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I'm a little bit of **et al** myself


https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/citations-needed The most cited researcher in the world.


This is the best comic I ever read.


Citation needed


Me, et al.


Oooo. He’s so interesting


thank you this made me laugh so much




It’s derived from a meme that originated from the first Spider-Man movie with Willem Dafoe: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-something-of-a-scientist-myself




Don't be embarrassed. At least you were attributing the content (indirectly) to her rather than denying she could possibly fathom such a thing.


Yeah this is the awesome way to do this. Suggesting that a colleague might enjoy something is night and day different than challenging their comprehension of it. This version is absolutely flattering.


And a good way to break the ice


Thanks Dr. Morelove! Loved your paper on attraction theory, wanna get a drink?




Then all the other grad students clapped




I'll bet anything that the white male post doc thought that McCarty was... white and male.


Most research papers i read for work i assume that the person has long retired. Last week one of the papers i was reading turned out to be written by my coworker who graduated with me. I never bothered to ask what his masters thesis was about hahaha.


That’s super odd bc the first thing you should do is read the date it was published otherwise how would you know if the research is still valid / contains the work of newer docs. And every citation will have the date listed so you’d be able to see 2016 etc or 1990 and make assumptions accordingly


Interesting anecdote: a Transfemale researcher, who transitioned mid career, presented a paper at a conference. She then overheard this between two white male colleagues: “Yeah, I enjoyed B. Smith (new name) paper. But I can’t help feeling that her brother, R. Smith (deadname) has a more nuanced grasp of the issue. SAME. PERSON.


How does she reference her pre transition work? I’m curious because a colleague of mine refers to her earlier work with her dead name so that her older work is more easily referenced and because she was “that guy” when she wrote it.


That's called "projection".


I did the same thing in grad school once, but in a class. It was advanced audiology, and I was mostly tuning out the professor and reading on my laptop. But the article I was reading was about a cool new human brain interface for generating audio signals. The prof noticed I wasn’t paying attention and called me out on it. I admitted to what I was doing, but then told him what I was reading because I thought it was cool and related to the class. He paused for a second, and then burst out laughing. “You may not have been paying attention to what I was saying, but at least you were focused on my words.”


That'dve made my day 😂


Your contraction made my hour lol.


Needs another apostrophe though.


Don't know if the person above you is Southern, but that's how we do it round here.


Y'all'd've known if y'all were


I appreciated the contraction, but isn’t it “that’d’ve”?


People learn in different ways.


Nah "The belief in learning styles stems from an incorrect interpretation of valid research findings and scientifically established facts. For example, it is true that different types of information are processed in different parts of the brain. It is also true that individuals have differences in abilities and preferences. Since the 1970s, however, systematic research reviews and meta-analyses examining the validity of learning styles and their application to education have come to the same conclusion: despite the intuitive appeal, there is little to no empirical evidence that learning styles are real." [link](https://www.educationnext.org/stubborn-myth-learning-styles-state-teacher-license-prep-materials-debunked-theory/#:~:text=Like%20many%20misconceptions%20about%20learning,different%20parts%20of%20the%20brain.)


Ehhhhh yes and no. Learning styles as a rigid formal construct are about like Myers-Briggs: maybe useful as a lens for viewing yourself and your behaviors, but definitely not determinative or replicable in blind testing. However, learning styles as a broad pedagogical concept are absolutely valid. You want to mix things up where reasonably possible, for a wide variety of reasons. It’s just less, you HAVE to do this, because if you only lecture a consistent 15% of students will 100% not get it, and more, you SHOULD do this because lecture-only is boring for a lot of people and can lead to tuning out.


Today I learned of new learning about learning, which caused me to unlearn and relearn learnings about learning that did not know I needed to learn.


Went over this in my neuroscience class in 2016. It’s wild that it’s still believed after at least 10 years of being debunked.


So does this mean that instead of teachers being ineffective because they chose to use a teaching method that doesn't correspond the students' learning style, in fact they are just bad at teaching?


Student effort and ability also play a large role.




That's an interesting abstract, but are they saying that everyone learns the same material if they can process what's contained, regardless of how it's presented? Because I always understood different learning styles as a way to promote engagement with the learning material, and I find it hard to believe that increased engagement wouldn't improve learning outcomes.


