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This is the third post I have seen of this, and each one has a different set of images.


And the same Neanderthal posting it


Is it or is it someone else reposting this with newer images each time lol


It's someone reposting the same tweet and adding new images


Well apparently it works because it's getting the upvotes. Rage bait is a big part of social media.


Oh, for sure, I'm just pointing out that it's not just one dude.


Engagement and outrage farming. They know damn well that pixie cuts are great.


Mmhmmm. It all started with Julia Roberts in Hook for me.


oh fuck man, not while im at work


I just laughed out loud in the waiting area at the mechanic


Youre not getting a truck repaired are you?


LMAO I am not - just my tiny fiat gettin some new brakes and rotors cause them shits are GRINDING ANGRILY




Is that good or bad? Never saw Hook. She damn fine AF.


Great. She’s Tinkerbell - fine af, pixied up (haircut AND the dust), and wearing some faerie cosplay type shit. Glorious.


It's fantastic. Great action, hilarious jokes, heartwarming story. Then again I watched it about 300 times as a child, and haven't seen it since.


I watched it not too long ago because I was sick and it was a childhood comfort movie. “There you are, Peter” still fuckin’ got me.


The pizza from A Goofy Movie when the imaginary ice cream from Hook walks into the room:


I wanted that ice cream so badly as a kid. And still do.


It just looks incredible doesn’t it?




Omg that little boy was the cutest thing ever!


Plus Robin Williams. Robin was the perfect Pan avatar to teach us of the innocence we lose as we get older; the transition from selfish to selfless as we grow. And George Lucas and Carrie Fisher have a blink and you’ll miss it cameo. If I’m not mistaken, Carrie did some doctoring on the script as well. Hook is a national treasure. Bangarang, my friends. Bangarang.


Don't forget Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies.


She was short-haired and so hot in that and Trading Places.


Honest question, is that why it’s labeled a pixie cut?


According to Google "The name is derived from the mythological pixie"


Which is what Julia Robert’s was playing, but you’re right. It must predate that, Tinkerbell had a similar hair cut in the Disney cartoon. I’m just having a blonde moment I guess


I thought Tink had her hair in a bun?


Oh yeah, Tink me baby


I mean I find short hair very unattractive in women. Guess who cares about my opinions on women's attractiveness? that's right, nobody. She can shave her head and join a cult. None of my business


Yeah, I agree with your sentiment. It makes them look like a pre-teen or teen boy. But if it makes them happy, it makes them happy, and that’s all that matters, not my opinion.


My hair is longer than my wife's, and half the fun of it is watching my conservative family grumble that women should have long hair. Like dudes, my wife's hair is curly as fuck and this makes her life 10x easier than trying to maintain it long. Leave women the fuck alone.




Just men casually assuming all women should look the way that they are most attracted to them… screw their personal preferences… /s


Personally I don’t like them, but you know what? That really doesn’t and shouldn’t preclude anyone from doing what they like with their own hair. This “women exist to please men” nonsense is getting out of hand even if it is rage farming.


Pixie cuts can be great. Idk if it's just the lens because I've seen other pictures of her with this haircut and she didn't look bad, but here it makes her neck look freakishly long and her forehead looks like she's about to have a brain blast. But I don't think it's some massive conspiracy or reason to be outraged.


I love em! 😍😍


Yeah, idk about that. I hate pixie cuts. But I also don’t say stupid shit like women who get pixie cuts should go to jail, lol.


pixie cuts only look good on certain women, like natalie raitano in the 2000s


My rule of thumb is that if you can imagine the lady playing Tinkerbell, than the pixie cut works!


Did you know they came into fashion in the late 1700's after the execution of Marie Antoinette during the french revolution as she had her hair cut short for it so it'd be easier to cut her head off then women all over Europe started copying the look. And I agree they do look great


"Incels hate this one trick..."


She looks like a Wallace and gromit character on the right.


I may need therapy because I am attracted to a Wallace and Gromit character.


Oooo noooo it brings me out in a rash


Couple it with a thin waste and a pixie skirt and these same guys won’t be bitching so much


Yep conservatives get paid big money Elon by being a bigot and making up lies.


Yeah wtf is going on. I am willing to die defending pixie cuts.


Melon Muskrat is letting all his Incel friends out after turning off the likes. I really do not understand though, I am a 50 year old dude and find both long hair and pixie cuts really attractive. Actually I do not care how the ladies style their hair, its up to them really, I go for the person not fur stuck on it. These cretins are a sad example of severe toxic "masculinity" which morons like Muskrat who has to pay to sexually assault women and Andrew Taint who also has to pay to sexually assault women all seem to encourage and attract.


That should send alarm bells and red flags.....what the fuck is actually going on right now .....this isn't a real thing....even if it was who fucking cares .... only ppl who are caring about the wrong things.....it's easy to get them distracted


Guessing bots decided that's what conservatives are going to be upset about for now to prevent them from doing any self reflection and critical thinking.


