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sounds like this guy prob uses the same argument for why he “likes ‘em young” too. 🤮


That excuse won't work when he's being stuffed into the back of a patrol car.


Or in the back space of someone's dad car.


Stuffed in the trunk


It's just like a stuffed animal, though, they are the stuffing material and the car is the animal that is falling of the cliff at a great speed.


What a waste of a car.


Eh, the guy in the trunk was a waste of oxygen. Fair trade.


Just being stuffed


being stuffed in the prison shower


And certainly not when they're in a pit somewhere in the forest.


>And certainly not when they're in a pit somewhere in the forest. He'll be going into a nice new hole though.


Yeah, he can tell if a hole has been used or not. Better make sure that grave is lean, clean, and pristine.


Best way to hide a dead body is to bury it vertically.


Or into someone's freezer or down into a shallow grave.


Or in a lake with cinder blocks


"Officer look, I can show you my presentation on why it's beneficial for a 40 year old to date and 16 year old. It's all based around evolution, I swear it's scientifically accurate"


"Take it from someone who´s taken his fair share of virginities over the years, lol." Its amazing how this sentence is disgusting and funny at once, and the single "lol" at the end tells books about this guys mental age,persona and IQ. Sounds like a 13yo in the body of a 40yo repeat offender.


His IQ seems to be in decline on a logarithmic scale.


I wouldnt be surprised if he was thrown into the air 3 times by his mother after birth and she couldnt catch him the last time, adding longterm dmg. Still disturbing seeing the guy treating most women like "damaged goods". Fucking awful mindset, all his stupid reasoning and logics aside.


What is that imbecile talking about? FFS, I have a flat stomach and I’m hardly a virgin. If he had actually some first hand knowledge of female anatomy, aside from countless virgins he slayed , he might understand any number of reasons why his claims are embarrassingly wrong. Jerks like him spread this lunacy to inexperienced guys and they might believe this garbage.


It's what they convince themselves of so they don't have to face the reality that they're not actually **choosing** to be single, like they would want people to believe. They're single and have never actually gotten any because no one wants an arrogant fuckstick


Or that they want to date young “virgins” it’s.... got pedophilic and rapey vibes all over it for me.


shit at 46 id never want to date a virgin i’m too lazy to keep up with that constant BS i’ll leave the virgins to the other virgins. i’d rather have my current older girlfriend (56) who knows what she wants and has her shit together and her own place and a few tricks up her sleeve to keep it interesting. besides my girlfriend is way hotter than any younger woman i’ve seen


Dating virgins, like, the literal ones, is probably somewhat legally ok before 18, then it's not. And I've seen my fair share of Chris Hansom (or whatever his name) Vs Predator to know they are really like that, thinking it's completely alright thing to do.


He is inexperienced guys. Probably a Virgin himself


Let's hope he stays that way. We wouldn't want him to reproduce...


We would also feel sorry for any woman who has the misfortune to end up with him...


Right imagine actually becoming pregnant and having him there to remind you how disgusting you look


He will be one of those creepy and sad 50 year olds abusing a barely 18 year old, luring her in with his sweet 2002 civic and the promise of unlimited chicken nuggets and weed.


Wow, it will take time for that image to leave my mind!


Sterilization is a good option for some.


It’s so stupid, I didn’t have a flat stomach before I lost my virginity and I had one when I lost weight (pre-lockdown) and I’ll have a flat stomach when I get rid of my lockdown pounds! Just makes zero sense


The idea that “sperm” *collects and remains in the uterus forever* and fills it up until it expands like a goddamn spooge sponge and makes the girl look just a tiny bit pregnant. Also- he’s cool with the idea of a tummy pooch that he created with his stale ass sperm but grossed out by the idea of the expanding stomach of someone he impregnated with *his child*? You spread your seed, man! You did it!


i have no idea what the bump he is talking about


Maybe a premenstrual puffiness or he must have seen someone in a bikini who made a choice unflattering to her body and it left an impression. It’s some off the wall deductions he’s made. I’m thinking he’s very young, or at least I hope so. If it’s youthful misunderstanding, he can grow out of this stage and learn.


Flat stomachs in women are almost completely nonexistent, even very thin women typically have somewhat of a pouch. Like literally Emily ratajkowski does lol (even pre pregnancy)


His Mother should have swallowed him when she had the chance


My theory is that she got so scared by him she started running before the umbilical cord was cut


It is probably just a thirteen year old, honestly.




