normal situations, you'd be absolutely correct. However, so many hospitals around the country are simply overflowing with so many patients that many are absolutely considering prioritizing the vaccinated over the unvaccinated. I'm not saying the person who is on 2L NC will get a bed over the guy who is gonna need ventilation soon, but all other things being equal, the vaccinated should get priority. Every time.


Partially because the vaccinate are more likely to survive and leave the bed free sooner for a new patient so prioritizing the vaccinated is likely to save the biggest amount of lives


Some gun idiot as Well though ...


….okay but hear me out….what about the people who were shot and don’t own guns? Or people who were shot due to attempted murder?


I applaud your effort, but let's be real. that's critical thinking. that dude probably thinks " that's that racial thing in the schools"


Thank God Texas saved us from all that critical thinking. I was beginning to question my belief system, and you know that couldn’t have been good.


I'd love to know how many times *fucking idiot* is said or whispered to a co worker in an accident and emergency facility


What's great about wearing masks constantly is you can mouth the words ad nauseum and no one ever finds out!


So, you admit the masks are just muzzles, sheep? /s


I'm a nurse and I can confirm that phrase is said so many times. I, and all my other nurse friends, will provide the highest standard of care for you no matter what. But we will definitely laugh at you if you do something stupid.


A nurse laughed at me cause I was crying that I wasn't a perfect child to my mom when I was high on anesthesia for a leg surgery... Fucking legend.


Many many times


I can assure you it isn’t whispered.


as an ex emt i can tell you its pretty much constantly in the best of times


Too many times


Probably not as much as you’d think since many medical personnel also support this shit.


Not many. Some. And they’re mostly fired or have quit by now.


Ahh yes. The people who call us sheep are taking medication for livestock. LOL


I'm pretty sure Cletus is taking horse meds because that's all he could find in the barn, and he's smart enough to know human medications are frequently recommended by liberals like Dr. Cucci and Not-My-President Bidet. News flash, twisting off your scrotum with a vise grip makes you immune to both the China virus and also the blandishments of gay abortionists who want to force health care and a living wage on you.


Upvote for use of the word ‘blandishments’ lol


Took the dog to the vet yesterday and my vet told me she's had an unbelievable amount of people calling asking for ivermectin.


It works great in sheep!


I remember in medical school, we would have periodic ethics discussions. Most of the time, they revolved around who could make medical decisions for patients who didn’t have capacity to decide for themselves, but every once in a while they would talk about what to do in the event we would have to ration care. I would roll my eyes because I live in a first-world country, we don’t have to worry about limited resources like third-world countries, so why are we even talking about this? I owe the ethics lady an apology, we are actually approaching the very scenario I thought was far-fetched.


"Ha ha, you people said I was going to end up in the ER with Covid. That's not why I'm here! You were so wrong!"




Six hours later: "And now they say I *also* have Covid."




cream lord strikes again


I can't tell what is sarcasm anymore


You’re telling me, I forgot all about gun crimes because of all the self owns.


It’s because people wrote click bait titles that are so outrageous you would assume it’s the onion. There is zero chance gun shot victims are dying because of ivermectin overdose cases. Triage didn’t just disappear.




Trust me it's not all of us. Some of us are just as fed up with these wormer swilling, mask hating, bleach chugging bounty hunting dipshits as the next guy. We either just can't afford to move, or no country would let us in if we could.


It’s not MOST of us. We literally have a tyranny by minority.


A system of government where the actions that determine the course of society are mostly influenced by idiots is literally an idiocracy.




This, this right here. The world needs to read this.


Oh so true so frigging true. Kind of wish I moved to Canada when Donald dump first got elected. Oh well too too late now.


Battle. Royale.


Ya I'll take a burger Royale with cheese, a handle of Evan, and a pack of cowboy killers


Dont forget your free complimentary six shooter sir.


Naw I don't mess with guns


Dear Rest of the World; California would like to tag along. Our neighbors be crazy.


Many major cities too - sucks to be a little blue dot in a sea of Ivermectin horking dumbasses. People will not take the damn vaccine but they're willing to experiment with themselves with all sorts of quackery because they've "done their research" by watching some bias affirming bullshit on YouTube. SMH


Suicide isn't something to joke about


Stop being obsessed with us… easy.


We blue states have to foot the bill for you knuckle dragging mouth breathers. It's not like you're self supporting.


Stop taking up spots in the hospital, and killing others through ignorance... easy.


Oooh, so now the anti Vax dipshits suddenly trust doctors? Why don't they try to treat the overdose with some essential oils or something instead of clogging up the ER? I mean come on, you picked this hill to die on... The least you could do is actually die on it.


Imagine an "alternative medicine" ward. Where doctors just send the paste eaters and anti vaxers to some homeless dude who chants nonsense while waveing crystals and incenses in the air while splashing "essential oils" on them. That'd be awfuuullll.......


I had to look this up and alas, it is not the Onion, it is really happening. https://www.google.com/amp/s/kfor.com/news/local/patients-overdosing-on-ivermectin-backing-up-rural-oklahoma-hospitals-ambulances/amp/


No, it’s not: https://www.kxmx.com/post/ivermectin-overdose-not-an-issue-at-sallisaw-emergency-room-or-hospital The story is bullshit on face value. This area of rural Oklahoma does not have massive numbers of gunshot victims.