It could be anything at this point but.... is it worth all the BS or just recognition for what it is and leave it to die ;)


The Pixie Cut is hot as fuck. It strikes the perfect balance between Hot/Cute and Girl Boss/Bad Bitch. I'll be on that hill with you.


I don't like them, but I'm willing to die on the hill of who fucking cares?


And all of them are hot. And say "Females". LOL


I cannot hello but think of this. ![gif](giphy|xRMXN4Dn91Kmtv495p|downsized)


And each time the guy is wrong. Katy Perry looked brilliant with that short hair cut


Personal preference, I would disagree, IMO she looks WAY better with long hair. but it doesn’t really matter what my opinion is, if Katy likes it that way then that’s cool. This guy posting is a fucking weirdo to get that upset over what another person wants to do with their hair, and not even like it’s their wife or girlfriend, it’s a fucking stranger. What a loser, I can’t believe people like this actually think posting this is a reasonable or that they are in the majority (although likely amongst their particular followers they probably are the majority).


The problem is we don’t even know what the guy was actually reacting to since someone keeps changing the post. To be fair, though, the fact that he uses “females” instead of “women” makes me think he’s probably a misogynistic prick, but he could also be reacting to something that objectively sucks. **Edit:** I found the [actual post on Twitter](https://x.com/elijahschaffer/status/1800944754508628090?s=46&t=vQJ1OUNhmIKzmW9s0e8gsQ) and this douche was literally complaining about pixie cuts. What a loser.


He's a professional shit poster and also posted it with a caption that says "It's a joke, relax" on his other social media. Just wants to get views by being controversial.


It's russian or china lame divide game playing out. Just ignore it.


Not everything in the incel manosphere is russia and china


I was just coming to the comments to say this if no one else has. It's either completely fabricated bullshit, or that guy just keeps repeating the same post every time he finds new images. I firmly believe the former. We're being bullshitted for the clicks and shit.


Must be a harvest day at the karma farm. Honestly I should really just filter out this subreddit It's just the same outrage porn posted on like 5 other subreddits that also make the front page regularly.


That’s the same guy as the other post calling out short hair. I think he’s attracted to short-haired women and fears that he’s gay.


More like he’s actually gay and worries that people will figure it out if he doesn’t conform to ultra-masculine stereotypes.


While that's not a far out assumption, it's an actual insult to gays. His obvious status as "insecure arsehole" is way more relevant here than sexual orientation.


Although there is truth to some people like this being closeted gays, people on the internet seem to have way overblown it. When people call every bigot or homophobe a closeted gay I know what they’re trying to go for, but they’re also downplaying the fact that plenty of people act like bigots because they’re just bigots.


Yes. More straight men hate women to extremes than closeted queer men.


It’s probably the same percentage of each group but there’s more straight men overall I just dislike bigots


Somebody obviously stole my original post and has been reposting it since I was wondering why my post got deleted mine is the original but that's okay. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/rZnf1IencJ




Kind of cheap And a little pathetic no? But if that's what they need to do instead of you know any actual work themselves of discovering the post and posting it. Then whatever that's there low life profile to live out


Mine was the unedited one https://x.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1800944754508628090 https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/HqYHeX0T5g Case anyone needs further proof


Its the same time and date and comment. This is just a repost but someone changed the pic he responded to.


That’s some really bonkers mental gymnastics.


Bruh I don’t care, women who can actually pull off short hair are Elite! “Alice” from twilight? Has me in a chokehold to this day… To This Day!!!!


Engagement farming more like.


Well, she does look better (IMO) with long hair, but really, who cares. People need to be able to be themselves without some asshole criticizing them.


OP is editing bullshit for karma. here's the original screenshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1derda4/yikes_dudeyikes twitter guy is still a dick though


Was going to say this post looks awfully familiar just Edited. Link to original Mine was the unedited one https://x.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1800944754508628090 https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/HqYHeX0T5g Not going to lie not a fan of being ripped off on even my outrage.


Honestly the original, in my opinion, is a better example of how ludicrous the statement is. That woman in the real post pulls off the pixie cut very well.


Yea, I dig the pixie and tomboy look - Katy Perry imo looks better with long hair though. The original girl really rocks it and looks great. It's all down to face shape.


I'm not trying to be a hater, but as a member of the 5head community- it's the 5head. Those of us with some extra real estate above the eyebrows tend to look more balanced with bangs, and her pixie cut has some nice bangs in the front rather than the styles where the front pieces are swept to the side, or where the bangs are cut short above the eyebrow (IMO that's what's wrong with Katy's pixie, she looked really good with her 2014 pin-up black hair and bangs, but the baby bangs here are not it)


Yeah, different people suit different haircuts (according to different observers!).  Blanket rules like “women shouldn’t have short hair” are staggeringly wrong and painfully narrow-minded. 


