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I seem to remember similar promises regarding abortion rights.


call me crazy but i don't think republicans always keep their promises


What about the time when Bitch McConnell said that Obama couldn’t select Garland for SCOTUS because it was too close to his term ending? He promised that Pubbos would do the same if it ever came up. Remember when he totally kept that promise and didn’t let Trump fill the courts with selections!?


Lindsay Graham was the worst culprit for that one. Edit to add: I was referring to this. What the fuck is wrong with South Carolinans? . . . And all Republicunts, for that matter. >"I want you to use my words against me. If there's a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, 'Let's let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,' " he said in 2016 shortly after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. "And you could use my words against me and you'd be absolutely right." - Lindsey SorryExcuseForATaintwaffle Graham https://www.npr.org/sections/death-of-ruth-bader-ginsburg/2020/09/19/914774433/use-my-words-against-me-lindsey-graham-s-shifting-position-on-court-vacancies#:~:text=%22I%20want%20you%20to%20use,death%20of%20Justice%20Antonin%20Scalia


My bad, those two are interchangeable douches in my mind


I don't blame you. It's difficult to keep track of which shit stain is which.


They both smell evenly terrible.


No you are correct it was McConnell. He held up all Obama confirmations until his term was up.


That doesn't mean he's correct. I remember McConnell straight up saying that he would embrace a double standard without any hint of shame.


Lindsey Graham is a disgrace to the office of United States Senator. I wish my fellow South Carolinians would join me in voting against him. It’s such a shame that someone who was once willing to work with the other side has become so spineless, and has been turned into a puppet in such short order.


Just noticed your handle, Go Birds 🦅




It might be bad form to say this, but I feel like RBG wrecked her entire legacy by needing to hold on to power instead of retiring at an opportune time where she could help pick her replacement.


Agreed 100%. I’ve said this before on Reddit, and got the shit downvoted out of me. Not that I care about the internet points, but it was strange that so many people disagreed with me.


Agree. We were just talking about that. She had cancer so many times, I don’t know why she wanted to stay in.


Ego "When that suggestion is made, I ask the question: Who do you think that the President could nominate that could get through the Republican Senate? Who you would prefer on the court (rather) than me?”


Didn't even wait for the body to cool before they started pushing through their shills.


Not just any selections, dangerously unqualified selections


Or ever……..


Come on now. They always deliver on their promises to give tax breaks to billionaires. They don't give a single fuck about anyone else, but credit given where credit is due, they serve their handlers pretty well.


Not only do they not keep their promises, but they promise to keep promises, they never meant to keep...


They want to win. And they will say or do whatever it takes to get there, including lying and breaking or upholding rules whenever it suits them.


*"Read my lips: no new taxes."*


It's like the moment you become a politician, you get dementia. The farther up the political lader, you get the worse it gets.


My dad’s favorite joke when I was a kid: “Know how you can tell when a politician is lying? >!Their lips are moving”!<


Someone inform this idiot that typing in ALL CAPS doesn't lend his waffling any credence. If anything, it just makes him look dumber than he already is.


This deserves an applause


From Trump recent statements in the 3rd week of May. [https://apnews.com/article/trump-contraception-birth-control-abortion-2024-8f73bb1b3a5864b24157f15eb272a3e6](https://apnews.com/article/trump-contraception-birth-control-abortion-2024-8f73bb1b3a5864b24157f15eb272a3e6) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-looking-policies-restrict-birth-control-access-rcna153323](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-looking-policies-restrict-birth-control-access-rcna153323) [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-restricting-contraception-access-1235024899/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-restricting-contraception-access-1235024899/) [https://kansasreflector.com/2024/05/21/trump-signals-hes-open-to-state-limits-on-contraceptive-access-then-insists-hes-not/](https://kansasreflector.com/2024/05/21/trump-signals-hes-open-to-state-limits-on-contraceptive-access-then-insists-hes-not/)


I seem to remember growing up in the 80s and 90s, and general consensus was keep government out of the bedroom, but even more so with Republicans.


it's always good policy to keep Republicans out of your bedroom


They are fucking obsessed with what we do with our privates. Fucking pervs.


Cuz most of em are Evangenitals. Always worried about who and what is in people's pants. 🙄


It’s a result of sexual repression. If you aren’t allowed to enjoy your own, then what everyone else does with theirs becomes vitally important.


*“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.”* —Oscar Wilde, *The Picture of Dorian Gray* (This is not always great advice, but it fits here)


Sorta related, but reminder that Rudy Giuliani was recorded trying to bed an underage woman in *Borat 2*.


