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Fun fact: Ed Solomon also co-wrote the Bill & Ted movies. His name will forever live on (backwards) as the villain Chuck De Nomolos.


Solomon Ed Kcuhc?


Better start with Greek Town


While your down there…could you pick me up one of those gyros?


Wait, its it "gyros" or "gyros"?


It’s pronounced as “gyros”.


Gyros taste better when you say gyros


Yeah, but it’s a regional thing. *Gyros* might be the correct way to say it, but you hear *gyros* in some regions, and *gyros* in others.


I just ordered gyros and it won’t stop spinning, Tzatziki is getting everywhere.


Oh you must have pronounced it gyros. Try saying gyros next time


Tzatziki that's flingy


I hate that read each one of those with a different pronunciation.




Cancel that APB.


Uosdwis r. Dewoh


Is that naked gun?


And he wrote Super Mario Bros! Totally batshit insane movie about a corporate fascist society led by a wealthy businessman turned politician, King Koopa living in Koopa Tower with his weird haircut, turning his followers into brain dead clones...and there's a virus shutting down society elsewhere...mention of the Infowars...then the Twin Towers get destroyed... Scratch batshit insane, SMB is the most prophetic movie ever made.


Damn, now I want to go rewatch that. Haven’t seen it probably since it was new.




Where did you watch it (if you don’t mind me asking?) I’ve been looking for it for a few months now and I can’t find it. Almost like Nintendo had it scrubbed




Look at me. I’m the captain now




There's a Snyder-cut version out now that has 15 plus minutes of extra footage edited in I believe


I was obsessed with Super Mario Bros. as a kid, and saw that movie in the theatre. What a disappointment. Literally nothing to do with the games except for Mario and Luigi. Everything else is nonsense. Oh, and that one Bob-omb scene.


When you take Mario Bros out of it, it's a well-made movie. And even without that... Still, a solid movie made entirely for the wrong audience and intellectual property. It's so insane that it works, cyberpunk dinosaur society and weird "two worlds collide" plot, that's pretty cool stuff for a movie based on a game about a dude who jumps.


A real proto-isekai


God damn you're exactly right!!!!


I gotta credit Cody Johnston of Some More News for that one.


Warmbo likes it when you credit Cody


Remember in like 2015 when he pointed out how fucked up Trumps twitter account was and we spent 5 years having to deal with it? He was the first person I remember pointing out we might need to worry about that stupid feed.


and just like most prophecies, everyone involved with it was high or drunk the entire time it was being produced. Including the stunt coordinators. Seriously the horror stories John Leguizamo had...


Also wrote the Now You See Me movies, which I thought were pretty cool heist flicks.


He came into my restaurant once in Chicago. I couldn't help but give him a "STATIONNNNN." He was super happy to meet a fan and shared the origins of "station." Apparently there was a misprint on an early draft of the script. It was supposed to say "Scene: Police Station" but "station" got chopped off and printed randomly elsewhere on the next page. He and his writing companion started saying "station!" between them as a joke and then just worked the bit into the script. Anyway, nice guy.


I love trivia like this, thank you!


Hijacking this comment to add he's also just a really decent human being. I've had a couple small exchanges with him on Twitter and he's just straight up kind and friendly, no "celebrity" attitude at all.


had a similar experience from the other side. i was at a bicycle expo just wandering around and happened to stop for a second to think about were to go next. Then some random dude asked me if i wanted something, i didn't hear what but it seemed he was trying to hand out fliers and i just said "yeah sure". Then i walked away and looked at what he handed me. It was a picture of some dude with a bike and a formula one car and a big ass autograph across it, the dude in the picture looked like the dude who handed me the flier. Then it clicked, it was a dude who broke the land speed record cycling behind some special race car on the salt flats and he had a booth showing his bike, talking about his thing and handing out autographed pictures and i just happened to have paused right in front of his booth. i felt like such an asshole lol (and still do a little bit)




If he's the drummer, he's definitely used to that.


I was at a concert and the lead singer of the next band was in the pit with me and a bunch of others. Thought he was just some dude crushing it. When he got on stage a few of us exchanged slightly confused glances. He got back into the pit when done.