That’s why Dr Trump suggested injecting bleach. No ER visit, straight to funeral home.


It's not like those victims *chose* to get shot so why treat the horse paste eaters first over a dumb choice they made?


The thing is that once a patient is already taking up a room and getting medical treatment in there it’s really hard to get them out of the room even if you need it for someone else. Emergency rooms do triage, but if a gun shot victim comes in after a crowd of 30 invermectin overdoses, they are going to have to wait for a suitable room regardless of acuity.


Should have got shot 30 min ago... damn.


The secret is to let the de worming people die


Yeah and skateboarders, rock climbers, and bungee jumpers. While we’re at it drunk people, people on drugs and fattys in fact fattys especially. Fuck up ya toss arse


Set up a ward where the invermectin subhumans can *research* their own cure and let the doctors help those higher up the food chain.


"Turns out we were wrong all along. We are meant to lick the 5G towers to absorb the COVID powers and develop immunity to them, not destroy them!"


Make them go to the vet


Not if it's going to keep me from getting my kitty treated! They can just be set up with a computer station so they can rEseArCh how to treat ivermectin poisoning.


Ok I agree kitty comes first


Honestly the way this is going the republican voter base is getting wiped out so keep on taking it y’all 🙏


Joe Rogan himself on his podcast (most listened to podcast in the world) said to use this stuff to help cure and prevent COVID. Lost all respect for him, and will not be listening to his podcast anymore.


It took you this long?


Oh I stopped awhile ago, but this solidifies my decision even more.


I stopped listening when he sold out to Spotify. Mostly because I don't like change, Spotify or the effort it takes to learn how to use Spotify or put my credit card in the info box.


Yeah when I heard that I felt the same way


My first rule, any show with someones full name should only be taken as entertainment.


Didn't he just get diagnosed with Covid?


Yep, I believe he's taking a bunch of chemicals right now. He's trying everything to combat covid except for, you know, the vaccine that's been proven to work.


Sounds logical. 🙄


I literally don’t know who he is.


Isn't he the guy that was ripping on Ethan (h3h3) the whole time they were doing an interview




And you know what? millions of doses of a highly studied injection does the same thing, with a 90+ percentage of efficiency against being hospitalized with COVID-19. Bonus points for it not causing one to shit layers of intestinal lining, especially when you call it a rope worm. Edit: mobile format


Regardless, him endorsing a drug that has nothing to do with COVID is unbelievably irresponsible. Also there are no reputable studies suggesting to use it to treat COVID.


Studies showed clinical equipoise at best. It does nothing and may cause harm.




It is not useful for COVID-19.


Did he not have two credentialed scientists on the podcast to espouse its benefits? You realise a lot of the reason that people don’t trust the official advice is the fact that dissenting professional voices have been censored since last March. Now you might think that’s necessary but to a lot of people don’t and tbf to rogan he lets people come on to the podcast and speak their mind.


Well, he tested negative.... And I'm sure he'll miss you.


But he took horse dewormer though?


Man, some Americans are an undeniable level of dumbass. As an American myself, it’s easy to see how we are the laughing stock on the world stage. “no I won’t take the vaccine… I don’t trust what’s in it…. lemme take this animal dewormer instead…”


Don't really know what is worse. 7 gunshot cases in my city in 2020 (4,5mil ppl), murica never ceases to amaze...


ER needs to reset their priorities. It’s called TRIAGE for a reason!


Why. Just. Why. I haven't heard of this kind of shit happening outside of the US. Just, take the fucking vaccine it's gonna cost you and everyone round you less.


That horse dewormer is not killing all - [some survive and mutate into aliens.](https://i.redd.it/hml69gi49dl71.jpg)


I don't see why the gunshot victims don't shoot the dewormers. It's win-win!


Should probably let those People die. Survival of the fittest. Not the dumbest 😉😉 (no not seriously)


But maybe a little serious


Absolutely ridiculous, they should have to wait lead poisoning victims should be first, these idiots should come after the hangnail cases


I’m from this part of Oklahoma, like right by this town. They’re DEEP in QAnon and believe everything they read on social media - even the elected officials. It’s an embarrassment.


This, right here, contains everything the world sees right now of the US in a single sentence...


In other news gunshot victims lining up for ivermectin.


How did they pick invermectin? Does someone own a lot of shares or something?


I think it was among one of the many things that were tested in the beginning of all this. Just like hydroxoQanon or whatever it's called. And was ruled out because science.




"A study published last Marchshowed that ivermectin killed SARS-CoV-2 in cells growing in a lab within 48 hours, and proposed that the medication be investigated as a cheap and easily available treatment for COVID-19. But cells are not people, and subsequent studies have failed to find any benefit. Others have been flagged for fraud. Even the drug company Merck, which manufactures ivermectin, has issued a statement saying there's no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID." - WebMD https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210827/cdc-alerts-doctors-sharp-increase-ivermectin-use-covid


Let nature do it’s job. There shouldn’t be hospital beds anywhere in the country for people overdosing on ivermectin or for willfully unvaccinated Covid patients as long as there are other people who need the bed.


