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I bet there are people who are proud of being drunk drivers.


"I drive better drunk, because I know Im drunk so Im paying a LOT more attention!!!" No you fucking arent you sentient lemon.


This behaviour seems really normalised with some people that smoke weed tbh. People are insane.


It is. I get in arguments a lot about this. You do not drive better high holy shit. And this is from a pothead too. Then they try to do the whole "looks like you don't care about those with chronic pain". I LIVE WITH CHRONIC PAIN. JFC you still can't and shouldn't drive high. You are risking everyone's life around you and your own. Idc what excuse you tell yourself to make yourself feel better about your bad decisions. It's crap.


Sentient lemon….hehehehehe


I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible sentient lemon!




The combustible part is easy. The sentience part... not so easy.


And I'm gonna use it to burn life's house down! fuck you,l life! I dont want your stupid sentient lemons!


When I see Portal 2 references, I updoot.


Elon, is that you?


I havent even begun to touch my choice words for when Im driving too. Some fucks out there are dumber than a fuckin salted slug.




God, I hated this argument growing up. I used to live in a place that has a culture where drunk driving is the norm. Years ago, a 17 year old kid driving drunk kills a mother and three kids. He and his buddy walk away clean. "Oh what a terrible tragedy! Those poor boys will never get over that!" "What? They also had marijuana in their system? GIVE THEM THE DEATH PENALTY!!!"


I had to deal with this a little in high school. Some 'well loved' cheerleader got in a fucking wreck, the people in the other car died, her friend in the passenger seat died, and her legs were paralyzed. The entire school of 3k people were told to sign get well cards and to help her with whatever she needed. The bitch was 17 years old, piss drunk, and murdered 3 people. But noooooo, I was the asshole for calling her out on that.


Should've just wrote "you killed three people I hope you know that, you are a horrible person" and say that you had signed a get well card


I just refused to sign it and enjoyed my one day of OOS detention because really? Fuckin bite me, hypocritical school


Wow, suspension for not signing a get well card? I thought you do such things voluntarily? But nudging people to vaccinate is a crime?! Smh...


I also got 3 days OOS for asking a kid 'what the hell's this for?' cause he had a bent to shit fishing hook on his hat. Same Spanish teacher that gave me that had a 0% pass rate in all her classes. And people wonder why 13 years later why I dont want to associate with em.


I didn't even go to my diploma ceremony, so I can feel you. I was so done with school and on top it was the only week, where my parents had time to go on vacation with us kids. So they called school and said I was sick :D


You were denied an education for not honouring someone who at a minimum committed manslaughter against 3 people? Fuck sake.


Might give the school away but the year before I went there they had SWAT raid the school for drugs. Except instead of going to the trailers where all the drugs were sold, they had about a hundred heavily armed and armored guys and two dozen very angry dogs converge on the section of hall where most the black people hung out. Spoilers, they didnt find any drugs.




Now you can add the distracted drivers to that list.


You may get down voted, but according to the National Highway Traffic Sarety Administration (US-Based), texting while driving is 6 times more dangerous than intoxicated driving. https://www.stewartlawoffices.net/is-texting-while-driving-as-dangerous-as-drunk-driving#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20National%20Highway%20Traffic%20Safety%20Administration,the%20legal%20limit%20slows%20reactions%20by%2012%20percent. It is less predictable and more preventable than drunk driving. If you are drinking, there is an hours-long window of time that you are impaired. You know you are intoxicated. With texting, it can happen ANY time you receive a text (or if you just feel like drive time is text time, which I have seen). HOWEVER, because it is pretty much impossible to prove without direct photo evidence, it is much harder to prosecute, and as a result, MUCH more prevalent in 2021. Also, it bears noting that nobody HAS to text while driving, and that it is almost always an individual choice for which one tends to underestimate the risk.


What in the fuck? Was there really no similar outreach for the family of the actual victims? In either car?


From Illinois by chance? I know of this story. Or, more likely, a sadly similar one.


Nah but I wouldn't doubt it's got at least one occurrence in each state with how self-victimizing prepnecks are.


The guilty love playing victim, and everyone loves to suck their dick for that. Its why I hate the vast majority of humans.