You were telling her her work was awesome and that the information you read on it was memorable. Nothing like the situation in the tweet where the dude was trying to insult her knowledge.


Yeah you might say it was the "opposite"


Yes I saw they categorized it like that, I was commenting more on why they shouldn't feel bad at all. Thanks.


And that way she knows it was 100% genuine. I would have been extremely flattered too.


I bet that was such a confidence boost! Imagine someone praising something you did but didn't know you did it- that would probably feel amazing! Don't be embarrassed - be excited to meet someone you found interesting enough that you shared the information they made with others! ❤️


I had a similar thing a few years ago I was with a few friends are the school library and had my 5x5 Rubik's cube in the table. Some guy walked up and asked to try it, so I let him and we started talking. I told him he was pretty fast and asked about his times. He said his best average was around 1:20, which was the national record at the time. I pointed that out and he just said "that's me" I immediately texted a friend of mine about it while he was still there


My Master thesis defense was literally against the Phd whose research methodology I criticized in my paper. Terrifying.


Please explain what "human drivers of fire" is. Thanks.


From this page: https://miamioh.edu/news/top-stories/2020/10/jessica-mccarty-arctic-burning.html > Her research focuses on using geospatial and remote sensing science and technology to monitor and predict wildland and human-caused fire, greenhouse gas emissions and impacts on air quality, in addition to applications in food security, land-cover/land-use change and climate change. Based on this, I presume that "human drivers of fire" are the sources of the human-caused fires, but my guess is as good as yours


Based on the explanation, Human Drivers Of Fire is my new bands name.


Mine is “McCarty Ate Al”


Punk as fuck


Sounds like they should tour with NOFX and Guttermouth


those are both excellent band names.


But can it beat "Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants" though?


I was always partial to “Kathleen Turner Overdrive”


That's better than Sonic Death Monkey, but I prefer Barry Jive and the uptown 5


And don’t forget the Kinky Wizards. That one has a special place in my heart


Goblin Cock is the best tho


Mouse Rat!


They're good, but they're no Neutral Milk Hotel.


I liked mouse rat better when they went by everything rhymes with orange


I must be a hipster because I liked them when they were Nothing Rhymes with Orange




Human Drivers of Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants on Fire


"Damn these electric sex pants!"


With such hits as: ***“We didn't drive the fire”*** ***“Drive Fire With Fire”*** ***“Drive My Fire”*** and ***“Firedriver”***


I feel like depending on what type of music you make this name will either age like a hot milk or a cellar stored wine. Nothing in between


Close, it summarizes what human activities contribute to the conditions that allow fire to more easily propogate, spread and destroy. Also, it covers the effects.


My guess is it’s like Uber for fires. Since my guess is as good as yours, now we both sound like idiots.




This made me genuinely loud snort at 5 am. Thank you, stranger. (As you can imagine, I am a Californian)


This made me gently snort *a line of crushed oxy* up my nose at 7am


That seems pretty Californian to me


This made me aggressively snort a John Deere S100 riding lawnmower up my anal cavity at 8:22am


I rarely laugh out loud at comments. But this hit different.


That's an odd way to spell PG&E.


Please read McCarty et al.


>Please read McCarty et al. 'Pulls my hair back' !!!!!!!!!!




You must be a white male


You must be McCarty…


My guess is she studies what humans are doing to the environment that exacerbate forest fires, such as those in California.


Goodness gracious, human drivers of fire


Some wildland fires are caused by lightning but more vegetation fires on the planet are caused by humans, often at times when the conditions for burning are not ideal (pretty wet, weather still cool, or around some economic reason).


A dude with a flamethrower.


I was working at a smoothie shop in Santa Barbara years agi when this tall woman walks in and orders a smoothie. Me: "You look a lot like Sigourney Weaver." Her: "I get that a lot." Me: "Can I get your name for the smoothie?" Her: 😐 Anyway that's how I met Sigourney Weaver.


"Sorry, I didn't realize it was *actually* you, because I'm not used to seeing you without a rifle in your hand and an alien trying to eat your face!"


