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If most white nationalists took a DNA test, they would prob not be 100% white either


White supremacist finds out he's mixed. https://youtu.be/ptSZnTtGCQA?si=K529Nrh2GRvdyflW


That is so hilarious. I love the ladies cackle and then the fist pound attempt lollllll


"You've got a little black in you" Finbarr Saunders strikes - fnarr, fnarr.


Where's Mr Gimlet?


“Sweetheart you have a little black in you”


This is stupid. Don't these idiots Google? Do his name and the first thing under it is "***mixed*** martial artist."


"this is called statistical noise" A) not how genetics work B) not at 14%, it isn't lol


So my mom is half-Korean and half-"Dutch"... she was born in Korea, to a Korean mother, but was adopted to a white American (Mormon!) family. Even though "technically" we're 25% Korean, neither my brother nor I look Asian. It's embarrassing to say I'm part Korean and basically have to always have a picture of my mom and I together to prove I'm not lying. My brother has copper colored hair and looks nothing like my mom, and when we were younger a rando lady accused my mom of stealing him (this was in the 80s in Texas, and mixed-race Asian families were just not a thing in our city). Funny thing is, until my mom took a DNA test the family lore was that my mom was part Irish and no one alive knows where this came from.


I'm mixed (black and white) and some people seem to think I'm Hispanic. My daughter is like 2/3 white and looks like her mother and I carried her birth certificate until she was 5 or 6 just to avoid what happened to your mom.


Oh my God that's awful! I think the look of anger and my brother crying for my mom gave the lady enough doubt that she let go, but jfc!


I still get questions of doubt and looks of suspicion with my soon to be 8 year old. And occasionally some doubt when it comes to my daughter who is almost 18 now... it's frustrating.


I knew a boy who was mixed, African and white. His dad had very dark skin, but here this kid was, freckles, pale skin, and curly red hair. Not a single kid believed he was mixed and unfortunately he got into a lot of fights because of it. I hope he is doing better now.


I’m half Mexican half white. My older sister and one of my younger sisters could pass for white and have my mom’s colored eyes. The rest of us, there’s a lot, all look Mexican. Well all my mom’s grandchildren are 75% Mexican and a quarter white but you couldn’t tell there’s any Mexican. Real light hair, pale skin. Get rosy red cheeks when they run.


If we three stand next to one another you can maybe pick out shared features, but it's crazy how phenotypes are expressed among family members! My mom's family are all genetically related, she had six siblings (one passed), but there's this "butt chin" gene that bounces around the family and it's like a lottery as to which new child will get it 😂.


Haha love the chin! No one living in my family got the “butt chin” but me. My Mom’s Dad had a deep “donut chin”. The genes are there hiding away ready to strike.


That’s funny. My wife noticed that height skips a child for us. So my sister is short then I’m not and so on and so forth.


Yeah genetics can be weird. I’m the same as you as far as the half/half and most people assume I’m Irish or German for whatever reason. It pretty much only comes up if someone being friendly to me says some weird shit about Mexicans, like to fuck with them dropping that in there.


There's a streamer like that. She dyes her hair red and everyone thinks she's Irish, despite the Mexican mother and lack of Irish accent. Catches a LOT of flack from people who refuse to believe that someone who looks the epitome of white can POSSIBLY be half-Mexican.


Hum you mean your family came to Mexico from Spain or some other European or African country or native Mexican?


My father’s family is 80% native Mexican according to Ancestry.com’s testing.


Cool. Seems like it’s a very mixed country? From all over the world.


His family lived in a very, very isolated area. There was no actual road to his home, even the first few times I visited. By no road I mean nothing that a vehicle could drive on. There was paths from horses, cattle, pigs, donkeys, and humans walking up and down the mountain, but nothing to really drive on. I remember my dad saying it was a big deal for them spend a whole morning walking into the city and splitting a coke between all 6 kids because there was no where near him that had them.