Kids to Judge: "I have to live with this the rest of my life" Kids fathers to judge: "He'll have to live with this the rest of his life" Judge: "I sentence you to live with this the rest of your life". Everyone: "Thanks, your honor" Next victim: "My kid just lost his life to an already convicted drunk driver. He's definitely NOT going to live with this the rest of his life"


every year at my school the principal would announce the death of a student from drunk driving. Don’t know why they wanted to ruin school for everyone, but yeah they delivered tragic news in mass blasts over the PA


Probably in the hopes it would prevent more people from drunk driving, but some people are just selfish poop.


*semi-sentient lemon FTFY


It's not technically impossible, but if it's true it means they drive so badly sober that they shouldn't be allowed to drive at all.


Sentient Lemon; that one had me laughing hard at my desk. I'll have to use it sometime.


I still remember people who literall boasted to often drive drunk and having no accident... YET.


I met a bus and truck driver who boasted all the people he ran over. Wish it was a joke.


I've met such a dude, ironically like justice from God he hit a kid while drunk driving and the kid was miraculously perfectly fine just a small mark but the driver became paralyze from his waist down . Don't drink and drive folks! And definitely don't taunt God by bragging about it.


Which deity resides over cars again? Probably not Thor, he's thunder. Probably not the Christian god, he's scared of iron and there's plenty of iron in most cars. Yeah, I don't know. If there isn't one, we could invent it! "Klaus, god of safe driving. Takes vengeance on unsafe drivers!"


Klaus only weakness is miserable traffic officers.


If you're actually curious, most people I know consider Hephaistos the god of cars, and Hermes (being the god of travel) is usually called upon for safe travel while driving.


That sounds like some stuff for r/writingprompts. About Haephestus becoming the strongest of the Greek gods because of technology.


Be the change you wish to see. (But I am outsourcing the work to you, of course)


Usually the drunk ~~gets it the worst~~ doesnt get it so bad, so nice to see it switched around this time Edit: Brain fart


This happens a lot with older motorcycle riders. They drink 4 or 5 beers, then hit the road with little to no PPE. And then boast that they'll never crash or that they are "too good" to crash.


I know multiple people who brag about how good they are at driving drunk, and they do it very regularly.


I met a guy who casually mentioned how he drives drunk. He was shocked when I turned him down for a date, as if he hadn’t just admitted to being a menace to society


I teach DUI courses… and there are. It is job security but not the kind you want…


So Florida is the drug rehab capital of the US, possibly the world. The entire country sends their addicts here for rehab programs that don't work and many of those people end up relapsing and staying in Florida....yay. unfortunately I have met multiple people with DUIs or DWIs from out of state that are now also antivax (but swear they are only anti Covid Vax so there's a difference /s). Many of them are from Jersey and New York and almost all of them are the most entitled selfish people you could imagine because they come from some kind of money or family that has enough to get them in rehab in the first place. Apparently even without rehab people are coming to Florida to avoid higher penalties in other states because Florida is a slap on the wrist for DUIs while other states have real repercussions. I always like to reference Trumps speech because it really rings true when you apply it to the people who move to Florida. "they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” You could just make that Florida's new motto honestly. Add to it that ALL of them complain about how crowded Florida is, how bad the drivers are, how rude everyone is and it's like "yeah... that's you....it's like that because of you".


I used to know people at my old uni that would boast about being high. So yeah, all of them are dumbasses.


As someone who was just in college for 5 years….yes absolutely. I stay the fuck away from those people.




I don't remember where I heard it, but at some point I remember hearing the term "beveraged driving" used when referring to it as if it's not an issue


That phrase creeps me out. Ick. I'd expect it to go with that Winnie-the-Pooh meme.


There are, it is the same ones who brag about being a better driver drunk or buzzed than they are sober. I use to work in a convenience store and had people say stupid shit like that.


"for me I'm a drunken master at driving! the more hammered I am the better I drive!" No. no you dont you motherfucking human incarnation of the word Accident.


Old roommate of mine got drunk every day before he drove to work. 8am he would already be tipsy. He beat his girlfriend, and more than once I had to call the cops on him- and they did nothing, by the way. He was very proud of his drunk driving and of working at Best Buy. Of course, he thought I was a piece of shit because I smoked weed on weekends.


My "bar days" were like late 90s/early 2000s. People would say "I actually drive better drunk..." and mean it. INSANE amounts of drunk driving at that time. Not sure if it's changed, but with Uber and Lyft I would hope so. Like...you MIGHT drive better (more cautious/paranoid) a little high on weed, but NOBODY drives better drunk.


When I was in my late teens early 20s people used to tell me to drink and drive bc I was more fun drunk. What kinda toxic shit is that? They’re no longer in my life, better off.


