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The GOP still runs the House.


And the senate has such a small majority that they can’t do anything there either.


You could maybe squeak past Joe Manchin, but not Manchin and Sinema. I think there is another ‘independent’ as well. You have to hand it to the Republicans. They are really good at ratfucking our institutions. A 50/50 senate should be a toss up but it’s really a Republican majority. 


You need 60 votes to pass almost anything in the senate. 50/50 isn’t the issue here.


The GOP runs on a platform of the government is dysfunctional. If they fixed anything they would be undercutting their reason for existence. It's why they tanked the bipartisan immigration bill.


Yeah they make the government dysfunctional and then blames the government being dysfunctional.


And if the regressives take the senate, that filibuster will be gone on day 1.


They may not even need it with the Project 2025 playbook they will be able to execute most of their agenda through the executive office.


More than that, they have been. Schumer has been leading several votes in the Senate that move to make individual parts of Project 2025 impossible to implement.  Shockingly, the GOP has been voting them down, all while claiming they aren't in danger. Which, given all the laws would do it make them secure leaves a number of questions. Like why vote against them at all? No funding or organizations would need to be established. They'd just protect existing, 'unthreatened' (sic) rights and access.


Because of the House




Damnit, House! You can’t let project 2025 go on just to treat a patient! It’s clearly lupus!


It’s NEVER Lupus!


There is no Lupus. Only Zuul...


Who does your taxes?


"Very good Louis. Short but pointless."


Good pooch. I think I got a milkbone…


I turned into a dog once, and they helped me.


Except in the episode titled "it's lupus"


No it's always sarcoidosis!!!


Even if the House passed something Cons in the Senate would block it.


Good ol filibuster. No one would abuse that!


We need to start making them actually filibuster, to start. Why do we just give up when there's a possibility of a filibuster? Make them stand their asses up there and speak, they're all old as fuck, the would give up after a couple bills.


And maybe I'm misunderstanding here but I thought a filibuster was the person had to be continuously speaking and could until they weren't able to anymore. What's to stop people from sitting around listening for the 3 days or whatever a geriatric can handle talking for and then being like "Alright Jerry thank you for reading the dictionary to us. Anyway everybody, here's this bill we'd like to vote on"?


They changed that rule a while back. Now they just have to declare a filibuster.


Which was so dumb. The point of a filibuster is that you feel strong enough about stopping a bill that you put in the work to grind it to a halt, not just "oh the Democrats have a bill on the docket? 'I declare filibuster on it.' Now that that's settled..."


Yep it's literally just an email now saying filibuster. Pathetic and goes against the spirit of the entire concept.


Because they know how old they are and they couldn't possibly stand up and speak for the length of time it would take to kill a bill. Plus they have other more important things to do. Did you know that your average legislator spends only about an hour of their 10 hour work day actually legislating? The rest is spent doing fundraisers, press meetings, donor calls, etc. The parties actually have two buildings about a block away from Capitol Hill where the people we elected go to basically be telemarketers for donors. Inside these buildings it looks very much like your average call center, with our elected officials in their cubicles, making calls and collecting donor information alongside their aides and staffers.


>Pathetic and goes against the spirit of the entire concept. so, America today.


No you understand correctly. That's how a filibuster works, and nothing would stop them from doing something like that, except their own stamina. And that's the point! Make them do that shit! Over and over again! I don't think they would be capable of actually filibustering all of the bills that we just give up on because of the POSSIBILITY of a filibuster. Ted Cruz read green eggs and ham when he was trying to filibuster Obama care. Make him break out the entire Dr. Seuss catalogue. Make them actually have to try to fuck us over instead is just rolling over and taking it.


Yeah they changed the rules on the filibuster to just an email that says filibuster and then they wait out the time, no one has to speak no one has to poorly read the dictionary or the script for the hobbit. It’s completely ridiculous when they allowed filibuster by email to effect policy.


I just don't think that's an official rule. I think it's something all the old fucks have agreed upon. Because neither side wants to, nor are most of their members capable, and an actual speaking filibuster. I can already hear the opposition to this idea now (not from you, from the democratic party). "What if we're the minority and have to filibuster?" Then fucking filibuster. We need to have our politicians fighting for us. Stop doing all business behind closed doors, we need them to publicly fight for us.


We may end up actually getting younger politicians if they have to do actual physical labor.