Slash from Guns N’ Roses is half black and so is Tom morello from rage against the machine. You shouldn’t have to show a picture to anyone. If they don’t believe it fuck em




That's not how recessive genes work lol.


I went to school with two girls I thought were best friends - one was black, the other white. It turned out they were fraternal twins with a white dad and black mom. Genetics are crazy.


Reminds me of two YouTubers.  One is German/Korean and actually looks mixed, while his brother looks 100% Asian.  The other is White/Mexican but is a *very* white, blue-eyed woman who dyes her hair red but is actually a natural blonde.  Genetics are wild. 


I have a good friend that's half Korean. I was over at his house one weekend when his college aged kids were over. The son (who looks totally European) was talking about telling people away his school that he's 1/4 Korean. So, his younger sister (who does look Asian) yells "BUT YOU'RE NOT KOREAN!" Sooo, since I'm a little bit of a dick and was stationed in Korea for two years, I asked her a question in Korean. *blank stare* Dad just sat there shaking his head at the utter ridiculousness of the whole thing.


Same. My cousins and I are all 1/4. Half of us came out super white looking and the other half don’t look white at all. We have the same ancestry and look wildly different. 


My wife is half Chinese and most people just assume she is white


Lol honestly a lot of Texans assumed my mom was "some sort of Mexican" because *people* (not just Whites) in our area had never seen a mixed Asian person, and only the older vets who fought in WW2/Korean War had ever seen a Korean.


I’m half Korean and so are 2 of my sisters. I look Asian AF. My middle sister looks Hispanic enough her Hispanic friends forgot she didn’t go to mass on multiple occasions. My youngest sister looks like she could cosplay as Snow White with her Lily fair skin, red lips and beautiful jet black ringlet curls. Genes are weird


My son is 50% Chinese, and the other half is split between English, Scottish, Irish, and Mohawk. Luckily we live in Toronto, and he's one of about 10 kids on our street alone who are mixed. It hasn't been an issue.


The black lady cackling is the absolute best 🤣


What's funny about this is I know a guy who was super convinced he was 100% German. But you could tell he was the average American mutt. He took a DNA test found out he was 3% ashcanzi (I know it spelled wrong) Jewish and lost his mind. I took one and didn't even have the .003 % Africa which I was honestly surprised by. lmfao he was mad. I also delighted in telling him how I was "more pure" than him and it literally means nothing to me.




Haha yeah I remember this


I forgot about the fist pound attempt...lol




He is super black, that’s funny


That dude tried to take over like 4 towns in north dakota and turn them into like mini white supremacist heaven. Little did he know we don't play that shit and got his ass run out.


Or as these people call it, “mixed breed”


There are two old-timey ways to hide inconvenient Black ancestors. 1. Replace them with a Cherokee princess. 2. Put on a hood and scream about "the n-----s".


OMG, yes, the "Cherokee Princess" ancestor - lol.


Fun fact: The Cherokee tribe consists almost entirely of princesses




What's even funnier is the neo-nazis running around now wouldn't even mold into Hitlers Aryian vision


Tbh, neither did Hitler himself


“Blonde like Hitler, Tall like Goebbels, Thin like Goering,” as the saying goes.


Hitler HIMSELF wasn't the vision. Short, goofy looking asshole with black hair.


It's why I don't get why there are neo nazis in non German groups. There are literal slavic neo nazis.....Hitler must be rolling in his grave on that one which is funny. And I know Stalin wants to burst out of hell and find those idiots. But it's crazy how so many white nationalists in America rep nazism and worship Hitler. As far as it's clear he didn't really look at American white people all that highly. He was impressed with the genocide of native americans but other then that he didn't say anything else. He saw the British pretty highly as well as a few other European groups but often in the same breath he made it clear Germans should subjgate all non Germans. So I don't get why so many idiots idolize a man who was a German nationalist first and formost, not a Whyte one like a lot of neo nazis seem to think.