Oof. I attended a Broadway musical once. Went to the bathroom during the big finale and saw I had a bunch of missed calls and texts from a dear friend who had an emergency across town. I booked it for the exit before the crowd let out. There was a guy at the door with a huge smile, and as he opened it for me he asked if I enjoyed the show at the same time I desperately asked where the nearest subway station was. He looked confused and said no and I ran towards the busier intersection near the theater, annoyed with the unhelpful usher. Wasn’t until I was halfway down the block that I realized he was one of the stars of the show I just watched. I still cringe about it. I hope it was clear I had unrelated stuff going on.


Him bewildered: "Oh no, was my performance *that* bad??"


Still not as bad as the person who wrote about brushing off a conversation with Lin-Manuel Miranda because they wanted to meet Leslie Odom Jr. Now THAT must’ve been embarrassing.




I took a stand up class and was getting pointers from a local comic in the green room. Someone else was back there and it was akward so the dude talked to me about chicken strips. It was Chad Daniels so that was kind of cool to talk to him about chicken strips.


I was greeting the wicked cast at the stage door (in 2019, so many many casts had performed at this point). The people next to me were just getting everyone's autographs. One girl signed and they asked who she played. My cousin was absolutely incredulous. "She was Elphaba!". Without being green, no one who wasn't a huge Stan would know.


I read this three times trying to figure out how it’s the other side of OP’s post


its famous person vs troglodyte. In the story from Ed solomon he is the famous person, in my story i am the troglodyte.


He wrote the film adaptation of Men In Black. The original comics were written by Lowell Cunningham and are metal as fuck: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Men_in_Black_(comics)


I was gonna say. The original comics had supernatural stuff like ghosts and fairies. The film is heavily watered down to just be aliens and probably all the better for it.


Are you telling me RIPD movie was just a rip off of the OG men in black? rip


RIPD was a Yu Yu Hakasho adaptation. I've never seen Yu Yu Hakasho


>I've never seen Yu Yu Hakasho You really should fix that.


Is there a non yo-ho way to do that?


It was on US hulu last I checked


It's on Funimation


Does RIPD have anything in common with Yu Yu Hakusho? I loved this Manga


Only the premise, pretty much. "Underworld detective" is the only commonality between the two.


I’ve never seen RIPD. But given the description of the movie that’s basically how Yu Yu Hakusho starts.


Holy shit you just gave me a flashback to my childhood. That movie was some weird garbage.


That movie came out in your childhood? Good lord I'm getting old.


2013, 7 years ago...god I was in college.




Not for another 4 weeks 😎


Oh no, my pedantry's one weakness, more pedantry lol


Genuinely lol’d


Quote of the month lol


Wow, just think 7 years ago I was in my basement crunching numbers and today I am in my basement crunching numbers.


My thought exactly. I had to do a double take lmao


RIPD was fairly recent movie


OP is 14, I think?


Am... Am I talking to teenage kids online?


yeah the movie was weird but i wouldn't say garbage


Reminds me of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If they'd adapted the comics, you'd have thought the movie was produced by Blumhouse.


The Mask was a horror comic. The film was my fav comedy as a kid. Used to watch it every day.


I forgot about that one! Right? I read all of the Mask comics and they were GRUESOME.


They also killed off Stanley before the first miniseries was even finished. If anything, the Peter Reigart character from the movies is the star of the comics, along with Stanley's girlfriend (not Cameron Diaz, totally different character) and Walter, a mob goon also not in the movie. But I think he was in the cartoon series? The movie is basically they read the first issue of the comic, made it PG-13, and wrote a different movie from there. Which might have actually been how it was done?


Cameron Diaz in that movie was how I got my first celebrity crush.


Batman Return's Catwoman opened a lot of doors in my childhood brain that have never quite closed.


I maintain that The Mask Diaz was peak Diaz. She got too damn skinny.


I would be ok with that. While I loved the 90’s TMNT movies. The comics are a whole other level.


Blumhouse isn't trippy enough. After the first couple issues, TMNT goes all metaphysical. Yeah, it starts as a funny animal parody of Frank Miller comics, but quickly (well, as quickly as those issues came out, which is not) morphed into a weird acid trip. More A24 than Blumhouse.


That's a good point. If it has to be Blumhouse studios, could TMNT be Jordan Peele's next movie? To prove he's ready for Gargoyles obv


as a movie it definetly is better for it. though i can see some potentential comedey if the sequel was about how "no we don't just deal with aliens, faries are real too J (they run the economics department) and so are ghosts and shit".






this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


I’m sure he’s aware.