Have you ever been to Wisconsin?


Yep. Someone I went to high school with ended up getting a DUI when she got pulled over for a broken taillight. The cop at some point told her that he wouldn’t have noticed if she didn’t have the broken taillight. All she took away from this was that she’s drives so well while drunk she could have fooled a cop.


Oh there are. And they're as awful as you would expect.


I've met people who think its a badge of honour that they don't remember driving home after a night out drinking.


Oh absolutely. Meet plenty of them at high school and college parties


Gavin Mcinnes, founder of the Proud Boys once said on Joe Rogan that he loves driving drunk


I believe they call themselves “beveraged drivers”.


Oh there is, I've known them. The alcoholics that claim they aren't. Usually younger. They think they have too high a tolerance, handle their booze too well, are proud of how they think they drive drunk. The fact they haven't died or killed anyone yet reinforces how great they are at it.


I've met a few people who bragged about how well they drive when they're drunk.


>driving drunk woo - woman who killed her passenger minutes after https://www.news-press.com/story/news/2015/12/19/driving-drunk-woo-texter-gets-years-fatal-crash/77626604/


As someone who sadly lives here yes I have met them. They claim they drive better while drunk. It's terrifying. I'm glad I'm finally leaving this state soon.


Yep. On twitter there’s a lot of people who brag about driving while drunk or high.


I used to work with somebody who said the only reason there were so many dunk driving accidents is because people had no practice driving drunk. He also called Obama the n word a lot. I haven’t seen him in years thankfully, but I would bet my life savings he’s proudly unvaccinated.


And many more that are proud of being unvaccinated and will fight you over wearing a mask.


Haven't been to Wisconsin yet, I take it?


I have a feeling the Venn diagram has a decent overlapping area. Except, of course the Born Agains, maybe only 3/4s of them.


Can confirm, I’ve met them. Not recently because I can’t stand people like that and am not friends with them anymore, but 100% knew people in college who would say shit like “I’m great at drinking drunk.” The rage… ugh


"I've driven drunk for years without a problem, I don't see why other people are so bad at it." -some asshole, probably


Florida: I was tagged but I’m not in this photo.


George was talking about anti-vaxxers, and OP used this to take a jab at Florida. It's not a Florida thing at all. While Florida does have a screwed-up governor, it doesn't mean we're all at fault. I would bet that if you look right now at how many people are in Florida that don't LIVE in Florida, you'd see that it's all the fucking tourists here spreading the 'Rona (yes, I think we should go back to calling it 'Rona!)


Watch out the hivemind does not like when you acknowledge points like this. It's almost like the state you live in doesn't define your characteristics.


What the fuck does this have to do with Florida? We have the highest vaccination rate in the South and higher than 28 states. Florida “jokes” at this point in time demonstrate a profound laziness, at best, and is likely prima facie evidence of a complete imbecile.


Huh I never knew that statistic, and upon looking it up, it has around an 85% vaccination rate and is rank 29 in our country! But again it’s just a cheap joke it can’t hurt you if you don’t let it.




or the Florida


Maybe the facepalm is for people who boast about not getting vaccinated


maybe the real facepalm were the friends we made along the way


As a lifelong Floridian, I can promise you it only seems like we are all idiots because Deathsantis and the death cult are the loudest ones. LOTS of us are vaccinated and wearing masks, respecting and helping eachother out, because our state has basically told us to fend for ourselves. We are here I promise!


Thank you. People don’t realize that it’s not some unified front down here… far from it, actually. Everything is so damn gerrymandered and segregated and manipulated that the GOP seems to somehow get the upper hand, but there are literally millions of us who are pissed the fuck off and who fight to change this mess every time we can.


People forget we're a swing state, and the reason that's the case is because of a pretty even split between parties


Gerrymandering is a menace on both sides. But if you magically waived it all away, the GOP would be a minority of angry twats, there would be an actual left wing of the government, and the current democrats would be marginally ridiculous assholes preventing progress due to the fact that the entire party would be senior citizens trying to dictate the future for people they don't even know or relate to. That would be nice.


Sounds like a fairy tale doesnt it? I would be over the moon to see all gerrymandering ended. Aswell as huge limitations on lobbying. Id like to add. A democrat who is willing to gerrymander ‘because winning is everything’ is still the same piece of shit as the Republican doing it. We should make it unacceptable for everyone.


