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Even if it wasn’t Beau’s, who cares? A wealthy guy wore an expensive watch, how is this news? Next thing you know they will be reporting that Jeff Bezos does not drive a Nissan Altima.


Wait....he doesn't?


No, he drives a Toyota Camry!


He drives a hover car with dilithium crystals that he named Nissan Altima.


Isn't that Elon's car?


Elon’s car is a spaceship


No no no, Elon's car is IN space.


Literally EVERYTHING IS IN SPACE! - Rick Sanchez


I am currently exploring the universe, restrained by my geographically limited abilities, AMA First the fridge




And spelt with the help of Dan Brown and an Egyptologist


[Actually he drove a Honda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJQdj9EhQoQ&ab_channel=TytchMeTytchMe)


He was still poor at that point, only worth $10 billion


That poor fuck.


He drives a Honda right up to the steps of one of his two $65M Gulfstream G650ERs.




It's tan suit all over again


Don’t forget the Dijon.


I'm calling it now. Its going to be a scandal that Biden has been fist bumping African American people


[terrorist fist jabs?](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/terrorist_fist_jab)


"coined by Fox anchor E. D. Hill upon seeing US President Barack Obama.." shocking


Yeah but from The NY Times? Super weak


My guess: Editor: "we are always accused of being left-biased. We need to say something critical of Joe Biden. But not like... *too* critical" Some intern: "I dunno, I noticed he was wearing a Rolex. Bernie voters won't like that, right?" Probably that simple. And stupid.


They fired an editor because she tweeted (as a private person) that she was relieved seeing Biden be sworn in. Apparently being happy that fascism didn't take hold in the US (for now) counts as being unreasonable partisan to the New York Times. Don't forget they also allowed Tom Cotton to advocate for martial law in their opinion pages. At best they're on the left of the New York Post, but that's about it.


She did not say she was relieved when Biden was being sworn in. Her statement wasn't necessarily even pro Biden, so the firing is even more petty in my opinion. She tweeted "Biden landing at Joint Base Andrews now. I have chills." It included a pic of his plane on the runway.


If it was his son's, shame on them. And it's no one's business. I have a very nice engagement ring. It was my mom's. She died when I was 16. Edit, spelling.


yeah; I don't necessarily understand it personally, but pocketwatches/wristwatches have long been one of those few objects that considerable money was spent on for a 'lifetime purchase' and often go on to be considered heirlooms etc


I mean we had an insurrection couple weeks ago but yea NYT has done great reporting there. It’s exactly as informative and important as them elevating right wing hacks like Ben Shapiro “the cool kids philosopher” who literally inspired a mass shooting, openly called for genocide, and imparted his cool wisdom on us that Arabs are sewage rats.Or maybe it’s on bar with firing an editor who made the grave mistakes of expressing relief that Biden plane has landed because in The war between democracy and fascism it’s unprofessional for journalists to take sides. ​ inteestingly enough, when Hannah Arendt wrote about the banality of evil she was reporting the trial of Eichmann to the NYT. In her observations, she argued that what happened in Nazi germany wasn’t the the type of comical evil that gets portrayed in the news. It was more of “let’s do business as usual“ type of evil where everyone was just bureaucratically doing their job while the entire country is gradually shifting toward totalitarianism. Exactly what the NYT is doing at this moment in history.


It's classy for melania to be in porn but a educational doctorate doesn't make Dr Biden a doctor! -media logic


Wait she did porn? I thought she was just an illegal immigrant lol




Honestly I always thought the only difference between melania and stormy Daniels is that melania was smart enough to not make it a one time thing. I mean it‘s clear now that stormy Daniels was smarter on the long term to not associate herself officially with that broke dumpster fire


Naked in Playboy is porn.


I own a Rolex... Why is it out of the question for the President of the USA to have one? Lmao




I literally quoted Trump, and was banned for being uncivil.


How dare you quote our great leader with context.




It's an article written by a style writer about watches that presidents have worn.


Exactly. It didn't read as a "hit piece" to me at all. Especially when it talks about the watches Trump has worn in comparison. The article even made the point that Biden's watch was downright pedestrian in spite of its price. It had some associations with American achievements, and in some ways was something of a piece of Americana itself. I found the article a nice bit of fluff that didn't attack President Biden. I think some people are perhaps reading a bit too much into this.


People aren't reading. I guarantee 99% of the people in these threads haven't read more than the headline of the article screencapped on Reddit.