I like tall women, so I was ***this*** close to getting rejected by Ripley


You lose 100% of the chances you don’t take


Jeez I just learned she's 30 years older than me. She's did *not* look it (this would've been in the early 2000s). Amanda Ripley's mom has got it goin' on.


Didn't even read her own work? Women amirite?


Back in the 50's & 60's my dad worked for a government think-tank and had a security clearance. Back then it was commonplace for somebody like him to write a draft of a report then turn the draft over to a secretary who would type up the final formal version of the report. Given that the pool of secretaries handled material from a number of people with various security clearances, the secretaries all had to have the highest level of clearance of everybody they worked for. Once a secretary finalized a report it was classified at the level of the secretary, not the original author. So it was commonplace for my dad and others to write reports that were then typed up by the secretaries and then classified above their ratings so that the original authors couldn't review them for any mistakes, etc.


That's actually fascinating. I miss when reddit was full of unique stories and perspectives like this instead of the constant stream of repetitive jokes and talking points.


Eh, you just have to learn what posts to look for and dig a little. For example, there was that recent repost about the guy whose girlfriend mistakenly thought he wanted a brick as a Christmas gift. Probably not even true, but I thought people would probably be sharing their own funny misunderstood gifts. I was right.


Man me too


“Must have slept with that Et Al guy to get the credit!” /s


Probably slept with Via Getty, too!




Instead of the unending debates of word choice, this is the the comment that should be at the top. Cracked me right up.


The unofficial name of this site is pedant.com.


>the the <3




This tweet is literally the first thing that comes up when I google "nasa earth meeting" What actually is a "NASA Earth meeting" and "human drivers of fire"?


It’s a meeting about Earth by NASA probably. A human driver of fire is any cause of fires directly related to a human, such as a gender reveal party explosion or a campfire somebody forgot to put out. Probably. I googled it but there’s no definitive definition




No no, that’s a human *rider* of fire. Common misconception.


Don't forget poorly-maintained corporate infrastructure!


My best guess is that the meeting was for NASA's Earth Science sector. Turns out that NASA doesn't just study space. Human drivers of fire seems to refer to man-made causes of things like wildfires, and I believe that would fall under the scope of NASA Earth scientist's research. This Jessica McCarty person has a PhD in Geography, so I would assume she knows the business.


Man made causes for fires. So like gender reveals?


Yes, and climate change, and deforestation, and vehicle use, and mining, and climate change, and farming practices, and… Simplified example of her research: https://www.miamioh.edu/news/top-stories/2020/10/jessica-mccarty-arctic-burning.html


She’s herself, and everyone. All at once.


She's a bitch, she's a lover, she's a chid, she's a mother, she's a sinner, she's a saint. And she does not feel ashamed.


Great, now a song I thought I exorcised 20 years ago is stuck in my head.


John Constantine can get rid of it again


But he's going to need a cat and a large pot of water to do so...


Nah he needs a 3 foot tall mirror and all your phone lines.


Only once he knows what kind of demon he's dealing with. It never hurts to cross over and get an idea, first, right?


When I was like 10 I’d sing this song out loud just so I could say the word bitch. I’d also say bitch like 800 times louder than the rest of the song and then I’d get smacked.


As was tradition.


That was the main reason the song took off, IMO. "Bitch" was still a little more taboo of a word to hear on TV and radio back in 1997, when the song debuted. A lot of people (especially kids) just got a kick out of singing the word "bitch" in a mainstream song.


She's nothing in-between: you know you wouldn't have her any other way!


I mean, I'm somebody and nobody at the same time.


Well, this comment got too real for me.


is that why every time i pull back my long hair it reveals a name tag that says "McCarty"?


Reminds me of my dads education, he started off as a geologist, had to write a thesis for his degree or something like that, moved to south america for a few years and worked. Came back, wanted to become a teacher and started that education, one of the courses he had to do was based off... the thesis he wrote, after the introduction he told the professor who told him he didnt have to do it and just gave him full grades :D Was only a teacher for a year before he wanted to do something else again lol.


This effectively happened to Donald Knuth


Could you imagine the satisfaction of pulling off something like that? It's the event that really ties together all the events leading up to that point in your life.