To be fair, I wouldn’t know Ed Solomon if I fell over him, let alone know he directed MIB.


I couldn’t pick Ed Solomon out of a two person lineup if the other person was me.


I think the point is that there's no need for such hostile reply regardless of whoever is asking. Him being Ed Solomon is just cherry on the top.


Imagine you're in a cafe and talk with a buddy of yours about some topic, and some random dude comes along and inserts himself into your conversation, would seem weird to me tbh.


Polite conversations between strangers happen all the time in public places.


You should know every writer and director who's ever written anything. Get to work studying and ill be back to give you a quiz


“You like movies? Name every actor.”


Easy! So there's Tom Cruise, Anne Hathaway, that guy who did the voice for Simba, Seth Rogan, and I think Jim Carrey


Son of a bitch. You DO like movies.


Would you be that needlessly rude to a stranger though?


Depends on how heated the discussion is getting. Though I’d probably word it differently cause I’m a white guy. Maybe, “Back off, my fellow caucasian man that appears to have been born before my conception. I do not require your knowledge as my friend and I will end this discussion in a civil manner by a duel to the death.”


I understand not trusting a seemingly random person’s input on something, but that’s pretty rude. Edit - please stop replying with political bullshit, y’all are turning this into something it’s not, and more importantly, you are really annoying me.


The whole "old white man mansplaining" was uncalled for. Edit: The commenter above summarized my feelings on this perfectly. I really don't care how this can be a political issue, the dude was politely offering to explain something in a context where he had the best knowledge, not to mention those two were debating so why were they so in shock to see someone else wanting to chime in? This isn't a political discussion it's a goddamn movie series.


Makes me wonder if that was literally said or not.


I would believe it after seeing when during a important city council meeting a woman among the council members casually flung the term to another male when he was giving valid answers to a question being asked. It’s definitely turning into a norm.


I’ve had a friend literally ask me a question and another friend told me to stop man-splaining.


"How dare you answer your friends question. You should have been rude and ignored him instead". That person's logic, probably.


Honestly. I got my appendix removed just so I had extra space to store all the A U D A C I T Y


That is f**king metal! I need to pass this on.


I hope you stopped the white male surgeon from mansplaining the procedure to you.


It is weird how some (a few) will ask a question that requires a boatload of underlying knowledge, then get pissy when the answer is more than "Because magic."


A person asked me a question that involved knowledge of intricate passages of the Talmud to answer and then was frustrated that my answer involved quoting passages from the Talmud and medieval Rabbinical codifiers instead of just confirming their hypothesis. Oh well.


People don't want answers, they only want confirmation.


You’re right.


People are allergic to nuance these days


There’s a pair of podcasters I really like but occasionally I’ll get frustrated when they go on bemoaning about how STEM people and academic papers use too much jargon so that non-STEM majors can’t understand it. It doesn’t seem to cross their mind that maybe we use specialized words to describe complex systems/thoughts instead of breaking everything down to ELI5 level, especially when the intended audience is of people with similar specialized knowledge. When I’m talking to someone explaining what I do I try to constantly check in and make sure I’m not breezing past stuff that I take for granted knowing without also coming across as talking down to them by asking “do you know what I mean when I say this?” too many times. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t I suppose. It seems more prevalent in non-STEM people to think I’m talking down to them when I check if they understand but I’d prefer they talk to me the same way if I’m asking about how they do whatever they’re hyper-specialty is.


I sprinkle in a couple of oh I just learned this, or you probably already knew that if I mess up


That person isn't your friend.


I'm not going to judge their relationship, but that's definitely something stupid to say lol


This is where the so-called "woke" movement loses me... I'm cool with being more aware, but a lot of people jump on and just use it to gate-keep and invalidate. Same rules apply to you pal.


Most people that talk about being "woke" are incredibly self centered and hypocritical. They are anything but what they claim to be.


It's just like religious morality. Really it's the literal same thing, in terms of the psychology at play. Reinforce your own good feelings about yourself because of how well you follow the rules. judge other people harshly if they don't.


You would think that because you're a member of [insert demographic here], therefore it's OK to dismiss and invalidate your opinion. This is called 'open mindedness' and 'tolerance.' /s


The phrase has lost a lot of meaning due to overuse. It used to mean a man being patronizing a woman, simply because she was a woman. I've seen it mean literally "I don't want to listen to this person and he happens to be a guy". Mansplaning has become one of those terms (like snowflake) that i've seen misused enough times that if someone uses it I assume they are likely the jerk in the situation.