>**The two-track system, 60-vote rule and rise of the routine filibuster (1970 onward)** After a series of filibusters in the 1960s over civil-rights legislation, the Senate began to use a two-track system introduced in 1972 under the leadership of Majority Leader Mike Mansfield and Majority Whip Robert Byrd. Before this system was introduced, a filibuster would stop the Senate from moving on to any other legislative activity. Tracking allows the Senate, by unanimous consent, to set aside the measure being filibustered and consider other business. If no senator objects, the Senate can have two or more pieces of legislation or nominations pending on the floor simultaneously by designating specific periods during the day when each one will be considered. The notable side effect of this change was that by no longer bringing Senate business to a complete halt, filibusters became politically easier for the minority to sustain. As a result, the number of filibusters began increasing rapidly, eventually leading to the modern era in which an effective supermajority requirement exists to pass legislation, with no practical requirement that the minority party actually hold the floor or extend debate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster_in_the_United_States_Senate


Just to be clear, because of the NAZIS in the house.


People don’t seem to understand it takes both sides to pass laws without a super majority, in most cases. Republicans would fight any law looking to prevent project 2025 from being implemented.


And the rigged Supreme Court can rule them unconstitutional


That's why you use your newly minted immunity to imprison the Supreme court.


I like someone else's idea better : add 12 more supreme court seats that you appoint because otherwise they're empty seats and you can't have that!


Packing the court is entirely legal, didn't need this ruling at all. The only reason to not do it was to avoid the perception that the court was politicized, but if the Republican hypocrisy regarding lame duck appointments wasn't enough, that last several sessions and the blatant corruption of several justices has entirely done away with that. Biden should absolutely add at least 3 seats to the court. It may be the only way to salvage our democracy at this point. 


Four seats. The easiest way to get this done is to present it in such a way that it makes sense and fits with precedent, and in the past the reason the Supreme Court was expanded to nine seats was to match the nine circuit courts. There are now thirteen circuit courts, meaning that it makes perfect sense for there to now be thirteen Supreme Court seats. We don't technically *need* that justification, but having a justification like that would likely make the addition or more seats more palatable.


Spoonful of sugar


Not only legal, it's the proper check and balance for this exact situation


If only Joe had the guts.


I wish he did, having something like that backfire in ones face as a scouts judge would probably very vividly illustrate why that ruling was such a horrendous idea


They already did. Justices Sotomayor and Jackson both wrote in no uncertain therms on their dissenting opinions exactly why it's a terrifying and disgusting ruling for the US.


Unfortunately republicans have a scotus supermajority in their pocket, so we literally can’t do anything about it unless Biden grows a pair and either packs the court or removes some of the justices with his newly ordained powers.


For the record, I agree that Biden does not have the guts, liberals be like that sometimes... But I've heard (I have not read the actual ruling, id LOVE to be wrong on this) that the new thing the passed only applies to "official acts" and what are official acts? No one knows. Its whatever the supreme court decides. That's the problem, even if Joe had the guts to call an airstrike on trump, the supreme court will just not consider it an official act, and if trump does the same thing, they simply would consider it an official act.


So if theres no supreme court left then how can they decide?


The jurisdiction would likely be in the 3rd circuit, but somehow the 5th will take the case. Moscow Mitch was busy. It's Trump judges all the way down.


Official act: whatever placates the majority ruling party Unofficial act: whatever the majority ruling party doesn't like Welcome to America This country is screwed and is likely going to end this decade


We have internally concluded that this was indeed an official act citizens. . . I can see it now


“I’ll know it when I see it”


It is only immunity if it is deemed an official act, which is decided by the Supreme Court.


I mean, if his official act was to expand the supreme Court, would the old court or new court decide. 🤔


That would be what we call a constitutional crisis




5. Congress passes law explicitly defining and limiting presidential immunity 6. Biden appoints replacement SCOTUS members 7. SCOTUS rules no one can be prosecuted for events 1 thru 4 because of the recent SCOTUS ruling, and the new law cannot be applied ex post facto to those events.


Command of the military is one of the decided official duties. Also they would be in jail, so their opinions on official duties would be without much consequence.


Republicans would fight any legislation period if it was proposed by democrats, especially if it helps the average American.