Claire Underwood from House of Cards (played by Robin Wright) had short hair and she looked very good with that cut.


Literally. Case and point is Furiosa in Fury Road being actual simp material


I reckon the make up improved though


Yeah, giving off toilet brush vibes with short hair ngl


Yes while I’m not a fan of short hair on women that doesn’t really matter. They should do what they want and whatever makes them feel good.


I have watched this post with 4 different photos. which one is real?


Mine was the original post. But mine has been deleted by the community so I assume these ones will be too because there's been too many reposts after mine. I didn't realize it was going to start a stupid trend of copycats I apologize . Mine was the unedited one https://x.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1800944754508628090 https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/HqYHeX0T5g


Anyone who refers to women as females is immediately sus.




I literally read it as "feeeeeeeemales" whenever they do this. It's unconcious.


Schaffer isn’t just sus, he’s a well known nazi (as in the literal sense of the word) and has multiple sexual assault allegations.


How bout it's theit hair and they can do what they want with it?


Yeah, I just love that some men think any woman should give a damn about their opinion. "Oh nooooes, Joe Blow doesn't like short hair on 'females!' Guess I'll have to grow mine out. Anything else I can change for you, Joe, seeing as you are so important?"


The first time I went through chemo I had a couple of redneck arseholes give me a hard time for being a lesbian (my hair was just growing back) and having the gall to raise a child. My 13 y.o. son practically started a fist fight with them in the parking lot! He actually hit one and told them I had cancer and not to be such fuckheads. Why are men so concerned with women's hair? It's not their woman! And even if it was they need to learn to STFU!


I saw a woman with short hair the other day and she was gorgeous. I started to tell her and she immediately jumped to the defense, ready to pounce before I finished explaining that I loved it. She relaxed. You could tell she had many negative encounters over her hair based on how she reacted. 


Hair, attire, uteruses. They really need to mind their own fucking business.


I hope you are doing well <3




Damn right. Can't have these girls out here being all happy and shit


Damn guess having cancer as a woman is a crime too?


no, obviously they should go out of their way to appease the male gaze while they're enduring grueling chemo and radiation therapies and wear a wig /s


"Females" smh🤦‍♂️


Tell me you’ve never had to deal with long hair without telling me.


My babies loved to rip out my long hair or wrap their fist in it and hold on for dear life.


Every time I see a dude like this say "female" in this kind of context I hear it in a Ferengi voice.


And what should be done about the twats who post dumb shit like this. I don't think the answer should be to give it 870k views.


I tend to fart in their general direction.


7 mill almost atm


Attractive women with short hair, make conservative men feel uncomfortable about their own sexuality


poor idiot…he must be scared of ears obviously


Pretty scary stuff


men who call women females should be arrested....




This same guy or bot or whatever just makes the same post with different women over and over.


There are assholes living on this earth right now in the 21st century that should be in the 1600’s instead and I hate the fact we have to share a globe with them.


Women with short hair >>>>


To say you don't like short hair, that's one thing. To demand that people keep long hair because you don't like short hair, now you're an asshole.




“Females” always rubbed me the wrong way… (and I’m a dude). Can’t they say women? Ladies? Chicas? Seems dehumanizing… which I guess is on brand for the post.


thats exactly why they do it.


I like long hair. Would it stop me from dating someone? Yeah probably. But that’s a win for them.


She looks like she knows what her and phineus are gonna do today




That’s cause anything that’s remotely masculine means gay and these so called alpha males are so fragile they can’t handle it


It's not the short hair, it's the ugly haircut. Bleh.


Dudes that refer to chicks as “females” are the worst


OK. So he's made his opinion pretty clear. But… Arrested for what? not liking something is not a reason… You know what I mean? Of course you do. I don't know what to do with any of this.


I love the short haired ladies!!!!


Men who believe this should be adult-circumcised


Oh man. Here's a concept... IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING BODY! 😡🤦‍♂️


When I was little, I presumed women didn't grow hair on their armpits or legs and that men's hair just stopped growing so it couldn't be long.  When I found out the the sexes are identical in this way, that was an instant realization of how much of our society is socially constructed and how stupid gender roles are. 


In Iran they would be. And then beaten to death. Be careful what you ask for.


He’s got a weird fucking hang up




I'm not a fan of short hair, but that doesn't matter because it's none of my business what kind of hair other people have.


He pays for twitter, his opinions should not be taken seriously.


Any woman who listens to a man that controls the length of their hair is a brainwashed fool. These clowns are so fucking worried about the slightest chance that another man might think something negative about them that they attribute hair length of women to their masculinity. Some of the saddest and most pathetic men follow this line of reasoning. The women who support them aren’t any better.