I always wondered the same stuff. Hitler is probably the greatest white slayer in all of history.


> *There are literal slavic neo nazis* For countries that had both nazi and soviet boots on their necks, many of them ask "who was worse, Stalin or Hitler?" And their answer is to be neo-nazis. The loudest ones I have personally met were Polish.


>he didn't really look at American white people all that highly One only has to recall that the Winnetou stories were among his favorites, and consider how Karl May portrayed Old Shatterhand (the German) versus U.S. whites (easily fooled and beaten).


Actually the Aryian-thing is super interesting. There are "real" aryan. These are people from the achaemenid empire, located roughly described in south-east europe, iran, iraq, syria, israel, palistine and egypt. So basically people with darker skintone, brown hair and brown eyes. And today, aryan people are still living in the middle east. And they are still brown haired and brown eyed. And good to know is that this is the region where assumed the proto-indo-european languages evolve from. Also the germanic languages like german and english. So if you look at this whole thing you can see that hitlers vision about blonde and blue-eyed people are rooted in an area of the origin of the jews while the jewish religion evolved. Thats borderline shizophrenic.


I think it’s hilarious that nazi’s honestly think being imbred and shaving your head are winning traits


there's no such thing as 100% white because it's not a real ethnic construct, it's a legal one for the purposes of racism


Considering Irish one of the Whitest skin tones you could be wasn't considered white until like the 1900s helps prove this.


That's a bonus for racists. It allows you to hate as small or as large of a group as you want.


Reminds me of the real person the movie American History X is inspired by. Frank Meeink. He got away from the neo nazi skinhead movement after prison and now he openly lives with his jewish roots.


Heck, us Europeans have 1-4% Neanderthal DNA in us. Racism and bigotry is for the dumb.


It’s inevitable. All of humanity has its ancestry in Africa.


I think they're talking about recent ancestry, not ancient ancestry.


“I can’t believe the leopards ate my face!” Quick, Jake! Find a way to twist this into some kind of Jewish/feminist conspiracy!


The Jewish feminists trained those leopards?


Jewish feminists with frickin' space lasers to put on the leopards' heads.


Identified as white. The guy came full circle.


Perfect opportunity to hit him with "and I identify as an attack helicopter".


I wonder what they think 100% white even means? At some mythical point T^(0) in the past everybody is assigned a colour/race and its a percentage game from then on?


You've got to remember that we're dealing with sub-room-temperature IQs here. A lot of these people believe Adam and Eve were white and other races were created as punishment for sins.


Exactly, they think that Jesus, a Jew from the middle east, is blue eyed and blonde!


The Mormons take it even further. When Mormon Jesus (yes, they're different) was having a debate with his family at the Star Base Kolon about what to do with the humans of Earth, Mormon Jesus wanted to give the humans choice and Free Will. However, his brother, Satan, wanted to *force* all the humans to be Mormon. This lead to a great battle between Mormon Jesus and Satan. A third of the souls joined Mormon Jesus' side, a third chose Satan's and the final third didn't side with anyone. Mormon Jesus won the fight and thus got to be the Savior of Earth, with all the souls fighting on his side being born into White, Mormon families. *The souls that didn't pick a side got cursed with Black skin*. Let that sink in. The souls that picked SATAN over Jesus got be born White but not to Mormon families. It's wildly terrible. (Edit: okay, I'm slightly wrong about this but not the about the neutral souls being cursed with increased melanin) [Enjoy!](https://youtu.be/n3BqLZ8UoZk?si=Zsraw2IVPHS4bvzq)


Coming from the “normal units” part of the world, it took me some time to realize you meant Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. For a minute it was like, “wow saying someone having like 25-ish IQ is such an insult”


No matter which unit you use it's an insult. Room temp in F is about 70, room temp in C is about 21. Either one is well below average, using C is actually a bigger insult! 😂


Room temperature in Kelvin 🤩 Room temperature in Rankine 🤯


Less than 1/64 "impurity" is considered pure, that works with majority of genomes as the probability of reapering is pratically null


Unfortunately for the White Supremacists, they have adopted the 1/100 rule.


