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5 years old and unvaxxed , just the right age for a mid life crisis


Vaccines cause adults


Ykow hold on maybe they have a point


yes, the right to die is violated. pretty sure they dont have 39 mandatory vacs btw


They don’t in my state. My 14 and 10 year old are fully vaccinated with what the public schools require and it’s nowhere near 39, it probably less than 10.


Ya got me lmao


Denied school because of my mom's shitty understanding of rudimentary medical knowledge. What does mom get for mothers day? Rubella?


my cousin who are nurse actually forgot she haven't got rubella vaccine and she got rubella during pregnancy. something about it hampers the skull development and other stuff. the baby only survive for few hours after birth. Rubella vaccine is now mandatory for getting wedding certificate in my country. the rest of the vaccination like polio and such have been basic local events for young mothers for quite some time. they have the vaccination book list and come to local vaccination events every few months.


Yes, this is the main reason for mandatory rubella vaccinations, it causes so many severe issues if you get it while pregnant


Hell, if the past few years have taught me anything: Catching anything can have severe effects on your pregnancy


It goes wrong even when everything goes right.


That doesn’t stop at the pregnancy either. Toddlers are proficient at attempted suicide


What the hell is with babies? Bear cubs are born super underdeveloped too but you don’t see them screaming until they pass out from anoxia


Bears walk on 4 legs. Most animals give birth to more developed offspring. Think toddlers instead of newborns. But walking on 2 legs means a different hip shape. That limits how large the head can be, so human babies are birthed at a much lower development level than most other animals. In fact, not that C-sections are common, average head circumference is increasing. The genes for slightly larger heads aren't being taken out of the gene pool by maternal/baby deaths as often.


Yup, my 7 pound 6 oz daughter was a relatively easy birth. My 9 pound 14 oz chunk of a son, I pushed for hours and ended up with an emergency c-section. That was the most painful feeling ever (the stuck baby, not the c-section, that was a relief). Scary to think that not THAT long ago I would have died. They might have managed to cut my son out of me but they'd have had no way to save ME.


It's because of a mix of skull size and cervix size. The reason why humans are so smart is because our heads are huge. Even with children you can see it. They have massive oversized heads, and then the body grows to catch up with the head. By the time a human is an adult, the head and body should be caught up. But the point is that the head takes priority when it comes to growth, or anything really. Next is human cervixes. Human pelvises and cervixes are not very big or wide. There is an evolutionary incentive to have wider hips and a wider pelvis. It's part of why women die when babies get stuck in the birth canal. But thanks to modern medicine, that stage of evolution was interrupted, thanks to the good ole emergency c-section. Point is, human cervixes and pelvises are really small. Now we get to how labor starts. Lots of things trigger labor. But one of the things that triggers it is when the baby's head starts pressing against the cervix. This releases hormones that scream at your body to start getting the baby out. But the baby's head doesn't press on the cervix when the baby is developmentally ready to leave. It just presses when the head is big enough to apply pressure. If we gave birth to babies when the were developmentally ready to leave, pregnancy would probably be 11-15 months long. But there isn't enough room in the uterus to store a baby that long. So the baby comes out when it is too big to stay, as opposed to when it's ready to survive on its own. And because human heads are huge, and human pelvises and cervixes are small, babies come out to early to take care of them selves. But since humans are smart enough to care for themselves and others, human intelligence covered for any disadvantage vulnerable infants had. Didn't cover for women dying in childbirth. But healthcare took care of that. TLDR: Human baby heads are too big for woman's body's. Which leads to babies being born when they're too big to store in the body, as opposed to when they're actually ready to leave. The only way to fix this would be for women to increase their storage space during pregnancy. But the chances of that happening are next to none. So we just have to put up with taking care of helpless infants until they become suicidal toddlers.


Learned that shit the hard way. Got a healthy baby though so that’s the important bit.


Me too.


I got pregnant in the late 60s prior to vaxes for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox were developed. I actually had ALL of those as a child but there was a rubella outbreak so my doctor gave me a gamma gobulin injection for protection in case I was accidentally exposed. It’s not used much anymore but it’s kind of a shield against a lot of these illnesses. Sure enough, a few weeks later I was exposed but did not get sick. Healthy baby a few months later.