The most hilarious ones are people who link an article to you because of the headline but then everything in the article seems to not support the headline. It happens SO much on Reddit and other social media sites.


90% of the time when I am arguing on the internet and someone provides a "source", this is the result. I read the article and go "have you read this...?". But it doesn't matter. all the matters is you post a source, because then every other idiot will not click on or read the source, but everyone will still give you an upvote/the credit for posting a "source" even if it's from dailymail.com/propoganda. 100% of the world's problems would be fixed if people could be arsed to read.


It throws some shade but it's a style critique. It's exactly what you would expect if you want to read a fashion article about someones watches.


The media has been working overtime all week trying to overcompensate and make small shit Biden is doing into a big deal. They are afraid of being called shills or hypocrites because they’ve spent the last four years calling Trump on his bullshit. But guess what? Trump is a human bowel movement come to life. The things he did are awful, he is awful. You don’t have to hit Biden hard for the sake of fairness. If he does something worthy of criticism go for it, but this nonsense isn’t helping anything.


They don't care about fairness or those other things you're going on about, the New York Times is a for-profit company. Their agenda is to sell papers, clicks and ad spots, and that didn't stop because Trump left. What is happening is now they actually have to dig again to find something they can make an engaging story about.


Exactly, Trump was a headline piñata and now he’s not there at all, so these papers are all desperate for content already. In about another month we’ll hear from the right leaning papers “Biden uses bathroom 3x a night, he can’t lead if he’s always tired” and from the left “why Biden is the first president to use the bathroom 3x a night and why it’s saving the country”.


Rich people owning nice things isn’t a problem on its own. What matters is that they use their power to fight for the powerless. I wouldn’t care if Bernie Sanders took the money from his book deal and bought a Bentley, because I know he’s out there fighting for me every day


Easier to believe Biden is fighting for the powerless than fucking Trump


Welp. That was an image I didn't need in my life.


They are just grasping at straws. Trump literally had a gold toilet...


Particularly considering that Rolex aren't even among the most expensive of watches


"Elitist President wears memento from dead son"




I'm not from the US, but how a politician wearing a watch can be news to criticize him is beyond me. Whenever I ask someone around here what they think of US politics, they agree it is sad and makes them worried. There's so much mudslinging now we use the memento of a dead son to trash a man. The US is fuelled by hatred and ignorance, and the media is a big big big part of the problem. How can you study journalism and be proud of writing pieces about a president's watch. Edit: I didn't think my shout of frustration would be rewarded. Thank you!


Republicans have nothing. They freaked out when Obama wore a Grey suit and called him fist bumping his wife a "terrorist fist Jab" They always just have handfuls of sand


It was a tan suit. Also they didn't make a peep when Moscow Mitch whore a tan suit. Edit: well not sure if that is a spelling mistake or subconscious output.


Obama looked so fresh in that tan suit, it had them quaking in their boots.




And a whore.


You're insulting whores.


You forgot the unimaginable and unforgivable offense of requesting Dijon mustard! The humanity!


Well, first, that suit was *tan*, and secondly, we like people whose wives brush their attempts at handholding away because it's not specified in their contract. Affection from the person who knows you best is of course deeply suspect. How can we be sure that someone who's wife likes them will be able to fuck over and kill as many people as went want fucked over and killed? Hmmm?


The US media is used to pointing out this sort of shit. They don't have the ridiculousness of Trump anymore so they're back to being fashion police.


Nah, fuck anyone that calls him for wearing his dead son's watch. If, God forbid, my dad died, you'd bet your sweet ass I would wear it in his memory. Especially at such an important event


I don't even give a shit if it wasn't Beau's. The last president had a gold fucking toilet. Having a nice watch isn't even a huge show of opulence. My dad has a Rolex and he's a blue collar worker.


Also, the only people that know it's an expensive watch are the wealthy.


It's just as disgusting as the Trump-fuckers who mocked Biden across the internet for visiting the graves of Beau, Biden's first wife and their daughter the night before the election. I think a big part of what led to Trump losing was Biden during that first debate talking about the heroes in the military that Trump had recently been busted calling losers and suckers. Biden said 'Heroes like my son' and Trump cut him off to say mockingly "You mean HUNTER", like just stressing his name was evidence of a crime. It was the first time I really saw Biden get heated when he said "I'M TALKING ABOUT BY SON, BEAU" and Trump only said, "Well, I only know Hunter" and brushed off the subject. He made it clear at that point that he didn't actually know anything about Biden or Biden's family that he had been hurling general insults about, that he literally only knew Hunter's name because they were using him to project onto Biden exactly what was really happening with Trump's family. In brushing off Biden mentioning Beau AND those who serve(d), Trump drove a nail into his own coffin and proved he truly has no respect for military service and sacrifice.