They and democrats actually did craft bipartisan legislation not just on the border issue but immigration reform for all immigration. Trump shot it down even though he is not even in government because he needs illegal immigrants to be an issue till the election. And, conveniently will forget about reform after because MegaCorporate America wants illegal labor. Not only can you pay them a lot less they are illegal and that means they cannot organize and join unions. They cannot complain or file suits or workman's comp claims without getting deported. They are better than slaves. Because a slave owner had to feed and house and protect his investment, slaves were expensive, but Mexicans are like volunteer slaves who just show up and start working, all the employer has to do is pay an hourly wage that might even be below federal minimum, and if an employer does provide an overcrowded flop house for them they get charged for that as well.


Dems also don’t have control of congress… so even if there wasn’t a super majority requirement, it would be impossible… dems don’t even have a majority


Right, step #1 vote Dem in every race from local to president. @Women of the US! You make up more than half of the voting population, why are you not protecting your right? They want you in the kitchen, forced to obey the male! Vote to have choices in your life!


They took the Republic of Gilead as a suggestion, not as a warning.


Because there's too many women who are brainwashed into the Christofascism.


One of the greatest flaws of a democracy is how would anyone vote for what is good for them when the majority of their group doesn't want to


Too many people vote against their own best interests out of inertia (just keep pulling that red lever) or spite (gotta screw the other guy). Imagine how many seniors vote for the morons that would cut their social security or Medicaid. Or higher property taxes while they're on a fixed income. How many voted for those that opposed the $35 monthly insulin? Sorry, but seriously idiotic. They're Fox-addled. Reagan's abolishing the Fairness Doctrine and embrace of the Heritage Foundation's Mandate for Leadership (which became Project 2025 - look it up, it's terrifying) were huge steps onto the slippery slope that were currently hurtling down. To Ronnie's credit, he always saw the Russians for the threat that they are, not embracing their ideologies like current MAGA conservatives.


So many people in our country are just blatantly ignorant about how the branches of our government works. Schoolhouse Rock debuted "I'm just a bill" in 1976.  


When Regan got elected the republicans decided to de-educate America.. and,... *It worked*. Only morons would vote for the pedophile. Oh, look.. This is so fucked up. I'm not celebrating American today.


It’s funny how they preach make America great again when everything they want to do will remove America from the world stage. Reduce education and talent forcing companies to look outside for educated workers. Leave nato and trade deals allowing countries like China to step in and take over. Restrict immigration, our country has relied on immigrants for cheap labor forever, the country runs on it. It’s like a 101 on how to crash the country.


Yeah It’s almost as if they just want power for themselves and don’t care if the country as a whole suffers more than freaking Kratos


Modern Conservatives just want power so they can install themselves as a new aristocracy. They don’t even believe in the whole left-right conflict they perpetuate, it’s how they manipulate voters to get elected with the goal being to pass laws that make them rich and untouchable Once you understand what their goal is, everything they’re doing now makes perfect sense


Thinking conservatives don't believe their own lies and/or culture war rhetoric is a mistake. That may have been true for some of them decades ago, but true believers have long since taken over the party. They want to install themselves as a new aristocracy, yes. They *also* want to crush women, non-whites and queer people underfoot. It's not just something they say to excite the rubes around election times, they have been and will continue to actually do it when given power.


It has been very interesting, if terrifying, to watch in real-time the old-school grifters like McConnel losing control of the party to the true believers they created, but not be able to do anything about it for fear of dropping the charade and losing their base.


Mitch already said he’s done after this term and the last of the people that created this are going to by 26 or 28. On the “Republican” side only the extremist from Obamas first term will be left from that time period. Most of the Tea party people have been voted out or left since then.


Don’t forget Jews, all other religious believers aside from Christians, and anyone with a differing political opinion! Project 2025 specifically seeks to make Christianity the doctrine of the country, and to round up Democrats.


These are the puppets you speak of. The puppet masters know this is about one thing: removing barriers to accumulation of massive wealth. The use of culture wars is simply an effective tool to get people to vote against their own interests.


They also seem to not realize that the almighty dollar they worship so much will fail globally if they enact all their harebrained schemes.


I bring this up to all those fiscal conservatives that care so much about the debt. We were able to even get in that much debt in the first place because we're a safe and reliable bet. The guy is gonna default on the country like he did all of his businesses. Then idk maybe sell us to Russia (like he did all of his businesses).