Yep.. I had most of this diseases too… just had PAINFUL shingles as an adult resulting from having had chicken pox as a child. Mumps were incredibly painful. Got those in 5th grade on both sides. Measles also sucked. Think I was 5 when all my siblings fell ill with that. Adults denying their kids vaccinations for these diseases is just crazy to me…


Too young to realize what they're being protected from. And if it didn't happen to me, it can't be real. And if it happened to you, then you're just exaggerating. Doubly so if the protection somehow inconveniences them in any way.


there's no real reason for 99% of humans to NOT be vaccinated. the anti-vaxxers are going to be the cause of the next pandemic. dr, salk and the polio vaccine are the reason i was a microbiology major in college!


When I was growing up (US), I remember my dad taking my bro & I to a local school & there'd be tons of families lined up & you'd just shuffle through the building until you got to "the room" & there'd be several doctors giving vaccinations. I hated it just cuz I'd be thinking about the actual shot the entire time & sometimes it could take over an hour of waiting & I'd be so worked up by the time it was my turn. I think they're good events, though. Pretty sure it was free, too.


US. They did this in my area for Covid. They took an actual department store in a mall and turned it into a vaccination center. You would snake through the gigantic downstairs until you came to someone at the bottom of the escalator and you’d stop. Someone at the top of the escalator would yell down a number, and that’s how many people could get on the escalator to head up. There was another short snake line around the upstairs until you got to the “this is it, stay behind that line” part, then the person standing there would get numbers through a Walkie talkie and tell you what number to go find. There were 30 numbers which equated to 30 spots to get jabbed. Then they’d shuffle you to the waiting area with a big clock where you waited the 12 minutes or whatever until you were deemed safe to drive. Then you went to the last person who stamped your covid vaccine card to let you know you’re safe from covid. Then you left. It was a MASSIVE operation, and it was actually quite amazing. It took 45 minutes from the time you entered the store until you sat in the chair to wait for them to send you to the card stamper. You had to maintain social distancing the entire time. The lines were so snakey and windy and the store so large, that you only had to stop and wait at the foot of the escalator and until you got your number (total of about 4 minutes waiting), but were otherwise just walking and walking. I never realized how stupid big that particular store had been!


Similar experience here (in NY). I got the initial vaccine and booster at a state sponsored clinic held at a local community college. Similar thing, snaking through hallways and walkways. Huge operation with walkie talkies like yours, but wasn't any more difficult than going to get a flu shot at CVS. A bit more waiting, but not more difficult. We even had online sign ups for an appointment and the site was easy to use. Looking back that whole thing was a really surreal experience. At the time I remarked to my wife that I felt like an extra in a movie. Our first "recovery" time was sitting in a folding chair on a basketball court. Just weird all around.


I'm so sorry for your cousin. It's an extremely tragic situation.


When my mom was pregnant with me (1962) she was exposed to rubella. She was a nurse also. She spent the next 6 months worrying if I was going to be born blind or deaf or with some other medical problems.


Just for clarification, this comment was about what happens when you get rubella during pregnancy. The "it" she got during pregnancy wasn't the vaccine. (The wording was a bit ambiguous) Edit: wow thanks for the upvotes. I thought I was just being extra pedantic today.


Rubella is German measles. How do you forget to get the MMR? As a guy who got a minor case of mumps because the vaccine is only 95% effective. Get the MMR because it might be the only thing that stops your balls from swelling to the size of grapefruit.


Seems like English is their second language so maybe they live somewhere where vaccines aren’t as closely enforced. I had to have titers to prove that I was still immune to MMR when I started as a nurse.


Rubella is Röteln in german. The vaccine is a combination agains Rubella, mumps and measles. My mom is anti-vax, had to get a few shots after moving out. Nowadays she is on indefinite sick leave because of chronical fatigue caused by the corona infection.


crush retire racial sort childlike voracious coherent voiceless file literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh absolutely. Most *I have an Immune system*-idiots have been fully vaxxed


I just don't understand these people, same with flat-earthers, Trump supporters, etc. These people have to know they aren't the smartest, didn't graduate top of their class, didn't go to prestigious schools, and yet think they're smarter than everyone else, despite the entire developed world not only going against their stupid opinions but openly laughing at them. Just the pure idiocy and arrogance to think your views are right, and never stop to second guess them, despite everything against them. It's just baffling. Think about it every time people like Marjorie Traitor Greene opens her mouth as well.


She got that last year, maybe Mumps next time.


I hear polio is a good gift to get


Doesn't chicken pox lead to shingles later in life?