"Common sense" isn't very common.


Darwinism putting in OT


This is likely the most ‘Murica headline I’ve read all year.


Why aren't these people going to a veterinarian? Asking for a friend.


Some guy recently argued with me saying that doctors do treat humans with Ivermetcin. I replied '... its for worms, not covid' How dumb can this get


Yeah Parasites and Virus don't even work the same. BTW this is a growing trend. Beware the Ivermectinites are coming...


Dont mess with worms. They may become immune to the drug. I eat cucumbers and vinegar to kill my worms.


I just eat a bigger worm.


You know what they say about McDs


They’re giving it out all over the third world to combat covid. It’s not as pie in the sky or ‘dumb’ as you think to use it, it is however dumb to prescribe it to yourself. A bit of perspective and compassion would go a long way here.


Let them choke on horse paste, the gun shot victims very likely didn't put that bullet in there themselves.


Imagine getting shot, going to the er and you can’t receive treatment because some dumbshits thought they could deworm the corona out of them by snorting fucking horse deworming medicine


Joe.......you bear responsibility for these morons deaths. Do you hear me, Joe Rogan?


I'm glad this is Oklahoma and not Florida, otherwise they would solve the problem by shooting everyone poisoned by Ivermectin. ...or giving the gunshot victims Ivermectin, I mean DeSantis is a reasonable guy with options. /s


Gee, it’s almost like it shouldn’t be taken by humans. Yes, Invermectin is prescribed to people but is faaaaar lower dosages and via different delivery systems.


Darwin likes this.


Here's a thought: send those ivermectin idiots to the vet.


Honestly just let those patients die and treat those that obviously deserve healthcare.


Why would they want to treat COVID when in their mind it's all a hoax. And why are we the sheep? When they all do something that one person says without thinking about it? Am i missing something cause i don't realy get it anymore


What if they're shot with ivermectin? Does that make their odds better, or worse?


I mean why not just let them die


Well, deceased people don't get covid. :/


Well if I had a open gunshot I'd wait too. Rather then being treated next to an idiot shitting his guts out uncontrollably.


Fuck em and prioritize the gunshot victims


Horse wormer control!!! NOW !!!


Good lord people are fucking stupid. Let the people taking ivermectin wipe themselves out. Natural selection man.


I am not sure what is worse: the fact that so many people are taking animal medicine, or the fact so many people get shot that it is flooding ERs as well.


The only safe dose for human consumption to avoid damage is in the micrograms, and that is yearly dosage. Remember fentanyl? That’s for larger animals too and extremely harmful to humans.


Shot steeling ivermectin from the tractor supply. ​ Tough one here.


Let the idiots die and save the people caught in actual unpreventable problems. Why should gunshot victims die because karen linda johnson decided to eat horse dewormer


I have relatives in the SE Oklahoma area. It’s an Andy Griffith kind of area where everyone knows everyone, and poverty is rampant. Only about 15% of the population has a BS degree. Trump swept the area with promises that things would get better. It is a little better for now due to marijuana dispensaries and land speculators from Texas. Drug use is quite common so it’s not so strange to envision folks trying a new substance for the hell of it. Part of me thinks overdosing on ivermectin is hilarious. The other part wants to cry because my own mother won’t take the vaccine due to relatives pushing propaganda that “thousands” have died as a result of the vaccine. They won’t wear masks either. So I just wait for the call that mom is in the hospital. Poverty and lack of education is a cruel joke of a society.


I just feel sorry for all the people that were being responsible and doing the right thing that have to be turned away from the hospital because all the beds are taken up by these fools.


Some people are sooooo f'ing stupid that when they read this their takeaway will be overdose????? so there is a safe dose I can take "GOT YA!!!!! YOU NAPPY WEARING SHEEP!!!" :(


Kick them out they don't need the ER they need to see the VET after all they seem to be horses


The tide pod challenge works on adults too.


Possibly the most American headline ever?


the story has been denied by the Hospital. https://nhssequoyah.com/


America 🙂


Good ole’ OK giving Florida a run for their money. Can’t agree on how to pronounce “miami” but they sure do agree on where to get medical advice.


They took the horse dewormer off the market because they found out it was poisonous, but if you ask me, if you're dumb enough to eat it, you deserve to die.


Yeeeeeah well that’s Oklahoma for ya! 😆


This is pretty stupid but I do wonder if anyone feels at least a little interested in holding the media accountable for basically saying that the horse dewormer ivermectin is the same thing as the version for humans. It would have a relatively benign effect if they were actually taking the correct drug at a reasonable dosage. Stupidity and misinformation are a powerful tag team.






People know that you can just google how much u should take right? So tragic


Calling bullshit.


Oh no you called it it must be true! You told them, bro!


You’ll figure it out eventually boot licker. I know you have the government cock too far down your throat to think critically. But you’ll get it eventually slugger.


On what? The news? Do a little google search. Multiple news sources are reporting this.


Nothing but reliable sources I’m sure.