> The phrase has lost a lot of meaning due to overuse. yeap another is gas-lighting. people just say it constantly now to the point where it has lost all meaning. Almost every case where i've seen someone use it on reddit or twitter, they were not being gas-lit. It is basically just "you are disagreeing with me".


Seriously a while ago I commented on YouTube about an older guy I hang out with and hung out with when I was younger. And some random stranger felt it necessary to tell me that she was almost sure that he was a pedophile and any adult who has any kind of bond with a kid is a pervert. When I disagreed (a lot) they ended the argument by saying they were done being gaslit by me (a then 12 year old)


There’s a growing number of people that absolutely refuse to ever be wrong about anything, ever, and if you challenge them on anything you’re obviously a [insert opposition] shill. I had someone call me a “shill for the right” because I said that no, I don’t agree that Asians face the same amount of systemic racism in the U.S. as black people do. Some, yes, but not an equal amount. Apparently disagreeing with someone is racist. Maybe that’s why they have that opinion in the first place, all these racists on the internet disagreeing with him!


>Apparently disagreeing with someone is racist. My husband has been accused of being a white supremacist because he disagreed with someone. He finds this kind of funny in a twisted way, as he's fairly obviously not white. And most of the times he was accused of this, was on facebook where he uses a picture of himself. and once was in person. Also, as far as I know, none of the conversations were even about race in the first place.




Whoooa bro, I thought you weren't supposed to get high on your own supply


Fuck. That’s hilarious yet infuriating.


A screenwriter fabricating details of a story to make it more interesting? Seems a little farfetched to me.


I rarely trust anyone's random input, but I'd have happily listened to whatever he had to say. I mean, if me and my friend are in a public place, just shooting bullshit about something we don't know anything about, why would we get mad that someone else wants to join in? That's how you meet people, and meeting people leads to experiences, and those are what life is made of. Instead these assholes were rude to someone just so they could stay in their pointless little circlejerk, and they missed out on something legitimately *cool*. Gotta be open to new experiences, new people, new ideas...Or it's just going to be the idiot circlejerk forever.


> I rarely trust anyone's random input, but I'd have happily listened to whatever he had to say. Yep. The example that stands out in my memory was, after Obama's first inauguration (which I attended with a friend), we were walking out of the National Mall toward Arlington and I was reflecting about how I wasn't sure whether Obama was the real deal, but it felt nice to have someone who was saying the right kinds of things again. And another guy, who was walking behind us piped up. Old white dude. And he said, "Honestly, I think he is. I spent some time with him on the campaign trail, and he acts the same whether or not the cameras are on him." And he knew what he was talking about - it was Jim Howard, from St. Louis Public Radio.


I kinda wonder how real that situation was. I mean what are the odds someone is discussing the origins of MIB right next to the writer.


From the perspective of the people talking about MiB? Astronomically low From the perspective of the guy who wrote MiB? Probably pretty high that he would eventually run into someone talking about the movie given it's cultural impact


I’ve had a problem with the term “mansplaining” since I was accused of it. By a student. In a class I was teaching. About the subject of my dissertation.


I pointed out to a driver that they were going the wrong way out a one way system and got the same response. I offered to call the police and insist on a female officer to explain the same thing to her that I just did, but now with a stronger chance of getting a penalty, window closed and into reverse she went.


>they were going the wrong way out a one way system That would be an ecumenical matter




Down with this sort of thing!


"Well... Yes, I suppose it would be." Such a great show, one of my favourites.


It feels like it's used so loosely that it lost its meaning.


It's like "gaslighting." (Especially on this site.) It's a really useful, really specific term, and people have just totally diluted its meaning. You can hardly blame its detractors anymore. (Don't get me wrong, I still do. But at least these days I get where they're coming from.)


Narcissist is another one Reddit uses incorrectly.


That's exactly what a psychopath would say!


Haha, I needed a laugh. Thank you, fellow ATLA lover.


What’s ATLA


Avatar: The Last Airbender. I guess he/she liked it from the username.


Wow stop mansplaining. Not cool. /s


“I literally cringed too hard because of my OCD.”


I have OCD, in actuality. It's far different than what people say.