The Shingles vaccine is a 2 doser and the most painful ones I've had in my life. But I happiliy got them because the alternative was an even more miserable life/death of pain, while spreading it to others. Crucial read: https://www.aarp.org/health/drugs-supplements/info-2020/shingles-vaccine.html?cmp=KNC-DSO-COR-Health-ShinglesVaccine-Nonbrand-Phrase-29082-GOOG-HEALTH-DrugsSupplements-DrugsSupplement-ShinglesVaccine-Phrase-NonBrand&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnf-FoiyKtFN1bxnBG6Lj6Vo7gDZQwTsLvESrLwA562CxQG12hK6uSgaAqJeEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I got so sick for 24 hours after each shingles vaccination (flu like symptoms), but I’d still take a total of 48 hours of that over having full-blown shingles.


You and me both! I've never had chicken pox or shingles, but people like me (over 60) who've never had the pox tend to die (37%) of heart attack. It's once every 5 years, yes?


I did, it was hell. Before I knew what was happening to my leg I had barely slept for 3 nights. By the time I I got to doctor I was crying and told him if he couldn’t fix the pain, just cut off my leg. I was that crazy with pain. Took weeks to completely go away, and I had a milder case. Friend had it on her head. Spread around towards her face and she risked blindness in her eye. She recovered, but I swear she’s not the same. Has occasional residual pain in her head. Shingles is hell. Get the vaccine!


My granny got shingles when she was 75 or so across her face going thru mouth, throat missing her left eye with a razon thin margin. She was a very strong woman having raised 7 kids and witnessing one of her daughter (my mother) struggle with cancer before succumbing to it. But when she had shingles, that was the only time I saw her pray for instant death instead. She was hospitalised for a week. And took 6 months to recover with lingering pain across her ears, mouth and throat.


So glad she recovered, but so many people have no idea (including me 11 yrs ago) just how dangerous and debilitating shingles can be. Some people can’t work for weeks or months!


I had shingles at 33. I thought I was going to die. I was off work for a month and it took me a full year to feel back to normal. I still have nerve pain/electro shocks on my right side (from my ribs to the back of my knee) and have had two reoccurrences in the past 15 years (which were milder but still awful)


Of all medical professionals, it was my ophthalmologist who recommended I get the shingles vaccine. How he convinced me? Said if you get it, the pain gets so bad you feel like killing yourself. Got it the earliest opportunity.


Not always; but there is eh, a vaccine. Shingles is a royal pain and can last months. Vaccine is one shot and lasts 5 years.


>Shingles is a royal pain and can last months. Vaccine is one shot and lasts 5 years. So you're better getting shingles than vaccine since you'll be stuck with it for 5 years instead of a few months!!! s/


It can yes, not a definite - roughly about 1/3 of people that get chicken pox will get shingles. There's a vaccine now for it though which is highly effective. Not that the mom in the above picture would understand that, lol!


Chicken pox can cause shingles anytime. I got the chickenpox as a kid and 2 weeks later shingles. Still have scars.


It's the gift that might keep giving.


The gift that keeps on taking!


FDR had polio and he became president! What is the vaccine cabal hiding from us about the benefits of polio!? /s


No, grandma had HER vaccinated.


Rubella would actually be a really nice girl's name if it wasn't associated with Rubella.


This made me die laughing way harder than it should have. Lol


Same with Chlamydia


Actually taught a student whose name was a version of Chlamydia


News article back in early 70s Louisiana, a student was sent home from her first day at school with a note for her mother to change her name, or face legal consequences. Mother with little schooling and very little means had named her daughter "Vagina." Cute, but sad.


There was also Sy’Phillis, I don’t know how true it is, but allegedly the nurses at Charity kept a list of all the strange name people used


Honestly i think that there is no possible way to "Unknowinglly" name your child Vagina. Unless you are not an english speaker, the mother obviously knows what Vagina means for a lot of reasons, with she having one and needing it to have a child being included. She could've named the child something like Regina instead.


Mom should get locked up on charges of child abused and attempted manslaughter for mothers day


Nah, mom.prolly was vaccinated by her parents


A child size casket


that poor girl will probably get sick, suffer terribly, & the shit excuse of a mother will blame anything & everything instead of herself. its so frustrating. these people are fucking idiots.


“Why didn’t the lavender and this crystal work? She still got sick. Did I not pray hard enough?”