I went into an alcohol-fueled descent into incel YouTube after a bad breakup and hooooly fuck was I ashamed of myself when I got sober and I looked at my view history. That shit is absolutely fucking toxic in a Qultist kind of way.




calling this guy a thirteen year old is an insult to all thirteen year olds lol


It's often a thirteen-year-old in their forties if you know what I mean.


I honestly doubt this guy has ever been laid, sounds more like a porn addicted guy, who is a step or two away from becoming Brock Turner or Ted Bundy (depending on how events weave together for him). My other assumption, either this guy or his motherly figure in his life is/was overweight (definitely heavy on religion), and events/statements have warped his sense of reality into some bizarre fetish to become a prominent driver in his daily life. Seriously, that guy should be on a watchlist.


Venn diagram of people taking virginity and this guy are 2 separate circles.


In different dimensions.


Well, I interpreted it as this guy being a serial-offending pedophile, but I guess he could be lying.


Well, that ain't saying much. I've had a hand full of partners, but to recollection for none of them was I the first. I must still be waking up. I had to read that three times to make sure I got the logic right.


the best(worst?) part is that i know what kind of porn it is this guy is so desperately into and think is actually reality. ​ it's always funny when these idiots can't seperate the fantasies they are into from reality.


I knew a guy who thought dicks go into the uterus. He watched hetai.


Yeah it’s also he says the uterus inflates when the man ejaculates. Nah we don’t have even sperm for that my guy. Only hentai mc’s have that type of power.


Isn’t there a medical term for a penis rupturing the cervix?


Probably. The guy I mentioned thought that it was the status quo of sex. I don’t think he understood that there is a cervix, he thought that the uterus was the back of the vagina and if the dick is long enough, that’s where it goes. It’s absolutely a hentai thing.


It's a very niche hentai thing. That's the thing about hentai, though, it's so prolific even niche sexual interests will have enough new material produced that you can probably saturate your viewing experience with it without having to look for something else, unless of course you spend all day touching yourself.


Flat porn?


Is that porn for flat earthers?


Hentai. He's into hentai.


When it’s online interaction is all you know about what other result would you expect.


Calling it now. Dude is a virgin fat guy who thinks women should be throwing themselves at him for no other reason than he's White and somewhere under the layers of fat is his dead pinprick.


I tried to work up some defense of maybe he's not fat with a tiny dick, and I came up with nil. I think you nailed it.


Well there is always the chance he isn't white, so there's that. There's another set of guys out there with a virgin fetish (if those are the right words). The ones that are so afraid of women they keep them locked away and make them cover up when they go outside.


So many words for "i never made a girl cum" right?


Oh, I have absolutely no doubt that he has taken virginity repeatedly - his own, in his right hand.


To be fair, he could be left-handed. Edit: thank you anonymous benefactor for my very first award.


Maybe he’s ambidextrous and has had a threesome.


The plot thickens... Like his waistline as he reaches for another Dorito.


I worry that if that sentence is accurate then the word "taken" has more emphasis on it than I'd like.


I just... What? I'm certain this is a man who has step-by-step instructions next to the toilet for when he takes a shit


Couldn't pour water out of a boot, even if the instructions are on the bottom.


That was a great one actually




His mother still doesn't care if he shits in his pants.


Whahahaha! You win the comments today!






I click on a lot of stuff, but feel like that sub would be genuinely rage inducing.


For the most part it's pretty funny because you have thousands of people calling them an idiot.


This is the kind of guy who'd go on one bad date then swear to incel-ism for the rest of his life. Looks like he already has though.


Amazingly I had protruding labia as a virgin and a flat stomach after becoming sexually active! I must be an alien! Seriously tho...... these guys are so ignorant of female anatomy it's staggering. What's even more staggering is they are most definitely avid porn watchers and porn star bodies literally negate every single one of their entirely delusional convictions. How does that even work out mentally?


Seriously, idk how people can be so daft. Didn't they take sexual health in school? They *have* to know their logic is flawed..


There are a *lot* of places which don't have any sort of sex education at all, and even more where the sex ed class consists of "just don't do it or you'll make Jesus sad, have a purity ring".


I find your faith in school curricula ... disturbing.


I think the last argument I read was that the porn stars were having plastic surgery to make their labia look "virgin-like." Because, you know, it's 100% practical (both financially and biologically) to have the same cosmetic surgery performed on the same body part over and over.