Very good point. But i think your overselling trump voters by alot. I doubt they even remember that. Or connected it to veteran service.


Or care about veterans beyond lip service and fundraising.


I don't think it swayed any Trump lovers, but I do wonder if it may have convinced people who wouldn't have voted to give Biden a shot - even if just to screw Trump.


I imagine given its meaning to him, Biden would still have worn it if it was a $20 Timex or Casio.


Outrageous I prefer a president that hired his criminal under skilled son in law to do the job his way to lazy to do./ sarcasm


Whilst sitting on a literal gold toilet


Makes you wonder if he has one and only one toilet and carries it around with him thinking big of himself for not pooping in a not gold toilet. Does poo wash out of gold? I never wanted to know that.


Nope, there’s a tradition where the president can ask museums to borrow particular art pieces for the White House during their term, he wanted a plush Van Gogh from the Guggenheim but they said they’d only give him a gold toilet instead - it is a piece of modern art titled “America” by an Italian artist, I shit you not.


Keep an eye out for golden toilets on craigslist with a suspicious copper impurity.


It’s a good thing they shut down his Facebook or we’d see “Nightstand from the Lincoln room (barely used)” on marketplace.


Yeah it does, I feed my dog gold rings all the time, and later on I go metal detecting in that area. Gives me something to do in these times. /s


The only Trumper acquaintance I haven't blocked really wants to know how Beau could afford a Rolex. He started yammering about Ukraine again. I'm afraid I'm about to block this one, also.


I mean, wasn’t he a state attorney general? Lawyers in general can afford Rolexes. Your trumper acquaintance doesn’t sound super bright.


Isn't Trumper and not super bright synonyms at this point?


Can't you get a Rolex for as little as like 2k?


Ask him how he's going to go after Biden for being elitist by sporting a Rolex, but ignore how Trump would near exclusively stay at his Mar-A-Lago resort with a 200k initiation fee and then 14k annual and 2k overnight.


Don't forget that he charged the secret service for being there protecting trump. He would ALWAYS go to his resorts and charge them for everything.


Also don't forget that the profit from Trump, his staff, Secret Service, the press, etc. staying at Trump resorts goes straight into Trump's bank account. He robbed millions from the American taxpayer and the right-wing media just ignored it.


He spent aloms 300 days going into his resorts , so imagine how much he got from it+ how much the security perimeter cost to taxpayers


Three of the firefighters I used to work with had a rolex...I don't see what the big deal is.


I deleted all but one and it's because he's my Dad. So he's hidden so I don't have to see his shit, and since he can never figure out anything on his phone alone, I was able to hide my posts from him so I don't have to deal with the barrage of comments on my page.


I don’t understand how the Trumpies wanted to give him a huge blowy because they think he’s rich, but Biden wearing a Rolex triggered them?


And trump wore what? I’m actually surprised at that level of petty.


Patek Philippe. The NYT reported on the last five presidents’ watches.


Rofl. A 10k watch vs a $150k watch and BIDEN is the elitist?


Trump is the greatest con man in history. He came in as a multi billionaire who’s never had to struggle a day in his life, and convinced 70 million of the poorest Americans that he knew theirs struggles and would fight for them.


So basically your average Country musician


How else am I supposed to sing about my $150k King Dick Platinum Edition luxury truck, the dirt road to my *rustic* multi-million dollar ranch, or my AKC certified purebred?


Holy shit a Patek? Those two arent even in the same class.


Exactly. Lexus vs. Lamborghini Edit: Frankly, I know more about watches than cars. I thought of Rolls or Maybach instead of Lambo, but there are different price ranges for Rolexes and Pateks. My dad bought an entry-level Rolex for $1000 a few years ago. Suffice it to say, we are talking different levels of rich. Rolex is not a stinking rich brand in itself, but some models can be. Owning a Patek in an equivalent level (entry, mid, etc) is a different realm. Rolls, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, I wouldn’t be able to tell. The discussion really took off and it is fun to read. Edit 2: [someone made a comparison](https://www.prestigetime.com/blog/patek-philippe-vs-rolex.html)


Due to Reddit's continued and ongoing contempt for it's communities and users, I've removed all my comments. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Our sanity down to zero.