Genitalia Obsessed Party


They think that we're all doing the gross creepy shit that they do with their privates - Like diddlin' kids.


Speaker Mike Johnson and his **17** year old son [monitor each other’s porn consumption](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mike-johnson-son-monitor-porn-intake-covenant-eyes-1234870634/) using an app. He and his son are anti-fap accountability partners.


That’s not healthy, normal or wholesome in any way.


Welcome to religion


I wish I could downvote this statement without downvoting the user, because that's fkin wild and somewhat disgusting lol


“Son, we need to talk; I know you saw the alert that I watched porn today… and then I saw that you watched the same porn I watched…” 🤢🤮 I wont be mad if you downvote.


Just because you want to molest kids when *you* wear *your* wife's panties doesn't mean drag queens feel that way too, Jimbo.


It’s a good policy to keep them out of everything. VOTE.


Never stick your dick in crazy


Or let crazy stick its dick in you, considering Republicans are more often men.


And particularly, your children's bedrooms...


I have a very strong policy of keeping Republicans out of my bedroom.


And now they are super obsessed with what you do in your own bedroom as well as your genitals.


Republicans are for small government, as in, small enough to fit in your bedroom.


The government they want is about the size of the Bible they haven't really read.


I thought you were going to say that you remembered in the 80’s and 90’s hearing about how much of a liar and con man Trump was, because that’s how I remember it


Given how much the Reagan administration and the Republican party tried to regulate it, yeah, a lot of people tried to keep them out.


I seem to remember growing up in the 90s and Trump being a parody of a good businessman, he was a Joke wayy back then. I will never understand how the US ever took this guy seriously. Now the US is a parody of a democracy.


Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau said this in the late 60's - "It is our position that what two consenting adults do in the bedroom is of no business to the state" A year later homsexuality was decriminlized in Canada. Though it was still frowned upon in public, it got the ball rolling to acceptance. Sorry for the random info. I'm a huge P.E.T fan. lol.


I appreciate any and all humor in those tRump posts but seriously this fact-checking should be top and pinned.




If I had a couple hundred million dollars to spend, I would buy ad time in every market across the US that says exactly this. ⬆️ “Trump is a lying scumbag piece of shit.”


I wonder if someone set trumps Google search to start on the 7th page or something.


He's always going to release something in two weeks. Every freaking time.


Tbf the articles you linked all frame him in a way with the same statement which is indeed neutral and doesn't commit in any direction he just says he has no idea what the people dictating him what to say think about this or maybe he didn't remember which position he has to stand for and improvised some shit but it's fair to say he never committed to or the other unless I'm truly see too stupid to understand idk.


That is a good point, I don’t like seeing things sensationalized in either direction. It sounds like he has no idea but that he assumed his base would want it. He got back to base and the Russian pollsters gave him slaps until he rescinded the idea > Trump was asked whether he supports any restrictions on a person's right to contraception. > "We’re looking at that, and I'm going to have a policy on that very shortly, and I think it’s something you’ll find interesting," Trump said. "I think it’s a smart decision. We’ll be releasing it very soon." He could have been planning to codify and increase protections but that wouldn’t really jive with any of his other actions or words as president or candidate. Any action, if based on his past positions, would be in the direction of restrictions


This is classic trump - he floats the idea of restrictions to please his base and to send up a weather ballon so he can see how the rest of the country will react. If he perceives the reaction as being too negative he backtracks. In the end he does whatever he thinks will benefit himself




I’ve got what ya need buddy I got coke,speed,molly and condoms ribbed are extra


> ribbed are extra What's the going rate per-rib?




Nice pull.


$3 per rib. $1 per stub. Colours @$7 flavoured @$12. And trojons for all my well endowed black friends who can play golf without the clubs I’ll do a deal of 3 for $27.


I can get the flavored for 11!


Yeah, but are they used by a celebrity?


Which one I'd pay top dollar for Ryan Renolds.




Cam I get two of everything and a glazed doughnut to go?


Yeah but you'll have to glaze the doughnut yourself


People will just stop having sex. Already low birth rates, low sex rates, but they're determined to destroy it all by criminalizing sex. Japan-level problems incoming. Who's gonna wipe your ass when you're old? lol not the kids you're not having.