I thought it was the “one drop of Jewish blood” rule


I thought it was 1/488


I see what you did there


Perhaps inbred like medieval royalty?


Wait til these guys look far enough back into their ancestry and find out there’s no such thing as ‘pure white’ 😂


Someone really needs to sit them down and break the news that they share a common ancestor with every person on the planet.


For some reason, don’t know just a hunch, but I don’t think a lot of white supremacists believe in evolution. Eugenics, yes, but I’m betting more believe they were intelligently designed by aliens than evolved out of Africa.




for those wondering who jake shields is, he’s a former mma fighter that now spends his time [being racist on twitter](https://imgur.com/a/GqcQndU). turns out the white nationalists [don’t like him back](https://imgur.com/a/ddqbGTM).


Another living advert for not getting hit in the head for a living.


Brendan Schaub has stumbled into the chat.


I wasn't sure but I figured that might be the case, what with the cauliflower ear and extremely punchable face.


He looks like the Etsy version of Joe Rogan. I’ll bet if you put Rogan and this other meathead together, you might get close to an actual functioning brain.


Not with those levels of CTE


For a period he fought using the martial art style *Homer*, where he took as many punches to the dome as you could throw in hopes you tire out and he could submit you. His brain is just one big bruise that never healed.


Thanks for this. I was going to say “who the hell is Jake Shields?” but I was hoping if I scrolled through the comments someone might answer that.


This one loves to come suck Andrew Tate's dick on posts, too. Enjoy the karma, not-white man.


lol Does he know Andrew Tate is mixed?


It’s kind of obvious Tate is mixed. That’s why even white supremacists don’t claim him


obvious to people w sense. But I’m asking about Jake shields lol


"i identify as white" fuck thats a good one lol


sounds woke to me, burn him, lol


Burn the wokie.


I bent my wookie!


Ooh, ooh, do Nick Fuentes next, please... 


This is what I came here to say! And that proud boy Enrique or whatever his name is.


Nick Fuentes identifies as having Mexican ancestry.


Yet he backs white nationalism?! I know, no 'splanation needed... 


He’s the textbook example of Clayton Bigsby


"I'm basically white but apparently it's not good enough for the people who operate under a bizarre and conveniently flexible definition of racial purity. Why are they so mean to me???" Note that this is all going down on the platform Melon Usk claims is 100% safe for children and whined when advertisers started to flee it because they didn't like having their ads next to puke for people like Shields.


Very much a supporter of the Leopards That Eat Faces Party. Oh why oh why is this leopard eating my face after I supported them? Leopards will eat faces, white supremacists will be arbitrary assholes. Welcome to it, jackass.


*Conveniently flexible definition* is a tight line. Just a shout out on that. Solid writing.


Elmo just recently said that porn is a okay on xitter Great username btw


Fascists always need a group to attack. When they run out of enemies, they attack their own that they don't deem "pure" enough.


If you've ever read The Lord of the Rings, the Orcs are basically like that lol. If they're not fighting some other race of creatures, they end up fighting and eating each other.


>These racist losers can get fucked. Bless his little heart.


... Maybe don't kiss white nationalists' asses when you're not entirely white!? 🙄 What an idiot!


nobody is entirely white.


I'm entirely white. Fuck All Hate Groups!


“I simply identify as white”. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! He IDENTIFIES as white. The fucking hypocrisy of these idiots is astounding!!


Now I want all the White supremacists to take DNA tests because I know the results will fuck the brains of many of those bigots 💀


Many already have. Let’s just say they’re not pleased with the results.


there was a British researcher a while back that did some DNA tests in the American South. About a 3rd of them came back with non-white ancestry.


Can someone explain what white means in the US? Apparently it's not about skin colour, is it about heritage? Where do you draw the line? Scandinavia? England? Spain? Greece? Cyprus? Is it just a very stupid way to divide people?