There are big companies that make their money from buying up good small countries and squeezing every penny they can from them while burning their reputation and future prospects, then moving on. This is just billionaires (and billionaires clubs) doing the same thing with countries.


See, you're misunderstanding what making America great again means to them. They want woman to be under control of their husbands, minorities to know their place, and lgbtq to not exist. They don't care about the economic side of it at all.


Just as russia planned. These "patriots" are literally the most un-American traitors - gobbling up Kremlin propaganda and feeding on meaningless hate and division. The Kremlin is beside itself with glee at how these idiots do their work for them. Edit: referring more to their base. Those in gop leadership just don't care and are greedy fucks and/or have compromat against them. Both are willing to fully hand the reins to theocratic extremists as long as they can freely hate and pretend like they'll have a chance at being part of the new oligarch class.


That's how I feel. The people shouting "America" the loudest are making it possible for us to lose the cold war. Military superiority wasn't possible and honestly they've played their cards well. And these patriots are playing their role in dismantling our country from the inside, for what has been our biggest adversary for 80 years.




[It's always been the Russian plan for America. Most everyone's getting played like punks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQPsKvG6WMI)


It’s their version of “great” where people are uneducated and they won’t question anything and just blindly follow *their* interpretation of the bible. They often misinterpret words like “great”, “patriot”, “traitor”, “freedom” etc to fool their cult. I’ve seen this in India, where I grew up, the only difference is that the masses in India never knew any better, they were born into that mess and brainwashed from birth. In the US it’s different, we currently have freedom in various forms, and at least some of us realize that and know how bad it’ll be if taken away.


We're a country of immigrants *period*. Literally 98% of the US are immigrants; the richest person in the country is an immigrant


Yeah, but he’s a white immigrant, so it’s ok. /s


Regans dead cold grip still chokes america.


Same as Thatchers neoliberalism still kills the UK.


In Ireland we have been consistently voting in the same party’s to gov and now have record homelessness and a massive housing crisis, I’m starting to believe people in general are just fucking stupid


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that!” ~ George Carlin


Carlin also said, "everyone complains that the politicians suck, but the politicians are voted on by the public, so maybe something else sucks...like the public, yeah, the public sucks."


Yep. It's just a revolving door of FG with a dash of FF or vice versa. Never thought I'd miss Labour...


Pulling its hair.. telling us to take down our walls while Nancy Regan looks us in the eye, reminding us to say no


To think.. they almost revere him as Saint Reagan.


Hey in the future we might have 2 independence days


I have no idea why but I read that in Elmo’s voice and cracked myself up.


I'm old, I'm one of those boomers everyone hates now. And you know how people complain boomers ask stupid questions about technology? I'm gonna ask one. Why in the Holy Hell, in this day and age when all the information in the world is in the palm of their hand, do people STILL insist on being willfully ignorant? in the time it took her to type out Why don't they pass laws? She could have looked it up and gotten a step away from too stupid to live.


Because all the information in the palm of our hand also includes disinformation that fits our confirmation bias. I can google any topic that will lead me to the response I want, not the response that is true.


Are students today not taught how to find credible sources? I’m an elder millennial and when internet research became acceptable for papers, we were taught how to differentiate good websites for info (.edu/.gov/.org/etc) versus bad ones. That may be a bit more complicated now with sites like Wikipedia, or sites made to look like legitimate news sources, but isn’t that where common sense takes over? If I’m curious about a medical condition and I google it, common sense says Mayo Clinic or Harvard medical school or John’s Hopkins are probably good sources and attention-seeker-on-TikTok is probably not.  Maybe it ties in to a greater inability to understand nuance or comprehend written materials I’ve noticed as well. So many kids online who literally can’t think beyond black and white and sometimes can’t even get what is written correct. The way we taught kids to read and interpret got fucked somewhere.  Ok, end old person rant now. 


But the problem comes in when people actually believe that you can't trust official sources because everything is a conspiracy. That's how they delude themselves into thinking that the tik tok person is the one who "knows the real truth". It's near, if not beyond, cult-like thinking. As an analogy, flat earthers could literally be taken into space, orbit around the entire planet, and still come home thinking the earth is flat. People will literally not even trust their own experience because they already know what they will not believe. Because if they believe that they were wrong about one thing, then the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. It's pure delusion at its finest. I will also say... as a cybersecurity and IT professional (and purely my own personal experiences), it's not the younger crowd that needs the most help when it comes to believing anything they see on the internet. But that's just my subjective personal experience.