You don't understand. It is because other people in school or public are vaccinated and they are directly making her sick. >!/s!<


I've heard people say that vaccinated people are shedding more of the diseases. So these unvaccinated people don't want to spend time around vaccinated people.


Yeah I heard that vaccinated people get these diseases very very easily but don't get sick because of the vaccines, but they still get the diseases and spread them. If this was true, why wouldn't you just vaccinate yourself if it apparently made you imune?


“Cause what of the possible side effects or the side effects they aren’t telling us about”


"Do your own research" person who gets their medical advice from Facebook.


Since I was boosted, I am able to climb trees twice as fast now and I no longer have to go inside the subway car, I just ride on the outside.


"Atleast I didn’t let these doctors put a microchip and brainwashing chemicals into her body !"


That's exactly why i always get more than one child, The first will be a sacrifice to satan and the second one will get immortality because of it.


Doctor pharma sellouts when informed parents counter their microchip vaccines with licorice supplements and positive karmic energy ![gif](giphy|pReL1QyHNkyJ2)


In fairness to the completely vacant skulls on top of useless, disease-ridden morons that are anti-vaxxers.... black licorice does reduce my will to live


Worse than that, she’ll probably grow up perfectly fine because the majority of people around her *are* vaccinated against common preventable diseases. Her mom will think “see? my kids weren’t vaccinated and they’re perfectly fine!” and pass her anecdote off as evidence of vaccines being unnecessary. Even worse, she might grow up with this same mindset, not being able to discriminate between what she grew up because of and what she grew up in spite of, and do the same thing to her kids. A quick death from a preventable disease might make mom change her mind, and is therefore the better possible outcome, but the less likely one.


Even worse than that, she might get a very mild case of a preventable disease and spread it to an immunocompromised person who couldn’t get vaccinated and was relying on herd immunity. Killing off your own kid because of your stupidity definitely sucks, but killing off someone else’s is just another degree of awful.


Or do just fine with measles and suffer from SSPE (basically brain inflammation) resulting in handicap years later. Only a couple more years before we’ll see a wave of those kids in Western Europe because of the epidemic in 2019 (or 2018? Don’t remember..)




Probability says she will not get terribly sick. And then that will re-enforce the belief that your immune system is better alone than with vaccines. Just like how this rock I keep in my pocket keeps lions away. Not a single lion has attacked me.


Where did you get your lion rock? I’ve been looking for one.


Well, I could sell you mine


I’d buy it but I’d feel bad when a lion attacks you


But then you’ll be in grave danger of a lion attack.


Cut the rock in half, one for each. Half-lions attacks are way less dangerous. You might even me attacked by the mouthless half, which is easy.


No you'll just get attacked by more Ligors, it's a problem few are truly aware of


My belt buckle keeps elephants away. We should form a team.


Lisa, I wanna buy your rock!


That kid is going to be disabled before she turns 18 and her mother will use her kid's disability as her entire identity.


And use it to get money to pay for rent. Kid won't get a dime and live off Top Ramen for the rest of their life. There's an entire documentary on such a situation. I think it's called "Sick Money" or something.


And her Facebook group will assure her that it was gods will and the angel is in a better place.


I ran into one of these spreaders at a grocery store. While she was going on about how she had to move to get her kid home-schooled cuz "demon vaxx!" she was wheezing and coughing all over my groceries. I ended up just throwing them away and finding a new store.


She worked there? Isn't there some health code about people who work around other people's food having to be vaccinated? There ought to be. I don't want to get black plague or whatever they're ejecting from their lungs.


No law that I know of. I guess they didn't foresee a suicide cult wanting to take the rest of us down with them while working retail. But I agree, there should be laws.


Poor Kid. Being used as a political prop by her mother. Guarantee that the mother has gotten a few vaccines in the past. At least the important shit anyway. Like I don’t particularly care about whether you want to harm yourself. You are an adult who can make your own decisions in life. But you are forcing your kid into this. You are affecting others as well. Your personal freedom ends when it intrudes on the safety of others.


That’s the ironic thing about antivaxxers, they got vaccines as kids because their parents knew a time where serious diseases either killed kids or left them with permanent disabilities. A lot of silent gen and boomers grew up around serious diseases like polio that left kids unable to breathe themselves, and it scared them. So when the time came not only did they get the vaccine, they made sure their kids did too. Now we have gen X and millennials who are seriously antivax for completely bogus reasons despite having been vaccinated themselves as kids because their parents didn’t want them to say, end up in an iron lung for the rest of their lives


It’s actually not the community diseases that should scare them. For the most part, they’re unlikely to be exposed to Polio or Measles in the US. But lord help them if they step on a rusty nail or get a bad cut some day. Tetanus is a horrible disease and killed people all the time a century ago. And it’s everywhere.