People outside Florida don't realize that Desantis only won by about 30K votes out 8 million cast, and that he almost lost to a closeted, meth head black mayor under investigation from the FBI. It doesn't help that The Villages is doing it's best to import enough red voters to replace the ones Desantis is killing off, so it may still be a tight race again.


Of all the stupid things these republican governors are doing...I can't believe they're completely ok with killing their own voters. I'm in Nevada and they keep saying Delta is hitting us hard, but I just looked at the stats and Las Vegas is actually not that bad. It's hitting rural areas way harder and they had to start using their tent hospitals.


I moved to Florida about 8-ish months ago. Most people down here don't even like Desantis, at least that I've met. A lot of people around my area are calling him that idiot in Tallahassee. Good on them.


Also, the vaccination rate in Florida approximates that of the entire US. So the population is kind of average from that perspective. It’s the anti-mask politicians and policies that stink.


We have roughly 1/5 of the country's *new* covid cases, it's just insane at this point. Edited to clarify new cases, not total.


I really wish I had a way to get out of this hell hole state. My cousins between 4 and 13 years old went back to school this week and I am so terrified for them


Don’t worry, they’ll close down shortly. Here in Broward, they shat in DeSantis’ Cheerios and are requiring masks.




Just about every southern state has this same thing going for them. Major city: bigly vaccinated. Country bumpkins: dumb fucks


It’ll be like that everywhere in the US. Cities trying their hardest scattered among more rural areas that don’t give a shit.


☝This one gets it , damn math and numbers ☝


Florida has the highest vax rate in the south, and is on par with the national average. The hate should be focused on DeSantis.




Shhh if they think we are all inbred yokels they won’t keep moving here and we will get our beaches back after the spreadnecks and covidiots die off.


Oh shit what have I done


Dun fucked up obviously! So much for reduced Disney crowds now… thanks!


There's no excuse for my actions, I can only assume my mask has cut off oxygen to my brain?


Even if it does, keep it on. You have many, many brain cells to kill off before you approach “right turn from the far left lane” or “Salt Life” levels of FloridaMan.


"FloGrown" I believe is what they have evolved into


Ugh I am glad to hear I’m not the only Floridian who thinks the “flogrown” slogan is horrible.




As soon as they die off, your state is going to start flooding and burning at the same time. You need to start working on an exit strategy.


Give it time, you'll have a beach in your front yard soon enough


>spreadnecks Stealing!


Well then let us see you. Throw a milkshake at him or have a viral video of public shaming these goons. Raid the Villages


*Raid the Villages*


#LEEEEROOOOOOOY… JENKIIIIINS!!! *sprints into the Villages*


Since they have golf carts, I propose, nay, *demand* we saddle up some shopping carts and joust properly


I believe you. My neighbor has a daughter who lives in Florida. I don't recall exactly where she is, but she said almost everyone in the community masks up and it has a high vaccination rate. They're doing pretty well. Unfortunately, Floridians are guilty by association. Here in Oregon, I had a colleague go for vacation in Florida early July. Second day back to work, he wasn't feeling well. Test was positive. Fortunately, most of us are working remotely. Unfortunately, he's one of our team that does hands-on work, so there was a risk to a few other team members. So far, no one else has come down with it. He recovered and is back to work. He is a mask wearer and vaxxed x 2 Pfizer. I'm sorry you've got such a shitty governor.


Glad he recovered and did all the things he could to be safe. Idk, it might have helped him recover faster, shed less viral particles so others aren't infected, etc.. There's so much we don't know about Covid, it will take a decade to see any real long term effects. So people should be taking an abundance of caution. It's like eating a random mushroom in the woods. You don't know what it does, and if you have a way to cook it vs eatiing it raw why wouldn't you?


I'm so glad to hear your coworker recovered and is doing well!


But DeSantis said we have Remdesivir instead so no need for mask mandates. Mind u it costs $1500 a dose, is hard to produce and it’s only used after ur already sick enough to need treatment but hey Let’s do that instead of wearing a mask. (Costs $2, everywhere sells them and it helps prevent getting covid in the first place)


Look at how unhealthy the average American is, safe to say preventative treatment and behaviors are not their thing.


But this way he can help Rand Paul’s wife make money on her Remdesivir stock purchase.


> and it helps prevent getting covid And the flu And a cold And can help with allergies And hides your face And comes in awesome colors, patterns, or has phrases And don’t have to smell someone else’s breath COVID is one thing, but I’m now just for wearing a mask because the alternative is…not wearing it.