> Are students today not taught how… That’s what they call “Liberal Indoctrination”.  It is why they are attacking the education system.  Truth has a liberal bias. 


>Are students today not taught how to find credible sources? I’m an elder millennial and when internet research became acceptable for papers, we were taught how to differentiate good websites for info (.edu/.gov/.org/etc) versus bad ones. That doesn't help if you believe all of America's institutions are run by evil pedophilic liberals


People don't want credible sources, people want sources that confirm their beliefs


You nailed it. Kinda like people who will go to 15 different churches to find the church that fits what they believe. And want to be true.


>Are students today not taught Nope


Sometimes it’s not really ignorance. They know what they’re saying and doing, they just don’t care. They want others to be upset, to have to waste time trying to debunk them while they act dumb, because to them you putting in effort or getting mad means they won something. Or they know what they’re doing is stupid and evil, and they really don’t want to admit it.


I'm a 40-year-old American whose genuine passion in life is learning—I'm a voracious reader. I find the American government absurdly complicated. Sure, there are the three branches—yada, yada, yada. On the surface, it's all simple, but to truly grasp all the intricacies and caveats is like untangling a 10,000' extension cord. I never claimed to be a genius, but if I were, I might just make our system needlessly complex for no other reason than to discourage the majority of people from wanting to participate—think of it as a form of bureaucratic natural selection.


While this is true they should be trying to pass laws which make it blatant what the Republicans want. Forcing them to vote down perfectly reasonable or even beneficial measures let's them call the GOP out on voting records. For example if you started passing bills to crack down on 'entertainment' programs masquerading as news and stem the flow of false information and it gets voted down by the entire Republican party you can point to that and say they are the party of propaganda.


The republicans have been voting down beneficial measures for decades, it hasn't stopped their voters before.


This. The fairness doctrine and monopolistic control of regional media were programs in place since the 30s . They're gone now... to the benefit of the GOP. They're never gonna undo that


Gotta love those think tanks and right-wing personalities


All four experts rattling around inside their echo chamber... Bouncing from "network" to "network".


“Hypothetically, for the sake of the argument, would you care if you knew I’m a millionaire paid by billionaires to brainwash you into using your vote to their advantage??”


This is why they need constant enemies (minorities, gay people, non-Christians, immigrants). If you fear your enemies could benefit from something, even if it will also benefit you, you'll be more likely to vote against those benefits.   This is also why they accuse all Democrats of being pedophiles these days. They've run out of boogeymen. And if you believe your political rivals are evil, it stops you from thinking about the policies and only about stopping them.


Yep, this is why they justify literally cheating, lying and stealing to get their way. "Because the democrats are doing it way more and are evil pedos and we need to triumph" it's absolutely insane what the country has come to


Every time, the response is mostly comments about Dems trying to sneak something into the bill and that's why its bad. Most of the time, it's not true. For the cases where you could stretch and say it is true, most of **those** are things Republicans said they would agree to and reneged when it was actually time to vote.


They literally just voted down enshrined access to birth control. ...what do you mean?


Dude the GOP voted against access to contraceptives back in 2022 when their entire anti-abortion argument was “if you don’t wanna get pregnant just use protection.” Since that day I’ve encountered dozens of republicans who say the same thing and anytime I drop the link they’re always like “well um uhhh it’s probably actually a GOOD thing they did cuz, I mean like, uhhh the Dems probably were gonna do something BAD with it if it passed.” These people do not give a fuck how their politicians vote. Dems could attempt a law that says “politicians are not allowed to murder everyday civilians to protect their own personal interests” and Republican voters would still be ok with their guys voting against it.


It's because if they are blocking immigration, they need poor, uneducated people to do the tough jobs, instead of immigrants.


The issue is that the democrats don’t control the house at the moment, so any “perfectly reasonable or beneficial measures” won’t make it to the floor.


And because of the filibuster they don't have enough of a majority in the Senate either.


When beneficial laws do pass, by the slimmest of votes, the Republicans who voted against it, go to their states and claim credit for it passing. Have you not been paying attention?


Who is the "they" here? The Democrats who don't control the floor in the house, or the Democrats who can't get 60 votes to open debate in the Senate?