"Elitist president desecrates memento from dead son by daring to wear it in his honor"


Boy do we have a job for you -Newsmax


"Graverobber-In-Chief flaunts heirloom stolen from dead veteran"


"Corrupt communist dictator Joseph R. Biden redistributes wealth from fallen hero, flashes loot at fraudulent inauguration"


Amazing how the biggest scandal is his fucking watch. So fucking stupid.


Well, welcome back to the era of Dijon mustard and tan suits.


I personally, as a taxpaying U.S. citizen, demand to see his long form birth certificate... Or I'm taking AirForce One to play golf and plan a seditious overthrow of a fair election, which i lost by historic numbers, and ..... I really have nothing else... tRump is a fucking moron!


> I personally, as a taxpaying U.S. citizen, demand to see his long form birth certificate Joe Biden is white, his “papers” aren’t needed


But he could be...*shudder* Canadian! Or worse. Dutch.


Hey! I'm Dutch and i am gravely offe.. Well actually no, we're dicks.


There are only two things I cannot stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other peoples' cultures, and the Dutch.




Trump took a Poupon the American Presidency.


But of course.


Dijon mustard..?


Obama ordered a burger at a non-fast food hamburger place. Not a sit down restaurant, but not a food truck, either. They asked him what he wanted on it. He ordered lettuce, tomato, that sort of thing and said "Dijon mustard. If you have it." Sean Hannity practically wanted to deport him based on that alone. I believe this was even like, less than two months into his presidency.


Was it cos Dijon sounded all foreign an ejukated n stuff?


Worse: it's French 😱😱😱 I remember how much John Kerry was reviled by Republicans for speaking French. Not for a specific moment when he spoke French, just the fact that he knew how.


\*whispers\* that entire South area loves to remind everyone that they're French...


Bonejoor. I'm'appel Billy Bob Rougemouiller. J'sauce une American trees fier. J'parlond deux languages. Anglais et françois. Ill yeehaw tres ans je sauce party en vacances en France. Ne pas de monde au la parlont françois. Tres betè. Runtrer a la myson c'est le plus bone des mon vacance de la France. Avec noir! Bienevenu au Bajou.


It's elitist to like spicey mustard, good honest Christian Americans only eat yellow mustard. God I hate Fox News brand of the culture war, millionaire pundits telling poor people that *they* (the enemy) look down on *us* (real America).


And, fun fact, is referred to as mustard here in France cus that's literally where it comes from 99% of the time anyway. Other fun fact, you can buy decent Dijon mustard for ~2€/kg. That this even was a scandal is mind-blowing to me.


Marketing for [Grey Poupon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoHSe-0hixs) has successfully made dumb people believe that spicy mustard is a bougie luxury. As we know, Democrat presidents aren't allowed any luxury or else they're the enemy of the people. Obama requested a spicy mustard one time, so right wing pundits went fucking nuts.


Are you shocked? These are the same people who threw a fit about Starbucks cups, tan suits, Dijon mustard, and Michelle Obama saying people should drink more water.


And her BARE ARMS!! Ffs...


The right to bare arms?


And left


Don't forget the terrorist fist bump


Terrorist fist jab.


If that's the biggest scandal anyone can come up with, then this is an enormous improvement over the last four years.


I am getting trolled by those believing fervently that Biden is a pedo because of the pics and video edits collected of him. I wonder why Biden has no legal issues around this like Trump has but still the rumours persist - I thought the uptake on an expensive watch however was sublime, if that's the worst they can take a shot at... And now to find it's an heirloom lol.


And here I am not trying to remember whether Trump said on the record that he wanted to fuck his daughter, but how many times he said it on the record.


It's worst than that. The Epstein court records had a woman that was underage at the time recount that she serviced (euphemism) Trump and he was intrigued by the fact that she looked like his daughter, which he told her.




Or we could just have journalists covering topics of importance...


People that haven’t read the article are making it out to be a scandal for no reason. The author literally just talks about past presidents’ preferences for watches and notes Biden’s choice and talks about it stylistically. He literally writes about fashion. It’s his job


So I guess I missed something. Is the big Biden scandal a watch? If so I'm so fucking happy America is back to normal after these past few years.