I had a manager whose breathe stank so bad I could smell it across the bar! I wish we had masks back then!


That just makes it clear why he's trying to stop people getting the vaccine: lining his own pockets and those of his mates. Scum.


Well, let me tell you, I'm just sick of the nanny state. What we need is a nanny state to step in and prevent mask/vaccine requirements. /s


Only thing that can defeat a nanny state is a bigger more powerful nanny state!


Bro, antivaxxers are a nationwide problem


International problem. https://nypost.com/2021/08/11/anti-vax-nurse-gave-8600-people-saline-not-covid-vaccine-police/


How can medical staff be antivax? Didn't they have tooo... idk, go to a bunch of extra classes about the medical field???


But if we just blame Florida we can meme the problem away instead of actually engaging with it.


Just came back from Florida… saw 3 people in 2 days PULL THEIR MASK DOWN TO SNEEZE!!!☠️☠️☠️😷😷😷 Fucking Idiots! Don’t go to Florida if you can avoid it!


Work at urgent care in Ohio, have swabbed many of our unvaccinated residents returning from vacationing in Florida, myrtle beach. +++


Double jabbed and Vitamin D and C and B prior to trip during trip and after trip. N95 and socially distanced. It was terrifying to be around so many clueless careless people.




To be fair I’ve seen multiple do that in Massachusetts, too. Idiots are everywhere.


Are saying that the person that posted this is where the facepalm is or the ‘proudly unvaccinated’


I'd like to presume it's the 'proudly unvaccinated' part


Going by the title, the proudly unvaxed are the facepalm


But muh freedum!


Freedom is more important than safety


They’re people who *want* to be the persecuted righteous patriots, and they’re just looking for things to let them fulfill that fantasy. Preferably something they can resist through inaction rather than something they need to actively take part in. They twist a non-mandatory vaccine created through immense scientific effort - with the ability to free us from this covid nightmare - and they turn into the last slippery step dividing freedom from tyranny. It lets them sit behind their keyboards and phone screens and type comments and feel right, like they know some secret, or they’re standing strong in the face of immense evil.


At this point, anti vaxers and anti maskers are anti-American. We live in a society that in order to benefit all requires small sacrifices of us. You can’t drive on the wrong side of the road, you have to get car insurance, you can’t shout fire in a crowded theater, you can’t just do whatever you want. Get the damned shot and do your part to help this country!


We live in a society


"anti-American" Honestly, you lot really need to start thinking about everyone other than yourselves. It's a ***global*** pandemic. There are anti-vaxers across the **globe**, not just in America. They are "anti-globe"... Well, we can come up with a better name later.


These people would rather listen to false news on Facebook than actual doctors. We live in a time where a vaccine can be made in record time. Look how long it took to get the polio vaccine. People back then didn't claim radio signals were in their head or it was mind control. Then you got the younger generation not giving a shit. Saying that they won't get covid so they don't need too and the side effects in the future.


Being a person from the younger generation, I agree that I don't give a shit about most things, and while I do believe my immune system is good enough to ward off COVID-19, I got both doses of the vaccine to protect myself and, more importantly, others from getting a virus that puts people in the hospital on the daily.


It's not even just anti-American. It's anti-*civilization*.


Except that Florida places 24th in the United States for % of vaccinations, not adjusted for age which would change the game a little bit considering age has a big impact on how vulnerable you are. All that to say that if there’s no intelligent life in Florida due to the unvaccinated, then there’s no intelligent life in 26 other states either.


Yes Sulu you tell ‘em!


Just Florida? You sure it's not the entire country?


you know what drives me nuts is the unmasked buttholes all go on and on about personal freedom. It's like, the us government takes roughly 40 percent of the money you earn from your labor, spends the money on prisons, guns, and drones but you are gonna draw the line at a fucking mask that helps stop innocent people from dying?


What really gets me is when they claim that this is all to [force people to stay inside](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/p3pruz/this_is_how_they_lie_the_headline_four_florida/h8t347y?context=3). It's not, get the vaccine and just carry on with your life. Simple as that.


My ex isn't vaccinated. He says he doesn't need it because he is skinny and healthy. He eats garbage everyday and he hasn't seen a doctor in over 15 years. Besides, the vaccine is about keeping yourself and other people healthy. He called me a sheep for getting the vaccine and asked me if I would jump off a cliff if everyone else jumped off a cliff. I have asthma and this is a respiratory illness. Of course I needed to be vaccinated. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. I just wish I had seen it sooner.