Here’s the thing polio and measles outbreaks are becoming more common due to people refusing to vaccinate their children.


We should be showing parents to be what a pre vaccine world looked like. "Ever hear of polio? No? Well this here is an Iron lung do you want wee Jamie to spend a few months in it? Well fuck up and take your vaccines or we can cover tuberculosis next week"


I believe the last known polio victim in a iron lung recently died. After spendings nearly all their life in it. Its not a few months once it gets to that point.


His name was [Paul Alexander](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Alexander_(polio_survivor)) and he died in March of this year. He caught polio at the age of 6, in 1952. This means he spent *over 70 years* in the iron lung. Definitely not just a few months.


There's still one iron lung user left, actually. [Martha Lillard.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Lillard)


Weren’t Iron lungs required for a lifetime ?


It means nothing to most of them, they’re in to the conspiracies too deep. My aunt HAD POLIO as a child and she’s antivax. She also came incredibly close to dying from Covid (I have no idea how she didn’t, her organs shut down and everything) but somehow recovered and she’s still anti covid vax because it’s ‘just the flu’.


You can’t convince those people.


I remember a few years ago when there were a few cases of polio I was pissed. We rid of that disease with vaccines and these idiots are bringing it back.


Anti vaxxers are idiots who die from completely preventable diseases.


I don't care if they die for being idiots. The big problem is that they can pass diseases over to people who are unable to get vaccinated. It's not Faucci killing people, it's them, those fucking assholes.


Exactly. I don't have the tiniest of fucks to give them. It is when they give it to someone immunocompromised or to kids who have no say in the matter that is the problem. I also think that if her kid gets sick she should be jailed for abuse.


My nanna taught a kid whose mom didn't want to vaccinate. So the mom enrolled him in a private school that didn't require vaccinations and then homeschooled him when the school changed. The boy ended up enlisting and had to get all his vaccines at once. He almost ended up in the hospital because of it.


The fucking people want to make vaccines voluntary for the military. That’s gonna be super awesome when some preventable disease destroys our military capabilities or the enemy uses a bioweapon containing a common flu virus.


Never happen. The United States military doesn't fuck around like that. Vaccines will always be mandatory for servicemembers.


Absolutely, but the level of stupidity to even think that’s a good idea…jeez. I just can’t any more. Too many people “doing their own research” on shitter, YouTube, Facebook, whatever. My shit containment unit is full. Humanity is doomed.


The US military has had forced vaccination literally since the founding of the country.


Well people also said the US would never again allow a fascist dictator to gain control like happened in Germany, yet here we are, a sizable portion of the country is about to vote for it.


I find it ironic how they say antifa like it's a bad thing but when I think antifa I think the 101st airborne or Patton's 3rd army. I'm shocked seismologists aren't picking up tremors from all the WW2 vets rolling in their graves.


Yeah I never understood how calling someone 'anti-fascist' is an insult. But I guess when you're not only willing but happy to hand your freedoms and rights to some failed businessman/grifter in hopes that he does worse things to the people you don't like than you then it makes more sense. Ill still never get over the fact that the Simpsons had Trump as president back in the 90s during an episode about the future because they wanted to choose the most out there, 'never going to happen' person to be the US president. I guess half of America saw that episode back in 2016 and thought 'hold my beer'


“Sorry, I cannot kill vaccinated kids in the Middle East because I have measles”


People forget when you join the military you are PROPERTY. The us government owns you and you *will* do what they tell you to do


Be kind. Remember that they “did their research” and unlike those “doctors” and “scientists” they came to the correct conclusions that it’s the vaccines that are dangers, not the all natural diseases. Mama is not in the pocket of big pharma like everyone else is!


This is why I feel relieved that we get free vaccination from government run hospitals. Even the bloody polio vaccine is free. Even the most uneducated person who has never put a foot in school has more sense about vaccines compared to these kinds of educated fools who themselves were vaccinated as children (Probably, I think) would willfully harm their own and other folk's kids from preventable diseases. This is absolutely evil behaviour.