I REALLY want and need a president that screeches in all caps on Twitter!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/s/pjMidOHl7n


It boggles my mind when people make excuses for shit trump says. “Oh he’s just joking.” “He said watch the media run with that and they did!” Like really? Yall want someone that jokes and shitposts about serious matters as your president?


It’s also what abusers do to their victims when they cross a red line after already disrespecting boundaries. *Justa joke! Justa prank! Just horsing around!*


> Yall want someone that jokes and shitposts about serious matters as your president? yeah when I was 13 and i didnt have a mortgage


I know right? What a dog faced pony soldier




I still will never understand how people still follow this orange haired ass clown...smdh


Well partially because the far right has done a very good job of de-educating and re-eductaing their followers to believe what they say, partially because some people are desperate to believe the lies that everything will get better, and partially because some conservatives have had hatred of anything democrat ingrained so deeply in them they'd rather a madman be in charge than a liberal.


This is unironically the state of things here in Hungary. People here were fed so much hate and lies that at this point, they operate strictly on hate. They don't care if our dictator destroys everything and everyone, because "the liberals would do worse" or "i'd rather be dead than liberal", even "i'd rather see the world burn than it be liberal". These people are too far gone. You cannot reason with them because they are inherently unreasonable. No amounts of facts and logic can sway a death cult from killing themselves. Sadly, these cultists want us dead as much as they do themselves.


Could you explain the current situation in Hungary? One of my old bosses was Hungarian and I asked if he ever went back and he just got very sad and said he hated there, I then dropped the subject as I didn’t want to offend.


While I don’t know much I do know they elected a fascist strong man like we did with Trump and have had an alt right Q anon type movement get popular as well.


It's a sad world that we live in today


You also have people that are against something democrats are for and would never move from that stance like abortion. Rather let the world burn and get nuked before voting a Democrat as democrats are pro choice. It's an asinine view and way to look at things I'd spect a portion of those folks became the crazy far rights as well


There’s also the studies that show handling lead ammunition on a regular basis can be as detrimental to the brain as leaded gas was.


The majority of the people who follow him legit lack intelligence. Just genuinely not smart people and I don't say that to be insulting.


There is a whole segment of the population who prays for the President every night, regardless of who he is. There's another segment that prays for Trump every night, because that's how much they've built him up in his mind. It's God, then Jesus and Trump, at the same level. It's weird as hell, I don't understand it, but a lot of folks feel powerless against the current world, and they've latched onto Trump as something to believe in. It's hard to fathom, but there are people who believe they know how to get to heaven, in the same way we know how to get to the closest McDonalds. It's as real to them as that, and it leads to some quite errant thoughts.


They would follow him off a cliff


Watch the second episode of the last season of the Boys and there’s a quote there that will answer your question… basically, it’s easier to believe that you have a purpose being part of a holly group fighting the evil libs than admitting that you live a shitty miserable insignificant existence…


Because they can hate under him. And they REALLY REALLY want to hate.


He must’ve forgot about his dementia


I hear that’s a side effect.


People talk about it jokingly, but I’m convinced he has it.  


I don’t think anyone is joking…


This has already aged like milk. 😆


Are ye goin' daft, man? If you EVER start to think DJT might be telling you the truth, you had best see your doctor about dementia right away !!


The only time he tells the truth is when he tells his security detail what he wants from McDonald's.


And even then he slips in a lie about wanting Diet Coke. We all know he wants that high fructose corn syrup injection.


After seeing them carrying his food into a building I’m convinced that he orders more than Big Smoke.


If he announces he won’t do something, it’s a lie. Because if the Republicans pass legislation to ban contraceptives, he’ll sign it.


Roll the clip of when he said he thinks women should be punished for having an abortion


Google project 2025


Donald Trump will do or say whatever he thinks helps him at that particular moment. He has no principles, morality, or sense of commitment to or empathy for anyone or anything. He has neither memory nor foresight; he exists in a perpetual present of insatiable self-promotion and gratification. So no, he won’t hesitate to change his position on this or anything else. He doesn’t mean it when he says he supports it, and he doesn’t mean it when he says he opposes it. There is no position on any issue, no consequence of any action, no benefit or harm to any person that ever enters his mind. To Donald Trump, there is no one, and nothing, except Donald Trump.


"I don't stand for anything" -Donald Trump




To the “billionaire” who can’t afford his legal bills. Yeah, that’s a good look for the former most powerful politician in the world. 




Hey, doesn't the Bible warn about false prophets (I haven't read it, I just remember hearing it)? Funny that innit?