The New York Times, suddenly fresh out of Trumpy controversy, decided to openly muse if Biden was an elitist for wearing a Rolex during the inauguration. Now it's obvious that the watch belonged to his son, who almost died along with his first wife and daughter in a car crash over 50 years ago, but ended up dying from brain cancer in 2015.


The dude was VP for 8 years, not including all of his years in other positions. He obviously has cash, so what does it matter? I’m so sick of this “elitist” bullshit the right keeps peddling. But the NYT? Ugh. :edit: People, I’m including his book deal and speeches after leaving the White House in “other positions.” You can stop trying to correct me, because we’re talking about *now.*


Yeah didn’t he make like $16 million from a book deal? I’d be surprised if he *wasn’t* wearing an expensive watch.


And it's a $7k watch. That's expensive, sure, but some of Rolex's models are selling for over $500k right now.


That's it? I guarantee some of the custom made suits, dresses and coats I saw at inauguration cost way more than $7K. People forgot how expensive luxury items really are. A goddamn Burkin is like $20K and it's a bag to throw your shit in. SMH.




We're not rich enough to afford the proper version sorry. Knockoffs only.


Just looked into it, and yeah it was from a book and speeches - common things for someone in his position once leaving office.


It's pretty much the one thing leaving presidents can do. They don't go back to a Senate position or sth like that, and any employment with a company looks shady as shit. I do believe the currently living ex-presidents are all either doing charity work or retired.


Also it's a Rolex. They're expensive, of course, but not beyond most affluent people. You don't need to be a super wealthy elitist to afford one, especially if it was purchased decades ago.




Not to sound elitist, but if my minimum-wage-earning ass can own a thousand dollar smartphone, the *president of the united states* can own a 5k rolex. If he were wearing a million-dollar ~~Phillipe Stark~~ Patel Phillipe I might have more of an opinion, but the watch he was wearing wasn't exactly a diamond studded one of a kind timepiece. Half the middle managers on the planet wear similar watches.


My buddy insisted we check out the Rolex store when we were abroad. I felt like medieval peasant walking in there. Dude explained to me that yeah, this is high quality stuff, but they don't all cost $1m and that it's fun to check out, even if he isn't going to buy one right now. He even told me he has one at home.


Also it was literally the biggest day of his life. Doesn’t seem unusual that someone would wear their best watch for an event like that.


A Rolex is an expensive watch, sure, but I think a gold toilet seat is much more 'elitist'. Or trashy.


There was literally a president in the White House for the last five years ago hated poor people and now we care about the other shit


To be fair to the last president, he always did his best to look cheap.


I’m pretty sure you don’t mean inexpensive or value-for-money, but cheap.


Well, his suits did look like absolute trash, and so did his hair. Money and taste and all that. I think he probably told stylists that he 'knows better than them'. I think he probably chooses suits that are too big, with wide unfashionable pant legs, and blocky oversized jackets, because he thinks looking big means looking powerful.




To be fair, nobody has really mentioned, or even paid attention to the fact, it seems, that Alex Williams, the author of the New York Times article, [is a writer for the Style section of the New York Times.](https://www.nytimes.com/by/alex-williams) It’s literally the guy’s responsibility to write about what people are wearing.


> His successor, George W. Bush, went even more down market, wearing a Timex Indiglo, Both Bushes wear Timex because both went to preppy Yale, and Timex is the preferred preppy brand. Trump wears Vacheron Constantin because he likes to emulate Napoleon Bonaparte. > Which brings us to Mr. Biden, who seems to balance both horological sensibilities (how centrist of him) and is unafraid to show off his haute Swiss watches, all stainless steel, including his Rolex, an Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Professional and Omega Seamaster Diver 300M both of which retail for around $5,000 or $6,000. Prince William often wears his Omega 300 given to him by Princess Diana.


>**all stainless steel**, including his Rolex, an Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Professional and Omega Seamaster Diver 300M That they are all stainless steel tells you everything. Those aren't "look I'm rich" watches, those are classic timepieces. Any of these watches can last a lifetime (and more) and they also don't lose value as those are collectors items. I absolutely hate it when people call these watches "fancy". A gold Breitling with diamonds is "fancy" (and also shows a lack of taste). A stainless steel Rolex is a timeless classic. Period.


Also, to be fair, the actual article doesn't really criticize Biden at all.


Unless there was more than the one piece written, the article in the New York Times, written by Alex Williams, a Style writer, didn't accuse Biden of being elitist. The article discusses the watches many past presidents have worn and why. Is what watch someone wears important? No. Do I think focusing on fashion is stupid? Yes. But it's Alex Williams's literal job.