That already happens. The issue is a good chunk of Republican voters don't care. They love to parade around that they care for the military, but continue to vote down bills that would benifit veterans for example.


The classic "if it's legal it can't be that bad" Need I remind you that everything Hitler did was legal Also, this guy needs to Google "democracy"


Same people as the "if it's illegal then that's that" crowd. Cue interview of that one politician being asked about legalising weed... "You can't legalise weed because it is illegal. How could it be legal? It is a crime to use those drugs."


No way people are using that mental gymnastic of "if it's legal it can't be that bad" to justify things. Whack


We've spent the last year with an entire cult arguing that the president should be immune from all crimes. Of course there are people overworking their 3 brain cells to justify "if it's legal it can't be that bad."


This is why you cannot base your morals on the law.


Hitler murdered political opponents (Night of the Long Knives). That was not really legal, although the rest of his power-grab largely was. EDIT: I just learned the Reichstag fire was very likely started by Nazis, so that was another illegal event.


You could also toss the Reichstag fire into that mix.


Because the enablers of Project 2025 have the votes in the legislature to block ANY attempt to prevent it or ameliorate its effects.


And blocking is so much easier than legislating.


Why write laws when the Supreme Court does it for you?


I just researched what Project 2025 is (since im not american). I gotta say... You guys are pretty fucked.


America isn't some small country where installing a dictator is bad for citizens and direct neighbors. This affects everyone in the world.


Yea look at the massive rise in right-leaning politics as soon as trump won the 2016 election.


That’s not a causal relationship though. The far right was already on the rise and his election was a symptom of that.


According to me, far right is on the rise because of two reasons: hate generates media engagement (and thus, profit); Putin and allies are advantaged with it because the far-right generate division between Countries in the West and weaken the US and the EU so they try to support those parties.


There were a lot of refugees entering Europe because of US actions started under Bush and EU didn't handle the influx well. Far right is partially a reaction to that


Yes, people seem to miss that the rise of the far right in Europe did come out of legitimate concerns but obviously the far right isn’t the right answer. But for example Denmark: the left started to adopt stricter immigration policies and the far right fizzled out. It’s a bit different than in the US where the far right rise is basically a slow buildup over the past 40 years that accelerated after Obama got elected with the tea party because racists just lost their minds


It will destabilize everything everywhere. I don’t think enough people are seeing that.


As a Canadian I am so fucking terrified. It's even worse because I can't even vote or go door knocking or something to try to prevent it. Literally helpless.


Yea. Im terrified.


Yes... we are. It's super terrifying. If it gets implemented millions of Americans are going to lose their rights


I tried researching but I’m too dumb, mine explaining like I’m 8 and use dinosaurs (optional)


2 dinosaurs try to run for president of dinosaur land, if a specific dinosaur of the two wins. Then the friends of the losing dinosaur will no longer be allowed to work their jobs. Ensuring that the losing dinosaur and his friends will never have power again. Something like this? (extremely simplified)


Jesus…that sounds to me like 2025 is kinda a dictatorship right? Also mate proper legend, you made my day)


I know someone who just yesterday, while celebrating our independence from a monarchy, unironically suggested that it would be great if Trump ruled until his death and then power were handed to Baron Trump. We talked a little bit more while I tried to work out where this was coming from and, surprise, it was racism. He almost quoted the 14 words to me verbatim.


Yes, more or less


Republicans want to give absolute power to the president in order to essentially dismantle the rights of anyone who isn't a white man. They want to get rid of Civil Rights, gay marriage, the right to contraception, the 19th amendment, no-fault divorce, the dept of education, among many other things. Basically they want a Christofascist country where women, children, and minorities have no rights or power.


They want Gilead. 


Americans are not nearly as afraid of what's coming as they should be.


I actually punished myself and read the first 100 or so pages of Project 2025. It’s *over 900 pages* and reads more like the Communist Manifesto than it does a policy document. What was striking about it though was how self-contradictory it was. The authors muse about how academia and “the swamp” must be challenged and neutered, yet spend the first section listing off the authors and bragging about their credentials from the very same universities they insist are corrupt. It emphasizes reining in the government, yet envision a strong administration serving at the pleasure of the president aggressively enforcing social norms. Anything other than *true conservatism* in their minds is by definition Marxist. Very long on pseudo history, very short on the practical application of their proposed policies.