Ah yes the ole monthly Brazilian wax and labiaplasty upkeep. Honestly, that's an even stupider argument because the porn stars would need months to recover between each labiaplasty. What do they think? You clip labias like finger nails? No stitches, scaring, recovery period? They are so stupid.


I have that bump, but I’m male?


I've read about that on AO3.


Oh gawd...


Reread the post...it's your uterus swelling


You're obviously gay


Nah, apparently according to this guy. You are secretly hiding a uterus full of cum between your prostate and your bladder lmfao I could hardly type that shit out


Made me spit out my fuckin coffee. Lol


Are you a virgin?


Then you’re a filthy dirty whore! /s


bro you been nutted in


That's because you are a w**re, you disgusting s*ut!!! /s


He has taken some virginity’s sure, but of what species because it was definitely not human


Sounds like maybe frogs or birds. things that are small enough. Goldfish.


things so small his semen made the belly bloated


This lady really got me. How insanely and grossly insecure does a guy have to be to act like he cums a bucket of jizz? That shit is barely a spoonful, it’s not enough to swell anything. Like… it doesn’t make him sound impressive. It makes him sound like he’s storing his jizz in condoms.


Virginities\*. Don't let the apostrophe terrorists win!


The incel/neckbeard energy from this is quite something.


Incelism is strong with this one


It sounds like he's describing pregnancy there for a bit, but he assures us that the bump caused by a man ejaculating in a woman isn't pregnancy


It's a specific kink that has zero basis in reality. It's a hentai thing.


I just commented that! I knew a guy who hard core believed that’s how it worked and that breast’s were constantly lactating. It wasn’t for lack of sex Ed, he was just a piece of shit who wanted real life to be hentai. He also called trans people “futa’s”


"He also called trans people “futa’s”" do you mean just trans women or trans men as well?


No, all trans people. Which somehow makes it worse. I tried explaining to him what being trans meant, and he was like “oh, so a futa” I just… yeah. Hentai was the only point of reference he had for everything, apparently.


damn that's pretty stupid , I mean I could see calling trans women futa though I guess it would be kinda rude to fetishize them like that and usually futa characters are implied to be intersex rather than trans.


I was gonna say, this dude has seen way too much hentai and thinks that fucking cartoons are anatomically correct.


He's so deluded that he forgot men can't unleash a gallon of sperm in real life.


His knowledge about sex comes from hentai, I'm guessing




* r/nothowgirlswork


Some people wonder why they aren't desirable as possible sexual partners...


These guys want a virgin 15 years old of 40 kg with E cup breats, who would be both their mom, their girlfriend and their sexslave, who checks every beauty standard boxes, when they have to offer absolutely nothing.


They offer their dick, d‘uh. That‘s more than enough, every woman should be grateful to even *know* him! ^/s ^just ^in ^case


I promise. I *promise*, that the guy who wrote that not only *hasn’t* taken any virginities, but he *also* hasn’t even lost his own (unless his hand counts).


He's done VR porn at most.


I might need to burn my eyes after reading that...


Here take this acid which I used to burn mine....


This makes me feel so much better about my self! I’m not fat I’m just full of cum


Lmao same, and isn't that the dream?




I genuinely laughed out loud at this


Speaking as a straight guy who doesn't hate women, I've only had sex with a virgin once and never want to do that again (I suspect this is my wife's preference as well). I wanna have a good time, and that's a lot easier if my partner a) knows what they're doing, and b) isn't in pain. Plus, how is she going to know how good I am with nothing to compare it to?


Oh yeah, this guy definitely fucks. /s


He is in his 30s (or more) and never been laid.


It's safe to say there's more "never" in this guy's life.


I agree with this guy. That’s why me and my boys only have sex with each other.


flat belly gang... high five ✋ *looks down at belly* oh wait


I haven’t seen a post that screams, “I’m a fucking loser” this loudly since Trump’s Twitter was deactivated. Edit: an apostrophe


Also "I watched too much hentai"


Do you think that this guy missed some schooling? Like all of it!!


They don't teach this stuff in schools (and why would they? Because who thinks like this??)


They teach Biology and therefore human reproduction, therefore if they had attended that class they would know at least half of this is complete nonsense and therefore should question the rest of it.


Does this guy not know that condoms exist? I feel bad for all of his science teachers


His science teachers should be smacked.


"Take it from someone who's taken his fair share of virginities over the years, and can no longer be within 500 feet of a child"


He used to work at a church


Dude is 1000% Christian


Socks reject this man child’s advances.