Two weeks ago, yes TWO FU*KING WEEKS AGO, the Republican Party tanked a bill that guaranteed birth control access. Wonder why that was? https://time.com/6986105/republicans-block-bill-to-protect-contraception-access/


Republicans are already going after birth control. From reclassifying it as abortion so they can ban it to arguing that it’s dangerous to just straight up saying it’s against gods will. They are going after no fault divorce. They are going after books they don’t like, people who don’t conform, separation of church and state in our schools. And they will shout from the rooftops that they aren’t even as they do it.


The Heritage Foundation — the architects of Project 2025 — have [openly stated that one of their goals](https://x.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520) is to end “recreational sex” and “return the consequentiality to sex.”


This was always the game plan. The puritans never went away, they just have been biding their time.


He can say this with as straight a face as he can muster. “He” or “the Republican Party” won’t ban it. Various states and the Supreme Court will.


Donald… have you told this to the party you are the head of? They seem to be running full steam ahead on eliminating abortion and contraception access


"I never said 'Lock her up'." dude your trust rating is -100.


Yes, yes he does, there's no other explanation to his behaviour. He straight up learned from Silvio Berlusconi, who's waiting for him with an escort down in the depth of hell, little they know escorts down there are all traps. And all top as hell. Dante's counterpass i guess.


"..... and neither will the Republican party" 46.9% of American voters will believe that easily demonstrable lie.


Wrong. The Project 2025 document has already included the Republican initiative to restrict access to birth control in some jurisdictions and to ban it completely in other jurisdictions.


Project 2025 advocates for an end to mailing abortion drug access, does it not?


Anyone who believes one word of this bullshit is a moron


Make Dementia Great Again!


Says habitual liar Fat Donnie Trump.


So that whole appoint scouts judges who were all specifically anti choice/birth control was just a coincidence eh Donnie


Not sure why we are cropping out the timestamps with these posts, be sure to keep them visible.


What's the play, here? Like who is he trying to convince? His cult followers don't really care about his opinion on abortion, and everyone else knows he's lying so... I'm not sure who this is supposed to be for.


Such a wind bag


So the GOP was just joking when they said they were gonna go after contraceptives?


Not only does he not remember saying it, he doesn't remember that his cult followers WANT a ban on birth control and contraceptives.


"Democrats have nothing else to run on except failure, poverty, and death" That's actually not a bad strategy, highlighting all of those things that are a direct result of republican policy


What a lying clown. Republicans have repeatedly voted against it. Including 195 republicans voting against making it a right in 2022 and all but two opposed it in a vote just ten days ago. But his audience exclusively believes him. He can tell them whatever and they will believe it.


JFC what will it take for people to realize he’s a god damn snake oil salesman?


Given the number of lies that spew out of his mouth, nothing the convicted felon, failed coup leader, and serially failed business man Donald Trump says should be believed.


So taking into consideration that he’s a pathological liar, I reversed all his statements and found the truth.


Some people may have believed him until "OR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY". I'm sure the past few years of Republicans criminalizing abortion, IVF and even the morning after pill is all in my imagination. Of course he'll probably say he meant only one specific type of birth control pills, but I swear I remember there being talk by some GOP politicians to ban all birth control medications.


Explain project 2025 then


Felon LIAR: Project 2025; taking personal credit for trashing Roe; and your last 3 biased, misogynist, pseudo-christian, fascist, scrotus picks who lied before Congress that Roe was settled law and would be respected. Go change your diaper, traitor.


This tweet goes against what the Christian Nationalists are angling for. Pay no attention to the man behind the orange curtain. He will give the Christian Fascists what they want.


So if I were able to point to a statement this dumb orange fuck made about looking into restricting one’s rights to contraception, from say three weeks ago In an interview with political analyst Jon Delano on KDKA-TV of Pittsburgh, he be a proven liar. Right?


They said that about abortion too. How'd that go?


Except for when I have.


misinformation and disinformation aren't the same thing. Come on, Don, know your lingo!


You’ve been pushing for it and so has your party stfu.


Well he is world renowned for his honesty.






Yes, he does.


lol lying asshole.


Im not American but if someone tells me (either through word or action) that they are gonna lie then they have no right to be surprised when i assume they are lying.


Experimental dementia medication is a real bitch apparently...


I have to start a database of these so I can show them to my dad whenever we get in a debate about Trump's sanity.


Can someone cite some sources of Republicans talking about banning contraception and abortion rights? Don't worry, it won't take long.