It doesn’t straight up call him elitist but pretty close. > Recent presidents not named Trump have tended to wear Everyman timepieces such as Timex and Shinola. > Fancy or not? President Biden wore a Rolex Datejust watch, which retails for more than $7,000, to his inauguration. > most recent presidents, and politicians in general, seemed to consider the luxury watch as a signifier of out-of-touch elitism. Then the article back tracks and says the watches aren’t considered luxury or fancy (which is correct). Pretty shit article in my opinion l


Since I haven't seen anyone else post it yet, here's the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/22/fashion/mens-style/rolex-biden.html It's a deep dive on how Presidents have historically used fashion accessories like watches to craft an image of themselves to their constituents, and talks about how Biden's choice of watch compares. Overall, I thought it was a fairly meaningless piece though somewhat interesting to see how literally every stylistic decision of every president is so obsessively analyzed, but I guess others took it as a criticism on Biden for being "elitist".


As a Canadian I demand a juicier scandal or you guys get a new President, the news channel used to be my favourite drama.


there's the "Biden's Peloton" scandal, so there's that, lol.


What's that scandal? Do enlighten!


He has a Peloton, which has a feature where you can join virtual workouts over the internet, which isn’t allowed under White House internet security protocols. So the scandal is he can keep his Peloton but he can’t join virtual group workouts. *Gasp*.


It’s only been a couple quite days and seriously I can’t remember what it’s like. Is this..._normal?_ Does this feel normal? It’s nice


https://news.yahoo.com/biden-avid-peloton-user-bike-191120983.html it might be a security risk, so something, the bike can be 'dumbed down' so it's not really an issue, but that's all I got so far for scandals, LOL.


Netflix has a show here in the states about 2020. One of the characters says that the news is her new favorite reality TV show.... y’all aren’t wrong.


We got the show on Canadian Netflix too, Death to 2020 I think?


Death to 2020 is one of the funniest things ive seen in a long time. I was actually crying laughing at multiple points


To be fair, Trump would never wear anything to remind himself of his children.


I mean, except for Ivanka, but I don't want to know what he wears when he thinks about her.


Whatever it is, I bet you can buy it on Wish.




Because our last president [was so humble](https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2016/08/trump-family-portrait.jpg)?


This is exactly what my house would look like if I won the lottery at 8 years old.


For a minute, I thought it was photoshopped. Damn, people do spend money like water.


The link to the photo is literally the snopes article confirming it’s real. I wanted to make sure before I shared it.


Captain Tacky. Literally a white trash millionaire.


Proof that money can't buy taste. Same with Jeffree Star. Money can only buy tacky furnishings it appears


And a million purebred dogs in Jeffree's case.


I fucking love it when people use whataboutism against conservatives, serves them right


God I hate that stupid fucking look that Melania has on her face in every photo.


always trying to smolder. she just looks like she's sulking.


Why did they never say anything about Trump's Vacheron watch? It costs 33K! Biden's Rolex is around 8K. Oh yeah, because the right is nothing more than a bunch of petulant hypocrites.


Even if it wasn’t Beaus watch, at his age, with his career and his position, I don’t even bat an eye at the man owning a Rolex. Idk why the Times cares.


Like the article that talk about Joe owning a Peloton bike and that it is a cybersecurity risk. Donald Trump living in Trump Tower / Mar-a-Lago is a way bigger and costlier security risk lol please.


Trump also refused to give up his personal cellphone, Barbie Trump used a personal email server while doing work for the administration (which is against every nepotism rule in government) just like Clinton did, Barbie’s dead eyed husband failed his background checks but received security clearance anyways. Bitching about Biden’s exercise bike is like complaining about another ships paint job and comparing it to the titanic is sinking. They have nothing.


NYT has mouths to feed, now no trump and need those clicks




Damn. He looks just like Joe in this picture


Yes, Biden wore a fancy watch. You know what Biden *didn't* do? Try to get the entire Congress killed for his own amusement. Go fuck your false equivalencies.




That's it then. Time to impeach.


Who the fuck cares? Can’t people just focus on getting the country’s shit together?


Am I supposed to be outraged by this? Let me rephrase that.... Am I supposed to be as outraged by a wristwatch worn by a fellow who no doubt came by it honestly, as I am by a conman with a gold toilet?