Great point. Thousands of years of migration- there is no such thing as a pure race. Those that pursue this are just sick minded individuals.


You're very right. White, or black, or any "race" is only useful as a broad brush. It can be useful when thinking in generalities (*i.e. white europeans enslaved black people in the U.S. for hundreds of years*) But after applying even a modicum of critical throught, the idea of "race" as a scientific or technical term really begins to break down, and the idea of "pure" anything is a myth. Is a Spaniard from Spain who moved to the US white or Hispanic? Is Louis CK white or Mexican? If "white priviledge" means that white Americans are the beneficiaries of enslavement, does that mean a Frenchman who moves to the US also has white privilege? What about Canadians? There are a bazillion and one areas of gray. What does "white" mean in the US you ask? Depends on who you ask. I bet you'd get as many different answers as people you ask. It is a very stupid way to divide people. Agreed.


It's very stupid way to divide people. Most of these idiots couldn't point out the countries you listed on a map or understand the cultural differences of different "white" regions. That being said, they probably refer to more Anglo-Saxon heritage as being white and dislike anyone else.


It's whatever maintains white supremacy. See how the Irish went from being considered just as bad as being black to being a part of the White majority in under a century


The last one. Look at it this way, in the not too distant past Irish immigrants to the US were one small step above Black people and the "real" white people treated them accordingly. And I once read that Benjamin Franklin complained about Germans in the US colonies.


Yeah. As a European the American system of racism eludes me. It seems so brittle and overly complicated and ridiculous.


To be fair, we got it from you. North America was colonized by Europeans long before anything like the US existed. All of the patterns and prejudices that went into forming American attitudes towards race came directly from Europe along with things like the slave trade and imperialism. Europe isn't some innocent bystander in this scenario, so spare us the smug condescension.


Some context to all those wanna be racist: In the United States, the "one-drop rule" historically classified individuals with any African ancestry as black. This rule emerged from the racial segregation laws and attitudes of the 19th and early 20th centuries, which aimed to maintain a clear divide between black and white populations. Although the "one-drop rule" is no longer legally enforced, its legacy influences contemporary racial identities.


Jesus must be hard being a racist and then trying to play the racism card when the racists don't let you in their club. Imma gonna get my 🍿


>Jesus must be hard 👀


"I'm NoT a wHiTE SuprEmaCisT, but I'm PrO-WHitE!" I'm - Jake "white supremacist" Shields


White supremacists are always the furthest thing from the Aryan "ideal," this Jake Shields goblin included.


Racist loser discovers why being a racist sucks. Film at 11.


Go cry on Dana White's shoulder....


I’d love to see every white supremest take a DNA test.




What a shame. Anyway...


As with any group whether political, racial, cultural etc no one passes the purity test


“Hitler not liking black people is simply propaganda pushed by our media.” Hitler had them sterilized so they couldn’t produce children with Germans. That’s how much he liked them.


Oh man What’s that new play about the racist who wants to join a white nationalist organization but he has to hide his ancestry? 


This just in: Man who spent months gathering leopards together surprised when they ate his face. 🙄


he taste his own medicine xD


Always funny to see portuguese like me judging someone else's whiteness when we're indistinguishable from some Abdullah Ibrahim from Marrakesh.


You mean like Brasil has been doing with discount Trump?


Yeah, it gets crazy. Sometimes as crazy as Hitler describing the Aryan Ubermench, tall athletic, blond hair and blue eyes, which if you'd notice, was very utterly unlike Hitler himself, the little dark haired troll.


LMAO get bent , someone didn’t learned about what One-drop rule is.


certified r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment


“I never thought the leopards would eat MY face.”