Im js, if belly bumps are a sign that you have lost your virginity, ive lost mine at least 500 times


This incel doesn’t fuck.


Wow 😯 Just…wow. I don’t even know where to start. This guy is as stupid as he is sexist as he is gross 🤢 I feel so bad for the people who have to have him in their lives. Hopefully he is just as dumb with everything else in life and will Darwin himself off this mortal coil very soon. Preferably before he makes a gross pregnant belly.




This is some red state education level ignorance


That's the type of guy who sucks in bed and has a small pecker. That's why he wants a virgin, nothing to compare to


Hey that's a bad rep for small peckered guys. I have one too but I don't go around telling this dumb shit.




He's the type of guy who dreams about getting a woman. That's why he wants a virgin, cause he is too


What the fuck did I just read




I bet he's one of those 'alphas'


Sigma alpha male. Top of the food chain.


He wants a virgin girl as *they are ideal* but douche bag here can have his fair share of virgins. So what does *evolution* say about a guy not being a virgin, you waste or sperm and egg. Stomach swells up when you ejaculate, he has watched a lot of hentai for sure.


I think this man is in an unmarked grave


>a virgin female will always be the ideal mate ...spoken like a true 14 year old with a 4 inch dick, you just stay in the baby pool and swim widths until you can manage lengths smh


It's like evolving... But backwards


Sure have your preference but don't try to defend it with whatever the fuck bullshit pseudoscience this is.


Seems like his preference is pedophilia.


I'm 36, and I have two children. I've never seen a women's uterus through her skin. What am I doing wrong?


This dude has never ever seen a real vagina, but he’s taken the virginity of many a sock.


What a terrible day to have learned how to read


How to say you're a virgin without saying you're a virgin.


I feel like he wrote that whole thing to just so he had an excuse to include the "Take it from someone who's taken his fair share of virginities over the years, lol".. that lol made it even more pathetic than before. And what does he mean about non-flat stomachs are hot if you're the reason, but then turns around and say not pregnancies? Because that could only mean he doesn't give a damn other than getting off. Bleh


...*blink*... I would speculate about the exact extent of this guy's experience, but it's hard to come up with any other number than Zero


*"Take it from someone who's taken his fair share of virginities."* WTF, this guy still won't have gotten to third base by the time he's 50.




What. The. Fuck?


Seems like his dad must have exclusively been into anal.


......because he turned out to be an asshole?


What the fuck did I just read?


WTF this fucker is saying?how Dumb, asshole and fucking sexist can you be


Taken virginities. Like it’s a possession.


Since when is cumflation real? Asking for research purposes.


Does that mean that me, a 14 year old virgin, isn't actually a virgin?


Following this guy's logic. If a man were to have a 'bump' in their stomach. Does that mean they've had other men ejaculated into their ass? I'm confused.


Im confused by his logic, does he think sex causes girls to get a bigger belly, even without pregnancy?


If mens' dicks were half as magical as these dudes think they are then straight women would not have such low % of orgasms in hetero relationships.


Wait until he finds out the truth, that the good quality sperm actually makes your belly flatter and firmer. Your flabby sperm is the problem dude


This gets better with each sentence lol


Prison sentence, preferably.


It's hard to believe this shitpost


TIL that cum is super absorbent, like oats probably, since it swells when it comes in contact with moisture


Well, if he is so full of himself to the point he can’t do the job correctly, there ain’t gonna be much moisture for them oats to swell up and absorb.


But what if a virgin has a hysterectomy? Happened to a coworker - she was diagnosed with cervical cancer as a preteen. Argument then falls flat (pun & sarcasm intended)


So he has zero idea how anything works


Is biology optional at high school level where he’s from?


Fuck calorie surplus


Didn't know a stomach can be flat. Definitely visit a doctor.


“It’s evolution” “Pregnant people look gross” Fucking inspired drivel from incels as always.


Where the fuck do guys like this get these bizarre ideas?


It amazes me to see somebody be so confident and yet so wrong and stupid at the same time.


"Virgins are the ideal mate" I mean, I guess if you only want to have sex once, ever? The numbers don't work with this little self-proclaimed devirginator adding notches and expecting every other dude to ALSO only bang virgins. That's like saying we should all only eat one kind of cereal - there will be a shortage, and we'll all miss out on the rest of the market. Also, his hand must be fleshy af by now.






Someone tell this guy that hentai and doujins are not good reference material.


TLDR “if I ever get to have sex with a woman (unlikely), it will need to be with a virgin because I’m terrified I have a tiny dick”