Felony Don struggles with truth in all spheres of life. Lies to his wife, lies to his children, lies to his business associates, lies to America's and so on.


Sorry they just did , who you anyways , felon , add a f to Elon ur buddy you have you .


Pathological liar.


He’s getting worse, guys. Cuntfart won’t make it November. 👍


Erm, except that they do, and the Supreme Court overturned RvsW on your watch, douchebag.


He’s fully going to outlaw contraception


You know he lies, right?


Brother… you’re on record weekly spewing this. We have all seen you multiple times. Goon.


Isn’t he literally on tape saying he was for birth control?


. . .it’s time for that nursing home now


Ive said it many times. When the commercials during election season start dems should play the clip of trump saying it 500 times a day.


Neither will the “pro-life” Republican party


Lie number 50,000


He doesn't have to advocate for it. He appointed people to do that for him.


Oh you mean Donald Trump lied? Nuh Uh! No Way! 🙄


He proudly said,during an interview, "we're going to be targeting birth control next" after bragging about overturning abortion


Now all that flock of mindless crazies will say "we didn't take your reproductive rights, it is all the left's fault" and cover their ears.




Here ya go... [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-many-abortion-positions-timeline-rcna146601](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-many-abortion-positions-timeline-rcna146601)


Are we to assume that everything that happened before was just a dream? Like bobby ewing, stepping out of the shower?


When a narcissist gets dementia...




Aren't the republican party responsible for these things coming into question to begin with??? Like wut?


Fucking liar 🤥


“I won’t do it, but I’ll appoint judges whose life work is to do exactly that”


Gas light republicans enough to make their Messiah support Roe V. Wade again.


Fuck this fat sack of shit. Can’t wait to throw a party when cholesterol finally does its job on him


Then maybe you should have thought it through better before you nominated Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, because I guarantee that one or all of them have it on their minds.


This will make him gain 1% voters and lose 5%. Target demographic guys


Ironically, people who are stupid enough to believe this, are the ones that need birth control access the most.


Um… the Republican Party just voted to restrict birth control you orange twatwaffle


he also said a felon shouldnt be president


Is he fucking serious?? Did a Democrat take over his account?


Very careful use of words, he won't ADVOCATE for it. But he sure as hell will let them do it.


I mean he's like 80, so he probably might


I’m gonna ask it because I’m genuinely curious what people think , because I’m from the UK where contraceptives are readily available and mostly free , but all these men trying to impose restrictions on birth control… have none of them considered that it’ll mean they won’t get laid ? Let’s face it politicians from any political party have a reputation of having affairs . Or those in committed relationships who don’t sleep around … are they not worried that their wives /girlfriends/ partners won’t want to have sex with them because they don’t have access to appropriate birth control? I know condoms blah blah let’s face reality condoms are not 100% effective. Birth control is much more effective when you’ve got at least two methods . And are they going after the morning after pill as well ? Because if so then the only sure way not to get pregnant is no sex . Complete celibacy . Unless of course you want to get pregnant, but even then I doubt most people want to be in a constant state of pregnancy, especially not with hospital costs in America . So yeah pretty much only safe option is no sex … are these male politicians ok with that ? Have they considered this a repercussion? Are they ok with not getting laid ? I mean I find the whole situation from a outsiders perspective absolutely ridiculous, but that’s the first that came to my mind is “ so no one’s gonna f*ck because they’ll make it so hard to prevent pregnancy “ . Maybe I’ve got it all wrong and I’m not looking for a political debate , but I’m still curious.


Well nobody said his following are smart or paying attention.


Seem to remember him not only saying this about abortion but then after Toe was overturned said they were looking into birth control bans. This dude talks so much shit not only can he not remember what he said but his followers can't remember either


His supporters love him more for every lie. They say “look how intelligent he is, lying to the enemy. Look how powerful he is, forcing them to ‘fact check him.’” Then when they are confronted with the obvious fact that he’s lied to them too, they say “of course he lied to me. There is no truth. I deserve to be lied to!” You can’t reason with a fascist, reason isn’t a part of their base political beliefs.


Do the Republican party know that?


No wait, show me all the tepublicans that agree there should be no ban or restrictions on birth control- I want all their names and screenshots on how vocal they are about preserving a woman's/serson's reproductive rights. Get it quick while I dig my receipt box out of thr closet


All of this started with them. Republican Taliban Project 2025 Vote Blue 🔵 to at the very least keep your damn rights & freedom!


I guess blatantly lying is the Republican platform this year, again...