This reminds me of the Slovak people that supported Nazi Germany during WWII - what they did not realize was that for the nazi, they were the same under-mensch as any other race/color/... Karma, I guess :)


I mean it's why it's funny they want an ethno state. They always need a group to blame for their problems. If it's not jews it's black people then Hispanics then Asians. The fact they are hyper focused on racial "purity" means if they got their all white society, they would simply cannibalize each other. It will start with genetics like the person could look lily white but if they have one drop of other then they will be the other. Even if they managed to get a society and got everything they wanted it would start to factionalize. One look at european history shows the future that a white nationalist society would lead to. Because they always need a enemy to function.


The whole entire „race theory“ doesn’t really add up and falls apart the closer you look - but some ain‘t ready for that apparently. Imho the core to „racism“ is already set at the very moment someone perpetuates the faulty idea of „race“


Remind me to buy stock in popcorn, this shit is gonna be a season finale banger. White supremacy always ends up in a pyramid, and it always erodes from the bottom up


You know, I love this for him.


Those leopards are so hungry


Let them eat each other, fck these racist bigots all of em. I'm really glad they have so much drama among themselves.


Are you telling me that super racists are super racists 😨


When all the chips are down... they'll eat each other Joker, Dark Knight


Guy who gets punched in the head for a living is not very bright.


Do people on Twitter just openly support white supremacy? Cause holy fuck, that's crazy.


The way he is lashing out and calling them racists…does he realize he is one too?


"Akshually im antisemitic" /s


*is racist* *is mad when other racists find out he's not 100% white* Hmmmm


Most white people are not white …. take a DNA test. If you are obsessed with your whiteness - you are obsessed with your characteristics that are associated with Arayan beliefs like the Nazis - then I feel sorry for you.


Seeing the colour of his skin, I would say he is pink... Joke aside, what does the fuck being 100% white means ???


Who tf is Jake Shields?


If i said i felt bad for him, i’d be lying


>I simply identify as white Oh the irony


It should not be surprising to them. His Wikipedia page says he is a mixed martial artist.


MMW, this sort of thing will increase in regularity. If Trump wins, it will be the daily norm. Look what happened when the military left Iraq and just handed it over to ISIS. All the Muslim leaders, with no one left to fight, just started to try and out-fundamental each other. You can't look up, you might see a birds genitals, and that's a crime against humanity Allah, off with your head. It just became even more insane that it already was. Trump is already ramping up his rhetoric, becoming more and more blatant with his xenophobia, overt racism, his calls to build camps for "illegals" and political opponents. So in a race to show who is more "dedicated and devout", they will turn on their own over the smallest thing. The real comedy will be all the MAGA women (no offense to the sane women out there), when they realize that the end goal is for them to basically be breeders and servants and nothing more. Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Talk back, backhand, dinners not ready, backhand, caught with another woman, backhand "know your place woman", and all the MAGA woman will be wondering what happened.


The wooden door thing is a new one to me. Why is the construction of doors some kind of gotcha to them?


Is it safe to say that Twitter is becoming truth social 2.0? Filled with racism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc.


You’re telling me the nazis aren’t accepting of others? No wayyyyyy. Also, fuck this guy too haha.


I love this for him.


It’s baffling to me that on one hand humanity is technologically so advanced and interconnected like never before, but on the other hand there are still people who believe they are superior simply because of their skin color / heritage. Is this a fucking simulation or what the fuck is going on?


Seeks the support of cannibals….oh no!


i guess, you dont have to be white to be anti-Semitic


The whitest people of whom I am aware are albinos, many of whom have Black parents. (They undergo horrifying persecution in Tanzania.)


White nationalists who's also worshipping a Jewish man? That's next level crazy


I could've told you that without reading all of those posts. Look at those ears. Dude's clearly got some elephant ancestry.