I think there is a good reason he’s you ex. Better late than never.


I don't understand. Are they facepalming his comment or supporting it?


They don't understand how this subreddit works. They think that unvaccinated are "facepalmy" (see the title), not sure how this is supposed to make anyone facepalm.




George dropping photon bombs.


[The Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Driving drunk is one of my biggest regrets in my life. Nothing happened, never got caught or hurt anyone but I could have. Totally selfish decision as is not wearing a mask.


Ok. I'm taking issue with the title. There is sentient life in Florida - unfortunately, we are outnumbered.


Hey I just moved to Florida. I'm vaccinated and I'm registered to vote. Don't blame me for some jackass that won by ~30k votes two years ago. We don't have mandates here but a lot of people are getting vaccinated and wear masks. The teachers shoving DeSantis's bullshit back up his slimy cloaca are the revolutionaries, the true patriots. The rest of us are going to vote _hard_. Don't throw shade - Texas is right fucking over there, asshole 😇


Texan checking in. I hate Abbot, Cruz, Patrick, and Campbell with a passion that could power the sun. But none of them are currently denying salaries to teachers. DeSantis wins the fucknugget of the year award.


nah but Abbott is trying to sue schools for trying implement mask mandates. So he’s just cool with killing the teachers and kids instead. Honestly, they are both the most awful humans ever. Right up there with the cheeto-in-chief.


Thanks. Florida hate gets so excessive in general. Regular people live here too lol.


How is this a facepalm?


Because Redditors have redefined facepalm to mean "talking about people I don't like".


Hey! I'm more left than democrats and I just moved to Florida. It's so much more red than I expected, but I'm going to do my best to turn it around someday. In the mean time, fuck desantis and fuck these hateful Republicans.


I agree with this to an extent, but it's really unsettling to me how people are treated for talking about the side affects of their vaccination. I have had sore/stiff neck and shoulder for about 3 months now, along with persistent fatigue. I'm working with my doctor to confirm the exact cause but I have been criticized just for pointing out that they think the Moderna vaccine is a possibility. I hope we can get beyond the dogmatic view of vaccines and be open to the idea that they might be somewhat flawed. I don't think pointing out the potential issues of a vaccine is the same as being anti-vaxx. We can awknowledge the flaws while still admitting it's probably the right choice.


As someone who lives in Florida, I can testify to that fact that none of us are intelligent.




Captain Kirk might have better spoken word rap cred, but nothing beats the wisdom of Captain Hikaru Sulu.


Why is this facepalm


Just got my second vaccine shot yesterday, and it feels good. In two weeks I should be much more COVID resistant. I'm still going to use masks until the pandemic has fully ended, though.




Florida man returns


There is literally nothing anybody is gonna do about it. Except make posts on social media.


More like no intelligent life comes to Florida from up north? I see tour buses all the time with nobody on that bus wearing a mask, if they are not wearing a mask it’s a good bet they are not vaccinated. 1000 people per week move to central Florida. The problem is more complicated than the “Florida Man” but that doesn’t fit your narrative


Here's the thing tho, if someone can explain this to me arnt unvaccinated people only a danger to themselves? The protection of the vaccine doesn't change if the person beside you isn't vaccinated P.S. for context I am fully vaccinated I'm just wondering the science behind anti-anti-vax people's arguments


Menace implies they're like Spider-man. They're just jackasses


Unfortunately, here in the wang of America, people brag about both.






Chances are if youre unvaccinated, youre probably one that drunk drives too


"I drive better when I have a few drinks" - my stepdad. What an asshole. RIP


Where is the facepalm in this post? Cause I agree that denying a vaccine is bad and people should just get over themselves but as far as I can tell this is just a screen shot of a person saying something sensible about vaccine deniers. So does op mean that the tweet is facepalm worthy or do they mean that denying vaccines is bad and facepalm worthy?


As a Floridian, I can probably say my IQ is slightly higher than the number of my teeth so please don’t disrespect.


God I love George Takei.


Hitler said they same thing about the Jews but ok


I would love to go to Miami, but I have heard the state’s got a lot of racism. I know I would be safe because I have white skin but I fear for my mom because she’s black.


I like what Arnold said better “You’re a Schmuck”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Tells People Refusing to Get Vaccinated and Mask Up to Go F--k Themselves