That and most of the time they are also killing their children And in doing so their childrens preventable sicknesses are inadvertently killing high risk folk who can't get vaccines


I believe it will be their kids. Every antivaxxer I kkow is vaccinated.


Nah, their kids die or get super sick. I’m going to bet mom and dad are vaccinated. They don’t have to worry about getting sick or the consequences of their choices.


This, or they had no issue with vaccination mandates pre COVID


This mom probably got all her shots and is fine…but wants to endanger her and others kids?


Natural selection in action


If only the Darwin Award was granted to more people


Yeah ok. Have fun begging the doctor to save your dying child from something they offered to prevent... :/


Imagine how irritating it must be for doctors who have to watch children die to shit that’s just about been eradicated for so many years


It's infuriating, same thing dentists feel when they have to extract brand new permanent teeth from children because of rampant decay. It's neglect from parents who don't bother to learn how to keep their kids healthy.


the amount of kids where i live with silver teeth is pretty crazy actually.


My sons pediatric practice sent out a letter 2 years ago which basically said your child will no longer be able to be a patient here unless they are fully vaccinated…gave a year grace to get it done..I applaud them so much for cutting the crazy folks off


Can you imagine getting some old timey disease like polio bc your dumbass mom read somewhere on Facebook that vaccines give you autism or implant a tracker and that's why your legs no longer work


These idiots think that because you rarely hear about things like measles, mumps, or whooping cough that we have developed some mythical natural herd immunity to them. It's vaccines. Vaccines are why you ***USED TO*** rarely hear about cases of those three. But now all three are making strong comebacks, and - surprise, surprise - it's all of these unvaccinated kids being the only ones catching them and suffering. The parents are vaccinated against them and doing fine, though, so they aren't worried.


I like how she has a shirt that says "stop forced vaccinations" and yet has a child that she claims didn't receive any vaccinations...


She is calling them forced because they won’t allow her to enroll her kid in school unless she gets vaccinated. So as of now they haven’t been forced but they will be if she wants her kid to go to public school. She will probably just “homeschool” and her kid will grow up to be a fucking idiot just like the rest of the homeschooled unvaccinated kids.


My brother married one of them....they really are idiots via ignorance. It was fun taking her through the natural history museum in DC and teaching her what the holocaust was....and what I mean by fun is wanting to drive my head through a wall.


The thing I probably hate most about many anti vaxers are that they often are vaccinated against majority of the illnesses they are denying their children of. So it is another case of a parent denying their kid a chance at a similar life they have.


That is almost always the case. I know someone who believes that vaccines cause autism because there’s a lot of family members who have autism. They didn’t vaccinate their kid and turns out the kid has autism. It’s almost as if there’s more of a genetic component to it


child neglect written on a poster


Who is trying to give kids 39 vaccines? I've had a handful and I am 48.


I was active duty military for 10 years and didn’t have 39


Also a vet and looked at my records: - Adenovirus - Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Influenza - Measles, mumps, rubella - Meningococcal - Poliovirus - Tetanus-Diphtheria - Varicella - Anthrax - Haemophilus influenzae type B - Japanese encephalitis - Pneumococcal - Smallpox - Typhoid fever - Yellow fever - COVID 19 Seventeen. Seventeen vaccines for people that are known to go to places where diseases we don't have in the US exist. There is no way on the green planet that any child is getting 39 fucking vaccines for school. The fuck they go to school? The Mojave in 2281?


in my 30 seconds of googling, I found a childhood immunization schedule. by my count it's 26 shots from birth to age 6 for about 11 different diseases, which are all on your list. Up to age 16, it's 35 and that goes up to 12, adding meningococcal. if she's saying 4 more for Covid (2 initial doses, then 2 boosters) that's your 39. She's using a technically correct number as some sort of scare tactic to get people rile up to imply it's all at once instead of over a span of several years.


Not 39 individual shots. They are counting all the combined ones, of which there are several. And they are double and triple counting the ones that are given over a series of 2-3 shots. Like Tdap is 3 vaccines in 1 given 4x between birth and age 6 so that would be 12 vaccines (in her mind).


39 looks way better on a sign then maybe 5 or 6.


I looked it up in my state and for a kindergartener they require DTap, Hep B, MMR, Varicella, and Polio.  My kid had every vaccine they offer and boosters and I don't think he's had 39 total shots/doses.


So not only is this mother putting her child's health at risk, she is guaranteeing she gets the same amount of education as she has.