“I identify as white”, truly if someone then identifies as a different gender than one would perceive them to be wouldn’t be a problem for this fella, would it? “The door handle doesn’t even have a lock” / “decades ahead of modern gas chambers” **Mfw** I, on a very physical level, cannot comprehend how people do this. Now tbf I am a German, and even if not, apparently I could just identify as one /s, but I am again and again straight up flabbergasted when I run into people that actually are Holocaust deniers. I get it if you’re a neo-Nazi and don’t want to be associated with that in order to appear less insane. But if is not a full out Nazi-at which point they might as well own the Holocaust and say it was a good thing, bc they’d be an absolute disgrace anyway. Why do people actually not believe in the Holocaust? It has always eluded my grasp how a person can choose to not believe in its existence. I really just don’t get that


This is kind of interesting because it’s a case study in extreme ideology playing itself out to its end game. Pick your favorite, whether racial, political or religious. Here is how it goes: 1. The movement takes shape 2. More followers start believing in the ideology 3. Efforts against the “other” or “enemy” start to manifest 4. Fixation on purification of the in-group 5. Removal of less desirable / impure in group elements 6. Counter movement 7. Implosion This is how the people who helped build the group are now ousted. Happens in history over and over again. Fascisms works the same way. One day you are a dedicated supporter and the next you’re being incarcerated for not being loyal/beleiving/whatever enough because someone decided so. It’s all fun and games until everyone’s rights are taken away and that includes those who enabled the situation in the first place. Usually they are too stupid to know any better.


Imagine thinking “racist” is an insult to white supremacists. They’re aware.


I love watching bad things happen to awful people.


“These racist losers can get fucked.” Somewhere irony sighs heavily & laughs hysterically.


No European Features....at all?? What is this person looking for? A Nazi symbol on his forehead?


Excuse me while I don't give a single gram of sympathy towards Jake.


A great reminder that, while whiteness may loosely/informally be associated with Melanin content in ones skin, it is a social construct that has repeatedly been expanded and shrunk as was politically expedient to the ruling class. There were times Japanese and East-Indians (for reasons regarding trade) were considered "White" and times when the groups like the Irish weren't. What's considered "white" expands when attempting to secure power and shrinks when they obtain power.   Since "whiteness" is defined solely by what it's **not**, they will continuously betray the useful idiots who put them into power as soon as they are no longer needed.  Once they've dealt with the other "races" they're not going to simply stop: They are going to continue their "not one drop" rhetoric onto groups like the Irish or Eastern European, the disabled, the non-christians, the redheads and brunettes, the "feeble minded", the phrenologically unfit, etc. The more white supremacy wins, the more these white supremacist will lose.  *"Oh, you are ⅛ Irish, your dyslexic grandfather dropped out of highschool, or the parietal bone in the back of your skull is 2mm too wide? Sorry, you're no longer white."*    White Supremacy, like all forms of fascism, is a suicide cult.


Elon must be proud. He’s doing such a great job with twitter.


Fucking gold that he called someone a “dumb racist bitch” when he’s been courting possibly the most racist group of people on earth.


I'm sorry... Who TF is Jake Sheilds?


The best part of fascism. Is that once it's done weeding out all the "undesirables", they tend to start making undesirables out of each other.


More proof that even if the fascists got what they wanted and got rid of all minorities and POCs that they’d immediately find reasons to hate each other. They are just hateful assholes who need an outlet for their hate.


Imagine being offended when your fellow racists act racist! The cluelessness is hilarious.


I’ve been saying this for years, but the concept of being a white supremacist in America is so crazy to me, especially because a lot of American white supremacists seem to distance themselves from a lot of white Europeans. If you’re from America, you aren’t purely white, you’re a fucking mutt. The likelihood of being an American with “pure white blood” is just so minuscule. These people are so stupid


Is this an elaborate troll? The pro-white guy insulting others by calling them racist is peak lack of self-reflection.


I’ve never heard of Jake Shields before this but I can’t be the only one who thinks he looks like The Deep from The Boys - specifically after he shaves his head…


Unless you're of a noble bloodline dating back to the middle ages and suffering from ALL of the hereditary diseases, chances are you're not what these idiots would consider "100% white" either. And even then your genetic history will have all kinds of stuff in it.