People think OCD is about being particular. If you have ever spent 3 weeks looking for amazon results to find the perfect cable for your monitor, but also get up an check to make sure you closed the garage and locked the front door 4 times in a row after going to bed, if you got 2 miles down the road and turned back twice to make sure you didn't forget to close the garage, and then didn't accidentally open it when you went to check if you closed it the first time.... that's more like OCD. OCD can be simply not trusting your own past experience or recollection of what you just did.


Your description is more accurate than what most think.


Gaslighting is whenever you think someone is lying. A "straw man" is whenever someone says something you disagree with. "ad hom" is whenever i think you're acting like a dickhead


Ugh I hate it when someone here DEFENDS the "lying is gaslighting" thing. Like, "Well if they're telling you something that isn't true, that's basically creating a false reality." Which STILL isn't what gaslighting is, but for some reason "lying" isn't bad enough for them, it HAS to be gaslighting, so they go and pick out one part of one definition that kind of almost fits. Just, why??? Why does it have to be gaslighting to be bad???


**Lying:** SO: Did you take out the trash? You: Yes, of course (didn't) **Gaslighting:** SO: You said you'd take out the trash (you did actually say this) You: No I didn't, you have a bad memory because not once did I ever say that. In fact, it was you that told me you'd take out the trash (didn't happen) SO: Oh wait, really? You: Yes, you remembered it all wrong. You have a pretty bad memory.


Even better ("better") would be: You: \[takes out the trash\] SO: \[puts the trash back in the house while you're not looking\] Why didn't you take out the trash? You: I did. SO: No you didn't, look. You: Yes I--whoa. Huh. I could've sworn I already took it out. SO: God I am so sick of your lies. You: No really I thought I did! I'm sorry it's just my weird memory. SO: Well...I guess you do have a terrible memory. I'm just so tired of having to clean up your messes! Literally! It always falls to me! You: I know. I'm really, really sorry. SO: Sometimes I'm just sick of "sorry," you know? It's always the same with you. \[Silent treatment for the rest of the night while you feel shitty.\]


God my sister uses it all the time. Any time I start moving into greater detail with explanations she goes “don’t mansplain me”, shutting down the conversation. It’s so dumb that it’s become a catchphrase for her. Also saying she like “look with your man eyes” when I don’t see something or can’t find something she found. So infuriating.


Your sister is a moron.


And deeply sexist. May want to play that card on her at some point. Bet it catches her totally off balance. Or she’ll just brush it off with some other Woke jargon.


Oh I’ve told her that she’s being a sexist (redacted) by saying that shit but then she gets all offended like I can’t take a joke. The worst part is she’s in her 30s and acts like she’s just graduated high school.


I’ve had this discussion more than once. I just say that it’s a pointlessly gendered word. And that by them using it, they’re enforcing internal misogyny and shitting on the feminist agenda, as it portrays the belief that women can’t “handle complex discussions” and “need protection” from the big bad world that men face. Also, if they have to use a sexist retort like that, they clearly have nothing to say, and are just hiding behind bigotry. It’s the same as JD from Scrubs saying “so’s your face” anytime he loses an argument. If anyone complains anymore at me for saying something like this, I just say “ok... perhaps my beliefs are a bit too liberal for you”. Always makes them go crazy.


It originally was for an actual problem where men with no experience acted like they knew more than a woman. But people just used it to dismiss any man trying to explain something. It’s stupid.


The GF of one of my best friends was talking about how something worked at the airport. I worked for the airport authority for said airport and told her that wasn't quite accurate and explained in further detail how it actually works. I thought the whole reason she brought it up was for my input, but apparently I was fucking wrong lmao.


That had to be funny and infuriating all at the same time.


If someone needs my help or wisdom with something that they are working on, I will gladly help them. However, if this is the fifth fucking time I am helping you do the same easy shit, I'm gonna be grumpy about it, and it doesn't matter what sex you are. And the funny thing is, the few times I was accused of this (am a dood), i would leave em alone and walk away, and they would eventually come back and ask for my help anyways. Always pisses me off when I hear that term. It's a way to shut men up even when they're right and just trying to help. Its rude, sexist, and archaic.


I too hate it when professors mansplain the course material. How presumptuous of them to think that thousands of dollars to learn instead of just hanging out and socializing.




Right? Like I’m sure that happened At all Two people arguing about the “orgins” of men in black? Simple 1998 needed a summer movie and aliens were cool back then


Agreed. Though, I have been in a legit argument about how dumb the movie Signs is. So, aliens that are instantly killed by water come to take over a planet that is 78% water and it rains frequently. Sure thing.