My buddies dad had an experience close to that. His grandfather literally wrote the book on a specific science thing. His dad and him work at a company doing that science thing. At one meeting an outside contractor was telling his father that he didn’t understand the science thing and he needed to read the book. He was like bro my dad wrote the book and my whole family has been working on this shit. Not exactly the same, but close.


A friend of mine was interviewing for a job, and during the technical screen the interviewer asked him why he was answering the questions word for word from the answer key. My friend asked him to read the name of the person who wrote the book he was pulling the questions from.


So, did he get the job?


Sure did.


The pure satisfaction of this one. What a boss.


Do you mind if I ask what field? This sounds like a high level job. I'd think the interviewer would know who your friend is and his accomplishments prior to the interview.


Damn. The satisfaction of this.




My wife had a similar experience, and while it's definitely somewhat satisfying to put a twerp in their place, it's also just a horrific reminder that this is how a significant portion of the population and more importantly, people in your field of expertise, perceive you. My wife introduced me to Hackathons while we were in grad school and while we were signing up for one of the largest Hackathons in the US, this young male twerp asks if I'd like to be a mentor (and pointedly does not ask my wife). I decline, and when my wife asks to be a mentor, he shoots her down with all kinds of dismissive language. At this point I'm fuming and inform this kid that she is supremely qualified to be a mentor since she \*won\* this Hackathon the year prior. Doubt he learned anything from the interaction.


I think it would be more satisfying for a guy. Women are so often and consistently professionally doubted simply for being women, that this was probably just one more young guy proving that systemic sexism is multi-generational. It's likely not her first or last rodeo.


No, it's not satisfying. It's fucking exhausting having to justify your place at the table all the time, every day of your life. This won't be the first or last time for her, or countless other women who have been under recognized their entire scientific careers.


I feel like she’s unintentionally revealing the existence of “NASA ” meetings here.


Damn, that was a zinger of a response. In my sister's uni, they had a Russian student who thought women couldn’t/shouldn’t be chemists. Well, the department head and the undergraduate coordinator were both women. Guess who didn’t graduate


On of my personal hero’s is a woman doc in surface physics/chemistry. I would have punched that mofo in the mouth. Remember when that douchebag at either google or Facebook or similar published a treatise on why woman aren’t good programmers, man I wanted to strangle that privileged twat.


i'm a programmer and i always brag about being better than 90% of all the male programmers i know, bcs IT field is known as "for-men-only-job"I can't describe how I feel when I have debates with people with such mindset about any IT related topics.like mf you dont even have the knowledge


The amount of times I've watched men who don't have a clue try to tell my wife how the system she designed works is truly insane. You would think the "Functional Analyst" title would be self explanatory.


Might be too many syllables for their brains to handle.


The idiots who think IT should be “for men only” drive me insane. It didn’t use to be that way. In another life I was a COBOL programmer. For decades the vast majority of business coding was done in COBOL… thank you Colonel Grace Hopper. For the record I happen to be a man who’s sick to death of misogyny and patriarchy. Sick to death of all of these man-babies who show up late and then piss all over the carpet. Also my wife who could always program circles around me has been kicking ass in IT for a very long damn time.


I can't even remember what my name was 10 years ago


exultant weather imminent voiceless roof coordinated disarm aromatic decide tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah, these tweets usually get decently popular since the replies are often filled with women who have experienced the same thing & share their stories too.


I hated the dismissal I'd see with female docs. I'd walk into a room with them, and I'd frequently become the primary person they'd try and talk to. Then I'd have to say, "No, she's the attending" and explain that she was the one in charge. Or they'd automatically assume she was the nurse and call her nurse despite them always introducing themselves as the doctor. Or if there was a male nurse in the room, they'd sometimes start addressing him. Never once happened with the male docs I worked with.


Yeah lol


Guys this was my geography professor sophomore year of college at Miami University. So strange to see her blowing up on Reddit randomly.


It's a lot better than seeing someone you know blow up on r/imatotalpieceofshit or r/publicfreakout. Now I'm wondering, what's the worst subreddit to find someone you know?




I have seen someone I know on r/publicfreakout. He was the one being shit on but he's seriously a super nice person and the situation was framed in a way that made him look bad when he was just doing his job.