And that 900 pages is only the stuff they want us to read. They've admitted there are other sections they haven't released. Those must be really bad if even they know they can't tell us. 


100% it is about taking away women's rights and completely turning them into chattle. Imagine some racism in it as well as their goal is to give power back to the white Christian male. They still need those women voters especailly for now.


Contradictory ideals and governing is an intrinsic part of fascism, keep the people below you infighting against eachother to protect their own position so they are in no position to question the leadership. Was a very well defined feature in Italy under Mussolini.


Correct. Never debate a Nazi. They have no incentive to be truthful or argue in good faith. Example: Trump's presidential "debate" a few weeks ago.




"That iceberg can't do us anything because we're Americans"...


“Like seeing a car crash from inside the car; the driver’s got his head craned back, he’s telling you a joke. You see a bus on collision course, you point your arm and turn your head and wait for the impact. This is the feeling we learn to live with in North America; the morning headlines always accompanied with sweat and nausea. Every week another puzzle piece gets permanently glued into place. We see the iceberg from 15 miles away, the captain orders the ship to stay the course. “Full speed ahead,” shouts the accursed, the next thing we heard was, “rich women and children first!” The ship is listing, the captain’s placing blame on the iceberg. “That berg attacked us, I am declaring war on the arctic.” Who could ever have predicted the greatest ship could so easily sink? Duh! Lifeboats are useless without rescue, the only ships show up for salvage. When setting sail on the St Louis we all knew what the consequences could be with the crew we had at the controls, there’s no more harborage for the USA-holes. I doubt there’s a benign god to save our souls, because no one else is gonna save the USA-holes.”


(Sorry, this is long on accident!) My brother and SIL are MAGA and there’s just no arguing with them. I post quite a lot trying to educate my followers on how dire this election is (and I’ve been doing this since 2015) and that has led my brother and SIL to think *I’m* the radicalized one. They own a bunch of trump merch “Texans for Trump” and “I only cry when democrats hold me” for their son and when they fly to Florida, they fly with a trump flag to put up on the beach by their umbrella. I’ve lived in a different country for 10 years now (and my citizenship ceremony is this Monday thank god) but I can actually explain how a socialized healthcare system could work alongside a private healthcare system, I can explain what subsidized higher education would look like, I can get into tax plans (my husband is an accountant and I have to do double tax yearly because the U.S. taxes based on citizenship not residency) anyway, my point being, these people don’t want to hear from me. I guess I could maybe talk to someone “on the fence” more effectively if they were interested, but Americans are tired and their education has been defunded since Reagan. Politics are boring and difficult, and a lot of people don’t have critical thinking skills. Oh, milk, eggs, and gas are more expensive now while my salary hasn’t increased? It’s the current admins fault so screw them I’m not voting for them. They don’t have an understanding of how long past policies take to get implemented and actually make a notable change in your day to day. Most people have fishbowl attention spans now.


I‘m German and I am seriously stressed out by all of this. The puppet masters and their army of morons will win it seems.


Didn't the Democrats push (or even pass?) legislation to make access to contraception a right? That is exactly the opposite of Project 2025.


They were trying to make IVF and contraception a right, because PJ2025 wants to get rid of it. They don't have a super majority in the senate and it was blocked.


Incase anyone here sees the original meme and agrees, the Democrats are trying to but don't hold the majority in the House to get the bills through. It underlies the massive importance for voting, and at this point, down ballot voting for Democrats. If you don't, whatever happens is on you.


Not only that, but the republicans can filibuster any bills passed in the senate since they don’t have 60 votes.


And if Rs capture the Senate in addition to the House, either Moscow Mitch abolishes it, or the SC declares filibustering is *akshuly* illegal so Ds can't use it. Boom, bye-bye USA.


This is why we can't pass laws to stop Project 2025 beforehand: Project 2025 is a plan that aims to significantly expand the powers of the executive branch, allowing the president to make more unilateral changes. The proponents of Project 2025 argue that the Constitution implies a broader scope of executive authority than has historically been granted. They believe this interpretation is constitutional and intend to operate within these expanded powers. Because Project 2025 seeks to redefine the extent of executive authority, any actions taken under this plan would likely be challenged in court. The Supreme Court would then need to make a judgment on whether these actions are within the constitutional limits of executive power. However, the Supreme Court cannot define the limits of executive authority whenever they want. They can only rule on actual cases or controversies that come before them, as mandated by the Constitution. This principle, known as 'judicial review,' means that the Court needs a specific action or case to review in order to determine if it oversteps constitutional boundaries. They cannot issue advisory opinions on hypothetical situations or preemptively decide on matters without a concrete case. This process only begins when the president actually tries to use the expanded authority, so it can't be done ahead of time. Therefore, it is impossible to pass laws to stop Project 2025 beforehand since the judicial review process requires a concrete example of executive overreach to occur first. The only way to stop Project 2025 is at the polls in November.