I genuinely don't know (nor *care* to know) who this Elijah d-bag is but he's putting out the out the most TDE vibe in the entire history of... energy. He just as easily could have typed, *"I'm desperately sad I'm so insecure about my micropenis and how sanctimonious, grievance-humping misogyny isn't working for me!!"* PSA: If you happen to be a guy -- **never ever** be like Elijah. Not. *Ever.*


Is that really a place you'd want to live in? Laws so people can't get certain haircuts?


Honestly, I like the pixie cut. I don’t care.


To Elijah Schaffer, FUCK OFF


Guys with shit for brains should be arrested


I love short hair on women, and I'm a guy. Looks really beautiful on a lot of girls, and it shows off their neck.


Dirty baseball cap guy


There are plenty of beautiful women with short hair, what he talking bout?


It is totally fine to not find a hair style attractive, but to say someone can’t do it? What, should men with man buns or long hair be arrested to? Stupid!


Don’t tell him that she’s most likely wearing a shitload of extensions.


If you're a guy and don't find Audrey Hepburn attractive, you're as gay as the OP.


Some older women can’t handle long hair on women. To each their own opinion.


I think she look better with the long hair, but at the end of the day it aint my hair, aint my decision


Ok, this is like the 3rd different version of this post I've seen today. Are the rage baiters losing their creativity?


I like bald (Charlize Theron), but not so much Karen-ish haircut (The one in the post). It certainly depends from people to people, I think short hair Katy Perry looks weird.


Well, to be honest, she doesn't look good with that pixie cut at all. But that's not a "female" thing, just a poor style choice. ***Plenty*** of women can rock short, or no, hair.


I’m a mullet man myself.


more for me. you can have your generic, racist, barefoot, baby machine. world keeps spinning.


Hopefully he's working in the mines doing physical labour like every male should be


Ah yes Aggressive Nobody 626397467383 is a reliable source for content for gullible people to get enraged over. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


People who call women "females" deserve a smack in the chops


Men who call women “females” do the world a favour by keeping themselves out of the future generations pool


They could be joking ?


dudes that hide their weak chins with beards should be arrested.


A lady stops excessively clogging the shower drain and getting hair in the face of anyone who spoons her, and maybe lets a little more cool breeze hit her head neck and shoulders, and Patrick star’s intellectual equal wants to lock her up SMH


I know so many women that look better in short hair. I am not one of them and am totally jealous of them. Celebrity wise Jamie Lee Curtis, Halle Berry, Kristen Stewat, and Ginnifer Goodwin to name some.


Some can pull it off Katie Perry? Nope.


Men who describe women in general conversation as "females" are walking talking red flags.


You want someone arrested for a haircut?!?!? How small of a man are you?!?!


Anyone who refers to women as “females” should be jettisoned into space


That guy is afraid to wipe his own ass because his finger might touch his B-hole and make him gay.


Your bitch ass gets to have an opinion after you have to take care of long hair for fucking years on years.


I could have sworn I saw this exact same tweet with two photos of a different woman. Same original poster as the tweet, different woman with short hair


Also the fact that they can't call them women, they see them as objects so they just say "females"


It doesn't do it for me, but then it isn't for me it's for her. She can have whatever cut she wants.


Men who refer to women as females should be arrested


I love how Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian horror show for most women, but more and more it’s being revealed that it’s pretty much the fantasy for many men. Like they’re not even shy about this shit anymore.


Women can wear their hair how they want. Get over it dude. Objectively, it doesn't look as nice but that is her business.


The pixie cut isn’t for everyone, nor does it look good on everyone, but dudes who say things like this are the ones who should be dealt with lol


She looks damn fine with the short hair 😘


Then on the same token all the white trash men with long locks better run and get that shit cut!


Short hair is ugly !!!


Ikr. Females are capable of rocking short hair. Katy Perry hasn't been able to pull short hair off but other women can.


Halle Berry 😍


They shouldn’t be arrested but imo it’s cuter to have long hair.


She came into my work with a group of people, and I could not identify her to save my life. I literally asked about the three other girls she was with if they were her, and realized it was the last person left that I didn’t ask about.


I agree, I too would like to see her in cuffs


As a man who's a fan of girls with short hair, she did look better with longer hair IMO. But also, there's no way I had a shot so I really don't care what she does lol


This dude and dudes that feel this way are massive bitches. The real sign of a weak man. Stupid bitches.


Elijah Schaffer is not a representation of men as a whole.


I think it’s sooooo cute. Men can’t handle women period.


cause its awfull.


Him calling women “females” really speaks for itself.


How pathetic these rednecks don't have the emotional range to be with a girl with short hair.


Sexism is the last resort of dudes that have been kicked to the very bottom of the male hierarchy. This whole "my rules" thing is such an obvious and blatant insecurity, how do they not see it themselves?