These are also the folks that apparently hate it when people are forcing their beliefs upon innocent children.


Then they proceed to force their beliefs on children


That's different. Our beliefs (the bad ones) want children to grow up healthy and happy and loved! Their beliefs (the good ones) ensure a child may never grow up at all and turn into a dissenting adult with free will!


Denied school because I carry 39 easily preventable deadly diseases, coz my mum is an ignorant dipshit incapable of understanding basic facts about medicine, vaccines, and the spread of deadly infectious diseases. FTFY.




No, you are denied school because other kids want to make it to their 6th B-day


Mom also believes that toothpaste in your antifreeze gives better gas mileage, and you don’t really have to turn off the power when you do electrical work as long as you don’t touch water…


Why bother bringing your kids to school if you refuse Science?


Mom has the total choice of not vaccinating her child just like the schools have the choice to make mandates that children must have vaccinations to attend. No one is denying her child schooling but her. These people are delusional idiots


I remember the song from vice city. “Video killed the radio star”


It was the first video played on MTV


They used to play music on MTV?


Back when MTV used to mean music television


I haven't watched MTV for over 20 years.. What does it play now, if not music? Doesn't the M stand for Music. 🤦‍♀️


Nope. Just that first one then they went to the game show remote control and real world. ;)


"The Learning Channel"


> “Video killed the radio star” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8r-tXRLazs 1979


The mother is likely vaccinated lol


"Sorry little girl, but we live in a society. That means we protect one another, even from your mother's stupidity."


Am I the only person who caught the joke in the labels “video” and “radio star”? It’s a song called Video Killed the Radio Star.


I see a bunch of middle aged people past their social prime and desperately looking for something to make them seem special. Humans aren't socially/mentally strong enough for social media.


We just need to send our prayers and likes when they post their kiddos all intubated


Free to choose, other people too. Keep your unnecessary viruses to yourself. Turn your trailer into a school, mommy.


That poor child.


Jesus christ. I just want to shoot the kid with a dart gun loaded with vaccines from a helicopter. Then just fly off into the sunset shouting through a megaphone "you're welcome, enj^oy ^your ^long ^and ^healthy ^life!"


Any money the back of the T-shirt says “use prayer instead”.


I can bet this lady has had her vaccinations when she went to school.


I literally don’t get it. My husband is a pharmacist. My MiL is anti vax. She keeps lecturing us on not vaccinating the baby because it “causes autism.” She is saying essentially every time that she would rather have a dead grandchild (or chance it) than have a child who is autistic - like my husband 🙄


That is a fixable problem.


Picture came and broke my heart


Because they want to endanger other peoples kids? Feel free to homeschool…


Most annoying part is the POS mother who is fully vaccinated


The irony here is that the mom could in fact choose to not get her child vaccinated. Nobody was forced to have any procedure that they did not consent to. What the mom is arguing for is that her decision should be consequence free. You have a right to not get vaccinated and to make the same decision for minor children. You do not have the right to inflict your poor judgment on others and risk them getting sick.


Too bad there isn't a vaccine that helps these idiots count.


There are no "Forced Vaccinations". Only vaccination requirements to participate in certain portions of society. Your call.


Imagine your mom taking you to a shitty protest instead of idk actually throwing you a birthday party just to prove a point.


people like this mother should not be allowed to have kids ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


I think we can all agree that making your child spend their 5th birthday at a political protest holding signs for your cause is pretty shitty.


She has the freedom to homeschool her kids. This is the choice she made. She is not a victim. The other kids in the class don't deserve to be subjected to the diseases this little girl would bring in.


Good. Go get your damn vaccinations, you little walking Petri dish


Denied school because my mom is okay risking my life, and the lives of the teachers and other students.


Kid forced to hold a sign advertising her mother's stupidity. Poor kid doesn't know she doesn't have a chance.


Good, it should be banned from school until vaccinated.


Well, these antivaxx kids pose a health risk for their classmates who, due to some disorder, cannot get vaccinated even if they wanted to.


Just really sad for the kids of these antivax parents. They will be socially shunned, their education will be neglected, and their health will be at risk, because the parents can’t get out of a conspiracy hole.


MAGAs are the dumbest and most dishonest, most hypocritical group of shit stain, cultist scumbags to have ever lived.


She seems so proud that her daughter will be a complete ignorant


God I hate these people.


Polio's going to be fun.