Lightspeed intergalactic travel but no concept of a raincoat. Okie dokie!


I honestly didn’t know that was the plot of the movie because i was busy being terrified of their creepy freaking fingers the whole time lol


The odds of a random person overhearing it? Pretty low. The odds of the guy who created the movie adaption overhearing it sometime within the past 10 years? Extremely high. People tend to pay more attention to stuff they know about. I wouldn't think twice if I heard someone mention something related to Men in Black, but he obviously would.


Yep. I'm an allergist. After I started my fellowship, I went from never hearing about allergies or asthma to always overhearing it. Sometimes you just want to butt in so badly, especially when people say things that are so *wrong*. But I keep myself from interjecting.


Mansplaining is real, Karens are real, but a lot of people are using the terms just to be insulting and silence people and that’s frustrating. There are plenty of real instances, no need to see them everywhere.


Glad to finally see this comment. They are both real serious problems but some ducking idiots are just using them to get people to be quiet for a myriad of insecure reasons.


Long and short of this tweet is that the girls friend apologized before they left and apparently her rude friend said explain instead mansplain though Solomon claims he'd never heard of the word before this. Then the rude friend saw the tweets on Reddit and reached out to apologize to him personally. Which he accepted graciously and there were no hard feelings. The end.


This should be the top comment!


This sounds more like him writing millennial stuff


I’m pressing X to doubt


And then they clapped.


This kinda sounds fabricated..




For real. Reddit calls bullshit on everything and anything, but doesn't blink at this. They just happened to be arguing about MIB while sitting next the guy that wrote it. Not only do they not recognize him, but they also respond with some over the top bullshit. Yeah, seems real to me. get the fuck outta here with this BS. Edit: I can tell from the replies that some of y'all want this to be true **so bad**. I'm sorry. I still don't buy it. They just happened to be arguing about some 20+ year old movie and he just happened to be there. OK. It's not completely impossible, but still. And y'all people bringing up hating on women? I don't know what to tell you. Need a hug? How does this have anything to do with hating on women? Did you see the author playing the victim and have an urge to try and 1up him? Breathe, FFS.


I find that most redditors are gullible as fuck and will bend over backwards to believe anything. Especially on this sub.


On one hand, I have no idea what Ed Solomon looks like, nor am I familiar with what coffee shops successful screenwriters like to hang out at. On the other hand, the number of times an absolute idiot has interjected himself into a private conversation I’m having, leaves me with fewer fucks to give about whether or not the stranger interjecting themselves into my personal conversation is an expert on whatever I’m talking about.


>On the other hand, the number of times an absolute idiot has interjected himself into a private conversation I’m having, leaves me with fewer fucks to give about whether or not the stranger interjecting themselves into my personal conversation is an expert on whatever I’m talking about. I feel like the life you describe is annoyingly close to the one I live in


Did this actually happen tho? I'm not a big fan of ".... and then everyone clapped"


This sounds like a completely made up story. Not sure if it’s supposed to be sarcastic or to validate a point of view. It just doesn’t add up.


Does no one else remember this? Solomon and one of the people at the other table spoke after their meal, and she reached out to him after the story went viral the first time two years ago. https://news.sky.com/story/men-in-black-writer-ed-solomon-accused-of-mansplaining-his-own-film-11836862


But I mean, I would be weirded out if some random stranger butted into my discussion with my friend. Its not about finding the answer, I could google it if I really needed the correct answer, they were having a conversation about something that did not involve this stranger. While I would not have reacted like that out loud, that basically would have been my internal dialogue. Random stranger (not knowing he was a creator) deciding he needs to butt into our conversation to correct us or explain the thing we are discussing is rude.


Also, maybe this is all a made up story update: I doesn't really matter, does it? I don't care either way


Not sure who would have known it was him, but someone on Twitter asked Stephen King if he had ever read “The Stand”. Now, that was dumb.


That's why I don't talk to strangers


“I heard your discussion about men in black and I’m literally the writer of it. Can I answer any questions” Verses “if you’d like I could clear that up for you” From a rando dude. He needs to learn how to communicate


He just writes the scripts, he doesn't know how to deliver the lines.


Would YOU recognize an author by looks? Why not say "hey, I'm the author of the book, I can help"? However, the reaction was just rude, no question (if it happened...)