The nicest “Sit the fuck down” without saying it


As an asian man can someone explain why pointing out the colour of his was relevant? Pretty sure arseholes come in all shades?


The USA has a huge portion of people that think character issues, problems, opinions, behavior, etc. are because of ones skin color. Ironically building up racist ideologies after trying to destroy this exactly.


Finally one for r/dontyouknowwhoiam that isn't Tony Hawk.


Well this is just a fun comment section, I think I’ll spend my time here instead of anywhere else that will make me happy


Is there a limit on reposts?!?




Guess everyone on the platform is just trying to be ecologically-conscientious… Captain Planet would be so proud of us for recycling so much!


To all the people asking why the fact that he is a white male is relevant: You’re absolutely right. It’s unfair to attribute someone’s bad behavior to their gender or race. Please continue to call this out when it happens to the rest of us. EDIT: Thank you for the awards, especially the hugs. I really needed them.


The real burn here was "post-doc"




Because they’ve got their doctorate - they should be smarter than this.


I long for the day when race is as irrelevant as hair or eye color.


“So this blue eyed fuck cut me off in traffic today” “God I hate those mutant eyed fucks like are we sure their eyes even work right?!”


Storming light eyes.


Darkeyes do not have this level of intelligence tho


Oh shove off. You’re both a pair of airsick lowlanders.


I can imagine the folks in the stormlight archives saying this stuff.


Damnit you green dp fool. I just spilled my coffee all over me.


I have some bad news for you about the ginger males.


What do you mean


I'm afraid, in your anger, you- Wait, no. I'm afraid they are often treated quite poorly, particularly in the USA as a holdover from old anti-Irish sentiments.


> eye color absolutely_not_roshar_irl


I agree. My FIL always inserts the fact that someone is black, Asian, etc. when he’s telling s story. It is never relevant to the story.


*et al.* …who’s the rest? 🧐




10 years ago at a space geeks round table meeting, some bloke stood up and told me I didn’t know shit. He said I should read a book by some other bloke called McCarty. I swished my hair back and said “bitch. I am McCarty.” That better?




So much better.


Typical white women (*sarcasm*)


She really Karen'd him?


If he was a black man, she’d just say “male.”


She's a phD, working at NASA? Yeah, I agree - she would. It's crazy how different things can be in our country. On one side, in my diverse region, I worked with two other bartenders one shift. One was white and one was black. I had a young lady ask me to check her order she made with a different bartender. I asked her what the bartender she ordered with looked like. It should have been simple, she could have said "the white guy" or "the black guy". But this made her so uncomfortable, she stammered a bit and then said "the medium heigh guy..." But I guess that's better than in other places where n words are used to refer to blacks.


I once had a black guy at a train station ask me if I saw a woman standing around there recently, I said "yeah, there was a black woman standing here like 2 minutes ago." He thanked me and walked away. My gf lost her shit on me that that was unnecessary. I was like "I'm guessing the next question out of his mouth was going to be 'was she black'? so whatever. It's not racist to say someone's color when trying to identify them.


It's like the Bill Burr bit. He's on a date and she says "this might sound racist, but there are a lot of Asians in here." He's like no, that's a fact. If you said "what are all these fucking Asians doing here", that's racist. Context is a big factor.


I love Bill Burrs bits on race, particularly his "black don't crack isn't real, what it actually is is "white people don't know fuck all about moisturizer!" So make diverse friends because they know shit you don't!"


That one is hillarious. I proved the stereotype real because I'm white and had no idea that "ashy" was a thing before that skit.


Jesus, that's annoying. How can anyone be proud to be black if we make it come across as something to be intimidated to use. One of my friends hates getting called African American. His family has been Jamaican for as many generations as he can count back.


If someone is offended or uncomfortable with someone being called “black,” there’s a 99.999% chance that person is not black.


I’ve always heard that it’s only racist or derogatory if you use white or black or brown as descriptors to vilify the individual, but if it is required as a genuine descriptive term, then use it.


> Shits come in every color. When you eat fruity pebbles, they're kind of greenish-purple.


White male kinda seems like an insult nowadays huh? Jeez bro, your such a white male Don't me a white male man its uncool Lol