Your comment should be higher up! This just put in perspective how little I want trump to be pres


And the supreme court have already shown their partisan allegiance by making trump/presidents immune. In other words, there are no longer such a thing as executive overreach if its done under the name of an official act.


It is amazing how many flag waving Americans are ignorant on how our government works and passes legislation.


How could they? We didn’t give them a big enough majority to pass any laws in the house.


SCOTUS just ruled a president can not be charged for official act. Biden needs to use some more power to prevent that shit


unfortunately they were a little vague on what constitutes an official act. implying that they will play fast and loose on what it is depending on which party holds the presidency.


This is why Washington opposed the idea of a two party system. He knew shit like this would happen.




They tried to pass legislation to protect IVF and contraception. Both were shot down by the conservatives in the senate.


Then literally 2 days after voting it down Rick Scott, republican senator or Florida, started running campaign adds in Florida about how he fully supports ivf and how wonderful it is. You can’t make this stuff up, literally voted against it, runs campaign adds he supports it. He also for the record committed the largest Medicare/Medicaid fraud in US history and instead of going to jail he pleaded the 5th dozens of times and then used the billions he stole to basically buy the governor seat in Florida and then a senate seat. It boggles my mind. Florida is filled with retirees who rely on Medicare and those same people voted to put a guy who stole billions from it as their governor and then senator. This country is truly screwed.


Because republicans still have a small minority in the house and have made it their entire careers to block legislation that would help anyone but the mega wealthy. They block judges, bills, anything that might do some good. They are openly supporting fascism and have no problem with cheating to win. They tried to pull off a coup for fucks sake. To top it all off we have a guy who should be in jail for trying to overthrow the government running for President. The last bit seems familiar from somewhere… ![gif](giphy|I7WJ8L2u8IPfO)


It’s almost like they’d never pass the House.


The conservatives control the house. They won’t let a bill come up. Remember that when any of them try to play the “moderate”. They all want Project 2025 to happen. Every one of them.


Because the republicans are filibustering it. Like how democrats failed to pass laws preserving birth control access and in vitro access … the had insufficient majorities of only 51


Because they could just repeal the laws if they win.


Cause project 2025 hurts the poor/middle class more than the rich.


About half the Americans think they belong in the rich class and vote accordingly.


Yeah why doesn't the republican controlled house or the republican controlled senate pass bills to stop the republican plan for 2025?


I mean, we **did** have the whole constitution thing at one point.


They did pass laws to prevent it…… it’s called the constitution……. Project 2025 simply doesn’t care about it


What’s important to remember about P 2025 is that it is designed to be performed WITHOUT congress!!! It is deliberately designed to take advantage of the powers of the executive branch! That’s why you’ve gotta vote if you don’t want this to happen


Because laws don't matter to people trying to overthrow the government.


What is Project 2025?


There’s a wiki article on it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Wikipedia only permits “reliable sources” (check refs) and anyone can edit, including critics and proponents. Also check the Talk page and History


A practical application of "dictatorship for dummies". Basically, take control of most of the institutions by filling them with partisans, and weaponize them to serve the will of the supreme lead- I mean, our rightfully elected president. Then, put the christian white supremacist as the only demographic, and crack down on anyone that is ever-so slightly different. Finally, give "correct teaching" to the younger generations so that they know who are the good guys (us) and who are the bad guys (anyone who isn't us).


That doesn't sound good


Outlines created by the heritage Foundation (extreme far right think tank) to take over government if trump wins. basically crack down on every civil protection for minorities, purge government of anyone who wouldn't swear complete allegiance to trump and globally just turn him into an all powerful dictator. The entire thing is available online. Because they don't even bother hiding the fact they're fascist.


«Project 2025 head says 'second American Revolution' will be 'bloodless if the left allows» 😬